Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025
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  • af Peter Kemp
    45,95 - 207,95 kr.

    I ”Nyt lys over Marx” giver Peter Kemp, der har beskæftiget sig med marxismen som filosofi og ideologi, den moderne, filosofiinteresserede læser kontant viden om Karl Marx selv og hans forudsætninger. Bogen indledes med en nøgtern introduktion til Marx som filosof, oprører og kritiker. Derefter gives en fremstilling af forskellige nutidige forskeres strid om forståelsen af Marx. Peter Kemp bidrager selv til Marxforskningen med en skildring af forholdet mellem Marx og hans læremester Hegel. Denne skildring er fuld af overraskelser. Marx bliver grundigt afmytologiseret, og den sande marxisme viser sig som en radikal kriseanalyse, der ikke er i modstrid med den ægte humanisme.Bogens sidste kapitler behandler Michel de Certeaus historiefilosofi og det ondes problem ud fra Marx, Nietzsche og Freud. I et tillæg bringes et uddrag på dansk af de Hegel-forelæsninger, der kaster et revolutionerende nyt lys over Marx.Den danske teolog og filosof Peter Kemp (f. 1937) var fra 2001-2007 professor i filosofi ved Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet, og fra 2007 har han været tilknyttet Aarhus Universitet som professor emeritus. Peter Kemp har, siden han blev lektor i filosofi ved Københavns Universitet i 1972, særligt beskæftiget sig med moderne fransk filosofi og har i høj grad bidraget til at introducere de franske filosoffer i Danmark. Han har desuden været filosofianmelder ved Politiken i årene fra 1971 til 1991.

  • af Peter de Hemmer Gudme
    63,94 - 227,95 kr.

    “Fra Nebukadnesar til Hitler. Et rids af zionismens historie” er en historisk gennemgang af zionismen. Bogen er skrevet af journalist Peter de Gemmer Gudme kort efter Hitlers indsættelse som rigskansler i Tyskland, men inden anden verdenskrigs udbrud. I konteksten af nazismens frembrud beskriver Gudme zionismen i et historisk perspektiv og kommer herunder rundt om emner som politisk zionisme, den jødiske renæssance, pogromer i Europa, første verdenskrig, arabere og englændere, zionistiske partier og året, hvor Hitler kom til magten. Peter de Hemmer Gudme (1897-1944) var en dansk journalist og modstandsmand. I 1918 tog han som frivillig til Finland for at kæmpe for landets uafhængighed fra Rusland efter Oktoberrevolutionen i 1917. Gudme var stor fortaler for nordisk solidaritet og gjorde efter sit ophold i Finland tjeneste i den estiske frihedskrig. Efter sin hjemkomst til København helligede han sig journalistikken og arbejdede blandt andet på Ekstra Bladet og Berlingske Tidende, hvor han var udstationeret som krigskorrespondent i Finland under vinterkrigen i 1939-1940. Da Tyskland besatte Danmark i 1940 meldte Gudme sig ind i modstandskampen og brugte sine journalistiske evner ved flere illegale blade, herunder Dagbladet Information, der blev født i krigstid i forlængelse af den illegale presse. I 1944 blev han arresteret af Gestapo og indsat i Shellhuset, men for ikke at komme til at røbe sine hemmeligheder valgte han at tage sit eget liv.

  • - en ukrainsk skæbnefortælling
    af Mark Sullivan
    202,95 - 257,95 kr.

    Da Stalins tropper invaderer Ukraine i marts 1944, må det unge landmandsægtepar Adeline og Emil Martel træffe et svært valg. Sammen med de lige så forhadte nazister vælger de modvilligt at flygte med deres to børn. Det bringer dem ud på en livsfarlig rejse gennem et sønderbombet Europa.

  • af B. R. Ambedkar
    117,95 kr.

    ""Federation Versus Freedom"" is a compelling exploration of the tensions between centralized governance and individual liberties within federal systems. Authored by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, a key architect of the Indian Constitution, this seminal work delves into the complexities of federalism and its implications for democratic governance. Through meticulous analysis and incisive commentary, Ambedkar examines the trade-offs between the advantages of centralized authority for ensuring stability and efficiency and the importance of preserving individual freedoms and local autonomy. Drawing on historical examples and contemporary debates, he scrutinizes the challenges posed by the concentration of power in federal governments and advocates for mechanisms to safeguard the rights of citizens and regions. ""Federation Versus Freedom"" offers invaluable insights into the delicate balance between federalism and liberty, informing discussions on constitutional design and governance structures in diverse federal systems around the world.

