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  • - Help For Survivors Of Child Sexual Abuse
    af Carolyn Ainscough & Kay Toon
    151,95 - 165,95 kr.

    This classic book has helped many thousands of people to manage the impact that childhood sexual abuse has had on their lives. The positive and optimistic approach continues to empower survivors to break free from the past. This new edition by clinical psychologist Kay Toon now refers to types of abuse that have come to light more recently, such as street exploitation, and abuse by celebrities, politicians and football coaches, as well as the use of digital technology to groom children and young people. Breaking Free is regularly recommended by agony aunts and therapists. A Department of Health project provided copies of Breaking Free and the Breaking Free Workbook to NHS Mental Health Provider Trusts. The voice of the cowed, betrayed and helpless sexually abused child speaks powerfully throughout this book. British Journal of Psychiatry The way the book instils hope is inspiring Journal of Social Work Practice This book will be enormously helpful to those who have endured sexual abuse. Nursing Times

  • af Gro Dahle
    257,95 kr.

    Lilli ved, der findes drager. For der bor en hjemme hos hende. Så man må liste på tæer og sørge for at rydde grundigt op efter sig og ikke fylde ret meget. Eller noget, overhovedet. Gro Dahle og Svein Nyhus har med Dragen skabt en nøje afbalanceret fortælling om en mors psykiske vold og vrede, der lægger sig som en kvælende røg over huset og datterens liv. Og om, at der ikke bare findes drager, men også dragetæmmere, som ved, hvordan man hjælper børn i sådanne situationer. Andre bøger på dansk af Dahle og Nyhus er bl.a. Bag Mumme bor Moni, Vrede mand, Silkesød, Akvarium og Blæksprutten.

  • - Min vej gennem svigt, incest og overgreb
    af Issabell Gaialys
    197,95 - 465,95 kr.

    Der var en gang en lille sjæl, som ønskede at lære endnu mere. Den kiggede sig omkring og talte med sine guidere og vejledere om, hvad der var det optimale og allerbedste. Til sidst fandt den lille sjæl en far og en mor, med præcis de kvaliteter, der skulle til, så sjælen kunne lære lige nøjagtig det, som var ønsket og nødvendigt. Den lille sjæl kom til verden en forårsdag i april 1962. "Det var aften, og tremmesengen stod i værelset, lidt bag døren. Jeg var lagt i seng og faldet i søvn. Da jeg lidt senere vågnede, kaldte jeg på min mor, men hun kom ikke. Jeg græd, følte mig fortabt, og ulykkelig. Ingen kom, så jeg satte mig ned igen, helt opløst i gråd og lagde mig til sidst til at sove igen. Jeg var ikke dengang bevidst om, hvad der skete, og hvorfor, eller hvilken betydning det havde for mig, kun at jeg gav op og lagde mig til at sove igen. Min mor kunne jo ikke vide, at jeg ville kalde på hende. Ej heller kunne hun vide, at jeg drog en betydningsfuld konklusion efter hændelsen - som skulle følge mig gennem livet." Denne bog er skrevet, for at skildre en dybere mening med dette livs begivenheder. Hændelserne anskues fra et højere perspektiv, gennem intuitionen og hjertets sandhed, hvor indsigt, om hensigten bag handlingerne bliver synliggjort, for forståelsen af læringen. Og du bliver taget med på rejse i et helt almindeligt liv, hvor hovedpersonens liv, med udfordrende oplevelser af svigt, incest og overgreb, betragtes fra det ubevidste ego-perspektivs rejse mod sjælens klare bevidsthed. Du ser, hvordan alle begivenhederne, har en vigtig betydning for den personlige udvikling og udfoldelse af et menneskes potentiale, og hvor en afklarende indsigt og bevidsthed, betyder alverden for ro og balance i livet.

  • af Christin Marie Guild
    207,95 kr.

