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Migration, immigration og emigration

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  • af Yasmine Shamma
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book is about homemaking in situations of migration and displacement. It explores how homes are made, remade, lost, revived, expanded and contracted through experiences of migration, to ask what it means to make a home away from home. We draw together a wide range of perspectives from across multiple disciplines and contexts, which explore how old homes, lost homes, and new homes connect and disconnect through processes of homemaking. The volume asks: how do spaces of resettlement or rehoming reflect both the continuation of old homes and distinct new experiences?Based on collaborations with migrants, refugees, practitioners and artists, this book centres the lived experiences, testimonies, and negotiations of those who are displaced. The volume generates appreciation of the tensions that emerge in contexts of migration and displacement, as well as of the ways in which racial categories and colonial legacies continue to shape fields of lived experience.

  • af Caitriona Ni Laoire
    369,95 kr.

    This open access short reader offers an intersectional perspective on the meaning of home in migration. The book provides a pathway through existing scholarship on home and migration, exploring how intersectional power relations and transnational migration regimes are felt, experienced, lived and navigated by migrants, who are differently positioned, in the making and imagining of home. The meanings associated with home are composed of the interrelation of places, spaces, people, social relations, materialities, emotions and temporalities. These multiple aspects highlight the complexities inherent in the idea of home, which come to the fore particularly when one moves location. Migration and Home explores these issues by focusing on specific key aspects of home in migration: home and gender; home and age; home and materiality; and home and migration status, class and race. It proposes the concept of structural im/possibilities as a framework for understanding the power relations and structures that shape where, when and for whom home in migration is more, or less, possible.

  • af Selena E. Ortiz
    1.227,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

  • af Olga Oleinikova
    1.027,95 kr.

    This book identifies and examines new forms and paths of Eastern European migration to Australia since the 2000s, and provides updated trends of contemporary migration movements of Ukrainians, Hungarians and Czechs to Australia. With chapters highlighting the diversities and complexities of these new accelerated waves of Eastern European migration to Asia-Pacific, this book offers novel insights to enrich our understanding of East European mobility in the 21st century. The book will appeal to students, scholars and policymakers in the fields of migration, sociology, political science and international relations.

  • af Viggo Hansen
    192,95 kr.

    America became a super nation largely because of its immigrants and education. Their offspring - Bounty Layer People - are the fortunate recipients. This book tells the story of one such person whose parents came from Denmark and began as sod busters in Montana, moving on to the Midwest. He later became a soldier, teacher and author. His concerns are America's public education system that has and is slipping badly and in danger of making America a third rate country, This is a call to action book.

  • af Neha Singh
    1.127,95 - 1.344,95 kr.

    This book covers various forms of the production of girmitiya culture and literature. One of the main objectives is to conceptualize the idea of girmitya, girmitology, and girmitiya literature, culture, history, and identity in both colonial and postcolonial contexts. This book aims to document the history, experiences, culture, assimilation, and identity of girmitiya community. It also critically analyses the articulation, projection, and production of their experiences of migration and being immigrant, their narratives, tradition, culture, religion, and memory. It also explores how this labour community formulated into a diaspora community and reconnected/created the home (land) and continues to do so in the wake of globalization and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This book is an attempt to bring the intriguing neglected diverse historical heritage of colonial labour migration and their narratives into the mainstream scholarly debates and discussions in the humanities and the social sciences through the trans- and interdisciplinary perspectives. This book assesses the routes of migration of old diaspora, and it explains the nuances of cultural change among the generations. Although, they have migrated centuries back, absorbed and assimilated, and got citizenships of respective countries of destinations but still their longing for roots, culture, identities, ¿home¿, and the constant struggle is to retain connections with their homeland depicted in their cultural practices, arts, music, songs, folklore and literary manifestations.Neha Singh is Assistant Professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies at Manipal University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.Sajaudeen Chapparban is Assistant Professor in the Centre for Diaspora Studies at Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, India.

  • af Stefano Saracino
    1.147,95 kr.

