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Innovation i virksomheder

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  • af Tumennast Erdenebold
    416,95 kr.

    Lo Smart Government è l'e-Government avanzato che è stato indicato come una tendenza globale emergente nella fornitura di servizi pubblici. Oltre a ciò, i servizi mobili stanno rendendo i servizi pubblici più accessibili ai cittadini, dando l'opportunità di accedere in qualsiasi momento e ovunque, alla mobilità e alla portabilità per il pubblico, le aziende e il governo. L'utilizzo dei servizi mobili di Smart Government presenta diverse sfide, tra cui la complessità delle diverse tecnologie, la sicurezza dell'accesso, la fornitura di un'architettura comune e la riduzione delle duplicazioni tra i sistemi esistenti e quelli nuovi nel campo delle applicazioni. Per superare queste sfide, è necessaria un'architettura di sistema integrata, innovativa e completa per progettare il quadro dello Smart Government per i servizi mobili. Per questo motivo, in seguito a questo studio, è stato progettato e proposto "Un quadro di Enterprise Architecture (EA) di Smart Government per i servizi applicativi mobili", al fine di evitare inutili duplicazioni di implementazioni di sistema e di integrare parti comuni del servizio applicativo. Lo studio si basa sulla revisione della letteratura, sull'analisi dello stato di fatto e su casi di studio di Paesi sviluppati e in via di sviluppo.

  • af Tala Al Masri
    672,95 kr.

    This study investigates the role of entrepreneurial Public Relations at Princess Sumaya University for Technology in enhancing its image. To achieve the objectives of the study, a quantitative and descriptive research approach based on a questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. The used method focused on studying the case (of PSUT) as it exists. The quantitative survey method was employed to investigate the role of entrepreneurial public relations at Princess Sumaya University for Technology in building its reputation and image. The qualitative, descriptive survey approach measures the research variables and evaluates the relationship between the variables within the model of study.

  • af Edmond Goumkwa
    719,95 kr.

    Motivating employees is vital to a company's success, particularly in the current global economic crisis. By understanding what motivates their people, managers can mobilise the full potential of each individual and direct their energy more effectively. The results of this study confirm that management methods, organisational climate, social structures, economic realities and culture are essential elements that contribute to the meaning of work, and that they are also sources of motivation at work. Motivation cannot be achieved everywhere and always with the same recipes. Renewing the sources of motivation requires a prior analysis of the changes currently affecting the world of work and their consequences. The aim of this study is to help people who manage human resources (in companies) to understand how to create conditions conducive to employee motivation, how to guide, arouse and support their motivation, and how to build appropriate motivational strategies.

  • af Hose Fransisko Bernardes
    446,95 kr.

    Predprinimatel'skij innowacionnyj menedzhment w uniwersitetskih organizaciqh imeet ochen' sil'nuü tendenciü k postoqnnomu sowershenstwowaniü processow, produktow, uslug i uprawleniq. Ono takzhe ochen' wazhno dlq prepodawaniq, issledowanij i rasprostraneniq znanij, a predprinimatel'skie i innowacionnye iniciatiwy naprawleny na udowletworenie potrebnostej soobschestwa i obschestwa w celom. Cel'ü dannogo issledowaniq bylo wyqwit' s pomosch'ü integriruüschego sistematicheskogo obzora wklad predprinimatel'skogo innowacionnogo menedzhmenta w uprawlenie uniwersitetami. Dlq ätogo issledowaniq byl proweden bibliograficheskij obzor, w kotorom bylo predstawleno bol'shoe kolichestwo statej o predprinimatel'stwe w menedzhmente. Takzhe byl proweden bibliograficheskij obzor s cel'ü usileniq issledowaniq. V celom, na osnowanii izuchennyh statej, byla otmechena wazhnost' uniwersitetskogo menedzhmenta, sfokusirowannogo na processah, produktah i uprawlenii w predprinimatel'skom i innowacionnom klüche, prichem äti aspekty qwlqütsq konkurentnymi preimuschestwami dlq organizacionnogo rosta i razwitiq.

