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VIDEN, VIDENSKAB OG FORSKNING I SYGEPLEJENy, grundig og relevant grundbog om sygeplejeforskning og videnskabsteori inden for sygepleje. Bogen henvender sig til sygeplejestuderende, cand.cur. og kliniske sygeplejersker, der ønsker at udvikle praksis og udvikle ny viden inden for sygepleje. Et relevant og nyt indspark i grundbøger i sygeplejeforskning og videnskabsteori, som præsenterer dig for ny, aktuel forskning og metodologiske overvejelser.Gennem bogens 17 kapitler får du en grundig indføring i forskellige, udvalgte videnskabsteoretiske retninger, som benyttes inden for sygeplejeforskning. Hvert kapitel tager afsæt i konkrete forskningsprojekter med udgangspunkt i et videnskabsteoretisk ståsted og gennemgår relevante metodologiske og teoretiske overvejelser for dig, som ønsker at anvende en af disse videnskabsteoretiske positioner til at udvikle ny, praksisnær viden.
"Den Sorte Svane har ændret måden, jeg ser verden på." – Daniel Kahneman, nobelpristager i økonomi Den Sorte Svane blev en international bestseller, da den udkom i 2007 og gjorde med ét den amerikansk-libanesiske forsker og tidligere børsmægler Nassim Nicholas Taleb verdensberømt.Den Sorte Svane handler om begivenheder, som er sjældne, højst usandsynlige, og som har en enorm effekt, når de indtræffer – begivenheder, som vi mennesker efterfølgende udtænker forklaringer på, så de fremstår langt mindre tilfældige og ligefrem forudsigelige. Men vi gør klogt i at indse, at Sorte Svaner er helt igennem uforudsigelige, og at vi helt skal lade være at prøve at forudsige dem. I stedet skal vi indrette os, så vi tåler dem og drager fordel af dem.Taleb væver sine ideer og tanker sammen på tværs af en dyb indsigt i filosofi, litteratur, sprog, matematik og økonomi. Han er en forfatter med sin helt egen skrivestil – fabulerende, indsigtsfuld, morsom og provokerende.Med sit mesterværk Den Sorte Svane har Taleb udviklet en både indflydelsesrig og original idé til en ny forståelse af verden. Siden udgivelsen i 2007 er begrebet en Sort Svane blevet populært i et omfang, så det nu bruges til at beskrive og forstå aktuelle begivenheder, både internationalt og i den offentlige debat i Danmark. Sådan blev eksempelvis Den sorte svane navnet på en meget omtalt tv-dokumentar sendt på TV 2 i 2024."Talebs bog er en mageløs og vidunderlig begyndelse på den proces, hvor vi finder frem til en helt anden måde at forholde os til verden – lyttende, snarrådig og sej." – Tor Nørretranders, forord til Den Sorte Svane "Enormt underholdende – medrivende … let at gå til." – Financial Times"En af de tolv mest indflydelsesrige bøger siden anden verdenskrig." – Sunday Times"Fremragende og banebrydende, nu for første gang på dansk." – Lektørudtalelse, DBC"Denne idé, Sort-Svane-ideen, om sjældne begivenheder, ekstreme begivenheder, der dominerer, hvad der rent faktisk sker i vores liv – rummer en umådelig vigtig indsigt og er dybt original." – Daniel Kahneman, nobelpristager i økonomi og forfatter til At tænke – hurtigt og langsomt"[Taleb er] … en helt igennem signifikant filosof; og med det mener jeg, en som er i stand til at ændre måden, vi opfatter verden på, alene ved sine ideers styrke, originalitet og sandhedsværdi." – Will Self, GQ"Overbevisende … stærkt tankevækkende." – The TimesNassim Nicholas Taleb (f. 1960) er en amerikansk-libanesisk forsker, tidligere børsmægler og bestsellerforfatter. Han blev verdensberømt med udgivelsen af Den Sorte Svane i 2007. I mere end 20 år arbejdede Taleb som børsmægler, siden blev han forsker og essayist, beskæftiget med filosofiske, matematiske og (overvejende) praktiske problemer relateret til sandsynlighed. Taleb har udgivet flere bestsellere, bl.a. Fooled by Randomness (2001), Antifragile (2012) og Skin in the Game (2018). De indgår alle i det filosofiske fembindsværk Incerto, der er oversat til mere end 40 sprog.
