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  • af Gabriel Craig
    1.537,95 kr.

    Wastewater treatment is a process used to remove contaminants from the wastewater in order to convert it into an effluent that can be returned to the water cycle. Some common wastewater treatment technologies include advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), nanotechnology, membrane filtration technology, and automatic variable filtration (AVF) technology. There are various researches being performed in the field of nanotechnology for developing advanced treatments that can decompose toxic substances. The upcoming technologies for wastewater treatment and reuse include fabrication of nanomaterial membranes, using catalysts for decomposing noxious compounds, and using mixed oxides, bimetallic nanoparticles, carbon compounds, metals and zeolites. This book includes some of the vital pieces of works being conducted across the world, on various topics related to wastewater treatment and reuse technologies. The various studies that are constantly contributing towards advancements in this field have been examined in detail. The book will serve as a valuable source of reference to graduate and postgraduate students.

  • af Kayla Cox
    1.482,95 kr.

    Water is needed for various bodily functions such as synthesis and structure of cell constituents and for transporting nutrients into the cells. Contaminants in water can potentially affect these functions, leading to short-term or long-term illnesses. Some contaminants can be readily identified by examining the odor, flavor, color and turbidity of water. However, majority of the contaminants are difficult to identify and require testing to determine whether water is contaminated or not. Poor sanitation and water contamination have been linked to the spread of illnesses such as diarrhea, hepatitis A, polio, cholera, dysentery and typhoid. Water treatment involves the removal of unwanted components and contaminants or reduction of their concentration to make the water suitable for its intended end-use. Coagulation, flocculation, sludge drying, fluoridation, distillation or boiling, disinfection, settling or sedimentation, filtration, pH correction, and chemical treatment are some of the treatment strategies and techniques used for the purification of contaminated water. This book aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of water contamination and its treatment strategies. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by this book.

  • af Zeke Adams
    1.482,95 kr.

    Crops are exposed to frequent episodes of abiotic stresses such as soil salinity, draughts, extreme temperatures and nutrient deficiencies. All these stresses inhibit plant growth and development. A number of researches are being undertaken to find mitigation strategies for abiotic stresses and increase yield productivity under unfavorable conditions. Genetic engineering is a major tool that is being used to develop crop plants, which are resistant to these stresses. Plants respond to different types of stresses through complex and diverse responses on cellular, molecular and physiological levels. Some of the methods which have been developed to increase crop resistance to abiotic stresses include genetically engineered organisms (GMO's) and new breeding technologies such as clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR/Cas) edition strategy. The application of biostimulants is also an effective method to improve abiotic stress tolerance in plant species. This book provides a comprehensive understanding of plant responses to abiotic stresses. A number of latest researches have been included to keep the readers updated with the latest concepts in this area of study. Students, researchers, experts and all associated with agriculture and plant science will benefit alike from this book.

  • af Kiara Woods
    1.522,95 kr.

    Plant breeding or plant genetics refers to the application of genetic principles for producing new breeds of plants that are more useful to humans. It deals with heredity in plants, mechanisms of hereditary transmission, and variation of inherited characteristics. Genomic selection is one the emerging methods of molecular breeding used for crop improvement. This method assists in the identification of superior genotypes with higher breeding value in segregating breeding populations. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) is an another molecular breeding method in which morphological, biochemical or DNA markers are used for indirect selection of a genetic determinant or determinants of a trait of interest. Some of the desirable traits include disease resistance, tolerance of abiotic stress, productivity, and quality. This book includes some of the vital pieces of works being conducted across the world, on various topics related to plant genetics and molecular breeding. Scientists and students actively engaged in plant breeding and genetics research will find it full of crucial and unexplored concepts.

  • af Edison Harrison
    1.482,95 kr.

    Agriculture refers to the practice of cultivating plants and livestock, and it is highly dependent on climate. Climate change and variability are major challenges for agriculture since it can lead to reduced crop yields, decreased nutritional quality of major cereals, and reduced productivity of livestock. The negative impacts of climate change are manifested in the form of increasing temperatures, shifting agro-ecosystem boundaries, weather variability, invasive pests, etc. Climate resilient crops and improved agricultural practices play a crucial role in coping with climate variability. Some major agricultural management strategies include residue incorporation, water harvesting for supplementing irrigation, and water saving technologies such as in-situ and ex-situ moisture conservation. This book explores the impacts and adaptations in agriculture with respect to climate change. It presents researches and studies performed by experts across the globe. The book will serve as a valuable source of reference for graduate and postgraduate students.