  • af Stanislas T. Médard D. C. Agossadou
    546,95 kr.

    This paper focuses on tax incidence, looking for "real" loser or winner of debt interest deduction in computing CIT. The first sample is a case study of two identical firms, one indebted and the other unindebted, with the same profitable investment project over a period of time. The second sample contains 20 indebted firms in France over a 5-year period. The non-free cost and revenue assumption is used. The stylized case study of two hypothetical firms and the empirical analysis of 20 firms in France lead to the same result. In fact, Debt interest deduction in computing CIT, has as ¿true¿ losing the firm with zero financial leverage and as ¿true¿ winning the firm with non-zero financial leverage. This paper is one of the first to expand the literature by looking for the "real" loser or winner of debt interest deduction in computing CIT.

  • af José Francisco Bernardes
    445,95 kr.

    La gestion de l'innovation entrepreneuriale dans les organisations universitaires a une forte tendance à l'amélioration continue des processus, des produits, des services et de la gestion. Elle est également très importante pour l'enseignement, la recherche et la vulgarisation, les initiatives entrepreneuriales et innovantes répondant aux besoins de la communauté et de la société dans son ensemble. L'objectif de cette recherche était d'identifier, par le biais d'une revue systématique intégrative, la contribution de la gestion de l'innovation entrepreneuriale à la gestion des universités. Pour ce faire, une étude de la littérature a été menée en se concentrant sur une revue systématique intégrative qui a présenté un grand nombre d'articles sur l'entrepreneuriat dans le domaine de la gestion. Pour renforcer la recherche, une analyse documentaire a également été réalisée. En général, sur la base des articles analysés, l'importance de la gestion universitaire axée sur les processus, les produits et la gestion d'une manière entrepreneuriale et innovante a été notée, des aspects qui constituent le différentiel concurrentiel pour la croissance et le développement organisationnels.

  • af Ibaka Sangu Philippe
    923,95 kr.

    In der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, einem riesigen Gebiet im Herzen Afrikas, gab es vor und nach der Kolonialisierung traditionelle Chefs und Chefferies. Mit der Entwicklung der Städte wird eine neue Art des Regierens mit unpersönlichen Institutionen eingeführt. Daher ist es wichtig zu verstehen, wie sich Häuptlingshäuser, die sich innerhalb der Stadt befinden, an die neue institutionelle städtische Umgebung anpassen. Wie passen sich die verschiedenen traditionellen Institutionen in diesem institutionellen städtischen Umfeld an die Interaktion mit ihren städtischen Pendants an, und wie passt sich der kommunale Grundbesitz an das private und staatliche Eigentum in der Hauptstadt Kinshasa an? Es ist jedoch zu beachten, dass die Anpassung nicht einheitlich (homogen) war, je nachdem, ob man sich in der Kolonialstadt, im Plangebiet oder in der Randzone von Kinshasa befand. In der alten Kolonialzone verschwanden die traditionellen Institutionen und wurden durch moderne städtische staatliche Institutionen ersetzt; in der geplanten Zone verloren sie an Autorität; und in der Peripherie existieren sie nebeneinander.

  • af Ayoub Messikh
    444,95 kr.

    The entrepreneurial phenomenon is not the result today, it is an ancient phenomenon, modern and renewed at the same time. It expresses the process of creating something new and of value, whether it is a new business or developing an existing business, through creativity, innovation, taking risks and individual initiative, in order to create added value. This is a multi-dimensional phenomenon, of an economic nature through its effect on the economy, such as contributing to the improvement of economic growth rates, innovation in products and services, and the restructuring of the economic fabric. It is also a social phenomenon through its effect on society, such as the creation of jobs. On top of this, it is an ecological phenomenon, playing a vital role in protecting the environment.

