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Undervisningsmidler: kunst, generelt

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  • af Sloane Gould
    372,95 kr.

  • af Michael Ewans
    176,95 - 822,95 kr.

  • af Belkis M. Marte
    177,95 kr.

    The Dominican carnival wears its best clothes. Evarista, an old woman from the neighborhood, gathered the children around her old rocking chair and spoke to them about the events that gave rise to the celebration, and the meaning of the costumes, and urged them to participate by representing one of her popular characters. The protagonist harbored the desire to attend disguised as a giant, the dilemma was how to achieve it until, already inside her house, she discovered the way to achieve it with the help of Manito, her older brother. The story not only narrates the adventures of this restless girl but also shows us the origin of a tradition that endures through time, under the warm sky of that earthly paradise that is the Dominican Republic.Tomás G. Goya

  • af Diana Huang
    392,95 kr.

    Idioms are sayings particular to a language and culture. They are baffling to language learners of all ages as they are encountered in casual conversations, read in books, heard from radio, television, and film. Idioms are everywhere.Enjoy these 32 cartoons that were drawn, and colored by pencil, from an ever growing list collected over the course of a year. May interesting ideas and conversations grow from looking at this book.

    677,95 kr.

    This reprint, titled "New approaches to Qur'anic hermeneutics in the Muslim world", discusses the approaches that play significant roles in modern Qur'anic interpretation in the Islamic world. The eleven articles in this reprint demonstrate the richness of resources in Qur'anic hermeneutics in the Muslim World. The authors from different backgrounds and regions have made a great contribution to Qur'anic studies and hermeneutics in the modern period. The following topics are covered throughout the reprint: Decolonizing Qur¿anic Studies, contextualist approach in the modern period and its theoretical origins in the classical Islamic scholarship, Qur'an hermeneutics and historicism (or contextualism in western context) in contemporary Turkey, transempirical exegesis in Said Nursi's Risale-i Nur Collection, F¿dil al-Samarr¿'¿'s (b. 1933) contribution to literary and rhetorical Qur'anic exegesis, Shia scholar Ayatollah Yusuf Sanei's (d.2020) broader jurisprudential approach, Comparative Theology and comparative readings (isr¿'¿liyy¿t and direct Bible citations) in Qur'anic exegesis with special reference to the narrative of Prophet Yäy¿ (John the Baptist) in the Qur'an and the Bible, critique of the concept of naskh (abrogation) in contemporary Qur'¿nic hermeneutics (När ¿¿mid Ab¿ Zayd's critique), thematic interpretation (tafs¿r maw¿¿'¿) in Indonesia in the 2000s, inclusive Islamic interpretations in the light of rationalistic Maturidite theology, and violence and jihad in Islam: From the war of words to the clashes of definitions.

  • af Mukesh K
    297,95 kr.

    Are you an aspiring student seeking to excel in your English literature exams? Then look no further than ""Unlocking the Wonders of English Literature"". This book is a comprehensive guide that provides an in-depth analysis of the key concepts and themes of English literature, from classics to contemporary writing.With its student-friendly language, this book helps readers develop a deeper understanding of the literature, which is essential for acing any English literature exam. Whether you're preparing for your high school exams, college-level courses, or any other competitive exams, this book is the ultimate resource you need to sharpen your knowledge and achieve success.This book covers a wide range of literary genres, including poetry, drama, and prose, and features insightful analysis of notable literary works from renowned authors such as William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Virginia Woolf, and many more.In addition to offering a comprehensive analysis of the literature, this book also provides practical tips and strategies for answering exam questions, which will help you to approach exams with confidence and perform at your best.So, whether you're an avid literature enthusiast or just someone who needs a little extra guidance to succeed in your exams, ""Unlocking the Wonders of English Literature"" is the perfect book for you. Order your copy today and get ready to embark on a journey through the rich tapestry of English literature.

  • af Igor Sardi
    242,95 kr.

    Come qualcuno di voi saprà, questo non è il primo libro che scrivo sul mondo del Basso, in realtà credo sia il tredicesimo (o qualcosa del genere). Ma sentivo di non aver creato qualcosa di realmente e totalmente (non che i precedenti metodi didattici non lo siano!) utile, per chi ha come obiettivo quello di fare della musica la propria professione, o, quanto meno, per chi vuole essere in grado di suonare al meglio delle proprie possibilità, nel maggior numero di contesti musicali possibili. Quindi ci provo, premettendo che io faccio il bassista di professione, ma non mi ritengo un bassista professionista. Ho solo maturato una ventina di anni di esperienza, di concerti, di studi e molto altro.Ricapitolando, cercherò, con tutto me stesso, di darvi quanti più consigli possibile, e cercherò anche di farvi evitare gli errori (tanti) che ho commesso nel tempo!. Quindi ragazzi, questo, più che un vero e proprio metodo didattico, lo potremmo definire una sorta di "manuale" per ottimizzare i vari studi, in base, come dicevo, alle mie esperienze, sia come musicista, che come didatta.

