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Børn og unge: personlige og sociale emner: misbrug, mishandling

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  • af Amber Smith
    126,95 kr.

    The Way I Used to Be, penned by Amber Smith, is an emotionally charged novel that will leave you in deep reflection. Published in 2017 by Simon + Schuster Inc., this book has established itself as a powerful narrative within its genre. The Way I Used to Be delves into the intricacies of change, resilience, and the human spirit. Smith, with her exceptional storytelling skills, takes you on a journey that's both heartbreaking and inspiring. This book is a testament to Smith's prowess as a writer and is a must-read for those who appreciate a well-crafted narrative. Published by Simon + Schuster Inc., this book is a testament to their commitment to bringing quality literature to readers. The book is available in English.

  • af Amber Smith
    113,95 kr.

    The Way I Used to Be, a compelling novel penned by Amber Smith, is a must-read for anyone who appreciates a well-crafted narrative. Published recently in 2023 by Oneworld Publications, this book is a testament to Smith's talent as a writer. The genre of the book is a blend of drama, emotion, and reality, skillfully woven together to create a story that will stay with you long after you've turned the last page. The Way I Used to Be is not just a book, it's an experience that will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. This book is a testament to Amber Smith's ability to create a world that is both relatable and thought-provoking. Oneworld Publications, known for their selection of impactful books, have once again published a gem. Don't miss out on this extraordinary read.

  • af Suzanne Collins
    113,95 - 168,95 kr.

    The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes will revisit the world of Panem sixty-four years before the events of The Hunger Games, starting on the morning of the reaping of the Tenth Hunger Games.

  • af Kathleen Glasgow
    318,95 kr.

    From New York Times bestseller and author of the TikTok phenomenon Girl in Pieces comes a boxed set including all three of Kathleen Glasgow's critically acclaimed novels: Girl in Pieces, How to Make Friends With the Dark, and You'd Be Home Now."Impossibly moving...suffused with light." --Vanity FairA girl struggling to put herself back together after a lifetime of hardship. A daughter grieving the loss of her mother. A family broken apart by addiction, but hiding behind a perfect facade. For the first time ever, all three of Kathleen Glasgow's important and moving novels are collected in this three-book box set, which includes paperback editions of the New York Times bestseller Girl in Pieces, as well as How to Make Friends With the Dark and You'd Be Home Now. Girl in Pieces:Charlotte Davis is in pieces. At seventeen she’s already lost more than most people do in a lifetime. But she’s learned how to forget. Every new scar hardens Charlie’s heart just a little more, yet it still hurts so much. It hurts enough to not care anymore, which is sometimes what has to happen before you can find your way back from the edge.How to Make Friends With the Dark:Tiger's life changed with a simple phone call. Her mother has died. That's when darkness descended on her otherwise average life and her world is packed into a suitcase and moved to a foster home. And another. And another. Until hope surfaces in the shape of something Tiger never expected: a sister.You'd Be Home Now:Four months after a fatal car crash which killed one of her classmates and revealed just how bad her brother, Joey's, drug habit really was, Emmy's junior year is starting, Joey is home from rehab, and the entire town of Mill Haven is still reeling from the accident. Everyone's telling Emmy who she is, but so much has changed, how can she be the same person? Or was she ever that person at all?

  • af Tomas Lagermand Lundme
    263,95 kr.

    Stærk og kontant YA-roman om at være ung homoseksuel i Birkerød og om at bære på en hemmelighed, som de andre alligevel godt kender. Om fortielse, afsavn og om at blive sig selv.I ALTING BEGYNDER ET STED kæmper den unge jeg-fortæller med livet og de mange valg og følelser, der kan præge ungdomsårene.I en labyrint af søgen og rastløshed forsøger han at finde sig selv og mærke, hvad han vil, hvad der føles rigtigt. For det er svært at have en kusine, der insisterer på punk og eyeliner, når man selv er forelsket i Justin Bieber, Hjalte fra boligblokken og den nye dreng fra klassen. Det er svært at vælge!Det er til gengæld ikke svært at skjule mærkerne på hænderne. Dem lægger ingen mærke til, før det er for sent ...Meget vellykket young adult-roman om fortielser, seksualitet og at finde sig selv. Det korte og meget kontante sprog balancerer hele tiden mellem humor og alvor, hvilket er med til at give romanen lidt kant og gøre den både nærværende, intens og meget troværdig. Anbefales varmt!LektørudtalelsenTomas Lagermand Lundme har mange gange i sit forfatterskab bevist, at han ikke er bange for at gå ind i mørket og skrive om ungdomslivets særdeles skarpe kanter. I ALTING BEGYNDER ET STED gives der også plads til en forløsende humor og kærlighed. Elementer, der gør, at værkets rå tematikker ikke kommer til at stå alene men får modspil.