    Evas fødder sætter gummistøvlemærker i nyfalden sne. Herude er tyst. Alting holder vejret. Små fodspor følger hende på højre side. Barnefødder uden sko. Hun har set det. For hvert skridt hun sætter, følger et lille sæt barnespor ved siden af hendes egne gummistøvlespor. Hun har set det. Alligevel ved hun det ikke. Ikke rigtigt. Som om de små spor, og spørgsmålene de burde rejse, hele tiden unddrager sig hendes bevidsthed. Hvem sætter de små spor? Da Evas søster dør, mister forældrene evnen til at se og høre Eva. Eva vokser op i et tomrum af savn og forladthed. Hugo, familiens nabo tilbyder sin hjælp og tager sig meget af hende. Romanen bygger delvist på virkelige hændelser med svigt, seksuelle overgreb og incest. Eva under isen er den gribende beretning om skyld og skam og den pinefulde kamp for at vinde et fodfæste i verden.Om forfatterenEva under isen er Christin Marie Guilds debut som romanforfatter.

  • af Lasse Løager
    157,95 - 197,95 kr.

    En dør, der er forseglet og aldrig forsøgt åbnet, lirkes med største forsigtighed på klem. Ud af den lille sprække vælter råddenskab, vold, afmagt – og frem for alt: en altædende ensomhed. ”De var bundet sammen med kæder, og længst ude, hvor blikket næsten ikke kunne nå, så han omridset af en færge, som trak byens både væk fra havnen. Der var ingen bevægelse i det, og måske, tænkte han, er det her et maleri, som jeg på én eller anden måde er fanget i.” Jacob, blandt venner kaldet Frost, er en ung dreng, hvis drømme, illusioner og håb forsvinder. Tilbage er et liv i skyggen med tæsk og overfald. Lys, kærlighed og venner der aldrig svigter siver også ud af den lille sprække, men er det sandt, at kærlighed kan overvinde alt? Er det nok til at holde livet i gang? Gespenst er en roman om, hvordan livet ser ud de steder, hvor ingen kigger, dér hvor få har adgang, og dér hvor håbet siver hen, når det forsvinder.

  • af Line Sølvhøj Johansson
    166,95 kr.

    "Det er noget, hun finder på! råber en stemme indeni. Jeg kender den stemme. Det er den, der har talt så roligt til mig gennem de sidste mange måneder – den stemme, som jeg lytter til for at overleve. Den råber af sine lungers fulde kraft, at det ikke passer. Hun lyver! Hun vil gøre mig ondt!"Da Julie møder Luc, går hun fra at være en usikker københavnerpige til en eftertragtet femme fatale. Luc repræsenterer alt det, hun har drømt om, men i en overdosis af kærlighed mister hun langsomt sig selv. Gennem en smertende returrejse i tankerne går det op for hende, at deres forhold er styret af psykisk vold.NÅR SOLEN IGEN STÅR OP er historien om en forelskelse, der forvrænges i misforståelser, manipulation og magtspil.Line Sølvhøj Johansson (f. 1982) debuterede i 2018 med “Vingebarn”, der er en rørende beretning om kroppens fængsel og hjertets længsel. Med ”Når solen igen står op” fortsætter forfatteren sin udforskning af kærlighedens vrangsider.

  • af Thomas Thurah
    229,95 kr.