  • af Catherine Ritz
    267,95 kr.

  • af Russell Simonsen
    367,95 kr.

  • af Leslie Baldwin
    287,95 kr.

  • af Donna Clementi
    317,95 kr.

  • af Cassandra Glynn
    317,95 kr.

  • af Michael Truly
    326,95 kr.

    "In Play on Words, this delightful collection of visual puns, may you find that same whimsy in full bloom. Enjoy!" -Mary Truly, BMusic, MMusic, composer, little sister of Michael Truly

  • af David McAlpine
    317,95 kr.

    The fourth in the series, this book underscores the importance of the teacher in the learning equation. With an emphasis on the need for instructors to possess a wide variety of strategies, substantial time is devoted to modeling the kind of thinking that skillful instructors employ to decide how learning can best be facilitated. Each chapter includes the opportunity for readers to analyze sample challenging scenarios and think about different ways of addressing them. With a focus on strategies backed by the most current research, this book gives educators powerful ideas to make language instruction meaningful and purposeful.

  • af Danny Kolke
    337,95 kr.

    Bebop by the Numbers is a super fun, simple way to learn how to improvise and create music. Suitable for both teachers and students, this method breaks down the most complex concepts in music, coaches how to put them back together, and gives a framework for musicians to develop their own ideas and impress their listeners. In this method you are going to discover the building blocks to:-Create Bebop ideas, lines, runs and melodies-Strategically place them over chord progressions-Develop skills to create them in real time, and improvising in real time-Start simple, create the ability to go complex, and have the power to choose what to playWhy numbers? Numbers are very helpful. Using the numbers of the scale degrees instead of the letters, you can then translate ideas to different keys more quickly. Bebop by the Numbers uses concepts like Stingers, Pickups, Simple Scales, Circles, Noodling, Turns, and more to help you create your ideas and play them in any key. This method even makes playing over chord changes and diminished patterns easy to understand. Bebop by the Numbers is accessible for students of all ages and even includes fun games and exercises to use as an individual student or a group. What are Bebop by the Numbers readers saying?"So simple to start sounding good and build from there. I wish I would have had this when I was first learning how to play jazz!" ~ David Hill, Jr - Executive Coach, Musician"I really dig how you start very small and simple and piece each idea together. Kind of like sonic legos. This is the most fun I've ever had working on bebop lines." ~ Jason Goessl, Professional MusicianBebop by the Numbers is a method for teaching music creation to all aspiring musicians, instrumentalists and vocalists alike, focused on using scale degrees and repeatable building blocks and patterns to create your music. This book is focused on Bebop, but what you discover in these lessons can be found in all genres of music, not just Jazz.

  • af Sean Burdette
    137,95 - 197,95 kr.

    732,95 kr.

    Sustainable education and social networks are two important concepts that are closely related. The combination of sustainable education and social networks can be powerful in promoting positive change and creating a more sustainable future. Here are some ways in which these two concepts can be integrated:1. Online learning.2. Awareness raising.3. Collaboration.4. Engagement.5. Sharing of best practices.In conclusion, the integration of sustainable education and social networks has the potential to promote positive change and create a more sustainable future by making education more accessible, engaging, and impactful.

  • af Janul
    125,95 kr.

    Show brochure for show to be toured on the canal.Life of heritage boat BCN108 and her journey through history from 1883 to the present day - and beyond.Touring around the UK canals by narrowboat

  • af Anurag Amit
    632,95 kr.

    The only mere physicists are the animals: they alone do not think: while man is a thinking being and a born metaphysician. The real question is not whether we shall apply metaphysics, but whether our metaphysics are of the right kind: in other words, whether we are not, instead of the concrete logical Idea, adopting one-sided forms of thought, rigidly fixed by understanding, and making these the basis of our theoretical as well as our practical work.(Hegel, Encyclopedia of the philosophical sciences in basic outline I, §98)This dissertation is a study in the metaphysics of continuity of consciousness. Naturally, the three ideas this dissertation involves with are that of metaphysics, continuity, and consciousness. Metaphysics, as it is often understood, is the study of the fundamental nature of reality. The closest discipline to metaphysics is physics, which too studies the nature of reality, but the subject matter of physics is concrete things, whereas metaphysics deals with both concrete and abstract entities. Also, physics may concern itself with a particular thing or a particular class of things, whereas metaphysics is seen as the study of reality in its totality. Lastly, unlike physics, metaphysics is not an empirical discipline- its fundamental method of enquiry is not observation or experimentation but logical postulations. Ontology is a subdiscipline of metaphysics that studies what kind of things fundamentally are there, or as it is often put, what there is. Ontology talks about the broadest categories of things, and the aim of every ontologist is to keep the number of these categories as minimum as possible. Therefore, an ontologist will not consider cars, laptops, and houses as different ontological categories, but they can be clubbed into one broader category of concrete.

