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Uddannelsesstrategier og uddannelsespolitik: inklusion

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  • af Dirk Ifenthaler
    1.328,95 - 1.428,95 kr.

  • af Tabea Rief
    322,95 kr.

    2009 ratifizierte Deutschland die UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention und verpflichtete sich damit gesetzlich zur Umsetzung von Inklusion in allen Lebensbereichen. Im Bereich Bildung kommt Schulbegleitung als Maßnahme zur Umsetzung schulischer Inklusion eine besondere Bedeutung zu. In diesem Buch werden die aktuelle Umsetzung schulischer Inklusion in Deutschland kritisch eingeordnet, die Maßnahme Schulbegleitung differenziert dargestellt sowie Strukturen und Dynamiken der professionalisierungsbedürftigen Praxis von Schulbegleitung sowohl theoretisch als auch empirisch untersucht. Ausgehend von einer rekonstruktiven Sozialforschung (Videographische Aufzeichnung | Sequenzanalytische Auswertung) erweitern und bereichern die Forschungsergebnisse den aktuellen wissenschaftlichen sowie bildungspolitischen Diskurs hinsichtlich schulischer Inklusion im Allgemeinen und der Maßnahme Schulbegleitung im Besonderen.

  • af Barry Tomalin
    1.228,95 kr.

    This book outlines a landscape of diversity education in the MENA region and its repercussions on learners' abilities, outcomes, and prospects. It addresses the concerns of language educators, curriculum designers, language education researchers, students and trainers. Theoretically, the issues of diversity, inclusion and equity share common principles and insights; yet they are not conceived of in this book as interchangeable. These subtle distinctions, as delineated in this book, show that they are complementary and include the principles of quality education which leverage human rights, sustainability and promotion of the human capital. What makes this book distinctive is that it reconsiders the existing pedagogical trends in terms of the current social upheavals, and with reference to the principles of development and progress needed in twenty-first century education.

  • af Katie Rose Guest Pryal
    322,95 - 742,95 kr.

  • af Kenneth R. Roth
    1.228,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

    This edited volume explores and deconstructs the possibilities of higher education beyond its initial purpose. The book contextualizes and argues for a more robust interrogation of persistent patterns of campus inequality driven by rapid demographic change, reduced public spending in higher education, and an increasingly polarized political landscape. It offers contemporary views and critiques ideas and practices such as micro-aggressions, implicit and explicit bias, and their consequences in reifying racial and gender-based inequalities on members of nondominant groups. The book also highlights coping mechanisms and resistance strategies that have enabled members of nondominant groups to contest primarily racial- and gender- based inequity. In doing so, it identifies new ways higher education can do what it professes to do better, in all ways, from providing real benefit to students and communities, while also setting a bar for society to more effectively realize its stated purpose and creed.

  • af Mark Carter
    411,95 kr.

    This book reports a systematic synthesis of research on teachers' use of adjustments to support students with special educational needs who are currently in their mainstream classrooms. It presents a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of both quantitative and qualitative data, including studies involving observation, artefact examination, interviews, and surveys. It offers a holistic understanding of the current practices used by teachers to fulfil the intent of international inclusive education policy, and support the inclusion of students with a range of needs within the context of mainstream classrooms and programmes. This book also offers a range of recommendations for improving practice.

  • af Tyrone C Howard
    320,95 kr.

    If not now, when?Anchored in the tenets of justice, repair, and belonging, Equity Now is a comprehensive guide for educators that emphasizes the urgent need for immediate action to dismantle systemic barriers in education. Aimed at K-12 professionals at all levels of the education system, the book urges us to move beyond individual efforts by applying an equity lens to our policies and practices.Through honest, sustained, and critical dialogues in "brave spaces," educators can address disparities and create equity-centered school communities. Equity Now proposes a solutions-oriented approach to fostering welcoming, affirming, responsive, and rigorous learning environments. Author Tyrone C. Howard, one of the leading authorities on issues related to racial inequality in our schools, provides An equity framework grounded in justice, repair, and belonging A clear vision of equity-focused leadership Essential practices, strategies, and resources for classroom teachers Suggestion for engaging parents, families and caregivers in schools Recommendations for engaging data in an equity based way Reflection questions and additional resources at the close of each chapterThis book is a must-read for educators, administrators, and policymakers who are committed to creating conditions in which our children can reach their highest potential.