  • af Savita Pandit
    180,95 kr.

    ""The World Changers: Top 100 Political Leaders of All Time"" is a compilation recognizing influential figures who have shaped global politics throughout history. Spanning diverse eras and regions, this list celebrates leaders whose actions and ideologies have left a lasting impact on society. From ancient rulers to modern statesmen, each individual is celebrated for their visionary leadership, transformative policies, and contributions to the advancement of human civilization. The selection criteria may include factors such as diplomatic achievements, legislative reforms, revolutionary movements, and advocacy for social justice. By honoring these political leaders, the compilation seeks to inspire reflection on the power of leadership and the potential for positive change in the world. It serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of those who have dedicated their lives to shaping the course of history through their leadership and statesmanship.

  • af Ben Lewis
    399,95 - 1.415,95 kr.

    Oswald Spengler was one of the most important thinkers of the Weimar Republic. In Oswald Spengler and the Politics of Decline, Ben Lewis completely transforms our understanding of Spengler by showing how well-connected this philosopher was and how, at every stage of his career, he attempted to intervene politically in the very real-life events unfolding around him. The volume explains Spengler's politics as the outcome of a dynamic interplay between his meta-historical considerations on world history on the one hand, and the practical demands and considerations of Realpolitik on the other hand.

  • af Brendan McNally
    214,95 kr.

    Accompanying her parents to Berlin in the 1930s, Martha Dodd knew almost nothing about Adolf Hitler or the Nazis. Yet almost overnight, she stepped into the spotlight, and found herself at the over-heated centre of Hitler's 'New Germany', befriending and dating several high-ranking Nazis, including the then-head of the Gestapo.An affair with a dashing Russian diplomat saw her recruited as a spy, and so began a long and tumultuous career in both Berlin and America, including infiltrating First Lady Eleanor Rooevelt's inner circle and playing a key role in Henry Wallace's disastrous 1948 presidential campaign.Betrayed by a Hollywood-hustler-turned-double-agent, Martha spent years under deep FBI surveillance - escaping twice - and went to ground in Cold War Prague, sad, lonely, rich and bored, living out her final decades in a Communist Sunset Boulevard.Largely forgotten, Martha Dodd began emerging as an iconic historical figure in the early 2000s. While her scandalous behaviour and pro-Soviet leanings were never much in dispute, the actual matter of her guilt remained unresolved. Using recently released KGB archived information and FBI files, in Traitor's Odyssey, author and journalist Brendan McNally corrects this, telling the full epic of Martha Dodd's life for the first time, casting her in a new and bright light.

  • af Alex Zakaras
    300,95 - 360,95 kr.

  • af Lamont Robinson
    149,95 kr.

    My purpose here is exclusively to help you focus your mentality on this specific kingdom blueprint of the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) of Christ, that is buried within the Word of God, and bring to light the kingdom principles that are already embedded within you, the king heirs.The objective now is to activate the development of unified kingdom leadership.Today the spoken word and Jesus' works of power were behind man's spiritual creation and is the perfect introduction of mankind into His GodHead. This power is the wisdom of God and is the greater works needed to be exercised by king heirs. It will bring awareness about their hidden treasure and our unlimited potential to demonstrate it in the world. King heirs are endowed with this spoken power to be exerted through the free enterprise system as substrate operations within the marketplace. Being properly positioned in the marketplace is key to raising the leadership foundations for multiple generations (both vertically and horizontally) of young professional adults all within our lifetime.

  • - Politik og parløb
    af Troels Mylenberg
    115,95 - 218,94 kr.

    Troels Mylenberg har sat de to unge politikere Alex Vanopslagh (Liberal Alliance) og Jacob Mark (SF) sammen. De har  talt om politik, fremtid, håb, drømme, nederlag, familie, stress og alt det imellem. De er født med en dags mellemrum i oktober 1991, og både deres opvækst, ungdom og politiske karrierer har mange lighedstræk: De er vokset op i små provinsbyer i skilsmisseramte familier. De er storebrødre med stort ansvar. De havde en skoletid med udfordringer. Og så fik de pludselig et politisk engagement, der bragte dem til tops i et tempo, som de begge har betalt prisen for med voldsomme stressforløb.En af landets mest populære liberalister og en af landets mest populære socialister finder hinanden i opsigtsvækkende fælles svar på, hvordan fremtidens samfund bør indrettes. Der er meget, de er enige om.

