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  • - BB
    af Conrad Fields
    245,95 kr.

    Denne bog fremstår som et spændende og medrivende billede på en talentfuld ung mands liv og hans udfordringer med at balancere et liv som professionel fodboldspiller med de forventninger hans venner fra boligblokken har.Forfatteren er en af de bedste til at skildre unge, som må navigere i danske miljøer, der er præget af en vis hårdhed!LektørudtalelsenConrad Fields kender sit stof. Det er fint beskrevet og brutalt formuleret.- Politiken om MINUSMANDHer er tale om én af de bedste og mest vedkommende ungdomsbøger, vi længe har set, som også vil kunne få drengene til at læse.- Lektørudtalelse på PLUSMANDRå YA-roman om professionel fodbold og AG'erTopscorer er en ungdomsroman, der kombinerer det, at være en ung farvet mand, der navigerer mellem de hårde drenge i kvarteret samt kampen om at få en ungdomskontrakt med en professionel fodboldklub. Derudover kæmper Younes/Jonas om både at være en "kartoffel" og en "Shabab".Tidligere udgivelser:MINUSMAND, PLUSMAND OG DØD MAND STÅ. Fælles for historierne er, at de foregår i miljøer præget af råhed, hvor man må træde i karakterfor at overleve.Skriv venligst til gh@gad.dk hvis I ønsker et arrangement med Conrad Fields.

  • af Betina Birkjær
    297,95 kr.

    “Vores tapet er brunt og ternet. Når jeg bliver stor, vil jeg være småblomstret med sommerfugle og luftballoner.Indtil da vil jeg lege i parken.”Måske har du dage, hvor du ikke kan forstå din familie. Måske har du også følt dig nærmest usynlig i din familie. Så kender du pigen i denne bog – en klog og boblende billedskøn historie om synlighed og identitet. Om at finde sig selv i naturen, kreativiteten og venskabet. Og om at tage penslen i den anden hånd.Min blå stol er skrevet og tegnet af to knalddygtige voksne med velbevarede og kreativt kalibrerede børn indeni: Betina Birkjær og Katrine Louise Jakobsen.

  • af Michala Elk
    357,95 kr.

    Nytårsaften beslutter fem venner sig for at lave forudsigelser til hinanden. Frikke skal komme på ligaholdet, Leo skal stoppe med at tage sin medicin mod angst, Delphis musical skal blive udsolgt, Jonas' knæ skal blive raskt og Luna skal miste sin mødom. Men hvad skal der til for at det virkelig sker? Og hvilke konsekvenser har det?Virkelig fin og velskrevet roman om ungdomsliv og det, der følger med. Om venskab, forelskelse og seksuel debut. Sproget er ungdommeligt og karaktererne troværdige og lette at identificere sig med. Anbefales indkøbt til folkebiblioteker og PLC. Formidles bredt til unge, der gerne vil læse om hverdags/ungdomsliv.LektørudtalelsenMichala Elk (f. 1991) er uddannet fra Manuskriptskolen for Børnefiktion i 2023. Hun er draget af at fortælle de historier, der får liv i mødet mellem mørke, håb og hverdagsmagi. Michala Elk har tidligere udgivet den psykologiske ungdomsroman ALT HVAD JEG HUSKER.Velskrevet, troværdig og intens bog, der med en konstant sitrende undertone skaber en foruroligende stemning bogen igennem, som gør læseoplevelsen spændende og medrivende. Vellykket ungdomsbog med et godt plot og et overraskende tvist til sidst. Anbefales varmt til bred anskaffelse.Lektørudtalelsen på ALT HVAD JEG HUSKER

  • - BB
    af Kathrine Assels
    359,95 kr.

    Siri er ikke som de andre piger på 9. klasses årgangen. Hun går rundt for sig selv og er nærmest usynlig, ser ting og sager i folks blikke og ønsker, at hun var en hund.Da hun en dag finder en parfumeprøve i sin mors taske og dupper sig med den, føler hun sig som en fremmed, en, der vil gøre alting anderledes, en, der tager med til drengenes fodboldkamp og beslutter sig for at vente på dem ved skoven bagefter.SPØRG SIRI er en roman, om hvor langt man vil gå for at føle sig set. Samtidig er den en påmindelse om, at der altid er flere sider af en sag. Og at man er nødt til at kende dem alle for at få det fuldstændige billede.

