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  • af Francisco Llorente Galera
    697,95 kr.

    The commitment of the main European automakers, the European Commission and certain European governments to the electric car is a reality. The deficit at the end of the last decade of battery cell and module plants located in Europe, which generated a high foreign dependence, especially from China, followed by Korea and Japan, has prompted the search to incorporate new cell, module and battery production plants in Europe to meet the future demand for batteries in the production of electric cars.The strategies of the main European car manufacturers regarding the supply of batteries for their electric cars to be produced in Europe are presented, as well as the political and financial impulse that is being given by the European Commission and certain governments for the location of new plants to produce cells, modules and batteries in the European Union, given the relevance of the battery in the cost of an electric vehicle and the ecosystem that it generates.

  • af Ahmed Nchange
    277,95 kr.

    In the riveting pages of "Morality's Euthanasia", author Ahmed NCHANGE unearths a haunting truth: the slow demise of morality. With profound insights and eloquence, NCHANGE exposes the disturbing consequences of tolerating immoral behavior, as society's values crumble and deviance becomes the norm. This thought-provoking work challenges us to reclaim our moral compass, igniting a powerful call to action. Step into the realm of "Morality's Euthanasia" and embark on a journey towards a more just and ethical world.

  • af Muhayyo Murodova
    522,95 kr.

    The rapid development typical of the era, the breadth of the innovation field, the social environment that is increasingly drowning in the flow of information, the development of computer technology, the communication of the Internet space, etc., lead to mental and mental exhaustion of a person, tension of nerves. In particular, the lack of physical activity in professional activities, the inability to get away from the computer, increases hypoxia, i.e. lack of oxygen in the brain and body. Instead of an average of 5-6 km per day, the range of physical activity is sometimes reduced to walking, exercise and movement in exchange for time saving, information transfer, and a comfortable vehicle. use also allows human activity to become more sedentary. In such conditions, it is inevitable that the parents return home from work exhausted and exhausted, which will affect the children's mental health in the family as well.

  • af Shoira Hoshimova
    807,95 kr.

    Ushbu monografiyada umumkasbiy fanlarni differensial yondashuv asosida o'qitishda talabalarning axborot kommunikatsiya kompetensiyalarini rivojlantirishning ilmiy nazariy asoslari, mobil texnologiyalardan foydalanib talabalarda axborot kommunikatsiya kompetensiyalarni rivojlantirishning didaktik imkoniyatlari va differensial yondashuv asosida talabalarning axborot kommunikatsiya kompetensiyalarini rivojlantirish modeli ochib berilgan. Shuningdek, mobil texnologiyalar yordamida talabalarda axborot kommunikatsiya kompetensiyalarni rivojlantirish metodikasini takomillashtirish keltirib ötilgan.

  • af Anita Singh
    693,95 kr.

    Pulses are an important ingredient in the diets of vast majority of Indian population. They are mainly grown in semiarid areas throughout world as their drought resistance capacity is relatively high. Pulses are very good source of protein with a good nutritive value. They have a symbiotic relationship with Rizobium, these bacteria forms nodules on the roots and fix atmospheric nitrogen. Some of this nitrogen is utilized by the growing plant but some can also be used by other plants growing nearby and, if the roots are left in the ground when the seeds are harvested this will provide a source of nitrogen for the next crop. The lentil (lens culinaris) is recognized as a valuable pulse and is grown as a winter crop all over India. It is known to be the most nutritious of the pulses and is an important item in the diet of some people, particularly those of eastern Bengal. India is the world¿s largest producer of lentil. Lentil cultivation in India occupies nearly 14 lac hectare of land with annual production of 14, 00,000 tones (FAO, 2007). In spite of their wide cultivation, the country is facing deficit of lentil grain due to number of diseases.

  • af Emily Stanton
    252,95 kr.