  • af Eva Maria Mas Corbacho
    192,95 kr.

    PROCESOS CREATIVOS Y SINESTESIANuevos procesos creativos a partir del fenómeno de la sinestesia. Este libro ha sido posible gracias a la beca a la innovación, la investigación y la creación en el ámbito de la música y el pensamiento, en el año 2021, otorgada por el gobierno catalán, la Generalitat de Cataluña.Escrito a partir de la investigación acerca de la sinestesia cognitiva en compositores y pintores de todo el Mundo. Nos habla de creatividad e innovación, de sinestesia y música, de maneras de componer a partir del estudio de relación vibratoria y sinestésica entre el sonido y la luz y de maneras de pintar aplicando la sinestesia y la creatividad.El libro hace un barrido en relación a el significado de la sinestesia cognitiva , de sus orígenes, de lo que dice la ciencia, de lo que encontramos a nivel expresión artística y de las nuevas tecnologías que el estudio y la aplicación de lo descubierto ha originado a nivel técnico, científico y artístico.La autora aporta además todo su proceso de composición musical desde la imagen al sonido y desde el sonido a la imagen.Para ello ha estudiado e interpretado obras del impresionismo musical como Claire de lune, Reverie y Arabesque de Claude Debussy (1890) pero también aporta sus obras propias, creadas con las más avanzadas tecnonologías de este nuestro XXI.Un libro que rompe barreras y abre puertas a la imaginación y la creatividad y donde la física cuántica es parte del proceso de creación.¿ Que vas a encontrar en este libro?Mi investigación realizada acerca de los procesos creativos que se pueden obtener de la observación de la sinestesia cognitiva grafomocolor.Un breve repaso a los antecedentes históricos, sus aplicaciones científicas, tecnológicas y las influencias sociales y artísticas.Presentación y propuestas de patrones de creación aplicables a composición musical a partir de la imagen y a la creación pictórica a partir de la música .Una parte teórica y otra práctica, donde expongo como he creado mis obras a partir de las premisas investigadas.Una generosa explicación del proceso y de los programas que he usado.Un divertido test sinestésico.Un cordial saludo y si lo adquieres y lo lees por favor déjame una reseña que me vas a ayudar un montón!y como siempre: El Arte como camino de Vida y la Vida como Arte. Eva Mas- Jhevva

  • af Carolyn Sloan
    312,95 kr.

    "In this interactive book with 12 sound chips, you'll hear the range of human voices--from coloratura soprano to the deep bass baritone. You'll learn the difference between a quintet and a trio. The role of the orchestra. How it all comes together in a big finale. The book tells the story of Mozart's opera The Magic Flute and features full-color illustrations"--

  • af Chef Sathishkumar
    147,95 kr.

    Bakery products have become very popular throughout the country. Breads and biscuits are the most common products but other items like cakes, pastries, cream-rolls, cookies etc. are also not lagging far behind. These items are consumed by people of all age groups across the board. Nature of these products is such that the consumers prefer fresh items. Shelf life of cakes & pastries is limited and thus local manufacturers enjoy distinct advantage. In spite of continuous increase in the consumption of these items during last few years, the per capita consumption is still very low compared to the advanced countries. There is, thus, good scope for these items.

  • af Chef Sathish
    187,95 kr.

    Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes. These people are called visitors (which may be either tourists or excursionists; residents or non-residents) and tourism has to do with their activities, some of which imply tourism expenditure.Using this definition, we can see that tourism is not just the movement of people for a number of purposes (whether business or pleasure), but the overall agglomeration of activities, services, and involved sectors that make up the unique tourist experience.

  • af Trisha Jones
    382,95 kr.

    The book can serve as "Your Companion" with FUNdamentals for anyone aspiring to become a successful Model or Talent avoiding pitfalls along the way. Join Carol Sterling on an exciting adventure as she discusses modeling through her personal lens. Her insightful take on modeling reflected through her life experiences, paves the way for those pursuing a career in the Modeling & Talent Industry.

  • af Janet van Eeden
    327,95 kr.

    So many people watch films and yet so few know how to write a film well. Film writing is a very specific art form. Over the past twenty-something years Janet van Eeden made every mistake in the book and eventually turned to the experts. Using advice from screenwriting experts such as Robert McKee and Christopher Vogler, among many others, Janet van Eeden developed an effective approach to scriptwriting. Cut to the Chase breaks down the essentials of writing for film. Janet van Eeden shares her experience of writing feature films and short films, as well as her many years of lecturing, in this book. This user-friendly manual unlocks the world of scriptwriting for students. It includes a step-by-step writing programme, setting specific tasks after each chapter, so that the reader can build up their own film script. The reader is guided towards writing a well thought-out first draft script written to internationally acceptable standards.

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