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  • af Martin K Ettington
    152,95 kr.

    I have my own survival stories and maybe this is part of the reason why all these other stories interest me so much.Everyone loves to learn about survival stories because it confirms the importance of the human spirit to live through trying and deadly situations.I've included thirty three true life stories in this book. The criteria was that the persons in these events had to make a conscious decision to live. They decided not to give up and some did truly incredible things to survive.We need to ask ourselves could we do some of the things they did to survive. For example, how many of us could cut off a hand to live if we were trapped in the wilderness?How many of us could survive a raft in the sea for a month to then be put into a POW prison and survive harsh treatment and torture there.These people have all illustrated the power of the human spirit to live through these experiences. And these experiences made them more confident people and better able to live through difficult situations in the future.These stories are divided up into five categories: -Survival In War-Survival in the Wilderness and Mountains-Survival in the Ocean-Survival in the Arctic and Antarctic-Surviving the Desert-More Survival Stories for Ones which don't fit a category

  • - From Millions of Years Ago To the Present
    af Martin K Ettington
    427,95 kr.

    I'm fascinated with Ancient History because there are continuous new discoveries which push back the dawn of civilization by thousands of years. In the last couple of decades, the discoveries at Gobekli Tepe in eastern Turkey pushed back man-made structures to the time period of 9,000-11,000 B.C. Thousands of years before the next know civilizations existed.This book includes my research on ancient sites around the world, underground structures, giants, the destruction of civilization about 10,500 B.C., the real Atlantis, and out of place artifacts which are millions of years old. With this collection of a wide variety of information I decided that what is needed is a full timeline of intelligent life on Earth from millions of years ago to the present. There are a lot of gaps in this information but enough records, findings, and discoveries exist to propose an initial timeline of intelligent life on Earth going back hundreds of millions of years.Yes-I'm saying intelligent life has existed on Earth that long, and since humanity and even primates don't exist in those times at all, aliens must have lived on the Earth at that time. There are three parts to this book: Part One - Millions of Years Ago This includes stories of aliens existing on Earth in our history, and many out of place objects made by intelligent beings, and the fossil record which provides supporting evidence that intelligent life did exist at those times. Part Two - The Unknown Civilizations of Man Here we have evidence of structures built by man but way before any accepted records that civilization or man made constructions existed. Some of these things may go back 100,000 years ago. Part Three - Post Ice Age Civilizations This part includes evidence that the Younger Dryas event was actually comets striking the Earth which caused major disasters and probably the destruction of civilizations about 10,500 B.C.My intention is that this timeline will provide a skeleton of mankind and intelligent life's early history on Earth which can be filled in overtime to become much more detailed and prove the truth of this point of view to skeptics worldwide.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    207,95 kr.

    Many millions of species have existed in Earth's past. What distinguishes those which survive like humanity and those who don't survive?And what is it about Man's ability to survive which has made us the dominant mammals on Earth?In this book we look at the things man has done uniquely to succeed. This includes the use of fire for all of our existence as Home Sapiens and much of our history as hominids.How have we survived floods, the ice age, huge volcanos and other disasters? And what about the development of weapons which made us better able to conquer other predators and provide food in a much better way?The combination of fire and weapons has given us an incredible edge in the survival or our species. Domesticated Animals and Plants also gave people a huge advantage in survival.This book examines what we know about human survival over the ages and how it has led us to where we are today.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    177,95 kr.

    The thesis of this book is that there was a civilization of intelligent beings existing on Earth over 300 million years ago. I previously collected information to write two books on out of place artifacts (OOPAs) and a book on Giants which evidence shows lived on this Earth millions of years ago. While writing my book titled "The History of Intelligent Life On Earth from Millions of Years Ago Till Present" and generating a timeline on ancient OOPAs found around the Earth, I found an interesting pattern. It turns out that a large number of these objects were found around 300 million years ago mostly in coal mines and seams. All of these objects from the same time period provide good circumstantial evidence that a worldwide civilization existed at that time. Given the millions of years which have elapsed since then we are lucky to find even the few OOPAs we have records of which were preserved in coal and rock. In this book I put together the evidence and do my best to answer questions like: What did the world look like then? What were the attributes and culture of this society? What types of beings were part of this civilization? And other relevant questions. It may be hard to believe that intelligent life existed back then but we need to be objective to follow where the evidence takes us.

