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Undervisningsmidler: erhvervsfag

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  • af Angela Williams
    183,95 kr.

    Intimacy is a crucial component to healthy relationships. Many survivors of child sexual abuse suffer with intimacy, self-image, and healthy sexual relationships. Learn practical tools in a faith-based context how intimacy can be restored, and relationships can thrive, most importantly your marriage.

  • af Angela Williams
    183,95 kr.

    For the adult survivor child sexual abuse is a devastating and debilitating trauma, whether it was a one-time occurrence or happened frequently over many years. When you break your silence, healing can begin. When you release the power, the secret has held over you, often for many years, it helps understand that you were a child, and you had no power. God wants to heal those wounds. Learn a biblical based approachto break your silence and travel the path of healing. Step out of the darkness and into the light of victory, relinquishing the shame and guilt associated with being sexually abused as a child and clothe yourself with the love of Christ.

  • af Kathy Moore
    78,95 kr.

    This book describes the 1 year+ adventure of the most interesting or humorous happenings as a single working mom with breast cancer. My objective when writing was to appeal to other cancer patients and their families and to hopefully bring them entertainment at the expense of my (temporary) bad luck through the process._________________I hope this book brings smiles and some chuckles to those of you out there fighting cancer. Laughter was definitely something I wanted and needed while going through it myself. Boredom and discomfort are not a good combination, and those of you going through treatments know what I mean. Try and make the best of your situation. Everyone's environment is different. As for myself, I'm a single mother. On top of that, any family members I have are a couple of states away. But, I have been blessed to have a great church family that prayed for me and some members that also offered practical help. So, don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Also, make sure you're eating healthy (natural/organic foods preferably), hydrating yourself...and, of course, laughing whenever possible. Find humor in whatever you can...sitcoms, comedy movies, and enjoyable people to be around. Laughter IS the best medicine. Perhaps you will at least find my bad luck entertaining.

  • af Yvonne Patricia Stewart-Williams
    293,95 kr.

    Since my almost two months imprisonment in 2009 for her non-violent harassment, followed by almost three months of locked ward psychiatric hospital impatient stay, nine months on leave from my full- t ime employment, which led to my being redeployed to another post, in Waterloo, Lambeth with a new Specialism of 'Digital Inclusion' for our hostel of all ages adult Criminal Justice System entrenched, parents and none - engaged in multiple varying faiths and none, mixed gender, races, disabilities, education, nationalities and sexuality clients, with multiple poly addictions and alcohol usage, mental health, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and male, female and transgender sex industry and begging employment; with non gender specific sex addiction, and histories of domestic violence and rape. In addition, I experienced a nine month estrangement from my nine year old biological only child; my only contact with C these days is to be frequently perusing her online activities FaceBook; Vimeo; YouTube; Soundcloud; Twitter; plus her Websites and blogs.

  • af Nancy Houston
    193,95 kr.

    Your sexuality is a gift from God. God made you sexual for a purpose. I invite you to move past your pride, hurt, and prejudices, and discover all God was saying when He made you a woman.

  • af Vanessa McCarthy
    208,95 kr.

    Vanessa McCarthy is the director and creator of Valid8ed(TM)️ and Prickly2sweet(TM)️ and she shares her expertise in this vocational assessment guide.

  • - Flette og Make-up guide
    af Annette Collin
    165,95 kr.

    Annette Collin er frisør og makeupartist og aktiv viking fra Danmark. Dette er hendes anden bog om de smukke vikingefletninger i hendes tre-bogs serie “Vikingeflet”;VikingefletSkjoldmøen & VikingenOldnordisk Flet – på en ny måde Annette Collins' bøger kan ses på hylderne på vikingemuseer i Danmark, Norge og Sverige samt på autentiske vikingemarkeder og festivaler i Norden.I denne bog er Annette Collin vendt tilbage til vikingetiden og hentet inspiration fra vikingetiden og endnu en gang skabt en flettebog, som begyndere og øvede kan lære at flette deres hår på nye måder.Desuden indeholder bogen som noget nyt tips og tricks til at påføre vikingekriger & skjoldmøens ansigtsudsmykning bestående af de smukke oldnordiske symboler.Der er også vejledning til at lave smukke uldbånd til at flette i håret, uldbåndene er slynget på slyngstokker.Der er desuden vejledning til at flette håret med de smukke vikinge perler.Denne bog indeholder 20 helt nye og unikke smukke flet med lette step-by-step brugsvejledninger skrevet i et letforståeligt sprog.Rigt illustreret med mange smukke billeder af kvinder og mænd i vikinge tøj og flettet hår giver bogen dig inspiration og letforståelige instruktioner til at flette både historiske fletninger og moderne fletninger baseret på ældgamle nordiske traditioner.Udover mange spændende ideer til fletning, giver bogen dig også inspirerende eksempler på andre typer vikinge udsmykning, der tager udgangspunkt i den gammelnordiske tradition.Og så kan den gamle nordiske æstetik i ovenstående kategorier leve videre i vore dages hår – på en ny måde.Derudover indeholder bogen historiske fakta sider med de autentiske fund fra det stolte nordiske hårflettehåndværk.Bogen er en god begynderbog til kvinder, mænd, drenge og piger.Bogen er også en fantastisk lærebog for enhver lærer eller facilitator, der ønsker at skabe en workshop for elever og publikum.Hver fletning er kendetegnet ved sin sværhedsgrad; “Let”, “Mellem” og “Svær” og hvor lang tid det tager at flette og de ting du skal bruge.På de historiske fakta sider kan du læse, hvilke historiske kilder Annette Collin brugte som inspiration til sine vikingefletter;"Freya, vikingernes gudinde", Freja havde et symbol ligesom Thor og Odin. Odin havde sit ene øje, og Thor havde sin berømte hammer, Mjölnir, og man mener, at Frejas kendetegn var hendes hår og fletninger. Det fantastiske fund af "Sven Tveskægs mønt". Som den første danske konge fik han omkring 995 præget en mønt med sit eget billede, sandsynligvis i Haithabu (kilde 2). Et kryds var præget på den anden side af mønten.Derudover kan du også læse den berømte skriftlige kilde af den arabiske rejsende At-Tartushi, der besøgte Hedeby omkring 950 e.Kr. og nedskrev sine oplevelser med at møde vikingerne og deres udseende. God fornøjelse ❤️Annette Collin

  • af Alastair Pearce
    216,95 kr.

