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Finans og regnskab

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  • af Henri Arslanian
    304,95 kr.

    This book provides a thorough overview of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and digital assets and their impact on the future of money and finance. It provides a 360-degree practical, concise, and engaging overview of all the topics that one interested about digital assets needs to know including how Bitcoin and Ethereum work, an overview of the most important digital assets in the market, and deep dives into the various types of digital assets including cryptocurrencies, stable coins, CBDCs, utility tokens, security tokens, NFTs, and many others. The book also covers all the essentials including DeFi, crypto mining, crypto regulations, crypto investors, crypto exchanges, and other ecosystem players as well as some of the latest global crypto trends from Web 3.0 and the Metaverse to DAOs and quantum computing. Written by a leading industry expert and thought leader who advises some of the leading organisations in the digital assets space globally, this book is ideal foranyone looking to acquire a solid foundational knowledge base of this fast-growing field and understand its potential impact on the future of money.

  • af Matt Kennard
    225,95 kr.

    Silent Coup, written by the acclaimed author Matt Kennard, is a riveting book that will captivate your interest from the first page to the last. Published in 2023 by the renowned Bloomsbury Academic, this book is a must-read for anyone who enjoys insightful and thought-provoking literature. Silent Coup is a masterful blend of intrigue and suspense, showcasing Kennard's ability to weave a compelling narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. As part of the broader genre of contemporary literature, this book offers a unique perspective on the complexities of our modern world. In Silent Coup, Kennard challenges us to question our preconceptions and to engage with the world in new and unexpected ways. A testament to Kennard's storytelling prowess, Silent Coup is a book that will leave you pondering long after you've turned the last page. Don't miss out on this exceptional publication from Bloomsbury Academic.

  • af Barbara Stanny
    187,95 kr.

    Quietly and steadily, the number of women making six figures or more is increasing and continues to rise at a rate faster than for men. From entrepreneurs to corporate executives, from white-collar professionals to freelancers and part-timers, women are forging careers with considerable financial success. In Secrets of Six-Figure Women, Barbara Stanny, journalist, motivational speaker, and financial educator, identifies the seven key strategies of female highearners: A Profit Motive, Audacity, Resilience, Encouragement, Self-Awareness, Non-attachment, and Financial Know-How.Based on extensive research and hundreds of interviews, including more than 150 women whose annual earnings range from $100,000 to $7 million, Barbara Stanny turns each of the six-figure traits into a specific strategy for upping earnings. By rigorously fine-tuning them, readers can, step-by-step, climb the income ladder.

  • af Phineas (P. T. Barnum
    122,95 kr.

    The Greatest Showman in the history of the Universe reveals his secrets for accumulating vast sums of wealth so that anyone can follow his program and become STINKING RICH. After a wonderful career in which he made and lost fortunes, entered bold ventures and had brilliant successes, captivated Kings and Queens, and used his genius, wit and eloquence, P.T. Barnum wrote these GOLDEN RULES for making money. These twenty rules make it easy for anyone to avoid the pitfalls of POVERTY and enjoy life by having the means to be content with WEALTH.

  • - På egen hånd i en vild verden
    af Mikkel Skipper
    197,95 kr.

    SOLO MED AKTIER er til dig, som ved lidt om aktier, men gerne vil vide mere. I en vild verden, med opture og nedture, er man nødt til at have den rette viden for at investere i aktier – ellers er risikoen at markedet snupper dine penge og spilder det eneste du ikke har nok af: Nemlig din tid. Denne bog giver dig den viden, alle bør have, for at investere i aktier. Til dig, som gerne vil oplyses om aktier og aktiehandel. Bogen omfatter at: - Investere i værdi og vækst - Skabe afkast og undgå myter - Mestre en investeringsfilosofi - Håndtere inflation, fald og krak - Finde fantastiske virksomheder - Forstå andre investorers psykologi Bogen introducerer aktier til novicen, men har dybden til at udfordre eksperten.

  • - Skab en passiv indtægt med en udbytteportefølje
    af Linnéa Schmidt
    177,95 kr.

