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  • af Anastasia Finca
    129,95 kr.

    "Laughing at Adulting" is the essential guide for anyone looking to navigate the tumultuous waters of adulthood without losing their sense of humor. In this captivating collection, you'll find a unique blend of hilarious jokes, amusing anecdotes, insightful quotes, and uplifting messages, each carefully curated to offer solace and laughter in the face of adulting's most perplexing moments.As you turn the pages, you'll encounter witty reflections on the balancing act of work-life harmony, the never-ending barrage of social media, the complexities of personal finance, and the ever-evolving landscape of self-care. "Laughing at Adulting" transforms everyday trials into sources of amusement, reminding readers that while adult life is inevitably filled with challenges, it's also replete with opportunities for joy and laughter.Features:100 pages of Witty Anecdotes, Jokes, Amusing Quotes, and Humorous MessagesMatte finish cover designFormat: 6 x 9 InchesPrinted on high-quality white paperDouble-sidedNon-perforatedPerfect for anyone feeling overwhelmed by the demands of grown-up life or simply in need of a pick-me-up, this book serves as a reminder that taking life too seriously is the quickest path to madness. Through its lighthearted approach, "Laughing at Adulting" encourages readers to embrace the absurdities of life, offering comic relief and wisdom to help lighten the load.Whether you're struggling with the nuances of navigating relationships, the pressure of professional growth, or the simple task of keeping plants alive, "Laughing at Adulting" is your invitation to laugh at the chaos, find joy in the ordinary, and rediscover the art of living with a lighter heart. Join us on this hilarious journey through adulthood, where laughter is abundant, and the realities of life are met with a cheerful grin. Your guide to thriving amidst life's absurdities awaits within these pages.

  • af Anastasia Finca
    172,95 kr.

    "Harmony in Love" is a beautifully crafted 100-day guided journey designed specifically for women seeking deeper, more meaningful relationships. This book is a treasure trove of wisdom, offering daily affirmations, reflective prompts, and connecting activities to foster personal growth and strengthen bonds with those you love.Each day, you'll be greeted with a powerful affirmation to uplift and inspire you, setting a positive tone for your day. The reflective prompts are carefully crafted to encourage introspection and self-awareness, guiding you to explore the depths of your emotions, desires, and relationship dynamics. These prompts are not just questions; they're gateways to a deeper understanding of yourself and your significant other.The connecting activities are thoughtfully designed to bridge the gap between insight and action. Whether it's a simple exercise to enhance communication, a creative task to deepen emotional connection, or a shared experience to build trust and intimacy, these activities are meant to bring you and your partner closer in meaningful and joyous ways.Features:5 pages detailing its approach, benefits, and usage guidance100 pages of daily positive affirmations, reflective prompts, and growth-focused activities1 celebratory page to mark the completion of the 100-day journeyMatte finish cover designFormat: 6 x 9 InchesPrinted on high-quality white paperDouble-sidedNon-perforated"Harmony in Love" isn't just a book; it's a journey of transformation. Over these 100 days, you'll witness a blossoming of your relationship as you engage with each prompt and activity. You'll discover new layers of your partnership, learn to navigate challenges with grace, and celebrate the beauty of your bond.Perfect for those who want to nourish their relationships, this guided book is an invaluable companion for anyone looking to enrich their love life. Embark on this journey and unlock the secrets to a more fulfilling, harmonious relationship.

  • af Emily Soto
    172,95 kr.

