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Undervisningsmidler: samfundsfag

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  • - Grundbog
    af Malene Dietz, Dorthe Frost & Ane Bonnesen
    474,95 kr.

    Et undervisningsmiddel af bemærkelsesværdig høj karakter og med denne skolebog ved hånden skal man ikke være bange for, at undervisningen faktisk bliver undervisning. Sådan skrev undervisningsministeriets prisudvalg i 2001, da Projekt Samfundsfag vandt undervisningsmiddelprisen. I den nuværende 2. udgave af prisvinderen er der i forhold til 1. udgaven fra 2001 foretaget en del smårettelser gennem hele bogen, men flest væsentlige rettelser (også i figurer og billeder) i kapitlet Det politiske system (pga. kommunereformen) og i kapitlet Danmark og verden (nye medlemslande etc.). Sidetalllet er uændret, så 2. udgaven kan anvendes sammen med 1. udgaven. Projekt Samfundsfag er et metodebaseret system, som adskiller sig fra andre grundbøger, ved bl.a. at hvert kapitel er opdelt i en kursusdel og en metodedel. Kursusdelen giver eleverne en grundlæggende viden om samfundsforhold, mens metodedelen gør det nemt for eleverne at arbejde med samfundsfagets metoder i samspil med teorien. Lærerens bog giver faglig perspektivering, konkrete undervisningsforslag, 22 kopisider med opgaver til eleverne, aktivitetsforslag, ideer til ekskursioner og tværfagligt arbejde samt vejledning i afvikling af prøven i 9. klasse. På ligger der test- og evalueringsark til fri download.

  • af Mads Christian Dagnis Jensen & Julie Hassing Nielsen
    417,95 kr.

    EUropa på vej retter sig mod samfundsfagsundervisning i EU på de gymnasiale uddannelser.Bogens indhold understøttes af begrebsafklaringer, historiske neddyk, supplerende cases, og opfølgende spørgsmål.Bogen er tematisk opbygget, hvilket betyder, at den kan sammensættes på mange måder og dermed anvendes på både A, B og C niveau og inden for forskellige gymnasiale uddannelser.EUropa på vej indeholder blandt andet kapitler om EU’s historie, EU’s institutioner, Danmarks medlemskab af EU, Demokrati i EU samt økonomi og politik i EU.

  • - Grundbog til C-niveau
    af Christian Skjødt Pedersen
    417,95 kr.

    Temaer til psykologi er en grundbog til psykologi på C-niveau. Bogen introducerer først hovedområderne personlighedspsykologi, socialpsykologi, kognitionspsykologi og udviklingspsykologi samt psykologiens metoder, og derefter behandles fire psykologiske temaer:De vigtige relationerLæringens udfordringerOs og demKøn og kønsforskelle.De tre første temaer dækker tilsammen kernestoffet på C-niveau. Hvert af de fire temabaserede kapitler indledes med en overordnet problemstilling for temaet, og i løbet af kapitlet belyses denne problemstilling gennem inddragelse af begreber og teorier, der går på tværs af kernestoffets hovedområder. Undervejs i hvert kapitel finder man også:beskrivelser af undersøgelser til arbejdet med psykologisk metodesupplerende tekster, der giver mulighed for at anvende psykologisk viden på aktuelt stofet væld af opgaver, der lægger op til refleksion, diskussion og elevaktivering.Alt i alt danner Temaer til psykologi et solidt fundament for opfyldelsen af de faglige mål i psykologi C.

  • af Renee Biermann
    88,95 kr.

    Does the idea of meeting new people make you nervous? Do you worry you wonâEUR(TM)t know what to say to someone youâEUR(TM)ve just met? YouâEUR(TM)re not alone. In this book, explore the reasons why making new friends can be scary and discover simple tips for facing this fear. Reassuring facts and helpful photos provide the knowledge young readers need to face their fear of making new friends.

  • af Mari Schuh
    88,95 kr.

    You need help with a maths problem. You are upset with a friend. Are you afraid to ask for help? YouâEUR(TM)re not alone. Everyone worries about speaking up at times. In this book, explore the reasons why it can be scary to speak up and discover simple tips for facing this fear. Reassuring facts and helpful photos provide the knowledge young readers need to face their fears of speaking up.

  • af Rikke Høgsted
    67,95 kr.

