Bag om Eternal Home
Eternal Home: According to Islam, heaven is an eternal abode where believers will live in peace and happiness forever. The lines "But those who have faith and work righteousness, they are companions of the garden" are found in the Holy Quran, which depicts the eternal abode. They will remain there indefinitely. Quran 2:182. Yards: The most significant or persuasive definition of paradise is a lovely landscape with lush vegetation and bubbling water. "But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness, that their portion is gardens, beneath which rivers flow," Allah (SWT) stated in the Holy Quran. Quran 2:15. Family: There will be a lot of family reunions in Jannah. The Holy Quran states, "And whoever obeys God and the Messenger - those will be with the ones upon whom God has bestowed favor - of the prophets, the steadfast affirmers of truth, the martyrs and the righteous." This is what Allah Almighty says. And what wonderful company those make! [Quran 4:169] Meals and Drinks: The Quran describes Heaven as having an infinite supply of food and drink, devoid of any sense of drunkenness. Allah Ta'ala says in the Holy Quran, "Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent forth (good deeds) in days past." Quran 69:24. Part of Allah's soul known as the Ruh Soul was inhaled by man. The soul becomes alive when it enters the body. This soul departs from the body upon its death, and the body deteriorates, putrefies, and becomes food for microbes. Man dies briefly every night while he sleeps and comes back to life the next morning. When he slumbers, Allah protects his soul safe. Satan is free to annoy people since Allah designated angels to watch over the right and left sides of the world. The Holy Quran describes each of these things. Regarding Adam, the first man in the Qur'an states, "I have breathed into him of My spirit." (15:29) Surah al-Hijr. Islam's fundamental doctrines address the issue of the soul and whether it survives death. The ideas that the soul is separate from the body and lives on after death constitute half of the indisputable teachings of Islam. This is the foundation upon which all true human values rest; without it, they are merely myths. According to tradition, everyone is asleep. They awaken as soon as they pass away. This indicates that there is a greater degree of life after death than there was before. Man's consciousness wanes while he sleeps. In this situation, one is on the verge of death. Man's life is better when he is awake. In the same vein, his life in the Barzakh is somewhat better than his life here. The Holy Prophet once said something really lovely. "This world serves as the next world's cultivation field," he declared. You shall reap in the next world just as you have reaped in this one." Just as it is impossible for someone to plant barley and harvest wheat, plant thorns and harvest flowers, or plant colocynth and harvest dates, so too is it impossible for a man to have joyful and comfortable behavior in this world and the next. Here are two things that are important to note:
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