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Bøger af Jack Mitchell

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  • - An Epic Poem
    af Jack Mitchell
    135,95 kr.

    A thrilling retelling of the Star Wars saga in the style of classic epic poetry “I look not to myself but to the Force,In which all things arise and fall away.” Journey to a galaxy far, far away like never before—through lyrical verse and meter. Like the tales of Odysseus and Beowulf, the adventures of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Jyn Erso, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, and the Emperor are fraught with legendary battles, iconic heroes, fearsome warriors, sleek ships, and dangerous monsters. Beginning with Rogue One’s rebel heist on Scarif to secure the plans to the Death Star and continuing through the climax of Return of the Jedi, author Jack Mitchell uses the ancient literary form of epic poetry to put a new spin on the Star Wars saga. Punctuated with stunning illustrations inspired by the terracotta art of Greek antiquity, The Odyssey of Star Wars: An Epic Poem presents the greatest myth of the 20th century as it would have been told nearly 3,000 years ago.

  • af Jack Mitchell
    287,95 kr.

    An edition of Homer's Odyssey in ancient Greek, in which the verses do not have line numbers. The idea behind removing the numbers is to make the reading experience less artificial and thus more enjoyable. There is no critical apparatus or introduction, just the text of the Greek poem, printed in a highly readable font. This is not a reprint but a new setting of a text of 1919. Une édition de l'Odyssée d'Homère en grec ancien, dans laquelle les vers ne sont pas numérotés. L'objet de cet enlèvement est de rendre l'expérience du lecteur moins artificiel et par conséquent plus agréable. Il n'y a pas d'appart critique ni d'introduction, mais tout simplement le texte du poème grecque, imprimé en caractères hautement lisibles. Ce n'est pas une réimpression mais plutôt un nouveau réglage d'un texte de 1919. Eine Ausgabe von Homers Odyssee auf Altgriechisch, in der die Verse keine Zeilennummern haben. Die Idee hinter diesem Entfernen der Zahlen ist, die Leseerfahrung weniger unnatürlich und deswegen angenehmer zu machen. Es gibt keinen textkritische Apparat oder Einführung, nur der Text des griechischen Gedichts, gedruckt in einer sehr lesbaren Schriftart. Das ist kein Nachdruck, sondern eine neue Einstellung eines Textes von 1919. Un'edizione dell'Odissea di Omero in greco antico, in cui i versi non sono numerati. Lo scopo di questo sequestro è quello di rendere l'esperienza del lettore meno artificiale e quindi più piacevole. Non vi è alcun apparato critico o introduzione, solo il testo della poesia greca, stampato in un carattere altamente leggibile. Questa non è una ristampa ma piuttosto una nuova impostazione di un testo del 1919. Una edición de la Odisea de Homero en griego antiguo, en el que los versos no están numeradas. El propósito de esta supresión es hacer la experiencia del lector menos artificial y por lo tanto más agradable. No hay ningún aparato crítico o introducción, sólo el texto del poema griego, impreso en un tipo de letra muy legible. Esto no es una reimpresión sino un nuevo ajuste de un texto de 1919.

  • af Jack Mitchell
    287,95 kr.

    An edition of Virgil's Aeneid in Latin, in which the verses do not have line numbers. The idea behind removing the numbers is to make the reading experience less artificial and thus more enjoyable. This edition also includes Maffeo Vegio's supplement, Book 13. There is no critical apparatus or introduction, just the text of the Roman poem, printed in a highly readable font. This is not a reprint but a new setting of a text of 1900. Une édition de l'Énéide de Virgile en latin, dans laquelle les vers ne sont pas numérotés. L'objet de cet enlèvement est de rendre l'expérience du lecteur moins artificiel et par conséquent plus agréable. Cette édition comprend aussi le supplement de Maffeo Vegio, le 13e livre. Il n'y a pas d'appart critique ni d'introduction, mais tout simplement le texte du poème romain, imprimé en caractères hautement lisibles. Ce n'est pas une réimpression mais plutôt un nouveau réglage d'un texte de 1900. Eine Ausgabe von Vergils Aeneis in Latein, in der die Verse keine Zeilennummern haben. Die Idee hinter diesem Entfernen der Zahlen ist, die Leseerfahrung weniger unnatürlich und deswegen angenehmer zu machen. Diese Ausgabe enthält auch die Ergänzung von Maffeo Vegio, das Dreizehntes Buch. Es gibt keinen textkritische Apparat oder Einführung, nur der Text des römischen Gedichts, gedruckt in einer sehr lesbaren Schriftart. Das ist kein Nachdruck, sondern eine neue Einstellung eines Textes von 1900. Un'edizione dell'Eneide di Virgilio in latino, in cui i versi non sono numerati. Lo scopo di questo sequestro è quello di rendere l'esperienza del lettore meno artificiale e quindi più piacevole. Questa edizione include anche il supplemento di Maffeo Vegio, il tredicesimo libro. Non vi è alcun apparato critico o introduzione, solo il testo della poesia romana, stampato in un carattere altamente leggibile. Questa non è una ristampa ma piuttosto una nuova impostazione di un testo del 1900. Una edición de la Eneida de Virgilio en latín, en el que los versos no están numeradas. El propósito de esta supresión es hacer la experiencia del lector menos artificial y por lo tanto más agradable. Esta edición incluye también la adición de Maffeo Vegio, el libro XIII. No hay ningún aparato crítico o introducción, sólo el texto del poema romano, impreso en un tipo de letra muy legible. Esto no es una reimpresión sino un nuevo ajuste de un texto de 1900.

