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  • af Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen
    87,95 kr.

    Den særligt sensitive, grønne bold starter i skole- Billedbørnebog om at være særligt sensitivDen grønne bold har svært ved at passe ind, da den starter i skole.Der er meget larm i klassen. Tøjet kradser.Stolene er alt for hårde, og bolden har svært ved at sidde stille på sin runde numse.En dag bliver indtrykkene for mange …Historien handler om, når tingene bliver for meget, og hvad der så kan ske.Men uanset hvem vi er, så er vi alle unikke og særligt gode til noget.Billedbørnebogen er tænkt som et værktøj til forældre og børn, der er særligt sensitive, men det er samtidig en bog, der kan læses af alle, da vi jo alle er forskellige. Sammen kan børn og forældre få en snak i gang om de fordele og udfordringer, der er i børnenes hverdag, ved at være særligt modtagelig for indtryk og impulser. Det er vigtigt at få børnene til at arbejde konstruktivt med og få bearbejdet følelsen af at være forkert, anderledes eller utilstrækkelig – og i stedet få flyttet fokus over på det, de er særligt gode til.Bogen, som er den første i en serie om det at være særligt sensitiv, er skrevet og illustreret af Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen. Hun er kunstner, forfatter og foredragsholder - og selv særligt sensitiv. Hun har tidligere udgivet en voksenbog om kreativitet og personlig udvikling samt 2 voksen malebøger. Desuden har hun inspirationsstedet ”De Kreative Mellemrum” i Gl. Rye.Bogen er også udgivet som fysisk bog samt som eBog på engelsk.

  • - Bliv et kreativt skabende menneske
    af Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen & Helene Franck Mortensen
    171,95 kr.