Økonomisk videnskabsteori for erhvervsjurister er en overordnet fremstilling af det metodologiske og videnskabsteoretiske grundlag for økonomi. Bogen består af tre dele. Del I. Virksomhedsteori, industriøkonomi og metode giver en ramme til at analysere de enkelte forskningstraditioner og forskellene mellem disse. Her analyseres en række af de vigtiste nyere forskningstraditioner som neoklassisk teori, behavioralismen, manegerialismen, transaktionsomkostningsteorien, m.fl. Afslutningsvis diskuteres betydningen af udviklingen i virksomhedsteori og industriøkonomi for erhvervsøkonomi og nationaløkonomi.Del II. Økonomisk videnskabsteori giver en grundig indføring i de forskellige økonomiske metodologier, der siden 1920'erne har præget opfattelsen af økonomisk forskning. Her følger en gennemgang og vurdering af økonomiske metodologier som induktivismen, den logiske empirisme, den moderate empirisme, instrumentalismen vs. realismen, falsifikationismen, forskningsprogram-metodologien samt Thomas Kuhns teori om paradigmer og videnskabelige revolutioner.Del III. Om forklaringer og forklaringstyper i økonomisk teori præsenterer, hvad en forklaring er og hvilke typer af forklaringsmodeller, som benyttes indenfor økonomisk teori. Foruden ligevægtsmodeller diskuteres funktionelle-adaptive forklaringer samt procesmodeller. Bogen afsluttes med et opsummerende kapitel om, hvordan man orienterer sig i det erhvervsøkonomiske univers. Bogen samler en række centrale kapitler fra værket Økonomisk metodologi bind 1-2, der her suppleres med et nyt kapitel. Kapitlerne er skrevet af Christian Knudsen og redigeret af Lasse Henningsen med særligt henblik på pensum på HA(jur.)- og cand.merc.(jur.)-uddannelserne.Christian Knudsen er forhenværende professor ved CBS og tidligere ekstern lektor i økonomisk metodologi ved Økonomisk Institut på Københavns Universitet.Lasse Henningsen er tidligere adjunkt og nu ekstern lektor ved Institut for Business Humaniora og Jura på CBS og underviser bl.a i økonomisk videnskabsteori.
I de senere år er forskernes rolle i samfundet blevet genstand for en ny slags opmærksomhed. Dansk forskning befinder sig i dag på en ideologisk kampplads i krydsfeltet mellem woke og anti- woke kampagner, mellem krav om øget samfundsrelevans og anklager om overdreven aktivisme, mellem mediers deklarering af eksperters synspunkter og forskeres understregning af deres videnskabeligt funderede ekspertise. Må forskere have holdninger til deres emne? Findes der noget, vi kan kalde objektiv og værdifri forskning? Hvor langt må politikere gå i styringen af videnskaben? Hvad er videnskabens status i en offentlig debat, der udspiller sig i en stadig mere kompleks medie-økologi? Hvordan kan forskere undgå at blive mistænkeliggjort eller ende i en shitstorm, når de forsøger at bidrage til at løse lokale og globale samfundsudfordringer, som mange har en mening om? Med andre ord – hvad er forholdet mellem videnskab og engagement? Med afsæt i blandt andet fedmeforskning, islamforskning, sikkerhedspolitik, sprogvidenskab, biologi, mellemøststudier, historie og journalistik åbner Videnskab og engagement for en nuanceret diskussion af disse aktuelle spørgsmål. Bogens ærinde er at give forskere, journalister og politikere bedre redskaber til at håndtere en helt central udfordring for både videnskaben og samfundet i det 21. århundrede.