  • af Martin Lidegaard
    1.827,95 kr.

    Martin Lidegaard har den faste overbevisning, at vi kan beholde vores gode liv og levere både en planet og en velfærd videre, som vi kan være bekendt. Hvis vi vil. I denne bog giver han sine bud på konkrete løsninger og den fornyelse, som tidens store spørgsmål kræver. Område for område. Bundet sammen i en ny kontrakt mellem Danmarks generationer. For aldrig har vi som samfund mødt større trusler; teknologisk, sikkerhedspolitisk og i forhold til vores trivsel, klima og natur. Omvendt har vi aldrig haft større muligheder. Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.

  • af Anders Bo Rasmussen
    1.827,95 kr.

    PIO – FLUGTEN TIL AMERIKA er fortællingen om en ildsjæl og en fantast, hvis kamp for retfærdighed fik en enorm betydning for samtiden og eftertiden. Det er en beretning om personlig og samfundsmæssig udvikling, om lighed og ulighed, inklusion og eksklusion, og samtidig historien om et af de helt store spørgsmål inden for de seneste 100 års historieskrivning: Why is there no socialism in the United States? Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.

  • af John Ramsay McCulloch
    246,95 kr.

    This volume, Early English Tracts on Commerce, was edited by John Ramsay McCulloch and originally published in 1856. It contains essays on political economy written by: Thomas Mun, Lewes Roberts, Samuel Fortrey, William Petty, Dudley North, and Henry Martyn.In her entry on McCulloch in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Phyllis Deane wrote: "It is now apparent that for most of the half-centurypreceding his death [in 1864] this hard-working, largely self-educated Scot did more than any other economist of this day to introduce the new science of political economy to an interested public." The three edited McCulloch volumes now reprinted by CL Press show the enduring value of McCulloch's service to those interested in the history of economic thought and the historical arc of liberalism.

  • af Germinal Boloix
    267,95 kr.

    Las dicotomías representan una herramienta para buscar la verdad ideoólgica. Esta obra organiza la discusión utilizando la plataforma Ideolocity: Ideología, Humanidad, Principios y Valores, Gobierno, Sociedad, Economía, Filosofía, Ética, Pragmática, y Seguridad y Defensa. Jeremy es el actor principal, se encarga de introducir los temas y dialogar con sus conocidos, amigos y especialistas. La motivación del autor se inició debido a la desastrosa experiencia del Socialismo Absurdo del Siglo XXI en Venezuela, un ciudadano común trata de investigar el por qué de la apatía ciudadana que permitió que tanta incapacidad se hiciera la norma. Después de siete años de investigaciones, publicando siete libros sobre ideología, nace esta obra que presenta algunas de las principales dicotomías que contribuyen a definir y aplicar los conceptos ideológicos. A través de diálogos, el autor y los colaboradores discuten temas de importancia ideológica que permiten reflexionar sobre la conveniencia de determinados conceptos. El autor no esconde su desagrado por las ideologías socialistas y comunistas pero deja a los lectores decidir por su cuenta sobre la conveniencia de ideologías liberales que colocan al individuo libertario por encima de esas soluciones totalitarias retardatarias.

  • af Josh Hammer
    231,95 kr.

    A powerful, next-generation manifesto declaring that the future prosperity and ultimate fate of Western civilization is dependent upon the security and thriving of the Jewish people and the Jewish State of Israel—that the Jewish people’s right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland demands a distinctly realist foreign policy and tight-knit US-Israel relations.

  • af Leigh McGowan
    217,95 kr.

    From viral political content creator Leigh McGowan aka PoliticsGirl, a guide to how we can rebuild democracy, rooted in six guiding American principles.

  • af BIll Adair
    257,95 kr.

    From the Pulitzer Prize-winning founder of Politifact and Duke University Professor Bill Adair, a history of America's 21st-century political liars and a vision for how to make them stop.

  • af Alice Stefanelli
    1.264,95 kr.

    The city of Beirut is increasingly congested, polluted and suffocating. Its already limited green public spaces are under growing threat of privatisation and redevelopment. The State Otherwise examines the difficult predicament of Beirut's public green spaces from the vantage point of the civic campaign to reopen Horsh al Sanawbar, the city's largest public park. Analysing the relationship between neoliberal sectarianism, private interest and political action, the book asks questions about the nature of privatisation of public property, civic society's potential to mobilise individuals and the role of public authorities in promoting the public good.

