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Finans og regnskab

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  • af Daniel Cohen de Lara
    231,95 kr.

    Un livre synthétique et complet, qui va à l¿essentiel afin de maîtriser l¿utilisation des chandeliers japonais ! Dans la collection « Les essentiels de l¿AFATE », par l¿auteur du « Pouvoir d¿Ichimoku ».La représentation des cours boursiers à partir des chandeliers date du XVIIIe siècle au Japon mais il a fallu attendre la fin des années 1980 pour voir son introduction dans le monde occidental où elle s¿est rapidement imposée.Les chandeliers japonais illustrent un des éléments déterminants des marchés, à savoir le combat permanent entre les camps acheteur et vendeur. La compréhension de ce mécanisme, qui est le fil rouge du livre, permettra au lecteur de maîtriser les bases des marchés financiers.Les figures classiques de continuation et de retournement de tendance sont décrites sous l¿angle de ce rapport acheteur/vendeur. Le lecteur apprendra à reconnaître une étoile du matin, une étoile du soir, un bébé abandonné et bien d¿autres figures prédictives. La complémentarité avec les outils classiques de l¿Analyse Technique (supports, résistances, bandes de Bollinger, Fibonacci et quelques indicateurs) permettra au lecteur d¿affiner sa compréhension et sa pratique de la Bourse.Ce livre s¿adresse tout autant au lecteur qui fait ses premiers pas en analyse boursière et qui souhaite acquérir les bases de la méthode, qüà celui qui a déjà développé une première approche et qui veut professionnaliser sa pratique.Diplômé d¿une grande école d¿ingénieur (Institut d¿Optique Graduate School) et titulaire d¿un MBA obtenu à HEC Paris, Daniel Cohen de Lara a dirigé, en position d¿actionnaire de référence, des PME industrielles de plusieurs centaines de personnes durant 25 ans. Reconverti à l¿investissement boursier il y a une quinzaine d¿années, la découverte d¿Ichimoku a bouleversé favorablement son approche des marchés et ses résultats personnels. Il est associé depuis plus de 5 ans au sein de la société NEXT MOMENTUM, cabinet de conseil spécialisé dans les recommandations boursières à destination d¿une clientèle corporate et de formation à l¿analyse technique et aux méthodes de trading. Il a été président de l¿AFATE (Association Française des Analystes Techniques) de 2019 à 2024. Il est aussi l¿auteur du livre référence sur la méthode Ichimoku « Le Pouvoir d¿Ichimoku ».

  • af Kuat B. Akizhanov
    1.299,95 kr.

    This book explores the causes of rising income inequality within industrialised, developing, and emerging economies. The development of finance capitalism over the last 40 years is charted to highlight how the neoliberal restructuring of national and global economies has driven income inequality. With case studies from the USA, South Korea, Argentina, and Sweden, a comparative analysis is presented to reveal how financialisation facilitates uneven capital accumulation and generates conditions that increase income inequality.This book aims to outline an analytical framework for a financialisation-induced income inequality nexus. It will be relevant to students and researchers interested in the political economy and financial economics.

  • af Marusha Eabden
    127,95 kr.

    Good old-fashioned associate promotion is the lifeblood of many businesses, but it is often underrated or disregarded in favour of other factors. In this handbook, I will take you on a journey through the inner workings of a well-oiled associate software. We'll discuss everything from the importance of using one of these systems to getting associates to sell when you need them to, as well as some statistics to help you prove that this is one of the most profitable aspects of online business, and I'll make sure to include at least one interactive quiz to make things more exciting and to test your knowledge.

  • af Teresa Villaruz
    159,95 - 202,95 kr.

  • - Forrent din formue, bevar din købekraft, forstå din risiko
    af Mikkel Skipper
    168,95 kr.

    “FORRENT DIN FORMUE, BEVAR DIN KØBEKRAFT, FORSTÅ DIN RISIKO”Denne bog går i dybden med, hvordan almindelige mennesker kan forrente deres formue med indeksfonde.Forfatteren gennemgår, hvordan du lægger en god strategi for dig selv, sammensætter en portefølje til din risiko, vurderer afkastet i forskellige indeks, overvejer om du køber dyrt eller billigt og om du skal bekymre dig for børskrak.Bogen er mere en strategibog end en handelsmanual, hvor du lærer at undgå kostbare begynderfejl og desuden får adgang til central viden om indeksfonde, der er underbygget økonomisk.

