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Innovation i virksomheder

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  • af Abraham Romero
    493,95 kr.

    The lack of real support from the sectional authorities and the ministries related to this resource and the lack of interest on the part of the inhabitants of the area, have made this much worse than a polluted estuary, since sometimes this has resulted in the population of Same being flooded during the rainy season, as well as when there is a drought with a health problem (respiratory and skin problems). Periodically, for a palliative solution, mingas have been carried out with the exclusive help of the inhabitants of the sector, however, this is a transitory solution, which is not the one that would contribute to something more energetic.

  • af Pedro Carrasco Garijo
    612,95 kr.

    The rate of Adverse Events (AE) in hospitals has been estimated at between 4 and 17%, of which around 50% have been considered avoidable. Given this approach, which is not unknown, it is worth questioning whether the incorporation of clinical practice variability into the factors of this equation would significantly alter the outcome (economic, in terms of health and quality of care). We are aware of the sensitivities that can arise in a group such as the medical profession when dealing with issues related to clinical practice. This paper does not attempt to analyse clinical practice from a medical point of view, but rather to objectively assess whether this would have a significant impact on the hospital budget. Nor does it attempt to assess the impact of such unexplained variability. It could be a starting point to promote the most efficient clinical protocol/guideline and to introduce benchmarking between different departments of the same hospital that treat the same pathology (different departments see the same pathology, a frequent occurrence in multi-pathological or elderly patients that can be attributed indistinctly to one or another department).

  • af Abdelkrim Abdoun
    878,95 kr.

    Interest in scientific and technical information began in the 1950s, against the backdrop of the Cold War, when scientific research accounted for much of the boom. It was observed, however, that research could only evolve and achieve its full potential if supported by an efficient information system. It was against this backdrop that the concept of scientific and technical information emerged as a discipline for accessing and organizing knowledge. This led to the implementation of methods and tools, with particular reference to a system of standardization, necessary for the circulation and sharing of information. The move towards all-digital technology has introduced new requirements for IST professionals. They are called upon to accompany users in their quest for relevant information, in an environment where, paradoxically with the proliferation of data, locating relevant information is becoming increasingly complex. This is the challenge facing IST as a discipline of access to knowledge.

  • af Georges Hathry
    1.151,95 kr.

    In this book, you'll discover how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing business management. It explores the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the transformation of business management. He explains how AI is being used in different business areas, such as marketing, finance and human resources. He highlights the potential of AI to help businesses make more accurate data-driven decisions and predictive analytics. He then examines the challenges and opportunities of AI, particularly in terms of data protection and privacy. He warns against the risk of over-reliance on AI, and stresses the importance of the human in the decision-making process. It offers concrete examples of companies that have already adopted AI in their operations, and shares advice on how to kick-start a successful digital transformation. Finally, the book addresses ethical implications and liability issues. It encourages readers to reflect on the impact of AI on society and to adopt an ethical approach in their use of this technology.

  • af Mariela Josefina Romero Ochoa
    613,95 kr.

    Leadership is associated with the traits and characteristics of the leader, where in the educational and business environment a new type of leadership is being demanded: charismatic, visionary, transformative and flexible, which is exercised in a shared way with the members of an organisation. As a result, there is a greater demand for changes that tend to distribute power, giving strength to institutions and the management success of a leader in an organisation. This research focused on transformational leadership as a strategy to optimise the technical-administrative management of the management staff at the Tinaquillo UNELLEZ; transformational leaders know the emotional needs of their subordinates and stimulate them intellectually. The results showed that it is necessary to propose changes in relation to the leadership style of management staff, so that in this way they can promote more efficient and effective work and results aimed at achieving excellence in administrative management.

  • af Ganga Warriar
    496,95 kr.