    Oplev inspirationsbogen ”De Kreative Mellemrum” – Bliv et kreativt skabende menneske af forfatter, foredragsholder og kunstner Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen.Bogen skal hjælpe mennesker med at udvikle deres kreative egenskaber og dermed løfte og bringe dem videre i livet. Bogen skiller sig dog væsentligt ud fra andre bøger om kreativitet og selvhjælp ved at tilbyde en unik kombination af selvbiografi og positiv livsfilosofi samt konstruktive, kreative metoder og vejledning til personlig udvikling.Hovedbudskabet i bogen er, at man skal lære at tage ansvar for sit eget liv og blive bevidst om, at man er et kreativt skabende menneske. Hvis man møder modstand i livet, er det vigtigt ikke at se sig selv som offer, men i stedet prøve at skabe forandringer. Dette kan ske ved, at man ændrer sin indstilling og sit syn på tingene. Og det kan faktisk lade sig gøre at komme igennem selv de værste kriser ved at fokusere på de positive sider og nye muligheder og ved at bruge kreativiteten og fantasien. Bogen kan i høj grad bruges som inspiration i økonomiske krisetider, og erhvervslivet har da også vist stor interesse, da man her til stadighed er på jagt efter nye, kreative muligheder og nytænkning for at komme videre ud af krisen. Ideerne i bogen kan bruges til at ændre fastgroede handlemønstre og tankegange, så virksomhederne kan lære at være kreativt skabende og dermed skabe mervækst.Uddrag fra pressemeddelelsen ved bogens udgivelse:”DE KREATIVE MELLEMRUM” - UANEDE NYE MULIGHEDERKrise og modgang kan skabe kreativitet, hvis du flytter dit fokus over på ”De Kreative Mellemrum”. Er du klar til et positivt løft og mere kreativitet i din hverdag, i familien eller på jobbet, så kan bogen om ”De Kreative Mellemrum”- Bliv et kreativt skabende menneske være et anderledes redskab, der kan bringe dig videre i livet, uanset hvor du er.Foredragsholder, forfatter og mosaikkunstner Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen har skabt begrebet ”De Kreative Mellemrum”, som betegner det nærværsrum, som eksisterer mellem alting. Det er dette ”Kreative Mellemrum”, du skal rette dit fokus på, hvis du ønsker at skabe forandringer i dit liv, ændre på fastlåste problemstillinger, tænke nyt, eller bare trænger til et løft.Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen har sin baggrund i kunstens verden og har i mange år lavet en bred vifte af udsmykningsopgaver i flisemosaik. Tusindvis og atter tusindvis af fliser er blevet knækket i en evig fordybelse af de uendelige muligheder, der ligger i at skabe ny struktur, nye ”Kreative Mellemrum”. Erfaringerne fra den kreative verden har hun koblet sammen med den kunst, det er at skabe livet. ”Har du et ønske om at forandre og forbedre din tilværelse i fremtiden, uanset på hvilket plan, du arbejder, eller hvad du beskæftiger dig med, så lær at rykke dit fokus over på de mellemrum, der findes mellem alting – mellem dig og din kollega/chef/ægtefælle/barn/virksomhed/produkt o.s.v. Lær at skabe nye ”Kreative Mellemrum” i alt, hvad du har med at gøre. For der er altid ti nye døre, der åbner sig, når vi lærer at rykke vores opmærksomhed. Og du bliver dermed bevidst omkring det at være et kreativt skabende menneske,” siger ekspert i ”De Kreative Mellemrum”, Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen.Fagligt byder bogen på fire metoder at arbejde med kreativitet, som kan bruges til inspiration i livet.Den kreative viden og den positive livsfilosofi, der kommer til udtryk i bogen, henvender sig til en bred målgruppe, og ideerne kan kobles over på det at have med en familie at gøre