  • af Anna Marisa Schön
    316,95 - 863,95 kr.

  • af Madeleine Lacsko
    267,95 kr.

    Cancelando o cancelamento: como o identitarismo da militância tabajara ameaça a democracia trata-se de uma investigação jornalística e filosófica sobre esse novo movimento da esquerda progressista, o identitarismo cancelador. Aliando anos de estudos e uma robusta compilação de informações, a jornalista Madeleine Lacsko mostra-nos o que fundamenta e como funciona a mente dos militantes do cancelamento, além de expor o esqueleto das campanhas que assombram a nossa democracia.Com apresentação de Claudio Manoel (o Seu Creysson), do extinto programa humorístico Casseta & Planeta, o livro já nasce rompendo o lugar comum, além do próprio terreno ideológico. A obra traz ainda dois textos de históricos esquerdistas brasileiros que concordam profundamente com as críticas de Madeleine: a introdução do jornalista Raphael Tsavkko Garcia e o posfácio de Aldo Rebelo. É, de fato, preciso cancelar os cancelamentos para manter uma liberdade digna da democracia.

  • af Mallarika Sinha Roy
    244,95 - 705,95 kr.

  • af Silja Häusermann
    453,95 - 1.272,95 kr.

  • af Anthony Seldon
    157,95 kr.

    After fourteen years of Conservative government, we rightly ask what changed for the better or worse during this prolonged period of power? The country experienced significant challenges including austerity, Brexit and Covid: did they militate against the government's making more lasting impact? Bringing together some of the leading authorities in the field, this book examines the impact of Conservative rule on a wide range of economic, social, foreign and governmental areas. Anthony Seldon, Tom Egerton and their team uncover the ultimate 'Conservative effect' on the United Kingdom. With powerful insights and fresh perspectives, this is an intriguing study for anyone seeking to understand the full scope of the Conservative government's influence on our nation. Drawing the immediate lessons from the last fourteen years will be pivotal if the country is to rejuvenate and flourish in the future.

  • af Matthew Longo
    145,95 - 192,95 kr.

    In August 1989, a group of Hungarian activists organized a picnic on the border of Hungary and Austria. But this was not an ordinary picnic-it was located on the dangerous militarized frontier known as the Iron Curtain. Tacit permission from the highest state authorities could be revoked at any moment. On wisps of rumor, thousands of East German "vacationers" packed Hungarian campgrounds, awaiting an opportunity, fearing prison, surveilled by lurking Stasi agents. The Pan-European Picnic set the stage for the greatest border breach in Cold War history: hundreds crossed from the Communist East to the longed-for freedom of the West.Drawing on dozens of original interviews-including Hungarian activists and border guards, East German refugees, Stasi secret police, and the last Communist prime minister of Hungary-Matthew Longo tells a gripping and revelatory tale of the unraveling of the Iron Curtain and the birth of a new world order. Just a few months after the Picnic, the Berlin Wall fell, and the freedom for which the activists and refugees had abandoned their homes, risked imprisonment, sacrificed jobs, family, and friends, was suddenly available to everyone. But were they really free? And why, three decades since the Iron Curtain was torn down, have so many sought once again to build walls?Cinematically told, The Picnic recovers a time when it seemed possible for the world to change. With insight and panache, Longo explores the opportunities taken-and the opportunities we failed to take-in that pivotal moment.

  • af Berber Bevernage
    946,95 kr.

    "This volume offers the first global and systematic overview of populist politics of history in the twenty-first century. An international group of scholars interrogates how and why populists engage with the past. Twelve case studies focus on uses of history and memory by populist movements across the globe - ranging from Brazil to Bangladesh, from Poland to Tanzania. Five thematic chapters zoom in on key features of populism: its relation to time, nationalism, emotions, academic expertise, and the language of 'moral remembrance'. The focus is both on left- and right-wing populism, as well as on oppositional populism and populists in power. This way, the volume presents an empirically rigorous and conceptually innovative analysis of populist historical reason"--

  • af Josh C. Jones
    112,95 kr.