    In "Führen von Innen: Das neue Zeitalter empathischer Führung" verwebt Dr. Emily Stanton, eine renommierte Führungsexpertin mit über zwei Jahrzehnten Erfahrung, ihre umfangreichen Kenntnisse in Leadership und Management mit revolutionären Einsichten aus der Interaktion mit künstlicher Intelligenz, insbesondere ChatGPT. Dieses Buch bietet einen tiefen Einblick in die sich wandelnde Welt der Unternehmensführung, beleuchtet durch die Linse der Organisationspsychologie und der technologischen Innovation.Dr. Stanton führt den Leser durch eine transformative Reise der Führung, in der sie die Prinzipien der "umgekehrten Führung" vorstellt - ein radikaler Ansatz, der traditionelle Führungsmodelle herausfordert und durch Empathie, Anpassungsfähigkeit und Innovation ersetzt. Mit einem starken Fokus auf Selbstreflexion, ethischer Entscheidungsfindung und der Schaffung einer inklusiven Unternehmenskultur, zeigt sie, wie echte Führungskraft aus der Fähigkeit entsteht, sich kontinuierlich weiterzuentwickeln und aus Fehlern zu lernen.Als Mentorin, Sprecherin auf internationalen Konferenzen und engagierte Förderin von Frauen in Führungspositionen, bringt Dr. Stanton ihre reiche Erfahrung und ihr Engagement für Gleichberechtigung und Diversität in die Unternehmenswelt ein. Ihr Buch richtet sich an aktuelle und zukünftige Führungskräfte, die die Herausforderungen der modernen Zeit mit Kreativität, Mut und Integrität meistern wollen. "Führen von Innen" ist nicht nur eine Anleitung für effektive Führung, sondern auch eine inspirierende Aufforderung an eine neue Generation von Führungskräften, die Kunst der Führung neu zu definieren.

  • af Carl Scott
    2.257,95 kr.

  • af Rahul Isoliya
    469,95 kr.

    Planned teaching play an important role in the management of myocardial infarction. It is an area which is unexplored among the shopkeepers in India. This study explored the effectiveness of knowledge regarding on planned teaching of myocardial infarction among shopkeepers seeking prevention at shops of selected areas. This study undertaken is ¿A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge regarding prevention of myocardial infarction among shopkeepers in selected areas of Bhopal¿¿.

  • af Cordy S. Wilson
    341,95 kr.

    Navigating the New Era: Mastering Agile Leadership for Today's Business WorldIn the rapidly evolving business landscape, agility is not just an option; it's a necessity. "Mastering Agile Leadership for Today's Business World" by Cordy S. Wilson is a vital guide for modern leaders facing the challenges of the VUCA world ¿ volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. This book is an essential resource for understanding and mastering agile leadership, a style that prioritizes adaptability, innovation, and responsiveness.Wilson's insightful work delves deep into the transformation from traditional hierarchical structures to a culture of empowerment, collaboration, and continuous improvement. It emphasizes the critical role of agile leadership in fostering environments where creativity flourishes and employees are motivated to take ownership and responsibility. The book highlights the profound impact of this shift on employee satisfaction, productivity, and the organization's ability to respond to rapidly changing market conditions.This comprehensive guide serves as both an instructional manual and a wake-up call, addressing the necessity of digital transformation and the human element in the agile equation. It outlines practical strategies for navigating the complexities of modern business, enhancing competitiveness, and fostering a positive corporate culture.For leaders looking to thrive in today's dynamic business environment, "Successful Employee Management in the Agile Age" is an indispensable tool. It equips you with the mindset and techniques to transform challenges into opportunities and lead your organization to new heights of success.

  • af Subhas Halder
    346,95 kr.

    The Online Exam Portal is a web-based application developed using Angular, Spring Boot, and MYSQL technologies, offering a seamless and efficient platform for conducting exams. It accommodates students with varying exam complexities and question types, including multiple-choice, true/false, and code editor questions. Admins have the flexibility to set time limits and allocate marks for each question, with separate login facilities for students and instructors. Students can take exams, access scores, and download certificates, while instructors can create, manage exams, view results, and generate reports. The portal boasts a user-friendly interface, secure authentication, and an analytics dashboard. It utilizes a MYSQL database, ensuring data integrity and scalability. Overall, the Online Exam Portal is an innovative and efficient solution for digital exams, serving as a valuable tool for educators and students.

  • af Deepak Singh
    469,95 kr.

    In today¿s realm of social media users, inclusion of digital citizenship to the world¿s population establishing effective social collaboration among peers, parents, educators, corporations, through the innovative of technologies employed by social media platforms, it is noteworthy to acknowledge that the psychological ramifications resulting from cyberbullying can be as detrimental when compared to the physical consequences. The global sphere has been grappling with concerns pertaining to safety and privacy matters associated with the social media platforms. Quantifying the extent of disseminated changed media with potential detrimental effects poses a formidable task. The phenomenon referred to as the "privacy paradox" pertains to the observed disparity between users' expressed privacy worries and their actual online behavior. The ramifications of this conundrum hold particular significance in the realms of online interaction and social networking integration.

  • af Mary Cianni
    307,95 kr.

    Whether you're an aspiring consultant, a newbie finding your footing, or a seasoned professional, Mary Cianni's compelling book serves as a beacon, guiding you towards consulting excellence in a world brimming with challenges and opportunities.Step into a realm where this book isn't merely your guide--it's your steadfast mentor, lighting the way through the exhilarating labyrinth of consulting.