  • af der Wealthtrader. de
    332,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist Ihr unverzichtbarer Wegweiser durch die faszinierende Welt der Finanzmärkte. Dieses umfangreiche Handbuch entmystifiziert die Komplexität der Börse und bietet Ihnen alles, was Sie wissen müssen, um Ihren Einstieg in den Handel selbstbewusst und informiert zu gestalten.Von den Grundlagen der Börse, über wichtige Handelsinstrumente und -strategien, bis hin zu fortgeschrittenen Themen wie globale Märkte und Risikomanagement - dieses Buch deckt jedes notwendige Thema ab, um Ihnen einen soliden Grundstein für Ihre Handelskarriere zu bieten. Mit klaren Erklärungen wird dieses Buch zu Ihrem vertrauenswürdigen Begleiter auf dem Weg zu einem erfolgreichen Börsenhändler.Ob Sie nun in Aktien, Anleihen, ETFs oder Derivate investieren möchten, dieses Handbuch bereitet Sie auf die vielfältigen Chancen und Herausforderungen des Börsenhandels vor. Lernen Sie, wie Sie Markttrends analysieren, Portfolios diversifizieren und psychologische Fallen vermeiden, um fundierte und gewinnbringende Entscheidungen zu treffen.Machen Sie den ersten Schritt in eine aufregende Zukunft an der Börse. Dies ist mehr als ein Buch - es ist Ihr persönlicher Leitfaden in die Welt des Investierens, der Sie befähigt, die Kontrolle über Ihre finanzielle Zukunft zu übernehmen. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Börse und entdecken Sie die Möglichkeiten, die auf Sie warten.

  • af Sami Basly
    1.697,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the rapidly expanding field of decentralized finance (DF) and discusses how entrepreneurs can leverage it in their business activities.Decentralized finance (DF) is a system for exchanging value without centralized intermediaries. It relies heavily on peer-to-peer lending and borrowing, decentralized exchanges, trustless systems, and blockchain. Decentralized Finance is seen as a disruptive technology that could replace traditional financial systems in the future due to its advantages of being inclusive, non-discriminatory, resilient to risk management failures, cost-effective for lenders and borrowers to access the system and more efficient in terms of financial intermediation through automated trustless systems. This book explains the challenges and opportunities that these blockchain-based financial innovations present for both entrepreneurship and the broader financial system.

  • af Mehmet Bulut
    1.693,95 kr.

    The edited collection offers a comprehensive and intricate exploration of Ottoman cash waqfs, extending its scope from the early modern era to the onset of the twentieth century. It delves into the historical evolution of these private Islamic financial institutions, shedding light on their enduring influence and drawing insightful parallels with both contemporary Middle Eastern and European financial systems. Leveraging newly uncovered data spanning various regions of the Ottoman Empire, this work scrutinizes the dynamic functions of waqfs, revealing their significant imprint on today's financial paradigms. It advances existing scholarship by employing quantitative methodologies and systematic analysis of these emergent datasets, facilitating a sophisticated, longitudinal study of cash waqfs within the broader spectrum of historical interest rate trends and global credit markets. The chapters trace the transformation of waqfs from entities primarily holding immovable assets to those managing movable assets (cash waqfs), delineating their role in generating revenue for diverse purposes. These encompass funding state debts, fostering infrastructure development, and extending microcredit to economically marginalized segments of society. Additionally, the book explores the challenges and failures encountered in the transition of financial institutions during the Ottoman era, particularly in the context of the emergence of large public banks. The concluding segment of the book offers a comparative analysis of financial systems across various countries, including the shift from private to public banking in Italy, and contemplates the potential applicability of waqf models in contemporary microcredit initiatives and sustainable development strategies. This volume will appeal to scholars of financial history, economic history, Ottoman studies, and Islamic finance.

  • af Alan Asp
    186,95 kr.

    DOES YOUR BUSINESS AND FAMILY STRUGGLE WITH CASH FLOW, DEBT, EXPANSION? In MY JEWISH JOURNEY, Readers will: - Reshape Their View of Money- Discover the Secrets to True Abundance- See God's Provision in Every Area of Life and Business- Become a Resource for the Kingdom After Alan incorporated every facet of his financial recovery and Jewish Journey into daily life, it took ten years, but he was able to overcome debt and find his authentic self.

  • af Alan Asp
    186,95 kr.

    DOES YOUR BUSINESS AND FAMILY STRUGGLE WITH CASH FLOW, DEBT, EXPANSION? In MY JEWISH SECRET, Readers will: - Reshape Their View of Money- Discover the Secrets to True Abundance- See God's Provision in Every Area of Life and Business- Become a Resource for the Kingdom After Alan incorporated every facet of his financial recovery and Jewish Journey into daily life, it took ten years, but he was able to overcome debt and find his authentic self.