    Healing Through Flavor: A Culinary Journey for Acid Reflux Relief Welcome to a gastronomic adventure that will soothe your digestive system as well as your taste senses. The "Acid Reflux Diet Cookbook" is presented in the pages that follow. It is a tasty compilation of recipes that have been thoughtfully prepared to reduce acid reflux symptoms and support digestive health.It can be difficult to live with acid reflux because it affects not just what we eat but also how we enjoy a satisfying meal. This cookbook is meant to be your travel companion while you search for harmony and balance in your diet. We are aware of your desire for mouthwatering, fulfilling meals that won't jeopardise your health.Our recipes are a celebration of flavours that are in balance with your body, not just a list of ingredients. Every meal, from filling appetisers and substantial main courses to delicious desserts, is carefully crafted to offer both comfort and relaxation. You'll find that controlling reflux doesn't have to mean compromising flavour or exploring new culinary techniques.We offer recipes in these pages, along with information on the fundamentals of a diet that is friendly to acid reflux sufferers. To guide you towards digestive comfort, we've included advice on ingredient replacements, cooking methods, and lifestyle modifications. These recipes are designed to simplify and inspire cooking, regardless of your level of experience in the kitchen.Ready to Savor the Difference? Secure Your Cookbook Today and Ignite Flavorful Wellness!

  • af Emily Soto
    172,95 kr.

    Saborea la Temporada: Una Colección de Galletas NavideñasBienvenido a un mundo donde la calidez de la temporada navideña se mide en los deliciosos aromas que flotan desde la cocina, y la alegría se encuentra en cada bocado de una galleta recién horneada. "El Libro de Recetas de Galletas de Navidad" te invita a embarcarte en un viaje festivo lleno de la dulce magia de las fiestas.Dentro de estas páginas, descubrirás una encantadora colección de recetas probadas con el tiempo, cada una elaborada con cuidado para llevar el espíritu navideño a tu hogar. Desde las clásicas galletas de azúcar adornadas con glaseado festivo hasta creaciones decadentes de chocolate y maravillas especiadas que evocan los aromas de la temporada, este libro de cocina es un tesoro de deliciosos placeres.Al hojear estas páginas, encontrarás más que solo recetas; descubrirás las conmovedoras historias y tradiciones entrañables que rodean a cada galleta. Cada galleta tiene una historia, y cada receta es un vistazo al amor y la risa que llenan los hogares durante la época más maravillosa del año.Ya seas un experimentado panadero o estés comenzando tu viaje culinario, "El Libro de Recetas de Galletas de Navidad" es tu compañero para crear momentos de alegría, risas y recuerdos deliciosos. Prepárate para llenar tu hogar con el reconfortante aroma de galletas recién horneadas y para compartir la magia de la Navidad con aquellos a quienes aprecias. Un regalo perfecto para cualquier amante de la repostería en tu vida, "El Libro de Recetas de Galletas de Navidad" seguramente traerá un toque de dulzura a tu celebración navideña. Este libro de recetas de galletas no es solo ideal para usar durante la temporada navideña, sino que es perfecto para cualquier ocasión a lo largo del año

  • af Laura Stone
    142,95 kr.

    A Story About Emotions and FeelingsJoin us on a delightful journey through "Chuck the Dragon's Whimsical World," where every scale on Chuck's rainbow-colored body tells a story, and every puff of his breath carries a hint of bubblegum freshness. Chuck is not your typical dragon-he's a maestro of mirth, a connoisseur of comedy, and the undisputed king of giggles.This book invites young readers to embark on a series of hilarious escapades with Chuck, from organizing the legendary Bubblegum Bazaar to outwitting mischievous goblins with his tail-twirling antics. As Chuck spreads laughter throughout Joketopia, he teaches us the invaluable lesson that joy and humor are treasures more precious than gold.

  • af Emily Soto
    142,95 kr.

    Welcome to the "Best Lunchbox Recipes for Kids"cookbook, a culinary trip that turns the mundane process of packing lunch into a tasty and wholesome adventure! As parents, guardians, and defenders of our kids' wellbeing, we are aware that cooking nutritious meals for them is not only a daily struggle but also a genuine act of love.This cookbook contains a variety of original, kid-tested lunchbox meals that strike the ideal harmony between flavour, convenience, and nutrition. These dishes are created to appease even the pickiest eaters while supplying them with the vital nutrients they require to flourish. With everything from vibrant salads and savoury wraps to delectable muffins and entertaining finger snacks, our objective is to make lunchtime enjoyable for both of you.

  • af Emily Soto
    142,95 kr.

