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  • af Henry Varnum
    398,95 kr.

  • af Pasquale Villari
    488,95 kr.

  • af Hendrik Jan Nassau
    378,95 kr.

  • af N. George Junior Republic (Freeville
    418,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth O'Brien
    1.207,95 kr.

  • af Dominic Haynes
    173,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af Dalya Markovich
    693,95 kr.

    Culture is constructed, negotiated, managed, and shared by various ideological, political, and moral reasonings which manifest themselves tangibly and intangibly in public monuments, architecture, memorial sites, theaters, museums, orchestras, and heritage associations. The contributions to this volume explore the intersection of cultural heritage and nationality in societies that are characterized by national, multi-national, and post-national concepts. They question the roles that cultural heritage plays in its various contexts, and the ways in which ideology functions to produce it.

  • af Anonymous
    301,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2022 im Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit / Sozialarbeit, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Humor ist ein bedeutsames Mittel, um in der Systemischen Beratung bestimmte Situationen aufzulockern und kann als Mittel der Krisenbewältigung eingesetzt werden. Es kann Klienten dabei unterstützen, ihren Alltagsstress zu bewältigen und mit diesem umzugehen. Außerdem kann es innerhalb von Beratungssitzungen dazu dienen, die Beziehung zwischen den Klienten und den Sozialarbeitern leichter und schneller aufzubauen, da Humor eine auflockernde Wirkung hat, die der Nervosität entgegenwirken kann. Die Klienten könnten sich durch Humor und Sympathie seitens der Sozialarbeiter besser auf die Beratungsgespräche einlassen und sich dadurch schneller öffnen. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich die Frage, inwiefern Humor in der Systemischen Beratung den Beratungsprozess fördern kann und inwieweit sich für den Adressaten somit Krisen besser bewältigen lassen. Außerdem ist zu betrachten, welche weiteren Möglichkeiten Humor in der Systemischen Beratung liefert. Daneben sind ebenso die Grenzen des Humors in der Beratung erheblich, um welche Grenzen es sich dabei genau handelt, soll folglich betrachtet werden. Um sich mit dem Humor in der Beratung auseinandersetzen zu können, sind vorerst eine allgemeine Definition und mögliche Erscheinungsformen des Humors zu klären. Im weiteren Verlauf sollen die verschiedenen Humortheorien erläutert werden, wobei der Fokus besonders auf den vier Humortheorien nach Titze und Eschenröder (2003) liegt. Daraufhin folgt die genaue Betrachtung des Humors in der Sozialen Arbeit und letztendlich der Grenzen, die von den Sozialarbeitern beachtet werden sollten. Abschließend soll untersucht werden, inwieweit sich Humor in der Systemischen Beratung einsetzen lässt und worauf die Sozialarbeiter dabei besonders zu achten haben.

  • af Bernadette Breunig
    665,95 kr.

    Die Familie unterliegt einem steten Wandel, und zwar sowohl im Hinblick auf ihre Form als auch auf ihre Bedeutung und nicht zuletzt ihre Regulierung durch legale, kulturelle, religiöse oder moralische Normen. Welche Formen der Beziehung als konstitutiv für die Familie angesehen werden, steht ebenso zur Diskussion wie die Frage der Anerkennung und des Schutzes der Familie und verschiedener Familienformen durch den Staat. Insbesondere Techniken der Reproduktion und Veränderungen des sozialen Gefüges in Loslösung der ¿klassischen¿ Kernfamilie haben eine Vielzahl an neuen Familienformen wie Patchworkfamilien, Co-Parenting-Familien oder Familien mit gleichgeschlechtlichen Elternpaaren ermöglicht und normalisiert. Ziel dieses Bandes ist es, verschiedene disziplinären Perspektiven aus den Sozial- und Rechtswissenschaften, der Theologie und Philosophie zusammenzubringen, die auf die Familie und ihren Wandel mit Blick auf ausgewählte Fragestellungen und Familienformen reflektieren ¿ wobei Co-Parenting und assistierte Reproduktion besonders im Fokus liegen.

  • af Archie Ludowici
    308,95 kr.

    Through an analysis of the Iraq's engineered genocides against Kurds during the years of Saddam Hussein's regime, this work aimed to reveal the weakness of the current political and social situation in Iraq. The purpose was to offer an overview of the dangers posed by the current difficult coexistence between the Federal Government in Baghdad and the Kurdish Regional Government in Erbil. The birth of a new political system after the fall of Saddam's regime meant that every institutional power had to be built from scratch in a political and social reality new to most Iraqis. This process of renovation, already witnessed in Europe after World War II, in particular in Italy and Germany, implied the writing of a new constitution and of a new set of legal frames with the purpose to give the country a strong and reliable democratic base.