  • af Ibaka Sangu Philippe
    922,95 kr.

    The Democratic Republic of Congo, a vast territory in the heart of Africa, has known the existence of traditional chiefs and chiefdoms before and after colonisation. With the development of cities, a new way of governing was introduced with impersonal institutions. It is therefore important to understand how chieftaincies located within the city adapt to this new institutional urban environment. In addition, in this institutional urban environment, how are the various traditional institutions adapting in interaction with their urban equivalents, and how is communal land tenure adapting in the face of private and state ownership in the capital city, Kinshasa? However, it should be noted that adaptation was not uniform (homogeneous) depending on whether one was in the colonial city, in the planned zone or in the peripheral zone of Kinshasa. In the former colonial zone, traditional institutions disappeared and were replaced by modern urban state institutions; in the planned zone, they lost their authority; and in the periphery, they coexist.

  • af Tumennast Erdenebold
    417,95 kr.

    L'administration intelligente est l'administration en ligne avancée qui a été indiquée comme une tendance mondiale émergente dans la fourniture de services publics. En outre, les services mobiles rendent les services publics plus accessibles aux citoyens et offrent au public, aux entreprises et au gouvernement la possibilité d'y accéder à tout moment et en tout lieu, ainsi que la mobilité et la portabilité. L'utilisation des services mobiles du gouvernement intelligent pose un certain nombre de problèmes, notamment la complexité des différentes technologies, la sécurisation de l'accès, la mise en place d'une architecture commune et la réduction des doublons entre les systèmes existants et les nouveaux systèmes dans le domaine de l'application. Afin de relever ces défis, une architecture de système intégrée, innovante et complète est nécessaire pour concevoir le cadre d'un gouvernement intelligent pour les services mobiles. C'est pourquoi cette étude a conçu et proposé un cadre d'architecture d'entreprise (EA) pour les services d'application mobiles afin d'éviter la duplication inutile des déploiements de systèmes et d'intégrer les parties communes du service d'application. L'étude est basée sur une revue de la littérature, une analyse de l'existant et des études de cas de pays développés et en voie de développement.

  • af Samuel Majekodunmi
    556,95 kr.

    O objetivo deste estudo é obter uma melhor compreensão das dimensões da inovação de serviços que afectam a satisfação do cliente na indústria de serviços. No estudo, foram seleccionadas algumas dimensões da inovação de serviços para serem testadas nas operações da First Registrars e na sua relação com os clientes, a fim de explorar a relação entre a inovação de serviços e a satisfação do cliente. Foi utilizada uma abordagem de investigação quantitativa para obter uma melhor compreensão desta questão. Os dados empíricos foram recolhidos através de 200 cópias de um questionário administrado aos inquiridos. A apresentação e a análise dos dados foram efectuadas de acordo com as questões de investigação. As hipóteses foram testadas e houve afirmações, uma vez que as duas primeiras hipóteses alternativas foram aceites. Foram feitas constatações e tiradas conclusões, na sequência das respostas às questões de investigação. Entre os resultados, destaca-se o facto de os clientes ficarem satisfeitos quando as suas expectativas são satisfeitas ou ultrapassadas. Por fim, foram feitas recomendações. Entre as recomendações, a principal é que as empresas prestadoras de serviços devem inovar de modo a satisfazer as expectativas dos clientes e, se possível, ultrapassá-las.

  • af Samuel Majekodunmi
    556,95 kr.