Michel Foucault er en af nyere tids mest populære og indflydelsesrige tænkere. Hans teorier og værker bliver flittigt benyttet af forskere og studerende indenfor humaniora og samfundsvidenskaberne. På trods af Foucaults store popularitet er det vanskeligt at finde systematiske indføringer i hans teori og metode. Foucault reflekterede dog flere gange selv over sin tilgang og teori i en række interviews, artikler og forelæsninger, hvor en række af de mest centrale for første gang er samlet og oversat til dansk i denne bog. Disse udvalgte tekster om teori og metode giver en unik og overskuelig indføring i Foucaults genfortolkning af magt, viden og subjektivering, hans metodiske tilgang, såvel som hans perspektiver på krig, kapitalisme, seksualitet og identitet. Formålet med de udvalgte tekster er at give studerende og andre interesserede en introduktion til Foucaults teoretiske og metodiske redskaber samt gøre dem i stand til at arbejde videre med dem på egen hånd. Foruden de oversatte tekster indeholder bogen også en generel introduktion til Foucaults teori og metode samt indledninger til alle teksterne skrevet af redaktørerne.
Join the data-centric revolution and master the concepts, techniques, and algorithms shaping the future of AI and ML development, using PythonKey Features- Grasp the principles of data centricity and apply them to real-world scenarios- Gain experience with quality data collection, labeling, and synthetic data creation using Python- Develop essential skills for building reliable, responsible, and ethical machine learning solutions- Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionIn the rapidly advancing data-driven world where data quality is pivotal to the success of machine learning and artificial intelligence projects, this critically timed guide provides a rare, end-to-end overview of data-centric machine learning (DCML), along with hands-on applications of technical and non-technical approaches to generating deeper and more accurate datasets.This book will help you understand what data-centric ML/AI is and how it can help you to realize the potential of 'small data'. Delving into the building blocks of data-centric ML/AI, you'll explore the human aspects of data labeling, tackle ambiguity in labeling, and understand the role of synthetic data. From strategies to improve data collection to techniques for refining and augmenting datasets, you'll learn everything you need to elevate your data-centric practices. Through applied examples and insights for overcoming challenges, you'll get a roadmap for implementing data-centric ML/AI in diverse applications in Python.By the end of this book, you'll have developed a profound understanding of data-centric ML/AI and the proficiency to seamlessly integrate common data-centric approaches in the model development lifecycle to unlock the full potential of your machine learning projects by prioritizing data quality and reliability.What you will learn- Understand the impact of input data quality compared to model selection and tuning- Recognize the crucial role of subject-matter experts in effective model development- Implement data cleaning, labeling, and augmentation best practices- Explore common synthetic data generation techniques and their applications- Apply synthetic data generation techniques using common Python packages- Detect and mitigate bias in a dataset using best-practice techniques- Understand the importance of reliability, responsibility, and ethical considerations in ML/AIWho this book is forThis book is for data science professionals and machine learning enthusiasts looking to understand the concept of data-centricity, its benefits over a model-centric approach, and the practical application of a best-practice data-centric approach in their work. This book is also for other data professionals and senior leaders who want to explore the tools and techniques to improve data quality and create opportunities for small data ML/AI in their organizations.Table of Contents- Exploring Data-Centric Machine Learning- From Model-Centric to Data-Centric - ML's Evolution- Principles of Data-Centric ML- Data Labeling Is a Collaborative Process- Techniques for Data Cleaning- Techniques for Programmatic Labeling in Machine Learning- Using Synthetic Data in Data-Centric Machine Learning- Techniques for Identifying and Removing Bias- Dealing with Edge Cases and Rare Events in Machine Learning- Kick-Starting Your Journey in Data-Centric Machine Learning
Servant Leaders are the greatest among us. Their humility and instinctively serviceable nature make them resourceful, go-to individuals, friends, advisors, mentors, and the memory of homes, communities, organizations and countries. Yet, the path of servanthood to leadership is peculiar. Why serve first and lead second? Because serving is good work, hard work, noble work and our work. Evidently, there is the difficulty of understanding research language and using them in leadership practices. This book fills that gap. Servant leadership is NOT an attitude. Neither is it only rooted in faith. It is a context-specific researched theory rooted in positivism. Servant leaders touch the souls of individuals and remain on their lips in every conversation. Do you want to be that kind of leader? Then, this book is for you. The future of next generational leadership could hinge on this book. Direct connection of servant leadership to career is the abundant need of such leaders in academia, nonprofit, police, military, politics, faith-based institutions and the corporate world. Topics in this fifteen chapters, well-researched book includes: Why Do We Need Servant Leaders? Can A Servant Lead? Understanding Theory in Servant Leadership Studies, Statistics in Theory - Don't Be Intimidated, Snapshot of Prevailing Leadership Theories Besides Servant Leadership, Servant Leadership - The Foundation, Servant Leadership - Other Perspectives, Servant Leadership and Building Community, Servant Leadership and Values; Interviews: 10 Questions for 11 Leaders of 11 Different Organizations, Servant Leadership and the Religious Environment, Servant Leadership and Wisdom, Servant Leadership and Executive Coaching, Servant Leadership in the Boardroom, Servant Leadership and Ethics, Servant Leadership and Change, Steward Leadership and Servant Leadership, and Concluding Thoughts.