  • af Jack Mitchell
    242,95 kr.

    An edition of Lucretius' De Rerum Natura in Latin, in which the verses do not have line numbers. The idea behind removing the numbers is to make the reading experience less artificial and thus more enjoyable. There is no critical apparatus or introduction, just the text of the Roman poem, printed in a highly readable font. This is not a reprint but rather a new setting of the text. Une édition du De natura rerum de Lucrèce en latin, dans laquelle les vers ne sont pas numérotés. L'objet de cet enlèvement est de rendre l'expérience du lecteur moins artificiel et par conséquent plus agréable. Il n'y a pas d'appart critique ni d'introduction, mais tout simplement le texte du poème romain, imprimé en caractères hautement lisibles. Ce n'est pas une réimpression mais plutôt un nouveau réglage du texte. Eine Ausgabe des De rerum natura von Lukrez in Latein, in der die Verse keine Zeilennummern haben. Die Idee hinter diesem Entfernen der Zahlen ist, die Leseerfahrung weniger unnatürlich und deswegen angenehmer zu machen. Es gibt keinen textkritische Apparat oder Einführung, nur der Text des römischen Gedichts, gedruckt in einer sehr lesbaren Schriftart. Das ist kein Nachdruck, sondern eine neue Einstellung des Textes. Un'edizione del De rerum natura di Lucrezio in latino, in cui i versi non sono numerati. Lo scopo di questo sequestro è quello di rendere l'esperienza del lettore meno artificiale e quindi più piacevole. Non vi è alcun apparato critico o introduzione, solo il testo della poesia romana, stampato in un carattere altamente leggibile. Questa non è una ristampa ma piuttosto una nuova impostazione del testo. Una edición del De rerum natura de Lucrecio en latín, en el que los versos no están numeradas. El propósito de esta supresión es hacer la experiencia del lector menos artificial y por lo tanto más agradable. No hay ningún aparato crítico o introducción, sólo el texto del poema romano, impreso en un tipo de letra muy legible. Esto no es una reimpresión sino un nuevo ajuste del texto.

  • af Jack Mitchell
    367,95 kr.

  • af Jack Mitchell
    262,95 kr.

    An edition of Lucan's Pharsalia in Latin, in which the verses do not have line numbers. The idea behind removing the numbers is to make the reading experience less artificial and thus more enjoyable. There is no critical apparatus or introduction, just the text of the Roman poem, printed in a highly readable font. This is not a reprint but a new setting of a text of 1835. Une édition de la Pharsale de Lucain en latin, dans laquelle les vers ne sont pas numérotés. L'objet de cet enlèvement est de rendre l'expérience du lecteur moins artificiel et par conséquent plus agréable. Il n'y a pas d'appart critique ni d'introduction, mais tout simplement le texte du poème romain, imprimé en caractères hautement lisibles. Ce n'est pas une réimpression mais plutôt un nouveau réglage d'un texte de 1835. Eine Ausgabe von Lukans De Bello Civili (Pharsalia) in Latein, in der die Verse keine Zeilennummern haben. Die Idee hinter diesem Entfernen der Zahlen ist, die Leseerfahrung weniger unnatürlich und deswegen angenehmer zu machen. Es gibt keinen textkritische Apparat oder Einführung, nur der Text des römischen Gedichts, gedruckt in einer sehr lesbaren Schriftart. Das ist kein Nachdruck, sondern eine neue Einstellung eines Textes von 1835. Un'edizione della Farsaglia di Lucano in latino, in cui i versi non sono numerati. Lo scopo di questo sequestro è quello di rendere l'esperienza del lettore meno artificiale e quindi più piacevole. Non vi è alcun apparato critico o introduzione, solo il testo della poesia romana, stampato in un carattere altamente leggibile. Questa non è una ristampa ma piuttosto una nuova impostazione di un testo del 1835. Una edición de la Farsalia de Lucano en latín, en el que los versos no están numeradas. El propósito de esta supresión es hacer la experiencia del lector menos artificial y por lo tanto más agradable. No hay ningún aparato crítico o introducción, sólo el texto del poema romano, impreso en un tipo de letra muy legible. Esto no es una reimpresión sino un nuevo ajuste de un texto de 1835.

