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Undervisningsmidler: samfundsfag

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  • af Maya Litvak
    173,95 kr.

    Over 50% of people in the United States alone are diagnosed with a mental illness before the end of their lifetime, and 1 out of every 5 people experience a mental health issue in any given year according to the CDC. It is more common than cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, yet, mental health often gets sidelined when we think of our overall health and wellness. But mental health is undeniably an equally important part of our overall health. Inside Your Mind explores the world of mental health with you-its ups and downs, historical evolution, exciting future advancements, and more! We all experience unique mental health journeys, and this book aims to normalize the conversation around mental health in hopes of squashing its stigma. Inside Your Mind was written to empower you to be inspired to become a proactive advocate for your mental health and learn the necessary tools to introduce positive, healthy practices in your life. Beyond this, we hope for you to not only become comfortable in your skin but also learn how to give yourselves the love and compassion you show others. The content of Inside Your Mind stems from the curriculum distributed by Fulphil, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that has created engaging and fun trajectory-changing educational content for thousands of youth nationally to empower them to build compassion and equip them with the skills needed to create a positive impact on the world. But first, that must begin with how we take care of ourselves!

  • - magtbalance, værdier og samarbejde
    af Derek Beach, Rasmus Brun Pedersen, Jørgen Dige Pedersen, mfl.
    483,95 kr.

    Grundbog til international politik på A-niveau på de gymnasiale uddannelser. Bogen er skrevet til undervisningen i samfundsfag i gymnasiet og HF, men kan også bruges i andre undervisningssammenhænge. De 12 kapitler i denne grundbog er skrevet af nogle af de fremmeste forskere og formidlere indenfor studiet af international politik. Sproget er let og vedkommende, og koblingen af korte introduktioner og mere empiriske tematekster gør det lettere at koble teori og virkelighed i en spændende undervisning. De teoretiske perspektiver bliver sat i spil i belysningerne af emnerne: De store dilemmaer i international politik. Af Tonny Brems Knudsen og Morten W. Bülow. Det internationale samfund og spørgsmålet om verdensorden. Af Georg Sørensen. International politisk økonomi: Globalisering, udvikling og krise. Af Jørgen Dige Pedersen. USA – en supermagt under afvikling? Af Derek Beach. Kina – en supermagt under udvikling? Af Clemens Stubbe Østergaard. Nye stormagter: Balancering, rivalisering eller koncert? Af Mette Skak. EU og international politik. Af Knud Erik Jørgensen. Sikkerhedsproblematikken: Krig, konflikt og konfliktløsning i det 21. Århundrede. Af Mette Skak. Regionale konflikter og regionalt samarbejde. Af Morten Valbjørn. Civilisationer og religion i international politik. Af Tina Magaard. Demokratisering, menneskerettigheder og problemet med de svage stater. Af Georg Sørensen. Danmark i verden: Udenrigspolitik og sikkerhed. Af Rasmus Brun Pedersen.

  • af Francisco Javier García-Castilla
    638,95 kr.

    El ocio de las personas y las dimensiones que lo confi guran son cada vez más importantes para construir la felicidad y el bienestar social. El derecho a la práctica del ocio, en el caso de los colectivos con menos recursos y oportunidades, debe ser garantizado desde las diferentes políticas, instituciones y profesionales que trabajan y promueven la inclusión social.En este libro participan expertos e investigadores en la temática del ocio. En los diferentes capítulos se presentan prácticas de ocio valiosas que permiten una socialización, especialmente en la juventud, con mayores garantías y que no depende tanto de la capacidad de acceso a las actividades y espacios de ocio.Esta obra tiene interés al promover alternativas de ocio valiosas e inclusivas en las que la participación es una vía de aprendizaje dentro del proceso de socialización a lo largo de la vida de las personas. También, se realizan propuestas que pueden inspirer a representantes de instituciones y entidades sociales, profesionales e investigadores interesados en la intervención socioeducativa en diferentes contextos sociales. Estas propuestas se basan en resultados de investigación y contribuyen a adaptar espacios de ocio desde el rigor de la innovación que implica la transferencia social del conocimiento.