    This study is based on private-sector employees of the Western Suburbs region of Mumbai and the same size is 237. This research is done with an intention to identify the problem of employees working in the private sector with respect to job satisfaction and job embeddedness as job-hopping was very common in the private sector. To determine job satisfaction and job embeddedness the independent variables considered for the study were job itself, working conditions, relations, job security, salary, policies and procedure, supervision and relations. The gap in these independent variables was identified in this research to estimate their job satisfaction levels. It was proved that the gap in the job, working conditions, job security, policies and procedure and salary determined the fit variable. Whereas the gap in the supervision and relation variables determine the link variable of the study. It is proved here that the respondents gave more importance to link variable over and above fit variable. In this research, a model is developed called as retention model where it is proved that job satisfaction and job embeddedness positively influence retention intentions of the employees.

  • af Carlos Vilela
    626,95 kr.

    This book is the result of a study carried out on the Emotional Intelligence skills of nurses in the workplace. Reflecting and writing about the development of emotional competencies in nursing professionals recognizes the importance of the alliance between the disciplines of Nursing, Psychology and Human Resources Management. This text is divided into three parts. In the first part, a brief theoretical exposition is given, where we hope to provide a general understanding of what Emotional Intelligence is and the concepts associated with it, as well as presenting a measuring instrument. The second part summarizes the study carried out in an EPE Hospital in the north of Portugal, where you will find: the assumptions that underpinned the study; the methodological options; the development of the research and an Emotional Intelligence profile that corresponds to the perception of the nurses studied regarding their abilities. Finally, the contributions of this construct to the professional nursing context are presented, in terms of management, training and for the nurses themselves.

  • af Tâmara de Carvalho Bethônico
    405,95 kr.

    The purpose of this study was to analyse the document originating from the technical report of the current management of the Cassiano Campolina Hospital in order to demonstrate the fundamental steps taken to implement a more dynamic people management system, capable of guaranteeing the sustainability of the organisation and the accreditation of the population in user care. To this end, a qualitative descriptive and analytical study was carried out. The analysis of the technical report, built together with the employees of the Cassiano Campolina Hospital, showed that it was possible to implement an efficient management system, regardless of the type of organisational culture, as long as people management is used as a strategy and based on the entrepreneurial profile of the management/leadership.

  • af Junkai Li
    222,95 kr.

    Over the decades, China has become Africa's most important economic partner. Not only has Sino-African trade increased by a factor of 20, but Chinese investment has also increased many times over. China's involvement in Africa is therefore much greater and more diverse than previous studies suggested. More than 10,000 Chinese companies are active on the continent. This presence has made a major contribution to the dynamism of the African economy, with job creation and the transfer of knowledge and technology. Looking beyond preconceptions, the study sheds new light on the prospects for the China-Africa partnership, while taking the opposite view of some of the rough estimates that have hitherto been the benchmark in many official and economic circles. Using a case study approach, this study looks at the issues and challenges facing Chinese companies setting up in Africa and those planning to do so.

  • af Thiago Chieppe Saquetto
    554,95 kr.

    A study of private hospitals in Brazil - The challenge of rising healthcare costs contributes to problems of access and quality in medical and hospital services. Hospitals are currently constantly striving to improve their performance. Innovativeness, also known as innovation capacity, has been highlighted as an important ally in this mission. Achieving these objectives requires precise analysis and planning. The aim of this study was to find out whether the perception of innovativeness among managers of private hospitals in Brazil is related to the performance of these healthcare organisations. These results made it possible to reflect on managerial aspects that are essential for improving performance in these organisations, especially in relation to technical efficiency and organisational innovativeness (OI) and perceived innovativeness of the firm (PFI), in order to improve the desired health outcomes for the population.