  • - And What We Can do About It
    af Martin K Ettington
    207,95 kr.

    In today's world we live in a culture of truth suppression. This is true in representative democracies like the United States as well as full totalitarian dictatorships like Communist China. This book covers many areas of major lies like Global Warming, perverted doctrines taught in schools, Politics, News Suppression, Communist China, limitations in Spirituality, and problems with globalism. There are many different types of truth suppression and as much as we would like to think that we live in an advanced culture and world, this effort by different entities to suppress truth affects our lives negatively in many ways. The most direct effect is that we live in fear of the future of our world which is a big lie. This suppression also keeps us from fully realizing our spiritual natures and that we do have the ability to accomplish amazing things when we live with full honesty in our lives. I believe that individuals are closest to a state of happiness when they live their lives in truth. (See my book "A New Paradigm of Truth and Happiness" for more information.) There are actions we can take to correct this situation but they are mass actions which need many persons involved to have a real effect. A list of these actions are given later in this book.

  • - Shapeshifting History, Types of Shapeshifters, and Exercises
    af Martin K Ettington
    222,95 kr.

    Shapeshifting has a history of occurring all over the world. From American Indians to Slavics in Europe, shapeshifters are part of our world history. In this book we explore what shapeshifting is, it's history, types of shapeshifters, and regions around the world where it has been reported. We also review practices and exercises to allow the individual to shapeshift themselves to some type of animal. What was Carlos Castenada's involvement with shapeshifting? And how is the Greek God Proteus related to this topic? And what is the difference between a skin walker and a vampire? Lots of these issues are addressed here and I hope you enjoy the journey.

  • - Werewolves, Bigfoots, Cannibals, UFOs and More
    af Martin K Ettington
    207,95 kr.

    National Parks here and abroad have an unusual numbers of strange, scary, and weird activities going on. It may be because these areas cover some of the most hidden and still natural and undisturbed locations in the world.These parks offer undisturbed areas where man does not intrude normally, and many activities can be hidden there.The stories in this book are mostly by Park Rangers who spent years in the outback of these parks and tell of their unusual and sometimes very scary experiences. I've divided up these stories mainly by types like missing persons, Bigfoot sightings, Aliens and UFOs and more.Some experiences are so weird or unusual they were hard to categorize so they are in the chapter titled "Random Stories". From my own experiences camping the wilderness I know that you need to be prepared to the unexpected. All of these stories were reported as true-but who is to say what the real truth is?

  • af Martin K Ettington
    272,95 kr.

    This book is my second on stranger than science stories and facts. The idea is from the book "Stranger Than Science" by Frank Edwards that I read when I was a kid. It made a great impression on me since it caused me to be curious about all of the unknown facts in the world. In this Volume Two I've gone through my 120 plus books again to find interesting subjects I've either experienced or researched which were not discussed in the first book. My goal is to open the eyes of the reader to facts and stories about the unknown they may not know about. Hopefully this will lead you to become more open minded and think seriously about new things which may not have been part of your life before. Here you will read stories about the Paranormal, Spiritual Enlightenment, Legendary animals like Dragons, giant snakes, living dinosaurs, ball lightning, alien anti-gravity technology, improving longevity, and much more. I promise you will not be bored with the materials we cover here. After reading this book I hope you can see that our world is truly mysterious and the more we know, the more questions we have, and the more there is to know.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    207,95 kr.

    This book is about communities and cities around the world where people live to very old ages. It is divided into two groups. Those communities who have the longest lived peoples in the world. Lots of lifestyle and diet data is included for them. The second group are another set of communities which have high average ages which people live to but are not quite the outliers that the first group is. I've also tried to provide some general lifestyle and diet guidelines for each group to give an idea of why these places are different for longevity purposes. The first four communities were also profiled in my book "Diets and Lifestyles of the World's Oldest Peoples & 32 Longevity Recipes" which goes into lot of details about these four locations including traditional recipes. Overall, I think you will get a better idea of what the reasons people live a long time in these locations around the world which may give you ideas about adapting your lifestyle and diets to have maximum longevity.

  • - How to Visualize and Reach Your Goals
    af Martin K Ettington
    197,95 kr.