såvel som en personalegruppe, en virksomhed eller udviklingen af et produkt.Bogen er lettilgængelig og fyldt med hverdagsanekdoter, som giver eksempler på, hvordan forfatteren selv har arbejdet med det at skabe hjem, job, kæreste, produkter, håndteret krisesituationer osv. Desuden er den fyldt med farverige fotos af en bred vifte af kunstnerens egne værker, som illustrerer budskabet i bogen.Bogen giver bl.a. svar på følgende spørgsmål:Hvor kommer ideerne fra?Hvordan kan krise og modgang skabe kreativitet og nytænkning?Hvad vil det sige at indtræde i ”De Kreative Mellemrum”?Hvorfor er det så vigtigt at have mod til at forfølge flow og passion selv i perioder med udfordringer?Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen udtaler: ”At skabe er ikke forbeholdt kunstnere. Vi skaber alle kunst i vores eget liv. Du er ikke bare kunstneren men også penslen, farverne, lærredet og selve billedet, du skaber. Uanset hvor du er eller hvad, du har gang i.”OM FORFATTERNE:Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen er født i 1959, opvokset på den jyske hede og bor i dag i Gl. Rye.Er mosaikkunstner, foredragsholder, kreativ konsulent og ekspert i ”De Kreative Mellemrum”.Har en bred, kreativ kunstnerisk baggrund. Har lavet adskillige udsmykningsopgaver. Opbygget et skulpturelt uderum i Gl. Rye, hvor hun har holdt oplæg om kreativitet for mange forskellige faggrupper. Medvirket i indretningsprogrammet ”Our House” på TV2. Undervist i kreativitet og mosaik samt afholdt foredrag og workshop for virksomheder, institutioner og foreninger omkring ”De Kreative Mellemrum” – bliv et kreativt skabende menneske.”Helene Franck Mortensen er født i 1970 og bor i dag i Gl. Rye. Uddannet cand. mag. i engelsk. Arbejder som ghostwriter og freelance oversætter i samt som administrativ partner i”De Kreative Mellemrum” – bliv et kreativt skabende menneske” er hendes debutbog som ghostwriter.

  • af Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen
    87,95 kr.

    The Highly Sensitive, Green Ball Goes to School- A children’s picture book about being highly sensitive.The green ball has a hard time fitting in when it starts school.The noise in the classroom is very loud.Its sweater is scratching.The chairs are too hard, and it is difficult for the ball to sit quietly on its round bottom.One day the impressions just get too many…The story is about when things get too much and what can happen then.But no matter who we are, we are all unique and especially good at something.The children’s book is conceived as a tool for parents and children who are highly sensitive, but at the same time it is a book that everybody can read because we are all different.Together, parents and children can discuss the advantages and challenges that highly sensitive children experience in their everyday lives being easily overwhelmed and extra susceptible to impressions. It is important that the children work constructively with feelings of being different, outside or inadequate – and instead shift their attention to what they are especially good at due to being highly sensitive.The book is the first in a series of books about being highly sensitive. It is written and illustrated by Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen. She is a Danish artist, author and public speaker – and highly sensitive herself.She has written and published an adult book about creativity and personal development as well as two colouring books for adults.She is the owner of the inspirational garden “” in Denmark.The book is published in Danish - in a hardback print version and as an eBook.

