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Bøger af Alexander Jacob

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  • af Alexander Jacob
    283,95 kr.

    In this thought-provoking work of political and cultural analysis, Jacob Alexander explores the relationship between Zionism, the Jewish national liberation movement, and the Jewish communities of North America and Western Europe. Drawing on a wide range of historical and sociological evidence, he argues that Zionism has had profound and often controversial implications for the identity, politics, and culture of Western Jewry. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the ongoing debate about the future of the Jewish people and their relationship with the State of Israel.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Alexander Jacob
    153,95 kr.

  • - Et studie af europæisk aristokratisk filosofi fra det antikke Grækenland til det tyvende århundrede
    af Alexander Jacob
    148,95 - 165,95 kr.

    I Nobilitas præsenteres læseren for et politisk alternativ til de liberale frihedsværdier og det liberale demokrati, der i vor tid hyldes som de eneste normer og det eneste gangbare styresystem, som verden kan forlade sig på.Forfatteren dr. Alexander Jacob afslører – stik imod den gængse opfattelse – at Europa over de sidste 25 århundreder har baseret sig på aristokratiske og nationale værdier – og ikke demokratiske og kommunistiske. Det er de aristokratiske og nationale værdier, der har været grunden til den europæiske civilisations sociale og kulturelle fremdrift gennem tiden.Bogen begynder med en gennemgang af Platon og Aristoteles’ politiske filosofi; dernæst følger en gennemgang af renæssancens og barokkens filosoffer; så følger en gennemgang af de tyske idealister og de engelske og italienske nationalister. Bogen slutter med en gennemgang af den aristokratiske filosofis vilkår i det 19. og 20. århundrede, hvor den forvandles til en form for elitisme baseret på race.Således indeholder dette studie af den europæiske aristokratiske filosofi en undersøgelse af de filosofiske begrundelser for racisme og antisemitisme.Disse emner har været fuldstændigt ekskluderet fra al akademisk og politisk debat siden afslutningen af 2. Verdenskrig.Dette studie af den europæiske filosofi, som dr. Alexander Jacob her fremlægger, udgør et banebrydende forsøg på at forstå de stadigt skiftende politiske ideologier.

  • - Essays
    af Alexander Jacob
    238,95 kr.

    The essays presented in this collection are based on Alexander Jacob's earlier works, ¿tman: A Reconstruction of the Solar Cosmology of the Indo-Europeans, Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2005 and Brahman: A Study of the Solar Rituals of the Indo-Europeans, Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2012. They expand on the cosmological and religious themes discussed in these books with special reference to the origins and development of the Indic and European spiritual traditions. Those familiar with the earlier works will not be surprised that Dr. Jacob's view of the term 'Indo-European' is rather more comprehensive than the more restricted term '¿ryan' that has hitherto been widely used as a synonym of it. And those interested in the ¿ryan ethos itself - chiefly on account of the German use of the term during the last war - may be surprised to learn that it does not consist in nationalistic virtues so much as in spiritual discipline and development - and that this development is characteristic of the religions of very extended and diversified branches of the Indo-European family. I. The Origins of the Indo-European ReligionsII. Pralaya: Cosmic Floods, the Sun and the First ManIII. S¿mkhya-Yoga, Shramana, Br¿hmana, Tantra: The religious traditions of the ancient IndiansIV. Vedic and Tantric Rituals: A comparisonV. Reviving Adam: The sacrificial rituals of the Indo-¿ryans and the earlyChristiansVI. Dionysus and Muruga: Notes on the Dionysiac religionVII. On the Germanic gods Wotan and Thor

  • af Alexander Jacob
    263,95 kr.

  • - A Study of European Aristocratic Philosophy from Ancient Greece to the Early Twentieth Century
    af Alexander Jacob
    513,95 kr.

    Nobilitas is a study of the history of aristocratic philosophy from ancient Greece to the early twentieth century that aims at providing an alternative to the liberal democratic norms, which are propagated today as the only viable socio-political system for the world community. Jacob reveals that, contrary to popular belief, the social and cultural development of European civilization has, for twenty-five centuries, been based not on democratic or communist notions but, rather on aristocratic and nationalist notions. Beginning with the political philosophies of Plato and Aristotle, and continuing through Renaissance and Baroque aristocratic philosophers, the German Idealists, and English and Italian nationalists, the study ends with the transformation of aristocratic philosophy in nineteenth century Germany into racist elitism. As such, the study includes a survey of the philosophical bases of racism and anti-Semitism. These topics have been systematically excluded from academic and political debate since the end of the last Great War. This study is a pioneering work in understanding and changing political ideologies.

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