  • af Melissa Villalobos
    1.057,95 kr.

    El Libro tiene como objetivo comprender la neuroexperiencia sensorial como innovación gerencial en emprendimientos gastronómicos. Fue sustentada en los autores Braidot (2009), Schmitt (2006), Manzano (2012), Stevenson (2001), Daft (2005), Drucker (1997). En Síntesis, los emprendimientos gastronómicos tienen grandes oportunidades en los mercados emergentes, dentro de los cuales existen consumidores dispuestos a dejarse seducir por todas las propuestas comerciales que los lleven a recorrer espacios donde se genere un Universo de Neuroexperiencia sensorial a través de la innovación gerencial que se alcanza a manifestar en marcas gastronómicas más vívidas, cálidas y humanas que buscan posicionarse en el mercado en miras de tener un crecimiento orgánico en la búsqueda de su sostenibilidad y permanencia en el tiempo.

  • af José Enrique Flores Arguelles
    504,95 kr.

    Este trabajo de investigación se realizó bajo un enfoque metodológico descriptivo y cuantitativo y se aplicó a una muestra aleatoria simple de 108 gerentes de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) ubicados en la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, pertenecientes al sector comercio, con una fuerza laboral entre 10 y 250 trabajadores con una antigüedad mínima de cinco años en el mercado. El objetivo es analizar las principales dificultades y retos que enfrenta la gestión empresarial y cómo las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) influyen en el uso de estrategias en el proceso administrativo. Los principales resultados muestran que el diagnóstico realizado mostró que, a pesar de que los directivos de las pymes son conscientes de los beneficios que supone el uso de herramientas tecnológicas en la gestión empresarial, muchas de ellas muestran resistencia a su implementación. Como conclusión final, en la actualidad, la globalización está generando constantes transformaciones y, con el fin de mantenerse en un entorno global altamente competitivo, las pymes deben adentrarse en la era digital y adoptar las tecnologías de la información dentro de sus procesos administrativos.

  • af Julian Solowjeff
    1.295,95 kr.

    Die Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung ist seit 1972 eine bekannte Maßnahme des nationalen Steuerrechts, um die rein künstliche Gewinnverlagerung ins Ausland zu vermeiden. Trotz ihres stolzen Alters hat die Diskussion um die Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung infolge der Reform der nationalen Regelungen durch das ATADUmsG jüngst wieder an Fahrt aufgenommen. Der Autor befasst sich umfassend mit den Änderungen der nationalen Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung infolge des ATADUmsG. Der Fokus liegt auf den Änderungen, die sich bei Unternehmensakquisitionen ergeben. Der Arbeit liegt damit eine vergleichende Betrachtung zwischen alter und neuer Rechtslage zugrunde. Die eintretenden Änderungen werden durch diverse Handlungsalternativen anschaulich herausgearbeitet. Zudem legt der Autor dar, ob und inwiefern die nationalen Regelungen den sekundärrechtlichen Vorgaben der ATAD genügen oder gar über diese hinausgehen.

  • af Jr. Anthony G. James
    509,95 kr.

    Financial management has a significant impact on family well-being. Effective financial management can help families reduce financial stress, increase their savings and investments, and achieve their financial goals. Family Financial Resource Management: Foundational Knowledge and Strategies provides readers with an overview of best practices for financial management within the context of family life, including budgeting, debt management, and saving and investing. The text addresses financial situations that arise at different points in the life course and decisions individuals and families may want to consider over time to promote well-being and financial success. Part one includes an introduction and a set of theories to help the reader as they move through subsequent sections. Part two covers the technical details of budgeting, debt management, and saving and investing, as well as financial "to-do" checklists for important states across the family life course. The final part provides readers with tangible examples and tools that can be used or enacted in their family lives across different periods to promote optimal financial decision making. Family Financial Resource Management is an excellent resource for courses in family science, personal finance, and financial counseling, as well as for individuals and families interested in improving their knowledge regarding financial management.

  • af Stephen Mettling, David Cusic & Ryan Mettling
    328,95 kr.

  • af Stephen Mettling
    328,95 kr.

  • af Elohor Oghens-Ogedegbe
    878,95 kr.