    Baseret på mange timers samtaler fortæller Når et menneske slår ihjel om drabet set i både den drabsdømtes og den pårørendes perspektiv.Hvorfor begår mennesker drab? Kan drab undgås?I de tre første kapitler i Når et menneske slår ihjel, følger læseren de drabsdømte fra barndommen og frem til den forbrydelse, som berøvede et andet menneske livet. Bogen slutter med et kapitel, hvor den pårørendes historie bliver foldet ud. Den handler om, hvordan det er på én gang at miste et nærtstående familiemedlem og samtidig sit eget fodfæste i livet.Bogen fortæller fra hovedpersonernes eget perspektiv om fire af de mest udbredte drabstyper i Danmark: familiedrabet, drab i forbindelse med narkomisbrug, seksuelt drab og drab i rocker og bandemiljøet.Fortællingerne gør det klart, at der flere gange i de dømtes liv forelå andre muligheder end forbrydelsen. Historien kunne have taget en anden retning. Så hvorfor endte det alligevel så galt?Foruden mange timers samtale med de medvirkende drabspersoner og pårørende støtter bogen sig til en række skriftlige kilder, blandt andet dommene, retsbøgerne, mentalundersøgelsernes konklusioner, breve til og fra fængslet samt dagbogsoptegnelser.

  • af Anna Ardin
    260,95 kr.

    No Heroes, No Monsters focuses on the dramatic struggle of Anna Ardin, the WikiLeaks activist who, in 2010, came forward to report sexual abuse by Julian Assange. This is her testimony to a legal trial that was replaced by an Internet tribunal. A tribunal where women's rights are all too often both neglected and weaponized. A tribunal that every day of the year chooses a new woman to be the most hated.The book goes beyond the headlines - the black and white pictures of heroes or monsters - and emphasizes the need to acknowledge the shades of gray. In the book Ardin navigates through her personal life, the sexual assault charges, the media frenzy and the extensive hatred that followed from accusing a popular man, as well as through the unfair accusations of Chelsea Manning and WikiLeaks. Ardin's story is a call for justice for everyone abused, holding even important people accountable. It's a powerful compilation of the feminist lessons Ardin learned from living, for over a decade, in the shadow of the "hero" myth.

  • af Nina Bunjevac
    237,95 kr.

    Drengen Benny vokser op i et trygt og respektabelt hjem. Men i skolen virker han besat af ”hvide Becky” og har altid sit blik rettet sjofelt mod hende. Han bliver en skændsel for familien, opdrages til at undertrykke sine lyster og længsler, og som voksen bor og lever han afsondret. En dag ser han Becky, og besættelsen af hende bliver genvakt. Er hun klar til ham, eller er han langsomt ved at miste grebet om virkeligheden?Den canadisk-serbiske billedfortæller Nina Bunjevac tager udgangspunkt i den græske myte om Artemis og Siproites. Da gudinden Artemis badede nøgen, blev hun opdaget af jægeren Siproites, og straks derefter forvandlede hun ham til en kvinde. Med dette som udgangspunktberetter Bunjevac en psykologisk udforskning om et seksuelt rovdyrs vrangforestillinger.

  • - En bog om social kontrol
    af Deniz B. Serinci
    94,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Hvad er de bagvedliggende årsager til æresdrab, tvangsægteskaber, genopdragelsesrejser, forbud mod at have kærester og så videre? Journalist og forfatter Deniz Serinci kender til flere af de ovennævnte ting fra sin egen opvækst og kultur. Derudover har han rejst i flere mellemøstlige lande for at blive klogere på kulturen og prøver med denne bog at besvare ovennævnte spørgsmål.

  • af Bjarne Broberg
    80,95 - 137,95 kr.

    Bjarne Broberg giver her sit besyv med til debatten om det alvorlige problem med de mange frustrerede og ulykkelige unge mennesker i dagens Danmark, som på grund af vedholdende og alvorlig mobning på de sociale medier ikke aner deres levende råd lige ved indgangen til deres voksenliv. Gennem billedlige eksempler fra sin egen barndom og tidlige ungdom giver forfatteren sit eget bud på en mulig retning, som unge mennesker i en fortvivlende situation kunne tage for om ikke lige frem at finde lykken, så dog at starte på en gladere og mere balanceret voksentilværelse. For hvad er lykken egentlig? Det siges jo, at lykken står den kække bi, men hvor kæk skal man være, før lykken står én bi? Mange såkaldte eksperter har allerede forsøgt at råde de unge, men er der overhovedet en ekspert, som endegyldigt og gældende for alle kan definere: Hvad er lykken? Ekspertvældet og forældreskabet bliver der således også skubbet en del til i bogen.

