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Børn og unge: personlige og sociale emner: at leve med sygdom og kroniske tilstande

Her finder du spændende bøger om Børn og unge: personlige og sociale emner: at leve med sygdom og kroniske tilstande. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 990 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Use for: titles aimed either at young people who are suffering themselves or dealing with someone else suffering from one of these conditions.
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  • af Kathrine Assels
    278,95 kr.

    Franka frygter meteornedslag, meningitis, kødædende bakterier, jordfaldshuller og at være blevet gjort gravid af gymnasiets fuckboy, Theo. Hun fortæller ingen om sine katastrofetanker, men forsøger i stedet at få ro på ved at føre et slags katalog over dem. Nogle gange føler hun sig som den snegl, hendes far har fortalt om, Ensomme Georg, det sidste eksemplar af sin art. Men så er der heldigvis Sander, 2. g’er og lægesøn, som Franka fantaserer om at blive reddet af. Og muligvis en puma på fri fod i lokalområdet. Kathrine Assels debuterede i 2008 med romanen Snydeæg. Hun har siden skrevet en lang række bøger for både børn, unge og voksne. Blandt andre YA-romanen Tarantino Roadtrip samt Mester Ester, der modtog Kulturministeriets Børnebogspris.

  • - around you and me
    af Anna Świetlik-Horodecka
    148,95 kr.

    A Secret Life Around You & Me by Anna Świetlik-Horodecka is an invitation to stop, look around, imagine, and feel. It portrays the world as a magical and colorful place, supported by whimsical and unique illustrations.Have you ever looked around and imagined what all those little things you see would do or say to us?Anna did. And in the book she shares what she saw… It is a collection of illustrations with charming, sweet, and meaningful descriptions of A secret life around you and me. They show how we can appreciate and cherish simple things, moments, and emotions that we can experience every day, in every season.

  • - omkring dig og mig
    af Anna Świetlik-Horodecka
    118,95 kr.

    Livets hemmelige glæder – omkring dig og mig af Anna Świetlik-Horodecka er Årets Værtindegave. Det er en invitation til at stoppe op, se sig omkring, forestille sig og at føle. Den viser verden som et magisk og farverigt sted, som de finurlige og unikke illustrationer underbygger.Har du nogensinde stoppet op, kigget dig omkring og forestillet dig, hvad alle de små ting, du ser, ville lave med os eller sige til os?Det har Anna. Og i bogen deler hun, hvad hun så… Det er en samling af illustrationer med charmerende, søde og meningsfulde beskrivelser fra Livets hemmelige glæder, som vi kan finde omkring os. De viser, hvordan vi kan værdsætte og værne om enkle ting, øjeblikke og følelser, som vi kan opleve hver dag, hver sæson.

  • - BB
    af Alexander Kielland Krag
    368,95 kr.

    MAN KAN TÆNKE SIG TIL “SORG”, FORESTILLE SIG “SORG”, MEN NU ER DEN DER, SORGEN, OG ALT DET, MAN HAVDE FORESTILLET SIG, BLEGNER.Jakob er død, 17 år gammel. Tilbage står hans bedste ven, Lucas, og Jakobs ekskæreste, Emma, som på hver deres måde prøver at finde vej gennem sorgen.Kunne de have forhindret Jakobs selvmord? Burde de have indset, at der var noget galt? Kan man nogensinde få det godt igen, når tabet føles så stort? Bliver det aldrig bedre?ALDRIG BEDRE er en mørk, sørgelig og håbefuld ungdomsroman om sorg, om kærlighed og om at finde en vej videre.

  • af Sue Rinaldi
    175,95 kr.

    "A gentle story that offers support and may help allay some fears." - Kirkus Reviews"It’s a very tidy SEL lesson, but includes a not very scary monster, a realistic and diverse classroom setting, and a cheerful heroine who just needs a little nudge to live her best life." - School Library JournalSuzie loves to sing and dance and read and dream, but she prefers to do these things alone. Because when she feels other children are watching her, Blush shows up. At school, Suzie can usually hide Blush well, but when the teacher asks her a question one day, Suzie notices that her cheeks suddenly start to glow . . .This captivating story delves into themes of embarrassment, self-confidence, and overcoming insecurities. Through Suzie's journey, readers witness her struggle with managing her emotions and the 'blush' that holds her back. As Suzie learns to confront her fears, the illustrations cleverly depict the shrinking presence of her blush, making it easier for children to grasp this abstract concept.With its relatable narrative and engaging artwork, Suzie and Blush not only entertains but also educates young readers about managing emotions and building self-confidence.A heartwarming picture book about a shy girl who overcomes her insecurities. For children ages 5 years and up.