  • af Heather Black
    200,95 kr.

    This A-to-Z guide gives you the knowledge, tools and resources to confidently lead a Salesforce Project from planning through to roll-out.

  • af Marco van Kalleveen
    217,95 - 298,95 kr.

    UNLEASH YOUR TRANSFORMATION is an empowering read for business leaders. Change is the new norm as organizations need to stay ahead in an ever-faster-changing world. However, changing the status quo is hard and challenging. So how do you succeed? Unleash Your Transformation offers a unique holistic and pragmatic approach-The Transformational Flywheel-to make change at scale happen. It's not only based on decades of hands-on leadership experience in business, private equity, and consulting, but also on the latest research and inspiring case studies. The Transformational Flywheel consists of twelve wings (The 12 Ps) which need to be powered up. For each wing, you will find clear descriptions of what, why, and how, illustrated by case studies and supported with practical tools. If you want to shift gears, Unleash Your Transformation provides you with the insights and inspiration you need.

  • af Zaki Muhammad Zayyanu
    346,95 kr.

    Before now, translation was done manually with the advent of translation technology. Then, the translation activity was done by translators using paper, pencil, dictionaries and using their best judgement. Translation technology is the use of software tools to fast-track and make the process of translating written text (materials) between languages easier. As a result, translation technology tools like any other technology-assisted task, can raise output, accuracy, and general efficacy. Translation technologies range from voice-to-voice text technologies, Machine Translation (MT), Natural Language Processing (NLP), virtual interpreting, and translation memories and Terminology Management Systems (TMS).

  • af Prasanna Kumari
    606,95 kr.

    In 1990 Sun Microsystems decided to develop special software that could be used to manipulate consumer electronic devices. A team of Sun Microsystems programmers headed by James Gosling was formed to undertake this task.Java is a general-purpose object oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems of USA in 1991, it was originally called OAK by James Gosling and his team. The team, known as Green Project team by Sun, demonstrated the application of their new language to control a list of home appliances using a hand-held device with a tiny touch sensitive screen.Java was designed for the development of software for consumer electronic devices like TVs, VCRs, toasters and such other electronic machines. This goal had a strong impact on the development team to make the language simple.

  • af Sirimal Premakumara
    346,95 kr.

    Sri Lanka is a biodiversity hot spot in the world with a remarkable endemicity. It is reported to harbour 1414 medicinal plants in its biodiversity, many of which are endemic or indigenous to Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan traditional medical systems, the ayurveda practiced in Sri Lanka, and the folk medicines indigenous to Sri Lanka depend exclusively on these medicinal plants. There are about 20 different medicinal plants reported to be used in the management of diabetes in the above medical systems in the country. This chapter describes the chemistry, bioactivity, and pharmacology of the ten most used, scientifically validated anti-diabetic medicinal plants in Sri Lanka.

  • af Diyora Rakhmatova
    332,95 kr.

    Poems, stories, fairy tales and articles of schoolchildren, students and young people of Uzbekistan are combined in this anthology, that is, a collection. The purpose of publishing this is to introduce our Uzbekistan to the world and raise its name. In addition, our main goal is to support young artists, introduce their work to the world and motivate them. We hope that everyone, young and old alike, will enjoy this collection. It contains excellent works that are well worth reading. The name of the book is "On the Wings of Dreams" because the authors are young people with enthusiasm and big dreams.

  • af Dirk Lippold
    287,95 kr.

    Vor dem Hintergrund des digitalen Wandels haben sich auch die Markt- und Wettbewerbsbedingungen der Beratungsunternehmen verändert. Eine Branche, deren Wurzeln zumeist bei Technikern und Tüftlern zu suchen sind, steht vor der Herausforderung, unter den veränderten Rahmenbedingungen erfolgversprechende und schlüssige Marketing-Konzepte zu entwickeln. Das Buch verfolgt das Ziel, ein Vorgehensmodell für den Vermarktungsprozess von Beratungsleistungen zu entwerfen. Es liefert eine phasenbezogene Darstellung der Vermarktung, die dem Management von Unternehmensberatungen Ansatzpunkte bietet, um die einzelnen Elemente der Marketing-Gleichung zu optimieren.

  • af Joy Ify Onyekwere
    332,95 kr.