    Derfor elsker jeg udbytteaktier er en bog, som på en letforståelig måde giver dig en introduktion til udbytte og udbytteaktier. Hvad er udbytteaktier, og hvordan kan man bruge dem til at få en passiv indtjening? Dette og meget mere får du svar på i denne bog. Linnéa Schmidt guider dig igennem begreber som udbytte, udbyttevækst, direkte afkast, samt hvordan du finder udbytteaktier og hvad REITs er for noget. Du lærer om Dividend Aristocrats og danske udbytteaktier, og hvordan skat fungerer, når det kommer til udbytte. Sidst, men ikke mindst, fortæller Linnéa åbent om sin egen portefølje, sin udbyttekalender og sin egen overordnede investeringsstrategi – kort sagt deler hun sin vej til at nå drømmen om økonomisk frihed med læseren.

  • - How a Math Genius and a Gang of Scheming Bankers Pulled Off One of the Greatest Scams in History
    af David Enrich
    165,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Charles T. Horngren, Wendy M. Tietz & C. William Thomas
    1.074,95 kr.

  • af Jonathan Berk & Peter Demarzo
    994,95 kr.

    For MBA/graduate students taking a course in corporate finance. This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States Using the unifying valuation framework based on the Law of One Price, top researchers Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo set the new standard for corporate finance textbooks. Corporate Finance blends coverage of time-tested principles and the latest advancements with the practical perspective of the financial manager. With this ideal melding of the core with modern topics, innovation with proven pedagogy, Berk and DeMarzo establish the new canon in finance. For programs and professors who would like a streamlined book that is specifically tailored to the topics covered in the first one-semester course, Corporate Finance: The Core is also available by Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo.

  • af Michael Andersen & Carsten Rohde
    251,95 kr.

    Denne opgavesamling knytter sig til bogen Introduktion til virksomhedens bogføring og regnskab. Ideen er at lære det dobbelte bogholderis systematik og metode. Opgavesamlingen dækker hele forløbet fra dataregistrering på bilag over bogføring af transaktionsdata ifølge bilag til regnskabsafslutning og strukturering af selve regnskabet.

  • af Lisbeth Espensen, Anne Thuen, Pernille Brandstrup & mfl.
    707,95 kr.

    Bogen giver en bred vejledning om sygedagpengelovgivningen og den praksis, der knytter sig hertil, og giver svar på de fleste spørgsmål om sygedagpenge.Denne 5. udgave af bogen er ajourført i forhold til de ændringer, der er sket i sygedagpengelovgivningen siden 2006. Der er sket en række ændringer i sygedagpengesystemet – flere af grundlæggende karakter. Der er således siden da vedtaget mere end 30 lovforslag på området.Bogen er udformet som opslagsbog med flere muligheder for en hurtig og målrettet informationssøgning.

  • af Jens Hansen & Kim Østergaard
    87,95 kr.

    ” Idéen til bogen er opstået på baggrund af en række samtaler om det at gå på pension og de udfordringer, der kan være, når man stopper på arbejdsmarkedet. Specielt, hvis man har været "et med sit arbejde". Det er ikke nyt, at det kan være svært at skifte fra et aktivt arbejdsliv til en pensionisttilværelse. For nogle er skiftet starten på en givtig og indholdsrig tilværelse, hvor der åbner sig nye muligheder. For andre bliver skiftet en så stor nedtur, at de enten bevidstløst søger arbejde igen eller ganske enkelt går i stå. Alkoholmisbrug og depression er desværre ikke unormalt i denne alder. Denne bog prøver at belyse omstændighederne i denne livsfase og kommer med idéer og forslag til et godt liv i ”den tredje alder”.”

  • af Kim Sindberg
    147,95 - 297,95 kr.

    This is the ultimate documentary credit handbook for the person that want an easy and safe way to a successful documentary credit transaction without having to study rules, practices and opinions from many different sources.The book includes a straightforward documentary credit crash course – as well as specific advice to the exporter, importer and transport company – walking through each phase of the documentary credit from the perspective of these 3 key players.A total of 87 specific and practical pieces of advice are collected.The book is also valuable for the documentary credit bank that is advising their customers on how to handle their documentary credits.

  • - En grundbog om regressager
    af Berit Møller Lenschow & Litten Posselt Olsen
    297,95 kr.