  • af Christin Marie Guild
    208,95 kr.

    Evas fødder sætter gummistøvlemærker i nyfalden sne. Herude er tyst. Alting holder vejret.Små fodspor følger hende på højre side. Barnefødder uden sko. Hun har set det. For hvert skridt hun sætter, følger et lille sæt barnespor ved siden af hendes egne gummistøvlespor.Hun har set det. Alligevel ved hun det ikke. Ikke rigtigt. Som om de små spor, og spørgsmålene de burde rejse, hele tiden unddrager sig hendes bevidsthed. Hvem sætter de små spor?Da Evas søster dør, mister forældrene evnen til at se og høre Eva.Eva vokser op i et tomrum af savn og forladthed. Hugo, familiens nabo tilbyder sin hjælp og tager sig meget af hende.Romanen bygger delvist på virkelige hændelser med svigt, seksuelle overgreb og incest. Eva under isen er den gribende beretning om skyld og skam og den pinefulde kamp for at vinde et fodfæste i verden.Om forfatterenEva under isen er Christin Marie Guilds debut som romanforfatter.

  • af Lasse Løager
    198,95 kr.

    En dør, der er forseglet og aldrig forsøgt åbnet, lirkes med største forsigtighed på klem. Ud af den lille sprække vælter råddenskab, vold, afmagt – og frem for alt: en altædende ensomhed. ”De var bundet sammen med kæder, og længst ude, hvor blikket næsten ikke kunne nå, så han omridset af en færge, som trak byens både væk fra havnen. Der var ingen bevægelse i det, og måske, tænkte han, er det her et maleri, som jeg på én eller anden måde er fanget i.” Jacob, blandt venner kaldet Frost, er en ung dreng, hvis drømme, illusioner og håb forsvinder. Tilbage er et liv i skyggen med tæsk og overfald. Lys, kærlighed og venner der aldrig svigter siver også ud af den lille sprække, men er det sandt, at kærlighed kan overvinde alt? Er det nok til at holde livet i gang? Gespenst er en roman om, hvordan livet ser ud de steder, hvor ingen kigger, dér hvor få har adgang, og dér hvor håbet siver hen, når det forsvinder.

  • af Helene Uri
    102,95 kr.

    Frederik har verdens største smil. Han er tjekket, sjov og sød. Alle elsker Frederik. Og nu er han Elins kæreste. Tænk, at det overhovedet kunne ske! Det føles næsten som om, hun er hovedpersonen i en eller anden romantisk film … lige indtil sms’erne fra Bjørn begynder at tikke ind. Og det værste sker. ‘Fordi jeg elsker dig’ er Elins historie. En historie om forelskelse og kærlighed, manipulation, mishandling og svigt.

  • af Daisy Dahl
    233,95 kr.

    Min far var alkoholiker, og jeg var bare et barn.Et barn, der fornemmede alt: lydene, duftene, mimikken, kropssproget, råbene, ølflaskerne og skænderierne. Jeg mærkede alle de usagte ord, alt det, vi aldrig talte om.Det hele lagde sig som et tungt tæppe over mig, sammen med de følelser, jeg ikke havde ord for.I "En skønne dag forstår vi" blander ord og farver sig sammen i en hudløst ærlig fortælling om Daisy Dahl, der voksede op med en far, der drak.Gennem bogen deler hun sine tanker om de udfordringer, det førte med sig – og hvordan hun fandt et frirum i kunsten.Det er en autentisk fortælling om at finde modet til at træde ud af skyggerne og frem i lyset.Om forfatterenDaisy Dahl (f. 1981) er billedkunstner og driver Galleri KunstART by Daisy Dahl. Hun er formand for Kunstrunden Sydvestjylland og formand i Kunstnerhuset Skærbæk. Hun debuterer som forfatter med erindringerne "En skønne dag forstår vi" om barndommen med en alkoholisk far.

