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  • - Mi historia de amor en Corea
    af Alexandra C Fernández
    102,95 kr.

    -EN ESTE VOLUMEN-Jungji intenta acercarse a Ana para aclarar los malentendidos existentes entre ambos, pero la nuna no está interesada en hablar con él; no acostumbrado al desprecio, el arrogante idol insiste en acercarse a la huidiza mujer.

    147,95 kr.

    ¿Y si la vida funcionara como Bitcoin? "Embelesado en sus pensamientos, decidió transformar el vértigo de la reflexión en un impulso cinético: tomó los mandos manuales y aceleró el girocoche." "- A lo mejor el auténtico fondo filosófico está en mi conducción de hoy. Yo conduzco. Yo decido. Yo me equivoco -reflexionó en voz alta." Año 2071. La República P2P del Valle de Silicio es el microestado más próspero de una Norteamérica atomizada. Fundada para salvaguardar los intereses de los ciudadanos y empresas del valle de Santa Clara, la República P2P de Silicon Valley carece de gobierno y burocracia: el Ciudadano Aumentado medio se beneficia ahora de la amplificación de su inteligencia gracias a implantes conectados en red que conforman una mente colmena. Pero la plácida existencia superficial del individuo interconectado con el grupo oculta disonancias como la vida de Marcus, un niño de diez años con problemas mentales que sueña con ser auténticamente libre, lejos de una confusión cognitiva que, según el algoritmo que rige la ética del Valle, no existe; y lo que no se registra en el Sistema, no es. Los padres de Marcus, el reconocido aunque discreto programador Frederick Terlingua y la melancólica científica computacional Marfa Terlingua, se preguntan cuál es su situación y la de su hijo en un mundo agotado que empuja a la humanidad hacia las nuevas oportunidades de las colonias en el espacio. La República P2P se vanagloria de ser la primera sociedad compuesta por auténticos Übermensch o Ciudadanos Aumentados, la primera democracia donde electores y representantes equivalen al mismo número de individuos, porque al ocuparse cada uno de sus asuntos, todos contribuyen a la gobernanza del microestado... Pero algunos de sus habitantes sospechan que, bajo su semántica individualista, el microestado libertario oculta su antagonismo: una cultura gregaria donde cada ciudadano está sujeto al sutil control estatal. Al tratar de vivir según sus términos, los Terlingua lograrán mucho más que explorar la borrosa frontera entre uno y muchos. Y el significado de la existencia albergará la clave de su supervivencia y florecimiento.

    137,95 kr.

    Barcelona, finales de 2013. Con treinta y seis años, Nicolás Boullosa no se siente en el albor de ninguna crisis de la mediana edad. Tampoco hay rastro de despecho existencial. Justo ahora, cuando cree haber encontrado en la voluntad racional individual el camino para autorrealizarse, la esfera colectiva contraataca, exigiendo al ciudadano con escrúpulos que se posicione en algún extremo y apoye, así, alguna cruzada. Ha pasado un lustro desde el inicio de la crisis; el malestar y los extremismos colectivos enarbolan las viejas banderas idealistas. Construcciones etéreas y con esencia platónica como la Provicencia o el Pueblo desempolvan viejas consignas y todo el mundo parece ser independentista de algo, antimonárquico, revolucionario de algo otro, refundador de lo de más allá. La cotidianidad de Nicolás Boullosa revive la gran batalla de todos los tiempos: aristotélicos contra platónicos; razón contra misticismo; paciencia, perseverancia, propósito personal, autosuficiencia y libre albedrío contra misiones colectivas de "sacrificio", "solidaridad" y "misericordia" a favor de la "causa", el "proceso" o la "misión", expresiones que -cree- propulsan el populismo y le causan arcadas. Desde su oficina doméstica, Nicolás Boullosa busca una temática para su segunda novela, después de que la primera, autopublicada en la tienda de Amazon, pasara desapercibida. Mientras afronta el síndrome de la página en blanco con el sudor frío del escritor principiante, alguien pica a la puerta. El extraño visitante se declara "lector" de su primer libro. Percibe entonces que el extraño tiene la potestad de cambiar su existencia, poniendo en riesgo la tranquilidad que nadie le ha regalado... Hasta que el riesgo se convierte en enseñanza. Oportunidad. La rebelión del charna reivindica la normalidad como la posición más revolucionaria en momentos de incertidumbre y centrifugación. Como en la ciencia, las leyes de la vida más sencillas son las más bellas y difíciles.

