Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Børn og unge: personlige og sociale emner: følelser

Her finder du spændende bøger om Børn og unge: personlige og sociale emner: følelser. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 1.000 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Frygt, angst, glæde, sammenhold, sorg, empati, fremmedgørelse, frustration, osv.
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  • af Pia Ryding
    198,95 kr.

    Fra bagsiden:Åge går på Kålormestuen. Han kan bedst lide at lege sine egne lege, men så en dag starter der en ny pige på stuen …Bog til højtlæsning og hygge.Åge & Elo er en serie om to højt begavede, meget forskellige børn og deres dagligdag i børnehaven. Højt begavede børn er børn som alle andre, og tematikkerne vil ofte være generelle og relaterbare også for børn i al almindelighed.Denne bog handler om at have egne yndlingslege, ensomhed og at få en ven.

  • af Line Kyed Knudsen
    46,95 - 82,95 kr.

    Lærke siger, at hun har en hund derhjemme. Den vil Alberte gerne se. Men da hun kommer hjem til Lærke, er der ingen hund. Lyver Lærke? Alberte bliver sur på hende."Alberte i børnehave" er en serie bøger for de mindste om at gå i børnehave. Både på dumme dage og på gode dage.Line Kyed Knudsen (f. 1971) har skrevet en lang række børne- og ungdomsbøger i forskellige genrer. Hun er uddannet Cand.merc. i Human Ressource Management, men allerede som barn drømte hun om at blive forfatter. Hun debuterede i 2003 med "Pigerne fra Nordsletten".

  • - Ælle Bælle nr. 348
    af Line Kyed Knudsen
    49,50 kr.

    En serie til alle børn, der går i børnehave - på både gode og mindre gode dage! Her i det mindre Ælle-Bælle format.Alberte har en rigtig dum morgen. Der er ikke noget, der er sjovt eller rart. Hun vil ikke have, at far går, hun vil ikke spise med de andre, hun vil ikke lege med nogen. Hun vil bare hjem. Heldigvis er der andre i børnehaven, som har en god dag, og med lidt hjælp fra dem, begynder Alberte snart at hygge sig rigtig meget i børnehaven. Faktisk har hun helt glemt, at det var en dum dag.Bøgerne er gennemillustreret af Jan Solheim i en sød og sjov streg, der på fineste vis afspejler børnenes følelser over for de udfordringer, de møder, når de ikke er derhjemme. Bøgerne i serien tager hver især fat i emner, udfordringer og oplevelser, som de fleste børn, forældre og pædagoger kender fra hverdagen i børnehaven. Serien er skrevet ud fra barnets perspektiv. Alle bøgerne kan læses uafhængigt af hinanden.Andre Ælle Bælle-bøger i serien Alberte i børnehave:En dum dagJeg vil kun lege med SofiaPå turDu lyver!Fra ca. 3 år.

  • af Kristen Crowhurst
    238,95 kr.

    No Matter What is a beautifully illustrated book for both children and parents that playfully explores the concept of unconditional love and the power of mindfulness in achieving this.

  • af Aaron Chan
    198,95 kr.

    A young girl goes to all the places her brother Cody and his ex used to go in an attempt to collect the pieces of Cody's broken heart, as she learns how to support a loved one.

  • af Taylor Tracy
    208,95 kr.

    "Perfect for fans of Rebecca Stead, Natalie Lloyd, and Jasmine Warga, this beautiful novel in verse explores one girl's struggle to regain her magic after a hurricane forces her to move away from her beloved ocean that, she believes, has given her special powers"--

  • af Matt Phelan
    198,95 kr.

    When one of Plum's peachick wards fall into the hands of the notorious Bickle brats, he and his friends at the Athensville Zoo set out to rescue her.

  • af Kristiana Kahakauwila
    208,95 kr.

    Freaky Friday meets 11 Before 12 in Clairboyance, a middle grade novel with a touch of magic which follows Clara, a girl whose life is turned upside down when she discovers that she has boy-specific ESP abilities.

  • af Nina Hamza
    208,95 kr.

    "When a seventh grader's favorite tree gets toilet-papered, it's the catalyst for either her worst or best summer ever. Sammy's school year was terrible. Not only did her former best friend, Kiera, dump her, but she even became Sammy's bully. But the last day of school seems to set the tone for a summer that Sammy dreads. The beautiful maple in front of her house that she loves to sit in and read is T.P.'d, upsetting the whole family, especially Imran, her autistic 7-year-old brother. After Sammy mentions prejudice as a possible motive, Imran becomes fixated on the idea that they've been targeted because they're Indian American and Muslim. Making things worse, Sammy's parents and older sister, Zaara, will be visiting India, while Sammy will stay behind with Imran and Umma, their grandmother. But things start looking up when a new girl moves in nearby. Alice and Sammy become fast friends until Kiera tries to split them apart. What Sammy doesn't anticipate is how the power of Umma's quiet strength and compassion will transform not only Sammy herself, but the whole community"--

    114,95 kr.