  • af Laura L. Finley
    633,95 - 1.128,95 kr.

  • - Deutsche Krisen und ihre Bewältigung
    af Karsten Trolle Viholm & Christian Smith
    258,95 kr.

    Temabogen Im Wandel – Deutsche Krisen und ihre Bewältigung tager udgangspunkt i den moderne verdens udfordringer i en tysk sammenhæng.Udgivelsen giver eleverne et indtryk af og forståelse for tre udvalgte tyske kriser fra de seneste 10 år:Die Corona-KriseDie Klima-KriseDie Flüchtlingskrise.Hvert kapitel tager udgangspunkt i baggrunden for krisen, hvorefter krisen belyses multimedialt med tekster og billeder. Bogen hviler på et interkulturelt dannelsesbegreb, hvor elevernes egen for-forståelse udfordres og udvikles. I den sammenhæng er sammenligningen mellem de tre tyske kriser og Danmark en væsentlig del af bogen.Im Wandel henvender sig til specielt B-niveau, men vil også have interesse for A-niveau i 3.g. Øvelserne tager udgangspunkt i det kommunikative sprogsyn, hvor især den taskbaserede undervisning imødekommes.

  • af Sahil Gupta
    193,95 kr.

    ""Evolution of the World Social Science - Volume 1"" by Manoj Publications provides a concise yet insightful exploration of the historical development of social science on a global scale. This book offers a comprehensive overview of the origins, progressions, and key contributors that have shaped the field throughout history.From ancient civilizations to modern societies, this volume delves into the diverse methodologies, theories, and interdisciplinary approaches that have emerged within social science. It highlights significant milestones and pivotal moments that have influenced understanding of human behaviour, societal structures, and cultural diversity.Written in an accessible style, ""Evolution of the World Social Science - Volume 1"" is a valuable resource for students, academics, and enthusiasts alike. It encapsulates the foundational aspects of social science, providing a solid introduction to the subject. This book sets the stage for further exploration and understanding of the complex dynamics that shape our world and societies.

  • af Sahil Gupta
    263,95 kr.

    ""Evolution of the World Social Science - Volume 5: Social Science in the Digital Age"" by Manoj Publications explores the profound impact of digital technology on social science. This volume comprehensively analyses the opportunities, challenges, and transformations brought about by the digital revolution.Through in-depth research and insightful perspectives, this book delves into how digital technology has reshaped social science research methodologies, data collection, analysis, and dissemination. It examines the ethical considerations, biases, and implications of digital platforms and algorithms in understanding human behaviour and societal dynamics.""Evolution of the World Social Science - Volume 5"" showcases the innovative ways in which social scientists are harnessing the power of digital tools and technologies, such as social media, big data analytics, and virtual reality, to explore new research avenues and gain deeper insights into complex social phenomena.This volume serves as a crucial resource for researchers, scholars, and practitioners seeking to navigate the digital landscape within social science. It invites readers to critically examine the role of digital technology in shaping our understanding of society. It provides valuable insights into the future of social science in the digital age.

  • af Sahil Gupta
    248,95 kr.

    Evolution of the World Social Science - Volume 4: Perspectives on Global Transformation"" by Manoj Publications offers a thought-provoking exploration of how social science can illuminate and contribute to global transformation. This volume dives into the dynamic interplay between society, culture, and transformative forces shaping our world.Drawing on diverse perspectives and interdisciplinary approaches, this book examines the intricate relationship between social science and global transformation. It delves into social movements, globalization, technological advancements, environmental challenges, and socio-political shifts. Through rigorous analysis and case studies, it provides insights into the impacts of these transformations on individuals, communities, and societies.""Evolution of the World Social Science - Volume 4"" presents a range of perspectives, enabling readers to understand the complexities and nuances of global transformation. It explores the role of social science in providing critical insights, innovative solutions, and policy recommendations to address the pressing issues of our time.This volume is a valuable resource for scholars, researchers, and policymakers seeking a deeper understanding of the transformative dynamics that shape our world. It inspires readers to engage in meaningful dialogue and take part in creating a more just, inclusive, and sustainable future for all.

