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  • af James Shuttleworth
    463,95 - 598,95 kr.

  • af Health Central
    128,95 kr.

    "Do you want an interactive workbook that will support you in following THE raw vegan healing protocol that has been proven to work time and time again? Then this book is for you!" This is a strategically composed workbook which contains a series of tips, pointers, and protocols which are geared towards healing you naturally. Through years of experience, we learnt a vast amount about human healing and we wanted to deliver this information to you in a practical and applicable way. With the help of this workbook companion, you will now be able to achieve your individual health goals easily. It is now your turn to experience instant positive changes in your life and health. Good luck on your journey.

  • af Health Central
    128,95 kr.

    "Do you want an interactive workbook that will support you in following THE raw vegan healing protocol that has been proven to work time and time again? Then this book is for you!" This is a strategically composed workbook which contains a series of tips, pointers, and protocols which are geared towards healing you naturally. Through years of experience, we learnt a vast amount about human healing and we wanted to deliver this information to you in a practical and applicable way. With the help of this workbook companion, you will now be able to achieve your individual health goals easily. It is now your turn to experience instant positive changes in your life and health. Good luck on your journey.

  • af Health Central
    128,95 kr.

    "Do you want an interactive workbook that will support you in following THE raw vegan healing protocol that has been proven to work time and time again? Then this book is for you!" This is a strategically composed workbook which contains a series of tips, pointers, and protocols which are geared towards healing you naturally. Through years of experience, we learnt a vast amount about human healing and we wanted to deliver this information to you in a practical and applicable way. With the help of this workbook companion, you will now be able to achieve your individual health goals easily. It is now your turn to experience instant positive changes in your life and health. Good luck on your journey.

  • af Health Central
    128,95 kr.

    "Do you want an interactive workbook that will support you in following THE raw vegan healing protocol that has been proven to work time and time again? Then this book is for you!" This is a strategically composed workbook which contains a series of tips, pointers, and protocols which are geared towards healing you naturally. Through years of experience, we learnt a vast amount about human healing and we wanted to deliver this information to you in a practical and applicable way. With the help of this workbook companion, you will now be able to achieve your individual health goals easily. It is now your turn to experience instant positive changes in your life and health. Good luck on your journey.

  • af Health Central
    128,95 kr.

    "Do you want an interactive workbook that will support you in following THE raw vegan healing protocol that has been proven to work time and time again? Then this book is for you!" This is a strategically composed workbook which contains a series of tips, pointers, and protocols which are geared towards healing you naturally. Through years of experience, we learnt a vast amount about human healing and we wanted to deliver this information to you in a practical and applicable way. With the help of this workbook companion, you will now be able to achieve your individual health goals easily. It is now your turn to experience instant positive changes in your life and health. Good luck on your journey.

  • af Health Central
    128,95 kr.

    "Do you want an interactive workbook that will support you in following THE raw vegan healing protocol that has been proven to work time and time again? Then this book is for you!" This is a strategically composed workbook which contains a series of tips, pointers, and protocols which are geared towards healing you naturally. Through years of experience, we learnt a vast amount about human healing and we wanted to deliver this information to you in a practical and applicable way. With the help of this workbook companion, you will now be able to achieve your individual health goals easily. It is now your turn to experience instant positive changes in your life and health. Good luck on your journey.

  • af Health Central
    128,95 kr.

    "Do you want an interactive workbook that will support you in following THE raw vegan healing protocol that has been proven to work time and time again? Then this book is for you!" This is a strategically composed workbook which contains a series of tips, pointers, and protocols which are geared towards healing you naturally. Through years of experience, we learnt a vast amount about human healing and we wanted to deliver this information to you in a practical and applicable way. With the help of this workbook companion, you will now be able to achieve your individual health goals easily. It is now your turn to experience instant positive changes in your life and health. Good luck on your journey.

  • af Health Central
    123,95 - 128,95 kr.

  • af Health Central
    128,95 kr.