    L'objectif de cette étude est de mieux comprendre les dimensions de l'innovation en matière de services qui affectent la satisfaction des clients dans le secteur des services. Dans le cadre de l'étude, certaines dimensions de l'innovation en matière de services ont été sélectionnées pour être testées dans les opérations de First Registrars et dans ses relations avec les clients afin d'explorer la relation entre l'innovation en matière de services et la satisfaction des clients. Une approche de recherche quantitative a été utilisée pour mieux comprendre cette question. Les données empiriques ont été recueillies à l'aide de 200 exemplaires du questionnaire administré aux personnes interrogées. La présentation et l'analyse des données ont été effectuées conformément aux questions de recherche. Les hypothèses ont été testées et les deux premières hypothèses alternatives ont été acceptées. Des constatations ont été faites et des conclusions ont été tirées, en fonction des réponses aux questions de recherche. La principale conclusion est que les clients sont satisfaits lorsque leurs attentes sont satisfaites ou dépassées. Enfin, des recommandations ont été formulées. La plus importante d'entre elles est que les entreprises prestataires de services devraient innover afin de répondre aux attentes des clients et, si possible, de les surpasser.

  • af Tumennast Erdenebold
    417,95 kr.

    O governo inteligente é o governo eletrónico avançado que tem sido indicado como uma tendência global emergente na prestação de serviços públicos. Além disso, os serviços móveis estão a tornar os serviços públicos mais acessíveis aos cidadãos e a dar oportunidade de acesso a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar, mobilidade e portabilidade para o público, as empresas e o governo. A utilização dos serviços móveis da administração pública inteligente enfrenta vários desafios, incluindo a complexidade das diferentes tecnologias, a segurança do acesso, a criação de uma arquitetura comum e a redução da duplicação entre os sistemas existentes e os novos sistemas no domínio das aplicações. Para ultrapassar estes desafios, é necessária uma arquitetura de sistema integrada, inovadora e abrangente para conceber o quadro da administração pública inteligente para os serviços móveis. Assim, na sequência deste estudo, foi concebido e proposto "Um quadro de arquitetura empresarial (EA) da administração pública inteligente para serviços de aplicações móveis", a fim de evitar a duplicação desnecessária de implementações de sistemas e de integrar partes comuns do serviço de aplicações. O estudo baseia-se na revisão da literatura, na análise do estado atual e em estudos de casos de países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento.

  • af Olessya Korytko
    557,95 kr.

    Este livro contribui para a área emergente dos serviços de consultoria em linha. Não foram efectuados muitos estudos de investigação neste domínio. Aparentemente, a opinião generalizada na literatura, de que a confiança baseada na comunicação presencial é um grande obstáculo à prestação de serviços de consultoria de gestão em linha, desencoraja os investigadores de estudarem esta questão. No entanto, a prestação em linha deste tipo de aconselhamento profissional pode ser uma opção essencial para as pequenas e médias empresas (PME). Este livro centra-se na natureza da confiança baseada na comunicação face a face em diferentes fases dos projectos e estudou as abordagens personalizada e codificada nos serviços de consultoria para encontrar a possibilidade de ultrapassar o obstáculo nesse estudo. Desta forma, as características prováveis dos serviços de consultoria eletrónica são derivadas da teoria e testadas na prática através de entrevistas com 5 consultores e da análise de sítios Web que prestam serviços de consultoria em linha. Com base nos resultados da investigação, esta tese defende que o tipo codificado de serviços de consultoria e as determinadas fases dos projectos personalizados podem ser realizados através da Internet. No último capítulo, são propostos três modelos em linha.

  • af Mohammad Amiri
    485,95 kr.

    La présente étude a été réalisée pour identifier et expliquer le stress professionnel, les types de stress professionnel, le niveau de stress, les causes du stress, la gestion du stress et les stratégies de gestion du stress. Le problème du stress professionnel est très répandu dans toutes les entreprises, tous les métiers et toutes les professions. Aujourd'hui, de nombreuses entreprises sont inutilement stressantes et ont des effets néfastes sur l'état physique et mental des employés. Dans de nombreuses entreprises, les niveaux de stress sont plus élevés. Ces tensions font partie intégrante du travail et sont en grande partie inévitables. Les entreprises du secteur des technologies de l'information (TI) sont un bon exemple de cette situation. Les employés de ces organisations font partie des professions les plus stressantes, marquées par la nécessité de répondre aux exigences et au temps des autres, avec très peu de contrôle sur les événements. Aujourd'hui, le stress professionnel est devenu un problème mondial ou une question relative aux ressources humaines.