  • - Historia verdadera de la conquista de la felicidad
    237,95 kr.

    Fin del verano de 1771. Tres jóvenes españoles abandonan su anodina y predestinada existencia de provincias en busca de otro porvenir. Sus orígenes, cultura y valores difieren pero comparten, sin saberlo, el mismo anhelo: labrar su propio futuro lejos de su terruño. En la España de élites ilustradas y jansenistas de Carlos III, los tres muchachos identifican por distintos motivos una idéntica utopía geográfica: los confines de Nueva España, más allá de las Provincias Internas del altiplano septentrional mexicano. Un descendiente de hidalgos y conversos extremeños, un menestral catalán de Barcelona con orígenes pirenaicos y un seminarista de provincias gallego, se opondrán a lo que la rígida providencia ha planeado para ellos. Partirán primero hacia Cádiz para, desde allí, viajar hacia Nueva España con el salvoconducto de una compañía comercial barcelonesa. La casualidad unirá la empresa individual de los aventureros. A medida que conozcan los detalles de sus respectivas historias, acumularán certezas de que sus conocimientos y habilidades se complementan, como si alguien o algo se hubiera conjurado desde tiempos inmemoriales para encajar, ahora, su existencia. Solos, son meros buscavidas; unidos, sin embargo, constituyen la última esperanza para desentrañar el significado de un antiguo mensaje críptico. Parten de Cádiz con una misión común: localizar a fray Junípero Serra, la mayor eminencia del Imperio sobre la obra de Ramon Llull y, a la vez, un humilde misionero franciscano entregado a su tarea en los confines del remoto territorio de la California Nueva. Durante su viaje, entenderán a los Argonautas y a Odiseo. Tratarán de desentrañar el enigma viajando hacia él, para averiguar si el recorrido geográfico conduce al espiritual, y a la inversa. La empresa de los tres muchachos dará con uno de los textos más importantes jamás escritos, cuya belleza será aprovechada por Benjamin Franklin, padre fundador de Estados Unidos, para la mayor empresa jamás acometida. Franklin conocerá el escrito a través de un amigo, el profesor escocés Adam Smith, muy al pesar del escritor "tory" inglés Samuel Johnson, enemigo del norteamericano. Y el final de la historia se convertirá en principio.

  • af Oliver Wardrop
    342,95 kr.

    English-Svanetian Dictionary - T HE recent establishment of a fund in the University of Oxford for the encouragement of the study of the Georgian family of languages may in the course of time attract the attention of British philologists to the Western Caucasus, and an increasing stream of travelers will doubtless find their way thither seeking knowledge, health, sport, and scenery; it is for such visitors that the following vocabulary has been compiled.

  • af Monica La Brocca
    197,95 kr.

    Margaret Ryan (Meg) frequenta l'ultimo anno alla Chicago University, corso di giornalismo. Non è una ragazza come le altre, non partecipa alle feste e non esce con i coetanei, preferisce rifugiarsi nella lettura di un bel romanzo piuttosto che affrontare la vita. Il suo unico obiettivo è studiare, deve riuscire ad allontanarsi una volta per tutte da quella maledetta città "delle ombre" dov'è sempre vissuta.Un incontro inaspettato le cambia la vita. Josh Kent, un ragazzo di ventiquattro anni, trasferitosi da poco nella sua stessa università, sembra essere l'unico in grado di capirla.Da subito il rapporto tra i due si fa complicato: si odiano, si desiderano e si aiutano l'un l'altro a superare i propri "demoni del passato". Infatti anche Josh, come Meg, nasconde un segreto che non tarderà a essere svelato e che cambierà per sempre il loro rapporto. Ma il destino ha in serbo ancora qualche sorpresa... Benvenuti, dunque, "all'inferno". Benvenuti nel mondo di... All About You ******* INFERNO è il primo capitolo della saga di "All About You" (INFERNO, PURGATORIO, PARADISO).

  • af Leri Jibladze
    562,95 kr.