  • af Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen
    198,95 kr.

    Ruslands invasion af Ukraine 24. februar 2022 var det første skud i en verdensomspændende magtkamp, hvor Rusland og Kina udfordrer USA og resten af Vesten. Men Rusland har længe været i krig med Vesten – også selvom vi i Vesten ikke har oplevet det sådan. Ifølge professor Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen rejser Ukrainekrigen en række svære spørgsmål for Danmark: Skal Ukraine være medlem af EU og NATO? Vil Kina og USA ende i krig med hinanden? Vil Tyskland dominere EU og Europa efter Ukrainekrigen? Vil konflikten i Mellemøsten føre til et brud mellem EU og USA? Svarene på de spørgsmål er vigtige i en verden, hvor krigen er tilbage. OM FORFATTEREN: Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen (f. 1973) er professor i statskundskab på Københavns Universitet. Han leder bestyrelsen af INVI (Institut for Vilde Problemer), har tidligere ledet udviklingssekretariatet i Forsvarsministeriet og før da Center for Militære Studier. Desuden skriver han en klumme om udenrigspolitik i Weekendavisen og har udgivet en lang række bøger og artikler om dansk udenrigspolitik og internationale konflikter.

  • af Dongxian Huang
    333,95 kr.

    Career Studies, as the name suggests, is a discipline that explores and studies a person's career development. In this era full of competitions and changes, more and more people are paying attention to their career development and hoping to find a path that can support them to pursue both career success and personal value. This book aims to provide readers with a comprehensive and systematic theory and case studies to guide them in career planning and management. By conducting in-depth analysis of personal traits, values, interests, and skills, we can better understand ourselves and make career choices that match our personal strengths. Meanwhile, this book also emphasizes personal growth and development. We should not neglect our personal development and pleasure while pursuing professional success. Overall, 'Career Studies' provides us with a brand new disciplinary framework that helps us understand, plan, and achieve a meaningful and fulfilling career. In this fast-paced society, everyone should have this book and embark on a journey of self contemplation and reflection.

  • af Fritz Horstman
    198,95 kr.

    The essence of Josef Albers’s Interaction of Color in a format that engages learners of all ages and levels and encourages a hands-on approach

  • af Niraj
    693,95 kr.

    In the ever-shrinking global village, the field of education stands as a bridge that connects diverse cultures, ideas, and perspectives. The book you hold in your hands, "Bridging Worlds: Teaching Social Studies in Asia with Western Methods," is a testament to the power of this bridge - a bridge that spans the rich tapestry of Asian cultures and the pedagogical approaches of the Western world. A Global Perspective on Education: Asia, the world's largest continent, is a mosaic of languages, traditions, and histories. As the 21st century unfolds, Asian nations are playing increasingly vital roles on the global stage. With this burgeoning significance, it becomes crucial to nurture a generation of informed, empathetic, and socially responsible citizens who can navigate the complexities of our interconnected world. The Challenge of Balancing Tradition and Innovation: Teaching social studies in Asia is not without its challenges. Educators must grapple with the delicate task of preserving cultural heritage while preparing students for a globalized future. The diverse learning styles, historical contexts, and cultural nuances across the continent add layers of complexity to this endeavor. A Collaborative Effort: "Bridging Worlds" is the culmination of collaborative efforts from educators, researchers, and policymakers who have dedicated themselves to enriching social studies education in Asia. It is a mosaic of insights, strategies, and best practices that aim to empower educators and stakeholders in their mission to shape the future. A Journey Through the Chapters: This book embarks on a comprehensive journey, each chapter serving as a stepping stone towards a more holistic and culturally relevant social studies curriculum. From laying the foundations in Chapter 1 to fostering global awareness in Chapter 10, we explore the intricacies of curriculum development, teaching strategies, assessment, and more. A Call to Action: As you delve into the chapters of "Bridging Worlds," we invite you to reflect on the role of education in shaping the future. Each page is an invitation to bridge the gap between tradition and innovation, between local relevance and global perspective, and between cultural preservation and preparation for an interconnected world. A Vision for the Future: My hope is that this book will serve as a guide, a source of inspiration, and a catalyst for change. Whether you are an educator seeking fresh approaches, a policymaker shaping educational standards, or a researcher exploring the dynamics of social studies education, "Bridging Worlds" is a resource that calls us to envision a future where education transcends borders and unites cultures.