  • af Hélène Vignal
    333,95 kr.

    En ny serie om krop og seksualitet og om at finde nydelse på den helt rigtige måde. Men hvordan gør man det, når man er en pige? Hvordan leder man, prøver ting af, ser forskellige fyre uden at blive kaldt en ...I gruppens øjne er hun sådan én.En billig.En lille.En fucking.En ægte.Det skriver de alle sammen i kommentarerne mellem svinere og dødningeemojier. For hun har valgt at se, røre, lytte og smage, lige som hun har lyst til. Uden at give efter for flokkens pres og regler. Hun spiller efter sine egne. Alene? Måske ikke …En sanselig historie om en ung kvinde, der bliver bevidst om sin egen lyst og vælger at gå derhen, hvor den tager hende, også selv om prisen er høj.

  • af Alma Thörn
    367,95 kr.

    Da svømmetimerne begyndte, kunne Annika kun svømme ti meter. Nu kan hun svømme superlangt. Ja, så længe hun ikke er i den dybe ende selvfølgelig. Allernederst i bassinet er der lige så dybt som i Marianergraven. Dernede lever der kun mærkelige fisk, og der findes intet lys. Kommer hun nogensinde til at turde svømme der?

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    337,95 kr.

    PIGEBØRN foregår i New England i 1800-tallet, og vi følger fire søstres vej fra barndom til voksenliv. Det forventes, at piger vælger ægteskab og familieliv, men JO har andre drømme. Hun vil rejse, arbejde og være forfatter. Men en række voldsomme begivenheder sender JO og hendes søstre i hver sin retning.Titlerne i Amerikanske klassikere er forkortede versioner i et forenklet sprog til børn.Bøgerne er flot illustreret og har små fakta-bokse, der forklarer ord, som børn måske ikke kender.Klassikere for børn 8+.

  • af Eric Chacour
    292,95 kr.

    I 1980’ernes Kairo lever Tariq op til alle de forventninger, samfundet stiller til ham. Som nygift, ung læge overtager han sin fars praksis og den polyklinik, som de sammen har skabt i et af byens slumkvarterer. Men en dag møder han en person, der kommer til at ændre hans liv for altid. Han bliver nødt til at træffe store beslutninger og emigrerer til Canada.20 år senere vender han tilbage til Kairo, men er der stadig noget, der binder ham til det land, han har forladt?Éric Chacours debutroman var en af de store sensationer, da den i 2023 udkom først i Canada og siden i Frankrig, hvor bogen blev belønnet med flere priser.

  • - BB
    af Alexander Kielland Krag
    367,95 kr.

    MAN KAN TÆNKE SIG TIL “SORG”, FORESTILLE SIG “SORG”, MEN NU ER DEN DER, SORGEN, OG ALT DET, MAN HAVDE FORESTILLET SIG, BLEGNER.Jakob er død, 17 år gammel. Tilbage står hans bedste ven, Lucas, og Jakobs ekskæreste, Emma, som på hver deres måde prøver at finde vej gennem sorgen.Kunne de have forhindret Jakobs selvmord? Burde de have indset, at der var noget galt? Kan man nogensinde få det godt igen, når tabet føles så stort? Bliver det aldrig bedre?ALDRIG BEDRE er en mørk, sørgelig og håbefuld ungdomsroman om sorg, om kærlighed og om at finde en vej videre.

  • af Gabriele Goldstone
    145,95 kr.

    The story of a first-generation-Canadian girl growing up in the shadows of the Second World War and navigating two cultures while struggling to find herself.

  • af Jillian Dodd
    187,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Cree Nomad
    155,95 kr.