  • af Tumennast Erdenebold
    417,95 kr.

    Smart Government ist das fortschrittliche E-Government, das sich als globaler Trend bei der Erbringung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen herauskristallisiert hat. Außerdem machen mobile Dienste die öffentlichen Dienste für die Bürger zugänglicher und bieten die Möglichkeit, jederzeit und überall auf sie zuzugreifen, sowie Mobilität und Übertragbarkeit für die Öffentlichkeit, Unternehmen und Behörden. Die Nutzung mobiler Smart-Government-Dienste ist mit zahlreichen Herausforderungen verbunden, darunter die Komplexität verschiedener Technologien, die Sicherung des Zugangs, die Bereitstellung einer gemeinsamen Architektur und die Verringerung von Doppelarbeit zwischen bestehenden und neuen Systemen im Anwendungsbereich. Um diese Herausforderungen zu meistern, ist eine integrierte, innovative und umfassende Systemarchitektur erforderlich, um den Rahmen von Smart Government für die mobilen Dienste zu gestalten. Im Anschluss an diese Studie wurde daher ein "Smart Government Enterprise Architecture (EA) Framework für mobile Anwendungsdienste" entworfen und vorgeschlagen, um unnötige Duplizierung von Systemeinsätzen zu vermeiden und gemeinsame Teile des Anwendungsdienstes zu integrieren. Die Studie basiert auf einer Literaturübersicht, einer Ist-Analyse und Fallstudien aus Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern.

  • af Mohammad Amiri
    485,95 kr.

    Die vorliegende Studie wurde durchgeführt, um beruflichen Stress, Arten von beruflichem Stress, Stressniveau, Stressursachen, Stressmanagement und Strategien des Stressmanagements zu ermitteln und zu erklären. Das Problem des beruflichen Stresses ist in jedem Unternehmen, in jedem Beruf und in jeder Berufsgruppe sehr verbreitet. In vielen Unternehmen herrscht heute unnötiger Stress, der sich nachteilig auf die körperliche und geistige Verfassung der Mitarbeiter auswirkt. In vielen Unternehmen gibt es ein höheres Maß an Stress. Diese Belastungen sind ein integraler und weitgehend unvermeidbarer Bestandteil der Arbeit. Organisationen der Informationstechnologie (IT) sind ein gutes Beispiel für diese Situation. Beschäftigte in IT-Organisationen gehören zu den am stärksten belasteten Berufsgruppen, die durch die Notwendigkeit gekennzeichnet sind, auf die Anforderungen anderer und die Zeit zu reagieren, wobei sie nur sehr wenig Kontrolle über die Ereignisse haben. Heutzutage ist berufsbedingter Stress zu einem weltweiten Problem oder Thema im Bereich der Humanressourcen geworden.

  • af Sami Basly
    1.618,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the rapidly expanding field of decentralized finance (DF) and discusses how entrepreneurs can leverage it in their business activities.Decentralized finance (DF) is a system for exchanging value without centralized intermediaries. It relies heavily on peer-to-peer lending and borrowing, decentralized exchanges, trustless systems, and blockchain. Decentralized Finance is seen as a disruptive technology that could replace traditional financial systems in the future due to its advantages of being inclusive, non-discriminatory, resilient to risk management failures, cost-effective for lenders and borrowers to access the system and more efficient in terms of financial intermediation through automated trustless systems. This book explains the challenges and opportunities that these blockchain-based financial innovations present for both entrepreneurship and the broader financial system.

  • af Mark Heller
    195,95 kr.