  • af Heidi Koldtoft Engedal
    358,95 kr.

    Bæredygtig bevidsthed – om klimapsykologi beskæftiger sig med de reaktioner, vi kan møde hos os selv og andre, når vi taler om klimaforandringer og den adfærd, der er forbundet med, at vi står i en klimakrise.Faktuelle informationskampagner om klima taler til vores fornuft, men lykkes ofte ikke med, at få os til at ændre adfærd i en grønnere retning. Psykologiske perspektiver på klimahåndtering kan bidrage med viden om den menneskelige faktor i den grønne omstilling og dermed gøre os klogere på, hvordan psykologiske barrierer, sociale dynamikker og personlighed kan indvirke på vores tilgang til klimaforandringer.I udgivelsen bliver der sat spørgsmålstegn ved:Forsøger min hjerne at undgå klimainformation?Hvilken klimatype er jeg?Kan gruppedynamikker forværre klimaforandringer?Denne bog trækker på alle kernestofområderne i valgfaget psykologi på de gymnasiale uddannelser og benytter kernestoffet til at belyse temaet omkring klima og bæredygtighed.

  • af Annie McMahon Whitlock
    633,95 - 1.128,95 kr.

  • af Edward H. Clarke
    148,95 kr.

    "Is there any thing better in a State than that both women and men be rendered the very best? There is not." - Plato. It is idle to say that what is right for man is wrong for woman. Pure reason, abstract right and wrong, have nothing to do with sex: they neither recognize nor know it. They teach that what is right or wrong for man is equally right and wrong for woman. Both sexes are bound by the same code of morals; both are amenable to the same divine law. Both have a right to do the best they can; or, to speak more justly, both should feel the duty, and have the opportunity, to do their best. Each must justify its existence by becoming a complete development of manhood and womanhood; and each should refuse whatever limits or dwarfs that development.

  • af Anurag Passi
    318,95 kr.

    TB Drug Repurposing with Network Pharmacology, is an authoritative guide that explores the use of network pharmacology and pharmacogenomics for the repurposing of drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis. This book provides an overview of the current state of drug discovery and development for tuberculosis, and highlights the need for new approaches to combat the rising prevalence of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB). The book covers various aspects of drug discovery and development for TB, including drug targets, efficacy, safety, toxicity, side effects, and drug interactions. It also discusses the use of drug combinations and synergies to enhance drug efficacy and overcome drug resistance. The book explores the potential of network pharmacology to identify new drug targets and optimize drug combinations for TB treatment. In addition, the book delves into the mechanisms of drug action and resistance, and the importance of host-pathogen interactions in disease pathogenesis. It provides an overview of drug development pipeline, preclinical studies, and clinical trials for TB drug development. Overall, TB Drug Repurposing with Network Pharmacology is an essential resource for researchers, clinicians, and policymakers involved in the fight against tuberculosis. It provides valuable insights into the current challenges and opportunities in TB drug discovery and development, and offers a roadmap for the development of more effective and affordable TB treatments.

  • af Sahil Gupta
    223,95 kr.