    Die Zuwanderung von Griechen ins Alte Reich ist wenig erforscht. Andere konfessionelle Minderheiten, wie etwa die französischen réfugiés oder die böhmischen Exulanten, haben viel mehr Aufmerksamkeit erhalten. Die Analyse des von osmanischen Griechen hinterlassenen Quellenmaterials hat drei Migrationstypen zum Vorschein gebracht: die Almosenfahrer , die Studenten und die Händler . Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Interaktionen mit den Obrigkeiten und kulturellen Eliten im Alten Reich. Diese werden aus drei unterschiedlichen Perspektiven betrachtet, nämlich in ihrer Eigenschaft als interkonfessionelle Kommunikation , als Normenaushandlungen und Normenkonflikte , schließlich als Transfer von Wissen . Die Dokumentation zu den drei untersuchten Migrationsregimen, stammt zu einem beträchtlichen Teil aus gelehrten Zusammenhängen, von Gelehrten und akademischen Institutionen. Trotz erheblicher Unterschiede, was das intellektuelle Profil und das Forschungsinteresse dieser Akteure anbelangt, erkannten sie sämtlich in der Interaktion mit griechischen Migranten aus dem Osmanischen Reich eine große epistemische Chance. Das von den Migranten ,gelieferte' Wissen konnte für ein besseres Verständnis der Bibel eingesetzt werden, zur Erlernung des Neugriechischen, für die Vorbereitung von konfessionspolemischen und missionarischen Praktiken oder für die Sammlung von Wissensschnipseln zu unterschiedlichen Materien der studia orientalia . Es diente insgesamt der Beseitigung des Unwissens, das im Hinblick auf die postbyzantinischen Griechen und ihre Konfessionskultur noch vorherrschte. Das Buch arbeitet ein bisher wenig erforschtes Migrationsphänomen auf und erläutert aus Sicht der Wissens-, Migrations- und Konfessionsgeschichte die besondere Relevanz der Griechen im Alten Reich.

  • af Rajan Riti
    327,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿: ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Migration is the process of a person or family moving from one country to another. It can be done for a variety of reasons, including economic, political, or social factors. Migration is a complex process that includes entering a new country, the process of obtaining citizenship, and adapting to a new environment.**

  • af Hülya Anak¿z ERTÜRK
    277,95 kr.

    1961'de bälad¿ her ¿ey, Haydar Päa Tren Gar¿ndan davul ve zurnayla u¿urlanan ilk ekibin gitti¿i Almanya, ¿u anda çok say¿da Türk'ün yäad¿¿¿ bir co¿rafyaya dönü¿tü. Ku¿aklar ku¿aklar¿ takip etti, kimi göç etti kimi orada do¿du. Hâlbuki bälang¿çta sadece misafir i¿çiydiler. Çal¿¿¿p, para kazan¿p döneceklerdi ülkelerine, ancak Almanya'da bälayan misafirlik, Türkiye'de misafirli¿e dönü¿tü. Almanya'da göçmen i¿çi, Türkiye'de Almanc¿ oldular. Zaman içerisinde artan i¿çi göçü say¿s¿, Alman siyasal ve sosyal sistemini korkuttu. Almanya Türklere geri dönün çär¿s¿nda bulundu. Kimi bu çär¿ya yan¿t vererek Türkiye'ye döndü, kimi farkl¿ yollarla Almanya'ya gitmeye devam etti. Petrol ambargosu, ekonomik krizler, 11 Eylül sald¿r¿lar¿ Türklerin aleyhine i¿ledi. Göç bazen tersine döndü, bazense sürdü. ¿u anda yerle¿mi¿ bir göçmen kitlesi olu¿tu. Böyle bir kitle üzerinde arät¿rma yapmak beni heyecanland¿rd¿, bu heyecanla bu kitab¿n olu¿umu gerçekle¿ti. Almanya'daki Türklerin kimlik ve aidiyet duygular¿, kültürel edinimleri, sosyo kültürel düzeyleri, yäad¿klar¿ problemler gibi birçok süreç bilimsel veriler ¿¿¿¿¿nda bu kitapta siz okuyuculara sunuldu.

  • af Daniel Wolff
    262,95 kr.