    L'objectif principal de toute entreprise est de créer des clients, car la satisfaction et la confiance des clients se traduiront par des achats répétés pour l'entreprise, ce qui améliorera ses performances organisationnelles. Les clients sont extrêmement attentifs aux prix, plus intelligents, moins indulgents et plus exigeants. Le défi consiste donc à produire des clients loyaux et ravis qui, s'ils sont conservés au sein de l'organisation, se révèlent très rentables et deviennent finalement des ambassadeurs de l'organisation. De nombreuses organisations se rendent compte qu'il n'est pas toujours facile pour la concurrence de reproduire les aspects intangibles d'une relation, ce qui leur confère un avantage concurrentiel unique. La Zenith Bank est confrontée à un problème majeur d'attrition de la clientèle. La banque a fait de la "passion pour les clients" l'une de ses valeurs fondamentales, mais cela ne semble pas être le cas car le personnel de l'organisation ne se préoccupe pas outre mesure de la satisfaction, de la fidélité et de la rétention des clients. Les relations avec les clients en sont encore au niveau transactionnel et les dirigeants ne semblent pas pressés de passer à un niveau relationnel, même face à un secteur bancaire apparemment compétitif.

  • af Elohor Oghens-Ogedegbe
    878,95 kr.

    Das Hauptziel eines jeden Unternehmens ist es, Kunden zu gewinnen, da die Zufriedenheit und das Vertrauen der Kunden dem Unternehmen Wiederholungskäufe bescheren und somit die organisatorische Leistung des Unternehmens verbessern. Die Kunden sind äußerst preisbewusst, klüger, weniger nachsichtig und haben höhere Ansprüche. Die Herausforderung besteht daher darin, loyale und begeisterte Kunden zu gewinnen, die sich, wenn sie im Unternehmen bleiben, als wirklich profitabel erweisen und schließlich zu Botschaftern des Unternehmens werden. Viele Unternehmen haben erkannt, dass die immateriellen Aspekte einer Kundenbeziehung von der Konkurrenz nicht so leicht kopiert werden können und daher einen einzigartigen Wettbewerbsvorteil darstellen. Bei der Zenith Bank ist die Kundenabwanderung ein großes Problem. Die Bank hat "Leidenschaft für die Kunden" als einen ihrer Grundwerte, doch scheint dies ein leeres Wort zu sein, da sich die Mitarbeiter der Organisation nicht übermäßig um Kundenzufriedenheit, Loyalität und Kundenbindung kümmern. Die Beziehungen zu den Kunden sind immer noch auf der Transaktionsebene angesiedelt, und die Mitarbeiter scheinen es nicht eilig zu haben, sie auf eine Beziehungsebene zu bringen, selbst angesichts eines scheinbar wettbewerbsorientierten Bankensektors.

  • af A. Arun Kumar
    798,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey into the captivating realm where artistry meets precision in the world of business analytics. "The Art and Science of Business Analytics" is an immersive exploration into the fusion of creativity and methodical analysis, where raw data evolves into strategic insight. This book transcends the conventional boundaries of analytics, inviting readers to embrace the fluidity of interpreting data while adhering to the rigor of statistical methodologies. Through vivid narratives and practical frameworks, it illuminates how the convergence of art and science in analytics empowers organizations to make astute decisions that drive growth and innovation. Whether a seasoned data strategist or a novice explorer, this book serves as a beacon, guiding readers to wield the palette of analytics skillfully, shaping visions and sculpting strategies that redefine success. Join the journey where creativity merges with precision in the world of "The Art and Science of Business Analytics."

  • af Elohor Oghens-Ogedegbe
    696,95 kr.

    Glawnaq cel' lübogo biznesa - äto priwlechenie klientow, poskol'ku udowletworennost' i dowerie klientow priwedut k powtornym pokupkam, a znachit, uluchshat organizacionnye pokazateli kompanii. Klienty chrezwychajno chuwstwitel'ny k cenam, umnee, menee snishoditel'ny i pred#qwlqüt bol'she trebowanij. Poätomu zadacha sostoit w tom, chtoby sozdat' loql'nyh i woshischennyh klientow, kotorye, esli ih uderzhat' w organizacii, budut prinosit' real'nuü pribyl' i w konechnom itoge stanut poslami organizacii. Mnogie organizacii osoznaüt, chto nematerial'nye aspekty otnoshenij ne tak-to prosto powtorit' konkurentam, chto daet unikal'noe konkurentnoe preimuschestwo. V banke Zenith suschestwuet ser'eznaq problema ottoka klientow. Odnoj iz osnownyh cennostej banka qwlqetsq "strast' k klientam", no, pohozhe, äto ostalos' za kadrom, poskol'ku sotrudniki organizacii ne slishkom bespokoqtsq ob udowletworennosti, loql'nosti i uderzhanii klientow. Otnosheniq s klientami wse esche ostaütsq na tranzakcionnom urowne, i sotrudniki, pohozhe, ne speshat perewodit' ih na relqcionnyj urowen' dazhe w uslowiqh kazhuschejsq konkurencii w bankowskoj sfere.