    ""Evolution of the World Social Science - Volume 3: Future Horizons and Emerging Frontiers"" is a forward-thinking exploration of the future directions and emerging frontiers within the field of social science. Published by Manoj Publications, this volume takes readers on an exciting journey into the evolving landscape of social science research and practice.Drawing on cutting-edge research and innovative methodologies, this book examines the potential trajectories and transformative possibilities within social science. It delves into emerging topics such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, bioethics, global governance, and cultural hybridity, providing readers with a glimpse into the frontiers of social science inquiry.Through thought-provoking analysis and engaging narratives, ""Evolution of the World Social Science - Volume 3"" encourages readers to contemplate the ethical implications, interdisciplinary collaborations, and societal impacts of future social science research. It explores the ways in which social science can contribute to addressing complex global challenges, fostering sustainable development, and promoting social justice.This volume serves as an indispensable resource for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers envisioning the future of social science. It sparks critical conversations and inspires innovative approaches to understanding and shaping our ever-changing world.

  • af Sahil Gupta
    208,95 kr.

    Evolution of the World Social Science - Volume 2: Global Perspectives and Contemporary Debates"" is a captivating continuation of the exploration of social science's evolution on a global scale. Published by Manoj Publications, this volume delves into the contemporary landscape of social science, providing a comprehensive analysis of key global perspectives and ongoing debates.Building upon the foundations laid in Volume 1, this book delves into the interdisciplinary nature of social science, examining its role in addressing complex societal issues and global challenges. It offers a nuanced understanding of the dynamic interactions between individuals, communities, and institutions in an increasingly interconnected world.Through compelling case studies and thought-provoking analysis, ""Evolution of the World Social Science - Volume 2"" sheds light on current debates within the field, including topics such as inequality, migration, climate change, and digital societies. It explores diverse perspectives and methodologies, encouraging readers to critically engage with social science research and its implications for the modern world.This volume serves as an essential resource for students, researchers, and policymakers seeking a deeper understanding of the contemporary landscape of social science and its relevance in addressing the complexities of our globalized society.

  • af Valentin Jensen
    228,95 kr.

    Both men and women take pleasure in learning what their partners have planned for them in the future or what they might look forward to experiencing in the future. When the words are said in a moaned, yelled, whispered, or growled tone, the sensations are amplified, and they have the potential to reach new heights.This is a pretty thorough advice that will help you acquire confidence and feel free while attempting to spice things up in the bedroom with your partner or other intimate partner. This book, "MORE THAN JUST WORDS: HOW TO UNLEASH YOUR INNER SEDUCTRESS WITH DIRTY TALK WHETHER YOU ARE A BEGINNER OR A PRO," is a must read for everyone, regardless of what degree or talents you already possess, since it teaches you how to unleash your inner seductress with dirty talk.Both men and women take pleasure in learning what their partners have planned for them in the future or what they might look forward to experiencing in the future. When the words are said in a groaned, yelled, whispered, or growled tone, the feelings are amplified, and they have the potential to reach new heights. However, contrary to popular belief, it is not as "easy" as some people make it out to be. It is not sufficient to just yell out every profanity that your fellow sailors have taught you.Few couples are under the impression that negative communication might improve their connection in the long run. Many people have the misconception that it is an activity that is only reserved for persons who are wayward or sexually deviant. Even if they are beginning to feel more at ease with it, some people still choose not to use it because they are not yet completely at ease with it or they do not know where to begin.

  • af Bryon Patrick
    278,95 kr.