    "An odyssey from pre-Civil War Charleston to post-World War II Minneapolis through Jewish immigrants' eyes. The histories of US immigrants do not always begin and end in Ellis Island and northeastern cities. Many arrived earlier and some migrated south and west, fanning out into their vast new country. They sought a renewed life, fresh prospects, and a safe harbor, despite a nation that was not always welcoming and not always tolerant. How to Become an American begins with a widow's abandoned diary-and from there author Daniel Wolff examines the sweeping history of immigration into the United States through the experiences of one unnamed, seemingly unremarkable Jewish family, and, in the process, makes their lives remarkable. It is a deeply human odyssey that journeys from pre-Civil War Charleston, South Carolina, to post-World War II Minneapolis, Minnesota. In some ways, the family's journey parallels that of the nation, as it struggled to define itself through the Industrial Age. A persistent strain of loneliness permeates this story, and Wolff holds up this theme for contemplation. In a country that prides itself on being 'a nation of immigrants,' where 'all men are created equal,' why do we end up feeling alone in the land we love?"

  • af Johannes Kögel
    795,95 kr.

    In recounting their migration journey, references to nationality pervade the narratives of Zimbabweans in South Africa. Given the challenges many migrants confront based on their nationality, this presents a seeming paradox. This qualitative interview study, conducted with Zimbabwean migrants in two areas of Cape Town¿Observatory and Dunoon¿aims to elucidate the nuances of national self-descriptions in a demanding environment. Identifying as Zimbabwean serves as a sanctuary and a retreat, where alternative identifications often prove transient; embracing Zimbabweanness fosters an affirmative and positive self-perception, surpassing the limitations of other collective self-descriptions. Rather than pre-emptively characterizing a nationalist demeanour, the articulation of national self-description emerges as a strategic tool to navigate experiences of hostility and discrimination, while also asserting legitimate claims to equal opportunities. In this way, nationality takes a trajectory that diverges from conventional notions of nationality (and the ones of the nation-state or citizenship) as per Northern theory, contributing to alternative conceptualizations within the framework of the Global South.

  • af Joanna Brooks
    222,95 kr.

    "Why We Left reveals the dislocation, violence, and deforestation that propelled seventeenth- and eighteenth-century working-class English emigration, offering a powerful restorying of the journey to our present moment of precarity and rootlessness. Following American folk ballads back across the Atlantic, Joanna Brooks shares a scholarly and personal account of the intergenerational traumas that shape the history of white Anglos on Turtle Island"--

  • af Sarah Tosh
    287,95 - 872,95 kr.

  • af Leandros Fischer
    376,95 kr.

    Situated at the intersections of anthropology, migration, citizenship, and social movement studies, this volume theorises a crisis-mobility nexus by focusing on empirical case studies. These concern migration struggles; the entanglements of crisis, social mobility, and citizenship; as well as the impact of COVID-19 (im)mobility on social movements. By highlighting examples from these streams, the book illuminates entanglements between them, while emphasising the role of solidarity as well as de-solidarisation in creating, shaping, or resisting various regimes of mobility.

  • af Sebastian Pampuch
    517,95 kr.

    The presence of Africans in the German Democratic Republic is very rarely thought of in connection with the experience of exile. Instead, Africans in the GDR are predominantly viewed through the prism of educational and labor migration. While such research has undoubtedly produced valuable insights, it often fails to adequately account for the implicit Eurocentrism, methodological nationalism, and anti-communist bias inherent in Western knowledge production. This study offers a different approach. Through biographical portrayal, it unfolds the life stories of African freedom fighters who lived in exile in the GDR and, ultimately, remained in reunified Germany, with the main case study being a Malawian activist who was expelled from East to West Berlin. Recounting his experiences along with those of some South African exiles, chief among them a former medical worker for the ANC's armed wing, the study ethnographically reconstructs the multiple entanglements between the "Second" and "Third" worlds from the vantage point of the politically displaced within the concrete historical contexts of African decolonization, the struggle against the Malawian Banda dictatorship, and the struggle against South African apartheid.

  • af Nestor Rodriguez
    880,95 - 987,95 kr.

  • af Iraklis Dimitriadis
    1.179,95 kr.