  • af Kaden Scott
    1.537,95 kr.

    Plant proteomics refers to the broad study of proteins focused on their structures and functions as governed by the physiological metabolism of plant cells. It is used in researches for studying gene products and validating their predicted biological functions. It also plays an integral role in understanding the major biochemical signaling pathways involved in the response of plants to their environment. Biotechnological applications in plant breeding rely on the data gathered from proteomic investigations. Proteomics has made it possible to identify a large variety of proteins that are essential for enhancing product quality, preserving crop health and developing resistance to stressors. This book explores the technologies, strategies and applications of plant proteomics. It consists of contributions made by international experts. A number of latest researches have been included herein to keep the readers updated with the latest concepts in this area of study.

  • af Avah Hunter
    1.482,95 kr.

    Sustainable tourism is a type of tourism that has more positive effects than negative effects, particularly on the economy, environment and communities. It takes into account the effects that traditional tourism activities have on both the current and future generations in terms of environmental, economic and cultural factors. Sustainable tourism initiatives strive to uphold the local culture, preserve the environment and maintain harmony between the local communities and wildlife. The components of sustainable tourism include eco-tourism, geo-tourism and cultural tourism. Effective marketing strategies can help in providing a boost to sustainable tourism efforts and in creating expectations with respect to the tourist experience. This book includes some of the vital pieces of works being conducted across the world, on various topics related to the marketing strategies for sustainable tourism. It consists of contributions made by international experts. A number of latest researches have been included to keep the readers up-to-date with the global concepts in this area of study.

  • af Lester Bane
    1.497,95 kr.

    Agroforestry refers to a land-use management system wherein trees or shrubs are grown among crops or pastureland. Agroforestry-based ecosystem services refer to human benefits that are achieved beyond the farm scale as a result of farm trees' interaction with soil and water, carbon storage, and biodiversity. This intentional combination of agriculture and forestry has multiple benefits, such as enhanced yields from staple food crops, enhanced farmer livelihoods from income generation, increased biodiversity, improved soil structure and health, reduced erosion, and carbon sequestration. The policies that promote agroforestry-based ecosystem services result in on-farm benefits, landscape and watershed benefits, and national and global benefits. This book is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about agroforestry-based ecosystem services. It will also provide interesting topics for research, which interested readers can take up. The book is a vital tool for all researching or studying agroforestry.

  • af Brock James
    1.482,95 kr.

    Acoustics is a branch of physics that is related to the study of sound. Acoustic waves refer to a type of energy propagation through a medium using adiabatic process. The acoustic waves are characterized using different quantitative parameters such as particle velocity, acoustic intensity, acoustic pressure and particle displacement. A few examples of acoustic waves include seismic waves from an earthquake or volcanic eruption, audible sound from a speaker, and ultrasound used in medical imaging. Ultrasonic waves are a type of sound waves which have a frequency greater than 20 kHz. The human ear cannot hear these sound waves. Ultrasonic waves are widely utilized in non-destructive testing (NDT) and medical diagnosis. The topics included in this book on acoustics and ultrasonic waves are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. It will also provide interesting topics for research which interested readers can take up. This book aims to equip students and experts with the advanced topics and upcoming concepts in this area of study.

  • af Celine Kennedy
    1.462,95 kr.

    Heat transfer refers to the movement of heat across the border of a system caused due to difference between the temperature of the system and its surroundings. Mass transfer refers to the physical phenomenon that involves the observation of a net movement of generic particles from one place to another. These phenomena are the basis of various mechanisms and processes such as distillation of alcohol, the evaporation of water, and purification of blood in the liver and kidneys. Heat and mass transfer is a significant and well-established branch of engineering and physics. It also finds application in multiple manufacturing procedures. This book aims to shed light on the role of heat and mass transfer in the energy systems. It will also provide interesting topics for research, which interested readers can take up. With state-of-the-art inputs by acclaimed experts of this field, this book targets students and professionals.

  • af Elsa Hughes
    1.537,95 kr.