  • af Jennifer Friedrich-Haßauer
    922,95 kr.

    Die Ausgangslage dieser Analyse sind unterschiedliche Lernverfahren in der beruflichen Weiterbildung in Deutschland. Untersucht wird, wie diese sich auf den Lernerfolg der Lernenden auswirken. Es gilt, den Zielkonflikt zwischen den Anforderungen der Teilnehmenden und den Angeboten der Weiterbildungsanbieter zu lösen. Eine wesentliche Aufgabe ist es, die Lerntypen der Lernenden zu ermitteln und sich auf dieser Basis geeignete Lernverfahren zu erarbeiten. Daraus wird die Forschungsfrage abgeleitet, wie effizient und effektiv Blended-Learning-Lernverfahren sind und wie diese sich im Lernprozess auf den Lernerfolg auswirken. Das Ergebnis spiegelt sich in einer Empfehlung von Lernverfahren wider, die sich als effizient und effektiv aus der Sicht der Lernenden unter Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen Einflussfaktoren erweisen.

  • af Florian Wobser
    788,95 kr.

    Dieser Band entwickelt eine "mediensensible" Fachdidaktik Philosophie/Ethik. In Bezug auf die Lebenswelt der Schüler*innen werden Unterhaltungen und Kunstfilme des Medienphilosophen Alexander Kluge auf dessen Web-TV für eine philosophisch-ethische Bildung wahrnehmbar und denkbar. Kluges audiovisuelle Clips werden als Unterrichtsmedien ernst genommen, ihre Bild- und Tonspur(en) didaktisch gewürdigt. Das Montieren diskursiver und präsentativer Elemente ermöglicht zugleich eine medienphilosophiedidaktische Propädeutik zugunsten des Umgangs mit anderen Web-Inhalten (etwa auf YouTube).

  • af Grace Ngai
    1.310,95 - 1.319,95 kr.

    This book provides an in-depth, multi-faceted look into capacity building for service-learning, using the case of the higher education landscape in Hong Kong. Service-learning has been proven to be an effective pedagogy for the holistic development of students, as well as promotion of their well-being. It also attempts to promote the well-being of the service recipients and the community. While service-learning is becoming increasingly popular in many higher educational institutions around the world, the learning gains that can be attained from service-learning are only as good as the learning experience allows, and poorly-developed or motivated service-learning may potentially do adverse harm to students and the community. This book reinforces the imperative to enhance the capacity of the institution, teachers, students and community partners by exploring a diverse range of methods for achieving capacity building among different stakeholders. Examples of the methods explored include formal course-based professional development, scale development, action research, and communities of practice. Furthermore, the book includes a series of detailed, qualitative case studies that are aimed at embodying good practice, unpacking "e;what matters"e; from service-learning. Aa a useful resource for scholars and educators who are passionate about holistic youth leadership development, this book is also relevant to researchers in the intersection between well-being and higher education.

  • af Jennifer Markides & Laura Forsythe
    373,95 kr.

  • af Alfonso S
    328,95 kr.

    Inclusion in higher education institutions refers to creating an environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds, abilities, and identities are given equal opportunities to participate, learn, and succeed. It involves embracing and valuing differences, promoting equity, and fostering a sense of belonging for all members of the community. Inclusive higher education institutions prioritize accessibility and accommodations to ensure that students with disabilities or special needs can fully engage in academic and social activities. This may include providing assistive technologies, accessible campus infrastructure, and support services such as sign language interpreters or note-taking assistance. Moreover, inclusive institutions recognize that diversity extends beyond disability and actively seek to create an inclusive environment for individuals from various racial, ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic, and LGBTQ+ backgrounds. To achieve inclusion, higher education institutions must implement inclusive policies and practices that address biases, discrimination, and systemic barriers. This involves promoting diversity in recruitment and admissions processes, ensuring diverse representation among faculty and staff, and creating inclusive curricula that reflect diverse perspectives. Inclusive institutions also provide resources and support systems to address the unique needs and challenges faced by underrepresented groups, such as mentorship programs, affinity groups, and counseling services. Inclusion in higher education goes beyond mere representation; it requires fostering a sense of belonging and actively engaging all students in the learning process. This can be achieved through inclusive teaching methodologies, such as active learning, cooperative group work, and experiential learning, that accommodate different learning styles and encourage student participation. Inclusive institutions also promote dialogue, open-mindedness, and respectful interactions among students, faculty, and staff, creating a welcoming and supportive campus climate. Ultimately, the goal of inclusion in higher education institutions is to empower students from all backgrounds to thrive academically, personally, and professionally. By embracing diversity, dismantling barriers, and fostering inclusive practices, these institutions create a vibrant and enriching learning environment that prepares students to contribute to a diverse and interconnected world.