    When 17-year-old June wakes up alone and confused on a hill after-well, she can't really remember-she quickly finds herself unable to leave. While exploring the boundaries of her new reality, people from her life arrive, reintroducing June to memories she's forgotten. When it becomes clear that something bad has happened, June must come to terms with everything left unsaid before time runs out while making a monumental decision: stay or go.In Cree's debut novel, a story of loss, grief, love, and everything in between is woven together with threads of Métis Cree storytelling and teachings to craft a narrative celebrating life. With this Indigenous story from Indigenous hands, Cree aims to introduce a new look into death and the beyond through characters you can't help but count as new friends.

  • af Amanda Leigh
    99,95 - 185,95 kr.

  • af Nelly Buchet
    176,95 kr.

    How will Little Wolf find her way back home? When Little Wolf becomes separated from her family, she remembers her mama's advice: If you're ever lost, find North. But who or what is North? With a little help from some new friends, Little Wolf finally locates North . . . but how will she get there? And how will she find her family? In this tale about discovering one's voice, playful storytelling, gentle humor, and vibrant illustrations create the perfect winter picture book for little wolves everywhere.

  • af Lauren Draper
    167,95 kr.

    Brodie has three mysteries to solve--what actually happened to the mystical Adder Stone she was accused of stealing, who sent the love notes left behind in the Dead Letter Office, and how she lost her two best friends--in this layered and compelling US debut about found family, first love, and one town's tragedies, perfect for fans of Melina Marchetta, Kristin Dwyer, and Nina LaCour.Brodie McKellon didn't leave town in handcuffs, not exactly. But all the same, in only one night, she lost her best friends and her home. And that same night, the town of Warwick lost the Adder Stone, a supposedly magical ring of local legend.The events, Brodie maintains, were not related.Four years later, Brodie's returned to Warwick to identify the real thief and get back everything she lost. She can clear her name, win back her friends Elliott and Levi, and save Gran's house from the bank.But as Brodie starts investigating, she gets pulled into a different mystery, of three friends and their "dead letters"--mail that's been lost over the years. And soon she finds that there are times when the things you find aren't the things you even knew you had lost. A house becomes a home. Some friends become family. And other friends, well, they might become something more. As long as Brodie can be brave enough to find herself.

  • af Nicole Adair
    224,95 kr.

    "Some magic doesn't want to be remembered."After the night of her Claiming, Gemma learned the hard way that she can't outrun who she is-or the magic that wants her. Then, in a cruel twist of fate, her entire world collapses, leaving her to pick up the pieces of the life she no longer recognizes and the memories she wishes she could forget. Now there's only one thing left for her to believe in: Ollie. Not magic, not fate. Not even herself.Thrown into this chaotic world of mystery and wonder, Ollie is desperate for something to hold on to. As he grapples with his choices and the consequences that always follow, he struggles to untangle the legend of the Claimed and mend what's been broken before time runs out. In his search for answers, there's only one thing he knows for sure: he belongs with Gemma, and he'll do anything to make that dream his reality.In this gripping conclusion to A Tangle of Dreams, Gemma, Ollie, and Milo must discover the true meaning behind their magic and the power that can only be found on the journey back home.

  • af Lize Meddings
    219,95 kr.

    THE SAD GHOST CLUB er en hemmelig klub for dig, der nogle gange føler dig usynlig. Dig, hvis tanker fylder alt for meget og nogle gange stikker af med dig og gør dig usikker på dig selv. Du er ikke alene.Denne historie handler om, hvad der sker, når man har fundet sine sjælevenner ....For folk er fantastiske, men ... det er også indviklet at være sammen med dem, især når man er vant til at være alene.Meld dig ind i The Sad Ghost Club, og lær at tackle verden et skridt ad gangen.Til Heartstopper- og Jennifier Niven fans – og til alle dem, der har prøvet at føle sig alene.VÆR IKKE BANGE FOR AT TALE MED DINE VENNER OM SVÆRE TING.DET KAN FØLES SKRÆMMENDE, MEN DET ER DET HELE VÆRD.YOU GOT THIS, GHOSTIES!Lize Meddings har skrevet og illustreret THE SAD GHOST CLUB. Hun bor i Bristol, hvor hun arbejder med design og tegneserier og forsøger at skabe positiv opmærksomhed om, hvordan det mentale helbred påvirker os alle på forskellig vis.En virkelig fin og vigtig graphic novel holdt i sort/hvid og enkel i sin streg. Hovedpersonerne fremstår som spøgelser, med et lagen over hovederne, hvilket effektfuldt underbygger og beskriver følelsen af at være usynlig, og om ikke at føle sig som en del af fællesskabet. Ikke at blive set og hørt. En fortælling om håb, om at finde andre, som man kan spejle sig i og åbne sig for. Anbefales helt klar til såvel ungdomshylderne som til PLC.Lektørudtalelsen på første bind

  • af Denera McCullough
    112,95 kr.