    Culinary Adventures in Perfect PortionsWelcome to "Cooking for Two Recipes" - a culinary journey that celebrates the joy of preparing delicious meals while being mindful of portion sizes and minimizing food waste. In a world where both time and resources are valuable commodities, this cookbook is your ultimate guide to creating mouthwatering dishes tailored perfectly for two.Cooking for two comes with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. It's a chance to embrace creativity, savor intimacy, and make the most of each ingredient. In this cookbook, we've curated a collection of recipes that are not only designed to cater to your tastes but also respect your resources.Each recipe has been thoughtfully crafted to offer a harmonious blend of flavors, textures, and nutrients while ensuring that you're left with minimal leftovers. We understand the frustration of throwing away excess ingredients, and that's why these recipes are a delightful solution. With our easy-to-follow instructions and perfectly portioned ingredients, you'll discover a new world of cooking that's not only convenient but also eco-conscious.

  • af Emily Soto
    142,95 kr.

    Mastering the Art of Italian Cuisine ,Welcome to "A Taste of Italy," a culinary journey that will transport you to the charming landscapes, rich traditions, and exquisite flavors of one of the world's most beloved cuisines. In the pages of this cookbook, we invite you to embark on a delicious adventure through the diverse regions of Italy, where each dish tells a story and every bite is a celebration of life, family, and the joy of eating.Italy is a land where food is more than sustenance; it is an expression of love, a connection to the past, and a source of boundless inspiration. From the bustling markets of Rome to the sun-soaked vineyards of Tuscany, and the enchanting coasts of the Amalfi, every corner of Italy has its own unique culinary treasures waiting to be uncovered.In "A Taste of Italy," we've curated a collection of timeless recipes that pay homage to the heart and soul of Italian cooking. Whether you're a seasoned home cook or a novice in the kitchen, these recipes are designed to transport you to the heart of Italy, allowing you to create authentic and unforgettable dishes right in your own home.

  • af Emily Soto
    162,95 kr.

    Welcome to the "Low Carb Diet Cookbook," a culinary treasure trove that will transform the way you approach food and nutrition. This carefully curated collection of recipes is a celebration of flavor and health, offering a diverse array of delectable dishes while keeping carbohydrates in check.Whether you're embarking on a low-carb journey for weight management, blood sugar control, or simply seeking a more balanced and wholesome lifestyle, this cookbook is your trusty companion on the path to culinary success. Each recipe has been thoughtfully crafted to strike the perfect harmony between taste and nutrition, proving that cutting back on carbs doesn't mean sacrificing on enjoyment.Inside these pages, you'll embark on a mouthwatering adventure filled with savory breakfasts, vibrant salads, hearty soups, indulgent dinners, and even guilt-free desserts. Embrace the art of cooking with fresh, nutrient-dense ingredients that nourish your body and please your palate, all while supporting your low-carb goals.Whether you're a seasoned low-carb enthusiast or new to the world of healthy eating, this cookbook is designed to inspire creativity in the kitchen and elevate your dining experiences. Discover how to turn classic favorites into low-carb wonders and explore innovative dishes that will surprise and delight your family and friends.

  • af Emily Soto
    142,95 kr.

    Welcome aboard, young adventurers, to "Journey to Kindergarten"! Get ready to embark on a thrilling expedition that will take you through the magical world of learning, friendship, and new beginnings.As we set sail on this heartwarming journey, we follow the footsteps of brave little souls like you, about to enter the colorful realm of kindergarten. Like explorers discovering a hidden treasure, you'll uncover the joys of counting, the magic of reading, and the wonders of imagination.In "Journey to Kindergarten," we'll traverse the vast landscapes of knowledge, where each lesson is a stepping stone toward wisdom. From the enchanting alphabet forest to the vibrant math meadows, every page will bring you closer to mastering the art of learning.But it's not just about numbers and letters; it's about the people you'll meet on this voyage. You'll find fellow adventurers who'll become your trusted friends, sharing laughter, dreams, and a world of wonder. Together, you'll build castles of sand, solve riddles, and create stories that will echo in the halls of your hearts forever.In this captivating tale, you'll also discover the magic of courage. As you navigate new waters and face unfamiliar challenges, remember that bravery resides within each one of you. You'll learn that stepping into the unknown can lead to the most extraordinary discoveries.So, prepare your hearts and minds, young explorers, as "Journey to Kindergarten" unfolds before you. The journey begins with a turn of the page, and with each chapter, you'll blossom like the flowers in spring.Let curiosity be your compass, and let your imagination soar like a magnificent kite in the sky. And as we sail together through the seas of kindergarten, we'll celebrate the triumphs, embrace the lessons, and cherish the bonds that will forever shape your voyage through this remarkable world.

