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Økomusen genbruger er tredje bind i serien om Økomusen. Det er en oplevelsesrig og lærerig børnebog skrevet af Elisabeth Reppel. Bogen er ikke skrevet for at gøre børn til små klimaaktivister, men er et forslag til, hvordan man kan tænke empati og omsorg for Jorden, ind i sin opdragelse, på samme vis som vi gør det med empati og omsorg for hinanden. Tag med på Økomusens rejse, og vær med til at give Jorden bæredygtige gaver. Økomusen elsker vores fine Jord og vil så gerne give den en gave, men den har brug for hjælp til at finde den rigtige gave at give. Derfor besøger den pigen Lisa, som er meget klog. Lisa lærer Økomusen om genbrug, og om at den kan give Jorden en pause, når den arver eller køber brugt i stedet for at købe nyt. Lisa lærer også Økomusen, at den kan give både sig selv og Jorden en gave ved at låne bøger på biblioteket.
KOLLEKTIVET SORTHANDSK UDGIVER LYRIKSAMLING TILLAGT GRAFISK SIDE AF HENRIK SIEGEL OG FORORD AF METTE JENSEN HAYLES. Det Aarhusbaserede kollektiv bestående af Marwan, Michel Svane og Søren Bendz er kendt i musikkens verden, men retter med SOM FOROVEN SOM FORNEDEN nu for alvor fokus mod det skrevne ord.SORTHANDSK tilbyder noget unikt til dansk lyrik i en tid, hvor kampen om sandheden er rå og polariseret, og det selvoplevede traume står i centrum. SORTHANDSKS tekster er politiske, men samtidig båret af en autentisk historiefortælling, hvor ordene skaber afløb for både frustration og vrede, og derudover giver indsigt i minoriteters livsomstændigheder. Dermed kommer lyrikken til at spille en opbyggelig rolle både hos afsender og modtager og virker som solide trædesten ind i et nyt fællesskab. Marwan og resten af SORTHANDSK har aktivt valgt at kanalisere alle følelserne ned i værker, der kan skabe debat og vise generationerne efter dem, at der er andre muligheder end at brænde systemet ned. Det er både selvterapeutisk og helende at beskrive krigens rædsler i Gaza, men også en afgørende håndsrækning til flere marginaliserede grupper, der håber på en etablering af dialog imellem mennesker.Netop ønsket om dialog står helt tydeligt frem, når først bølgerne af frustration og vrede har lagt sig, og håbet stadig runger ordene. Trods et hårdt liv på den yderste kant af samfundet og i evig kamp mod normer og fordomme, trods en krop og et sind, der må være træt – og træt af det hele til tider – så formår Marwan og resten af SORTHANDSK at indgyde tro blandt de mennesker, der krydser deres vej og bliver ramt af de verbale knytnæveslag, de altid sender først afsted, men som forvandler sig til en varm hånd at holde i, efterhånden som budskaberne står tydeligt frem.Sjældent har autenticitet været så smukt i sit udtryk. Det er gadens og undergangens sprog, men det er også menneskets. Mennesket med alle dets fejl og mangler, men med den anmassende trang til at gøre det bedre end sidst. Lyrikken er ubarmhjertig og hjertevarm på samme tid. Den efterlader ingen uberørt af den ubønhørlige energi og vilje til forandring, der ligger bag.Man kan slå sig hårdt på SORTHANDSK, men man kan også blive løftet op til nye erkendelser og ind i et varmt fællesskab, hvor netop de svære følelsesmæssige udfordringer bliver omfavnet. Her bliver der ikke hyklet, og hvor andre bider sig i tungen og holder kæft, så spytter SORTHANDSK blodet ud igen og fortsætter ufortrødent med at konfrontere os med de ubekvemme sandheder, om hvor galt det står til mange steder i Danmark og det systemiske svigt, som mange mennesker udsættes for og fastholdes i.
Præmieret af Statens Kunstfond som et vedkommende og vigtigt værk af høj kunstnerisk kvalitet med flg. begrundelse:"Min blå stol er en fortælling om at finde et ståsted eller måske snarere et siddested i en verden, der føles overvældende og påtrængende. Bogen lever sig utroligt fint ind i barnets univers og taler på barnets præmisser om komplekse følelser, og hvordan man kommer overens med dem. I tegningerne arbejdes med forskellige tegneteknikker og farver som en fin understregning af fortællingen. Det visuelle udtryk og fortællingen væver sig således sammen til en overbevisende og poetisk helhed."Måske har du dage, hvor du ikke kan forstå din familie. Måske har du også følt dig nærmest usynlig i din familie. Så kender du pigen i denne bog – en klog og boblende billedskøn historie om synlighed og identitet. Om at finde sig selv i naturen, kreativiteten og venskabet. Og om at tage penslen i den anden hånd.Min blå stol er skrevet og tegnet af to knalddygtige voksne med velbevarede og kreativt kalibrerede børn indeni: Betina Birkjær og Katrine Louise Jakobsen.