    Let's put our worries behind us, explore the world around us, and make this evening into the best night of your life. Learn how to improve your dating life and your intercourse lives by mastering the skill of chatting naughtily within the bedroom with the help of this article. This book will take you through, step by step, the process of learning how to study and become confident in the use of grimy speaking. It will also tell you of all the benefits, as well as the potential mistakes that you may make. You will find out how to make use of your imagination while also satisfying your partner if you read this book, and I can promise you that you will never longer regret your decision to do so.Have you found that your sexual life has become routine, uninteresting, or even monotonous? Do you want to learn how to rescue your sex life by learning how to speak inappropriately to your man?Have there been moments when you wanted to speak trash to your spouse but you simply weren't sure how to do it or when it was appropriate to do so?In the next section, you will learn how to dirty speak, as well as how to get your partner amped up and ready to go in the bedroom. READ THIS BOOK if you want a little bit extra to spice things up in the bedroom or if you want to fully rejuvenate your sex life. Both of these goals may be accomplished by reading this book. It will completely alter the course of your life.

  • - En grundbog til samfundsøkonomi - arbejdshæfte
    af Henrik Kureer
    248,95 kr.

    Arbejdshæftet rummer opgaver til 4. udgave af grundbogen ØkonomiNU.Opgaverne i arbejdshæftet følger gennemgangen af stof i de enkelte kapitler, men i denne 4. udgave er opgaverne struktureret mere tydeligt i forhold til sværhedsgrad, taksonomi og tidsomfang.Opgaverne er opdelt i fire hovedkategorier:Testopgaver er korte opgaver, der skal teste, om eleven kan huske og har forstået centrale begreber i det gennemgåede kapitel.Øvelsesopgaver er større opgaver, der indeholder mere komplicerede problemstillinger end testopgaverne. Hensigten med øvelserne er at træne eleven i at bearbejde informationer, analysere samfundsøkonomiske sammenhænge samt pege på mulige løsninger på samfundsøkonomiske problemstillinger.Undersøgelsesopgaver forbereder eleven på større skriftlige opgaver, tværfaglige projekter samt ikke mindst de problembaserede opgaver mv., hvor eleven mere selvstændigt skal opsøge information samt bearbejde og analysere den.Repetitionsopgaver er placeret bagerst i det enkelte opgavekapitel. Eleven kan anvende dem til at repetere et læst kapitel.

  • af Karikoga
    208,95 kr.

    Get ready for a cannabis journey like no other in "Ganja: The Virgin Drug with a Wild Side"! Whether you're a curious novice or an experienced enthusiast, this book is your ultimate guide to uncovering the intriguing world of cannabis. Written in a light-hearted and accessible style, "Ganja" breaks down the science behind cannabis for readers with little to no medical or scientific background. Explore the proven benefits of cannabis, demystify the gray areas, and delve into the unknowns of this remarkable plant. With each turn of the page, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how cannabis can be both helpful and harmful, and how it impacts every facet of our society.Drawing from the latest research and expert insights, "Ganja" empowers you with the information you need to make informed decisions about cannabis. Discover how it affects fetuses, adults, and populations, and learn about the potential risks and benefits that come with its use.As Mahatma Gandhi wisely said, "Live as if you will die tomorrow and learn as if you were to live forever." With "Ganja," you're embarking on a learning adventure that will not only enrich your understanding of cannabis but also equip you with knowledge that can shape your choices and conversations for years to come.So, whether you're a curious individual seeking answers, an advocate aiming to spread accurate information, or just someone who loves a good, enlightening read, "Ganja: The Virgin Drug with a Wild Side" is a must-read.

  • af William I. Thomas
    188,95 kr.

    These studies have been published in various journals at different times. They are reprinted together because there is some demand for them, and they are not easily accessible. In preparing them for publication in the present form, some of them have been expanded and all of them have been revised. While each study is complete in itself, the general thesis running through all of them is the same, that the differences in bodily habit between men and women, particularly the greater strength, restlessness, and motor aptitude of man, and the more stationary condition of woman, have had an important influence on social forms and activities, and on the character and mind of the two sexes.

  • af Sheri van Dijk
    328,95 kr.

    Now a teen self-help classic, Don't Let Your Emotions Run Your Life for Teens has already helped more than 150,000 teen readers take charge of their emotions using proven-effective dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills. This fully revised and updated second edition offers teens even more strategies for managing difficult feelings, and includes new material on acceptance, overcoming shame, the role of values in emotion regulation, body-based practices for finding calm, and more.