  • af Adam Ciccio
    213,95 kr.

    The newest addition to the Healthy Minds series about loving and knowing yourself, because you yourSELF are unique! For children aged 5 years and up. What exactly is your SELF? Your SELF is you, the you inside. It’s all of your thoughts and feelings, everything you are and everything you want to be. It can change throughout the years, but it will always be exceptional, wonderful, and rare. Because remember: there’s only one SELF for every YOU! Your Very Own Self is a beautiful addition to the Healthy Minds series, authored by US-based mental health professional Adam Ciccio. Through relatable stories and insightful tips drawn from his own experiences in outpatient mental health care, Ciccio explores the daily obstacles and mental health of young children, providing valuable insights for both children and adults alike.With Adam Ciccio's expertise in mental health care and his compassionate approach to storytelling, Your Very Own Self offers a strong reminder that each person's unique identity deserves love, acceptance, and celebration. A must-read for anyone seeking to foster positive self-esteem and resilience in young minds.

  • af Nyanda Foday
    88,95 kr.

  • af Sara Furlong
    135,95 kr.

    Discover the captivating sequel to the acclaimed Every Brain is Beautiful series with "Your Beautiful Brain and Anxiety"! Delve into a heartwarming journey alongside Ello as they navigate the intricacies of Anxiety in a gentle and Neurodiversity-affirming narrative. Perfect for newly diagnosed children, their siblings, and classmates, this book celebrates the beauty of diverse minds. Explore what makes each brain special and unique in a way that fosters understanding and acceptance. Embrace the power of empathy and education with "Your Beautiful Brain and Anxiety" - a must-read for anyone touched by Anxiety.

  • af Vicki Jones
    138,95 kr.

    A magical story to help children understand and overcome anxiety.Vicki is an experienced psychotherapist who has worked over the years with many young people suffering various anxiety disorders. She has found many of these anxieties have been the result of feeling unworthy or even being victims of bullying.¿Anna and the Snow globe is the story of Anna, a young girl who is lonely and bullied. The main bully becomes very jealous when David a boy she has secretly adored befriends Anna. The magic of an angel in a snow globe David gives to Anna allows glimpses of the future giving her the opportunity to change her life.¿While providing a magical tale of hope and excitement the book also explains not just why overwhelming feelings of anxiety manifest but how. Most importantly it also provides strategies to manage and eventually overcome it.¿Vicki's approach has helped children overcome their anxieties and empowered them to handle conflict assertively, which generalises into everyday life situations.¿The mother of grown-up twins Vicki lives in Warwickshire. She is passionate about the well-being of children and has provided help to many children in primary and secondary education.

  • af Becky Hemsley
    180,95 kr.

    A poem for all the dreamers among us, but especially little ones. A Billion Dreams is a gentle poem to remind us to dream big, and to keep hold of our dreams no matter what. Calming and soothing in tone with beautiful illustrations filled with details to explore, A Billion Dreams is the perfect bedtime read.A thoughtful gift for every occasion - birthdays, Christenings, and baby showers!By the same author and illustrator who brought you the book Breathe.

  • af Hemsley
    103,95 kr.

    A poem for all the dreamers among us, but especially little ones. A Billion Dreams is a gentle poem to remind us to dream big, and to keep hold of our dreams no matter what. Calming and soothing in tone with beautiful illustrations filled with details to explore, A Billion Dreams is the perfect bedtime read.A thoughtful gift for every occasion - birthdays, Christenings, and baby showers!From the author and illustrator who brought you Breathe.

  • af Roza Vivan
    88,95 - 168,95 kr.

    Ro og nærvær kan gavne børn på alle områder af deres liv og hjælpe dem til at lære sig selv bedre at kende.Denne praksis hjælper børn fra 3-8 år til at håndtere stress og indre uro mere hensigtsmæssigt.Ro og nærvær handler om vores evne til at være mere opmærksomt til stede i livet.Vi oplever et stigende behov for dette, også blandt børn, fordi mange mennesker lever et liv uden dette opmærksomme nærvær i dagligdagen.Stressede børn har en nedsat indlæringsevne og ofte en nedsat livskvalitet.En ro- og nærværspraksis tilgodeser og betragter det hele menneske ud fra en grundtanke om, at vores fysiske velvære, sundhed og balance ikke kan adskilles fra vores følelsesmæssige og mentale velvære og sundhed.Denne praksis indeholder specielt tre elementer, nemlig vores evne til:at skabe indre ro, at flytte fokus fra sindet til hjertet og at leve med et større nærvær.