    En grundbog om sygedagpengeregres. Bogen giver en indføring i behandling af sygedagpengeregressager.

  • af Holm-Larsen J
    827,95 kr.

    Bogen omhandler reglerne for omsætning af fast ejendom og udlejning af boliger og erhverv. Bogens mange margentekster gør den til et praktisk værktøj, der henvender sig til alle, der i det daglige beskæftiger sig med fast ejendom, f.eks. advokater, ejendomsmæglere, pengeinstitutter og realkreditinstitutter. Bogens forfatter, Jytte Holm-Larsen, er praktiserende advokat og har gennem mange år undervist på ejendomsmægleruddannelsen.IndholdsfortegnelseForordKapitel I. Fast ejendomKapitel II. ForbrugerbeskyttelseKapitel III. ByggeteknikKapitel IV. ReguleringslovgivningKapitel V. Erhvervelse af fast ejendomKapitel VI. Tvangsauktion over fast ejendomKapitel VII. Lejelovgivning - BoligKapitel VIII. Lejelovgivningen - ErhvervKapitel X. SkatKapitel XI. Ejendomshandlens berigtigelseForkortelseslisteStikordsregister

  • af Finn Träff
    1.057,95 kr.

    Bogen beskriver retsreglerne inden for køb og salg af fast ejendom. Forfatteren belyser sammenhængen mellem de mange forskellige retsregler, der har indflydelse på omsætningen af fast ejendom, og behandler en lang række problemstillinger, bl.a.: Ejendomsformidlerens opgaverKøbsaftalens indgåelse og købers fortrydelsesretTilstandsrapport og ejerskifteforsikringDE´s standardkøbsaftale med udførlige kommentarerRealkreditlån, kurssikring og reguleringsklausulerAdvokatens juridiske og økonomiske rådgivningEjendomshandelens berigtigelseBeskatning ved salg af fast ejendom Denne 4. udgave er ajourført frem til 1. maj 2011. Målgruppe Bogen er skrevet som lærebog til faget omsætning af fast ejendom for de studerende ved Københavns Universitet. Herudover er bogen velegnet som håndbog for advokater, ejendomsmæglere og andre, der har brug for at sætte sig ind i sammenhængen mellem de mange regler inden for retsområdet. Om forfatteren Advokat Finn Träff er advokat i København med speciale i fast ejendom. Han er LL.M. fra det Europæiske Universitetsinstitut i Firenze og har været lektor i faget omsætning af fast ejendom ved Københavns Universitet i perioden 1992-2005.

  • af Marie Skovgaard
    197,95 kr.

    Denne nye bog i serien Den Lille Guide introducerer læseren til succesfuld investering i udlejningsejendomme. Uanset om man er nybegynder eller har lidt erfaring som ejendomsinvestor, lærer man at mestre markedet, spotte de gode investeringer og maksimere sin profit. Bogen henvender sig til alle, som interesserer sig for investering. Dens formål er at introducere læseren til investering i udlejningsejendomme med en stabil lejeindtægt og potentiale for værdistigning. Det er vejen til langsigtet økonomisk og stabil vækst og inflationssikring. Guiden handler om investering i alt fra huse, lejligheder og sommerhuse til hele ejendomme. Læseren får konkrete eksempler på forskellige investeringsstrategier og bliver taget igennem markedstendenser, værdiansættelse, afkastberegning, finansiering, køb og administration. Uanset hvor aktiv en ejendomsinvestor, man har lyst til at være, er der konkrete råd og værktøjer at hente gennem hele bogen. Uden at overvælde læseren giver bogen en introduktion til et stort og spændende felt. Bogen er den første om emnet målrettet helt almindelige mennesker, der er nysgerrige på egne muligheder på ejendomsmarkedet. Om forfatteren Marie Skovgaard er advokat og har de sidste 9 år arbejdet med investering, drift og optimering af udlejningsejendomme. Hun sidder som fast udlejerrepræsentant i Københavns huslejenævn og lægdommer ved boligretten på Frederiksberg. Marie er gæsteunderviser i brancheforeningen Ejendom Danmark i fagene Boliglejeret og Erhvervslejeret og medlem af et lejeretligt netværk. Marie har hjemmesiden og Instagramprofilen @marie.skovgaard.