    Rotating electric machines are electric machines that are used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. There are three basic types of rotating electric machines, namely, the DC machine, the polyphase synchronous machine, and the polyphase induction machine. Steel, copper and aluminum are the three materials commonly used in manufacturing these machines. Rotating electric machines consists of two parts, the rotor and the stator. The rotor is the cylindrical rotating component whereas the stator is the annular stationary component. These components are made of a magnetic material, which conducts magnetic flux necessary for energy conversion process. In the case of synchronous and DC machines, the magnetic field is generated by field poles induced by the use of direct current. Rotating motors can be controlled by simple start/stop functions or may involve complex controls that regulate motor output parameters such as shaft speed and acceleration. This book includes some of the vital pieces of work being conducted across the world, on various topics related to the analysis, modeling and control of rotating electric machines. It aims to serve as a resource guide for students and experts alike and contribute to the growth of study on this subject.

  • af Dilan Thomas
    1.462,95 kr.

    Machine learning (ML) refers to an artificial intelligence (AI) technique that teaches computers to learn from experiences. The algorithms of ML utilize computational techniques to learn information directly from data rather than using a preconceived equation as a model. ML is divided into two main categories, which include supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Each of them has diverse uses in geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS). ML is a key component of spatial analysis in GIS. It is extremely helpful for analyzing data in a variety of domains, including processing of satellite images. ML tools are primarily used in the processing of remote sensing data for interpretation, filtering and prediction. This book unravels the recent studies on machine learning tools and techniques for GIS and RS. As machine learning is emerging at a rapid pace, its contents will help the readers understand the modern concepts and applications of the subject. The book will serve as a valuable source of reference for graduate and postgraduate students.

  • af Isla Harvey
    1.522,95 kr.

    Discrete mathematics refers to the study of mathematical structures that are countable or otherwise separable or unique. Logical statements, combinations and graphs are examples of discrete structures. Symmetry is a proportionate and balanced resemblance between two halves of an object. It implies that one half is the mirror image of the other. Discrete symmetry in mathematics is a symmetry that explains non-continuous changes in a system. Symmetry is frequently used in discrete mathematics to show relationships between two or more elements of a set, where the first element relates to the second element and vice-versa. This book explores all the important aspects of discrete mathematics and symmetry in the present day scenario. It presents researches and studies performed by experts across the globe. This book, with its detailed analyses and data, will prove immensely beneficial to professionals and students involved in this area of mathematics at various levels.

  • af Kathryn Davidson
    1.537,95 kr.

    An antenna is the interface between the radio waves propagating through space and the electric currents flowing in metal conductors. It is utilized in conjunction with a transmitter or receiver. It can be built to transmit and receive radio waves preferentially in one direction or equally in all horizontal directions. Antennas are necessary for wireless communication systems to function properly at both the transmitter and receiver ends. The rapid development of wireless communication systems has in turn led to the development of innovative antenna technologies such as meta-material antennas, diversity antennas, smart antennas, and various software-defined antenna systems that are making their way onto the market to support modern wireless communication. Smart antenna is an antenna array with digital signal processing algorithms, which identify spatial signatures, which in turn are used by the smart antenna to calculate beamforming vectors that are used to track and locate the antenna beam on a mobile or target. This book aims to shed light on the concept of smart antennas and wave propagation for wireless communication. It also elucidates new techniques and their applications. This book aims to equip students and experts with the advanced topics and upcoming concepts in this area.

  • af Carolina Murray
    1.497,95 kr.

    A power converter refers to an electrical circuit that converts electric energy from one form to another that is optimized for a particular load. Power electronic converters have been utilized in hybrid electric systems to achieve conversions from AC to DC, DC to AC, DC to DC, and AC to AC, which enable bidirectional power flow. They are primarily composed of solid-state switches including IGBT, power MOSFET, thyristors, power BJT, and lossless components such as capacitors and inductors. Precise timing control is needed for power electronic converters and systems. Power electronic systems are power systems that have an AC or DC source of electric power. This book unravels the recent studies on the control of power electronic converters and systems. It presents researches and studies performed by experts across the globe. The book will serve as a valuable source of reference for graduate and post graduate students.

  • af Weston Clarke
    1.462,95 kr.