  • - Bliv et kreativt skabende menneske
    af Marie Elisabeth Arberg Franck Mortensen
    247,95 kr.

  • - Being Consciously Creative in Everuday Life
    af Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen & Helene Franck Mortensen
    171,95 kr.

    Do you need a positive lift in your daily life, enabling you to become more creative in everyday life, in your family or at work? Then learn how to shift your attention away from your spouse; your colleague; your boss; or product, and towards "The Creative Spaces In Between" which is the place where all changes happen and development and innovative thinking occur. Taking the artistic universe and especially tile mosaic decorations as its starting point, the book offers a unique combination of autobiography and positive thinking together with personal development and four concrete methods for working with creativity. On top of this you discover why it is so vital to have the courage to follow the feeling of flow and pursue your passion in life, and you experience how crisis and hardship can be used constructively in a creative process. The book helps people develop their creative abilities, and in the process they are lifted up and get ready to move further on in their lives. Let yourself be inspired and motivated by a positive philosophy of life - spiced with entertaining anecdotes and lots of colorful illustrations of the artist's works of art. The simple, creative tools offered in the book can give you an infusion of energy in your everyday life as well as make you more conscious about being creative in your own life. - Where do new ideas come from?- How can crisis and hardships create creativity and innovation?- What does it mean to step into "The Creative Spaces in Between"?- Creativity as “the connecting thread of fate” in life. Author, speaker and mosaic-artist, Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen, takes her vast experience gained from the creative world and couples it with the art of creating everyday life. Included in the book is a wide number of illustrations, which exemplify and support the artist’s experiences from working with the concept of "The Creative Space In Between".It is important that we all keep in mind that the act of creating is not a right reserved for artists. We all create art in our own lives. Keep in mind that you are not only the artist but also the paint brush, the colors, the canvas, and the painting which you are creating. No matter where you are or what you are dealing with. ...CONTENTS:It Is All About Attitude; New Structures – New Space Between; The Wishing Corner; Creativity Legalizes Embracing The Whole Human Being; From Off-Days to Yes-Days; “The Connecting Thread Of Fate” And The Feeling Of Flow in Life; Creating Spaces in Between Your Thoughts; Everything Beyond; The Good Story.FOREWORD:For many years, as an artist, I have made a wide range of assignments with mosaic decorations, and I have cracked and broken thousands upon thousands of tiles in an ongoing immersion in the endless possibilities which are found in creating new structures, new “Creative Spaces In Between”.The vast experience gained from the creative world, I have coupled with the art of creating everyday life, and in this book I invite you on a journey into a different universe of thinking. Here you will learn how to shift your attention away from your spouse; your colleague; your boss; or product, and towards “The Creative Spaces In Between”, where all change, development and innovation takes place. Creativity became the key element in my life and to my personal development; as the only stable thing I found in work situations, as well as in times of sorrow or happiness, and as a governing force which will never die. This book tells you why it is so vital to have the courage to follow your flow and pursue your passion in life, even in times marked by sickness and death.This book stems from a deeply felt wish to be of benefit to other people as much as possible and to pass on knowledge of creativity and a positive philosophy of life.Professionally, the book offers you four different methods of working with creativity, which you can use as an inspiration in your own life: 1) You can create new structure from something old2) Creativity legalizes embracing the Whole Human Being3) How to make use of the conscious creative force 4) “The Magical Ten Minutes” It is my intention to try to simplify the comprehension of art and creativity, in this way turning it into something useful and easily applicable in your everyday life, including the important task of creating a family.The book is filled with small but relevant anecdotes from my own life, illustrating how I myself have worked with creating a home; a job; a relationship; products; coping with crisis situations, and so on.The book has been a long time coming, and it is my wish that it can give you inspiration and ideas when going about your daily chores, and more so that it gives you a consciousness about and comprehension of “The Creative Spaces In Between”, which is the place where all changes happen and development and innovative thinking occur.I have included a number of illustrations, which exemplify and support my experiences from working with the concept of “The Creative Spaces In Between”.The act of creating is not a right reserved for artists. We all create art in our own lives. Keep in mind that you are not only the artist but also the paint brush, the colors, the canvas, and the painting which you are creating. No matter where you are or what you are dealing with. ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen (born in 1959) lives in Gl. Rye, a small village in Denmark.Author, speaker, mosaic-artist, creative consultant and expert on "The Creative Spaces in Between". She has a broad creative and artistic background and has had numerous tile mosaic decoration assignments. She has created a sculptural learning environment in her garden, where, through the years, she has given presentations on creativity to a wide variety of groups. She has taught on the topics of creativity and mosaic and has given talks to companies, schools and associations on The Creative Spaces in Between”- Being consciously creative in everyday life. She is the founder of the company THE GHOSTWRITER:Helene Franck Mortensen (born in 1970) lives in Gl. Rye, a small village in Denmark.She has an MA in English. Works as ghostwriter and freelance translator at and is administrative partner in The Creative Spaces in Between: Being consciously creative in everyday life she makes her international debut as a ghostwriter and translator.