  • af Jack Mitchell
    287,95 kr.

    An edition of Ovid's Metamorphoses in Latin, in which the verses do not have line numbers. The idea behind removing the numbers is to make the reading experience less artificial and thus more enjoyable. There is no critical apparatus or introduction, just the text of the Roman poem, printed in a highly readable font. This is not a reprint but a new setting of a text of 1892. Une édition des Métamorphoses d'Ovide en latin, dans laquelle les vers ne sont pas numérotés. L'objet de cet enlèvement est de rendre l'expérience du lecteur moins artificiel et par conséquent plus agréable. Il n'y a pas d'appart critique ni d'introduction, mais tout simplement le texte du poème romain, imprimé en caractères hautement lisibles. Ce n'est pas une réimpression mais plutôt un nouveau réglage d'un texte de 1892. Eine Ausgabe von Ovids Metamorphosen in Latein, in der die Verse keine Zeilennummern haben. Die Idee hinter diesem Entfernen der Zahlen ist, die Leseerfahrung weniger unnatürlich und deswegen angenehmer zu machen. Es gibt keinen textkritische Apparat oder Einführung, nur der Text des römischen Gedichts, gedruckt in einer sehr lesbaren Schriftart. Das ist kein Nachdruck, sondern eine neue Einstellung eines Textes von 1892. Un'edizione dei Metamorfosi di Ovidio in latino, in cui i versi non sono numerati. Lo scopo di questo sequestro è quello di rendere l'esperienza del lettore meno artificiale e quindi più piacevole. Non vi è alcun apparato critico o introduzione, solo il testo della poesia romana, stampato in un carattere altamente leggibile. Questa non è una ristampa ma piuttosto una nuova impostazione di un testo del 1892. Una edición de las Metamorfosis de Ovidio en latín, en el que los versos no están numeradas. El propósito de esta supresión es hacer la experiencia del lector menos artificial y por lo tanto más agradable. No hay ningún aparato crítico o introducción, sólo el texto del poema romano, impreso en un tipo de letra muy legible. Esto no es una reimpresión sino un nuevo ajuste de un texto de 1892.

  • - Sermones, Epodi, Carmina, Carmen Saeculare, Epistulae
    af Jack Mitchell
    287,95 kr.

    An edition of the works of Horace in Latin, in which the verses do not have line numbers. The idea behind removing the numbers is to make the reading experience less artificial and thus more enjoyable. There is no critical apparatus or introduction, just the text of the Roman poems, printed in a highly readable font. This is not a reprint but a new setting of texts of 1836, 1898, 1912, 1919 and 1929. Une édition des oeuvres d'Horace en latin, dans laquelle les vers ne sont pas numérotés. L'objet de cet enlèvement est de rendre l'expérience du lecteur moins artificiel et par conséquent plus agréable. Il n'y a pas d'appart critique ni d'introduction, mais tout simplement le texte des poèmes romains, imprimé en caractères hautement lisibles. Ce n'est pas une réimpression mais plutôt un nouveau réglage des textes de 1836, 1898, 1912, 1919 et 1929. Eine Ausgabe der Werke von Horaz in Latein, in der die Verse keine Zeilennummern haben. Die Idee hinter diesem Entfernen der Zahlen ist, die Leseerfahrung weniger unnatürlich und deswegen angenehmer zu machen. Es gibt keinen textkritische Apparat oder Einführung, nur der Text der römischen Gedichte, gedruckt in einer sehr lesbaren Schriftart. Das ist kein Nachdruck, sondern eine neue Einstellung von Texten von 1836, 1898, 1912, 1919 und 1929. Un'edizione delle opere di Orazio in latino, in cui i versi non sono numerati. Lo scopo di questo sequestro è quello di rendere l'esperienza del lettore meno artificiale e quindi più piacevole. Non vi è alcun apparato critico o introduzione, solo il testo della poesia romana, stampato in un carattere altamente leggibile. Questa non è una ristampa ma piuttosto una nuova impostazione di testi de 1836, 1898, 1912, 1919 e 1929. Una edición de las obras de Horacio en latín, en el que los versos no están numeradas. El propósito de esta supresión es hacer la experiencia del lector menos artificial y por lo tanto más agradable. No hay ningún aparato crítico o introducción, sólo el texto de los poemas romanos, impreso en un tipo de letra muy legible. Esto no es una reimpresión sino un nuevo ajuste de textos de 1836, 1898, 1912, 1919 y 1929.