Solve real-world data problems and create data-driven workflows for easy data movement and processing at scale with Azure Data FactoryKey Features:Learn how to load and transform data from various sources, both on-premises and on cloudUse Azure Data Factory's visual environment to build and manage hybrid ETL pipelinesDiscover how to prepare, transform, process, and enrich data to generate key insightsBook Description:This new edition of the Azure Data Factory Cookbook, fully updated to reflect ADS V2, will help you get up and running by showing you how to create and execute your first job in ADF.You'll learn how to branch and chain activities, create custom activities, and schedule pipelines, as well as discovering the benefits of cloud data warehousing, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Azure Data Lake Gen2 Storage.With practical recipes, you'll learn how to actively engage with analytical tools from Azure Data Services and leverage your on-premises infrastructure with cloud-native tools to get relevant business insights. As you advance, you'll be able to integrate the most commonly used Azure Services into ADF and understand how Azure services can be useful in designing ETL pipelines. You'll familiarize yourself with the common errors that you may encounter while working with ADF and find out how to use the Azure portal to monitor pipelines. You'll also understand error messages and resolve problems in connectors and data flows with the debugging capabilities of ADF.Two new chapters covering Azure Data Explorer and key best practices have been added, along with new recipes throughout.By the end of this book, you'll be able to use ADF as the main ETL and orchestration tool for your data warehouse or data platform projects.What You Will Learn:Create an orchestration and transformation job in ADFDevelop, execute, and monitor data flows using Azure SynapseCreate big data pipelines using Databricks and Delta tablesWork with big data in Azure Data Lake using Spark PoolMigrate on-premises SSIS jobs to ADFIntegrate ADF with commonly used Azure services such as Azure ML, Azure Logic Apps, and Azure FunctionsRun big data compute jobs within HDInsight and Azure DatabricksCopy data from AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage to Azure Storage using ADF's built-in connectorsWho this book is for:This book is for ETL developers, data warehouse and ETL architects, software professionals, and anyone else who wants to learn about the common and not-so-common challenges faced while developing traditional and hybrid ETL solutions using Microsoft's Azure Data Factory. You'll also find this book useful if you are looking for recipes to improve or enhance your existing ETL pipelines. Basic knowledge of data warehousing is a prerequisite.