Venskab og hjemve handler om en stor, sort hund, der ser en lille mand sove på en bænk i parken. Hunden lægger en hundesnor og en stor, sort pote på mandens mave. Manden sætter snoren på hunden og følger den, så godt han kan. Han kan mærke, hunden har en plan med ham. De oplever mange ting sammen. Den Lille får bøllebank. Den Store charmerer sig ind hos en sød Faktapige, som gemmer noget lækkert til dem begge to i baggården. Den sure vicevært smider dem ud, da de leder efter mad i forretningens skraldespande. De kommer forbi en fodboldbane, hvor der spilles kamp. Den Lille falder i snak med en mand med en pose øl. Det bryder Den Store sig ikke om.Turen bringer dem ind i en krigszone, hvor de må flygte sammen med en mor og hendes børn.Kragen, den sidder stadigvæk højt på sin gren.
Bind 2 i den gådefulde og actionfyldte krimiserie for de 9-13-årige om drengen Bille, hvis liv med ét ændres, da hans mor forsvinder.SPOR 2: INGEN RØG UDEN ILDBilles mor gik ned efter mælk og kom ikke tilbage, men i stedet fandt Bille ud af, at han har en bedstemor. Sammen med hendes ven Panser-Polle prøver de nu at finde Billes mor. Det er ikke så let, for der er også nogle slemme fyre, der leder efter hende, og der er ikke mange spor at gå efter.Men Bille og hans bedstemor er ikke sådan at slå ud. De er trænede til den her situation. Det kan dog være svært at gennemskue, hvad der er illusion, og hvad der er virkelighed ...En forrygende og virkelig spændende krimiserie, som også er alvorlig og barsk. Velskrevet med flydende let sprog er bogen svær at lægge fra sig. Hele vejen hepper man på Bille, og man er er meget spændt på, hvad der sker i næste bind. De gråtonede illustrationer understøtter den barske noir-stemning meget flot. En meget varm anbefaling til folkebiblioteker og PLC.LektørudtalelsenSophie Souid vandt Børne- og undervisningsministeriets SKRIVERPRISEN 2024 for SPOR 1: DEN, DER HVISKER, LYVER.Serien forventes i tre bind.
En dag i april er en inspirerende historie af Morten Andersen. Det er en stærk fortælling om, hvad der sker når en ung mand fra det ene øjeblik til det andet bliver kørestolsbruger. Man får indblik i de fysiske og følelsesmæssige udfordringer en ulykkesramt mødes af. Men der er stadigvæk plads til smil, grin og kærlighed. Med et arbejde som medhjælper på en kvæggård, en plan om et ophold på Gymnastikhøjskolen i Ollerup og en karriere ved militæret for at ende med en uddannelse til politibetjent ligger livet lige foran Morten. Men en dag i april går det galt, og alle planer må vendes 180 grader.Den unge mand er i gang med at fejre sin 18-årsfødselsdag, da han lettere påvirket, sammen med to venner, sætter sig bag rattet i en bil og begiver sig ud på vejen. Det ender helt galt. Ved et voldsomt uheld, hvor bilen smadres til ukendelighed, brækker Morten ryggen og bliver kørestolsbruger fra den ene dag til den anden. Et liv, som han slet ikke kunne se sig selv i, før det sker.Men før Morten kan vende tilbage til livet uden for hospitalsverdenen, skal alt læres på ny.Da han ankommer til Fysiurgisk Hospital i Hornbæk, kan han intet andet end at spise selv. Alt skal læres igen. Og da alle muskler i den del af kroppen, der ikke er lammet, stort set er forsvundet, men kan genvindes, bliver det mange måneder med blod, sved, tårer og sex.Som læser får du et indblik i en verden, som de færreste oplever på egen krop. Samtidig får du den autentiske historie om Morten og hans kamp for at overleve og vende tilbage til et normalt liv. En livsbekræftende og stærk fortælling fra et virkeligt liv.