    The results of archaeological researches carried out on the territory of histor-ic Colchis prove that Bronze Age Colchis metallurgical amalgamation (centre) was created and it contributed to development of geographical zone of mountain and foot-hills, on the base of assimilation of local, rich metallogenic system; majority of copper, arsenic and antimony ore outcrops necessary for mining-smelting manufacture were treated, and tin was imported. Correspondingly, the organizational-technological changes going on historically in Colchis bronze manufacture resulted in differential communications necessary for de-termination of functional, geographical-spreading, trade-cultural relations and activity area with external world. Thanks to the joint, synchronous functioning of the primary (mountain zone) and secondary (lowland, seaside) centers of copper-bronze production/manufacture, the united center (metallurgical association) of Colchis bronze manufacture was created by the first half of the 3rd -1st millennium B. C. Due to the growth of scales and successful functioning of highly skilled workshops and increased quality of nonferrous metal, the trade-economic progress reaches high level. Association established strict cultural con-tacts with metallurgical provinces around the Black Sea and the Caucasus-Fore Asia, by the principle of integration and it occupied deserved place in the cultural achieve-ments of the Old World.

  • af E Margarita Eve
    102,95 kr.

    El Cuento es una bonita forma de expresión y de comunicación breve y amena que usualmente usan los escritores de prosa para llegar al público. Este libro es el inicio de una colección de Cuentos Románticos de la autora, en dónde se encuentran: tanto cuentos contemporáneos como cuentos medievales sobre amores verdaderos y eternos.

    272,95 kr.

    Fasciné par les objets qui passent de main en main, l'auteur fait d'une perle, la divine héroïne de son roman. Elle sera la messagère à qui sera confié la mission de ramener les hommes à la raison après deux conflits mondiaux. L'emploi de la bombe atomique est considéré par les forces de l'univers comme la ligne rouge à ne pas dépasser. Personnifiée, cette parure (très à la mode dans les années 50) monte avec le concours d'animaux de toutes espèces, une opération qui vise à convaincre le Président Truman de ne pas employer une nouvelle fois, la bombe atomique au cours de la guerre de Corée qui se déclare dans cette année 1950. Le fantastique se mêle au réel dans une histoire qui tient autant du conte que du récit d'aventure. L'épopée nous mène d'Amérique en Europe. Le suspense est très présent, les imprévus ne manquent pas et le timing est serré; la menace d'une guerre nucléaire peut faire craindre le pire. C'est aussi un roman d'amour tourmenté qui a pour cadre cette Bretagne des côtes d'Armor où sont omniprésents les souvenirs des terre-neuvas. Comme dans un puzzle à construire, le roman se déroule aux quatre coins cardinaux pour s'unifier autour de l'héroïne du conte dans cette Bretagne pittoresque de la côte d'émeraude. Le ton peut paraître sérieux par moment car l'auteur aborde aussi des sujets qui font réfléchir, mais il s'échappe souvent pour emprunter les voies de l'humour et de la poésie.

  • af Ediciones Enriquillo
    72,95 kr.

    Karen al ver esto se acercó más adonde estaba la música, fue como una hipnosis ese momento, por primera vez Karen estaba quieta, no estaba sobresaltada, ni ansiosa, sino totalmente calmada y admirada de aquellos instrumentos. La maestra Magdalena la estuvo observando durante unos largos minutos; aunque nadie lo reconocía, ella sí sabía que Karen era especial.Magdalena notó que el instrumento al que Karen no le quitaba los ojos de encima era un violonchelo.Fragmento de Chelito mío

  • af Elisa Ana Machado Santacoloma
    172,95 kr.