    Are you looking for an engaging educational coloring and activity book focused on diverse hairstyles and characters?Of course, "Color Our Hairstyles" is the answer.Self-Love and diversity matter! Celebrate the diverse characters as you color their hairstyles and unique look. This coloring and activity book will also go great with the reading books, "Hairstyles Like Ours: Milani & Friends Face Bullies" and "Hair Like Us: Denny & His Friends Face Bullies."What's inside:- Mazes- Self-portraits- Coloring pages- Affirmation Poster- Self-love Challenge- Affirmation Word Search- Glossary

  • af Melody Farrell
    192,95 kr.

    We are all travelers, journeying onward toward the culmination of our stories. Some travelers are merely passengers, drifting along with the currents of circumstance. Some travelers are faithful followers, moving toward a mission that someone has laid out for them. Some travelers are pioneers, forging a way through the uncharted wilderness for the good of their own stories and the communities who follow. Are you sensing a change in the terrain ahead? Are you troubled by the lack of hope and wonder that once filled our world? Are you aware of a dreary darkness that seeks to cast a shadow over what is good, true, and beautiful? If so, Young Traveler, then you are a pioneer. Pioneers travel together, and this book may serve as your guide on the path ahead. Come, warm yourself by the light of the fire, and listen to the tellings of the True Story. Author Melody Farrell weaves together parables, poetry, ancient wisdom, and modern tales, inviting young pioneers on the great adventure of their becoming.

  • af Julio Anta
    138,95 kr.

    As high school student Jaime Reyes has begun to realize he and his border community in El Paso, Texas, are being used as pawns in the immigration debate, he finds an odd bug-like artifact and begins feeling different, even having surreal dreams showing the real danger are actual aliens known as the Reach.

  • af Allen Zadoff
    187,95 kr.

    "Eugene Guterman's junior year in high school is off to a rocky start. No love life, no new theater production, and if his mother has her way, no more of his favorite comfort food--donuts. Eugene would just as soon spend the year playing small, but that's hard to do when you're the biggest kid in your class. Things change when he accidentally tackles the school's star quarterback and Coach sees the possibilities and recruits the plus-size playwright onto the varsity football team. Eugene is suddenly catapulted into the world of the 'The Pops, ' the exclusive clique of popular athletes known for their parties and dating scene. Best of all is the new and mysterious girl Daisy who seems to be noticing him. Then Eugene discovers that life at the top is more complicated than he imagined"--

  • af Sarah Kurpiel
    187,95 kr.

    A young girl "reluctantly agrees to join her mom at an ice festival, where they watch sculptors chisel and drill until it's too cold to watch anymore. That night the girl discovers that she has lost the horse figurine she'd brought with her, and she wishes she'd never gone--until the next night, when they return to the festival and see what the artists have created: sparkling, glorious sculptures that feel a little like magic"--

  • af Brad Montague
    197,95 kr.

    A celebratory reminder to take pride in all of your efforts and the fact that you tried!

  • af Steve Behling
    97,95 kr.

    All four Descendants films are brought to life in Level 2-reader form in this World of Reading four-book bind-up, featuring color photography from the Disney Original Movies.From fighting alongside Mal and Ben to going back in time with Red and Chloe, Descendants fans have been through it all with their favorite characters—and now they can relive the adventures of all four films in this bind-up of four Descendants Level 2 readers.This title is for readers who are just learning to read on their own, with easy-to-read language.

  • af Paul Gilligan
    157,95 - 207,95 kr.

  • af Matthew Erman
    207,95 kr.