    Nur wenige Organisationen können heute ohne kontinuierliche Innovation gedeihen. Dieses Buch zeigt auf, wie man mit mehr Kreativität am Arbeitsplatz dieses Ziel erreichen kann. Nicht nur Manager*innen lernen hier, das optimale organisatorische Umfeld für Innovation zu schaffen, denn berufliche und persönliche Beziehungen können Kreativität fördern oder ersticken. Kreative Kolleg*innen lernen so, zu verstehen und zu definieren, welches Arbeitsumfeld sie brauchen, um ihre innovativsten Arbeiten zu produzieren.

  • af Judith Adams
    147,95 kr.

    Set your students on track to achieve the best grade possible with My Revision Notes: Level 1 / Level 2 Cambridge Nationals in Child Development.

  • af Ben Christopherson, Ketharanathan Vasanthan, Gary Farrelly, mfl.
    443,95 kr.

  • af Mary Wrobel
    188,95 kr.

    "Toilet training can be a battleground for parents and children. In this book, Mary Wrobel offers a detailed roadmap for success, based on over twenty five years of experience. Easy-to-read bulleted lists offer effective do's and don'ts, along with real-life examples. Learn, among other things, how to overcome fear of the bathroom, teach to use toilet paper, flush and wash up and deal with toileting in unfamiliar environments"--

  • af Judith Adams
    97,95 kr.

    Develop the vital skills students need to achieve the best results possible in their Health and Social Care exams, with this expert-written Exam Practice Workbook.

  • - Et puf til 55+ som drømmer om at nyt arbejdsliv
    af Bodil Pedersen
    118,95 kr.

  • af Matthew Wrigley
    318,95 kr.

    This popular Student Book has been revised and updated in line with WJEC's new Level 1/2 Technical Award specification for first teaching from September 2022. Written by an experienced Engineering teacher and examiner, it offers high quality support you can trust.

  • af Tina Tilmouth
    428,95 kr.

    The City & Guilds Textbook Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Adult Care: Second Edition is a comprehensive guide authored by Tina Tilmouth. This book, published in 2023, belongs to the genre of educational literature and is a must-have for those seeking to excel in the field of adult care management. Tilmouth, with her expertise and knowledge, provides a structured pathway to understanding the nuances of leadership and management in adult care. The second edition of this book, published by Hodder Education, incorporates the latest trends and best practices in the industry. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the field, this book will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead and manage effectively in an adult care setting.

  • af Vatsyayana
    208,95 kr.

    The Kama Sutra The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian Sanskrit text on sexuality, eroticism and emotional fulfillment in life. Attributed to Vātsyāyana, the Kama Sutra is neither exclusively nor predominantly a sex manual on sex positions, but written as a guide to the "art-of-living" well, the nature of love, finding a life partner, maintaining one's love life, and other aspects pertaining to pleasure-oriented faculties of human life.Kamasutra is the oldest surviving Hindu text on erotic love. It is a sutra-genre text with terse aphoristic verses that have survived into the modern era with different bhasya (exposition and commentaries). The text is a mix of prose and anustubh-meter poetry verses. The text acknowledges the Hindu concept of Purusharthas, and lists desire, sexuality, and emotional fulfillment as one of the proper goals of life. Its chapters discuss methods for courtship, training in the arts to be socially engaging, finding a partner, flirting, maintaining power in a married life, when and how to commit adultery, sexual positions, and other topics. The majority of the book is about the philosophy and theory of love, what triggers desire, what sustains it, and how and when it is good or bad.The text is one of many Indian texts on Kama Shastra. It is a much-translated work in Indian and non-Indian languages. The Kamasutra has influenced many secondary texts that followed after the 4th-century CE, as well as the Indian arts as exemplified by the pervasive presence Kama-related reliefs and sculpture in old Hindu temples. Of these, the Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh is a UNESCO world heritage site. Among the surviving temples in north India, one in Rajasthan sculpts all the major chapters and sexual positions to illustrate the Kamasutra. According to Wendy Doniger, the Kamasutra became "one of the most pirated books in English language" soon after it was published in 1883 by Richard Burton. This first European edition by Burton does not faithfully reflect much in the Kamasutra because he revised the collaborative translation by Bhagavanlal Indrajit and Shivaram Parashuram Bhide with Forster Arbuthnot to suit 19th-century Victorian tastes.

  • af Jim Guilkey
    168,95 kr.

    Create a true competitive advantage with new kind of learning. Today's companies don't view training-or learning-in the same light they do sales and marketing. When the learning needs of your company are designed, developed, and deployed using innovative, highly effective instructional design methodologies, the results can be as meaningful as those derived from sales and marketing activities. In other words, effective learning is the new competitive advantage. In Jim Guilkey's, M-Pact Learning: The New Competitive Advantage, readers will ¿ understand what traditional training is and why it is ineffective, ¿ learn about M-Pact Learning and how it differs from traditional training, and ¿ learn how M-Pact Learning can be used within your organization to create a true competitive advantage. The M-Pact Learning methodology allows the creation of innovative, highly effective learning solutions that will provide readers with a new edge for their organizations.

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