    A medida que pasa el tiempo los seres humanos acumulamos en la mente una serie de acontecimientos. Los más recientesse transforman en recuerdos, y luego estos envejecen y se transforman en añoranzas. Recuerdos y añoranzas reunidas, y una capacidad de asombro frente a cada detalle de la existencia, hacen "Mi vida en un poema".Las obras literarias de extraordinario mérito han sido escritas por hombres capaces de sentir profundamente y de expresar estéticamente lo sentido. Humanamente, nos liga un parentesco sentimental que nos hace hermanos. Somos semejantes, porque pasamos por las mismas alegrías y tristezas, por idénticas ilusiones y desengaños. La suprema ley de vivir a todos nos iguala, y en mayor o menor grado, sentimos euforia y abatimiento, tristezas y regocijos, esperanzas y no pocasdesilusiones.La capacidad de explicar esos momentos íntimos de la vida del hombre la tienen los poetas y los filósofos. Ellos viertenconceptualmente e interpretan tales estados y movimientos profundos del espíritu, y con un lenguaje concreto traducenla realidad compleja y sutil del alma humana.No es sólo la alegría lo que pueden comunicarnos los poetas con sus versos, sino también la tristeza, la desesperación, la angustia, el dolor, la duda, el odio, el amor, la compasión, el deseo, la admiración, la fe, la veneración, la esperanza, ytodos los sentimientos y emociones que, en general, tienen cabida en el alma del hombre.

  • af Johansen N Machume
    152,95 kr.

    Brief SummaryA Voice from the Baobab Tree is about environmental degradation andit's conservation.Maelezo mafupi ya kitabuNi hadithi inayosimulia uharibifu wa Mazingira ambao unafanywa na wakazi wa kijiji cha Kitebwe. Hatimaye wanaonywa na Mbuyu pamoja na Mlima kuacha tabia ya kuharibu Mazingira. Wanakijiji wanakubaliana na maonyo hayo na kuyatekeleza maagizo yao. Matokeo yake ukame unatoweka na hali ya kijani inarejea tena Kijijini.

  • - Biographie du groupe Telephone
    af Daniel Ichbiah
    212,95 kr.

    La biographie du groupe Téléphone - édition 2016______________________________________________Téléphone est demeuré le groupe de rock français de référence, continuellement diffusé sur les radios. Téléphone au coeur de la vie est la seule histoire du groupe Téléphone réalisée à partir de dizaines d'heures d'interviews. Des interviews de Jean-Louis Aubert, Louis Bertignac, Richard Kolinka et Corine mais aussi des interviews d'amis d'enfance et de ceux qui ont côtoyé le groupe à divers chefs: l'animateur radio Jean-Louis Foulquier, le chanteur Raphael, l'actrice Valérie Lagrange... Il en résulte un document unique, irremplaçable sur une époque bénie par des millions de fans.Quelques exemples d'anecdotes uniques issues de la bouche même des intéressés: . Comment Aubert a failli laisser sa peau lors de son périple à travers les USA juste après le Bac . Le concert où Bertignac a pris la place de batteur et a adoré cela. . Téléphone essuie une pluie de canettes de bières au Festival de Reading en Angleterre . Un autre monde était au départ un morceau lent composé au synthétiseur ! . etcComme l'explique Daniel Ichbiah: Ce groupe avait tout pour lui: une qualité instrumentale hors pair, mais aussi une présence scénique inégalée à ce jour mais aussi des chansons ultra efficaces. Véritable chroniqueur générationnel Jean-Louis Aubert, a su faire sonner la langue française en phrasé rock'n'roll avec des gimmicks du genre 'Métro, c'est trop' ou 'Argent trop cher' de mots qui s'insinuent dans la psyché et n'en sortent plus. On comprend l'enthousiasme du public à vouloir les retrouver en concert. Cette édition 2016 intègre le retour du scène du groupe sous le nom de Les Insus...

  • - How to Be Fruitful in A Barren Land
    af Giles Stevens
    157,95 kr.

    IS IT POSSIBLE TO BE FRUITFUL IN A BARREN LAND? Can you catch fish where they haven't been biting? Can you win souls in an atheistic or agnostic or unbelieving environment? Evangelist Giles Stevens believes so and has written this book to give you faith and vision to win your friends and families for the Lord. You will see that wisdom determines whether you succeed or fail in life. The wise person knows things that others do not know and therefore gets results that others do not get. To this end, Winning Your World is a book full of biblical principles, powerful stories and relevant citations that will help you to maximise your soul-winning potential and become more fruitful. The wisdom within will give you a cutting edge, whether you share one-to-one, in small group meetings or in large-scale evangelistic events.

  • - A Family Adventure
    af Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva
    212,95 kr.