    There are a lot of books written on the topic of visualization. Mine is a little different. As an engineer and experiencer of many paranormal events I've got a different perspective enabled by my research and experience. There are many subjects I've studied that indicate that the mind really can affect our reality. In this book I will review why my research and experience says that visualization really works and some lessons on how to do it. The Reality we live in is much more malleable than we think and so why not set our goals and purposes to get that reality to work the way we want it? Techniques included in this book include various visualization techniques and building your own vision board.

  • - And 32 Longevity Recipes
    af Martin K Ettington
    177,95 kr.

    You can lose one hundred pounds or more by living the long lived persons diet and lifestyle.There are not many if any books written on how the longest lived communities in the world live and what they actually eat.You will learn some valuable information here. I've also included 32 traditional recipes from these cultures. Eating these recipes will help you develop this longevity lifestyle. When you start eating like centenarians then you can also start living their active lifestyle and you will be well on the road to reducing your weight and improving your longevity by decades.This book is a study of the lifestyles and diets of the four longest lived communities in the world. All of these locations have a higher proportion of centenarians and super centenarians per hundred thousand of population as well as many persons who live to their 130s-140s and even older.The longevity communities in this book are: -Okinawa, Japan -The Republic of Abkhazia next to southern Russia. -Vilcabamba, Ecuador-Hunza People of northern PakistanIn Section One you will see the information on our study and comparisons of these communitiesIn Section Two we provide many different recipes from these communities of the type that reflect what these communities eat on a regular basis.Can you really live like these people? Yes--They have been doing it for hundreds of years with no special foods.Is this food safe? Yes--These are traditional recipes and most have also been eaten with no problems for hundreds of years.What about the rest of this lifestyle? We discuss some of the details and it includes lots of exercise which you will mainly need to do on your one.Come join us as we learn more about how we should live and eat to optimize long term health through the best Longevity Lifestyles and Diets !

  • af Martin K Ettington
    177,95 kr.

    I've written quite a few books about spirituality and my experience and beliefs in our abilities to expand our consciousness through spiritual development practices, meditation, and the paranormal. This book includes my experiences with paranormal abilities acquired from the spiritual development process and different enlightenment experiences. Having been raised in a technical family and gone to engineering school my perspective is pretty unique since I developed both traditional technical knowledge of the world while I was also going through the spiritual development and enlightenment process. There are many engineers and scientists who are also religious but I've found that technical people who are as deeply into spiritual enlightenment practices and paranormal experiences are pretty rare. What I've found is that this dual background has given me more clarity about the world we live in and better objectivity in many cases regarding strange or unusual phenomena. The theme of this book is to review how I went through this dual track system of learning in my life to become both a traditional engineer and to have fairly adept knowledge of spiritual and paranormal experiences.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    207,95 kr.

    The history of the Druids has always fascinated me. My first interest was reading as a child about Merlin the Magician who was also a Druid. Then I learned they were the ancient priests of the Celts and had a deep history in the British Isles. My family is also from Scotland and Northern Ireland so it makes me wonder if I have some Druidic ancestry too. Recently I wrote a book about the Mythical people of Ireland and it also included materials about the Tuatha Da Dannan who in many mythical histories were also forerunners of the Druids. Druids were also well known for their mystical prophecy and healing abilities. Being a student of the Paranormal and Spiritual this also holds a serious interest for me. In this book we will go through my research on Druid history, festivals, rituals, herbs, alphabets, magic, and much more. Some Druidic rituals and exercises are also included. In fact Druidism seems to be the source of many modern approaches to witchcraft and magic.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    322,95 kr.

    Welcome to The Psychic Soldier and his exciting adventures growing up in the nineteenth century.He learns to fight as a soldier and acquires real psychic abilities to help him. (This book is 619 pages) These abilities are real and the Author has written about a realistic process for their development since he is worldwide authority on Eastern Spiritual development and Psychic abilities. In the first part of the book we learn about Tristan Morgan's early life and adventures with partially developed intuitive abilities. He meets masters of ancient wisdom and technology to learn from them.Tristan Morgan learns how to live many lifetimes. Later in the book his adventures focus on dates fifty to one hundred years into his future. The story is fictional, but it could be real. This is not pure fantasy.Tristin's adventures include India, China, Japan, the American West, the Civil War, World War One, World War Two, and challenges from Aliens in the future. Find out how amazing life could really be for someone who is an immortal soldier.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    177,95 kr.

