Bag om Honeybee (Endowed nature)
Honey bees are social insects, they reside in sizable, cohesive family groups. Highly evolved social insects perform a wide range of intricate tasks that the vast majority of solitary insects do not execute. To survive in social colonies, honey bees have evolved a variety of skills, including division of labor, communication, sophisticated nest building, defense, and environmental control. Because of these amazing habits, social insects in general-and honey bees in particular-are some of the most fascinating animals on the planet. The largest bees in the colony are called drones, or male bees. Usually, they are only around in the late spring and summer. The compound eyes of the drone connect at the top of its head, giving it a much larger head than either the worker or the queen. Drones lack wax glands, pollen baskets, and stingers. Fertilization of the virgin queen during her mating trip is their primary duty. About a week after emerging, drones reach sexual maturity and quickly perish during mating. Bees are most valuable when they are used as pollinators. Approximately ninety crops grown in the United States alone rely on insect pollination, which is mostly carried out by honeybees. When it comes to crop pollination, the average bee colony is worth 20-40 times as much as when it comes to honey production. It has never been determined how important bees are to the pollination of decorative plants. Additionally, bees play a crucial role in the pollination of some forest and range plants that yield seeds that serve as food for birds and other species. Hope this content impress you. Click the BUY button now and order for you copies now. Thank you. Have a glorious day.
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