  • - Praksisfortællinger fra forældreskabet til et barn med en paranoid skizofreni
    af Isabella Fussing Hansen
    116,95 - 168,95 kr.

    Skizofreniens gidsel er en autentisk fortælling om hverdagslivet i familien med et barn med en paranoid skizofreni-diagnose. Bogen er skrevet af en mor med bidrag fra hendes teenagedatter med en paranoid skizofreni. På usentimental og ærlig vis beskrives det, hvordan man som familie kan gå sammen om psykosen, og hvordan man kan planlægge med psykosen. Med en faglig og hjertevarm tilgang indføres læseren i skizofreniens mange indtryk og udtryk. Med selvindsigt og åbenhed beskriver datteren, hvordan virkeligheden kan opløses, om hallucinationer, stemmer og tanker, der ikke er hendes egne. Det er en indvielse i forældrerollens ansvar, etiske dilemmaer, udfordringer. Den er om kunsten at bevare parforholdet og forankringen i sig selv. Det er fortællingen om mødet med velmene fjolser i vores sundheds- og velfærdssystem, og hvordan man som forældre pålægges en behandlerrolle. Det er historien om en helt almindelig teenagerfamilie og skizofrenien.

  • af Sofie Rasch
    233,95 kr.

  • af Terri Greer Bach
    213,95 kr.

    This book provides techniques to help your child learn to manage anxiety and worry, ages 5 through 12.¿

  • af Sharon Simon
    97,95 - 184,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Friis Pedersen & Sophie Cleve
    148,95 kr.

    SolsikkemysterietOskar er en nysgerrig dreng, der drømmer om at blive en stor detektiv.Hen over sommerferien opdager Oskar, sammen med sin hund Sherlock, En række personer, der bærer nøglesnore, bamser, badges og en masse andre ting, som alle har solsikker på.Hvad er det med de solsikker? Er der en sammenhæng mellem de mennesker Oskar møder, eller er det bare noget, han forestiller sig?Solsikkemysteriet er en spændende , informativ og underholdende bog, der lærer børn om usynlige handicap, og at forståelse, venlighed og tålmodighed kan gøre det usynlige synligt og skabe en verden, hvor alle føler sig set og støttet.Bogen er for alle børn i alderen 5-10 år og alle andre, der er nysgerrige på, hvad solsikken betyder.

  • af Lize Meddings
    220,95 kr.

    THE SAD GHOST CLUB er en hemmelig klub for dig, der nogle gange føler dig usynlig. Dig, hvis tanker fylder alt for meget og nogle gange stikker af med dig og gør dig usikker på dig selv. Du er ikke alene.Denne historie handler om, hvad der sker, når man har fundet sine sjælevenner ....For folk er fantastiske, men ... det er også indviklet at være sammen med dem, især når man er vant til at være alene.Meld dig ind i The Sad Ghost Club, og lær at tackle verden et skridt ad gangen.Til Heartstopper- og Jennifier Niven fans – og til alle dem, der har prøvet at føle sig alene.VÆR IKKE BANGE FOR AT TALE MED DINE VENNER OM SVÆRE TING.DET KAN FØLES SKRÆMMENDE, MEN DET ER DET HELE VÆRD.YOU GOT THIS, GHOSTIES!Lize Meddings har skrevet og illustreret THE SAD GHOST CLUB. Hun bor i Bristol, hvor hun arbejder med design og tegneserier og forsøger at skabe positiv opmærksomhed om, hvordan det mentale helbred påvirker os alle på forskellig vis.En virkelig fin og vigtig graphic novel holdt i sort/hvid og enkel i sin streg. Hovedpersonerne fremstår som spøgelser, med et lagen over hovederne, hvilket effektfuldt underbygger og beskriver følelsen af at være usynlig, og om ikke at føle sig som en del af fællesskabet. Ikke at blive set og hørt. En fortælling om håb, om at finde andre, som man kan spejle sig i og åbne sig for. Anbefales helt klar til såvel ungdomshylderne som til PLC.Lektørudtalelsen på første bind

  • af Astrid Lindgren
    138,95 kr.