Get the inside track on the incredible lives of history's biggest names, from William Shakespeare to Oprah Winfrey, and Anne Frank to Julius Caesar.More than 150 visual timelines take children aged 9-12 on unforgettable journeys through the lives of the great, the terrible, and the overlooked people of world history.Timelines of Extraordinary Lives focuses on the incredible biographies of a myriad of movers and shakers across millennia. Children will be fascinated by the lives of a diverse array of kings and queens, humanitarians, scientists, inventors, explorers, activists, writers, artists, and more, from across the globe.This book of important figures children offers: Information on the lives and achievements of extraordinary men and women who have shaped our world.Big, bright, bold timelines that bring history to life and entice children to dive in and discover the past.More than 150 separate timelines on a diverse range of people.A new and updated edition, following on from the success of the first edition, which has sold more than 100,000 copies worldwide.Timelines of Extraordinary Lives reveals not just the incredible achievements, contributions, and adventures of historical figures, but the lesser-known events that shaped them too, from childhood into old age. Filled with easy-to-understand timelines, vibrant illustrations, and a diverse range of influential people, this is the must-have guide to the world's must-know names.Explore the series!If you like Timelines of Extraordinary Lives, why not check out other exciting titles in this collection of visual timelines that bring big topics to life? Discover leaders, legends and legacies in Timelines of Black History, uncover the past from woolly mammoths to World Wars in Timelines of Everything and explore the natural world through time with Timelines of Nature.
Una historia multicultural que ayudará a los más pequeños a sentirse cómodos en sus nuevas escuelas y a descubrir las alegrías que pueden encontrar en las nuevas comunidades. Un álbum ilustrado lleno de imaginación, que celebra el poder del amor. Gloriana está nerviosa. Es su primer día en la escuela primaria. Su abuela la calma contándole historias sobre su hogar en la República Dominicana. Pero tan pronto Gloriana entra al salón de clases, sus recuerdos del paisaje tropical se desvanecen y empieza a escuchar frases en inglés que ella no comprende. Cuando los niños se acercan para invitarla a jugar, Gloriana se paraliza. Se siente insegura. ¿Cómo existir entre lugares e idiomas tan diferentes? ¿Cómo hacer nuevos amigos hablando dos idiomas? Abuela reconoce ecos de su propio viaje como emigrante en ese primer día de escuela de Gloriana, y la guía para que descubra la confianza en sí misma y en sus culturas.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONAn affirming multicultural story that will help new students stand tall and discover the joys of community at school. This beautifully painted, imaginative picture book celebrates the transformative power of self- soothing. On the first day of elementary school, Abuela soothes Gloriana’s nerves by telling her stories about their family home in la República Dominicana. But as soon as Gloriana enters the classroom, the tropical scenery crumbles and la música is replaced with English phrases she does not understand. When other kids approach her to play, she freezes, uncertain about how to exist in both of her different homes and how to make new friends using her two languages. Abuela recognizes echoes of her own immigration journey on this challenging day at school, and she gently guides Gloriana toward newfound confidence.
"Did you know that, even without superpowers, you can achieve goals that may seem unfathomable? The only thing you need to do is set an objective and pursue your dreams. We bring you a bit of history of 24 Mexican athletes that have proven how they could become the best in the world with discipline, dedication, commitment, and passion."--
This catalogue is an immersive adventure through the what, how and why of a contemporary art exhibition for children and adults alike. It is a journey through the 2023 exhibition Thoughts Play Hide and Seek by Ephra in Berlin. Curated by Rebecca Raue, the catalogue features works by Paula Anke, Ilit Azoulay, Olafur Eliasson, Ethan Hayes-Chute, Jeppe Hein, Claudia Hill, Christian Jankowski, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Nadia Kaabi-Linke, Ali Kaaf, Wie-yi T. Lauw, Dafna Maimon, Wolfgang Karl May, Ayumi Paul, Ana Prvacki, Karin Sander, Yorgos Sapountzis, Tomás Saraceno, Nadine Schemmann, Vlado Velkov, Ulrich Vogl and Nicole Wendel.