  • af Marina Murray
    105,95 kr.

    Marina Murray in her second book, Scars, takes readers on a journey into the past. A past where she endured the pain and suffering that an abusive marriage can produce. The scars are real, but Marina is a survivor. She wants to encourage her readers that there is hope as well as healing on the other side of abusive relationships. Marina is also the author of Rest for the Weary Soul.

  • af Baldip Kaur
    163,95 kr.

    I Can't Breathe is a fictional novel set during the time when a video showing George Floyd's final moments and his dying words, "I Can't Breathe," went viral. The novel depicts its global impact and how it empowered individuals to speak out against discrimination by organizing rallies and marches.Khushboo, the novel's main character and a lawyer, is empathetic to women's concerns and helps many women who are trapped in abusive and suffocating relationships. The novel also briefly depicts racism in its various forms, including sexual harassment at work, negligence in care homes, and so on. Although most people face this, the story shows that some individuals are strong enough to deal with it, while some, like Aadrika, a sensitive and fragile woman, cannot. The novel is set against a backdrop of events in Khushboo and Aadrika's lives, including how they are deceived, betrayed, and abandoned by Anil, her father, but even in the pit of darkness, there are hues of rainbow of love and hope that glimmer momentarily throughout the novel.

  • af Tonya Flory
    130,95 - 204,95 kr.

  • af Lorece V Edwards
    273,95 kr.

    A searing portrait of young Black people's day-to-day lives growing up in marginalized communities--and how to help.In underserved communities across the United States, violence, food insecurity, unstable housing, lead poisoning, and other factors such as racist redlining policies negatively impact young people's everyday experiences--and their futures. What opportunities are available to young Black people living in these neighborhoods? What are their survival expectations? Who can they look to for support? In this searing portrait of today's youth, Lorece V. Edwards offers a thought-provoking and timely account of the day-to-day experience of living in America's neglected neighborhoods. Edwards examines the reality of growing up Black in marginalized communities and provides a nuanced, systems-level perspective of the daily lives of these youths. Many of the practices for which these young people are demonized are simply survival strategies. Structural violence plays a key role in their opportunities to be successful. Using Baltimore as a case study, Edwards examines the historical roots of how these neighborhoods developed, from the detrimental impacts of historical redlining policies during the 1930s to continued disinvestment in Black communities today. The narrative is enriched through the poignant, firsthand accounts of youth who live in these neighborhoods. Incorporating the results of longitudinal research projects focused on sexual health, substance use, communicable diseases, and decision-making among minority youth residing in the inner city, Edwards provides recommendations for how to address systemic issues and change the trajectory of these children's futures.

  • af Cedric Dark
    253,95 kr.

    "This work is a collection of stories from emergency medicine physicians, as well as a brief, surface-level historical account of the intersection between emergency medicine, science, and policy"--

  • af Steven Evans
    418,95 kr.

    Critical Geography examines the power structures, inequality, and the dominant ideologies that shape physical space. By critically analyzing these forces, the publication stimulates conversations about social justice, environmental sustainability, and transformative change. The artistic practices featured in the book shed light on systemic oppression, violence, and pressing environmental issues, and encompass a wide range of image-based practices that make inequality visible in both colonial and postcolonial contexts, including mapping, social media, and technology. FOTOFEST is a Houston-based contemporary arts organization co-founded by photojournalists Frederick Baldwin and Wendy Watriss. The use of photography or related media to examine social, cultural, and political histories as well as contemporary life is central to FotoFest's mission. In addition to year-round programming, FotoFest organizes a city-wide biennial project that includes large-scale central exhibitions, curated lectures, performances, a symposium, and a film program.

  • af Magnusson
    121,95 kr.