  • af Derrique Degagné
    452,95 - 1.172,95 kr.

  • af Benedict Kurz
    277,95 kr.

    Across Europe, laboratory schools find new ways to tackle the educational issues of our time. Their work is guided by educational experimentation and the aim to strengthen the bond between educational practice and research. In this book, lab schools from Bielefeld, Brno, Cambridge, Paris, and Vienna provide unique insights into how they bring John Dewey's framework for a lab school to life. This book is the result of the Erasmus+ project "LabSchoolsEurope: Participatory Research for Democratic Education". It is a testament to the potential of collaborating across borders.Impuls Laborschule Band 12

  • af Sabine Meier
    637,95 kr.

    Die Beiträge in diesem Buch werfen ein kritisches Licht auf die Ausgestaltung, Verhandlung und Schaffung inklusiver Bedingungen. Die Autor*innen analysieren politische Programme und reflektieren über deren inklusive oder exklusive Auswirkungen in europäischen und außereuropäischen Kontexten. Trotz dieser globalen Effekte, die durch überlokal getroffene Entscheidungen zustande kommen und die Handlungsspielräume vor Ort beeinflussen, betonen viele Beiträge die maßgebliche Rolle der kommunalen Ebene für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Inklusion.

  • af Francisco Javier García-Castilla
    392,95 kr.

    El ocio de las personas y las dimensiones que lo confi guran son cada vez más importantes para construir la felicidad y el bienestar social. El derecho a la práctica del ocio, en el caso de los colectivos con menos recursos y oportunidades, debe ser garantizado desde las diferentes políticas, instituciones y profesionales que trabajan y promueven la inclusión social.En este libro participan expertos e investigadores en la temática del ocio. En los diferentes capítulos se presentan prácticas de ocio valiosas que permiten una socialización, especialmente en la juventud, con mayores garantías y que no depende tanto de la capacidad de acceso a las actividades y espacios de ocio.Esta obra tiene interés al promover alternativas de ocio valiosas e inclusivas en las que la participación es una vía de aprendizaje dentro del proceso de socialización a lo largo de la vida de las personas. También, se realizan propuestas que pueden inspirer a representantes de instituciones y entidades sociales, profesionales e investigadores interesados en la intervención socioeducativa en diferentes contextos sociales. Estas propuestas se basan en resultados de investigación y contribuyen a adaptar espacios de ocio desde el rigor de la innovación que implica la transferencia social del conocimiento.

  • af Nursel Ayd¿ntu¿ Myrvang
    2.187,95 kr.

    As societies strive for progress, the need to ensure equal access to education for all, irrespective of socioeconomic, ethnic, or gender backgrounds, emerges as a pivotal factor. In the thought-provoking book, Socio-Economic Implications of Global Educational Inequalities , the complex interplay between education and its profound impact on human capital, economic growth, and development is meticulously explored. The book delves into the multifaceted dimensions of education as a critical determinant of income and gender disparities, poverty levels, and financial sector advancement. Drawing on the expertise of professional researchers, this comprehensive work presents a panoramic view of the socio-economic implications of educational inequalities on a global scale. By examining the profound link between education and various societal aspects, the book opens avenues for insightful discussions and strategic policymaking. In addition to catering to scholars and researchers, this book addresses a broader audience, including individuals, managers, and governmental employees who recognize education's pivotal role in shaping economic, financial, and social landscapes.

  • af Paul Sarvadi
    317,95 kr.

    Chart a New Way Forward through Commonality, Equality, and Cohesion in the Workplace. Imagine a work environment where every person is appreciated. Every person. Where diversity, equity, and inclusion are more than admirable aspirations but instead clearly defined plans with proven methods of achievement. Where everyone is committed to pulling on the same rope, devoted to creating a culture with a strong sense of belonging, and unlocking new levels of business performance and success. Through Paul Sarvadi's thirty-plus years of running a multibillion-dollar company and Eli Jones' multi-award-winning career in publishing sales and strategy research, and teaching, plus scientific studies and real-world applications, the wealth of knowledge in Making Differences Work will show you how to: Implement a values based, culture driven, people centric approach of commonality, equality, cohesion, and belonging to achieve the original unifying goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion.Create a highly collaborative culture full of purpose, focused on what we have in common, not the things that divide us.Align core values between employer and employees for a greater ability to achieve dynamic business results by unlocking employee engagement.Develop discretionary effort from employees and team creativity resulting in high performance across the organization. Two sides of a coin with one goal: deepen employees' care and concern for one another and become a shining example of the best place to work for people of all backgrounds.