  • - Bliv et kreativt skabende menneske
    af Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen & Helene Franck Mortensen
    171,95 kr.

    Oplev inspirationsbogen ”De Kreative Mellemrum” – Bliv et kreativt skabende menneske af forfatter, foredragsholder og kunstner Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen.Bogen skal hjælpe mennesker med at udvikle deres kreative egenskaber og dermed løfte og bringe dem videre i livet. Bogen skiller sig dog væsentligt ud fra andre bøger om kreativitet og selvhjælp ved at tilbyde en unik kombination af selvbiografi og positiv livsfilosofi samt konstruktive, kreative metoder og vejledning til personlig udvikling.Hovedbudskabet i bogen er, at man skal lære at tage ansvar for sit eget liv og blive bevidst om, at man er et kreativt skabende menneske. Hvis man møder modstand i livet, er det vigtigt ikke at se sig selv som offer, men i stedet prøve at skabe forandringer. Dette kan ske ved, at man ændrer sin indstilling og sit syn på tingene. Og det kan faktisk lade sig gøre at komme igennem selv de værste kriser ved at fokusere på de positive sider og nye muligheder og ved at bruge kreativiteten og fantasien. Bogen kan i høj grad bruges som inspiration i økonomiske krisetider, og erhvervslivet har da også vist stor interesse, da man her til stadighed er på jagt efter nye, kreative muligheder og nytænkning for at komme videre ud af krisen. Ideerne i bogen kan bruges til at ændre fastgroede handlemønstre og tankegange, så virksomhederne kan lære at være kreativt skabende og dermed skabe mervækst.Uddrag fra pressemeddelelsen ved bogens udgivelse:”DE KREATIVE MELLEMRUM” - UANEDE NYE MULIGHEDERKrise og modgang kan skabe kreativitet, hvis du flytter dit fokus over på ”De Kreative Mellemrum”. Er du klar til et positivt løft og mere kreativitet i din hverdag, i familien eller på jobbet, så kan bogen om ”De Kreative Mellemrum”- Bliv et kreativt skabende menneske være et anderledes redskab, der kan bringe dig videre i livet, uanset hvor du er.Foredragsholder, forfatter og mosaikkunstner Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen har skabt begrebet ”De Kreative Mellemrum”, som betegner det nærværsrum, som eksisterer mellem alting. Det er dette ”Kreative Mellemrum”, du skal rette dit fokus på, hvis du ønsker at skabe forandringer i dit liv, ændre på fastlåste problemstillinger, tænke nyt, eller bare trænger til et løft.Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen har sin baggrund i kunstens verden og har i mange år lavet en bred vifte af udsmykningsopgaver i flisemosaik. Tusindvis og atter tusindvis af fliser er blevet knækket i en evig fordybelse af de uendelige muligheder, der ligger i at skabe ny struktur, nye ”Kreative Mellemrum”. Erfaringerne fra den kreative verden har hun koblet sammen med den kunst, det er at skabe livet. ”Har du et ønske om at forandre og forbedre din tilværelse i fremtiden, uanset på hvilket plan, du arbejder, eller hvad du beskæftiger dig med, så lær at rykke dit fokus over på de mellemrum, der findes mellem alting – mellem dig og din kollega/chef/ægtefælle/barn/virksomhed/produkt o.s.v. Lær at skabe nye ”Kreative Mellemrum” i alt, hvad du har med at gøre. For der er altid ti nye døre, der åbner sig, når vi lærer at rykke vores opmærksomhed. Og du bliver dermed bevidst omkring det at være et kreativt skabende menneske,” siger ekspert i ”De Kreative Mellemrum”, Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen.Fagligt byder bogen på fire metoder at arbejde med kreativitet, som kan bruges til inspiration i livet.Den kreative viden og den positive livsfilosofi, der kommer til udtryk i bogen, henvender sig til en bred målgruppe, og ideerne kan kobles over på det at have med en familie at gøre såvel som en personalegruppe, en virksomhed eller udviklingen af et produkt.Bogen er lettilgængelig og fyldt med hverdagsanekdoter, som giver eksempler på, hvordan forfatteren selv har arbejdet med det at skabe hjem, job, kæreste, produkter, håndteret krisesituationer osv. Desuden er den fyldt med farverige fotos af en bred vifte af kunstnerens egne værker, som illustrerer budskabet i bogen.Bogen giver bl.a. svar på følgende spørgsmål:Hvor kommer ideerne fra?Hvordan kan krise og modgang skabe kreativitet og nytænkning?Hvad vil det sige at indtræde i ”De Kreative Mellemrum”?Hvorfor er det så vigtigt at have mod til at forfølge flow og passion selv i perioder med udfordringer?Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen udtaler: ”At skabe er ikke forbeholdt kunstnere. Vi skaber alle kunst i vores eget liv. Du er ikke bare kunstneren men også penslen, farverne, lærredet og selve billedet, du skaber. Uanset hvor du er eller hvad, du har gang i.”OM FORFATTERNE:Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen er født i 1959, opvokset på den jyske hede og bor i dag i Gl. Rye.Er mosaikkunstner, foredragsholder, kreativ konsulent og ekspert i ”De Kreative Mellemrum”.Har en bred, kreativ kunstnerisk baggrund. Har lavet adskillige udsmykningsopgaver. Opbygget et skulpturelt uderum i Gl. Rye, hvor hun har holdt oplæg om kreativitet for mange forskellige faggrupper. Medvirket i indretningsprogrammet ”Our House” på TV2. Undervist i kreativitet og mosaik samt afholdt foredrag og workshop for virksomheder, institutioner og foreninger omkring ”De Kreative Mellemrum” – bliv et kreativt skabende menneske.”Helene Franck Mortensen er født i 1970 og bor i dag i Gl. Rye. Uddannet cand. mag. i engelsk. Arbejder som ghostwriter og freelance oversætter i samt som administrativ partner i”De Kreative Mellemrum” – bliv et kreativt skabende menneske” er hendes debutbog som ghostwriter.

  • - Being Consciously Creative in Everyday Life
    af Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen & Helene Franck Mortensen
    176,95 kr.