  • - Una Guia Para Personas Normales Sobre Como Construir Verdadera Libertad Financiera Y Aprender El Juego Del Dinero Volumen 3
    af Income Mastery
    282,95 - 307,95 kr.

    ¿Qué es lo primero que viene a tu mente al mencionar las palabras: dinero, finanzas, economía, inversión? ¿Te da un sentimiento de empoderamiento o te sientes intimidado y aterrado con la idea de manejar grandes cantidades de dinero? ¿Eres capaz de gestionar tus finanzas personales? ¿Te sientes seguro al tomar decisiones relacionadas al dinero? ¿Te sientes merecedor de abundancia? ¿Has pensado en ser millonario? Aprovecha este primer momento para evaluarte; puede que seas bueno manejando tus finanzas y estés aquí para afinar ciertas habilidades o puede que, como muchos, no tengas claro qué hacer para tener el control de tus cuentas personales o familiares. Sea cual sea el caso, quiero que pongas las preocupaciones a un lado para que puedas interiorizar la información que estás por recibir.En este libro podrás encontrar:Importancia de la inteligencia financieraReprograma tu menteHábitos mas importantes¿Qué tan importante es la disciplina para esto?Como utilizar las historias de InstagramY mucho más…¡Te esperamos en esta aventura del estudio de la inteligencia financiera, y no te olvides de consultar los otros volúmenes de esta serie!

  • - Spilleregler for bestyrelser, beboere og ansatte i den almene boligsektor
    af Birthe Houlin
    487,95 kr.

    Denne håndbog handler om den almene bolig, som er en unik boligform for Danmark.Ca. 1 million mennesker bor i boligområder med nærdemokrati. De vælger egne bestyrelser og har stemmeret ved større beslutninger.Det er en stor udfordring for enhver at skulle sætte sig ind i reglerne for beboerdemokratiet og for lovgivningens øvrige spilleregler for administration af almen boliger.Du kan hente konkret hjælp i denne grundige håndbog, der egner sig til opslag og uddannelsesformål.Håndbogen er skrevet af advokat i KAB Birthe Houlind, men med bidrag fra en række eksperter i og udenfor KAB.

  • af Kevin Sullivan
    276,95 kr.

    Anti–Money Laundering in a Nutshellis a concise, accessible, and practical guide to compliance with anti–money laundering law for financial professionals, corporate investigators, business managers, and all personnel of financial institutions who are required, under penalty of hefty fines, to get anti–money laundering training.Money laundering is endemic. As much as 5 percent of global GDP ($3.6 trillion) is laundered by criminals each year. It’s no wonder that every financial institution in the United States—including banks, credit card companies, insurers, securities brokerages, private funds, and money service businesses—must comply with complex examination, training, and reporting requirements mandated by a welter of federal anti–money laundering (AML) laws. Ignorance of crime is no excuse before the law. Financial institutions and businesses that unknowingly serve as conduits for money laundering are no less liable to prosecution and fines than those that condone or abet it.In Anti–Money Laundering in a Nutshell: Awareness and Compliance for Financial Personnel and Business Managers, Kevin Sullivan draws on a distinguished career as an AML agent and consultant to teach personnel in financial institutions what money laundering is, who does it, how they do it, how to prevent it, how to detect it, and how to report it in compliance with federal law. He traces the dynamic interplay among employees, regulatory examiners, compliance officers, fraud and forensic accountants and technologists, criminal investigators, and prosecutors in following up on reports, catching launderers, and protecting the integrity and reputations of financial institutions and businesses. In particular, corporate investigators will gain rich insights winnowed from the author's experiences as a New York State and federal investigator.

  • af Ilya Strebulaev
    217,95 kr.