    "Do you want an interactive workbook that will support you in following THE raw vegan healing protocol that has been proven to work time and time again? Then this book is for you!" This is a strategically composed workbook which contains a series of tips, pointers, and protocols which are geared towards healing you naturally. Through years of experience, we learnt a vast amount about human healing and we wanted to deliver this information to you in a practical and applicable way. With the help of this workbook companion, you will now be able to achieve your individual health goals easily. It is now your turn to experience instant positive changes in your life and health. Good luck on your journey.

  • af Alexandra Lasczik
    1.608,95 kr.

    This book is a transdisciplinary, international collection situated within a genealogy of experimental walking practices in the arts, arts-based research, and emergent walking practices in education. It brings together emerging cartographies of relation amongst walking practices ranging across arts-based, ecological, activist, decolonising, queer, critical and posthuman modes of inquiry. Its particular investment is in the proliferation of artful modes of inquiry that open up speculative practices and concepts of walking as an orientation for pedagogy, inquiry, and the everyday, resisting the gaze of privilege and the relentless commodification of human and nonhuman life processes. This is important work for the burgeoning demand for creative methodologies in the social sciences, and more specifically, for arts-based educational research.

  • af Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
    308,95 kr.

    Sexo en el templo de Dios: 15 maneras fáciles de comprender, identificar y superar la inmoralidad sexual y las trampas emocionales en su vida se escribió como un libro práctico de "cómo hacerlo" para ayudarlo a terminar con el enredo sexual y emocional para siempre.¿Cuál es mi motivación para escribir este libro? ¿ Por qué querrías leerlo y aplicarlo a tu vida?La motivación : La incidencia de los creyentes atrapados en enredos destructivos parece haber aumentado y sigue siendo una fuente de dolor y angustia para solteros y familias por igual. La inmoralidad sexual no conoce límites. Su influencia insidiosa se ha extendido a instituciones y hogares de personas bien intencionadas que buscan vivir vidas morales y cristianas. Internet con todas sus ventajas no ayuda en absoluto. Internet ha hecho posible el consumo privado de material ilícito a través de la computadora de su casa o dispositivo móvil (teléfono). Tanto jóvenes como adultos pueden acceder no solo a la pornografía, sino también a entablar una relación emocional virtual con desconocidos del otro lado del mundo. Incluso si el contacto físico nunca ocurre, el daño a un matrimonio puede ser devastador cuando la relación en línea se vuelve atractiva para uno de los cónyuges. Los niños, jóvenes y viejos, misioneros, pastores o miembros laicos no son inmunes a la invasión de contenido pornográfico en dispositivos que dejan imágenes que generalmente permanecen hasta el punto de quedar atrapados. Me han llamado para asesorar sobre los tipos de software que podrían ayudar a evitar que estos invasores reciban más víctimas. La televisión y las películas continúan exponiendo a los espectadores a imágenes y contenidos cada vez más tentadores que nos pueden llevar a estilos de vida comprometedores.Hemos contratado a autores cristianos que han probado soluciones prácticas de las Escrituras para evitar las trampas de la inmoralidad sexual. También hay historias de la vida real de las que podemos aprender al trazar nuestro propio curso. He también se dio cuenta de mis propias experiencias después de más de 25 años de mi camino cristiano que pocas veces nos enseñan sobre el sexo UAL importa desde nuestro púlpito. Sin embargo, nuestros hogares, que son la base de la sociedad, han sufrido consecuencias incalculables como resultado de la trampa y el enredo sexual y emocional, ya sea en matrimonios, matrimonios externos, en las escuelas, en nuestras oficinas o en nuestros mercados y en el entorno que da a luz. Mee Too Movements, Luchas de desigualdad de género, Sexo por marcas en nuestras universidades, Sexo por promociones en el lugar de trabajo, Sexo por transferencia, Sexo por privilegios, Sexo por contratos, etc. Estos acontecimientos sorprenden a muchos creyentes que están mal preparados para manejar las enormes tentaciones que tienen que soportar, lo que los ha llevado a convertirse en víctimas de las presiones en el lugar de trabajo. Hay una necesidad de tutoría sobre este tema.

  • af Gail F. Burrill
    1.810,95 kr.