  • af Emily Soto
    122,95 kr.

    Get ready to embark on a sidesplitting journey filled with giggles, guffaws, and gut-busting hilarity! This book is your ticket to a world of laughter, where the silliest jokes and wittiest riddles await you.Inside these pages, you'll discover a treasure trove of knee-slappers, puns, and clever one-liners that are sure to tickle your funny bone. Whether you're a seasoned jokester or just starting your comedic journey, there's something here for everyone.From knock-knock jokes that'll leave you in stitches to animal-themed puns that'll have you roaring with laughter, "Laugh Out Loud" is the ultimate source of amusement for kids of all ages. Share these jokes with your friends, family, and even your pet hamster - because laughter knows no bounds!Remember, a day without laughter is like a day without sunshine. So, let's dive into the wonderful world of jokes and create a symphony of laughter that'll echo through the corridors of your imagination.Are you ready to laugh out loud? Then turn the page and let the chuckles begin!

  • af Emily Soto
    152,95 kr.

    Welcome to "The Art of Salad" cookbook, where we embark on a delightful culinary journey through the world of salads. In this collection, we celebrate the beauty and creativity of salads, elevating them from mere side dishes to star attractions on your dining table.Salads are not just a medley of greens; they are a canvas for flavors, colors, and textures that come together harmoniously to create a masterpiece. From vibrant vegetables and fresh herbs to grains, fruits, and proteins, each recipe is carefully crafted to tantalize your taste buds and nourish your body.In "The Art of Salad," you will find a diverse array of recipes that cater to every palate and occasion. Whether you're seeking light and refreshing options for warm summer days or hearty and wholesome choices for cozy winter evenings, we have something for everyone.Join us on this gastronomic adventure as we explore unique combinations, innovative dressings, and global influences that will inspire you to create your own salad masterpieces. From classics like Caesar and Greek salads to exotic blends inspired by various cultures, we encourage you to let your creativity flow and make salads a canvas for your culinary expression.The journey to a healthier and more flavorful lifestyle begins with a simple bowl of fresh ingredients. So, let "The Art of Salad" be your guide to elevating your dining experience and savoring the abundance of nature's bounty in every bite.

  • af Emily Soto
    162,95 kr.

    "Inspiring Stories for Amazing Boys" is a captivating collection that celebrates the spirit of young boys who dare to dream big, overcome challenges, and make a positive impact on the world around them. This book is a treasure trove of narratives that will ignite imagination, instill courage, and empower boys to embrace their unique potential.Within the pages of this book, young readers will embark on incredible adventures alongside brave protagonists who exemplify determination, resilience, and kindness. From daring explorers charting uncharted territories to talented artists using their creativity to spread joy, each story presents a remarkable journey that will captivate and inspire.Through these inspiring tales, boys will discover relatable characters who face obstacles with bravery and unwavering spirit. They will witness the transformative power of perseverance and witness the joy that comes from embracing their passions and pursuing their dreams.These stories go beyond mere entertainment; they serve as valuable life lessons, encouraging boys to believe in themselves, to embrace their unique strengths, and to cultivate empathy and kindness towards others. Each narrative serves as a reminder that they have the power to make a difference, no matter how big or small.

  • af Emily Soto
    162,95 kr.