  • af Meredith Staggers
    218,95 kr.

  • - din samfundsfagsbog
    af Ole Hedegaard Jensen, Maria Bruun Bundgaard & Thomas Secher Lund
    338,95 kr.

    Samf C – din samfundsfagsbog er en grundbog i samfundsfag til ungdomsuddannelserne.Bogen indeholder en række temaer, der tilsammen dækker læreplanens kernestof.Der fokuseres bl.a. på:Køn og ligestillingKultur og medborgerskab – politiske rettigheder og pligterDigital dannelse og sociale medierAccelerationssamfundetOpbrud i de politiske blokke.I denne 2. udgave er det faglige indhold opdateret – fx med sociologisk teori om accelerationssamfundet og med de seneste ændringer i partisystemet efter folketingsvalget i 2022.Alle kapitler indeholder læsefokusspørgsmål, øvelser, oversigt over kernebegreber og opgaver.

  • af Josephine Gabi
    523,95 - 1.128,95 kr.

  • af Mike Conley
    228,95 kr.

    Earth Is a Nuclear Planet is a book on nuclear energy unlike any other. It makes the reader feel like a genius by clearly explaining all the relevant basic science in a fun and entertaining way. Faced by the looming catastrophe of devastating climate change, more and more environmentalists and climate scientists are turning to nuclear power as the cleanest, safest, and ultimately least costly technology for generating the electricity we all need. But there are many myths and conceptions about nuclear energy, irresponsibly hyped by the sensational media, which require to be understood, debunked, and cleared away. Earth Is a Nuclear Planet goes through all these myths and misconceptions, carefully noting all the fallacies and misunderstandings which plague discussion of the energy options confronting humankind. Mike Conley and Tim Maloney, two superbly talented popular writers, have spent years questioning a select panel of leading scientists to arrive at a fresh and luminous understanding of the issues surrounding nuclear power. All their factual claims are documented with abundant citations, which some readers will readily skip while others will follow them up. Every scientific claim made in the book has been checked and rechecked a dozen times by fully accredited experts. On the issue of nuclear safety, Conley and Maloney pay special attention to the notorious accidents, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima, identifying the misconceptions which prevail, and spotlighting many surprising facts along the way. "Fears of nuclear energy are often completely backward. For example, should a person be more afraid of a radioactive material with a long half-life or a short half-life? Anti-nuclear propaganda encourages more fear of the long half-life material. "It's going to be radioactive for a million years!" Actually, something that will continue to be radioactive for a long time means it isn't very radioactive right now. All other things being equal (size of sample, type of radiation) material with a short half-life is more dangerous. "I have always known the half-life example of mistaken fear, but I was amazed to see how many examples the authors of Earth Is a Nuclear Planet found. Writing this book must have been an amazing research project. It has 60 pages of endnotes plus 30 pages of supplements. The supplements are more detailed explanations of things like calculations of mining wastes. By relegating some of the heavy-duty material to a separate section, the authors made the main part of the book very readable. "For example, the book has several chapters on the Linear No Threshold (LNT) theory: the title of one chapter is 'No Safe Dose of BS'. LNT claims that there is 'no safe dose' of radiation. Since life on Earth includes background radiation, I guess we are all going to die. Wait, . . . wait, . . . we ARE all going to die! But not of the effects of radiation. "The authors explain that BS in the chapter title means Bad Science. (Of course, it does. Why didn't I notice that?) For me, reading this book was enjoyable as well as informative. "We live on a planet with a great deal of natural radioactivity. There are also many ways in which radioactive material can be used for human health and happiness. This comprehensive book is a guide to our nuclear planet and our nuclear future. Please read it!"Meredith Angwin, author of Shorting the Grid

  • af Maura Rivero
    193,95 kr.

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