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Selvbiografier: sport

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  • af Nick Hornby
    137,95 kr.

    En strålende memoir fra forfatteren til High Fidelity og Om en dreng. I USA hedder det ”soccer”. Men i Storbritannien er det ”football”, det drejer sig om. Ingen beskyttelse, ingen kære mor. Og dette gælder, før spillerne overhovedet har gået deres indmarch. Nick Hornby har været fodboldfan siden sin undfangelse. Kald det forudbestemmelse. Eller kald det forskoling. Fodboldfeber er hans hyldest til en livslang besættelse. Dels en selvbiografi, dels en komedie og dels en skarpsindig analyse af vanviddet. Hornbys prisvindende memoir indfanger fankulturens febervildelse – dens smerte og ekstase, dens fællesskab og dens afgørende rolle i tusinder af unge mænds coming of age-historier. Fodboldfeber er en for holdet. Men frem for alt er det en for alle, der virkelig ved, hvad det betyder at have en dårlig sæson.

  • af Jesper Nøddesbo
    92,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Ud ad til har Jesper Nøddesbo en problemfri håndboldkarriere med et opsigtsvækkende cv af topklubber, store titler og hundredvis af landskampe.OL-guld, EM-guld, 2 Champions League-titler, 2 VM-sølvmedaljer, syv spanske mesterskaber, to danske mesterskaber og et hav af andre titler og pokaler taler deres tydelige sprog om gedigen sportslig succes krydret med 223 landskampe og hele 10 sæsoner i FC Barcelona.Men hvad sker der, hvis man kigger ind i maskinrummet på Jesper Nøddesbos håndboldkarriere? YES MAN er hans ærlige og nærværende historie om at skabe plads til sig selv i internation tophåndbold, når man samtidig slås med en grundlæggende usikkerhed og tvivl på sig selv. Den er fyldt med anekdoter og oplevelser fra karrieren.YES MAN diskuterer den macho-kultur, som elitesporten er præget af, og sætter ord på, hvad der foregår bag facaden. Bogen viser, hvordan Nøddesbo gør op med sin egen lyst til at please og behage og i stedet via bevidste valg blandet med coaching og individuel samtale kæmper sig tilbage til toppen af hierarkiet i FC Barcelona, hvor han ellers var blevet fyret og bedt om ikke at møde op igen.Jesper Nøddesbo (f. 1980) spiller i Bjerringbro-Silkeborg og har tidligere spillet for bl.a Kolding IF og FC Barcelona. Han spillede 223 landskampe for Danmark.

  • af Norm Beaudin & Kim Passante
    187,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af Addi Somekh & Zochada Tat
    162,95 - 282,95 kr.

  • af Sara Barnes
    172,95 kr.

  • af Sue Barker
    125,95 kr.

  • af Simon Lowe
    172,95 kr.

  • af Ian McKinley
    165,95 kr.

  • af Jurgen Klopp
    127,95 kr.

  • - A Search for Strength
    af Sophie Cairns
    127,95 kr.

    One morning, when she was very young, Sophie Cairns' lungs tried to kill her. Every three months from the age of three to twelve, asthma sent her to hospital, where she slept in an oxygen tent. What makes someone who struggles to breathe seek out the thin air of high-altitude peaks on every continent on earth?

  • af Sabrina Verjee
    147,95 kr.

  • af Pep Guardiola
    127,95 kr.

  • af Neil Harman
    245,95 kr.

  • af David Dein
    125,95 - 215,95 kr.

  • af Ram Barkai
    165,95 - 432,95 kr.

  • af Zak Moradi
    215,95 kr.

    Born in a refugee camp in Ramadi, Iraq, at the height of the Gulf War under the oppressive regime of Saddam Hussein, Zak Moradi was forced to flee with his family. Settling in Leitrim, Zak discovered a talent for hurling. In this book, Zak reflects on his first 20 years in Ireland.

  • af Jay Glazer
    147,95 kr.