    Are you a sushi lover who's always wanted to make your own rolls at home, but weren't sure where to start? Look no further than "Sushi for Beginners," the ultimate guide to mastering the art of sushi making!This cookbook is specifically designed for those who are new to the world of sushi. It starts with the basics, including an introduction to the ingredients and equipment you'll need, along with step-by-step instructions for making perfect sushi rice. From there, you'll learn how to roll basic sushi rolls, such as California rolls and spicy tuna rolls, and then progress to more advanced rolls like dragon rolls and rainbow rolls.The cookbook is filled with beautiful photographs that will inspire you to create your own sushi creations, and includes helpful tips and tricks to make sure your rolls come out perfectly every time. In addition to sushi rolls, you'll also learn how to make other popular sushi dishes like nigiri and sashimi.With "Sushi for Beginners," you'll be able to impress your friends and family with your newfound sushi making skills. Whether you're looking to make sushi for a special occasion or simply for a delicious weeknight dinner, this cookbook has everything you need to get started on your sushi making journey.

  • af Emily Soto
    162,95 kr.

    "Inspiring Stories for Amazing Girls" is a heartwarming and uplifting collection that brings together a diverse range of tales designed to ignite the imaginations of young readers and instill them with the values of compassion, courage, resilience, and kindness. This enchanting book is filled with extraordinary stories that celebrate the potential and unique qualities within every child.Within these pages, readers will embark on inspiring journeys alongside characters who overcome challenges, make a difference in their communities, and find strength in the face of adversity. From tales of young heroes standing up for what is right to stories of friendship and the power of empathy, each narrative is carefully crafted to engage young minds and leave them feeling motivated and inspired.Through captivating storytelling and relatable characters, "Inspiring Stories for Amazing Kids" showcases the power of determination, creativity, and the human spirit. It encourages children to embrace their own individuality, believe in their dreams, and recognize the incredible impact they can have on the world around them.

  • af Emily Soto
    162,95 kr.

    "Yummy Toddler Food" is a delightful and practical cookbook designed specifically to make mealtime a joyous adventure for your little ones. Created with love and expertise, this cookbook is packed with a wide array of nutritious and delicious recipes that will delight the taste buds of even the pickiest eaters.Featuring over 70 creative and easy-to-follow recipes, "Yummy Toddler Food" is a treasure trove of ideas to help parents and caregivers provide wholesome meals that toddlers will eagerly devour. From finger foods and snacks to main courses and desserts, each recipe has been thoughtfully crafted to cater to the unique nutritional needs of growing children while introducing them to a variety of flavors and textures.Inside this cookbook, you'll find a collection of mouthwatering recipes that are both appealing to the eye and packed with essential nutrients. Discover clever ways to sneak in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins, ensuring your toddler receives a balanced and nourishing diet.The recipes in "Yummy Toddler Food" are not only healthy but also designed to inspire creativity and encourage family participation in the kitchen. With helpful tips on ingredient substitutions, food allergies, and toddler-friendly cooking techniques, this cookbook becomes an invaluable resource for parents navigating the sometimes-challenging world of feeding toddlers.

  • af Emily Soto
    162,95 kr.

    "Inspiring Stories for Amazing Kids" is a heartwarming and uplifting collection that brings together a diverse range of tales designed to ignite the imaginations of young readers and instill them with the values of compassion, courage, resilience, and kindness. This enchanting book is filled with extraordinary stories that celebrate the potential and unique qualities within every child.Within these pages, readers will embark on inspiring journeys alongside characters who overcome challenges, make a difference in their communities, and find strength in the face of adversity. From tales of young heroes standing up for what is right to stories of friendship and the power of empathy, each narrative is carefully crafted to engage young minds and leave them feeling motivated and inspired.Through captivating storytelling and relatable characters, "Inspiring Stories for Amazing Kids" showcases the power of determination, creativity, and the human spirit. It encourages children to embrace their own individuality, believe in their dreams, and recognize the incredible impact they can have on the world around them.This book not only entertains and captivates young readers but also serves as a valuable tool for parents, educators, and caregivers seeking to foster essential values and life skills in children. With its thought-provoking stories and positive messages, this collection is a perfect companion for bedtime reading, classroom discussions, or simply a quiet moment of reflection.

  • af Emily Soto
    162,95 kr.