  • af Christian Sekimonyo Shamavu
    763,95 kr.

    l¿Evaluation Environnementale Stratégique examine les opportunités et les risques associé à l¿exploration et à l¿exploitation pétrolière dans le Rif Albertine, une région des Grands Lacs Africains suscitant le plus d¿intérêt depuis la découverte de réserves importantes en Ouganda en 2006. La particularité de cette région est que toutes les réserves de pétrole et de gaz, connues et présumées se trouvent à cheval des frontières de la RDC avec ses voisins de l¿Est à savoir l¿Ouganda, le Rwanda, le Burundi et la Tanzanie. Ce phénomène ouvre des possibilités inédites de coopération transfrontalière, mais comporte aussi des risques majeurs de conflits transfrontaliers si des stratégies préventives ne sont pas initiées par les parties prenantes et leurs partenaires pour les juguler. Alors que l¿Ouganda est dans sa phase d¿exploitation de la ressource depuis 2012, en RDC, aucun gisement n¿a encore été exploité. Le potentiel peut s¿avérer équivalent car le côté ouest du rift est un ''miroir'' de la géologie, de la source et des roches réservoirs du côté oriental et les deux pays partagent la ressource au Lac Albert. par conséquent ce mémoire propose des solutions de management stratégique.

  • af Maraj Rahman Sofi
    557,95 kr.

    Das Management von Kundenbeziehungen ist eine umfassende Strategie und ein umfassender Prozess zur Gewinnung, Bindung und Zusammenarbeit mit ausgewählten Kunden, um einen überragenden Wert für das Unternehmen und den Kunden zu schaffen. Es beinhaltet die Integration von Marketing, Vertrieb, Kundenservice und den Supply-Chain-Funktionen des Unternehmens, um eine größere Effizienz und Effektivität bei der Bereitstellung von Kundenwert zu erreichen. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) scheint ein einfaches und geradliniges Konzept zu sein, doch gibt es derzeit viele verschiedene konzeptionelle Auffassungen von CRM. Das Verständnis reicht von IT-gesteuerten Programmen zur Optimierung des Kundenkontakts bis hin zu umfassenden Ansätzen für den Aufbau und die Gestaltung langfristiger Beziehungen. Charakteristisch für das letztgenannte Verständnis ist das Bestreben, eine sinnvolle Beziehung zum Kunden aufzubauen. CRM ist ein ganzheitlicher Prozess der Kundenakquise, -bindung und -entwicklung. Er umfasst das gesamte Inline- und Offline-Beziehungsmanagement.

  • af Cídar F. Pinaya Céspedes
    495,95 kr.

    This paper analyzes and exposes the existing deficiencies in the Territorial Plan for Integral Development for Living Well in the Department of Cochabamba 2021-2022, in the areas of health and environment.Thus, a description is presented, then recommendations to finally establish participatory mechanisms for inclusion in the Territorial Plan of Integral Development for Living Well in the Department of Cochabamba 2021- 2025, presenting guidelines for the attention and solution of the problem, considering the sustainable endogenous development, capable of transforming society based on the reconquest of traditions and cultural knowledge; since there is no mention and less a territorial planning, land use and less development, to ensure compliance with the beautiful thing that is mentioned: Integral development in harmony with Mother Earth to eliminate poverty.

  • af João Batista Carvalho Junior
    626,95 kr.

    The research in question aims to analyze the environmental and social parameters in the cities of Guaratinguetá, Pindamonhangaba and Taubaté. This study has five sections. The first is the Introduction, which presents each of the themes that will be addressed, as well as the objectives, delimitation, relevance and organization of the work. The second section presents the literature review, which looks at work as human production; in this way it develops the themes associated with the research, such as economic growth, environmental sustainability and regional development linked to public policies and their social and environmental applicability. The third section describes the method adopted in the research, the areas in which it was carried out and the data collection techniques. The fourth section shows the results through tables and graphs in order to illustrate and weigh up the data analyzed. The fifth section concludes the study with the final considerations and the results of the research, followed by the bibliographical references.

  • af João Batista Carvalho Junior
    626,95 kr.