    The CirclePoint Method describes a set of ten integrated mechanisms that enable educators to effectively and efficiently prevent and resolve bullying issues in schools. The mechanisms are designed to address bullying problems in ways that result in personal growth for the students involved and to account for what harmed students need in terms of healing and avoiding future bullying. The mechanisms are easy to implement, save educators significant time, and are designed to allow educators to resolve bullying issues while maintaining compliance with district-mandated policies. The unique mechanisms of the Method include: - Constructive Consequences: a direct replacement for punitive discipline, this mechanism is highly effective at stopping bullying with no risk of retaliation by the aggressor and saves administrators significant time by eliminating the need for lengthy investigations and parent meetings- Chain of Custody Awareness: provides an incentive for aggressors to change their behavior and ensures targets feel safe while allowing educators to focus only on the aggression that require monitoring- Classroom Strategies: describes ways that teachers can effect positive change and prevent bullying among their students, improving the learning environment- Education: a comprehensive education on bullying for educators to eliminate myths and misinformation and provide a clear explanation for the drivers of bullying behaviors and the harm caused to targets- Target Support: a five-step framework that all educators can learn for providing support to bullied students to help them heal, reverse the harm caused by the bullying, and empower them to deal more effectively with future aggression- Removal of Barriers to Reporting: concrete steps educators can take to eliminate the reasons why students don't report bullying so administrators will know about the bullying issues in their schoolsWhen applied with fidelity, the mechanisms allow educators to resolve bullying issues quickly and create a safe school environment. The Method results in outcomes that are satisfactory to all involved, including parents. Over time, the mechanisms should transform the school environment to make bullying less accepted by students. Additional related resources educate and empower parents and students, resulting in a whole school community working in partnership to ensure that all students have a positive educational experience.

  • af Stuart Wood
    162,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Rosie Batty
    128,95 kr.

    After tragedy, how do we find hope? A memoir about what it takes to get through the very worst of times from Rosie Batty - a woman who has experienced tragedy, who had lost all hope, yet now is intent on finding it again. On a warm summer's evening in February 2014, eleven-year-old Luke Batty was killed by his father at cricket practice. It was a horrific act of family violence that shocked Australia. The next morning, his mother Rosie bravely stood before the media. Her powerful and gut-wrenching words about family violence galvanised the nation and catapulted her into the spotlight. From that day on, Rosie Batty campaigned tirelessly to protect women and children, winning hearts and minds with her courage and compassion, singlehandedly changing the conversation around domestic violence in this country. Rosie's remarkable efforts were recognised when she became the 2015 Australian of the Year and a year later she was named one of the World's Greatest Leaders by Fortune magazine. However, behind Rosie's steely public resolve and seemingly unbreakable spirit, she was a mum grieving the loss of her adored son. What happens when you become an accidental hero? What happens the day after the worst day of your life? What happens when you are forced to confront the emptiness and silence of a house that once buzzed with the energy of a young son? You go to dark places from which you're not sure you'll ever recover. Following on from her runaway best-seller A Mother's Story, which detailed the lead up to her son's murder, Hope shares what happened to Rosie the day after the worst day of her life and how she reclaimed hope when all hope was lost. She shares her struggles with anxiety, PTSD, self-doubt and self-loathing and how she finally confronted her grief. She shares the stories of those who have inspired her to keep going, and given her hope when she needed it most. In this heartfelt, and at times heartbreaking memoir, Rosie tells how she found the light on her darkest days and how she found the hope to carry on.

  • af A G Hansell
    146,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • af Gurmay Effrige Fraser
    163,95 kr.

    Gurmay had a rough start in life. At three months old, she was poisoned by her 12-year old cousin. Burned and unable to swallow, she was in intensive care for several months, then discharged with a grim prognosis. But Gurmay survived, only to be raped at 4 years-old, violated as a teenager, experienced domestic violence, plus a variety of serous medical conditions and the removal of a large and extremely rare tumor. With the help of God, the Author and Finisher of her faith, she was able to embrace the experiences that shaped her and began her spiritual restoration. Now, you experience your own journey to spiritual restoration, and receive the radiance of God's anointing in, on, and through your life.