    This book is derived from selected papers from the Fourteenth International Congress on Mathematical Education Topic Study Group 12, Teaching and Learning Statistics. It describes recent research on curriculum, pedagogy and outreach initiatives from countries as diverse as Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The book has a focus on the use of data in the teaching and learning of statistics across grade levels and begins with an overview of the status of statistics education and the use of data from seven different countries across the continents and the link between research and practice in those countries. Because it contains specific examples of the research, for example, on the ways children learn, the choice and implementation of tasks, or the role of informal inference, the book will be a great resource to those interested and involved in the teaching of statistics, curriculum developers, and statistics education researchers.

  • af Sue Dale Tunnicliffe
    1.616,95 - 1.625,95 kr.

    This edited book provides an overview of unstructured and structured play scenarios crucial to developing young children's awareness, interest, and ability to learn Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in informal and formal education environments. The key elements for developing future STEM capital, enabling children to use their intuitive critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, and promoting active citizenship and a scientifically literate workforce, begins in the early years as children learn through play, employing trial and error, and often investigating on their own.Forty-seven STEM experts come together from 16 countries (Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, England, Finland, Germany, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Russia, Sweden, and the USA) and describe educational policies and experiences related to young learners 3-4 years of age, as well as students attending formal-nursery school, early primary school, and the early years classes post 5 years of age.The book is intended for parents seeking to provide STEM activities for their children at home and in playgroups, citizen scientists seeking guidance to provide children with quality educational activities, daycare practitioners providing educational structures for young children from birth to formal education, primary school teachers and preservice teachers seeking to teach preschool, kindergarten or children typically aged 5-8 years old in grades 1-3, as well as researchers and policy makers working in science didactics with small children.

  • af Sixto Romero Sanchez
    1.818,95 kr.

    This volume presents multiple perspectives on the uses of the history of mathematics for teaching and learning, including the value of historical topics in challenging mathematics tasks, for provoking teachers¿ reflection on the nature of mathematics, curriculum development questions that mirror earlier pedagogical choices in the history of mathematics education, and the history of technological innovations in the teaching and learning of mathematics. An ethnomathematical perspective on the history of mathematics challenges readers to appreciate the role of mathematics in perpetuating consequences of colonialism. Histories of the textbook and its uses offer interesting insights into how technology has changed the fundamental role of curriculum materials and classroom pedagogies. History is explored as a source for the training of teachers, for good puzzles and problems, and for a broad understanding of mathematics education policy. Third in a series of sourcebooks fromthe International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Teaching, this collection of cutting-edge research, stories from the field, and policy implications is a contemporary and global perspective on current possibilities for the history of mathematics for mathematics education. This latest volume integrates discussions regarding history of mathematics, history of mathematics education and history of technology for education that have taken place at the Commission's recent annual conferences.

  • af Susanne Østergaard Olsen Mette Risgaard Olsen Ivan Hassinggaard Mia Post-Lundgaard Bjarne Warming Jensen Finn Rolighed Andersen
    568,95 kr.

    International markedsføring, 7. udgave er udarbejdet til undervisning på erhvervsakademiuddannelser og i overensstemmelse med studieordninger og fagplaner.Lærebog og tilhørende opgavesamling med cases og opgaver er velegnet på uddannelser til markedsføringsøkonom, finansøkonom, handelsøkonom, logistikøkonom, serviceøkonom, akademi- og diplomuddannelserne, HA, HD og andre videregående uddannelser, hvor fagområdet markedsføring / marketing indgår i uddannelsesforløbet.Bæredygtighed er blevet et vilkår for mange virksomheder Det må vurderes, at bæredygtighed i de kommende år vil blive indarbejdet i stort set alle sammenhænge på tilsvarende vis, som vi har set det ske i relation til digitalisering. I lærebogen har vi bestræbt os på at indarbejde bæredygtighed, hvor det giver mening - ikke mindst i relation til forretningsforståelse, den tredobbelte bundlinje samt virksomhedens værdigrundlag herunder virksomhedens Mission, Vision og Værdier.Digitalisering er en naturlighed i dagDigitalisering er i dag til stede i stort set alle sammenhænge – ikke mindst inden for markedsføring. Bogens indhold omkring digitalisering er blevet opdateret med seneste viden suppleret med nye eksempler. Undervisningsmaterialet omfatter foruden lærebogen en omfattende opgavesamling med cases og opgaver. Hertil kommer e-læringsmaterialer på bogens website: Gå ind på Trojkas website, klik på ONLINE TROJKA og vælg iTrojka. I den viste bogreol klikkes på ikon med bogens forside.Det er muligt at downloade PowerPoints med alle lærebogens figurer fra bogens website. For undervisere er der adgang til vejledning til løsning af cases og opgaver. Det sidste kræver adgangskode, som undervisere kan få udleveret ved personlig henvendelse via mail til forlaget.Juni 2023Forfatterne