  • af Amber Smith
    208,95 kr.

    A young woman struggles to find strength in the aftermath of an assault in the New York Times bestselling The Way I Used to Be and tries to move forward in its highly anticipated sequel, The Way I Am Now—now available together in a paperback boxed set.Eden was always good at being good. Starting high school didn’t change who she was. But the night her brother’s best friend rapes her, Eden’s world capsizes. What was once simple is now complex. What Eden once loved—who she once loved—she now hates. What she thought she knew to be true is now lies. Nothing makes sense anymore, and she knows she’s supposed to tell someone what happened, but she can’t. So she buries it instead. And she buries the way she used to be. Following Eden through all four years of high school and beyond as she starts college, this deeply moving duology reveals the deep cuts of trauma. But it also demonstrates one young woman’s strength as she navigates the disappointment of adolescence, first love and first heartbreak, and friendships broken and rebuilt, all while learning to embrace a power of survival she never knew she had hidden within her heart. This paperback boxed set includes: The Way I Used to Be The Way I Am Now

  • af Bethany Walker
    205,95 kr.

    "In a small house, in a large city, lived a girl named Lena." Lena lives a happy life until one day a terrible thing happens. The morning after the terrible thing happens, Lena wakes up to find a dragon asleep on her chest-- a dragon no one else can see.Everywhere she goes the dragon follows, wreaking havoc and getting Lena into trouble. The more Lena tries to ignore the terrible thing and the dragon, the more he grows. Will Lena get the courage to speak up about the terrible thing and learn to tame her dragon?Lena & the Dragon tackles childhood trauma in a way that children will find relatable and adults can use as a stepping stone to deeper conversation. With evidence based approaches for managing anxiety and trauma triggers, Lena & the Dragon can also be utilized in a therapeutic setting. Most of all, Lena shows us all that we all can be resilient in the face of terrible things.All proceeds from this book go to donating copies to nonprofits, children's advocacy centers, and other organizations that serve children who have experienced trauma.

  • af Clare Osongco
    139,95 kr.

    Seventeen-year-old Deedee longs to escape the stifling world her Filipino mom has created since her husband died, so when Jay, the boy next door, offers to teach her to drive it seems like a way out--but both of them are haunted by family ghosts and traumas that force them apart.

  • af A S King
    138,95 kr.

    A new edition of Michael L. Printz Award winner A.S. King's brilliant and bizarre story of teenage trauma and standardized tests."Kurt Vonnegut might have written a book like this.”—New York Times Book ReviewFour accomplished teenagers are on the verge of explosion. The anxieties they face at every turn have nearly pushed them to the point of surrender: senseless high-stakes testing, the lingering damage of trauma, the buried grief and guilt of tragic loss. They are desperate to cope—but no one is listening.So they will lie. They will split in two. They will turn inside out. They will build an invisible helicopter to fly themselves far away from the pressure…but nothing releases the pressure. Because, as they discover, the only way to truly escape their world is to fly right into it.A.S. King reaches new heights in this groundbreaking work of surrealist fiction; it will mesmerize readers with its deeply affecting exploration of how we crawl through traumatic experience—and find the way out.

  • af Amanda Lynch
    168,95 - 238,95 kr.

  • - BB
    af Kristina Aamand
    348,95 kr.

    Anines forældre siger, at der er et sted i Helvede for den, der ikke vil gøre alt for sin familie. Men hvad, hvis man allerede er i Helvede?Alle elsker Onkel Babba, han er gavmild og god mod sine venner, han er mønsterborger og medlem af byrådet. Han har en skøn kone Margit og en dejlig datter, Leila - som Anine nogle gange passer.Så henter Onkel Babba hende og kører hende frem og tilbage i sin bil. For man hjælper sine venner, siger Anines far.Onkel Babba gør alt for sine venner. Og så må man også gerne gøre gengæld.Det er det bedste for familie, er det ikke?