    FINANCIAL TIMES BUSINESS BOOK OF THE MONTH 'Full of powerful, practical lessons on changing how we think and act.'Eric Schmidt, former CEO and Chairman of Google'Many principles mentioned in the book helped us build Zoom, and they will help you as well.'Eric S. Yuan, founder and CEO, ZoomInspired by venture capitalists' unique way of thinking, The Venture Mindset offers a transformative playbook for delivering results in a rapidly changing world from a top Stanford professor and a technology executive.Venture capitalists are known for their extraordinary ability to spot opportunities. They know how to identify emerging trends, how to bring new industries into being, and when to hold them and when to fold. Their unique way of thinking has made them the force behind world-changing companies such as Amazon, Google, Moderna, SpaceX, and Zoom. Stanford Professor Ilya Strebulaev has devoted two decades to studying VCs' counterintuitive approaches to decision-making and the reasons behind the successes and failures of corporate innovations. Alex Dang has witnessed up close how VCs' thinking and mechanisms can create successful businesses at companies like Amazon and McKinsey. Combining their insight and extensive experience, they present nine distinct principles that will help you make better decisions, transform your business, and achieve remarkable results, no matter your industry. In The Venture Mindset, you'll learn:- One question VCs ask that will change the way you evaluate opportunities- Why you should encourage dissent and be wary of consensus- The number one killer of innovation in traditional corporate environments- Why it's crucial to learn when to 'pull the plug' on initiatives- Why failure is not just an option, but a necessity Packed with entertaining stories and scientific precision, The Venture Mindset is a must-read for anyone who wants to be better equipped for the era of uncertainty when industry, company, and career can be disrupted overnight. The Venture Mindset will teach you more than how to simply survive. It'll teach you how to win big.

  • af Carrie Sun
    297,95 kr.

    "When we meet Carrie Sun, she can't shake the feeling that she's wasting her life. The daughter of Chinese immigrants, Carrie excelled in school, graduated early from MIT, and climbed up the corporate ladder, all in pursuit of the American dream. But at twenty-nine, she's left her analyst job, dropped out of an MBA program, and is trapped in an unhappy engagement. So when she gets the rare opportunity to work at one of the most prestigious hedge funds in the world, she knows she can't say no. ... Carrie is the sole assistant to the firm's billionaire founder. ... Playing the game at the highest levels, amid the ultimate winners in our winner-take-all economy, Carrie soon finds her identity swallowed whole by work. With her physical and mental health deteriorating, she begins to rethink what it actually means to waste one's life"--

  • af Frank Albert
    112,95 kr.

    In the compelling and illuminating book, 15 Laws of Money: The Strangest Secrets The Super-Rich Don't Want You to Know, readers embark on a captivating journey through the hidden principles that have propelled the wealthy towards financial success. Unveiling the enigmatic secrets guarded by the super-rich, this book offers a unique blend of practical wisdom, inspiring anecdotes, and strategic insights that empower individuals to navigate the complexities of money management with confidence.From mastering the power of compound interest to building multiple income streams and cultivating an abundance mindset, each of the 15 laws is intricately explored, leaving readers eager to adopt these transformative strategies.Drawing from real-life experiences and the wisdom of financial luminaries, the book delves into the psychology of saving and spending, teaching readers the art of delayed gratification and the importance of aligning spending with personal values.Through stories of resilience and triumph, readers are inspired to overcome financial obstacles and embrace serendipity, realizing that challenges are stepping stones to growth.Furthermore, the book unravels the secrets of networking for opportunities, emphasizing the power of human connections, trust, and strategic partnerships in propelling financial prosperity.The allure of 15 Laws of Money: The Strangest Secrets the Super-Rich Don't Want You to Know lies not only in its depth of knowledge but also in its approachable and engaging style. Whether a seasoned investor or someone starting their financial journey, this book is a valuable resource that ignites the desire to seize control of one's financial destiny, propelling them towards a life of prosperity, contentment, and financial freedom.

  • - Se nu ISBN 9788761945372
    2.887,95 kr.

    Revisorhåndbogen er et opslagsværk, opdelt i en regnskabs- og en revisionsdel.Revisorhåndbogen - Revision giver dig viden om gældende revisorlovgivning, kvalitetskontrol, revisionsstandarder og -udtalelser, retningslinjer for revisors etiske adfærd mv.

  • af Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak
    264,95 kr.

    On title page, the letter 'i' in the word crises is represented by an exclamation point.

  • af Christos V. Gortsos
    1.651,95 kr.