  • af Mariano Morillo
    142,95 kr.

    In "THE TRAVERNERS" we are introduced with a society that succumbs to violence, without those who sustain power being able to prevent it.Tom, Manolo, and You are special agents assigned who do not accept the norms of social ethics, so imbued in the maximum ignorance level of how the good is distinguished, they are inclined to impose the wrong.To do this, gang members Katiburo and Rey are associated with sectors of the mafia, assuming social predation as their ultimate goal.However, a spark of hope emanates from that golden moment where Candileja and Tom find a solution through love. Mariano Morillo B. the author of the humanized intellect, definitely, continues to captivate us with his pen.

  • af R. L. Porter
    163,95 - 231,95 kr.

  • af Anthony T Vento
    193,95 kr.

    Ignite Compassion, Inspire Action: A Journey to End Human TraffickingIn "Gospel of Freedom: Ending Human Trafficking in Our Time," readers are invited on an urgent and compelling journey into the heart of one of the modern world's most grievous injustices-human trafficking. This groundbreaking book sheds light on the dark corners of human trafficking, offering not just a deep understanding, but also a beacon of hope for ending this scourge in our generation.Beginning with a clarion call to action, the introduction sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration into the multifaceted realities of human trafficking in America. Chapter 1 delves into definitions, forms, and the alarming scope of the problem, backed by state-by-state statistics that reveal the startling pervasiveness of this issue.From the Catholic Church's profound reflections in Chapter 2 to the critical roles of law enforcement, the legal community, and technology highlighted in subsequent chapters, this book presents a multifocal lens through which to view and combat human trafficking. Through theological insights, it advocates for a moral and ethical fight against trafficking, aligning with broader humanitarian values and the universal call for freedom.Active Organizations in the Fight and stories of Survivor Stories: Lessons of Hope and Resilience not only humanize the crisis but also underscore the tangible differences being made by individuals and groups. These sections serve as a testament to the power of concerted effort and the indomitable human spirit to overcome.The book further extends an impactful discussion to the legal, political, and educational arenas, urging a societal shift towards increased awareness, proactive prevention, and stricter enforcement. The comprehensive guide through technological advancements and international collaboration highlights the global dimension of the fight and the importance of a united front."Gospel of Freedom" is a call to arms, to knowledge, and to compassionate action. It empowers readers with the understanding that the fight against human trafficking is not insurmountable. Through community efforts, volunteerism, and especially, through empowering the next generation of leaders, this book shows that change is not only possible but imminent. Join in this compelling journey toward a world where freedom is not a privilege but a right guaranteed to all.By engaging with this pivotal text, readers are offered not just insight into one of today's gravest issues but are also provided with practical steps and strategies to make a difference. Whether you are an educator, a healthcare professional, a legal expert, or simply a concerned citizen, Gospel of Freedom equips and inspires you to lend your voice-and your actions-to ending human trafficking in our time.

  • - En krønike om kriminalitet 1944-2024
    af Anders-Peter Mathiasen & Jeppe Facius
    180,95 - 231,95 kr.