    Introducing the ultimate guide to mouth-watering grill recipes! This cookbook is your go-to source for delicious and easy-to-follow recipes that are perfect for any grilling occasion. From sizzling steaks to juicy burgers, succulent seafood to colorful veggies, this cookbook has it all.Each recipe in this cookbook has been carefully crafted to help you elevate your grilling game. Whether you're a seasoned grill master or a novice, the step-by-step instructions and helpful tips will make your grilling experience a breeze.Inside, you'll find a wide range of recipes that are perfect for any occasion. Whether you're hosting a backyard BBQ with friends and family, or just grilling up a quick dinner for yourself, you'll find plenty of recipes to choose from. Plus, with recipes for appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, and desserts, this cookbook has everything you need to create a complete meal on the grill.In addition to the delicious recipes, this cookbook also includes helpful information on grilling techniques, equipment, and safety tips. Whether you're using a gas grill, charcoal grill, or smoker, you'll find all the information you need to get the most out of your grill.So fire up your grill and get ready to impress your guests (and yourself!) with these mouth-watering recipes. This grill recipes cookbook is the perfect addition to any kitchen and is sure to become your go-to guide for all your grilling needs.

  • af Emily Soto
    197,95 kr.

    Introducing the ultimate healthy pasta recipes book for kids! This book is jam-packed with delicious, nutritious, and easy-to-follow pasta recipes that are perfect for kids of all ages. With this book, you can rest easy knowing that your kids are enjoying delicious pasta dishes that are not only tasty but also good for them.Inside the pages of this book, you'll find a wide variety of pasta recipes that are sure to satisfy even the pickiest of eaters. From classic favorites like spaghetti and meatballs to unique creations like pesto zucchini noodles, there's something for everyone in this book.Each recipe has been carefully crafted to be both healthy and delicious. You'll find recipes that are low in fat, high in fiber, and packed with protein to keep your kids full and satisfied. Plus, many of the recipes feature fresh veggies and other nutritious ingredients that your kids might not even realize they're eating!But that's not all - this book also includes helpful tips for getting your kids involved in the cooking process. From measuring ingredients to stirring the sauce, your little ones will love helping out in the kitchen and learning new cooking skills.Whether you're a busy parent looking for quick and easy meal ideas or a health-conscious parent who wants to ensure their kids are eating well, this healthy pasta recipes book for kids is the perfect solution. So why not give it a try and start cooking up some healthy, tasty pasta dishes today!

  • af Emily Soto
    162,95 kr.

    "The Pizza Perfection" is the ultimate guide for pizza enthusiasts and aspiring pizzaiolos alike. This comprehensive and mouthwatering cookbook takes you on a delicious journey through the world of pizza, uncovering the secrets to creating the perfect pie.With expert guidance and detailed instructions, this book equips you with the knowledge and techniques needed to master every aspect of pizza making. From choosing the right ingredients and preparing the perfect dough to exploring a variety of sauce recipes and creative toppings, "The Pizza Perfection" leaves no stone unturned.Delve into the rich history and regional variations of pizza as you discover classic recipes from Italy and innovative creations from around the globe. Whether you prefer a traditional Neapolitan-style pizza with a pillowy crust or a thin, crispy New York-style slice, this book offers a diverse range of recipes to satisfy every palate.

  • af Emily Soto
    162,95 kr.

    Introducing "The Complete Instant Pot Cookbook" - your ultimate culinary companion for harnessing the full potential of your Instant Pot. This comprehensive cookbook is designed to empower both beginners and experienced cooks with a collection of mouthwatering recipes that take advantage of the Instant Pot's remarkable versatility.Inside these pages, you'll discover a treasure trove of tantalizing recipes that span a wide range of cuisines and culinary preferences. From hearty stews and tender roasts to quick weeknight dinners and delightful desserts, each recipe is carefully crafted to deliver incredible flavors and textures with minimal time and effort.Unlock the secrets of perfectly cooked meals as you explore the art of pressure cooking, slow cooking, sautéing, and more. With detailed instructions, helpful tips, and ingredient substitutions, this cookbook ensures your success in the kitchen, no matter your skill level.Whether you're seeking nourishing family meals, impressive dinner party dishes, or time-saving weekday recipes, "The Complete Instant Pot Cookbook" has you covered. You'll find options for various dietary preferences, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and more.So, dust off your Instant Pot, sharpen your culinary skills, and embark on a culinary adventure like no other. Get ready to savor the convenience, efficiency, and exceptional flavors that the Instant Pot brings to your kitchen. With "The Complete Instant Pot Cookbook" in your hands, you'll have the tools to create unforgettable meals and become a true master of the Instant Pot.