    Embark on a journey to agile excellence with "SAFe Agile Release Train: Scaling Agile Practices with SAFe." Authored by Mark Heller, this pivotal guide is indispensable for anyone seeking to implement the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) within large organizations. Delving deep into the significance of the Agile Release Train (ART), Heller not only explicates the theoretical underpinnings of SAFe but also its practical applications, providing a roadmap to accelerate your agile transformation.Whether you are at the inception of your agile journey or seeking to enhance your existing practices, this book equips you with the tools and insights necessary for successful scaling of agile methodologies in your enterprise. Through real-world examples, strategic advice, and step-by-step instructions, Heller demystifies the complexities of agile scaling, making it accessible for all levels of expertise.Prepare to elevate the agility, efficiency, and customer satisfaction of your business to unprecedented heights. "SAFe Agile Release Train: Scaling Agile Practices with SAFe" promises to be a transformative resource, guiding you through the intricacies of agile implementation and beyond. Embrace the opportunity to reshape your organization's future with agility at its core.

  • af Peter F. Schindler
    197,95 kr.

    The AI Revolution in Project Management: Unlocking Success Secrets with AI" explores the transformative power of artificial intelligence in revolutionizing project management. Peter F. Schindler guides readers through the integration of AI into project management, illustrating its potential to enhance efficiency, optimize both classic and agile projects, and overcome traditional challenges. This book is essential for decision-makers aiming to leverage AI for profitable project advancements, offering practical insights, strategies, and case studies from various industries. It serves as a comprehensive manual for navigating the complexities of AI integration, ensuring project success in an era where technological advancements redefine the standards of management and execution. Perfect for professionals seeking to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving business landscape, this book provides the tools to harness AI's capabilities, transforming challenges into opportunities for unprecedented project success.

  • af Mohammad Amiri
    486,95 kr.

    The present study was carried out to identify and explain occupational stress, types of occupational stress, level of stress, causes of stress, stress management, and strategies of stress management. The issue of occupational stress is very common in any business organization, occupation, or profession. Today, many business organizations are unnecessarily stressful and have adverse effects on the employees¿ physical and mental conditions. In many business organizations, there are higher levels of stress. These stresses are an integral and largely unavoidable element of the job. Information Technology (IT) organizations are a good example of this situation. Employees in IT organizations are among those with the most highly stressed occupations, marked by the need to respond to others' demands and time, with very little bit of control over any event. Now a day, occupational stress has become a worldwide problem or issue about human resources.

  • af Sambhaji V. Mane
    876,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the development of employees within organizations through attitudinal change. It assists the reader in understanding the various reasons for the formation of employee attitudes in the organization and their impact on productivity. The author presents various methods for addressing these identified issues to motivate employees and enhance their productivity.The author shares research-based findings from two distinct studies conducted in different sector organizations across the entire western part of Maharashtra. The book covers all human resource development (HRD) practices, detailing their current status in the selected organizations through research findings, and proposes systematic recommendations derived from both studies to overcome these challenges. The book strives to present diverse ways of achieving attitudinal change among employees by addressing organizational work setting problems and offering practical solutions. This book will be beneficial for HRD managers, management consultants, and research students pursuing their studies in this field.

  • af Faize Ali Shah
    662,95 kr.

    Online shopping has gained eclectic acceptance nowadays. Every novel dogma is a fruit of extensively rooted theories and mechanisms and online shopping is no exclusion. The book discusses such vital theories and concepts paving ways towards progressive methods to satisfy consumer needs and desires alike. This book provides an introductory knowledge interlinking the past, present and future of online shopping for millennials, researchers, academicians and marketers, in search of comprehensive information regarding the ¿how¿, ¿when¿ and ¿why¿ of online shopping and static factors that affect online buying. A detailed SWOT analysis provides significant insights clarifying fundamentals to be kept in mind while designing online marketing portfolios for better market grasp and action-induced branding. Moreover, the simplified and concise explanation offers self-understanding information regarding this futuristic mode of shopping. Regardless to say, this book answers rudimentary queries thereby motivating the readers for a smooth journey on the road to the wide arena of virtual markets. Blissful Reading!!