    La ricerca in questione si propone di analizzare i parametri ambientali e sociali nelle città di Guaratinguetá, Pindamonhangaba e Taubaté. Questo studio si articola in cinque sezioni. La prima è l'Introduzione, che presenta ciascuno dei temi che verranno affrontati, nonché gli obiettivi, la delimitazione, la rilevanza e l'organizzazione del lavoro. La seconda sezione presenta la rassegna della letteratura, che guarda al lavoro come produzione umana; in questo modo sviluppa i temi associati alla ricerca, come la crescita economica, la sostenibilità ambientale e lo sviluppo regionale legati alle politiche pubbliche e alla loro applicabilità sociale e ambientale. La terza sezione descrive il metodo adottato nella ricerca, le aree in cui è stata condotta e le tecniche di raccolta dei dati. La quarta sezione mostra i risultati attraverso tabelle e grafici per illustrare e ponderare i dati analizzati. La quinta sezione conclude lo studio con le considerazioni finali e i risultati della ricerca, seguiti dai riferimenti bibliografici.

  • af Jordan E. Philips
    201,95 kr.

    In "The Multiproject Manager's Playbook: Strategies for Simultaneous Success," Jordan E. Philips delves into the foundational strategies essential for managing multiple projects. Philips outlines the critical importance of prioritization, strategic planning, and effective delegation, setting the stage for a successful multiproject management journey.The book further explores the practical applications of these strategies, highlighting innovative tools and methodologies that facilitate seamless project execution. Philips emphasizes agile practices and technological solutions that enhance team collaboration and stakeholder engagement, ensuring projects remain on track and within scope.Concluding with real-world case studies, Philips showcases the tangible outcomes of applying the playbook's principles. These narratives offer invaluable insights into overcoming common challenges in multiproject management, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of how to navigate the complexities of handling multiple projects simultaneously, achieving success through informed decision-making and strategic foresight.

  • af Jonas F. Schmid
    200,95 kr.

    "Von Lean zu Agile: UX-Design für die moderne Produktentwicklung" von Jonas F. Schmid ist ein wegweisendes Werk, das die Brücke zwischen Lean-Prinzipien und agilen Methoden im UX-Design schlägt. Dieses Buch bietet eine tiefgreifende Analyse und praktische Anleitungen, wie man durch die Integration von Lean UX und Agile Methoden nicht nur die Produktentwicklung effizienter gestalten, sondern auch Produkte schaffen kann, die wirklich den Bedürfnissen der Nutzer entsprechen.Schmid führt den Leser durch die Transformation traditioneller Designprozesse hin zu einem dynamischen, nutzerzentrierten Ansatz, der Schnelligkeit und Flexibilität betont, ohne dabei die Qualität des Endprodukts zu kompromissieren. Mit einer Mischung aus theoretischen Grundlagen, Fallstudien und persönlichen Einsichten, zeigt "Von Lean zu Agile" auf, wie Teams durch die Anwendung dieser Methoden die Produktentwicklung revolutionieren und einen echten Wettbewerbsvorteil erzielen können.Dieses Buch ist eine unverzichtbare Ressource für UX-Designer, Produktmanager und Entwickler, die ihre Arbeitsweise modernisieren und die Effektivität ihrer Designprozesse steigern möchten. "Von Lean zu Agile" ist nicht nur ein Leitfaden für die Praxis, sondern auch eine Inspiration für alle, die in der Produktentwicklung tätig sind, um über den Tellerrand hinauszuschauen und die Möglichkeiten des UX-Designs in der agilen Welt voll auszuschöpfen.

  • af Kerry George
    154,95 kr.

    Don't get left behind in the past-embrace the future of business networking and unlock the $150,000 method for success!

  • af Chethan S
    494,95 kr.

    Cogliamo l'occasione per presentare questo libro intitolato "Supply Chain and Logistics Management". L'obiettivo di questo libro è quello di presentare la materia in modo semplice e conciso. Il libro ha caratteristiche uniche. Presenta l'argomento in modo molto semplice e lucido per una comprensione facile e completa dei concetti di base, delle sue complessità, delle procedure e delle pratiche. Questo libro aiuterà i lettori ad avere una visione più ampia della gestione della supply chain e della logistica. Il linguaggio utilizzato in questo libro è semplice e aiuterà gli studenti a migliorare il loro vocabolario di termini tecnici e a comprendere le informazioni in modo migliore e più felice.