    "Phoenix Ascension: Ignite Your Potential, Embrace Your Journey" is a transformative guide by Joy Ify Onyekwere, offering a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Comprising six chapters, the book empowers individuals, especially young adults, to unlock their true potential.In "Becoming You," the author stresses authenticity and self-realization, encouraging readers to embark on a path of self-discovery. The second chapter delves deeper into authenticity, urging readers to acknowledge their true desires. "Responding to Correction" highlights the role of constructive criticism in personal growth."Costly Mistakes" explores the repercussions of conforming to societal expectations, emphasizing the importance of aligning one's path with their true purpose. Another chapter celebrates stepping beyond comfort zones and seizing opportunities, "Phoenix Ascension: Ignite Your Potential, Embrace Your Journey" is a guiding beacon towards self-actualization and empowerment. It equips readers with the tools to forge unique paths and effect positive change in their lives and the lives of others.

  • af Anuradha Sharma
    817,95 kr.

    Computer assisted drug design, discovery and delivery system (CADDD) has influential impact on the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Pharmacists and bio-informaticians should synchronize their work to speed up the drug development process. In this book, authors would like to cover all the aspects regarding the concepts of drug design, discovery and delivery system using in silico techniques and guidelines covering the same. This book is intended to encourage and familiarize students in the field of pharmaceuticals and related health sciences with the concept of CADDD. This book comprises of all the aspects of CADDD techniques, which are supposed to be necessary for designing any drugs and delivering any formulations. Each chapter includes a detailed outline to help students see the structure and organization of the material. Equations and concepts are accurately presented, with a logical drug design, development and delivery system toward increasingly complex phenomena, such as multiple oral dosing and nonlinear pharmacokinetics. Examples, tables, ¿gures, and problem numbers are pre¿xed with their chapter numbers, facilitating instructor references to them.

  • af Peter Michael Bak
    324,95 kr.

    Dieses prägnante Lehrbuch aus der Lehrbuchreihe Angewandte Psychologie kompakt enthält die wichtigsten psychologischen Theorien und Konzepte rund um die Themen der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Es ist speziell für Studierende konzipiert, die sich einen schnellen und eingängigen Überblick über die Thematik sowie einen starken Praxisbezug wünschen.Die sorgfältige Didaktik, Klausurfragen, digitale Zusatzmaterialien und Zusammenfassungen stellen eine optimale Grundlage für das Verstehen des Lehrstoffes und die Prüfungsvorbereitung im Bereich der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie dar.Durch zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele, Reflexionsfragen, eingebundene Audioclips und Online-Zusatzmaterialien ist es in einzigartiger Weise anwendungsorientiert und weckt dadurch Lust, das Gelernte gedanklich weiterzuentwickeln und in verschiedensten Kontexten umzusetzen.Zusätzlich sind Fragen und Antworten zum Selbsttest über die SN Flashcards Lern-App inkludiert. Der Zugangscode befindet sich im gedruckten Buch.Die ZielgruppenStudierende sowie Lehrende der Psychologie und angrenzender Disziplinen, die Grundlegendes in kompakter, übersichtlicher und praxisnaher Form verstehen und anwenden wollen.

  • af Srinivasa Naresh Vankamamidi
    346,95 kr.

    As per the growth in the field of security, data authentication and data access control are the major issues. Now-a-days many users prefer to share their data through websites are bound to have many security related issues. The main issue is the leakage of password file. To overcome this issue, honey words concept is introduced. Honey words are the Decoy (fake) passwords. If an attacker steals the password file, it will include original password and honey words and password cracking becomes tougher. So, for an adversary it will become harder to distinguish between original password and a honey word. The administrator gets notification if any illegal login done apart from the genuine user. In this system the main advantage is that sensitive data can¿t be viewed by the unauthorized user. For this Identity Based Encryption (IBE) has been implemented. By this, only the user with genuine credentials allowed to view the original data.

  • af Amha Fikadu
    346,95 kr.

    Among the significant public and animal health concerns in the world, Anthrax and Brucellosis are the detrimental but neglected zoonotic infections in many developing countries. It was thought that Ethiopia has the largest livestock population in Africa and the majority of its population relies on agriculture as both a source of nutrition and income. Therefore; people who have frequent contact with animals in areas where Brucellosis is endemic are at high risk of contracting the disease. Thus, the study on prevention practices of Anthrax and Brucellosis among cattle owning households and recommending proficient standard methods will have a vital role to undertake evidence-based intervention for the reduction of Anthrax and Brucellosis diseases.The main objective of the present study is to assess the prevention practices of Anthrax and Brucellosis among cattle owners and identify associated factors among cattle owners in Bole sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

  • af Ibrahim O. Abdulsalami
    967,95 kr.