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to a business model that encourages businesses to make a concerted effort to work in ways that benefit the society and the environment instead of harming them. It is a commercial commitment that supports corporate social sustainability. It also involves businesses implementing moral and fair business practices. The four main categories of CSR are ethical responsibility, economic responsibility, environmental responsibility, and philanthropic responsibility. CSR aids in enhancing various aspects of society as well as promoting a positive brand image of businesses. CSR initiatives encourage businesses to have a beneficial impact on the environment and stakeholders such as investors, customers, communities, and employees. Levi Strauss, Starbucks, and Apple are some well-known companies that practice CSR. This book elucidates the concepts and innovative studies on corporate social responsibility and sustainability. It consists of contributions made by international experts. A number of latest researches have been included to keep the readers up-to-date with the global concepts in this area of study.

  • af Alexia Fisher
    1.522,95 kr.

    Energy is the ability to perform any type of work. It can exist in several different forms such as kinetic, chemical, potential, electrical, nuclear and thermal. Constant and reliable supply of energy is the foundation for all production activities. Energy optimization refers to the management of energy in the built environment in order to optimize advantages for the environment and human beings. Energy optimization and system integration plays a crucial role in reducing negative environmental effects of energy production, rising cost of energy and impending energy shortages. The implementation of energy optimization helps in significantly reducing the carbon emissions across different sectors, which can potentially help prevent the worst effects of climate change. Energy optimization can also be done by using process integration techniques that focus on the network of heat exchangers (HEXs) used widely in industries. This book unfolds the innovative aspects of energy optimization in process systems. It consists of contributions made by international experts. This book is a resource guide for experts as well as students.

  • af Carlos Owen
    1.462,95 kr.

    Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) is a sub-field of operations research used for evaluating multiple conflicting criteria in making a decision. It can be used as a tool for making various complex decisions. This method is best suited to solve problems which are designated as a choice among alternatives. MCDM can be classified into two categories, namely, multiple-criteria evaluation problems and multiple-criteria design problems. Multiple-criteria evaluation problems consist of a definite number of options clearly mentioned at the start of the solution process. In multiple-criteria design problems, the alternatives are unknown but can be found by solving a mathematical model. There are five components of MCDM problems which include goals, decision makers with preferences, decision alternatives, evaluation criteria, and consequences associated with alternative combination. This book is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about the theory and practice of multi-criteria decision making. It presents researches and studies performed by experts across the globe. The book will serve as a valuable source of reference for graduate and postgraduate students.

  • af Deacon Palmer
    1.522,95 kr.

    Organic compounds that contain phosphorus are called organophosphorus compounds. Organophosphorus compounds have various applications. They can be used as gasoline additives, lubricants, flame-retardants, plasticizers, hydraulic fluids and pharmaceuticals. They have widespread use not only as ligands in coordination chemistry and catalysis, but also in materials science, medicinal chemistry and agrochemicals. Organophosphorus chemistry is a field of chemistry under which the reactivity and characteristics of organophosphorus compounds are studied. Some of the major categories of organophosphorus compounds studied within this field are phosphate esters and amides, phosphonium salts and phosphoranes, and phosphines. This book explores all the important aspects of organophosphorus chemistry in the present day scenario. The various studies that are constantly contributing towards advancing technologies and evolution of this area of chemistry are examined in detail. The book will serve as a valuable source of reference for graduate and postgraduate students.

  • af Douglas Walsh
    1.537,95 kr.

    Financial economics refers to a subfield of economics that studies the allocation and utilization of resources in markets. It typically entails the development of sophisticated models to test the variables influencing a specific decision. Financial economics is crucial in recognizing risks, making investment decisions, and determining the value of assets or securities. It has two basic aspects which include risk management and diversification, and the current value. Econometrics is a branch of economics that involves the study of economic data using mathematical and statistical techniques. There are two types of econometrics, namely, applied econometrics and theoretical econometrics. Null hypothesis testing, regression models, R-squared, t-tests, p-values, etc. are the some of the major techniques used in econometrics. It can also be utilized to make predictions about future financial or economic trends. This book elucidates the concepts and innovative models around prospective developments with respect to financial economics and econometrics. With its detailed analyses and data, it will prove immensely beneficial to professionals and students involved in these areas at various levels.

  • af Max Corbyn
    1.462,95 kr.