    Den danske underverden er historien om skyggesiden af det moderne Danmark – en krønike om den danske underverden gennem 80 år.Bogen tager sit afsæt i de sidste år af besættelsen, da lovlydige familier oplevede at blive forbrydere for at få mad på bordet, og korruptionen blomstrede vildt, og trækker en bue til i dag, hvor nye, ærgerrige og voldsparate kræfter byder de gamle magthavere i underverdenen modstand.De to Cavlingprisbelønnede journalister Anders-Peter Mathiasen og Jeppe Facius har skrevet en slagkraftig fortælling om den organiserede kriminalitet i Danmark. Fra lyssky aktiviteter under besættelsen, over efterkrigstidens edderkoppeaffære til cigaret- og hashsmuglerne, pornofabrikanterne, prostitutionens kyniske bagmænd, rockerkrigenes blodige hærgen – og helt frem til i dag, hvor Loyal to Familia er blevet forbudt, men næppe svækket, og internationale kriminelle organisationer gør deres indtog i Danmark.Gennem hele beretningen løber som en rød tråd den utrolige historie om en mand, der var født ind i samfundets øverste lag, men endte som storforbryder og afsonede den længste sammenhængende fængselsstraf i Danmark – lige indtil en anden, som havde dræbt fire politifolk, overtog den sørgelige rekord.

  • af Sofi Oksanen
    186,95 kr.

    I april 2023 medvirkede Sofi Oksanen i Svenska Akadamiens konference ”Truth and thought under pressure” med en bemærkelsesværdig tale om krigen i Ukraine, og i bogen Samme flod to gange uddyber hun nu sine tanker. Om Putins bevidste svækkelse af kvinders rettigheder med redskaberne desinformation og propaganda, seksuel vold i krig og autoritær lovgivning. Sofi Oksanen retter sit skarpe blik og pen mod Putin og tegner et øjenåbnende billede af, hvordan kvindehad er blevet et stadigt mere effektivt våben for diktatorer og imperialister.

  • af Tamera Vallejo
    172,95 - 372,95 kr.

    Jesus In Pink explores how the limiting belief system of churches disrupts the identity, purpose, leadership, and calling of women.

  • af Chimene Suleyman
    197,95 - 317,95 kr.

    In this raw and searing memoir, one woman recalls her romantic relationship with a pathological liar who betrayed her and many other women, exploring the trauma he caused and the sisterhood that formed despite--and in spite of--him.In January 2017, Chimene Suleyman arrived at a women's health clinic in Queens, New York, to undergo an abortion, accompanied by her boyfriend, the father of her nascent child. After reluctantly going through with the procedure, she returned to the waiting room to find it empty. Her boyfriend had fled. It was the last time they were together. In an extraordinary sequence of events, she eventually discovered the truth: that the man she she'd loved had gaslit, lied to, stolen from, and painfully betrayed her and many other women like her.Spellbinding and soul-baring, The Chain explores the havoc one man wreaked on the lives of the many unsuspecting women who believed the stories he told, about his various illnesses, his dying mother, his career and professional prospects, and his undying love and commitment. It also chronicles how these women came together to both expose him and to support each other in the wake of his destruction.Examining how women fall prey to manipulative men, Suleyman questions society's complicity in allowing those who would do women harm to flourish and contemplates why others remain silent witnesses by accepting and normalizing shameless behavior towards women. She demonstrates how women themselves are acculturated to perform prescribed roles of giver and nurturer, to be self-sacrificing and subordinate, and to bolster the egos of others by remaining silent and ignoring their own protective instincts.Both a devastating personal testimony and a searing indictment of persistent misogyny, The Chain is a book for any woman who has questioned her relationship and buried her doubts and for any woman who has been sheltered by the fierce protection of her female friends.

  • af Susan Forward
    197,95 kr.

    Over the course of thirty-five years as a therapist, Susan Forward has worked with a large number of women struggling to escape the emotional damage inflicted by the women who raised them. Subjected to years of criticism, competition, role reversal, smothering control, emotional neglect, and other forms of abuse, women raised by mothers who can't love are plagued by anxiety, depression, relationship problems, lack of confidence, and difficulties with trust. But as Forward explains, it is possible to heal the mother wound and find help and validation.Filled with compelling case histories, Mothers Who Can't Love looks at the devastating impact unloving mothers have on their daughters and provides effective techniques to help them overcome the pain of their childhoods, reclaim their confidence and self-respect, and break the cycle of emotional destructiveness for future generations.

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