    This colorful book tells a family adventure cast in Bwindi impenetrable forest in Uganda. Home to more than half of the world's gorillas! Here children learn about table manners and identify similarities between themselves and baby gorillas, yes, including behaviors. The book describes a bit about Ugandan food and culture. 6X9 inches, 55 pages, with pictures of gorillas from Uganda.

  • - The Prophecy of Jesus Christ: And How Christ Put an End to Sin
    af Devon L Wilson
    117,95 kr.


  • af Ana Escoto
    132,95 kr.

    El enamoramiento -que no es, necesariamente, amor- es un bicho raro, caprichoso. A veces, se presenta enorme y tenemos esa sensación de que durará por siempre. Otras, es tan breve, tan pasajero, que nos lleva a cuestionarnos si de verdad nos encontramos con él o si solamente se presentó en un sueño. Él, ese bicho, se carcajea y nos estudia, nos escudriña mientras caemos en sus juegos, mientras nos confunde, mientras juega a las escondidas, mientras deja en el alma cicatrices grandes, pequeñas, minúsculas.Ana Escoto, como buena científica social, como vengadora de aquellos que hemos caído víctimas de los encantos del enamoramiento, registra magistralmente algunos de los rostros de ese bicho. Un inventario de hombres -que leen, tocan guitarra, ríen, cantan mientras cocinan o que son daltónicos, que tienen nombres rusos o un corazón muy grande-, desfila en los veinticuatro cuentos que componen esta colección de problemas, lugares cotidianos, sentimientos que brotan cuando el enamoramiento -bicho raro- aparece.De los problemas de enamorarse es una fiesta de lenguaje en la que la expresión cotidiana se une, enamora al lenguaje científico, nerd, para diseccionar al bicho raro, para mostrarlo en todo su esplendor a través de imágenes impregnadas de humor negro. Esta colección de cuentos es, sin duda, indispensable para comprender e identificar algunos de los problemas de enamorarse, pero también para descubrir una voz narrativa refrescante, novedosa, clara. (Denise Phé-Funchal)

  • - Novela basada en historias de El Salvador
    af Roberto Evora Solórzano
    162,95 kr.

    Novela histórica, matizada de humorismo ubicada en el cantón Las Cañas, en el departamento de Chalatenango al norte de San Salvador.Narra las historias que desde la colonia, envuelven los misterios de las apariciones de San Roque.

  • - Man kann sich mit den Personen identifizieren, als wären es Bekannte!
    af Silvia Berrenrath
    77,95 kr.

    Das Leben und seine Überraschungen Es ist ein schöner Sommertag, irgendwo in Deutschland. Drei Frauen, verschiedene Alters- und Lebensumstände, haben alle mehr oder weniger ihre Päckchen zu tragen. Nele, Frauchen von Rudy, startete in ihr neues Leben. Iris, eine allein erziehende Mutter, immer im Stress. Brigitte, Ende 50, sagt, was sie denkt und genießt die restlichen Jahre bis zu ihrer Rente. Während Brigitte und Iris auf ihr tägliches Highlight warten, hat Nele mit der Umstellung in ihrem neuen Leben zu kämpfen.

  • - The Siwale Massacre
    af Luke Johnson
    97,95 kr.

    The people of Siwale village in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe, were still celebrating independence from Britain when Robert Mugabe's government, unhappy that they had voted for a rival political party, sent soldiers to crack down on them. The government claimed that it was dealing with dissidents. More than 20 000 unarmed civilians, including women and children, were killed. Thousands more were displaced. The operation is widely known as gukurahundi. The killings only ended in December 1987 when a Unity Accord was signed between the ruling party, ZANU and the opposition party, ZAPU. Years later, in 1997, Mugabe would characterise the killings as a 'moment of madness'. But how were ordinary people in the villages affected? This is the account of one man.

  • - The German Way
    af Florian Roski
    117,95 kr.

