Bag om The First Year of Roman Law
This is a useful introduction to Roman law with a level of detail that falls midway between an outline and a textbook. Carefully organized, it is also an excellent reference guide, and includes marriage and family law, slavery, adoption, successions, ownership. "To begin with, it is quite comprehensive, for there is not a single principle of Roman law, sufficiently important to be included in first-year study, which the author has omitted.... [L]egal principles and definitions are very concisely stated, and a lecturer on the subject will be glad to find an important rule given in such brief, almost epigrammatic form, that it can be readily committed to memory. (...) Another good feature is the practice of frequently citing the original Latin phrases and sentences.... Lastly, the translator has provided a good index, which is a valuable addition to the original work. We are sure that many teachers of Roman law will welcome this book as a manual to be placed in the hands of their students.": Columbia Law Review 7 (1907) 377-378.
BOOK I. History of the Roman Law
Title I. First Period - Legendary Period
Title II. Second Period - Historic Republican Period
Title III. Third Period - The Imperial Duarchy
Title IV. Fourth Period - The True Monarchy
Title V. Fifth Period - The Later Empire - Justinian
BOOK II. Persons
Title I. Preliminary Conceptions
Title II. Status Libertatis
Title III. Status Civitatis
Title IV. Status Familiae
V. Incapacities of Fact
BOOK III. Things
Title I. Division of Things
Title II. Summary Notions as to Obligations
BOOK IV. Actions
Title I. General and Historical Notions - The Courts
Title II. Systems of Procedure
BOOK V. Ownership
Title I. Attributes and Evolution of Ownership
Title II. Possession
Title III. Different Kinds of Ownership
Title IV. Sanction for the Right of Ownership
Title V. Modes of Acquiring Ownership
Title VI. Extinction of the Right of Ownership
Title VII. Civil and Praetorian Dismemberments of the Right of Ownership
BOOK VI. Successions
Title I. Succession in General - Instruction of the Heir
Title II. Conditions for the Validity of Wills
Title III. Intestate Succession
Title IV. Acceptance and Disclaimer of the Inheritance
Title V. Fideicommissa Hereditatis
Title VI. Actions Concerning the Hereditas
BOOK VII. Donationes Inter Vivos and Mortis Causa
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