    This book explores how migrant construction workers in Southern Europe faced unemployment and precarious work conditions during and after the Great Recession. By drawing on rich qualitative data, it investigates the experiences of Albanian men within and beyond the workplace, and sheds light on the capacity of migrant builders to deal with economic hardships and the role of their families and masculine identities in shaping their coping practices. This book suggests a new framework for the study of coping practices among migrant (construction) workers, and adds to the study of integration processes in Southern European countries by comparing the narratives of settled migrants in Italy and Greece. This book also looks at the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on migrant builders¿ lives in Southern Europe. By adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this book is of interest both to students and researchers in the field of migration studies and those working in the fields of sociology, geography, anthropology, political science and economics.

  • af Ashleigh Haw
    1.179,95 kr.

    This book sheds light on how the public engage with, make sense of, and discursively evaluate news media constructions of people from asylum seeking backgrounds. As a case study, the author discusses her recent research combining Critical Discourse Analysis with a cultural studies Audience Reception framework to examine the perspectives of 24 Western Australians who took part in semi-structured interviews. During their interviews, participants were asked open-ended questions about: their general views on people seeking asylum, including Australiäs policy responses, their media engagement habits and preferences, and their views concerning how the Australian media represents people seeking asylum. The author compares and contrasts this research with broader interdisciplinary discussion, and the book will therefore appeal to students and scholars of migration, political communication, sociology, audience reception, critical media studies and sociolinguistics.

  • af Anna Malandrino
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book examines language education policy in European migrant-hosting countries. By applying the Multiple Streams Framework to detailed case studies on Austria and Italy, it sheds light on the factors and processes that innovate education policy. The book illustrates an education policy design that values language diversity and inclusion, and compares underlying policymaking processes with less innovative experiences. Combining empirical analysis and qualitative research methods, it assesses the ways in which language is intrinsically linked to identity and political power within societies, and how language policy and migration might become a firmer part of European policy agendas. Sitting at the intersection between policy studies, language education studies and integration studies, the book offers recommendations for how education policy can promote a more inclusive society. It will appeal to scholars, practitioners and students who have an interest in policymaking, education policy and migrant integration.

  • af Aila Spathopoulou
    1.027,95 kr.

    This book focuses on processes of bordering and governmentality around the Greek border islands from the declaration of a ¿refugee crisis¿ in the summer of 2015 up until the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The chapters trace the implementation of the EU migration hotspot approach across space and time, from the maritime Aegean border to the islands (Lesvos and Samos) and from the islands to the Greek mainland. They do so through the lenses of peoples¿ refusal to succumb to categories that get reified as identities through the hotspot approach, such as that of the ¿deserving refugee¿, the ¿undeserving economic migrant¿, the ¿translator¿, the ¿volunteer¿, the ¿tourist¿ and the ¿researcher¿. This book explores how ¿migration management¿ in Greece from 2015-2020, along with the reshaping of space and time, reconfigured peoples¿ relationships with one another and ultimately with one¿s self.

  • af María Luz Espiro
    557,95 kr.

    Este libro es una invitación a adentrarse en el dinámico escenario de la migración africana hacia Sudamérica en el siglo XXI, en medio de políticas migratorias cada vez más restrictivas en los destinos tradicionales. Al enfocarse en las vivencias de los migrantes senegaleses en Argentina, Brasil y Senegal, el relato desafía estereotipos, brindando una perspectiva renovada sobre la movilidad africana.La obra descubre las conexiones transnacionales, ilustrando cómo los migrantes forjan caminos fluidos a través de las fronteras para enfrentarse a las desigualdades del mercado laboral y los regímenes de movilidad. Desmantela las narrativas predominantes al presentar nuevos datos empíricos sobre quienes a menudo quedan excluidos de los principales debates sobre migración en América Latina. En esencia, esta obra visibiliza las luchas a las que se enfrentan los migrantes africanos en el Sur Global, abogando por sus derechos a moverse, trabajar y llevar una vida digna.Además de una exploración académica, este libro es una invitación a comprometerse en el esfuerzo colectivo hacia la transformación social, fomentando una comprensión más profunda y una contribución positiva a la dinámica cambiante de la movilidad entre África y Sudamérica.