    Pixibog til "Digitalt Grundkursus i Belastningspsykologi" er et udvalg af modeller fra Grundbog i Belastningspsykologi - fx "Ringene i vandet", "IGLO-U-modellen", "Bæredygtighedsmodellen", "Rød-Grøn-Blå-modellen" og "Belastningsfirkanten". Pixibogen består hertil af en række råd om forebyggelse knyttet til et godt psykisk arbejdsmiljø. Tilgangen er helhedsorienteret og baseret på forståelse af, at forebyggelse er en holdsport. Pixibogen rummer også tjeklister over faresignaler på både individ- og gruppe-niveau. På stikords-niveau er der en række konkrete eksempler på, hvordan man sammen kan skabe en proaktiv og kollektiv forebyggelse, eksempler der bliver uddybet i "Grundbog i belastningspsykologi". Pixibogen er knyttet til Institut for Belastningspsykologis digitale grundkursus i belastningspsykologi - se Materialet retter sig mod mentale højrisikojobs, dvs. job, hvor man som fagperson regelmæssigt bliver konfronteret med sygdom, trusler, overgreb, ulykker eller død eller job, som på anden vis stiller høje følelsesmæssige krav til den ansatte om indlevelse og om at håndtere smertefulde følelser.

  • af Sean Covey
    197,95 kr.

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Guided Journal for Teens offers journal prompts, worksheets, and exercises to help you accomplish all your short and long-term goals.

  • af Whitney Phillips
    162,95 - 212,95 kr.

    Two media experts offer a witty, warm, and relatable take on how information pollution affects our online networks?and our well-being?and how to maximize a positive impact.We know that pollution damages our physical environments?but what about the digital landscape? Touching on everything from goat memes gone wrong to conflict in group chats to the sometimes unexpected side effects of online activism, this lively guide to media literacy draws on ecological, social justice, and storytelling frameworks to help readers understand how information pollution spreads and why. It also helps them make sense of the often stressful and strange online world. Featuring a hyperconnected cast of teens and their social-media shenanigans, reader-friendly text tackles the thorny topic of internet ethics while empowering?and inspiring?young readers to weave a safe, secure, and inclusive digital world. Readers are invited to delve further into the subject with the help of comprehensive source notes and a bibliography in the back matter.

  • af Margaret Haerens
    357,95 kr.

    Discusses trends in human trafficking, factors contributing to human trafficking and strategies to reduce the problem.

  • af Vanessa Rogers
    284,95 kr.

    Creative activities and lessons to help children aged 7-11 learn about positive relationships ranging from families, carers and friends to the wider world and the relationship they have with themselves. This inclusive resource also teaches children about online relationships, boundaries and privacy and what a respectful relationships look like.

  • af Health Central
    127,95 kr.

    "Do you want an interactive workbook that will support you in following THE raw vegan healing protocol that has been proven to work time and time again? Then this book is for you!" This is a strategically composed workbook which contains a series of tips, pointers, and protocols which are geared towards healing you naturally. Through years of experience, we learnt a vast amount about human healing and we wanted to deliver this information to you in a practical and applicable way. With the help of this workbook companion, you will now be able to achieve your individual health goals easily. It is now your turn to experience instant positive changes in your life and health. Good luck on your journey.

  • af Global Healing
    127,95 kr.

    "Do you want an interactive workbook that will support you in following THE raw vegan healing protocol that has been proven to work time and time again? Then this book is for you!" This is a strategically composed workbook which contains a series of tips, pointers, and protocols which are geared towards healing you naturally. Through years of experience, we learnt a vast amount about human healing and we wanted to deliver this information to you in a practical and applicable way. With the help of this workbook companion, you will now be able to achieve your individual health goals easily. It is now your turn to experience instant positive changes in your life and health. Good luck on your journey.

  • af Agatha Harding
    127,95 kr.

    "This book is a truly helpful resource that will support you in caring for Pertussis or Whooping Cough sufferers" Living with Pertussis or Whooping Cough can be a great challenge. So many debates surround vaccinations, but where do you draw the line? We have created this comprehensive guide with the aim of supporting suffering individuals and their families. Understanding how to support and how to choose the best treatments isn't always the easiest of tasks, and doing it alone can be even more difficult. This guide book covers a wide range of topics. Some of which include: What is Pertussis/Whooping Cough, Bordetella Pertussis, Pertussis Vaccine, Pertussis Symptoms, Pertussis Treatment (traditional and natural), Pertussis in Adults, Pertussis Toxins, Acellular Pertussis, and many more. This is a resourceful and useful book to have as part of your book collection. We wish you all the best on your journey.

  • af Noah Berlatsky
    354,95 kr.

    This book explores the popularity and use of social networking worldwide, which for twenty-first century standards, is essential to understand. Readers will evaluate how social networking is used in different cultures, and whether social networking has an impact on democratic movements and what that impact may be. They will explore social networking and access to information/censorship. Primary sources, including speeches and government documents, join essays from international sources for a truly panoramic view. Helpful features include an annotated table of contents, a world map and country index, a bibliography, and a subject index.

  • af Noah Berlatsky
    358,95 kr.

    "Genetic Engineering: Global Viewpoints examines current, often controversial, topics of worldwide interest and importance from a variety of international perspectives"--

  • af Amy Allen
    707,95 - 1.257,95 kr.

  • af Wadzanai Valerie Garwe
    267,95 kr.