  • af Azahara Castillo Castillo
    184,95 kr.

    After a windy night, the sun rises. Two fuzzy bundles of red fur wake up in a hidden burrow in a remote forest.But an unexpected visitor calls on the family and, praising the qualities of the two cubs, full of energy and vitality, encourage them, driven by curiosity, to search for food on their own and to explore beyond the safe confines of the valley. Following what they believe to be someone they can trust, they will embark on a dangerous adventure where their lives will be in grave danger. Exposed to even more dangerous and threatening creatures, they will discover that all is not yet lost, and they have a unique sense of smell that could save them. Will they still have time to listen to their instinct? Tras una noche de fuerte viento, la mañana aparece soleada y en una madriguera oculta en un recóndito lugar del bosque se desperezan dos bolas rojizas.Pero una inesperada visita se acercará a la familia y, alabando las cualidades de los dos cachorros, llenos de energía y vitalidad, los alentará, movidos por la curiosidad, a buscar alimento por sí mismos y a explorar más allá de los límites seguros del Valle.Siguiendo a la que creen ser alguien de confianza, terminarán embarcados en una peligrosa aventura donde sus vidas correrán grave peligro. Expuestos ante seres aún más peligrosos y amenazantes, descubrirán que aún no está todo perdido, y que en ellos aflora un olfato especial que podría salvarlos.¿Estarán aún a tiempo de hacer caso a su instinto?

  • af Azahara Castillo Castillo
    184,95 kr.

    After a windy night, the sun rises. Two fuzzy bundles of red fur wake up in a hidden burrow in a remote forest.But an unexpected visitor calls on the family and, praising the qualities of the two cubs, full of energy and vitality, encourage them, driven by curiosity, to search for food on their own and to explore beyond the safe confines of the valley. Following what they believe to be someone they can trust, they will embark on a dangerous adventure where their lives will be in grave danger. Exposed to even more dangerous and threatening creatures, they will discover that all is not yet lost, and they have a unique sense of smell that could save them. Will they still have time to listen to their instinct?

  • af A S King
    189,95 kr.

    "As Jane's mother tours the world to support the family, Jane lives and goes to school in a Victorian mansion with her younger brother and their mendacious father who confines Jane's mother to a system of pneumatic tubes whenever she's at home. And then there's weirdly ever-present Aunt Finch, Milorad the gardener, and his rat Brutus. For Jane, this all seems normal until she suddenly gains access to the files for a lifetime of security-camera videos--her lifetime. A.S. King's ... surrealist [book] follows Jane's bizarre and brilliant journey to reconnect with her mother by breaking out of her shell and composing a punk opera"--

  • af Rebecca Stafford
    213,95 kr.

    "Seventeen-year-old Rabbit has been struggling to stay above water since her mom died. In the span of a year and half, her small Georgia town has become unbearably hellish: her ex-boyfriend, resident golden boy Richard, turned into an unrelenting stalker; her friends are nonexistent; and her dad is campaigning hard for Functioning Alcoholic of the Year. But all that changes when the sarcastic, gorgeous, and frustratingly impenetrable Juliet Bergman walks into Rabbit's weekly support group. All hard angles and James Dean bravado, Juliet throws Rabbit a life preserver just as depression threatens to sink her"--

  • af E. Moore
    146,95 kr.

    In America, 1 in 6 boys and 1 in 4 girls will be sexually abused before they turn 18. The sobering truth is that in 9 out of 10 cases, the child knows the perpetrator. It could be a relative, friend, neighbor or teacher. This is why educating our children about 'stranger danger' is not enough to protect them from harm. In my work with children who have been sexually abused I often hear from parents and teachers that they feel unsure about talking with children about sexual abuse. E. Moore's latest addition to the Mya Kids series, Body Safety with Mya: My Body Is Off Limits!, creates an ideal conversation-starter that approaches the topic in a way that empowers children. The familiar character of Mya shares her experience of being inappropriately touched by an older cousin and how she decides to be strong and tell her parents. We teach our children fire drills, tornado safety and stranger danger. Let us also teach our children body safety so we can help prevent them from becoming one of those statistics.-Nikki Mitchell BSocSc(HumServ)GradCertPublicHlthProtective Behaviours Trainer

  • af Mia Siegert
    138,95 kr.