  • af Kristin Lems, Tenena M. Soro & Gareth Charles
    398,95 - 608,95 kr.

  • af Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
    308,95 kr.

    Il sesso nel tempio di Dio - 15 semplici modi per capire, identificare e superare l' immoralità sessuale e le trappole emotive nella tua vita è stato scritto come un libro pratico su "come fare" per aiutarti a porre fine all'intreccio sessuale ed emotivo per sempre.Qual è la mia motivazione per scrivere questo libro, perché vorresti leggerlo e applicarlo alla tua vita?La motivazione : T ha incidenza di credenti rimanere intrappolati in coinvolgimenti distruttive sembra essere aumentato e continua ad essere una fonte di dolore e di angoscia per i single e le famiglie. L'immoralità sessuale non conosce confini. La sua influenza insidiosa si è diffusa nelle istituzioni e nelle case di persone ben intenzionate che cercano di vivere una vita morale e cristiana. Internet con tutte le sue chicche non aiuta affatto le cose. Internet ha reso possibile il consumo privato di materiale illecito tramite il proprio computer di casa o dispositivo mobile (telefono). Sia i giovani che i vecchi possono accedere non solo alla pornografia ma anche impegnarsi in relazioni emotive virtuali con estranei completi dall'altra parte del mondo. Anche se il contatto fisico non si verifica mai, il danno a un matrimonio può essere devastante quando la relazione online diventa seducentemente importante per uno dei coniugi. Bambini, giovani e anziani, missionari, pastori o laici non sono immuni dall'invasione di contenuti pornografici su dispositivi che lasciano immagini che di solito rimangono al punto di rimanere intrappolati. Sono stato chiamato a consigliare tipi di software che potrebbero aiutare a impedire a questi invasori di subire più vittime. La televisione e i film continuano a esporre gli spettatori a immagini e contenuti sempre più allettanti che possono spingerci ulteriormente verso stili di vita compromettenti.Abbiamo ingaggiato autori cristiani che hanno dimostrato soluzioni pratiche scritturali per evitare le insidie ¿¿dell'immoralità sessuale. Ci sono anche storie di vita reale che possiamo imparare nel tracciare il nostro corso. Mi sono anche reso conto dalle mie esperienze personali dopo oltre 25 anni di viaggio cristiano che raramente insegniamo sulle questioni sessuali dal nostro pulpito. Eppure le nostre case, che sono il fondamento della società, hanno subito conseguenze indicibili a causa della questione dell'intrappolamento e dell'entusiasmo sessuali ed emotivi nei matrimoni, nei matrimoni esterni, nelle scuole, nei nostri uffici o nei nostri mercati e nell'ambiente che ha dato vita Mee Too Movements, lotte sulla disuguaglianza di genere, Sex for Marks nelle nostre università, Sex for promozioni sul posto di lavoro, Sex for Transfer, Sex for privileges, Sex for Contracts ecc. Questi sviluppi sono uno shock per molti credenti che non sono preparati a gestire tali enormi tentazioni che devono sopportare, il che le ha portate a diventare vittime delle pressioni sul posto di lavoro. C'è bisogno di tutoraggio su questo argomento.

  • af Katherine M. Robinson
    1.395,95 kr.