    "A teenager's suicide in the Midwest town of Loving, Ohio, leads a group of their friends down a terrifying path of cult conspiracy and supernatural horror. [This book] is a return to surreal, character-driven horror ... [in which] the teenagers have been mysteriously vanishing day-by-day, but when a bizarre killer begins terrorizing the town, Sloane and her friends vow to make it out of Ohio, even if it kills them"--

  • af Revel Guts
    207,95 kr.

    "Philo has always been the worst student in his class at the academy, and as graduation day looms he's told to train together with aloof star student Atlas, but his magic backfires, sending them both far from home"--

  • af Theodor S Geisel
    97,95 kr.

    A coloring and activity book inspired by Dr. Seuss’s classic The Cat in the Hat—featuring a rainbow pencil that writes in four different colors.Join the Cat in the Hat, Thing 1, Thing 2, and more friends for coloring and puzzle fun in this activity book based on the beloved children’s classic. Featuring a rainbow pencil that writes in red, yellow, green, and blue, this book is sure to thrill children ages 3 to 7. It perfect for a rainy day—or any day!

  • af Katryn Bury
    176,95 kr.

    From award-winning author Katryn Bury of the Drew Leclair series, this hopeful coming-of-age middle grade novel follows the unlikely friendship between Sam, a recent cancer survivor, and a popular girl at school as they come together on a quest to uncover the truth about alien life in honor of Sam's best friend's final wishes. This powerful story of friendship and grief is a gentle reminder that we are never alone in the universe.Sam Kepler Greyson doesn't want to be the "cancer kid." After losing his best friend and fellow UFO enthusiast, Oscar, to brain cancer, Sam wants to focus on anything but his own cancer--maybe even a normal year of middle school.But whispers in the halls and lingering grief over Oscar make Sam's return much harder. To make matters worse, he is paired with popular girl Cat for a history project. Between Cat's icy attitude and troubling rumors that Sam lied about having cancer, nothing seems to be going well.Things start to look up when Cat and Sam unexpectedly bond over the UFO obsession he once shared with Oscar--but Sam isn't sure he's ready to open up to someone again. With the chance for a fresh start within reach, he worries that coming clean about his illness will only make Cat pity him. Hiding the truth also helps Sam avoid the biggest worry of all: What if his cancer comes back?"Bury writes about grief and being a survivor with honesty and humor in this captivating mystery that explores friendship and the power of believing." --Jennifer Chambliss Bertman, New York Times bestselling author of the Book Scavenger series and Sisterhood of Sleuths"Katryn Bury is a master of middle grade voice. A powerful, heartfelt exploration of loss, grief, and friendship. I absolutely loved it." --Micahel Leali, award-winning author of The Civil War of Amos Abernathy and Matteo"A beautiful and original exploration of friendship and its power to make us more than just the sum of our parts. Funny, tender, and insightful, Sam's voice will stay with readers long after they turn the final page." --Ali Standish, award-winning author of The Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall"Bury expertly balances humor and heartache as Sam's story explores grief, new friendships, and starting over, but it also celebrates enticing mysteries of the unknown in a way that is sure to engage readers. A quietly powerful novel." --A. J. Sass, award-winning author of Ellen Outside the Lines and Ana on the Edge"A moving, humorous exploration of friendship and trust." --Kirkus Reviews

  • af Byron Graves
    149,95 - 212,95 kr.

    These days, Tre Brun is happiest when he is playing basketball on the Red Lake Reservation high school team, even though he can't help but be constantly gut-punched with memories of his big brother, Jaxon, who died in an accident. When Jaxon's former teammates on the varsity team offer to take Tre under their wing, he sees this as his shot to represent his Ojibwe rez all the way to their first state championship. This is the first step toward his dream of playing in the NBA, no matter how much the odds are stacked against him. But stepping into his brother's shoes as a star player means that Tre can't mess up. Not on the court, not at school, and not with his new friend, gamer Khiana, who he is definitely not falling in love with. After decades of rez teams almost making it, Tre needs to take his team to state. Because if he can live up to Jaxon's dreams, their story isn't over yet.

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