  • af Tracey S. Hodges & Katherine Landau Wright
    1.873,95 - 2.433,95 kr.

  • af Tanya Fitzgerald & Steven J. Courtney
    1.404,95 kr.

    This edited collection is a Festschrift to Helen M. Gunter, a leading scholar in the field of education policy and leadership. We draw on the concept of the Festschrift as a collection of papers, or chapters, that recognise, honour, and celebrate the work and contributions of an esteemed academic. Gunter¿s work has opened up the field of critical education policy and leadership studies and provoked, if not revitalised, scholarly thinking about the origins, structures, patterns and impact of the field. Gunter¿s personal commitment to intellectual leadership of the field and public education resonates across all her scholarly works. The core intention of this unique collection is to recognise Gunter¿s scholarly contributions as an academic, practitioner and public intellectual. Invited authors have been asked to reflect critically on ways in which Gunter¿s work and intellectual support have influenced their own research, teaching and academicengagement. In their reflections, contributors not only speak to the intellectual work of Gunter but suggest how they have taken this work forward and how this has advanced the field of education as well as the production of knowledge.

  • af Thomas-Hugo Möllers
    539,95 kr.

    In diesem Open-Access-Buch geht der Autor der Frage nach, warum Technik als wesentlicher Bestandteil der Kultur in der Bildung nur eine untergeordnete Bedeutung hat und begründet mit Hilfe technikphilosophischer Analysen einen Kulturreihenansatz für die Auswahl von Inhalten für den Technikunterricht. Aus dem Doppelauftrag von Schule, Persönlichkeitsbildung und Enkulturation wird zunächst ein Interaktionsmodell für Bildung und Erziehung abgeleitet. Das Problem der Inhaltsauswahl jeder Fachdidaktik wird mit einem Modell zur Verknüpfung von Allgemeiner Didaktik und Fachwissenschaften gelöst. Darin wird die Technikphilosophie als fehlende Bezugswissenschaft identifiziert, um Aussagen zum Wesen der Technik zu ermöglichen. Durch die Analyse technikphilosophischer Ansätze wird der Technikbegriff um eine ästhetische und eine Sinn- und Wertperspektive erweitert. Aus diesem Technikbegriff ergeben sich pädagogische Perspektiven für den Technikunterricht, die schließlich über einen Kulturreihenansatz zu einem Kern Technischer Allgemeinbildung führen. Durch den Kulturreihenansatz wird begründet umrissen, wie die kulturelle Bedeutung der Technik bildungswirksam werden kann.

  • af Ben van de Beld
    223,95 kr.

    Dive into the heart of genuine joy with "Theory of Happiness" - an engaging exploration of Epictetus's significant work, the Enchiridion. This compelling narrative offers a blend of ancient wisdom and light-hearted philosophy, carefully adapted to resonate with the modern reader. Get ready for a captivating voyage that blends deep insights with practical strategies, all perfectly attuned to the demands of our rapidly changing world.Journey through the fundamental principles of Epictetus's Enchiridion, seamlessly animated in this enlightening work. "Theory of Happiness" guides you to uncover the vital elements that construct a fulfilling life. Experience profound transformation as you delve into topics of resilience, authenticity, and personal responsibility - the keystones of personal growth. As you integrate these lessons, every challenge morphs into an opportunity for self-improvement, exponentially enriching your journey.The core of this book lies in the timeless wisdom of Epictetus, guiding you to the true source of happiness. Like a beacon illuminating your life's puzzle, his teachings add a radiant glow to your existence. They chart a course towards a life brimming with purpose, meaning, and joy. Immerse yourself in these insights to enhance your daily experiences and propel you towards a deeply rewarding life."Theory of Happiness" invites you to embrace a light-hearted, modern stoic approach to finding joy and fostering resilience with a smile. More than a book, it's a motivational journey towards creating your best life. With its roots firmly anchored in Epictetus' teachings, this work is your guide to navigating a fulfilling, joyous life.

  • af Stephen T. Schroth
    1.599,95 kr.