    This book focusses on teaching and learning in elementary and middle school mathematics and suggests practices for teachers to help children be successful mathematical thinkers. Contributions from diverse theoretical and disciplinary perspectives are explored. Topics include the roles of technology, language, and classroom discussion in mathematics learning, the use of creativity, visuals, and teachers¿ physical gestures to enhance problem solving, inclusive educational activities to promote children¿s mathematics understanding, how learning in the home can enhance children¿s mathematical skills, the application of mathematics learning theories in designing effective teaching tools, and a discussion of how students, teachers, teacher educators, and school boards differentially approach elementary and middle school mathematics.This book and its companion, Mathematical Cognition and Understanding, take an interdisciplinary perspective to mathematical learning and development in the elementary and middle school years. The authors and perspectives in this book draw from education, neuroscience, developmental psychology, and cognitive psychology. The book will be relevant to scholars/educators in the field of mathematics education and also those in childhood development and cognition. Each chapter also includes practical tips and implications for parents as well as for educators and researchers.

  • af J. G. Cox
    478,95 kr.

    Introducing our NES Social Science 303 Study Guide: Exam Prep and Practice Questions for the National Evaluation Series Test! Cirrus Test Prep's NES Social Science 303 Study Guide includes everything you need to pass the NES Social Science 303 exam the first time.Quick review of the concepts covered on the NES Social Science 303 exam2 full practice tests with detailed answer explanationsTips and tricks from experienced educatorsAccess to online flash cards and moreCirrus Test Prep's NES Social Science 303 Study Guide is aligned with the official NES Social Science 303 exam framework. Topics covered include: US HistoryWorld HistoryGovernmentGeography and CultureEconomicsHistoriography Pearson was not involved in the creation or production of this product, is not in any way affiliated with Cirrus Test Prep, and does not sponsor or endorse this product. About Cirrus Test PrepDeveloped by experienced current and former educators, Cirrus Test Prep's study materials help future educators gain the skills and knowledge needed to successfully pass their state-level teacher certification exams and enter the classroom. Each Cirrus Test Prep study guide includes: a detailed summary of the test's format, content, and scoring; an overview of the content knowledge required to pass the exam; worked-through sample questions with answers and explanations; full-length practice tests including answer explanations; and unique test-taking strategies with highlighted key concepts.

  • af Dashawn Nichol
    183,95 kr.

    World of Fitness is designed to be both a motivational book as well as an introductory guide for bodybuilding. This book caters to those who wish to sculpt their body while looking for the motivation to complete such a task. Included are workout plans, descriptions of workouts, and the anatomy of muscles, as well as descriptions of how to target them to ensure the results one is looking to acquire is achieved. Incorporating real-life scenarios, World of Fitness uses examples from everyday living conditions to add context to the disciplines of the humbling lifestyle. This book is broken down by human fundamentals, addressing the mental and emotional aspects of fitness that needs to be acknowledged prior to committing to the lifestyle, followed by the physical part of fitness.

  • af Lorraine White-Hancock
    1.404,95 kr.

    This book addresses how innovation is generated in transdisciplinary work and learning, focusing on the interface between art, science and technology. It considers innovation in a new way by drawing on ideas about transgression, largely from a feminist perspective. Three of five case studies examined involve Synapse artist-in-residence projects where artists worked in collaboration with scientists in their scientific organisations in Australia as a means of encouraging innovation. The remaining two cases examine innovation and transgression in the collaborative work of the prominent Australian artist Patricia Piccinini and in the German Bauhaus school. This book appeals to artists and scientists, workplace managers, policy makers, researchers and educators interested in STEM or STEAM education.

  • af C. Steve Suh, Wenjuan Li & Zhenghe Song
    1.783,95 kr.

    713,95 kr.