"It's 2002--less than one year after the September 11th attacks--and sixth-grader Kamal Rao is tackling a brave new world of challenges, including figuring out who he really is and how he fits in. Even with New York City in its backyard, the suburban town where he lives is anything but open-minded. That means Kamal--frequently picked on and feeling ostracized--usually spends his time alone, making mud pies in the backyard or cooking recipes with his mom and grandma from his family's three cultures. Then, one day, a Pakistani immigrant named Jaz arrives at school, entering Kamal's life and challenging his sluggish movement through the world. As the two boys forge a friendship over their love of exploring the outdoors and eating good food, the newcomer begins to show Kamal how being 'different' isn't a bad thing at all. For the first time, a fire is lit within Kamal--but what will happen when questions of Jaz's origins and his intentions begin to come into question at school and in their town?"--
College on the Horizon She's the bold, free-spirited type. She's young, she's fun, and she's following God. She's Sierra Jensen-Christy Miller's good friend-in her senior year of high school with college fast approaching! In this fourth volume of the popular Sierra Jensen series, Sierra's life becomes a roller coaster of decisions as she strives to Hold on Tight through choices about friendship, honesty, and college. Then, with high school graduation Closer Than Ever , she eagerly plans for Paul's visit and can't wait to know where everyone will be going to college. Finally, in Take My Hand , a misunderstanding with Paul means Sierra must start college hurt and confused. Is the damage to their relationship as final as it feels? Christy Miller knows a good friend when she meets her, and so will you- Sierra Jensen is better than ever! Hold On Tight Decisions, decisions. That's all Sierra's life is lately. Eager to escape the stress, she can't wait to join her brother and a few friends on a road trip as they visit a university in Southern California and tack on a day at an amusement park. It'll be great! But right from the start, things go wrong. And suddenly Sierra's trip is full of more twists and turns than any roller coaster. There's only one way to handle a wild ride like this: hold on tight, trust God to keep her safe-and scream for all she's worth. Closer Than Ever Paul is coming home! What's more, he's coming to Sierra's graduation party. She spends every spare moment planning-after all, his visit has to be perfect. Then, more good news! Sierra and Randy are accepted into Rancho Corona University . Sierra couldn't be happier-until she hears Vicki hasn't received an acceptance letter. Does that mean Sierra and her friends won't be in college together? But the worst news of all comes on graduation night. There's been a terrible accident. With limited information, Sierra fears the worst. Can she let go and trust her dreams to God? Take My Hand What a year! Not only is Sierra starting college, but her older sister, Tawni, is engaged-to Paul's older brother, Jeremy! As the two families prepare for the wedding, Sierra's excitement grows. At last, she and Paul will be together-face-to-face! But their longed-for reunion is marred by a costly misunderstanding that turns Paul away and sends Sierra off to college hurt and confused. Only the gentle wisdom of Sierra's good friend, Christy Miller, helps her face a difficult decision. But is it too late for Sierra and Paul? Story Behind the Book"After writing the twelve-book Christy Miller series for teens, a new teen character showed up on the pages of the final novel. Her name was Sierra Jensen, and she was such a compelling character that readers began asking for a series about Sierra in order to hear more about her life choices. Our family had just moved to Portland at the time, and I found it easy to picture a sixteen-year-old like Sierra shopping at the local vintage clothing stores, hanging out with friends at a garage band concert, and serving at the homeless shelter on weekends." -Robin Jones Gunn
I Vi er sammen om at mærke det forklarer klimaaktivist og filosof Esther M. Kjeldahl om den komplekse tilstand, klimabekymring er, opridser klimadebattens historiske udvikling, argumenterer for, hvorfor det store fokus på den enkeltes klimavenlige privatforbrug er en afledningsmanøvre. Og redegør for, hvordan du ved at gå filosofisk til klimaspørgsmålet kan få en ny og dybere forståelse for dig selv og andre, og viser dig, hvordan du – måske for første gang – lærer at gennemskue de forskellige menneskesyn og grundideer, klimadebatten i dag bliver styret af.