    The underground rock wall in Rockwall, Texas has fascinated me for years. I've read everything I could online about it. Recently I moved from Los Angeles to Denton, Texas which is only about an hour drive from Rockwall. So I went there and spent an hour with the Rockwall County Museum Curator and learned a lot more about the structure. Was also able to examine and take pictures of the wall section moved from the actual wall and reconstructed outside the museum. In this book I've related the history of the wall's discovery, excavations, interesting items and structures found on or near the wall, and information about possible giants who might have built it. There are a lot of unanswered questions about this structure which still need to be learned. Those questions are listed near the end of this book.

  • - The Big Bang Never Happened
    af Martin K Ettington
    177,95 kr.

    The concept of Infinity has been around since the ancients and it has many practical applications in mathematics like Calculus. Infinity is also important in Fractals which are a graphical algorithm which is used in many computer graphics applications today and which has infinite depth. It is also applicable to our Universe since the standard concept we are taught about the Big Bang as the beginning of the Universe may be wrong. Modern evidence is showing us contradictions which say that we live in a Universe which is steady state and might even be infinite in size. The Universe doesn't have a creation date we can be sure of. We don't really know if it is infinite in size but the Universe is certainly much larger and older than our best scientific instruments can measure. This book is an exploration of Infinity and new understandings of our Universe which have come to light in recent decades.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    172,95 kr.

    There is lots of interest these days in space exploration. After fifty years we are looking at going back to the Moon to build a base and early planning for a manned trip to Mars.After that, further exploration and settlement of the Solar System will be on the table.One of the main limiting factors for all of this space exploration are the types of rockets and rocket engines available to get there. Current rockets in usage are mainly chemical rockets with fairly low specific impulses. We will need a lot more powerful options to reach all of these destinations.This book is about the history of rocket engine development, what we are using today, and some options for the future.We also discuss some exciting thinking about how we could build interstellar and faster than light engines for exploring the nearest stars.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    432,95 kr.

    This is a bundle of five books all about Time, Dimensions, and Quantum Mechanical Phenomena Quantum Mechanics, Technology, Consciousness, and the Multiverse How Quantum Mechanics affects our lives with new technology and also how consciousness itself maybe a quantum wave. Also discusses spiritual abilities which have quantum aspects too. Finally, the quantum aspects of the multiverse. Real Time Travel Stories From a Psychic Engineer Real Time Travel Stories of persons visiting the past and the future. Includes the Author's stories about his own experiences seeing future events. Analysis and theories included about how this works. The Real Nature of Time: An Analysis of Physics, Prophecy, and Time Travel Experiences An Analysis of Time from premonitional experiences, stories of real time travelers and theoretical physics. What is time really? Stories of Parallel Dimensions This book includes numerous stories of persons who experienced dimensional travel or who observed this happening to other people. We Live in a Malleable Reality-and We Can Change It Research and experiences of prophecy, time travel, dimensional transfers, quantum physics, and much more are in this book as well as techniques for mastering our influences over reality

  • af Martin K Ettington
    217,95 kr.

    As an engineer and student of science I try to keep up with publications of the latest discoveries and paradigm shifts in science around the world. I believe that there are several big problems with science today. First is that much science is biased which might be because some scientists want to keep their point of view prominent and the others because many focuses of science are supported by biased funding. This will be discussed in this book. The other issue is that many scientists limit their thinking to only support age old paradigms and refuse to accept changes to their theories or throw out evidence because it doesn't conform their current beliefs. In this book we will cover many issues such as the belief among many cosmologists that the Big Bang never happened. We will also look at ideas we thought settled but which have lots of contrary evidence and anecdotal counter stories such as time travel and dimensional crossings. After you read this book you may question much of what is commonly accepted by scientists in the world today.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    200,95 kr.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    262,95 kr.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    168,95 kr.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    207,95 kr.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    168,95 kr.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    168,95 kr.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    167,95 kr.

  • af Martin K Ettington
    167,95 kr.

  • - Tuatha De Danann, Druids, and Elves
    af Martin K Ettington
    157,95 kr.

  • - And Seeing Through Dogma
    af Martin K Ettington
    157,95 kr.

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