    In two volumes, this book covers in a comprehensive, internally balanced, systematic and detailed way the field of European Union (EU) banking law and regulation. In three parts, Volume I offers a brief introduction to the role of banks in the contemporary financial system and the theory of banking regulation, a thorough analysis of international financial standards which are contained in the sources of public international banking law (and of public international financial law, in general), a detailed presentation of the gradual evolution and the sources of EU banking law, as well as a precise analysis of the law-making process and the key institutional aspects of this branch of EU economic law. The standards and rules adopted and the institutions created in the aftermath of the (2007-2009) global financial crisis and the subsequent euro area fiscal crisis, as well as during the current pandemic crisis are discussed, as appropriate. A detailed analysis of the substantive aspects ofEU banking law will follow in Volume II

  • - Sådan tjener du penge på den grønne omstilling
    af Magnus Barsøe
    197,95 kr.

    Vi ved det godt: Klimakrisen er tidens største politiske, sociale og økonomiske problem. Vores afhængighed af fossile brændsler risikerer reelt at blive menneskehedens endeligt. Vi skylder fremtidige generationer at sætte alt ind for at reducere udledningen af drivhusgasser. Lige nu. Men glem alt dette et øjeblik. Det grønne pengetræ er hverken en appel til din dårlige samvittighed eller dit varme hjerte. Bogens altoverskyggende argument er kynisk: Vi skal sætte tryk på den grønne omstilling, fordi der er gode penge at tjene på den. Vi skal erstatte det fossile med grønt, fordi det er en guldrandet forretning for danske virksomheder, almindelige lønmodtagere og din privatøkonomi.Igennem interviews med alt fra topchefer til havnearbejdere og atomfysikere, understreger Magnus Barsøe det imponerende potentiale inden for de grønne investeringer. Han kommer med politiske forslag, der kan sætte skub i den grønne omstilling og leverer en bredside til venstrefløjens vækstkritikere. Og han tager fat på et af de mest kontroversielle emner i klimadebatten: atomkraft.

  • af Charles F. Haanel
    187,95 kr.

    The Book that will not only leave you 'feeling' good, but also 'thinking' good. The Master Key is here given to the world as a means of tapping the great Cosmic Intelligence and attracting from it that which corresponds to the ambitions, and aspirations of each reader. The Master Key teaching has been published in the form of a Correspondence Course of 24 lessons, delivered to students one per week for 24 weeks. The reader, who now receives the whole 24 parts at one times, is warned not to attempt to read the book like a novel, but to treat it as a course of study and conscientiously to imbibe the meaning of each part - reading and re-reading one part only per week before proceeding to the next. Otherwise the later parts will tend to be misunderstood and the reader's time and money will be wasted. Used as thus instructed "The Master Key" will make of the reader a greater, better personality, and equipped with a new power to achieve any worthy personal purpose and a new ability to enjoy life's beauty and wonder.

  • af Jan Karl Baedeker
    612,95 kr.

    "Classic Driver" as a classic printed edition: For fans of vintage cars and rare vehicles Classic Driver is the online mecca for lovers of classic cars and exclusive crafts: a marketplace for high-quality cars, motorbikes, boats and vintage collectibles. Besides special events and auctions for the finest classic cars, the platform offers an online magazine with informative articles worth reading from the world of luxury crafts. Now, the new yearbook compiles the greatest highlights: fascinating reports from insider circles and high-class photos of classic cars. - A yearbook with the best photos and reports from the online magazine "Classic Driver"- Ideal gift for car lovers and collectors: perfectly staged vintage cars- From Alfa to Zagato: classic automobiles of all brands- Exclusive luxury cars: individual models, prototypes, small series, conversions- A high-quality coffee-table book with brilliant photos and insider articles Best of: Breathtaking photos of vintage cars and fascinating background stories This year sees the first "Classic Driver" annual: a book on classic cars for people with fuel in their veins, who appreciate historic cars just like the latest Gran Turismo. The high-quality coffee-table book is the perfect gift for dear friends and acquaintances or a jewel for your own shelf. Whether you wish to luxuriate in excellent photos of the most beautiful vintage cars worldwide or just learn something about car makers or the art of engineering - this book is the right thing for you!

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