    Be more Pippi Longstocking with this empowering book packed with extracts and activities, carefully chosen to help you achieve your goals and live your best life.

  • af Ea Korsborg
    223,95 kr.

    Jeg har aldrig været stærkere er en biografisk selvhjælpsbog skrevet af Ea Korsborg. Om at vænne sig til et liv med kronisk sygdom og kæmpe for at bevare livskvalitet, familieliv og job.Der kan være mange spørgsmål og forandringer i kroppen før, under og efter, at du får kroniske sygdomme.• Hvordan kommer du i gang med at få en diagnose, som er adgangsbilletten til rette behandling?• Hvilke reaktioner er forventelige, og hvordan accepterer du forandringerne, der sker undervejs i sygdomsforløbet?• Hvor søger du mere information?• Hvorfor kan du ikke bare få det liv tilbage, som du havde, før du fik din kroniske sygdom, og ikke mindst: hvem kan og skal hjælpe dig?Disse spørgsmål kredser sygeplejerske Ea Korsborg om i Jeg har aldrig været stærkere. Bogen er hendes personlige og autentiske beretning om, hvordan hun efter lang tid med smerter i kroppen, musklerne og leddene, udslæt på huden og voldsom træthed og mange møder med sundhedsvæsenet, får stillet en diagnose på en kronisk sygdom. Senere følger flere diagnoser på andre kroniske sygdomme.Bogen er skrevet som inspiration og hjælp til dig, som ligeledes døjer med en eller flere kroniske sygdomme, eller til pårørende til en kronisk syg. Ea Korsborg deler ud af sine erfaringer med at tackle sygdomsforløbet, sin kamp for at bevare fodfæste på arbejdsmarkedet, relationer til familie og venner samt håndtering af diverse oplysninger og mødet med sundhedsvæsenet.

  • af Claude Smith
    202,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Mary Nhin
    208,95 - 283,95 kr.

  • af Chivaun Oldes
    138,95 kr.

    My Inattentive ADHD Monster is part of a book series to help bring understanding to children about mental health disorders and how we manage them.The purpose of this book is to help kids make sense of an ADHD diagnosis. A cute monster and child-friendly explanations help to explore the ways we can experience and cope with big feelings, sensory processing, and other parts of living with ADHD. ADHD is illustrated as a cute monster to help kids put a face to their symptoms and better understand them.

  • af Devarajan Pillai G
    348,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey into the realm of self-discovery and holistic well-being with "The Energy Alchemist." This illuminating book serves as a guide, unlocking the secrets of ancient wisdom and empowering readers to become architects of their own energetic destinies. Through the profound exploration of chakras and mantras, this book invites you to step into the role of an energy alchemist, transforming every facet of your life.Key Features:Holistic Wisdom Unveiled:"The Energy Alchemist" demystifies the ancient wisdom of chakras and mantras, making it accessible to modern seekers. Dive deep into the understanding of these energy centers and sacred sound vibrations as you unravel the secrets of holistic wisdom.Practical Applications:The book goes beyond theory, offering practical applications that empower you to integrate chakras and mantras into your daily life. From transformative rituals to guided meditations, each chapter provides actionable steps for cultivating balance, harmony, and vitality.Niche Insights:Delve into niche insights as the book explores unique aspects of chakras and mantras. From the therapeutic power of sound to the interconnected dance of energy centers, each chapter unfolds a new dimension of self-exploration and inner alchemy.In-Depth Chapter Exploration:With 15 comprehensive chapters, "The Energy Alchemist" takes you on a journey through the intricate landscapes of chakras and mantras. From foundational principles to advanced practices, each chapter builds upon the last, guiding you towards a holistic transformation.Personalization and Adaptability:Recognizing the uniqueness of every individual, the book emphasizes personalization and adaptability. Tailor the practices to suit your energy blueprint, preferences, and intuitive guidance, allowing you to craft a transformative journey that resonates with your authentic self."The Energy Alchemist: Transforming Your Life with Chakras and Mantras" is not just a book-it's an odyssey into the depths of self-awareness, empowerment, and spiritual growth. Whether you are seeking to harmonize your energy centers, amplify your spiritual practice, or explore the vast landscapes of consciousness, this book is your guide to becoming the alchemist of your own transformative journey. Unveil the secrets, unlock the potential, and step into a life infused with the radiant energy of balance, harmony, and profound self-discovery.