    #1 Best Seller in Germany - Now Available in the US!How can you make an extra...?✓ $1,400 per month?✓ $11,700 per month?✓ $131,400 per month?That's exactly what you're going to discover in "The ABC's of a Real Estate Millionaire - the German way".In this eye-opening book, you're going to learn the step-by-step guide of Dr. Florian Roski to create a real-estate empire, stacking up massive amounts of wealth month after month, and securing your financial future & your family's financial future.Yes - even if you're a beginner!What's inside this book?The complete story of Dr. Florian Roski about his real estate investments, how he started, what made him successful, and what is the surprising motivation for him to write a real estate bookThe step-by-step(the ABC, if you like) for real estate investing - how ANYONE can create a cash machine without formal education, experience in investing, or even a large capitalDr. Florian Roski's guide to acquiring wealth, and make sure it's getting fatter and fatter month after monthThe little-known secrets of homeowners, real estate flippers and cash-flow dealsThe mind-blowing guide for making YOUR BANK pay for your investment - while YOU get the payments consistentlyAnd much, much more!Dr. Florian Roski is a brilliant investor and a start-up consultant from Nuremberg, Germany. After holding top-class positions in the most successful startups, universities, and rapidly-growing companies, he started to develop a passion for real estate investing. He has built up his retirement provision over the years by flipping real estate, and in this book, he leaves no stones unturned - and exposes his method to acquire massive wealth.Are you ready to transform your life?Scroll up, click on "Buy Now with 1-Click" and get your copy!

  • af Oliver Wardrop
    342,95 kr.

    George V the Brilliant (Giorgi V Brtskinvale, 1289-1346) was the King of Georgia in the 13th and 14th centuries. He recovered Georgia from a century-long Mongol domination, restoring the country's previous strength and Christian culture. The Laws of George are the oldest original fragments of Georgian legislation. The reader should remember that these Laws are not those of the kingdom of Georgia, but ordinances, influenced by Georgian law and based on the customs of a remote and disorderly district and designed to pacify that district. Though of local application they are founded on those general Georgian principles of jurisprudence which were held in common by both high¬landers and lowlanders. The text is of extraordinary interest to students of comparative jurisprudence; they are based upon the most ancient customs of the Georgian race and might profitably engage the attention of Assyriologists.

  • af Robert Byers
    132,95 kr.

    "Her knees were weak and if not for that marble pillar beside her shoulder she would faint and fall not far from the maze at the end of the main aisle of the church." SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - We take great pride in developing an exciting and thoughtful new world for our new and loyal readers, innovating!STIMULATING FOR THE IMAGINATION - Our novel is packed with exciting action and carries the ability to introduce new readers to fantasy and science fiction!GREAT COVER ART DISPLAY - Our book displays a great piece of cover art which is perfect for display on your bookshelf, center coffee table, hall shelf or even your own bedside table! Blazing Night enters society in Vancouver. The father dies, beginning the endless search for the family. The story moves a few centuries into the future in which gaming is what everybody is excited about. People, robots, clones, dragons and monsters are playing. The novel was edited by Robert H. Byers, born February 1931 died March 2018, Bob edited the novel Blazing Night and the first chapter of Blue Earth. According to him, lots of corrections were needed on every page. He not only marked these, but read the text loud and made sure it sounded great. For him J. M. K. Walkow is "the Canadian Conrad". Joseph Conrad, born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, was a Polish-British writer regarded as one of the greatest novelists to write in the English language. According to a local paper in January of 2013, Blazing Night is a self-described naturalistic fantasy tale, five years in the making, as "part fantasy, part science fiction and there's some real science in there, too." J. M. K. Walkow began the novel when he was unemployed in 2004, and wrote it in about four months. "I was looking for work while my sons were going to French immersion school. We spent hours in the public library, and I was reading some books and helping them with their French and one day I just started writing," he said. Spiritual, science fiction and reality all rolled into one, no surprise is making it's way around the world! commented a fan. The author is funding independent innovation in artificial intelligence, cyber security, robo-advisor, oncology, mathematics, fine art, literature and photography. Jmk Walkow is a pen name for Jacek Walkowicz. Blazing Night, Adventure Book, Science Fiction - Blazing Night By J.M.K. Walkow - 299 Pages, Engaging Action And Adventure, Stimulates The Imagination, Paperback Cover, Cover Art Display

  • - Verbessere die Leistung deines Gehirns
    af Bernhard Brose
    397,95 kr.