Step into Your Future: Making the Right Choice Between MBA and PhDAt a crossroads of academic pursuits and career ambitions, the decision between an MBA or PhD stands as a beacon of opportunity, shaping lifelong pursuits. "MBA or PhD: The Ultimate Guide for Aspiring Scholars" offers a deep dive into the essence of advanced education, designed to illuminate your path and tip the scales toward your destined academic adventure.Embark on an intellectual quest as the book ushers you through the modern academic terrain, laying bare the evolution of two of the most prestigious degrees. Explore the soul of an MBA and the rigour of a PhD, as you weigh them against your innermost aspirations. Whether seeking the rush of the business world or yearning for the sanctity of scholarly research, this definitive guide unfolds the potential that lies within each program.Chart the waters of investment in your future by comprehending the time commitments and financial implications associated with your chosen pursuit. With acute analysis, the book leans into the minutia of MBA and PhD curricula, offering a behind-the-scenes look at coursework that catapults careers and kindles groundbreaking research.Immerse yourself in dynamic narratives detailing the social fabric of campus life, and uncover how each degree carves unique networking pathways pivotal for professional success. Beyond the theoretical, the guide provides a practical approach to the application process, bolstered by success stories and interviews with luminaries who once faced the same decision that lies before you.Whether dreaming of global stages or intimate academies, allow MBA or PhD: The Ultimate Guide for Aspiring Scholars to serve as your compass. It is more than a book; it's a catalyst for self-discovery and a beacon guiding you towards an enlightened decision. Hear the echoes of success from those who have journeyed before, and step confidently into the world of advanced academia, where your future is written by the choices you make today.
Academic Research, Publishing and Writing: Critical Thinking and Strategies for Business Scholars is designed for all scholars of business and management and outlines practical and proven ways of designing, developing, and executing impactful research and writing projects with a view to eventual publication.
Troubleshoot query performance issues, identify anti-patterns in your code, and write efficient T-SQL queries with this guide for T-SQL developersKey Features:- A definitive guide to mastering the techniques of writing efficient T-SQL code- Learn query optimization fundamentals, query analysis, and how query structure impacts performance- Discover insightful solutions to detect, analyze, and tune query performance issues- Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:Data professionals seeking to excel in Transact-SQL for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database often lack comprehensive resources. Learn T-SQL Querying second edition focuses on indexing queries and crafting elegant T-SQL code enabling data professionals gain mastery in modern SQL Server versions (2022) and Azure SQL Database. The book covers new topics like logical statement processing flow, data access using indexes, and best practices for tuning T-SQL queries.Starting with query processing fundamentals, the book lays a foundation for writing performant T-SQL queries. You'll explore the mechanics of the Query Optimizer and Query Execution Plans, learning to analyze execution plans for insights into current performance and scalability. Using dynamic management views (DMVs) and dynamic management functions (DMFs), you'll build diagnostic queries. The book covers indexing and delves into SQL Server's built-in tools to expedite resolution of T-SQL query performance and scalability issues. Hands-on examples will guide you to avoid UDF pitfalls and understand features like predicate SARGability, Query Store, and Query Tuning Assistant.By the end of this book, you'll have developed the ability to identify query performance bottlenecks, recognize anti-patterns, and avoid pitfallsWhat You Will Learn:- Identify opportunities to write well-formed T-SQL statements- Familiarize yourself with the Cardinality Estimator for query optimization- Create efficient indexes for your existing workloads- Implement best practices for T-SQL querying- Explore Query Execution Dynamic Management Views- Utilize the latest performance optimization features in SQL Server 2017, 2019, and 2022- Safeguard query performance during upgrades to newer versions of SQL ServerWho this book is for:This book is for database administrators, database developers, data analysts, data scientists and T-SQL practitioners who want to master the art of writing efficient T-SQL code and troubleshooting query performance issues through practical examples. A basic understanding of T-SQL syntax, writing queries in SQL Server, and using the SQL Server Management Studio tool will be helpful to get started.Table of Contents- Understanding Query Processing- Mechanics of the Query Optimizer- Exploring Query Execution Plans- Indexing for T-SQL Performance- Writing Elegant T-SQL Queries- Discovering T-SQL Anti-patterns in Depth - Building diagnostic queries using DMVs and DMFs- Building XEvent profiler traces- Comparative analysis of Query Plans- Tracking performance history with Query Store- Troubleshooting Live Queries- Managing optimizer changes with the Query Tuning Assistant