  • af Nicole V Law
    310,95 kr.

    The essentials for creating a supportive and inclusive space for allLearning is hard work and the latest education research shows that a sense of psychological safety is a must if we want students to successfully progress along their education journey.In Mindframes for Belonging, Identities, and Equity, yoüll discover 10 unique mindframes backed by extensive education research and real-life scenarios. Through self-reflection and powerful vignettes, yoüll learn how to apply these core principles in your daily life to foster a more inclusive and understanding learning environment. Inside, the authors explore the five critical themes behind these mindframes, including Impact and Efficiency Feedback and Assessment Challenging Growth Learning Culture and Relationships Ownership and AccountabilityHarnessing the power of these mindframes is not just about improving education--it¿s about fostering an environment where every student feels valued, safe, and able to learn without fear.

  • af Margit S. Schiwarth-Lochau
    313,95 kr.

  • af Sarah O¿Shea
    1.221,95 kr.

    This volume provokes conversations and reflections on the most appropriate methodologies to pursue Career Development Learning (CDL) research within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)s. Drawing on studies with Australian students from diverse backgrounds, including low socioeconomic status, regional, rural and remote, with disability, etc., this volume uniquely highlights considerations for contextual and inclusive CDL research which advances multiple SDGs and quality futures across the globe. Although situated in Australian contexts, the case studies have international applicability.This volume provides support to researchers who intend to investigate the effectiveness of career development strategies which further sustainable development objectives. Specifically, the book highlights the importance of partnership and innovative methods in socially-just research methodologies as well as practical ways that these can be undertaken. It encourages readers to consider how they might frame their work in relation to the SDGs and create impactful research which furthers the agenda for sustainable development in localised ways.

  • af Viren Varinder
    132,95 kr.

  • af Anna A. Arinushkina
    1.628,95 - 1.758,95 kr.

    This book presents for the first time the results of scientific research in the field of special education and special psychology carried out by top experts of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. The range of problems discussed in the book reflects the most relevant areas of development of the education system and psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with special educational needs (SEN). Both scientific and methodological developments provide practitioners with modern means of diagnostic, correctional, developmental, and preventive work. Furthermore, responding to the current challenges, the authors present the results of research on the impact of virtual reality on the health of adolescents, the results of an experiment on the study and formation of financial literacy of high-school kids with developmental disorders, highlight approaches to the prevention of auto aggressive behavior in the adolescent environment, and offer the proven technologies for psychological and pedagogical habilitation and rehabilitation of children with SEN of various nosologic groups and children with somatic pathology studying at a hospital school. The theoretical block of the book includes an analysis of the fundamental problems of today's pedagogical and social reality: substantiation of conceptual approaches to the construction of an inclusive space, consideration of the basic psychophysiological mechanisms of speech, the formation of a convergent network educational environment and some other problems that can directly or indirectly affect the quality of education, upbringing, and social adaptation of children with SEN. The book is intended for psychologists, special-need experts, teachers, methodologists, employees of educational organizations working with children with disabilities, specialists in the field of inclusive education, students and teachers of special education, and pedagogical and psychological departments of higher education institutions.

  • af Ushma Multani
    157,95 kr.

    Absorb the culture and traditions of the Diwali festival as you learn about the Diwali Star with Reena, and find out how to use the Diwali Star to make your wish come true. Glowing lights, colorful scenes surround Reena as she travels from Boston to Mumbai and back. On her journey, she learns about the values of kindness and responsibility, how she can give back to her community, and also enjoys making a fun new dessert. This interactive book will give you a chance to complete activities together while making new memories. Do you think Reena's wish will come true?

  • af Kelly-Ann Allen
    1.221,95 kr.

    This book explores contemporary perspectives and research on inclusion, providing a platform for discussing inclusion at an international level and its intersections with belonging and equity. How inclusion is defined and applied between schools, districts, and even countries can vary markedly; thus, an international understanding of inclusion is urgently needed. Experts from several countries in different regions present the latest research in the field of inclusion and provide practices and strategies guided by empirical research to address some of these issues.Schools are contextual organisations that represent the broader society, culture, and values in which they reside. Thus, how inclusion is practised at the society level has an implication on schools. The way we think about inclusion has shifted dramatically in the last decade - we now recognise that inclusion represents a broad spectrum of racial, ethnic, cultural, and sexual diversity that is seen in almost all modern schools.This book presents international perspectives and research on inclusion, belonging and equity to work towards a more consistent, collaborative, and global understanding.