    Some drawbacks concerning the application of anthocyanidins as sensitizers in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are low efficiency and stability of are photovoltaic devices. We investigated structural effects and electronic contributions of anthocyanidins (dye-sensitizers) to improve the efficiency of DSSCs. Anthocyanidins from crude and purified extracts of T. cattapa and H. sabdariffa as well as pure compounds of cyanidin, pelargonidin, delphinidin and malvidin were employed as sensitizers and titanium dioxide as semiconductor in fabrication of solar cells. Efficiencies of DSSCs were 0.336, 0.118 0.746, 0.645, 1.43, 0.004 and 2.27 for TCE, HSE TCP, HSP, Pg, Dp and Cy respectively. The efficiencies were found to improve with purity of dye-sensitizers; the crude extracts-sensitized solar cells have the least efficiencies, followed by the purified extracts-sensitized solar cells and Cy-sensitized solar cell has the highest efficiency among the pure anthocyanidins. Quantum chemical studies were carried out on the anthocyanidins, titanium dioxide and the anthocydin-TiO2 couples. Electronic properties of dyes showed maximum absorption transitions in this order Mv < Dp < Pg < Cy.

  • af Guillem Hernandez Sola
    247,95 kr.

    En un mundo empresarial en constante evolución, la agilidad se ha convertido en un factor clave para el éxito. En este recopilatorio de notas, artículos y opiniones, exploramos la esencia de la agilidad de negocio, el agile coaching, Scrum y la entrega de valor, ofreciendo a los lectores una guía práctica y enriquecedora para impulsar su manera de trabajar.Desde el inicio, nos sumergimos en los fundamentos de la agilidad y cómo se ha convertido en una metodología esencial para adaptarse a los cambios rápidos y exigentes del entorno empresarial actual. A través de experiencias reales, casos de estudio y perspectivas de expertos en el campo, descubrimos cómo aplicar los principios ágiles en diferentes contextos y sectores.El libro aborda en detalle el papel del agile coaching como un facilitador clave en la transformación ágil de las organizaciones. Los lectores aprenderán las habilidades y técnicas necesarias para guiar a los equipos y líderes en el camino hacia la agilidad, fomentando la colaboración, la autonomía y el aprendizaje continuo.En última instancia, el libro se centra en la entrega de valor como el objetivo final de cualquier enfoque ágil. Exploramos cómo identificar, priorizar y entregar de manera efectiva los resultados que generan el máximo impacto para los clientes y las organizaciones.

  • af Chad Bareither
    167,95 - 287,95 kr.

  • af Sachin Kumar
    967,95 kr.

    The treatment of dentofacial deformities has come a long way since 1897 when Vilray Blair, with Edward Angle¿s coaxing, completed bilateral body osteotomies under chloroform anaesthesia to setback a prognathic mandible and establish an improved occlusion. Malpositioned teeth or obvious jaw deformities are usually recognised by people, and they seek orthodontist for treatment. More severe deformities that require a combination of orthodontics and surgery for correction are called dentofacial deformities. The American Academy of Orthodontics (AAO) describes orthodontia as an area of dentistry that prevents, diagnoses and treats dental and facial irregularities. Different types of appliances are used to correct the dental deformities by slowly moving the teeth and retraining muscles. Orthognathic surgery: Combined orthodontic and surgical correction is considered the best treatment modality for dentoskeletal imbalances once growth has ceased. Although orthognathic surgery is associated with certain risks and challenges, it has become a more refined and less traumatic procedure for patients and therefore has become a reasonable treatment option.

  • af Karthika M
    606,95 kr.

    All other natural fibres that are relevant to technology, excluding silk, are obtained as staple fibers. The average length of staple fibres is distinctive. In order to increase the friction between the individual fibres and create a staple fibre yarn, fibres are entangled during the spinning process, such as through rotation. Ring spinning, open-end spinning, friction spinning, and air jet spinning are some of the methods used to add the necessary number of turns per length to a spun yarn. The technology employed for spinning will determine a yarn¿s properties. Yarn manufacturing involves several key steps. First, fibres are chosen and sorted according to their desired properties. Fibres are then straightened, and contaminants are removed by cleaning, carding, and combing. Carded fibres are pulled, twisted, and spun to create the required type and thickness of the yarn.

  • af Obdulio Italo Banda Marrokin
    322,95 kr.

    Po mneniü awtora, nadelenie biwalentnoj logiki werificiruemymi znacheniqmi uslownogo w standartnom tablichnom opredelenii osnowano na kategoriqh gnoseologicheskogo haraktera, nesowmestimyh s formal'nym i abstraktnym harakterom logicheskih struktur. Podhod smelyj, polemicheskij i znamenuet soboj, wsled za Kuajnom, "do" i "posle" w woprose o prawomernosti uslownogo.

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