  • af J Anderson Coats
    115,95 kr.

  • af Sonia Patel
    213,95 kr.

    From Morris Award finalist Sonia Patel comes a sharply written YA about a girl grappling with a dark, painful secret from her past, perfect for fans of All My Rage and The Way I Used to Be.It’s eighteen-year-old Gita Desai’s first year at Stanford, and the fact that she’s here and not already married off by her traditional Gujarati parents is a miracle. She’s determined to death-grip her good-girl, model student rep all the way to med school, which means no social life or standing out in any way. Should be easy: If there’s one thing she’s learned from her family, it’s how to chup-re—to “shut up,” fade into the background. But when childhood memories of her aunt’s desertion and her then-uncle’s best friend resurface, Gita ends up ditching the books night after night in favor of partying and hooking up with strangers. Still, nothing can stop the little voice growing louder and louder inside her that says something is wrong. . . . And the only way she can burst forward is to stop shutting up about the past.“Funny, messy, gut-wrenching.”—Kirkus Reviews

  • af Seyed E. Zamani
    98,95 - 242,95 kr.

  • af Ann Clare LeZotte
    178,95 kr.

    With a family who refuses to learn sign language, twelve-year-old Effie is mostly cut off from human communication at home, unable to speak of her abusive stepfather or violent father--only her interpreter understands, and Miss Kathy is willing to take Effie's case to court to provide her with a safe home. Told in verse.

  • af Sally J Pla
    113,95 kr.

    Neurodivergent Maudie is ready to spend an amazing summer with her dad, but will she find the courage to tell him a terrible secret about life with her mom and new stepdad? This contemporary novel is a must-read for fans of Leslie Connor and Ali Standish. A Schneider Family Book Award winner!Maudie always looks forward to the summers she spends in California with her dad. But this year, she must keep a troubling secret about her home life--one that her mom warned her never to tell. Maudie wants to confide in her dad about her stepdad's anger, but she's scared.When a wildfire strikes, Maudie and her dad are forced to evacuate to the beach town where he grew up. It's another turbulent wave of change. But now, every morning, from their camper, Maudie can see surfers bobbing in the water. She desperately wants to learn, but could she ever be brave enough?As Maudie navigates unfamiliar waters, she makes friends--and her autism no longer feels like the big deal her mom makes it out to be. But her secret is still threatening to sink her. Will Maudie find the strength to reveal the awful truth--and maybe even find some way to stay with Dad--before summer is over?

  • af Kara A. Kennedy
    213,95 - 283,95 kr.

  • af Victoria Adepoju
    108,95 kr.

    No more secrets Isaac is a children's book that explores online abuse in story form. The book aims to help children identify online grooming and gives them the confidence needed to report it.

  • af Paula Danziger
    109,95 kr.

    Twelve-year-old best friends Elizabeth and Tara-Starr continue their friendship through letter-writing after Tara-Starr's family moves to another state.

  • af Carol L Schumacher
    213,95 kr.

    Sarah Samantha Melinda Malloy, The Story of a Survivor is a story about a young girl who goes through the trauma of sexual abuse. A gentle, lop-eared rabbit helps Sarah to find the help she needs. Sarah is a survivor. "This book is a great resource to help children, parents, and professionals work through the confusing and complex landscape of trauma treatment. The whimsical rhyming keeps the book approachable but doesn't shy away from discussing and highlighting the immense impact of sexual trauma. Pairing the physiological symptoms with relatable and helpful characters is a unique take on an essential component of trauma work. This inspirational story lovingly shows how a person can move forward and grow up and help others in true survivor fashion. I look forward to using it in my practice."Chris Roberts, LMSW, (Certified in TFCBT) Licensed Master of Social Work, with certification in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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