    Hey Teammate,We all face obstacles-physical, emotional, between the ears. The good news is that everything we have fought back against can empower us, IF WE KNOW HOW TO USE IT. My obstacles happen to be anxiety and depression. I call it living in the gray, and I've been mired in it my whole life. To be honest, it sucks. But I have also recently recognized that this same gray that has held me down has also empowered me to make my wildest dreams come true. You have probably overcome many of your own obstacles, but you;ve been too close to the conflict to clearly see what you've accomplished. We are all UNBREAKABLE, no matter what we do, who we are, or what traumas we may have experienced. We just need to admit that we can't walk this walk alone.--Jay GlazerAfter years of rejection but with constant hustle, Jay Glazer has built a career has one of the most iconic sports insiders, earning himself a spot on the Emmy award-winning Fox NFL Sunday, a role as the confidant of coaches and players across the league, and a role as himself alongside Dwayne ?The Rock? Johnson on HBO series Ballers. His gym, Unbreakable Performance Center, attracts some of the biggest names in Hollywood, and is the headquarters to the powerful charity MVP (Merging Vets and Players) that Jay founded in 2015. MVP began as a weekly physical and mental health huddle with combat veterans and retired athletes has expanded to seven locations, helping soldiers and players transition to a new team. In Unbreakable, Jay Glazer talks directly to you, his teammates, and shares his truth. All of his success from his screeching-and-swerving joy ride through professional football, the media, the fighting world, Hollywood, the military-warrior community, comes with a side of relentless depression and anxiety. Living in the gray, as Jay calls it, is just a constant for him. And, in order to work through the gray and succeed, Jay has to maintain an Unbreakable Mindset. With this book, you can too. · Be of Service?help others and help yourself in the process· Build Your Team?give support, get support· Never Underestimate the Power of Laughter?never take yourself too seriously· Be Proud of Your Scars?our trauma makes us who we areThroughout Unbreakable, Jay will use his stories?featuring some of the biggest, baddest, and most fascinating characters in the public eye today?to show how he walks this walk, has learned that while the gray is very real, it doesn't have to define him. And it doesn't have to define you either.

  • af Malachy Tallack
    107,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • af Sonny Bill Williams
    127,95 - 195,95 kr.

    The autobiography of New Zealand and All Blacks legend, Sonny Bill Williams

  • af Abhinav Bindra
    212,95 kr.

    Abhinav Bindra once shot 100 out of 100 in practice six times in a row and walked out of the range unhappy. He is a perfectionist who once soled his shoes with rubber from Ferrari tyres because he thought it would help. He would wake up at 3 am to practise at his range at home if an idea suddenly struck him. It is from such obsession that greatness arrives. Abhinav Bindra's journey to become the first Indian to win an individual Olympic gold, and the first Indian to win a World Championship gold, is a story of single-minded passion. The Olympics has been an all-consuming journey for him ever since he was shattering beer bottles and glass ampoules in his garden in Chandigarh. No obstacle was too hard to overcome, no amount of practice too much, no experiment too futile and no defeat so severe that it made a comeback impossible. Shattered by his failure at the 2004 Athens Olympics when a gold medal seemed imminent, he changed as a shooter: from a boy who loved shooting, he became an athlete bent on redemption, a scientist who would try anything - from mapping his own brain to drinking yak milk to climbing rock walls - to win at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. His victory was not just a personal triumph, it was a gift to his nation, a breaking down of a sporting barrier that had stood for a century. Bindra's feat has taught his peers, and those yet to come, that an Olympic gold isn't an impossible dream. In ranges, on fields, in arenas, Indian athletes now own a new belief, they wear the knowledge that no challenge is beyond them. Helping to tell this remarkable story is sportswriter Rohit Brijnath, who collaborated with Bindra in producing this compelling autobigraphy of one of India's greatest sportsmen.

  • af Matthew Mitcham
    257,95 kr.

    No one who has ever seen Matthew Mitcham perform one of his heartstopping dives or make Olympic history would ever guess the obstacles he had to overcome just to be a contender. 'People kept remarking on how they were surprised that a gold medal and fame hadn't changed me. I always responded, "Why would I change? Being me is the easiest person to be." I was lying. It wasn't.' At the Beijing Olympic Games, Matthew Mitcham made history with an unforgettable dive, scoring perfect tens, and winning gold for Australia. there was no hint of the harrowing battle this talented young dynamo had fought with clinical depression, self-harm, and his addiction to alcohol and drugs including crystal meth (also known as Ice). Joyously out and proud, Matthew was a role model for his courage both in and out of the pool. Yet even after Beijing and ranking No 1 in the world, beneath that cheeky, fun-loving exterior he was painfully aware of how easily it could unravel. Unbeknownst to everyone, even those closest to him, Matthew turned to crystal meth as a way of dealing with his personal demons some of which stemmed from his childhood. When injury further threatened his London Olympic hopes, he struggled to overcome his addictions, and balance his perfectionism with the old fear of self-doubt. He may not have won gold but he triumphed over his physical and emotional pain - and showed us the true meaning of sportsmanship. twists and turns is an inspiring story of a true champion, in and out of the pool. "A searingly frank memoir" - Deborah Snow, the Sydney Morning Herald

  • af John Doyle
    117,95 - 172,95 kr.