  • af Javier Carreón Guillén
    444,95 kr.

    In broad terms, the establishment of a scientific and technological agenda is a state management intentionality around which a conflict or difference with society is settled. In this sense, academia is subject to the evaluative guidelines of the quality of its processes and products. As a state-sponsored institution, the public university follows the agenda to the letter, but at the same time, it undertakes the training of talents that the state hopes to institutionalise as leaders of opinion and knowledge. The aim of this paper is to discuss the central axes and themes of the agenda in order to demonstrate the formation of talent through academic entrepreneurship and the incubation of leadership. A documentary study was carried out with a selection of sources indexed in leading Latin American repositories such as Dialnet, Latindex and Redalyc. Lines of research on entrepreneurship in terms of the establishment of the scientific and technological agenda can be seen.

  • af Georges Hathry
    763,95 kr.

    Why talk about discernment this year? Every year, we make many decisions in the management of our businesses. They all have an impact on the business. In this book, you'll discover inspiring examples of approaches and ways to develop the skills needed for discernment prior to making a business management decision. It highlights the crucial importance of discernment in the decision-making process. By exploring the twelve ways to improve business decision-making, you can gain an in-depth understanding of the different dimensions of discernment and their practical application in the business context.

  • af Maria Luiza Da Costa Santos
    581,95 kr.

    Quality of Life at Work (QWL) can be used to help organisations rebuild, recover and reinvigorate their multivariate work organisation designs and formats, with the aim of raising staff satisfaction levels and, consequently, increasing company productivity as a result of greater employee participation in the processes related to their work. To a certain extent, the term QWL has been used to describe a concern to rescue "humanistic and environmental values, which have been neglected in favour of technological progress, productivity and economic growth" (FERNANDES, 1996). This scientific collection covers studies with different perspectives on QWL, applied in the most varied organisational contexts and which were the fruit of research into Management, Behaviour and Organisational Competences, carried out by students on the Bachelor's Degree in Administration and Accounting, and Specialisation in Public Management.

  • af Naima Drafat
    761,95 kr.

    In this book, the author presents a panoply of results from the work of several eminent practitioners, experts and researchers in the field of management. To make available to political and administrative professionals: approaches, recommendations, models, decision-making processes in different organizations. To help decision-makers and employees draw inspiration from successful experiences in other organizations. Nevertheless, we are convinced that decision-making is an activity that is based on the synchronization between the art and manner of the decision-maker, and the implementation of the process components of this activity presented by the eminent practitioners and researchers adopted in this work. The aim is to build a system dedicated to the primordial activity of organizational decision-making, drawing on the effective equations of successful experience and good practice. Naima DRAFAT provides a practical guide to managing decision-making positions for senior civil servants, throughout the process of their most important activity.

  • af José Ignacio Andrades Sosa
    670,95 kr.

    In the international context, airports have become an important link in the various international logistics chains. This book is intended to provide the reader with information on the various airport operations, with emphasis on the strategy followed by Peru, which despite being considered an emerging economy, has managed to materialize a strategy of concessions by modernizing its infrastructure and operations. In this sense, it deals with both ground and in-flight operations, in addition to highlighting the strategy followed by the various governments to open up to private capital in order to optimize its interconnectivity.

  • af Hose Ignasio Andrades Sosa
    671,95 kr.

    V mezhdunarodnom kontexte aäroporty stali wazhnym zwenom w razlichnyh mezhdunarodnyh logisticheskih cepochkah. Cel' ätoj knigi - predostawit' chitatelü informaciü o razlichnyh operaciqh aäroportow s akcentom na strategiü Peru, kotoraq, nesmotrq na to, chto schitaetsq stranoj s razwiwaüschejsq äkonomikoj, sumela realizowat' strategiü koncessij, modernizirowaw swoü infrastrukturu i operacii. V ätom smysle w knige rassmatriwaütsq operacii kak na zemle, tak i w polete, a takzhe osweschaetsq strategiq, kotoroj priderzhiwaütsq prawitel'stwa razlichnyh stran, otkrywaq aäroporty dlq chastnogo kapitala s cel'ü optimizacii wzaimoswqzi.