    This Special Issue examines English teachers' perspectives on multilingualism and teaching English in multilingual contexts, implemented or planned teaching practices, and the teachers' intended goals. The research presented in this collection focuses on the perspectives of pre- and in-service teachers in a range of educational settings. Overall, the findings suggest that teachers continue to experience tensions between monolingual and multilingual ideologies and need continued support in adapting to the ever-evolving teaching contexts. While researchers and philosophers of language have been calling for a multilingual shift in education, teacher education and professional development programs lag behind in revising their curricula. Therefore, due consideration must be paid to the teachers; they are the agents of change, but they are also experts and professionals, and their views, knowledge, and pedagogical aims must be treated with respect. Many of the articles presented in this reprint illustrate that collaboration and mentorship between school and university partners can be fruitful, creative, and rewarding. The collection is a call for more opportunities for teachers and researchers to work in tandem to implement multilingual pedagogies that foster equal educational opportunities for all learners across different ages and stages of language development.

  • af Yvonne Goyette
    243,95 kr.

    Young children may excitedly say, "When I grow up, I want to be a __" ... yet no one ever finishes that with "Correctional Officer." Most times on TV or in movies, Correctional Officers are portrayed as "being on the take" or "untrustworthy goons" or inhumanely cruel; they are almost always "the bad guys," nearly as evil as the criminals they incarcerate. First-time Author Yvonne Goyette has written a very unique book because she spent over 25 years as a Correctional Officer, often in maximum-security prisons. She says, "The necessity for men to respect women who work in a male-dominated work environment is paramount to elicit change; otherwise, nothing changes. Yvonne has a very unique voice to a whole new generation. She is a survivor!

    828,95 kr.

    This volume is a reprint of the Special Issue "Theory and Application of Web 3.0 in the Media Sector". Launched to highlight vital multidisciplinary perspectives, the SI's contents are both theory- and application-oriented. The advancements of computational processing and storage capacities (at affordable or decreasing costs), the evolution of content compression techniques, and the constant update of networking infrastructures led to the domination of the so-called User-Generated Content (UGC). The proliferation of mobile devices, offering inherent networking with enhanced content capturing and sharing capabilities, also fueling the models of Participatory and Citizens' Journalism. Thus, the interest has shifted to semantic services, purposing, among others, to automate content production, publishing, validation, documentation, and management. Such technological solutions have already entered the media sector, with their successful growth and elaboration requiring multidisciplinary effort supported by digital literacy initiatives. Nevertheless, further research is needed for the transition to the new media era in which algorithmic automations and semantic services will serve their original purposes, helping both media professionals and broader audiences. A total of 11 contributions were published within this volume, enlightening various aspects of contemporary Web 3.0 services from both technological/algorithmic and conceptual/social science approaches..

    713,95 kr.

    As the crime of human trafficking/modern slavery is multifaceted, collaborating to counter it across sectors, disciplines, regions, and from local to international levels is widely understood to be of utmost importance. However, the processes of organizing and leading robust collaborations are complex and challenging, and to be sustainable, such processes must result in both positive outcomes for the collaborating partners and demonstrable progress toward countering human trafficking. Despite a growing body of published research on anti-trafficking collaboration, many aspects of it remain understudied. In this Special Issue of Societies, researchers and collaboration leaders in the anti-trafficking field share research findings and evidence-supported practices on how to conceptualize, catalyze, and support collaboration to generate and sustain constructive impacts.

  • af Miguel A. Moreno Ph. D.
    446,95 kr.

    In this book, I respond to the need for explanations of UAPs/UFOs, as presented by the Report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. I work within the Framework of the Pentagon's statement that UAPs are real objects with advanced intelligently controlled technologies, which are not ours (US). I present explanations of the Physics of UFOs/UAPs and how they work. I analyze and explain UAPs' flight characteristics. I present explanations for the observables listed by the National Intelligence Director's Report. I address and refute the hypothesis that UAPs are advanced hypersonic drones from Russia or China. I review and address the National Security as well as air safety concerns. I present case evidence and historical data supporting the hypothesis that some UFOs/UAPs are advanced technologies that do not seem to originate from Earth. It is evidence that may be conducive to the discovery, the realization that we are not alone in the Universe. This book is also intended to be used for additional reading in Astronomy and Physics classes.

  • af Darby Hudson
    223,95 kr.

    UM, is a self-help book for creatives, filled with illustrated quotes, ideas and exercises. UM gathers hard-won insight from my own learning and practise across 25 years of creating professionally (and for my own sanity).

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