  • af Jack Mitchell
    287,95 kr.

    An edition of Homer's Iliad in ancient Greek, in which the verses do not have line numbers. The idea behind removing the numbers is to make the reading experience less artificial and thus more enjoyable. There is no critical apparatus or introduction, just the text of the Greek poem, printed in a highly readable font. This is not a reprint but a new setting of a text of 1920. Une édition de l'Iliade d'Homère en grec ancien, dans laquelle les vers ne sont pas numérotés. L'objet de cet enlèvement est de rendre l'expérience du lecteur moins artificiel et par conséquent plus agréable. Il n'y a pas d'appart critique ni d'introduction, mais tout simplement le texte du poème grecque, imprimé en caractères hautement lisibles. Ce n'est pas une réimpression mais plutôt un nouveau réglage d'un texte de 1920. Eine Ausgabe von Homers Ilias auf Altgriechisch, in der die Verse keine Zeilennummern haben. Die Idee hinter diesem Entfernen der Zahlen ist, die Leseerfahrung weniger unnatürlich und deswegen angenehmer zu machen. Es gibt keinen textkritische Apparat oder Einführung, nur der Text des griechischen Gedichts, gedruckt in einer sehr lesbaren Schriftart. Das ist kein Nachdruck, sondern eine neue Einstellung eines Textes von 1920. Un'edizione dell'Iliade di Omero in greco antico, in cui i versi non sono numerati. Lo scopo di questo sequestro è quello di rendere l'esperienza del lettore meno artificiale e quindi più piacevole. Non vi è alcun apparato critico o introduzione, solo il testo della poesia greca, stampato in un carattere altamente leggibile. Questa non è una ristampa ma piuttosto una nuova impostazione di un testo del 1920. Una edición de la Ilíada de Homero en griego antiguo, en el que los versos no están numeradas. El propósito de esta supresión es hacer la experiencia del lector menos artificial y por lo tanto más agradable. No hay ningún aparato crítico o introducción, sólo el texto del poema griego, impreso en un tipo de letra muy legible. Esto no es una reimpresión sino un nuevo ajuste de un texto de 1920.

  • af Jack Mitchell
    87,95 kr.

    An interesting and engaging overview of the history of Network Marketing in the US. The author looks at the initial success of the industry, its almost total collapse, and its newly-found rebirth. The author also shares some "Success Factors" and a "Formula for Success" to help the reader appreciate the financial and personal benefits in Network Marketing.With over 25 years of personal involvement in the industry, the author provides a vision of where Network Marketing has been and especially where it is today and even tomorrow. It is indeed a New Era for Network Marketing.

  • af Jack Mitchell
    152,95 kr.

    Here is a little book in the grand tradition of aphorism - subversive, biting, cheerful. The classic topics come alive again on these crisp pages: pride, happiness, divinity, death, love, friendship, art, politics. Honed to a razor edge, each short thought slices through convention, as the author invites the reader to ponder the folly of the human race -perhaps its most attractive characteristic. A sampling #8: The summit of style is to kill with a word. #371: Flattery is the only reliable tyrannicide. #225: In health, the body obeys the will; in sickness, the will obeys the body. #342: Without law, power cannot sleep. #395: Under a tyrant at least no one believes the newspapers. #157: The unhappy see themselves through the eyes of the bad, the happy through the eyes of the good. #332: Optimists go to war; pessimists make and keep the peace. #349: To speak for one's nation is to fancy oneself a king. #243: To love others, we must first understand how they resemble us, because we have no other measure of esteem. #425: Good poetry says half of what it means; bad poetry means half of what it says. #209: Without moderation, self-denial is self-indulgence. #120: God's punishment of human folly is NOT to send a plague. #409: The notion of art for the sake of art is too close to the notion of life for the sake of life. #450: Historians are hopelessly prejudiced in favour of historical significance. #440: We enjoy talking about ourselves chiefly because it requires no effort.