    Karlas fantalastiske følelsesstafet er en historie, der viser, hvordan vi påvirker hinanden med vores humør, når vi er sammen. I en sjov og genkendelig fortælling giver Karla og hendes venner en følelse videre til hinanden - nogle gange med vilje, andre gange helt utilsigtet. Men i Karlas klasse er der heldigvis plads til både store, små og fantalastiske følelser.Mød Karla og alle hendes fantalastiske klassekammerater fra FredagsTamTam i en sjov historie om, hvordan vores følelser påvirker hinanden.Bogen er skrevet af Pernille Bønløkke Toustrup og gennemillustreret i farver af Martin Jørgensen, baseret på animationsserien, Karlas fantalastiske klasse, der er skabt af Tor Fruergaard og Michael Hegner, kendt fra DR.

  • af Lise Villadsen
    138,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Max er halvvejs gennem 1.g og har altid været mere optaget af stjerner og galakser, end fester og venner. Hans mor er bekymret og lover ham et kørekort, hvis han tilmelder sig en gruppe for ensomme unge. Max er hurtig til at stemple de fire andre som tabere, men da en ny pige tilslutter sig gruppen ændrer alting sig. Sylvia er alvorligt syg: Hvis ikke hun får et nyt hjerte, inden sommeren er ovre, dør hun. Alle i gruppen bliver tvunget til at se på sig selv og på livet med nye øjne. Men tiden er imod dem, og det samme er universet: For hvordan undgår man at ødelægge alting, når man har et sort hul indeni? Om forfatteren:Lise Villadsen (f. 1985) debuterede med "Tigerhjerte" i 2018. Forfatterskabet kredser ofte om familier, venskab og romantisk kærlighed. Hendes skrivestil er kendetegnet ved en særlig let og varm tone, der får både unge og voksne til at læse med. Romanen "Kvantespring" (2020) er solgt til 8 lande bl.a. England og Tyskland.

  • af Kiara Wilson
    283,95 kr.

    Join author, Kiara Wilson in a new series called "Amazing Affirmations.""Mistakes Are How I Learn" is a rhyming story that involves SEL, social emotional learning.This story will help your child know that he/she is not alone when facing defeat. Tamara shares what she does when confronted with challenges. Developed to engage children, Wilson's stories will empower children with the affirmations to overcome obstacles.With Tamara in examples children can identify with, your child will learn to develop resilience.Amazing Affirmations is the best new seriesMistakes are how I learn.I will get there soon.I'll keep dreaming big.Even if it's flying to the moon...."Mistakes Are How I Learn" was written for preschool, grade school, and children of all ages.

  • af Doctor Joe
    208,95 kr.

    This book encourages children to imagine that flowers can have feelings too, just as they do. About the Author:Doctor Joe is the pen name of Dr. Joseph N. DeLuca, MD, PhD, who is a retired clinical psychologist and primary care physician. He has written seven books for adults that enhance psychological health and wellness, and has also published numerous studies in professional journals. In addition, Doctor Joe has published books for children to enhance their psychological health. His other children's books are It's Fun to Be Kind, It's Fun to Never Ever Give Up, It's Fun to Use Your Imagination, and It's Fun to See What Is So Silly About That.

  • af Pam Cantone
    278,95 kr.

    How Do You Fix a Bad Day? We can all relate to a bad day.From big to small, life delivers obstacles and frustrations that stir our emotions daily. Certainly, seeing the good can be challenging at any age as feelings rush in, take control of our thoughts, and affect our actions. Understanding the complicated connection of feelings, choices, and consequences is challenging, but yet so important for the youngest of young.This children's conversation and picture book creatively invites the reader into the process of a powerful pause, one that inspires intentional thinking, reasoning, and discussions about important emotions, decisions, and what-ifs. Critical social and emotional thinking, problem-solving, self-reflection, and more are blended within the pages of this book to provide opportunities for intentional conversations and learning for everyone.May you take the time to PAUSE and enjoy a moment to inspire A GOOD DAY.

  • af Karen Brough
    183,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Glo Rose
    163,95 kr.

    As adults, we experience it all the time. When we open a gift, start a new job, take a trip, or meet a new person. We hope that any of these events, and many more, will make us feel great. That they will enrich the happiness in our lives.In 'Dad, How Do I Hope?', experience how a dad explains hope to his son in everyday activities and experiences. Hearing the dad's explanation, his son learns what hope can mean to him, even at a young age.