  • af Emily Soto
    142,95 kr.

    This book provides healthy meal ideas that are low budget, fast and easy to prepare for your whole family. With recipes for lunch or dinner, you can always find something healthy and delicious without breaking the bank. Get your copy today and start enjoying healthy meals that are quick and simple to prepare! The book also features tips on how to save money while still eating healthy and delicious meals. Enjoy healthy, fast and easy meals that the whole family will love! Grab your copy of this book today! It will make for a great addition to any kitchen. Start preparing healthy, low budget, fast and easy meals for lunch or dinner today! You won't regret it!

  • af Emily Soto
    162,95 kr.

    "Diabetic Cookbook" is a comprehensive and user-friendly guide designed specifically for individuals who are new to managing diabetes and are seeking delicious and nutritious meal options. This cookbook offers a wide array of recipes that cater to the unique dietary needs of those with diabetes, providing a pathway to healthier eating without compromising on taste.The recipes in this cookbook are crafted to prioritize wholesome, nutrient-rich ingredients while minimizing added sugars and unhealthy fats. With a focus on fresh produce, lean proteins, and whole grains, you'll discover a wide variety of flavorful dishes that will inspire and excite your taste buds.Whether you're craving a hearty breakfast to start your day right, a satisfying lunch to keep you energized, or a delectable dinner to impress your loved ones, "Diabetic Cookbook" has you covered. From vibrant salads and comforting soups to mouthwatering main courses and delightful desserts, each recipe is specifically developed to meet the dietary requirements for managing diabetes without sacrificing flavor.

  • af Zilan Meyer
    142,95 kr.

    The Mediterranean diet is known for its health benefits and delicious flavors, and a Mediterranean recipes cookbook is the perfect way to explore this cuisine in your own kitchen. This cookbook typically includes a wide variety of recipes inspired by the Mediterranean region, which encompasses countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey, and Morocco.A Mediterranean recipes cookbook often begins with an introduction to the principles of the Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes fresh, whole foods, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Many recipes in the cookbook are based on ingredients such as olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, fresh herbs, and seafood.Some popular dishes that you might find in a Mediterranean recipes cookbook include classic Italian pasta dishes like spaghetti carbonara or penne alla vodka, Greek favorites such as tzatziki and spanakopita, and Moroccan tagines and couscous dishes. You might also find recipes for seafood paella, Turkish kebabs, and Spanish tortillas.In addition to entrees, a Mediterranean recipes cookbook often includes recipes for appetizers, salads, and desserts. You might find recipes for dips like hummus or baba ghanoush, Greek salads with feta and olives, and sweet treats like baklava or tiramisu.Overall, a Mediterranean recipes cookbook is a great resource for anyone looking to explore the flavors and health benefits of Mediterranean cuisine. With a wide variety of recipes to choose from, you're sure to find something delicious to cook and enjoy!

  • af Zilan Meyer
    152,95 kr.

    Cooking on a budget doesn't have to be bland or boring. In fact, some of the most delicious and satisfying meals can be made with affordable, everyday ingredients. This cookbook is packed with easy-to-follow recipes that won't break the bank. From hearty soups and stews to flavorful stir-fries and skillet dinners, these meals are perfect for busy weeknights or feeding a crowd without overspending. Whether you're a student, young professional, or simply looking to save money, this cookbook is your ultimate guide to cooking delicious meals on a budget. With tips on how to shop smart and make the most out of your pantry staples, you'll be able to whip up affordable and delicious meals that will satisfy even the pickiest eaters. So why sacrifice flavor for cost when you can have both? Let this cookbook be your go-to resource for affordable and delicious meals

  • af Zilan Meyer
    152,95 kr.