    Mass spectrometry (MS) refers to the measurement of mass-to-charge ratio of one or more molecules in a sample. These measurements are also utilized to determine the precise molecular weight of the sample constituents. It helps in the identification of unknown compounds through the determination of the molecular weight, to determine chemical properties and structure of molecules, and measuring the known compounds. MS has grown to be an indispensable analytical tool in biological research and is capable of characterizing a huge range of biomolecules, including oligonucleotides, sugars and proteins. It is useful in a variety of fields, such as metabolomics, biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical research, forensic toxicology, clinical research and proteomics. Food contamination detection, isotope ratio determination, carbon dating, pesticide residue analysis, protein identification, as well as drug discovery and testing are some of the biological applications of MS. Most of the topics introduced in this book cover new techniques and biological applications of mass spectrometry. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by this book.

  • af Lewis Allison
    1.482,95 kr.

    Chemical engineering refers to a branch of engineering that studies the design and operation of chemical plants, as well as methods for increasing production. It applies the principles of biology, physics, economics, chemistry and mathematics to create, transform, design, use and transport materials and energy in an effective manner. There are five basic types of chemical engineering operations, namely, fluid flow processes, heat transfer processes, mass transfer processes, thermodynamic processes and mechanical processes. Chemical engineering finds prominent use in large-scale manufacturing plants, where the objective is to optimize product quality and output while lowering costs. It is also used in the development and enhancement of technological goods such as biocompatible materials, ultrastrong adhesives, and fabrics and fibers in the biomedical, aerospace, environmental, military, automotive, electronics and medical industries. This book unfolds the operations and applications of chemical engineering, which will be crucial for the progress of this field in the future. It includes contributions of experts and scientists, which will provide innovative insights into this field.

  • af Eldon Dixon
    1.462,95 kr.

    Plants are the foundation of all life that exists on the planet Earth. Plant cells contain plastids, which are double-membrane cell organelles. Plastids perform the function of manufacturing and storing food. These cell organelles can be classified into three types, namely, chloroplasts, chromoplasts, and leucoplasts. Chloroplasts are the organelles responsible for food production in plants. Stroma, inner membrane, outer membrane, thylakoid membrane, and intermembrane space are specific parts of chloroplasts. There are various functions of chloroplasts, including photosynthesis, pathogen defense, amino acid synthesis, carbon fixation and G3P synthesis. Photosynthesis is the main function of chloroplasts, which involves the conversion of light into chemical energy in order to produce food in the form of sugars. This book outlines the basic concepts and applications of chloroplast in detail. It consists of contributions made by international experts. This book aims to serve as a resource guide for students and experts.

  • af Harlan Kennedy
    1.462,95 kr.

    Molecular computing and bioinformatics are two important interrelated disciplines that are concerned with the study of molecules and computers. Molecular computing is an emerging branch of computing that makes use of DNA, biochemistry, and molecular biology hardware in place of the traditional electronic computing to build computer programs. Experiments are also ongoing to replace the silicon chips used in computers with test tubes, liquids and even living cells. Molecular computing is becoming popular due to its ability to assemble more circuitry onto a microchip than can be contained in silicon chips at lower costs. Bioinformatics is a field of study that makes use of the tools of computation and analysis for developing methods and tools for understanding large and complex biological data. There are various bioinformatics tools such as visualization, pattern recognition, machine learning algorithms, and data mining. These tools help to compare, analyze and interpret genetic and genomic data. This book provides comprehensive insights into molecular computing and bioinformatics. As these fields are emerging at a rapid pace, its contents will help the readers understand their modern concepts and applications.

  • af Bailey Graham
    1.537,95 kr.

    Kinase refers to an enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of phosphate groups from high-energy, phosphate-donating molecules to specified molecules or substrates. Kinases may modify lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, or other molecules. Protein modifying kinases are called protein kinases. Kinase signaling is essential for regulating various metabolic events. AMP-activated protein kinase or AMPK is an enzyme, which is activated when the intracellular ATP levels are lower. It is one of the major regulators of cellular and organismal metabolism in eukaryotes, which is necessary for all cells to maintain a balance between ATP consumption and ATP generation. It is also known to play an essential role in regulating growth. AMPK can regulate lipid and glucose metabolism, therefore it is studied extensively as a suitable therapeutic target for treating obesity. This book unfolds the innovative aspects of protein kinase and kinase signaling. With state-of-the-art inputs by acclaimed experts of this field, this book targets students and professionals.

  • af Zander Atkinson
    1.642,95 kr.