  • af Andra Luciana Marcu
    469,95 kr.

    Water transport is recognized worldwide as the cheapest and most environmentally friendly. At the same time, we must realize that its main disadvantage is the long time it takes for the goods to travel from the seller to the buyer. At the same time, the volumes of goods transported on inland waterways are also based on a series of macroeconomic indicators specific to the degree of development of each country of which the port in which the transport operations take place is a part.This book deals with the issues presented together, proposing a set of considerations and a research methodology that can be used in defining a harmonious relationship between macroeconomic indicators and the volumes of transited goods in the context of economic development. The main argument is that those essential regions in Europe near the Danube can benefit more due to their geographical position.

  • af Frank F. Schrempp
    195,95 kr.

    In "Lean Startup im Großunternehmen: Von traditionellen Strukturen zu agilen Innovatoren" führt Frank Schrempp Sie durch die transformative Reise, auf der etablierte Unternehmen agil und innovativ werden. Dieses bahnbrechende Buch deckt auf, wie Großkonzerne die revolutionären Lean-Startup-Methoden nutzen können, um schneller auf Marktanforderungen zu reagieren, Innovation zu beschleunigen und eine Kultur des kontinuierlichen Lernens zu fördern. Mit praxisnahen Einblicken, Fallstudien erfolgreicher Unternehmen und erprobten Strategien ist dieses Buch ein unverzichtbarer Leitfaden für Führungskräfte, die ihre Organisationen zukunftsfähig machen wollen. Schrempps Ansatz zeigt, wie man interne Widerstände überwindet, agile Teams fördert und eine Umgebung schafft, in der Innovation gedeiht. Machen Sie Ihr Unternehmen mit "Lean Startup im Großunternehmen" zum agilen Riesen, der in der heutigen schnelllebigen Welt nicht nur überlebt, sondern floriert.

  • af Arsène Aurélien Njamen Kengdo
    444,95 kr.

    This book is an introduction to the study of Islamic finance. The author's reasoning focuses mainly on the presentation of the financial instruments in use. This is done by clarifying the historical framework and setting out the fundamental principles summarised in the 3P rule (Share-Lose-Profit). Emphasis is placed on traditional instruments (Murabaha, Al-Salam, Al-Ijara and Al-Istisnaa) and participative instruments (Musharaka and Mudharaba) to give readers an overview of the mechanisms for allocating funds to investment projects.

  • af José Fernando Miranda
    713,95 kr.

    This study was carried out as part of the Production Engineering project of the COPPE/UFRJ postgraduate program, under the Environmental Management research line. As a case study, we looked at a small imperial topaz mine located in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, which was being inspected by the State Environmental Agency, with the risk of its possible closure. A partnership agreement was signed between the company and the Mining Engineering Department of the School of Mines at the Federal University of Ouro Preto, in order to implement the model proposed here. The result was acceptance of the proposed measures by the Environmental Agency, which renewed the company's operating license.

  • af Divya Sudish
    722,95 kr.

    We, as humans, just can¿t stop discovering, creating, and working on new stuff. We're all so occupied psychologically; work has always been one of the most significant of human experiences. Regardless of what work we do, we often see varied levels of job satisfaction at all organizational levels. This is a complex problem because it is difficult to isolate and look for attributes that may affect the quality of work life. The profitability of the organization is connected to the satisfaction of the workforce. A company that doesn¿t improve and measure employee satisfaction would face declining productivity and a limited ability to retain replacements with other employees. Employee satisfaction and quality of work life directly affect customer service. So, the study explores the complex interplay between technology and the quality of work life, focusing on how technology adoption and use influence employees' well-being, job satisfaction, work-life balance, and overall work experiences.

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