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  • - Cool Jones #1
    af Bobby Weed
    117,95 kr.

    It was the chilly season and a Monday morning, and Cool Jones sat at his Pro doing what he liked least, which was writing a report on a fire claim. Something seemed wrong--real wrong--but Cool didn't know yet what was up. Also, he had logged in, and checked out, his bank balance and saw $10,000 that was not his. Cool knew that Santa Claus was just a story that grownups made up for kids, and he was damn sure he didn't know anyone who liked him enough to give him a $10,000 Christmas gift.Cool figured it would be one of those days as he got on the phone to the bank to and give them what-for about the $10K they had wrongly put into his account. Then the fun continued when Cool ended up face to face with Lowell Mitchell, the boss at Mutual of Northern California. Mitchell was one squared-away dude, serious and organized and impartial. Right now, he looked like someone had just died. "I got a call," he told Cool. "Someone thinks you're taking payoffs."Suddenly Cool knew the score. That $10K wasn't a mistake. It was part of a plan to take him down.

  • af George Onstot
    117,95 kr.

    Canadian pro golfer Grover Bobbitt is freaking out about the numbers in his life: 40 (his age), 3 (his divorces) and 0 (the number of majors he has won). Knowing how rare it is for a man his age to win a major, he goes to Augusta to take on "The Pr*ck," a boy wonder who's almost as great as he thinks he is. Once there, Grover gets down to business right away but can't help being distracted by the boy wonder's sexy, and available, mom.

  • af George Onstot
    117,95 kr.

    Canadians Red Crossley and Flash Gortton, both recently retired from the NFL, are trying to figure out what to do with themselves. But then Lord Larry Rawson, Red's father-in-law, decides he can't stand to see their alma mater, Northup University, lose another football game. So Lord Larry, after doing some checking, learns that Scoliosis Robinson, a Louisiana high school football phenom, is the running back who could return the Northup Kodiaks to gridiron glory. But how are Red and Flash going to get that kid?

  • af George Onstot
    137,95 kr.

    Clancy Wasserman is God's lonely man: pushing fifty, twice divorced and covering men's golf for a Canadian sports magazine. Out of boredom, he checks out the LPGA and meets teen phenom Vicki Vachon, whose stunning looks and precocious talent promise to make her the Next Big Thing in women's sports. But not everyone is a Vicki fan, and one person in particular wants to take her out of competition--permanently.

  • af George Onstot
    122,95 kr.

    At the Canadian Open golf tournament in Bayporte, native son Teddy Crossley holds the lead over his pal (and fellow Canuck) Troy Frisby and superstar Tiger Woods. Can Teddy hold off these world-class opponents, and what can he do about his wife--and two ex-wives--who want a piece of him?

  • af George Onstot
    112,95 kr.

    It is February, and the World Winter Games will soon begin in Bayporte, Great Elizabeth, Canada. Andy Kennedy--ex-NHL star, ex-husband, excommunicant from the Canadian Dream--just wants to stay drunk and get warm. Homeless and alcoholic, he seeks comfort in the dark bars and dingy flophouses of skid row. With his street "family"--pals Annie and Joey--Andy tries to salvage the remnants of his shattered life as the cops and courts try to "clean up the streets" in preparation for the Games.

  • af George Onstot
    162,95 kr.

    Reg, a big-dreaming boy in a small Canadian town, is the star of this collection of related stories. In Sundown, Great Elizabeth, he fights with his stepmother, avoids his father and tolerates his kid sister. Alternately repelled and intrigued by his fellow Sundowners, he thinks, 'I've got to get out of here.' Coming of age, Reg moves to booming, bustling Bayporte and attends huge, impersonal Northup University. After falling in and out of love a few times, he marries a local rich girl and begins a moderately fulfilling career as an actor (both professionally and personally). Despite his new life, Reg struggles with Sundown's perennial question to him: "What's your problem?"

  • af George Onstot
    142,95 kr.

    A contemporary Canadian story about the love between a man and a woman. Myles is 21 and wrongly imprisoned; Nedy is 20 and pregnant. They are physically apart yet spiritually together; absolutely terrified but unflinchingly courageous. Above all, their love sustains them. This is the story of their love, and the love of their families, and the triumph of love in a world flooded with hate.

  • af George Onstot
    417,95 kr.

    Paul Steeves, a San Franciscan, transcends his working-class roots to become a Silicon Valley high-technology entrepreneur. The oldest of three children, Steeves makes top grades in high school, helps out at his father's delicatessen and dreams of one day owning the world (or at least a large chunk of it). While attending People's University, Steeves and his best friend Hank build the Cherry, a viable desktop computer that both men believe will revolutionize the world (or, at the very least, become an enormously popular toy). Steeves, a part-time employee at a Market Street arcade called Amazement, stores the Cherry in the arcade's back room. He makes a gift of the computer to Amazement's owner, Fred Bayliss, and pressures Bayliss into investing in the computer company Hank and Steeves are eager to create. The rest, as they say, is history.

  • af George Onstot
    152,95 kr.

    A zany novel about steroids in professional sports. The Bayporte Bullies, Canada's hopeless and helpless NHL team, goes from worst to first, and everybody's wondering why. Bullies forward Christopher Crossley (known to all as Chris Cross), knows what's going on but is saying nothing. Ever since being turned on to performance-enhancing drugs, Cross has gotten his teammates "juiced," and they're well on their way to winning the Stanley Cup. But something's bugging him: is a juicer and a cheater really a champion?

  • af Patricia Soltysik
    87,95 kr.