    In einer Gesellschaft mit täglich steigenden Anforderungen an jeden einzelnen Menschen ist die Anpassung an immer neue Herausforderungen überlebenswichtigDieses Buch möchte aufzeigen, wie eine Steigerung der geistigen Leistungsfähigkeit einfach und praktisch realisiert werden kann.Dafür werden im Gegensatz zur aktuellen klinischen Praxis keine Pharmaka verwendet und auch keine bewusstseinserweiterten Drogen wie Ritalin, sondern neueste wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse der Hirnforschung und Psychotherapie praktisch und einfach angewandt ohne Nebenwirkungen, wenn es richtig gemacht wird.

  • - Thinking Deeply About Simple Things
    af Kayakangu Julius Malange
    72,95 kr.

    We live in times where truth, meaning and certainty in life have all been buried by powerful philosophical and scientific ideas. They are so powerful that an average mind cannot fathom nor suspect erosion of our human identity. These ideas have penetrated our way of life by craftily messing up our identity, thinking and therefore affecting choices we make.It's important to discover ones identity in spirituality. Whatever you worship has your identity. Your identity influences how you think about self and the world around you. As a man thinks so is he. So to believe is to 'be' and 'live' while thriving in your purpose. Many of us Malawians and Africans struggle with a question of identity. Some view God as foreign concept sold to us by colonial masters, and some view God from traditional concept. But where is the truth? I believe it must be somewhere in the middle.A society is a collective representation of individuals, families living together. If we individually and collectively think like slaves, we can't build our nation. Nation design and building is a task that requires to dive into intangibles, and a daunting journey for a slave mindset that is devoid of hope . In our despair, we ridicule those with great ideas that can transform our nations.This is a book for secondary school, university students struggling with identity and meaning in the midst of African challenges. It is for working class who are well trained by education system but struggling with meaning in their lives. It is for the lonely entrepreneur struggling with loneliness, belief, self doubt, strategy and discouragement. This book is for the eagles that have eyes set to improve our society through creativity and innovations. It is also for you the wealthy Africans that can inspire hope to the masses by building platforms to unleash and maximize potential. Out of many one Africa! Let the one great story begin! Talk about this in your offices, families, homes, hangout suites, social functions, entertainment spots. I don't have all the answers but the questions.

  • af Vincent Hope
    177,95 kr.

    Every person likes money. Even a child wants to own money. No body hates becoming a millionaire or a billionaire. But, why do all people, of different ages and nationalities, want to own money? The answer is simple because with it you can solve most of your needs and problems. With money, you can purchase and own assets and services. With money, you can buy almost anything on earth. With money, you can be attended by the best doctor in the country and thus postpone death! There is no doubt that money elevates a person to a higher social level.But, money is a rare resource. Not every person on earth can become a millionaire or a billionaire! As a result, there will always be poor people and rich people. The poverty and richness has levels. Some people are very poor and others are very rich.On the other hand, some of the rich people were at one time poor or with little money, but, with time, they learnt how to generate more money and as a result they are now classified as rich people: millionaires or billionaires.In this book, as the author mentions in its title, he reveals Deeper Secrets of Wealth Creation. He reveals the very inside secrets which the current and past rich people used in order to be where they are to-day. People are still using them to become rich.You can also be rich if you so wish by reading the book and practice what you learnt. It is a compulsory book for all ambitious people who want to rise and become rich.

  • af Sergey Tolkachev
    452,95 kr.

  • - The Coaching System for Universal Agility, Team Alignment, and Strategic Implementation
    af Paul Gossen
    172,95 kr.