    Who is Rampaging Roy Slaven? An Australian icon, a raconteur, an athlete of unsurpassable - and some may say improbable - sporting feats. Whether it was riding Rooting King to another Melbourne Cup victory, commentating the Olympics or hobnobbing with the country's upper crust, Rampaging Roy Slaven has lived an extraordinary life.But even some of the greatest men come from humble beginnings. Before he shot to fame as Australia's most talented sportsman, he was just another kid in Lithgow, trying to avoid Brother Connell's strap and garner the attention of Susan Morgan from the local Catholic girls school.Blessed follows one year in the life of the boy who would become Rampaging Roy Slaven, a boy who, even at the age of fifteen, knew he was destined for greatness but had to get through high school first.

  • af Sophie L Morgan
    117,95 - 165,95 kr.

    'A book that'll change your perspective on life. You'll not be able to put it down.' Fearne CottonAs seen on 'Living Wild; How to Change your Life' a two-part prime-time series on Channel 4, Loose Women and The Great Celebrity Bake Off for SU2COn the precipice of starting her adult life, aged eighteen, Sophie, a rebellious and incorrigible wild child, crashed her car and was instantly paralysed from the chest down. Rushed to hospital, everything she had dreamed for her life was instantly forgotten and her journey to rediscover herself and build a different life began. But being told she would never walk again would come to be the least of her concerns.Over the next eighteen years, as she strived to come to terms with the change in her body, her relationships were put to the test; she has had to learn to cope with the many unexpected and unpredictable setbacks of living with paralysis; she has had to overcome her own and other people's perceptions of disability and explore the limits of her abilities, all whilst searching for love, acceptance, meaning, identity, and purpose. Driving Forwards is a remarkable and powerful memoir, detailing Sophie's life-changing injury, her recovery, and her life since. Strikingly honest, her story is unusual and yet relatable, inspiring us to see how adversity can be channelled into opportunity and how ongoing resilience can ultimately lead to empowerment.

  • af Jamie Roberts
    137,95 - 195,95 kr.

    In a nation of rugby heroes, Jamie Roberts has become a legend.Jamie Roberts is your quintessential hard man: a 6 foot 4, 17 stone slab of rippling muscle, conditioned to run hard into other huge men in an arena where physical dominance is the prime currency. Yet away from rugby, he's a mild-mannered and thoughtful man - a qualified doctor with a thirst for knowledge and a curiosity about the world around him. It's an intriguing contradiction.In his first full season with the Cardiff Blues he was picked by new Wales coach Warren Gatland in the Grand Slam-winning side of 2008. He was still establishing his position in the national team when he toured with the 2009 Lions, emerging as Player of the Series. He went on to win 97 Test caps and play for clubs in Paris, London and Cape Town, yet his career has seldom been straightforward. A fractured skull was one of many injuries he had to overcome, and from the start he had to juggle the competing demands of university life and professional rugby. The joy of Six Nations success with Wales was balanced by heartbreak in the World Cup and disappointment against southern-hemisphere teams, while major trophies at club level proved frustratingly elusive.In this colourful and frank account of a sterling career, Jamie Roberts reveals all about life on tour, in boot camps and in dressing rooms filled with once-in-a-generation characters such as Mike Phillips, Andy Powell, Shaun Edwards, Martyn Williams, Brian O'Driscoll and Johnny Sexton. He also shares his views on concussion in rugby, the failings of the professional structure in Wales and the vital role of old-school team-bonding.

  • af Tree Abraham
    197,95 kr.