    Spunky, vivacious Sumner Donovan, a Grade 11 student at huge Buena Vida High School, is getting ready for her CalPro, a big student project that every junior must complete. Sumner wants to do hers on vintage clothing and Mexican poverty, but her guidance counselor says no; she must do her project as the promotions person at KPLC, the school's beleaguered radio station. Sumner knows zero about radio and cares even less, but her counselor is adamant--the girl must spend three months at the station, promoting it so that everyone at big, bustling Buena Vida High knows about KPLC, 99.9 FM.

  • af George Onstot
    97,95 kr.

    Concussions. The word freaks out almost everyone. Some of the NFL's finest--Joe Montana, Steve Young, Troy Aikman and Dan Marino--have been knocked senseless on the field. High school quarterback Rudy Maxa doesn't know that much about head injuries, except that they suck. When Rudy and his mom move from Indiana to northern California, he wonders plenty about the weird behavior of his aging new friend, Mitch. A former footballer himself, Mitch practices with Rudy at mostly deserted Burned Out Park. After a while, Rudy figures out that Mitch's inability to keep things straight comes from having used his head the wrong way few times too often.

  • af Suzi Huebsch
    87,95 kr.

    A novel about growing up gay and proud. Born illegitimate, Darcie Rota is adopted by an impoverished backwoods couple determined to provide her with a better life than they'd had. Darcie plays naughty games with the boys, beats up the bullies and has her first makeout session with the prettiest girl in Grade 6. As she comes to understand just how different she is from the others, Darcie concludes that being a lesbian is nothing to be ashamed of. In high school, the head cheerleader falls in love with her; later, a gorgeous, alcoholic heiress becomes obsessed with her. But at other times, the world is not so kind. Kicked out of college on the grounds of "moral turpitude," Darcie invades Los Angeles and presently wins a bevy of admirers with her sparkling beauty, amazing wit and galloping ambition to become the best filmmaker ever.

  • af Christine Gwick
    107,95 kr.

    Three girls--Teri, Jaycee and Santana--with criminal pasts are selected by juvie advocate Allison Sullings to come live with her in New York City. But there's nothing "halfway" about the chicks in this old house, and things get crazier by the moment.

  • af Will Wark
    87,95 kr.

    Hey. Here's the deal: I am 17 years old. My dad makes tons of bucks. My best bud wants me to make out with this chick and tell him all about it; my brother is a creep; and my father keeps telling me to get off my lazy butt and start making something of myself. There is just one difference between me and most other kids my age: My father is the boss of our city's biggest, richest and roughest crime "family." Yes, being me does have some advantages--my teachers are too afraid of Dad to give me bad marks. Trouble is, when my girlfriends ask me, "What does your dad do?" I'm not sure that honesty is always the best policy.Finally, I meet the girl who seems OK with me and my family. Unfortunately, there's a problem with that relationship, too--namely, *her* father is the head of our city's Organized Crime Task Force...and he's the man who wants to bust my dad.

  • af Marni Duggan
    87,95 kr.

    Groovy Freedom has never played a video game, tasted a Big Mac or used a computer. All her life, she has wandered around her northern California commune and been homeschooled by her Uncle Weed. But after Weed injures himself and has to go into the hospital for surgery, Groovy must move in with a social worker and her handsome, temperamental adolescent son. Groovy must also attend the local public school. While she knows plenty about Diggers, Deadheads and bellbottoms, she knows less than zero about daily survival at an American middle school.Almost from the morning bell, Groovy's headband and tie-dye T-shirt make her an easy target for the bullies at Francis Minut Middle School (nicknamed F Minus by its students). Groovy meditates at her locker and does yoga in front of the school. As soon as Heather Marcus, Queen of F Minus, checks her out, Heather wants to introduce the newcomer to life at their school: The biggest misfit is forced to run for student-body president...and wins.Will Groovy turn out to be F Minus's best president ever, or will she just become the school's newest joke?

  • af Walter Horton
    72,95 kr.

    My name is Walter. I am 16 years old, overweight and full of zits. I wear nerd glasses and a plastic pocket protector. Sometimes the bullies squeeze my flabby breasts and say, "Put on a bra! Your boobs are bigger than my girlfriend's!" Something really bad happened in school this morning, and I want to get even. I'm bringing my dad's handgun to school for some "show and tell" they will never forget...

  • af Brian Antonson
    128,95 kr.

    Destined to become a classic, this sports novel follows the life and misadventures of a Canadian football star priming up for the first-ever all-Canadian Super Bowl. Check it out!

    192,95 kr.

    Never Love a Hoser tells the very Canadian story of Francis Stone, an orphan growing up in the dirty world of Depression-era Vancouver. After being expelled from a Catholic orphanage after they discover he is Jewish, a confused and angry Francis embarks on a life of crime. It's the only career choice available to him, and he does it very well. Francis soon rises to prominence and becomes one of Vancouver's most feared and respected men, ruling the city the ways he sees fit and indulging his own tastes for women, money and the best things in life. He buys whatever (and whomever) he wants and takes it if it's not for sale. But Francis' lifelong friend, Steve, has become a tough-as-hell prosecuting attorney who is determined to put Francis behind bars.

  • af Christine Slanz
    87,95 kr.

    Hey! What up? I was on my way to getting a full ride at Stanford, right? But then they busted me for cheating on a test, and I lost my scholarship. and that sort of ended that. Then, by accident, I learned that I was adopted! Plus, my birth mother was Queen Bea, leader of the 1980s punk band Swarm. So I became one of her roadies. Read my book and find out the rest of the story.

  • af Anne Song
    102,95 kr.

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