    This book explores the phenomenon of outdoor education, an approach that permits children from all backgrounds to explore environmental, sustainability, and other issues facing them and their communities. Organized around both the conceptual and the practical issues facing school leaders interested in outdoor education, the book provides a wealth of resources for those interested in implementing outdoor education in their schools or classrooms. Infinitely flexible, outdoor education provides a lens through which teachers may explore any content area with any age group of children. Providing readers with both the theoretical underpinnings that support place-based curriculum as well as practical ways to implement an outdoor education program, the book also provides seven case studies that examine the issues facing school leaders desiring to make such a change. Outdoor Education: A Pathway to Experiential, Environmental, and Sustainable Learning guides those interested inexploring outdoor education through the curricular, instructional, and policy considerations needed to accomplish this goal.

  • af Susan Brighton
    398,95 kr.

  • af Anja Schierbaum
    920,95 kr.

    Der Band stellt zentrale Theoriefiguren der Kinder- und Kindheitsforschung zur Diskussion und führt historische, theoretische und empirische Beiträge aus Geschichts-, Sozial- und Erziehungswissenschaften zusammen. Gegenstand sind kindheitsbezogene Problemstellungen wie Agency, Chancengleichheit, Partizipations- und Ressourcengerechtigkeit, Wohlbefinden, Flucht, Migration, Kinderrechte und Kinderschutz. Darüber hinaus werden die Bedingungen des Aufwachsens und die Lebenslagen von Kindern mit Bezug zur Forschung mit Kindern und zu Kindheit(en) reflektiert.

  • af Helen M Gunter
    537,95 kr.

    Critical education policy research has a long tradition of political sociology. Drawing on data and analysis from the Education Policy Knowledgeable Polity (EPKP) project, supported by funders such as the British Academy and the Economic and Social Research Council, this book presents a new political sociology for framing, conducting and presenting critical education policy research. In doing so, it will be the first in the field to interconnect political thinking from Arendt with sociological thinking from Bourdieu, producing innovative analysis for and about educational reform.

  • af Terry Locke
    1.311,95 kr.

    This book explores intersections between sense of place, the formation of identity, indigeneity and colonisation, literature and literary study, the arts, and a revisioned school curriculum for the Anthropocene. Underpinning the book is a conviction that sense of place is central to the fostering of the change of heart required to secure the survival of human life on earth. It offers a coherent overview of seemingly disparate realities on a geographically and historically sprawling canvas.The book is a work of literary non-fiction, drawing on a range of sources: literary works and criticism, theoretical research, empirical studies and artworks. Of its very nature, the book enacts an extensive cultural critique. After establishing a cross-disciplinary foundation for ¿sense of place¿, the book describes its relationship to identity with reference to such terms as attachment, dispossession, reclamation and representation. It shows how a hopeful narrative for planet stewardship can be developed by the uptake of indigenous and traditional discourses of place. It concludes with the envisioning of a place-conscious curriculum, and ways in which an activist agenda might be pursued in the Anthropocene.

  • af Francis Niyi Akinola
    308,95 kr.

    Do you question yourself and the path you are on? Do you feel you are always taking ones step forward and two steps back? Would you like a map to help guide you through the chaotic times? Blooming Through Chaotic Times provides a road-map and practical action plan for moving forward in spite of the challenges we face today, which are formidable, both on an individual basis, national and global. Clearly mapped into two parts: The Journey Back and The Journey Forward, Francis takes you back into Chaos and Coherence and on into Blooming and Becoming. The Journey Back suggests the right attitudes to have, damage control principles to implement, and ideas on how best to manage and mitigate risks when we go through difficult times. The Journey Forward explores principles to be applied during periods of breakthrough and booms and offers ways of maximizing advantages and achieving the highest potential when things are good during this period. Through a mix of cultural and actionable advice, Francis takes the reader on a journey through memorable stories and surprising suggestions, towards developing and cultivating a practical means for progress, freedom, and liberty in an increasingly distracted world and this book will point the way to overcome negative thought patterns, reduce stress and live a worry-free life.Stop agonizing over the past and try to live in the present and stop ruminating and dwelling on negative thoughts.How to be aware of your negative spiral triggers. Identify and recognize your inner anxieties.How to keep the focus on relaxation and action.Learn to declutter your mind and find focus.Unleash your unlimited potential and start living.If you enjoyed these books; 12 Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson, The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel, Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins, Beyond Order by Jordan B. Peterson and The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson, then you may also enjoy this book.

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