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Etiske dilemmaer: abort og prævention

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  • af Ardyce West
    112,95 kr.

    Ardyce West's compelling narrative examines the grief, pain and regret suffered by women and men who hide in the dark shadows of abortion. While acknowledging the pointed issues and opinions of both pro-life and pro-choice, West remains apolitical and non judgmental, conceding that many women and men involved in abortion successfully move on comfortably resolved to their decision. "I Never Heard You Cry" in fact never approaches political edict or social commentary regarding abortion. West focuses rather on the substantial number of people who do struggle with complex and deeply emotional post-abortion issues.In addition to relating the heartrending story of her own struggles and triumphs, West interviews a number of abortion survivors who have transcended the emotional, social, and political stigmas attached to this volatile issue. Interspersed are effective techniques designed to achieve self-forgiveness and spiritual healing.

  • af Jessica Lockhart
    182,95 kr.

  • af Kevin Begos
    427,95 kr.

    Other authors: Danielle Deaver, John Railey and Scott Sexton.

  • af Lastesis
    107,95 kr.

    A fiery feminist manifesto from the Chilean performance collective who led the rallying cry for today's mass feminist movement across South America.

  • af Gabrielle Stanley Blair
    117,95 kr.

  • af Tiffinia Williams
    227,95 kr.

  • af A. C. Bolchoz
    162,95 kr.

    Abortion is the greatest manmade tragedy in history and will soon bring the world to its knees. White supremacists and elitists devised this depopulation technique to rid the world of "undesirables" in every race-especially blacks. To this day, the United Nations works overtime to ensure that minorities take advantage of contraceptives and easy abortions. But soon their schemes will come back to haunt us. In Justifiable Homicide? author A. C. Bolchoz reveals: The racist roots behind Planned Parenthood's abortion clinics in black neighborhoods The wealthy family that funds the discourse on abortion in order to control the debate Depopulationists' strategy to impose their plans on Latin American countries Legal abortion is indeed the cause of the greatest sustained loss of life per capita than any epidemic or world war. Under the guise of "reproductive health," this depopulation strategy will push America-and the world-toward economic collapse, or even worse.

  • af Rachel Blanton
    62,95 kr.

    A ten-page resource zine on current and accessible abortion care. Topics in this little zine include: How to find a reputable clinic in your area, how to fund your abortion, hotlines for counseling, and much more. All in a very easy-to-read format that is suitable for everyone with hand-drawn illustrations.

  • af Robin Marty & Jessica Mason Pieklo
    192,95 kr.

    Building from Pieklo's Crow After Roe, this book expands and updates those chapters detailing anti-abortion model legislation meant to challenge Roe v. Wade and includes additional chapters highlighting new threats to abortion rights since 2013.

  • af Melissa Desveaux
    337,95 kr.

    Written by those who have been devastated by loss or grief before, during, and after pregnancy, courageously told as only those who have suffered immense tragedy can…Comfort for the Tears takes you on an emotional journey into the lives of multiple families. Each account of pregnancy and infant loss, fertility struggles, and premature births is honest, raw and real, yet sensitive and compassionate. That moment I had feared for the past eight weeks became a reality. I vaguely remember hearing the words, "We have lost a heartbeat." -Jessica Burdus Pregnancy is such an innate part of the human experience and occurs so frequently without complication. We hear all the announcements, reveals, and share the excitement with others but we rarely hear the risks, the losses, the pain, and the sadness that can be a part of someone's pregnancy or birth. ¿Dani NixThere was no movement, no heartbeat, no nothing. -Naomi CarpinteriThis collective memoir provides support, guidance, and love through the incredibly hard times of grief. Find healing and solace as you join these parents. Be empowered and strengthened by their stories. Most importantly, learn to hope again.

  • af Savita Ginde
    252,95 kr.

    Dr. Ginde thought she was just doing her job, a job that she loved. Suddenly, in 2015 her anonymity was snatched from her by an unscrupulous organization calling itself "the Center for Medical Progress." (CMP) Members of CMP used subterfuge to gain access to the offices and medical facilities of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, where Savita worked as Chief Medical Officer. Using deceit to enter into both the national office and many local Planned Parenthood organizations, these undercover and dishonorable shysters from CMP took surreptitious video of meetings and medical procedures, which they subsequently edited (even dubbing in their own audio!) to make it appear that Planned Parenthood was engaged in the sale of fetal tissue and body parts from human fetuses. Fake News at its best.The consequences for Savita were pretty horrible. First came the hateful e-mails. Then horribly unfounded phone calls.Then the death threats.To ensure her safety-and the safety of her two small children-Savita and her husband were forced to flee their home and live in hiding. Incredibly, amid these security concerns, she was called to appear before Congress to answer questions about the content of CMP's fictional videos.In this book Savita Ginde sets the record straight about her life and her work. The dedicated physician and mother of two presents her side of one of 2015's most shocking stories, explains why she's proud of the work she does, and offers her thoughts on how America should approach the debates about abortion and religion in general as we go forward.