    Welcome to the world of delicious plant-based cooking! This cookbook is a celebration of the incredible variety and flavor that can be achieved with plant-based ingredients. From colorful salads and hearty soups to flavorful main dishes and decadent desserts, this cookbook has something for everyone.Whether you're a long-time vegan or simply looking to incorporate more plant-based meals into your diet, this cookbook provides a wealth of inspiration and guidance. Each recipe is thoughtfully crafted to highlight the natural flavors and textures of plant-based ingredients, while also providing balanced and satisfying meals that will leave you feeling nourished and satisfied.Inside, you'll find a wide range of recipes, from quick and easy weeknight dinners to impressive dishes for entertaining. Discover the versatility of vegetables, legumes, grains, and fruits as you explore recipes for everything from comforting stews and casseroles to vibrant salads and smoothies.You'll also find tips for stocking your pantry and kitchen, as well as advice on how to make the most of seasonal produce and fresh ingredients. With clear and easy-to-follow instructions, along with beautiful full-color photographs, this cookbook is the perfect companion for anyone looking to explore the world of plant-based cooking.

  • af Anastasia Finca
    167,95 - 182,95 kr.

  • af Miriam Mary
    172,95 kr.

    This Log Book is perfect for new moms, dads and nannies.Our journal has been designed to look simple and that will help you keep all of your baby log information in one handy and easy-to-use book.Inside you will find:¿ Feedings (time, food, and amount)¿ ¿¿Diapers (time, poop, pee)¿ Sleep and naps - beginning time, ending time, total duration, and notes¿ Activities¿ Shopping ListWhy this logbook is useful:You may want to look back on and put reminders of appts etc. It will help you keep track of your newborn feeds and makes communication with your nanny easier. Keep track of your baby's wellbeing, medications, shopping needs, etc.Purchase one for yourself or as a thoughtful present for a baby in your life!

  • af Anastasia Finca
    182,95 kr.

    Introducing the ultimate solution for managing your work hours - the Weekly Time Sheet Log Book!Are you tired of struggling to keep track of your work hours? Do you find yourself constantly losing important information about your projects and tasks? Look no further, because the Weekly Time Sheet Log Book is here to revolutionize the way you manage your work hours.This Log Book includes the following prompts to record per week:Headers: NAME, WEEK, MONTH, YEARDATE, TIME, TIME OUT, BREAKS, OVERTIME, TOTAL for each day of the weekTOTAL HOURS sectionNOTES SectionFeatures:120 Pages2 weeks records per pageGlossy finish softcover designLarge A4 size 8.5" x 11"Printed on high-quality white paperDouble-sidedSo why wait? Start taking control of your work hours today with the Weekly Time Sheet Log Book. Order now and experience the benefits of improved productivity, better organization, and peace of mind.

  • af Anastasia Deco
    442,95 kr.

    Indulge in the luxury of a Deluxe Decorative book that is not just a pretty face but also serves as your ultimate daily planner. This hardcover gem is perfect for adding sophistication to your coffee table or bookshelf and staying organized in style.The hardcover is crafted to perfection, boasting a premium finish that exudes elegance and sophistication. The intricate details on the cover are sure to grab the attention of all your guests, making it the perfect conversation starter.But this isn't just a pretty face. The interior pages are cleverly designed to serve as a practical daily planner, perfect for those who crave structure and organization. The planner is not only functional but also flexible to cater to all your daily needs. With plenty of space for notes and schedules, you can now keep track of everything without sacrificing style.Book Features:Decorative Daily Planner (Undated)365 pages, one for each day of the yearGlossy Finish Hardcover DesignFormat: 7 x 10 Inches (17.78 x 25.4 cm)Printed on high-quality white paperInvest in this Deluxe Decorative book and experience the perfect balance between practicality and beauty. It is the ultimate indulgence for the savvy and stylish woman who wants to make a statement and stay organized effortlessly. Order yours now and make every day a masterpiece.

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