    Beyond and Behind the Faces of HIV and AIDS provides insights into ordinary people's lives who have been affected and infected with HIV. It tackles stigma, hopelessness, helplessness and above all overcoming the stigma, isolation and loneliness. 32 authors made themselves vulnerable and told their stories. Many are first time authors. Many wrote under a pseudonym because they cannot come out and tell the world as they will face stigma.

  • af Julie Murray
    347,95 kr.

    "Little readers will learn all about what custodians do, where they work, and why they are important in our communities."--

  • af Julie Murray
    347,95 kr.

    "Little readers will learn all about what chefs do, where they work, and why they are important in our communities. Very simple text combined with correlating and colorful images will both inform and strengthen reading skills. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Junior is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers--and immersion school educators."--

  • af David Makepeace
    142,95 kr.

    New author David Makepeace zagged into the reality of living with schizoaffective disorder. David writes chapters with valiant heart through a messy journey-his life, post-psychotic break.

  • af Bruce M Hyman
    407,95 kr.

    "Many teens struggle with anxiety disorders, the symptoms of which include elevated stress hormone levels, depression, and heart problems. The prevalence of anxiety disorders among teens today makes this a timely, informative, and helpful book for readers. Readers will learn about the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of anxiety disorders as well as coping strategies and treatments. Resources for identifying, managing, and treating anxiety disorders are provided in the text"--

  • - Integral Psykoterapi i praksis
    af R. Elliot Ingersoll & David M. Zeitler
    418,94 kr.

    Er du nysgerrig på de nye landvindinger i tilgangen til det menneskelige sind, så læs med her. Dette er den første bog, der anviser hvordan integreret psykoterapi behandler krop, sind og ånd.Integral psykoterapi er en dynamisk ramme for forståelsen af sindet og forener blandt andet psykoterapi med spiritualitet. Forfatterne bruger Ken Wilburs integrale model som afsæt til at præsentere læseren for dette nye syn på psykoterapien, som karakteriseres ved at favne og integrere et væld af psykoterapeutiske tilgange. Med baggrund i teoriens modeller, viser bogens forfattere hvordan integral psykoterapi forholder sig til samspillet mellem krop, sind og ånd. Bogen gennemgår samtidig de forskellige psykologiske ideer og teorier, der har hersket i vores samfund gennem tiden. I TERAPI I ØJENHØJDE mødes en række psykologiske og psykoterapeutiske retninger, og der bliver sat spørgsmålstegn ved selvhjælpsguruerne og deres forsøg på at overbevise folk om, at deres problemer kan fjernes med et snuptag. Som bogens forfatter anviser, er livet og sindet noget mere komplekst end det. Noget de fleste som arbejder med emnet også sander, når oplevelsen af at selvhjælpsindustriens gode råd alligevel ikke hjælper.Et af bogens ærinder er også at vise, at sindets kompleksitet er vores ven, ikke vores fjende. ________________________________________________“Terapi i øjenhøjde danner en imponerende bro mellem klinisk praksis, aktuel akademisk psykologi og den ekspanderende, frigørende integrale epistemologi … den viger ikke tilbage fra den svære opgave at introducere integral teori generelt forstået, integral psykologi i særdeleshed og integral psykoterapi som primært fokusområde .”Journal of Integral Theory and Practice.

  • af Francesca Davis Dipiazza
    392,95 kr.

  • - veje til medborgerskab
    af Morten Hilligsø Munk & Christian Bader Jørgensen
    268,94 kr.

    I PolitikA – veje til medborgerskab er det faglige stof skarpt prioriteret, så der er plads til at eleverne kan forstå, deltage og have holdninger til deres verden. Udgivelsen sætter fokus på fagets dannelses- og holdningselement. Vekselvirkningen og broen mellem elevernes livsverden og fagets begreber er i centrum.Udgivelsen dækker kernestoffet indenfor politik på A-niveau.

  • af Mari C Schuh
    257,95 kr.

    What do television ads look like? How can you tell that ads are not part of TV shows? Why do companies make TV ads? Readers will learn to identify and evaluate the advertisements they see on television. Accessible text and explanatory photos help students understand the role of advertising in their lives.

  • af Mari C Schuh
    257,95 kr.

    Internet website offer information and entertainment. But many websites have ads too. What do ads on the Internet look like? Why are they there? Readers will learn to identify and evaluate the advertisements they see on the Internet. Accessible text and explanatory photos help students understand the role of advertising in their lives.

  • af Mari C Schuh
    257,95 kr.

    What do the words and pictures on your shirt or shoes mean? Why did someone put those things on your clothes? Readers will learn to identify and evaluate the advertisements they see on clothing. Accessible text and explanatory photos help students understand the role of advertising in their lives.

  • af Mari C Schuh
    257,95 kr.

    Magazines have stories, pictures, and ads. Companies put ads in magazines to sell products. What do magazine ads look like? And what is their purpose? Readers will learn to identify and evaluate the advertisements they see in magazines. Accessible text and explanatory photos help students understand the role of advertising in their lives.

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