  • af Susan Downing
    183,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Stephanie Weaver
    163,95 - 248,95 kr.

  • af Stephanie Weaver
    163,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Zada Luby
    178,95 kr.

    A young girl hurled into a storm, engulfed by a woefully gloomy mire, though downtrodden, she sees the light at the end of the tunnel. She clawed through treacherous trenches, swam amongst troubled waters, and narrowly escaped the harrowing winds swirling her mind. The mental and emotional bandwidth of her father and others who cared for her coupled with her own resilience guides her through whirlwind after whirlwind. Much like a game of chess, the pieces of her life are expertly placed in her favor, protecting her as she finally nears the end of this horrific game.

  • af Alma Fullerton
    148,95 kr.

    This sweet picture book follows the day in the life child whose anxiety seems to fill their days. Letting go is so hard to do and worry weighs down every step. Even walking on the beach is difficult until finding a glimmer of hope among the rocks helps to make the day brighter. With a piece of sea glass found, the worries seem to melt away. Pockets Full of Sea Glass is a wonderful introduction of the mindfulness children can achieve by spending time in nature, one piece of sea glass at a time. visit acornpresscanada.com

  • af Sarah Halley
    252,95 kr.

    Join Billy, a curious little boy who loves to read, as he faces a big problem that leaves him feeling lost and worried. Will he ignore it, or will he face his worries head-on?Follow along as Billy learns that the answer to his problem might have been there all along.

  • af Lucy Cooley
    113,95 - 204,95 kr.

  • af Alexandra Dalton
    178,95 kr.

  • af Elisabeth Broby Reppel
    68,95 kr.

    Økomusens Male- & Opgavebog er ligesom Økomusen-bøgerne skabt af Elisabeth Reppel. Malebogen indeholder tegninger og opgaver inspireret af de første tre bøger om Økomusen: Økomusen tager cyklen (feb. 2023). Økomusen sparer på energien (okt. 2023). Økomusen genbruger (feb. 2024). Hvis du har lyst, kan du farvelægge tegningerne, mens fortællingerne læses op, og du kan udfordre dig selv med de seks små sjove opgaver, der er i bogen. Herunder en opskrift på et hjemmelavet sokkedyr.

  • af Emily Madill
    128,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af Emily Madill
    423,95 kr.

    The Captain Joe Series© was designed as a tool for adults to teach children about constructive imagination. The four stories are a fun and interactive way to introduce the concept of "Thoughts Turn into Things, so Choose the Ones that Make you Happy" to young children, ages five to nine years. Joe and his thought-zapping superpower will invite children to use their imaginations to constructively choose thoughts that promote healthy self-esteem and self-awareness. Each of the four stories is designed to teach a key concept. This 108 page full color collection includes the complete text of all 4 books in the series. Captain Joe to the Rescue is the first book in the series and introduces Joe and the concept of his 'thought-zapping superpower'. Children will be captivated by Joe and his encounter with Wilfred the friendly wizard. Wilfred presents Joe with a special wand that helps him take charge of his thoughts by ZAPPING away his unhappy thoughts and replacing them with ones that are happy. This introductory book is a great way to begin discussions with children around thoughts, attitudes and personal power in shaping them. Captain Joe Saves the Day is the second book in the series and is a lesson in how purposeful thinking can help eliminate self-limiting beliefs. Children will discover what happens when Joe uses his invisible 'thought-zapping' wand to save himself from his swampy pit thoughts. After giving in to his self-doubt and disappointment, Joe learns the importance of speaking up and taking an active role in reaching his dreams of becoming a soccer goalie. Most everyone can recall a time in their lives where they held themselves back from what they really wanted because they were afraid they wouldn't measure up; this story is a great way to open discussions around this valuable life lesson in a basic and appealing way kids will relate to. Captain Joe's Gift is the third book in the series and teaches children about the importance of being authentic and believing in themselves. Children will discover what happens when Joe uses his 'thought zapping superpower' to reveal his special gift. Readers are encouraged to recognize and embrace their own unique traits. This story will leave children feeling confident and proud to share their own special gifts and abilities with the world. It's a great way to introduce discussions with children around anti-bullying and celebrating our differences. Captain Joe's Choice is the fourth book in the series and teaches children that when we choose happy thoughts that feel good, we set ourselves up to attract more happy thoughts and positive outcomes into our lives. Readers will witness Joe's starring role on the big screen and how his thoughts and choices influence the different outcomes. Joe uses his 'thought zapping superpower' to help him reach the end result he wants. This story is a great introduction to discussions around the power of our thoughts and choices in creating our happiness.

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