Rise above the competition and excel in your next interview with this one-stop guide to Python, SQL, version control, statistics, machine learning, and much moreKey FeaturesAcquire highly sought-after skills of the trade, including Python, SQL, statistics, and machine learningGain the confidence to explain complex statistical, machine learning, and deep learning theoryExtend your expertise beyond model development with version control, shell scripting, and model deployment fundamentalsPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionThe data science job market is saturated with professionals of all backgrounds, including academics, researchers, bootcampers, and Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) graduates. This poses a challenge for companies seeking the best person to fill their roles. At the heart of this selection process is the data science interview, a crucial juncture that determines the best fit for both the candidate and the company.Cracking the Data Science Interview provides expert guidance on approaching the interview process with full preparation and confidence. Starting with an introduction to the modern data science landscape, you'll find tips on job hunting, resume writing, and creating a top-notch portfolio. You'll then advance to topics such as Python, SQL databases, Git, and productivity with shell scripting and Bash. Building on this foundation, you'll delve into the fundamentals of statistics, laying the groundwork for pre-modeling concepts, machine learning, deep learning, and generative AI. The book concludes by offering insights into how best to prepare for the intensive data science interview.By the end of this interview guide, you'll have gained the confidence, business acumen, and technical skills required to distinguish yourself within this competitive landscape and land your next data science job.What you will learnExplore data science trends, job demands, and potential career pathsSecure interviews with industry-standard resume and portfolio tipsPractice data manipulation with Python and SQLLearn about supervised and unsupervised machine learning modelsMaster deep learning components such as backpropagation and activation functionsEnhance your productivity by implementing code versioning through GitStreamline workflows using shell scripting for increased efficiencyWho this book is forWhether you're a seasoned professional who needs to brush up on technical skills or a beginner looking to enter the dynamic data science industry, this book is for you. To get the most out of this book, basic knowledge of Python, SQL, and statistics is necessary. However, anyone familiar with other analytical languages, such as R, will also find value in this resource as it helps you revisit critical data science concepts like SQL, Git, statistics, and deep learning, guiding you to crack through data science interviews.Table of ContentsExploring the Modern Data Science LandscapeFinding a Job in Data ScienceProgramming with PythonVisualizing Data and Data StorytellingQuerying Databases with SQLScripting with Shell and Bash Commands in LinuxUsing Git for Version ControlMining Data with Probability and StatisticsUnderstanding Feature Engineering and Preparing Data for ModelingMastering Machine Learning ConceptsBuilding Networks with Deep LearningImplementing Machine Learning Solutions with MLOpsMastering the Interview RoundsNegotiating Compensation
A cutting-edge study grounded in a new feminist arts-based research and intervention tool, this book propounds an effective new methodology for social research and fundamental human engagement.
Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin: A deep dive into the emerging technologies and innovations powered by blockchain, such as smart contracts, decentralized applications, digital identity, supply chain, voting, and more. Learn how blockchain works, why it matters, and how to use it for various purposes and industries.
Er du interesseret i, hvilke præmisser samfundsvidenskabelig forskning bygger på? Og vil du gerne vide, hvordan du selv kan anvende videnskabsteori? Så er denne bog skrevet til dig.Videnskabsteori i praksis introducerer samfundsvidenskabernes videnskabsteori ved at fokusere på de essentielle konsekvenser af at anlægge forskellige perspektiver. Om du arbejder positivistisk, kritisk realistisk eller konstruktivistisk har skelsættende konsekvenser for, hvad du kan se og lægger vægt på i videnskabelig praksis. Og idet videnskab har så udbredt autoritet i den moderne verden er videnskabsteoretiske valg og standpunkter også afgørende for, hvordan vi orienterer os som borgere og samfund. Videnskabsteoriens praksis og betydning belyses i bogen ud fra en række påtrængende problemstillinger i dagens samfund, især klimaforandringer, populisme og krænkelser.
The book provides an overarching perspective on sustainability from a historical, practical and legal perspective. It offers a holistic understanding of economic and ecologic concepts. Schools for sustainable business models are introduced and discussed. As a broader concept Life Cycle Assessments are discussed and examples for their application are provided with a focus on CO2 Footprints. Ecodesign as measures for reducing Carbon Footprints are introduced both for physical products and for service organizations. From an organizational perspective it is clear that managing the reduction of the sustainability-related impact is a matter that has to involve all stakeholders. Tasks for all involved are given and their contributions are described. As it is crucial to provide evidence for the activities reported audits are described as well methods to transfer information to the appropriate stakeholders. The book is targeted at practitioners and students who want to get to know the subject or need to implement the respective measures in companies.