  • af Carlianne Tipsey
    188,95 kr.

    Unable to prevent her best friend Yeti from getting a cold, a young girl realizes just what he needs to help him weather it.

  • af Ken Brady
    213,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af David A Robertson
    168,95 kr.

    Cole and Eva are reunited once more. A new terror looms as Mihko Laboratories’s latest human experiments are about to be unleashed. With Brady potentially out of commission, Cole and Eva may be outnumbered. Things look grim until a new discovery changes everything: God Flare. Will it be enough to help them in the coming battle with Mihko?

  • af Shan Woo Liu
    99,95 kr.

    "Mother and daughter coauthors, both descendants of their subject, trace the course of Wu's career. . . . Chockablock with timely themes and connections to recent world-shaking events." --Kirkus Reviews More than a hundred years before Covid, a deadly pneumonic plague threatened to sweep through Northeast China. Medical experts were summoned to help contain it--among them Wu Lien-teh, who had overcome hurdles to be a doctor since his boyhood in Malaysia. Unlike others, Dr. Wu deduced that the disease was spread through airborne bacteria and advocated for quarantines and other measures familiar to readers today, including the use of a face covering he designed from layers of cloth and gauze: the first version of the N95 mask. Wu Lien-teh faced ridicule and discrimination, but his trailblazing methods prevailed: the 1910 Manchurian plague was vanquished in four months, and his invention continues to keep us safe now. Masked Hero, written by Dr. Wu Lien-teh's great-granddaughter Shan Woo Liu and charmingly illustrated by Lisa Wee, celebrates the little-known history of the N95 mask and the hero who first devised it. Back matter, including an author's note and a time line, sheds further light on the ever-relevant past, encouraging budding scientists to think bravely--and remember the small acts we all can perform to keep our communities safe.

  • af Lisa McArthur-Collins
    143,95 - 263,95 kr.

    Hooray, it's playground time with Chloe and Nate!Join these two adorable siblings on afun-filled day of playing, laughter, and adventure.In this heartwarming story, you'll learn about sleep apnea and oxygen-dependent babies in an entertaining and informative way.Read along as Chloe teaches other children at the playground about her brother's oxygen tubes.Purchase your copy today and join us in spreading awareness!

  • af Katryn Bury
    179,95 kr.

    From award-winning author Katryn Bury of the Drew Leclair series, this hopeful coming-of-age middle grade novel follows the unlikely friendship between Sam, a recent cancer survivor, and a popular girl at school as they come together on a quest to uncover the truth about alien life in honor of Sam's best friend's final wishes. This powerful story of friendship and grief is a gentle reminder that we are never alone in the universe.Sam Kepler Greyson doesn't want to be the "cancer kid." After losing his best friend and fellow UFO enthusiast, Oscar, to brain cancer, Sam wants to focus on anything but his own cancer--maybe even a normal year of middle school.But whispers in the halls and lingering grief over Oscar make Sam's return much harder. To make matters worse, he is paired with popular girl Cat for a history project. Between Cat's icy attitude and troubling rumors that Sam lied about having cancer, nothing seems to be going well.Things start to look up when Cat and Sam unexpectedly bond over the UFO obsession he once shared with Oscar--but Sam isn't sure he's ready to open up to someone again. With the chance for a fresh start within reach, he worries that coming clean about his illness will only make Cat pity him. Hiding the truth also helps Sam avoid the biggest worry of all: What if his cancer comes back?"Bury writes about grief and being a survivor with honesty and humor in this captivating mystery that explores friendship and the power of believing." --Jennifer Chambliss Bertman, New York Times bestselling author of the Book Scavenger series and Sisterhood of Sleuths"Katryn Bury is a master of middle grade voice. A powerful, heartfelt exploration of loss, grief, and friendship. I absolutely loved it." --Micahel Leali, award-winning author of The Civil War of Amos Abernathy and Matteo"A beautiful and original exploration of friendship and its power to make us more than just the sum of our parts. Funny, tender, and insightful, Sam's voice will stay with readers long after they turn the final page." --Ali Standish, award-winning author of The Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall"Bury expertly balances humor and heartache as Sam's story explores grief, new friendships, and starting over, but it also celebrates enticing mysteries of the unknown in a way that is sure to engage readers. A quietly powerful novel." --A. J. Sass, award-winning author of Ellen Outside the Lines and Ana on the Edge"A moving, humorous exploration of friendship and trust." --Kirkus Reviews

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