  • af Jack Mitchell
    182,95 kr.

    For God and Country "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless...not to speak is to speak; not to act is to act." -Dietrich Bonhoeffer Warning: This book is not politically correct! Friend, the mindless embrace of liberal ideology has been a form of cultural suicide. Need proof? Meet Barack Hussein Obama. He is not only a Muslim, he is a terrorist of the first order, the most dangerous man in the world. In fact, he may be the one who the Bible calls "the man of lawlessness" (2 Thess. 2:1-12). The Antichrist. Promoted and protected by the demonic media for the past seven years, this most evil creature and his depraved followers have damn near destroyed America. For the sake of Western Christian civilization, for the sake of the world, we must take our country back. Today. -Jack Mitchell

  • af Jack Mitchell
    107,95 kr.

  • af Jack Mitchell
    167,95 - 252,95 kr.

  • - STILL The Proven Way to Personalize Sales and Achieve Astounding Results
    af Jack Mitchell
    287,95 kr.

    Revised and updated for the first time since original publication!Here is the 200,000-copy staple, praised by Warren Buffett as "e;a gem ... I wish everyone at Berkshire would follow [Jack Mitchell's] advice--we would own the world."e; If you want to put your arms around your business and bottom line, you'll want all the updated information and practices found in the landmark business bestseller, Hug Your Customers. The only way to stay in business is to have customers; the only way to increase your profit is to attract more customer visits by providing exceptional customer service. It's that simple says Jack Mitchell. Hug Your Customers shares the hands-on practical philosophy that has allowed Mitchell and his Family of Stores to thrive and excel in today's challenging retail marketplace. Filled with accessible advice, personal case studies and tips any businessperson can use, Hug Your Customers is an energizing blueprint for customer and employee retention, increased per capita spending, and groundbreaking success.

  • - Love the Results
    af Jack Mitchell
    125,95 kr.

    Like the international bestseller Who Moved My Cheese?, Hug Your Customers is powerful through its simplicity. Jack Mitchell is CEO of Mitchells - a clothes store and one of the most successful small businesses in America. This family-run business has built extremely healthy profit margins in a tough retail market through a most refreshing approach to sales - hug your customers! In other words: if there is one key to a successful business then it is happy customers and companies who go the extra mile enjoy the extra profits. From small independent businesses to established conglomerates, Hug Your Customers is an invaluable and fun tool for ensuring repeat business and outstanding results.

  • af Jack Mitchell
    125,95 kr.

    ALIENS, THE BEGINNING HOW DID WE GET HERE? - CANCER: WILL WE FIND A CURE? - THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL - GLOBAL WARMING - ANALYSING THE BIBLE: THE OLD TESTAMENT - ANALYSING THE BIBLE: THE NEW TESTAMENT - THE END OF THE WORLD: HOW WILL IT END? "Let me begin, by asking you to answer a simple question... do you think in this vast universe of ours, that we are the only intelligent life, or are we all alone?" ... "First it was aerosol cans, that was causing global warming, so a substance in these cans was removed, but to no avail, it was still happening, so then it was petrol, and car injection systems were modified to emit less carbon, however this also didn't work..." ... "Moses came down Mount Sinai with two stones, with five of the rules of life on each one, but, what happened to these two tablets of stone?

  • af Jack Mitchell
    441,95 kr.

    In Subconscious Journeys, Jack Mitchell explores the human mind and its connection to life, death, disease, and the probability of extended life. He addresses how the four parts of the mind function and adapt as we deal with the inherent changes in life.

  • - The Proven Way To Hire, Inspire And Recognize Your Team And Achieve Remarkable Results
    af Jack Mitchell
    147,95 kr.

    Presents the author's 5-step plan for creating a winning team: Be nice; Learn to trust; Instil pride in your team and the work they do; Try to include your team in decision-making processes; and, Generously recognize the contributions made and celebrate victories, big and small, because they all count.

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