In "Dawn of Distrust: Technological Threads Weaving a Trustless Society," embark on a riveting exploration into a future where trust is a relic of the past and transparency reigns supreme. Delve into the intricacies of a society transformed by technological innovation, where every aspect of life is governed by algorithms and data.Follow the journey of diverse characters as they navigate the promises and perils of a trustless world. From the unveiling of transparent systems to the unmasking of hidden secrets, each chapter unfolds with gripping suspense and thought-provoking revelations.Witness the ripple effect of technological glitches as they send shockwaves through society, exposing the fragility of human connections in the digital age. Experience the internal strife and power struggles that threaten to tear the trustless society apart, as characters grapple with the consequences of their actions in a world devoid of traditional values.But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, find hope in the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring quest for meaning and connection. "Dawn of Distrust" is a gripping tale of intrigue and suspense, offering a timely reflection on the complexities of technology and its impact on the fabric of society.Prepare to be captivated from beginning to end as you journey through the dawn of a new era, where trust is a luxury few can afford, and the threads of technology weave a tapestry of intrigue and deception.
LSD, MDMA, ketamin og psilocybin er i dag illegale stoffer.Men i 1960-erne og 1970-erne var de selv samme stoffer at betragte som medicin, og læger og psykoterapeuter brugte dem til at behandle PTSD, depression og andre alvorlige psykiske lidelser.Men som følge af krigen mod stoffer, blev denne gren af lægevidenskaben lukket ned.I dag er vi godt i gang med en psykedelisk renæssance, og forskere verden over forsker igen i disse stoffers terapeutiske potentiale.PSYKEDELISK MEDICIN giver en introduktion til denne forskning, samt til stofgruppens sikkerhed og mangeartede virkninger.Oliver Rumle Hovmand er læge og PhD studerende
For nearly 100 years, from after the Civil War to the 1960s when two federal judges took charge, Arkansas prisons were torture chambers. Brutal prisoners doing time for murder and other extraordinarily violent crimes regularly held positions of authority. Their supervisors included convict trustees and sadistic prison authorities. They starved and beat men and women prisoners, sometimes to death, and often for amusement. Politicians and their cronies did nothing because corruption and graft benefited them. This book graphically describes the horror and those who endured it. It pulls together previously published firsthand accounts from two prisoners, an Arkansas State Police Criminal Investigation Division Report, and two major legal opinions related to complaints of unconstitutionality in Arkansas prisons.
A broad introduction to cryptography—what it is, how it really works, what its future holds, and why every informed citizen should understand its basics.We all keep secrets—from our gym locker codes to our email passwords to our online interactions. And we choose to share those secrets only with those whom we trust. So, too, do organizations, businesses, governments, and armies. In this fascinating book Cryptography, Panos Louridas provides a broad and accessible introduction to cryptography, the art and science of keeping and revealing secrets. Louridas explains just how cryptography works to keep our communications confidential, tracing it back all the way to its ancient roots. Then he follows its long and winding path to where we are today and reads the signs that point to where it may go tomorrow.A few years back, interest in cryptography was restricted to specialists. Today, as we all live our lives attuned to our digital footprint and the privacy issues it entails, it becomes more and more essential to have a basic understanding of cryptography and its applications to everyday life. Starting with classical cryptography, Cryptography takes the reader all the way up to the twenty-first century cryptographic applications that underpin our lives in the digital realm. Along the way, Louridas also explains concepts such as symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography, cryptographic protocols and applications, and finally, quantum and post-Quantum cryptography as well as the links between cryptography and computer security.