    Agri-food systems include primary production of both food and non-food agricultural products. It also includes aspects like food storage, consumption and disposal, aggregation, marketing, transportation, post-harvest management and processing, and distribution. Food systems within agri-food systems include food items produced from livestock and crop production. The food products can be obtained from traditional sources such as fisheries, aquaculture and forestry, as well as products from nontraditional sources like synthetic biology. Globalization of the agri-food systems is a mega-trend having significant nutritional implications. It entails shifting supply-chain structures, increasing levels of vertical integration, as well as new standards for food quality and safety. Agricultural trade is critical to the long-term viability of local and global food systems. International trade has enabled the transfer of food from surplus to deficit areas, while increasing the availability of a variety of products. This book outlines the role of globalization, supply chains and international trade on agri-food systems in detail. It is appropriate for those seeking detailed information on these systems.

  • af Kenzie Payne
    1.642,95 kr.

    Lepidopteran is an order of insects, which includes butterflies and moths. Insects of this order have unique color patterns on their wings. Butterfly wing patterns have identities that can be traced from species to species and typically across genera and families. The evolution and diversification of butterflies can be studied based on homologies among pattern elements and identities. Individuated patterns among the butterflies have emerged from non-individuated precursors that become developmentally autonomous for color pattern formation. This process involves the compartmentalization of the wing areas that in turn leads to the creation of color patterns characterized by repeated elements and emergence of serial homology. Various researches have studied the similarities in the vivid wing patterns of various butterflies and moth species. They have also observed that these patterns usually change rapidly in accordance with the mimicry theory. This theory deals with the organisms which develop a phenotypic similarity to another organism for selective benefits. This theory upholds that phenotypic similarity evolves due to natural selection. Different evaluations and advanced studies on wing patterns and mimicry have been included in this book. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by it.

  • af Josh Owen
    1.482,95 kr.

    A molecular beam refers to any type of ray or stream of molecules moving in the same direction, typically in a vacuum inside an evacuated chamber. It is created when a gas at a higher pressure is allowed to expand through a small orifice into a low-pressure chamber. This leads to the formation of a beam of particles, moving with equal velocities and few collisions. The molecules of a molecular beam are manipulated by the use of magnetic and electrical fields. These beams can be used to create thin films in molecular beam epitaxy. They are also used to fabricate structures such as quantum dots, quantum wells and quantum wires. This book elucidates the concepts and innovative models around prospective developments related to molecular beams. From theories to research to practical applications, studies related to all contemporary topics of relevance to these beams have been included herein. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by it.

  • af Devin Taylor
    1.442,95 kr.

    Biodiversity conservation refers to the protection, upliftment and management of biodiversity for ensuring sustainable benefits for the current and future generations. Biodiversity faces multiple threats at the global level such as pollution, urbanization, industrialization, depletion, erosion and increasing population. The loss of biodiversity severely affects the food chains of an ecosystem. There are three primary objectives of biodiversity conservation. These include protection and preservation of species diversity; sustainable utilization of species and resources; and prevention and restoration of ecological processes and life support systems. In-situ conservation and ex-situ conservation are the two methods of preserving biodiversity. The former involves the management and conservation of species in their natural habitats. Biosphere reserves, national parks, and wildlife sanctuaries are some protected areas for in-situ conservation. The conservation of endangered species in artificial ecosystems such as zoos, botanical gardens and gene banks is referred to as ex-situ conservation. The topics included in this book on conserving biodiversity are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. The readers would gain knowledge that would broaden their perspective about this topic.

  • af Devin Taylor
    1.442,95 kr.

    Biodiversity conservation refers to the protection, upliftment and management of biodiversity for ensuring sustainable benefits for the current and future generations. Biodiversity faces multiple threats at the global level such as pollution, urbanization, industrialization, depletion, erosion and increasing population. The loss of biodiversity severely affects the food chains of an ecosystem. There are three primary objectives of biodiversity conservation. These include protection and preservation of species diversity; sustainable utilization of species and resources; and prevention and restoration of ecological processes and life support systems. In-situ conservation and ex-situ conservation are the two methods of preserving biodiversity. The former involves the management and conservation of species in their natural habitats. Biosphere reserves, national parks, and wildlife sanctuaries are some protected areas for in-situ conservation. The conservation of endangered species in artificial ecosystems such as zoos, botanical gardens and gene banks is referred to as ex-situ conservation. The topics included in this book on conserving biodiversity are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. The readers would gain knowledge that would broaden their perspective about this topic.

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