    Some people “live to ride”, while others simply ride to live. In Cyclettes, author and designer Tree Abraham documents a meaningful life only discovered and sustained through a two-wheeled lifestyle—one that speaks to those who find home in wanderlust and merge with a flow of like-minded enthusiasts. For Abraham, Cyclettes began as a list of every bicycle she has ever known—from her first childhood bike to the second-hand purchases and loaners that have propelled her into adulthood and around the world. It grew to include other forms of both literal and conceptual cycling, spanning histories and cultures, all encircled by brief memories and observations from an author compelled to move. Each cycling vignette in this book is a cyclette—a circumvoluting entry point to Abraham’s musings on the millennial experience. From bicycle brain to the gyroscopic effect, wild rides in Old Delhi to a tofu farm in Nova Scotia, exhilarating climbs and disappointing descents, Abraham makes connections to our habits and habitats no matter how often we ride a bike. In the face of economic, environmental, technological, and philosophical shifts, and at a time when the very notion of how to live has come into question, Cyclettes offers another kind of freedom: one that finds stillness in motion.

  • af Ole Olsen & Frode Munksgaard
    247,95 kr.

    "16 speedwaymaskiners motorer brøler over Ullive Stadion i Göteborg. 40.000 tilskuere synger slagsange til deres idoler, men kan ikke overdøve motorlarmen.Det er den 10. september 1971.Verdens bedste speedwaykørere er ved at gøre klar til det sidste nervepirrende og skånselsløse opgør. Er opgør hvor alle moralske skrupler er fejet af vejen.Jeg ser kun 15 modstandere. 15 fjender, som alle er ude på det samme som mig selv: Et verdensmesterskab."Den legendariske speedwaykører Ole Olesen fortæller om sin spændende karriere, om de mange verdensmesterskaber og regnen af medaljer, der gjorde ham til en nationalhelt. Han fortæller om de biler og motorcykler, der har betydet mest for ham, og om de sværeste kampe og sødeste sejre.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlOle Olesen (f. 1946) har en lang og strålende karriere som speedwaykører bag sig. Han har vundet intet mindre end 21 VM-medaljer, og hans store succes var med til at få danskerne til at få øjnene op for speedway. Efter Ole Olesen trak sig tilbage fra livet som professionel speedwaykører, har han arrangeret speedwaykørsel på sin egen bane og er blevet direktør for det globale Speedway Grand Prix.Frode Munksgaard (f. 1949) er en dansk journalist, der i mange år var vært på tv-programmerne Hammerslag og Profit. Han har endvidere været chef for tv-stationen TV 2 Charlie. Han er medforfatter til speedwaykører Ole Olesens selvbiografi, "Speedway er mit liv".

  • - Livet i blåt
    af Antoine Griezmann
    97,95 - 113,95 kr.

    Tony ‘Grizzi’ er blevet udtaget til det franske u19-landshold, og fremtiden ser lys ud. Men der ligger et stort pres på den stadigt unge spiller, og det handler om at præstere i hver eneste kamp for at holde sig inde i varmen. Tony bliver indhentet af sine gamle spøgelser og møder på sin færd nye såvel som gamle rivaler.GOAL-serien er fortalt af den verdensberømte fodboldspiller Antoine Griezmann og inspireret af hans egen barndom. Han beskriver med masser af humor og sans for spænding og den gode historie, hvordan vejen mod stjernerne har været fuld af bump, men også de vildeste sejre, de tætteste venskaber og ikke mindst en altoverskyggende passion for fodbold.Denne bog er nummer 8 ud af 8 i GOAL-serien.

  • - Fra drøm til virkelighed
    af Antoine Griezmann
    97,95 - 112,95 kr.

    Tony ‘Grizzi’s store drøm om at blive professionel fodboldspiller er endelig gået i opfyldelse. Han er flyttet ind ved sin holdkammerat og skal ud at stå på egne ben, men vigtigst af alt, så er han blevet valgt til at skulle spille for Real Sociedads førstehold. Men Tonys drømme stopper ikke her - det allerstørste ville være at spille for det franske landshold.GOAL-serien er fortalt af den verdensberømte fodboldspiller Antoine Griezmann og inspireret af hans egen barndom. Han beskriver med masser af humor og sans for spænding og den gode historie, hvordan vejen mod stjernerne har været fuld af bump, men også de vildeste sejre, de tætteste venskaber og ikke mindst en altoverskyggende passion for fodbold.Denne bog er nummer 7 ud af 8 i GOAL-serien.

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