Turn raw data into meaningful solutions¿DESCRIPTION Learn Data Science from Scratch equips you with the essential tools and techniques, from Python libraries to machine learning algorithms, to tackle real-world problems and make informed decisions.This book provides a thorough exploration of essential data science concepts, tools, and techniques. Starting with the fundamentals of data science, you will progress through data collection, web scraping, data exploration and visualization, and data cleaning and pre-processing. You will build the required foundation in statistics and probability before diving into machine learning algorithms, deep learning, natural language processing, recommender systems, and data storage systems. With hands-on examples and practical advice, each chapter offers valuable insights and key takeaways, empowering you to master the art of data-driven decision making.By the end of this book, you will be well-equipped with the essential skills and knowledge to navigate the exciting world of data science. You will be able to collect, analyze, and interpret data, build and evaluate machine learning models, and effectively communicate your findings, making you a valuable asset in any data-driven environment.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN¿ Master key data science tools like Python, NumPy, Pandas, and more.¿ Build a strong foundation in statistics and probability for data analysis.¿ Learn and apply machine learning, from regression to deep learning.¿ Expertise in NLP and recommender systems for advanced analytics.¿ End-to-end data project from data collection to model deployment, with planning and execution.WHO THIS BOOK IS FORThis book is ideal for beginners with a basic understanding of programming, particularly in Python, and a foundational knowledge of mathematics. It is well-suited for aspiring data scientists and analysts.
This book provides a guide for those looking to understand the potential of blockchain technology and its impact on various industries. The book provides an in-depth exploration of blockchain technology, its use cases, and the opportunities and challenges it presents. From digital currencies and smart contracts to supply chain management and decentralized finance, the book covers all the key aspects of blockchain technology. The authors also go beyond the technical details, providing valuable insights and practical advice on how to navigate this new era of decentralization and trustless transactions. The book is an ideal read for researchers, entrepreneurs, investors, or anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve and stay informed about the future of blockchain technology.
Uncover valuable business insights by leveraging the power of Kibana to navigate and interpret datasets for improved decision makingKey FeaturesGain profound understanding of the end-to-end workings of KibanaExplore the powerful administration features in Kibana 8.x for managing and supporting data ingestion pipelinesBuild your own analytics and visualization solution from scratchPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionUnleash the full potential of Kibana-an indispensable tool for data analysts to seamlessly explore vast datasets, uncover key insights, identify trends and anomalies, and share results. This book guides you through its user-friendly interface, interactive visualizations, and robust features, including real-time data monitoring and advanced analytics, showing you how Kibana revolutionizes your approach to navigating and analyzing complex datasets.Starting with the foundational steps of installing, configuring, and running Kibana, this book progresses systematically to explain the search and data visualization capabilities for data stored in the Elasticsearch cluster. You'll then delve into the practical details of creating data views and optimizing spaces to better organize the analysis environment. As you advance, you'll get to grips with using the discover interface and learn how to build different types of extensive visualizations using Lens.By the end of this book, you'll have a complete understanding of how Kibana works, helping you leverage its capabilities to build an analytics and visualization solution from scratch for your data-driven use case.What you will learnCreate visualizations using the Visualize interface in KibanaBuild shareable search dashboards to drill down and perform advanced analysis and reportingSearch data to make correlations and identify and explain trendsEmbed dashboards, share links, and export PNG, PDF, or CSV files and send as an attachmentConfigure and tweak advanced settings to best manage saved objects in KibanaImplement several types of aggregations working behind the scenes of extensive visualizationsWho this book is forIf you're a data analyst or a data engineer, this book is for you. It's also a useful resource to database administrators, analysts, and business users looking to build a foundation in creating intuitive dashboards using Kibana 8.x and data analysis techniques for improved decision making. Foundational knowledge of Elasticsearch fundamentals will provide an added advantage.Table of ContentsIntroduction to KibanaCreating Data Views and Introducing SpacesDiscovering Data through DiscoverHow About We Visualize?Powering Visualizations with Near Real-Time UpdatesData Analysis with Machine LearningGraph VisualizationFinally, the DashboardES|QL and Advanced Kibana ConceptsQuery DSL and Management through Kibana
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