    Enterprise Agility: We live in the age of accelerating complexity, competition, and change. The Q Model brings a high-energy and irreverent style to the world of business transformation that triggers fresh leadership thinking and drives rapid business results.One System: Q Model takes strategic transformation, digital transformation, and people transformation and turns them into a simple and fully integrated system.Coaching & Agile: The Q Model integrates the coaching movement and Agile leadership into a single Enterprise Agility force that will give your company the speed and agility of a start-up.Powerful Questions: The Q Model turns simple questions into a universal business breakthrough process that accelerates innovative thinking, industry disruption, and strategic implementation.Tested and Proven: More than 5000 managers at over 250 companies including Alibaba, SAP, GSK, and Amex have used the Q Model to transform their business culture and drive results.10x Speed: Companies decline because they cannot change fast enough. A new generation of faster companies is always coming to eat your lunch. The Q Model is the ultimate system for increasing the speed of your team, projects, and company.Why Q Model?Humans are meant to do difficult things: It doesn't matter if you are hunting and gathering your next meal, going to Mars, or building the next insanely great 'thing, ' you are designed to deal with challenges. The double curses of comfort and distraction will call on you to abandon your quest, but for you, the call to keep going is louder.Coaching System: If you are planning to climb a mountain or sail across an ocean you must be prepared to face many challenges. The Q Model is a universal coaching system designed for dealing with any challenge. The moment the challenge seems insurmountable is the exact point to start asking good Q Model Questions.Universal Agility: Start with a blank page and imagine that you have complete mastery of the art of business transformation. You have complete confidence in your 'Swiss Army knife' of transformational tools. You can fearlessly scale up from a team of visionary startup entrepreneurs to a boardroom full of frustrated enterprise executives. Welcome to the domain of Universal Agility.Team Alignment: Never doubt the power of a committed team to change the world. Everyone recognizes the power of great teams, but few teams become great. The critical missing ingredient is always team alignment. Nothing can impede the transformation power of a fully aligned team. Strategic Implementation: Coming up with your great idea is easy, seeing it through to successful completion is hard. Strategic implementation is where breakthrough projects go to die. If you wish to produce results, getting projects that are stuck in the slow lane to move with velocity is the one skill you must master.Step into the Q Model and master the coaching system for universal agility, team alignment, and strategic implementation.

  • - How Dr. Goodluck Jonathan Saved Nigeria from Catastrophe. Can Buhari Do Same?
    af John Elemi
    552,95 kr.

    In the run up to the 2015 presidential election, the nation was tottering on the edge of the precipice, soaked in fear and palpable tension driven by heightened ethnic saliency, vile propaganda and apostles of hate. Doomsday prophets like John Campbell, former American Ambassador to Nigeria amongst others who had predicted the disintegration of the nation were in for a big surprise. Against all odds former president Goodluck Jonathan made what is arguably the most consequential call in our nation's history when he placed a call to President Muhammadu Buhari, the then opposition candidate to concede defeat.Incidentally, the ascendancy of President Buhari and his party, APC, to the presidency ushered the nation into an extraordinary eye of painful and terrible 'change', suffocating the nation in all spheres. One that the Nigerian nation now leads from the bottom of every human development index, predicated on this stark reality, is a chasm between the electorates and government, which will ultimately be interpreted in the forthcoming 2019 presidential poll. If this be the case, can Buhari do same like Jonathan did in 2015, considering how he militarized the recent Ekiti and Osun states gubernatorial electoral processes?For The Love Of Country captures succinctly, the significance of the historic telephone call by Jonathan, a momentous event which doused tensions, averted bloodshed and gave Nigeria another opportunity for a fresh beginning. Delivered in elegant and lucid prose, from the standpoint of a patriot, the book also takes the slant of historic expose, tracing in the process, the nation's challenges from pre-independence to date. It evokes memories of the great Nigerian possibility stymied by class, religion and ethnicity. Former president Goodluck Jonathan demonstrated uncommon courage, selflessness and patriotism, qualities which have transformed him into a global icon and the father of democracy in Africa. A legacy I hope other leaders around the world to emulate.

  • - Manual del educador consciente
    172,95 kr.

    "Quizá no estamos presenciando el fracaso de los sistema educativos vigentes, sino el colapso de un modelo civilizatorio agotado por anti-natural, anti-ecológico y deshumanizante"."No podemos continuar llamando educación a ese proceso de adoctrinamiento para el consumo y el conformismo. No podemos continuar cerrando los ojos ante una educación como la actual que nos ha demostrado hasta el cansancio su fracaso"."Educar es un ritual alquímico, un artesanato sagrado que hilvana con hilos de luz la consciencia naciente (...) Repoblemos el mundo de educadores lúcidos, de profesores creativos, que sepan hacer protagonistas a los alumnos, que puedan llamar la atención de ellos y sorprenderlos, apasionarlos y enamorarlos de la vida". Chamalú propone en este libro una metodología en esa dirección.

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