    What if I said, "When they label you MAGA, wear that label proudly"? What would your immediate response be?We've wondered, haven't we? What is it really?Sometimes I wonder, are we truly trying to understand, or are we comfortable delegating our critical thinking to people we do not even know and accepting such a cognitive transplant?The political climate is scorching, intentional flames have been ignited, and assumptions are spreading like wildfire. Innocent people are being burned and scorned by friends and family, and all this is happening because we can't be bothered with conversation or even hear the other person over the gabble of our own voice.That's why I decided to ask, "What is MAGA?"In this book, you will read about what I have learned and discovered through my conversations with people-not from the news media, not from politicians looking for votes, not from what my chosen place of education told me to believe, but from everyday people like you and I-about what MAGA is.Yes, I talked directly with people who are MAGA, who might be MAGA, and who (some very creatively) wished me harm for even asking about or mentioning the acronym MAGA.You will also be enlightened with some logical reasoning and questions to help each one of us to better see through the political manipulation and past our own emotional boundaries; and, maybe, we can even get a glimpse at who our home's enemy is.Join me as we take a short trip down the rabbit hole. But is it truly that complex or strange, or might there actually be a common thread by which we can begin to stitch our home back together?

  • af Michele Lobo
    897,95 kr.

    This accessible book features the diverse voices of scholars and activists working towards climate justice. The collection explores the politics and practices of moving towards solidarity and flourishing in the face of climate change, biodiversity loss and extinction.

  • af Jarrod Tanny
    332,95 kr.

    Are there degrees of coincidence? Is it poor hygiene to "double dip" a chip? Is it appropriate to say "God bless you" to a woman who sneezes if her husband does not? If you named a kid Rasputin, do you think that would have a negative effect on his life? For nine seasons, the Seinfeld gang engaged in argument and debate over such weighty matters of etiquette, leaving no stone unturned, no double-dipped chip ignored, no exposed nipple on a greeting card unexamined. But Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer were hardly the first to do this. In fact, they built their comedy around the sort of discussions we can find in the greatest collection of texts in the Jewish religion: The Babylonian Talmud. Like the eminent Rabbis of ancient Israel and Babylon, the Seinfeld gang spent their days poring over the excruciating minutiae of every single event imaginable. Seinfeld is the Jewish Talmud of a new generation. Thus does Jarrod Tanny bring you the The Seinfeld Talmud - Seinfeld as analyzed by the Sages of the Near East who gave us the illustrious Talmud, which, depending on whom you ask, is either the most comprehensive body of Jewish law ever produced or thousands of pages about nothing. This parodic take on Seinfeld through the lens of Jewishness will appeal to Seinfeld aficionados and anyone interested in the remarkable role Jewish culture has played in shaping American entertainment. Come join the masters of Judaic Law on their quest to master Seinfeld's domain.

  • af Tom Bramble
    162,95 kr.

    Introducing Marxism is published by Socialist Alternative to explain the fundamentals of Marxism for anyone who wants to fight for a better world.Written from an unashamedly partisan perspective, this book offers a starting point for challenging capitalism and overturning oppression.Using modern examples from Australia and the world, it aims to show that Marxism can make sense of this unjust and destructive world while also pointing to the solution: a workers' revolution that smashes the capitalist state and prepares the way for a society in which things are run for the needs of the many, not the profits of the few.This second edition has been fully updated to account for political developments since the book was first published.This book is meant to be read as part of the introductory discussion groups run regularly by Socialist Alternative, Australia's biggest revolutionary socialist organisation. We have branches in most major cities and student clubs on university campuses across the country.Sign up to discuss the book with us and get involved - a member of SA from your area will get in touch. Just go to redflag.org.au/getinvolved

  • af John McClellan
    212,95 kr.

    Piracy flourished in the caribbean because of the existence of pirate seaports such as port royal in jamaica, tortuga in haiti, and nassau in the bahamas.Inspired by notions of self-government, they established a crude but distinctive form of democracy in the bahamas, carving out their own zone of freedom in which indentured servants were released and leaders chosen or deposed by a vote. Discover a plethora of topics such asWhen pirates owned the seasThe roots of piracyThe original pirates of the caribbeanThe pirate roundPiracy after the spanish war of successionThe pirates of the barbary coastThe modern-day piratesAnd much more!This unique book seamlessly weaves together history, adventure, and intrigue, delivering a comprehensive and accurate portrayal of pirates and their enduring legacy. Experience the thrill of pirate lore without the distractions of illustrations or visual aids-this text-only masterpiece allows your imagination to run wild as you envision the daring escapades and untamed characters that define the world of piracy.

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