  • af Elohor Oghens-Ogedegbe
    878,95 kr.

    L'obiettivo principale di ogni azienda è creare clienti, poiché la soddisfazione e la fiducia dei clienti porteranno acquisti ripetuti all'azienda e quindi miglioreranno le prestazioni organizzative dell'azienda. I clienti sono estremamente attenti ai prezzi, più intelligenti, meno indulgenti e con maggiori esigenze. La sfida è quindi quella di produrre clienti fedeli e soddisfatti che, se mantenuti all'interno dell'organizzazione, si rivelino davvero redditizi e alla fine diventino ambasciatori dell'azienda. Molte organizzazioni si stanno rendendo conto che gli aspetti intangibili di una relazione potrebbero non essere facilmente riproducibili dalla concorrenza, il che fornisce un vantaggio competitivo unico. La Zenith Bank ha un grave problema di abbandono dei clienti. La banca ha tra i suoi valori fondamentali la "passione per i clienti", che però sembra essere un ricordo, in quanto il personale dell'organizzazione non si preoccupa troppo della soddisfazione, della fedeltà e della fidelizzazione dei clienti. I rapporti con i clienti sono ancora a livello transazionale e i funzionari non sembrano avere fretta di portarli a un livello relazionale, anche a fronte di un settore bancario apparentemente competitivo.

  • af Elohor Oghens-Ogedegbe
    878,95 kr.

    O principal objetivo de todas as empresas é criar clientes, uma vez que a satisfação e a confiança dos clientes trarão compras repetidas à empresa, melhorando assim o seu desempenho organizacional. Os clientes são extremamente conscientes dos preços, mais inteligentes, menos indulgentes e com mais exigências. Por conseguinte, o desafio consiste em produzir clientes fiéis e satisfeitos, de modo a que, se forem mantidos na organização, se tornem realmente rentáveis e acabem por se tornar embaixadores da organização. Muitas organizações estão a aperceber-se de que pode não ser fácil duplicar os aspectos intangíveis de uma relação com a concorrência, o que constitui uma vantagem competitiva única. No Zenith Bank, existe um grande problema de rotatividade de clientes. O banco tem a "paixão pelos clientes" como um dos seus valores fundamentais, mas isso parece não passar de um mero discurso, uma vez que o pessoal da organização não se preocupa demasiado com a satisfação, a lealdade e a retenção dos clientes. As relações com os clientes ainda se situam ao nível transacional e os funcionários parecem não ter pressa em passar para um nível relacional, mesmo perante um sector bancário aparentemente competitivo.

  • af Fatih Ak
    601,95 kr.

    Learn the art of discovering gems in the stock market with Fatih AK, a financial engineer, experienced investor, and entrepreneur, who guides you on a journey of learning and discovery in the world of stock market investing. This book, designed to be accessible to beginners while offering depth of analysis appreciated by experts, is much more than a simple introduction to value investing strategies. It is designed to guide readers step by step, adapted to the current dynamics of financial markets, thus making complex concepts accessible and applicable, regardless of your prior experience in the field of investing.In this journey, you will learn to:- Adapt investment strategies to your financial goals, while establishing a starting budget and understanding financial markets.- Master emotions and apply strategies of great investors for better decision-making.- Build a robust daily routine, become an expert in financial ratios, and use innovative tools to identify promising stocks.- Combine advanced financial analysis, risk management, and artificial intelligence to optimize the timing and quality of investments.- Use the AK F-Score for effective decision-making, identify promising stocks with powerful and free tools, and assess the quality of a company using advanced techniques.- Diversify your portfolio taking into account economic cycles, while mastering techniques such as DCA and VA to maximize returns.- Optimize investments according to market trends and your safety margin, while understanding macroeconomic and tax impacts.This work stands out as one of the most comprehensive, if not the most comprehensive, guides in its category in terms of stock-picking and medium- and long-term investment. This book does not just provide fundamental knowledge and advanced strategies; it also aims to cultivate in the reader a critical spirit and an open mind, essential for successfully navigating the fluctuating world of the stock market.By immersing yourself in this unique journey, you will develop a full awareness of investments, learning to assess opportunities and risks with increased clarity.Finally, this book meticulously addresses every aspect of the investment process, from the careful selection of stocks to the construction and management of a diversified long-term portfolio, thus offering you the necessary tools to make informed and strategic investment decisions.