  • af Linda Daniela
    1.328,95 - 1.392,95 kr.

    This book is about the promotion and development of digital solutions for inclusive education, including a variety of hardware, software, digital learning materials, and digital learning content currently available on the market. All of these technological solutions serve as support materials and building blocks for inclusive learning environments but, at the same time, can involve hidden risks which may inadvertently create even greater gaps in inclusive education. This book provides strategies and methodologies that promote the development of opportunities for using digital technologies to support inclusive education. It provides an, understanding how to close the current digital gap while ensuring that the digital technologies selected do not support new risks of exclusion from the digital learning environment, strengthening and augmenting the already existing digital divide.

  • af Nicholas Gage
    1.228,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

    This book examines disproportionality in education, focusing on issues of social justice for diverse and marginalized students. It addresses disproportionality as an indicator of biased practices and uses social justice as the frame for conceptualizing disproportionality historically and as a means to improve educational practice. Chapters explore the historical issue of disproportionality in education; outcomes experienced by racially and ethnically diverse students and students with disabilities, including discipline, bullying, and academic achievement; and ways in which social justice can inform policy and practice to make a positive impact reducing disproportionality in education.Key areas of coverage include:Methodological and statistical concerns in disproportionality research in education.Reviews research and data on disproportionality in education (e.g., disciplinary exclusion, bullying, seclusion and restraint, corporal punishment, school-based arrests, and academic achievement).Social justice as a theoretical and legal driver for change in policy and practice.Educational assessment and intervention practices designed to address disproportionality in education. Disproportionality and Social Justice in Education is a must-have resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, practitioners, and policymakers across such disciplines as clinical child and school psychology, educational psychology and teaching and teacher education, social work and counselling, pediatrics and school nursing, educational policy and politics, public health, and all interrelated disciplines.

  • af Asha Veal Brisebois
    342,95 kr.

    Today, young people are traveling to countries such as South Sudan to work in water treatment, and Vietnam to shoot documentaries about healing after war. They are joining in to perform air guitar at festivals in Finland, and listening intently from within the audience at community film screenings in Rwanda. The challenge of today is not just "where do I fit in one small place," but identity and interaction throughout the world. The Places We've Been: Field Reports from Travelers Under 35 offers a peer-written collection of 48 vivid and transportive, personal and original nonfiction pieces that portray contemporary snapshots across the globe. Contributors include: Theopi Skarlatos, journalist with the BBC Daniel Ketchum, editor at Marvel Comics Derek Helwig, twelve-season producer with The Amazing Race Vanessa Mdee, VJ at MTV Base and HIV/AIDS activist Kaitlin Solimine, co-founder of HIPPO Reads Andrew Bisharat, editor-at-large for Rock and Ice magazine Lisa Dazols, co-filmmaker and blogger of Out & Around Yuki Aizawa, 2007-2008 facilitator at StoryCorps Justin "Nordic Thunder" Howard, 2012 Air Guitar World Champion and many more writers and adventurers, whose publication histories include: The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, Vogue India, San Francisco Chronicle, Condé Nast Traveler, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, Lonely Planet, Velvet Park, Crab Orchard Review, Arts & Letters, Abu Dhabi Film Festival Magazine, and others and whose backgrounds include awards from the: National Endowment for the Arts, Bread Loaf Writers Conference, U.S. Department of State Fulbright Creative Arts Fellows, Hedgebrook Writing Residency, Illinois Arts Council, and more within the book's wide roster, you'll hear from such a range of storytellers, the likes of: a sailor and glaciologist from Scotland, Brooklyn musician, Tanzanian television host, Dubai-based journalist, and a Montreal aerospace medicine enthusiast, plus rural school teachers, a fearless rock climber, five-country midwife, and so many more -- About the editor: Asha Veal Brisebois is the founder of The Places We've Been books. She was the editor for Apsaalooke: Art and Tradition, a catalogue and oral history project which resides in private and public collections including the Smithsonian Institution Libraries.

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