  • af Martin Kuengienda
    542,95 kr.

    Leadership Coaching: - A strategy for success?At a time when the quality of being, and of being together, is becoming a major growth and sustainability issue for all organizations and human communities. It provides all those who have to manage a support relationship (with individuals, teams or organizations) - coaches, managers, trainers, educators, executives - with original, relevant concepts and tools to help people transform and build themselves. Fully-assumed freedom and responsibility are the common thread running through this process of meaning-generating alliance.The contents of this book should be of interest to coaches in training or in practice. They will find in it as many points of support for "theorizing their practice" and "practicing their theory". Whether therapists, trainers, teachers, coaches, social workers or consultants, we hope that all those whose job it is to support others will also find food for thought in the contents of this book.

  • af Greice Martins Gomes
    442,95 kr.

    The study of the relationships that individuals maintain with each other has always been at the centre of the concerns of the most diverse areas of knowledge. Due to the plurality and multiplicity of approaches adopted as legitimate references for the production of knowledge about group processes, this study is a theoretical review centred on a specific model called: Operative Groups. Every operative group presupposes learning and learning, from the perspective of operative groups, is synonymous with change. In this way, it can be concluded that the study of a model for working in groups centred on principles of change is particularly appropriate in the face of the challenges and demands of the many different groups to which we belong today.

  • af José Francisco Bernardes
    487,95 kr.

    Entrepreneurial innovation management in university organisations has a very strong tendency towards continuous improvement in processes, products, services and management. It is also very important for teaching, research and extension, with entrepreneurial and innovative initiatives aimed at the needs of the community and society in general. The aim of this research was to identify, by means of an integrative systematic review, the contribution of entrepreneurial innovation management to university management. For this research, a bibliographical survey was carried out focusing on an integrative systematic review that presented a large number of articles on entrepreneurship in management. A bibliographical review was also carried out in order to strengthen the research. In general, based on the articles investigated, the importance of university management focused on processes, products and management in an entrepreneurial and innovative way was noted, these aspects being the competitive differential for organisational growth and development.

  • af Greice Martins Gomes
    542,95 kr.

    Lo studio delle relazioni che gli individui intrattengono tra loro è sempre stato al centro delle preoccupazioni delle più diverse aree del sapere. Data la pluralità e molteplicità di approcci adottati come legittimi riferimenti per la produzione di conoscenza sui processi di gruppo, questo studio è una rassegna teorica incentrata su un modello specifico chiamato: Gruppi Operativi. Ogni gruppo operativo presuppone l'apprendimento e l'apprendimento, nella prospettiva dei gruppi operativi, è sinonimo di cambiamento. In questo modo, si può concludere che lo studio di un modello di lavoro in gruppo centrato sui principi del cambiamento è particolarmente appropriato di fronte alle sfide e alle richieste dei tanti e diversi gruppi di cui facciamo parte oggi.

  • af Pragati Agarwal
    675,95 kr.

    E-commerce have grown significantly in recent years, becoming one of the preferred methods of purchasing goods or services by customers. Online websites are increasing their proportion of sales volume in a rapid and transient manner, indicating that they are a channel to which retailers should pay attention, given that they are a future trend for retail. E-commerce has rapidly multiplied the business opportunity of the companies by entering into larger population. We have witnessed these changes in the COVID-19 pandemic where the websites have come up with innovative ways to cater the needs of the people. Therefore, this research tries to measure and analyse service quality of e-commerce websites, customer satisfaction and financial performance.The objective of this study is to measure various service quality factors of online shopping websites and to examine customer satisfaction derived from service quality. The study also focuses on measuring financial performance affected from customer satisfaction. The study focuses on five dimensions of e-service quality model to predict the service encounter satisfaction of customers.

  • af Xiaodong Ma
    567,95 - 984,95 kr.

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