  • af Cam McLellan
    128,95 kr.

    In jargon-free language, Cam lays out a step-by-step investment guide to give you:A clear understanding of the Australian property Investment landscape3 easy steps you can use to find the best investment, every timeTools and checklists which can reduce risk and maximise your returnsUsing Cam's Straight-Line To Wealth investing method, you'll also learn:How to identify market growth cycles, before they occurTo cut out media hype & invest based on factual market dataThe 10 biggest mistakes made by investorsHow to pay your home off in 10 years, not 30Finance structuring & taxation made easyHow to keep your own home safe & out of the bank's handsWhen not to invest in propertyHow to avoid 'sharks' who circle the property industryEasy to understand trusts, contracts & prenuptial agreements5 key exit strategiesWhy a modest income is no barrier to successful property investingHow passive income from growth property can fund a life you never thought possible

  • af John N. N. Ugoani
    888,95 kr.

    Pendant de nombreuses années, les étudiants nigérians ont dû dépendre en grande partie de vieux livres importés dans les domaines de la politique et de la stratégie commerciales. Bien que la plupart de ces livres aient été écrits par des auteurs étrangers, il s'agit d'une modeste tentative de compléter les efforts des auteurs locaux précédents dans ces domaines importants des opérations et de la gestion des entreprises. La politique commerciale concerne l'acquisition de ressources permettant d'atteindre les objectifs de l'organisation. Il s'agit de l'étude des rôles et des responsabilités des cadres supérieurs, des questions importantes qui influencent le succès de l'organisation et des décisions qui affectent les organisations à long terme. Une politique commerciale efficace doit être spécifique, claire, fiable, uniforme, appropriée, simple, flexible et stable. Une politique d'entreprise doit être stable, sinon elle conduira à l'indécision et à l'incertitude dans l'esprit de ceux qui la considèrent comme un guide approprié.

  • af Christian Keuschnigg
    531,95 kr.

    Dieser Open-Access-Sammelband zeigt, wie innovative Forschung und Lehre in der Volkswirtschaftslehre zu einer besseren Gesellschaft beitragen können. Eine Wirtschaftspolitik mit Ziel und Plan sollte auf rigorosem theoretischem Fundament stehen und sich auf verlässliche empirische Evidenz stützen. Damit die Forschung Wirkung entfalten kann, müssen die Forscher die neuesten Erkenntnisse in eine populäre Sprache übersetzen, damit sie einer breiten und nicht spezialisierten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich werden. Wähler und Entscheidungsträger der Politik können von den Ergebnissen der Forschung nur profitieren, wenn diese in nicht-technischer Sprache zugänglich sind. Die Aufgaben der Universitäten sind Forschung, Lehre und Information der Öffentlichkeit. Im Projekt "Next Generation" fassen die besten Masterstudierenden der Universität St. Gallen politikrelevante Ergebnisse der volkswirtschaftlichen Forschung populär zusammen. Mit diesem "Readers Digest" der Ökonomie leisten sie einen wichtigenBeitrag zur dritten Mission der Universität.

  • af Saon Ray
    847,95 - 1.117,95 kr.

  • af Paul Barnes
    189,95 - 271,95 kr.

  • af Clint Sorenson
    198,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Ezekiel Agboola
    178,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey into the world of stock investing with "Introduction to Stock Investing: Unveiling The Art of Astute Stock Investing." This concise yet powerful guide demystifies the intricacies of stock markets, offering a comprehensive exploration of the foundations, historical context, and wealth-building strategies that define successful investing.Discover the true essence of stock investing as you delve into:A clear definition and purpose of stock investing, providing you with a solid understanding of its fundamental principles.A captivating historical overview, unraveling the evolution of stock markets through key milestones, crashes, and recoveries that have shaped financial landscapes.Insightful narratives on the importance of stock investing in wealth building, emphasizing its indispensable role in diverse investment portfolios and its contribution to economic growth and innovation.Whether you're a novice investor seeking a solid foundation or an experienced trader looking to refine your strategies, this book equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the dynamic world of stocks. Don't just invest - master the art of astute stock investing. Unlock the doors to financial success. Purchase your copy now and take the first step towards a prosperous future.

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