  • af World Bank
    657,95 kr.

  • af Ava Chin
    192,95 kr.

    “Essential reading for understanding not just Chinese American history but American history—and the American present.” —Celeste Ng, #1 bestselling author of Little Fires Everywhere* TIME 100 Must-Read Books of 2023 * San Francisco Chronicle's Favorite Nonfiction * Kirkus Best Nonfiction of 2023 * Library Journal Best Memoir and Biography of 2023 * One of Elle's Best Memoirs of 2023 (So Far) * An ALA Notable Book *“The Angela’s Ashes for Chinese Americans.” —Miwa Messer, Poured Over podcastAs the only child of a single mother in Queens, Ava Chin found her family’s origins to be shrouded in mystery. She had never met her father, and her grandparents’ stories didn’t match the history she read at school. Mott Street traces Chin’s quest to understand her Chinese American family’s story. Over decades of painstaking research, she finds not only her father but also the building that provided a refuge for them all.Breaking the silence surrounding her family’s past meant confronting the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882—the first federal law to restrict immigration by race and nationality, barring Chinese immigrants from citizenship for six decades. Chin traces the story of the pioneering family members who emigrated from the Pearl River Delta, crossing an ocean to make their way in the American West of the mid-nineteenth century. She tells of their backbreaking work on the transcontinental railroad and of the brutal racism of frontier towns, then follows their paths to New York City.In New York’s Chinatown she discovers a single building on Mott Street where so many of her ancestors would live, begin families, and craft new identities. She follows the men and women who became merchants, “paper son” refugees, activists, and heads of the Chinese tong, piecing together how they bore and resisted the weight of the Exclusion laws. She soon realizes that exclusion is not simply a political condition but also a personal one.Gorgeously written, deeply researched, and tremendously resonant, Mott Street uncovers a legacy of exclusion and resilience that speaks to the American experience, past and present.

  • af Hanan Aldoukhi
    1.027,95 kr.

    This book investigates language choices in different domains among Syrian Arab Muslim families who came to Malaysia after war broke out in their country. It focuses on how Syrian Heritage Language (HL), Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), Classical Arabic (CA), and other languages that might be spoken by these families were maintained and/or shifted from the time these families came to Malaysia until the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most works on Syrian community in Malaysia are focused on social and humanitarian issues; none has explored how Syrians in Malaysia are managing their language use in connection with day-to-day communication and integration. As the Syrian community in Malaysia adapts by learning the host language, their mother language/s might experience a shift. The way the minority communities view their mother language by prioritizing or deprioritizing its use in the family milieu are factors that contribute to language maintenance and language shift (LMLS). As such, this book provides insights on how Syrian parents are managing their own and their children¿s language/s, along with the language of the host country.

  • af Katja Tikka
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book examines how migration and mobility were controlled, supported, and restricted in early modern Europe and European colonies. The aim of the book is to investigate how different actors, such as rulers, regional lords, local authorities, and corporations tried to regulate different forms of mobility and how those on the move reacted to these attempts. The book examines the agency of both the authorities and the migrants, shifting focus between the macro and the micro level. The chapters will also illuminate the ways gender, religion, language, ethnicity, occupation, and socioeconomic status were entangled in the regulations concerning mobility. Control of migration is inextricably linked with power relations. In this book, mobility is seen as a wide social process, which covers daily or seasonal movement as well as less or more stable migration.

  • af Sheila Ghose
    1.127,95 kr.

    This volume brings together research on the forms, genres, media and histories of refugee migration. Chapters come from a range of disciplines and interdisciplinary approaches, including literature, film studies, performance studies and postcolonial studies. The goal is to bring together chapters that use the perspectives of the arts and humanities to study representations of refugee migration. The chapters of the anthology are organized around specific forms and genres: life-writing and memoir, the graphic novel, theater and music, film and documentary, coming-of-age stories, street literature, and the literary novel. Chapter(s) ¿Chapter 1.¿ is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

  • af Rosina Marquez Reiter
    197,95 - 617,95 kr.

  • af Jonathan Blitzer
    165,95 - 247,95 kr.

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