  • af Shelly Oria
    232,95 kr.

    "This explosive, intersectional collection of essays, fiction, poems, plays, and more, explores the universality of human reproductive experiences, as well as their distinct individuality. An enlisted sailor must choose between her military career and keeping an unexpected pregnancy. A mother of three decides to become a surrogate, but is unprepared for everything that happens next. A trans man's pregnancy forces them to approach their key relationships in a new way. A woman's choice to live a child-free life is put to the test when her husband's dying wish is for them to become parents. In their own unique and unforgettable way, each of the twenty-eight contributors responds to our crisis of access to care in ways that are at turns haunting, heartbreaking, and outright funny." -- page [4] of cover.

  • af Bruce Fleury
    212,95 kr.

    Bruce Fleury's The Negro Project: Margaret Sanger's Diabolical, Duplicitous, Dangerous, Disastrous, and Deadly Plan for Black America is an in-depth and engrossing cautionary tale written by the author to serve as a warning to all Americans not to forget their history, and perform their due diligence in order to be able to see the not-so-obvious objectives behind the deeds of others. This work surrounds the author's realization of the harm Margaret Sanger and others like her brought upon the black community in the name of "women's health" through her organization, Planned Parenthood. He sees the black population as being in mortal danger of extinction if Americans don't wake up and fight the battle against abortion. Mr. Fleury raises some very compelling points in his exposé and has provided a great amount of research to support his findings. The reader will most certainly learn a historical lesson that was never taught in school. About the Author Bruce Fleury was born in Glen Ridge, New Jersey, and as a youngster moved to Detroit, Michigan, with his parents and five siblings, where he spent 56 years. Twenty of those years he was employed at Ford Motor Co. He currently resides with his wife, Janette, in Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan. Mr. Fleury likes to think of himself as a student of history and is strongly pro-life, the reason for his writing of this book. He is also keenly interested in politics, sports, and current events.

  • af Isil Ceren Yildirim
    312,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2018 in the subject Ethics, grade: 1,0, University of Frankfurt (Main), course: Biomedical Ethics, language: English, abstract: One of the main issues that the second wave feminists addressed was the right of women to decide if and when they want to have children. Women in the sixties and seventies protested for their reproductive rights and demanded the legal access to abortion with slogans like ¿my body, my choice¿. Although many countries liberalized their laws concerning abortion, the debate about the moral permissibility still remains one of the most heated debates across different societies.Judith Jarvis Thomson¿s essay ¿A Defense of Abortion¿ was published in 1971 and has had a great impact on the philosophical debate on abortion and its moral permissibility. Moral philosophers who are pro- or anti-choice alike have argued about the argumentative strategy that is best to support one¿s claims concerning abortion. Thomson¿s essay has been critiqued for various different reasons and this papers goal is to work out how Thomson¿s position could be rethought after over forty years of its first publishing. My main thesis is virtually the same as Thomson¿s: abortion is not always impermissible. However, I disagree with her methodology and I argue that the details of different cases and the societal context they happen in ought to decide whether abortion is morally permissible or not. My critique is especially aimed at Thomson¿s strategy to assume ¿ for the sake of the argument ¿ that the fetus is a person, her conception of bodily autonomy and her terminology. In the first part of the paper I summarize Thomson¿s position while focusing on the most important aspects for the following critique. In the second part, I mainly use the theories of Gina Schouten and Rosalind Hursthouse to criticize some of Thomson¿s assumptions. Gina Schouten has argued (from a feminist perspective) for considering that there is a societal moral obligation for caring and protecting the most vulnerable which means that depending on the moral status of fetus¿, there is an obligation to care for them. Another interesting critique can be made by questioning of the role that (bodily) autonomy plays in bioethics and how Thomson uses it to justify abortion. Rosalind Hursthouse has attacked Thomson¿s violinist example for being too different from an actual pregnancy and found her terminology too imprecise.

  • af Esther Eberhardt
    62,95 kr.