    Do you need a positive lift in your daily life, enabling you to become more creative in everyday life, in your family or at work? Then learn how to shift your attention away from your spouse; your colleague; your boss; or product, and towards "The Creative Spaces In Between" which is the place where all changes happen and development and innovative thinking occur. Taking the artistic universe and especially tile mosaic decorations as its starting point, the book offers a unique combination of autobiography and positive thinking together with personal development and four concrete methods for working with creativity. On top of this you discover why it is so vital to have the courage to follow the feeling of flow and pursue your passion in life, and you experience how crisis and hardship can be used constructively in a creative process. The book helps people develop their creative abilities, and in the process they are lifted up and get ready to move further on in their lives. Let yourself be inspired and motivated by a positive philosophy of life - spiced with entertaining anecdotes and lots of colorful illustrations of the artist's works of art. The simple, creative tools offered in the book can give you an infusion of energy in your everyday life as well as make you more conscious about being creative in your own life. - Where do new ideas come from?- How can crisis and hardships create creativity and innovation?- What does it mean to step into "The Creative Spaces in Between"?- Creativity as “the connecting thread of fate” in life. Author, speaker and mosaic-artist, Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen, takes her vast experience gained from the creative world and couples it with the art of creating everyday life. Included in the book is a wide number of illustrations, which exemplify and support the artist’s experiences from working with the concept of "The Creative Space In Between".It is important that we all keep in mind that the act of creating is not a right reserved for artists. We all create art in our own lives. Keep in mind that you are not only the artist but also the paint brush, the colors, the canvas, and the painting which you are creating. No matter where you are or what you are dealing with. ...CONTENTS:It Is All About Attitude; New Structures – New Space Between; The Wishing Corner; Creativity Legalizes Embracing The Whole Human Being; From Off-Days to Yes-Days; “The Connecting Thread Of Fate” And The Feeling Of Flow in Life; Creating Spaces in Between Your Thoughts; Everything Beyond; The Good Story.FOREWORD:For many years, as an artist, I have made a wide range of assignments with mosaic decorations, and I have cracked and broken thousands upon thousands of tiles in an ongoing immersion in the endless possibilities which are found in creating new structures, new “Creative Spaces In Between”.The vast experience gained from the creative world, I have coupled with the art of creating everyday life, and in this book I invite you on a journey into a different universe of thinking. Here you will learn how to shift your attention away from your spouse; your colleague; your boss; or product, and towards “The Creative Spaces In Between”, where all change, development and innovation takes place. Creativity became the key element in my life and to my personal development; as the only stable thing I found in work situations, as well as in times of sorrow or happiness, and as a governing force which will never die. This book tells you why it is so vital to have the courage to follow your flow and pursue your passion in life, even in times marked by sickness and death.This book stems from a deeply felt wish to be of benefit to other people as much as possible and to pass on knowledge of creativity and a positive philosophy of life.Professionally, the book offers you four different methods of working with creativity, which you can use as an inspiration in your own life: 1) You can create new structure from something old2) Creativity legalizes embracing the Whole Human Being3) How to make use of the conscious creative force 4) “The Magical Ten Minutes” It is my intention to try to simplify the comprehension of art and creativity, in this way turning it into something useful and easily applicable in your everyday life, including the important task of creating a family.The book is filled with small but relevant anecdotes from my own life, illustrating how I myself have worked with creating a home; a job; a relationship; products; coping with crisis situations, and so on.The book has been a long time coming, and it is my wish that it can give you inspiration and ideas when going about your daily chores, and more so that it gives you a consciousness about and comprehension of “The Creative Spaces In Between”, which is the place where all changes happen and development and innovative thinking occur.I have included a number of illustrations, which exemplify and support my experiences from working with the concept of “The Creative Spaces In Between”.The act of creating is not a right reserved for artists. We all create art in our own lives. Keep in mind that you are not only the artist but also the paint brush, the colors, the canvas, and the painting which you are creating. No matter where you are or what you are dealing with. ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen (born in 1959) lives in Gl. Rye, a small village in Denmark.Author, speaker, mosaic-artist, creative consultant and expert on "The Creative Spaces in Between". She has a broad creative and artistic background and has had numerous tile mosaic decoration assignments. She has created a sculptural learning environment in her garden, where, through the years, she has given presentations on creativity to a wide variety of groups. She has taught on the topics of creativity and mosaic and has given talks to companies, schools and associations on The Creative Spaces in Between”- Being consciously creative in everyday life. She is the founder of the company THE GHOSTWRITER:Helene Franck Mortensen (born in 1970) lives in Gl. Rye, a small village in Denmark.She has an MA in English. Works as ghostwriter and freelance translator at and is administrative partner in The Creative Spaces in Between: Being consciously creative in everyday life she makes her international debut as a ghostwriter and translator.

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