In the magical Redwood Forest, Laurel, a little Bay Laurel tree, forms an unlikely friendship with Red, a towering Redwood tree. The other Redwoods disapprove, but when a storm hits, Laurel's roots prove crucial in supporting Red. Through bravery and friendship, they weather the storm and learn that unity is the true strength of the forest. Targeted for children ages 6-8, this book offers an inside look into the secret life of trees. From writer Kelley M Likes and illustrator Hannah Staley-Foster comes a heartwarming tale for young readers about standing together in the face of challenges.Kids ages: 6, 7, and 8Grades: 1st, 2nd, and 3rdRead it BEFORE you buy it! www.likespublishing.com/storytime-videos
"The Magical & Amazing Life of a Butterfly" is a captivating children's picture book that unveils the extraordinary journey of these captivating creatures. Through enchanting illustrations and engaging storytelling, young readers are transported into the mesmerizing world of butterflies, where they witness the incredible life cycle unfold before their eyes. In this beautifully illustrated book from the Nature series by Knowledge Quest, children embark on a delightful adventure as they learn about the miraculous transformation of a humble caterpillar into a stunning butterfly. From egg to caterpillar, chrysalis to butterfly, every stage of the butterfly's life cycle is depicted with vivid detail and accompanied by fascinating facts. Perfect for curious young minds, "The Magical & Amazing Life of a Butterfly" offers an immersive learning experience that encourages exploration and discovery. Children will be captivated by the intricate illustrations and mesmerized by the enchanting story of growth, transformation, and beauty found in nature. Ideal for both classroom learning and bedtime reading, this book sparks curiosity and fosters a love for the natural world. With its accessible language and engaging narrative, "The Magical & Amazing Life of a Butterfly" is sure to become a beloved addition to any child's library. Join us on a magical journey through the life of a butterfly with "The Magical & Amazing Life of a Butterfly." Order your copy today and inspire young readers to marvel at the wonders of nature and cherish the beauty that surrounds them.
"Let's Go to a Honey Bee Farm" invites young readers on an educational adventure into the fascinating world of honey bee cultivation. In this enchanting children's picture book by Knowledge Quest, kids embark on a journey to a honey bee farm, where they'll discover the intricate process of honey production in vivid detail. Through captivating illustrations and engaging storytelling, children will learn about the vital role of honey bees in pollination, the art of beekeeping, and the journey from flower to honey jar. This delightful book serves as an excellent gift for children curious about nature and sustainability. As they flip through the pages, young readers will gain a deeper understanding of how honey is cultivated, fostering an appreciation for the importance of bees in our ecosystem. With its accessible language and vibrant imagery, "Let's Go to a Honey Bee Farm" sparks curiosity and encourages environmental awareness in children. Perfect for storytime sessions or independent reading, this book is a valuable addition to any child's library. Whether they're exploring the wonders of the natural world or simply enjoying a captivating tale, young readers are sure to be enchanted by the magic of honey bee farming. Join us on this delightful journey and let's discover the sweet secrets of the honey bee farm together! Order your copy of "Let's Go to a Honey Bee Farm" today and inspire a love for learning and nature in the young minds of tomorrow.
Seventeen-year-old Elizabeth confronts heartbreak while at a mysterious, magical wellness program in the wilderness.
"A quietly astonishing delight unfurls for those who take the time to look beneath the surface."--Kirkus Reviews The world is full of signals, some imperceptible to the eyes of those who didn't learn to see them. That is the heart of Natura, the inaugural bilingual title from Tapioca Stories, where the reader is invited on a journey of discovery. Presented in both English and Spanish, the invisible waits to be revealed on each page--in the leaves, the trees, and the secrets of this metaphorical forest. The lyrical voice resounds with tranquility, offering us a quiet vision of the fleeting miracles of birds, spiderwebs, and deer hidden amid the foliage. It is only through the searching gaze of a child that we can perceive these hidden marvels, capturing their brief existence, for a moment, in our retinas. A monochrome, Prussian blue world expands with great delicacy in the illustrations, tracing shapes, patterns, and silences across each page. The nearly fantastical setting is explored from different perspectives, unveiling the various viewpoints from which these tiny, timid creatures emerge into sight. Overall, this book masterfully achieves a rhythmic harmony between text and illustrations, fostering a profound, impactful reading experience. Here, the silence throbs with vitality and revelation, cultivating the impression that everything within this forest is in suspense. At first sight, it appears to be empty, but when you hold the pages up to the light, another universe is revealed... The ingenious technique of magenta-printed images inside the pages creates a series of astonishing surprises. These are special moments when the reader realizes that what initially appeared to be an empty world is, in fact, brimming with life. Natura is an outstanding book that employs different techniques and intertwines dual narratives to encourage the reader to observe their surroundings with a fresh perspective. The minimalist aesthetic enhances the book's expressive power, sending shivers down the reader's spine as they are overwhelmed by the inimitable sensation that comes with making a connection with the natural world.
Iris loves to swim with all the beautiful marine life in the ocean near her home, but Sea Turtles are her favorite. She loves it when the new turtles are hatching, and she can help them on their way!Beautifully illustrated and told in rhyme, everyone will enjoy learning about sea turtles with Iris.
"The story of how a Catholic nun became one of the twentieth century's most significant artists and activists is brought to life in a colorful picture book biography."--Provided by publisher.
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