    This pro-choice zine is an introduction to the history of underground abortion and a call to learn our history and to take matters in our own hands. It includes some information on menstrual extraction and a list of resources to learn more. Reproductive choice is not a "right" to be granted or withdrawn. "To know our history is to begin to see how to take up struggle again." Exceptionally well written and researched. If you are looking for more information about these topics, this is it! Timely and relevant!

  • af Katha Pollitt
    217,95 kr.

  • af Frank Pavone
    122,95 kr.

    .Minute meditations for every day containing text from Scripture and other Church documents, a reflection, and a prayer intended for pro-life believers to help build and strengthen the Culture of Life.

  • af Amy Kaler
    862,95 kr.

    Kaler examines how modern contraceptive technologies, such as the pill and the Deop-Provera injection, were embroiled in gender and generation conflicts in Zimbabwe during the 1960s and 1970s.Kaler examines how modern contraceptive technologies, such as the pill and the Deop-Provera injection, were embroiled in gender and generation conflicts, and in the national liberation struggle, in Zimbabwe during the 1960s and 1970s. Based on extensive oral and archival research, the book shows the ways in which fertility and control over reproduction within marriage and the family influenced the development of the imagined community of the nascent Zimbabwean nation.

  • af Gwendolyn Awen Jones
    267,95 kr.

    Jones supplies astounding information that completely reframes the debate between pro-life and pro-choice. It offers an alternative viewpoint that will make readers stop and reconsider all they have ever believed.

  • af Randy Alcorn
    212,95 kr.

  • af Jerry Reiter
    273,95 kr.

    This insider's account of the anti-abortion movement and its connections to right-wing extremism details the author's naive involvement in Operation Rescue, his gradual disillusionment with its tactics, and his subsequent role as an FBI informant in foiling a bloody terrorist attack.

  • af Lawrence Lader
    288,95 kr.

    Lader spotlights the struggle for abortion rights, discusses the brutal clinic murders in Pensacola and Boston, and argues that RU 486 could markedly reduce clinical abortions by making the termination of a pregnancy a 'private matter'.

  • af Benjamin Wiker
    212,95 kr.

  • af Peter Kreeft
    182,95 kr.

    An author and professor presents the objective logical arguments against abortion; the subjective, personal motives of the pro-life position; and how these two factors influence the dialog between the two sides of the abortion issue.

  • - Kvinder og Spontan abort
    af Christina Lassen-Andersen
    197,95 kr.

    ”Tabte drømme – kvinder og spontan abort” er skrevet til dig, der har været igennem en ufrivillig, spontan abort eller har det tæt inde på livet.Måske føler du, at din sorg er for stor, når spontan abort er så normalt? Måske er du bange for at blive gravid igen? Eller måske føler du, at din familie og dine venner ikke forstår dit tab? Du er ikke alene. Hvert år i Danmark slutter 20.000 graviditeter alt for brat. Langt de fleste i første trimester. Mange kvinder har svært ved at ryste sorgen af sig og kæmper med spørgsmål om skyld og sorg og er angste for at blive gravide igen.I bogen fortæller forfatteren hudløst ærligt om sine egne tre spontane aborter. På overfladen så alt godt ud, men indvendigt var følelserne ved at overmande fornuften. Sideløbende deler 15 andre kvinder også deres personlige historier om at miste, og jordemoder Lise Unmack sikrer det faglige fundament i bogen.Beretningerne er alle et vidnesbyrd på den flodbølge af følelser og tanker, der følger en spontan abort.

  • af Toni Liversage
    267,95 kr.

    I "At erobre ordet" fortæller Toni Liversage arbejderkvindernes historie i Europa og USA. Det er historien om kvindernes faglige og sociale organisering og placering i samfundet. En placering, der på mange måder udgjorde bunden og som hang sammen med kvindernes begrænsede rettigheder over eget liv og egen krop. idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlToni Liversage (1935-2014) var en dansk forfatter og oversætter. Toni Liversage havde et stort socialt engagement og var i mange år en kendt feminist, fredsaktivist og socialist. Hun var uddannet i slavisk filologi og stod bag en del danske oversættelser af forfattere fra det tidligere Jugoslavien. Af Toni Liversages eget forfatterskab kan nævnes "Fædre og døtre: russiske kvinder i aktion mod zarismen" (1976), "At erobre ordet: kvinderne og arbejderbevægelsen" (1980), "George Orwell: en introduktion" (2000) og "Et lille stykke elfenben: om Jane Austens forfatterskab" (2009).

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