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  • - Cases fra Europas bedste offentlige arbejdsplads
    af Bo Vestergaard
    167,95 - 241,95 kr.

    Europas bedste offentlige arbejdsplads ligger i Danmark. LEDELSEN KRÆVER, at de ca. 120 medarbejdere kan og vil løfte ansvaret for at udvikle løsninger og træffe beslutning i komplekse spørgsmål, der i de fleste organisationer er forbeholdt ledelsen, fx: Strategi: Hvordan skaber vi endnu bedre resultater for borgerne og tjener penge på det? Reorganisering: Hvilken organisering understøtter bedst strategien? Ansættelser: Hvem skal rekrutteres? Løn: Hvem skal have lønforhøjelse? Læs også om erfaringerne med en leder uden personaleansvar, der 100 procent fokuserer på strategiimplementering samt ledelsens konsekvente brug af konstruktivt korrigerende samtaler og personalesager. OM CASE-ORGANISATIONEN: Job-,Aktivitets – og Kompetencecenteret (JAC) er kåret til Europas bedste offentlige arbejdsplads af Great Place to Work i 2019. Faglig kvalitet og arbejdsmiljø er dokumenteret i top. OM FORFATTEREN: Bo Vestergaard er cand.scient. adm., ledelsesrådgiver, foredragsholder, proceskonsulent og forfatter til den prisvindende praktiske teori og bog “Fair proces - fra upopulære forandringer til medarbejderne der udvikler løsninger” www.fairproces.dk

  • - Håndbog i forberedelse og eksekvering af værdiskabende møder
    af Helle Dyrby Høy & Therese Waltersdorff
    313,95 kr.

    90% af deltagerne i MØUS* (mødelederundersøgelse) mener, at de spilder deres tid på at deltage i møder, der ikke giver nok resultater. Et vanvittigt højt tal.Vil du ændre på det faktum, så er denne praktiske håndbog i mødeledelse uundværlig.Guuud, har vi møde i dag…? viser dig, hvordan du forbereder og eksekverer møder, så de går fra at være spild af tid til at være værdiskabende.Du kan ikke undgå at effektivisere dine møder, når du følger anvisningerne i bogen.Du får inspiration, metoder og øvelser – kort sagt input til, hvordan du:*forbereder dig – praktisk og personligt*øger din gennemslagskraft*involverer og aktiverer dine møde-/workshopdeltagere*driver mødet til alles (nej, de flestes) tilfredshed *evaluerer og uddrager læring *ændrer mødekulturenGuuud, har vi møde i dag…? indeholder også en 8-trins metode til at omlægge og forbedre en eksisterende –og måske dysfunktionel – mødekultur.Bogen er en schweizerkniv fuld af modeller, grafikker og tjeklister, som du dels kan lade dig inspirere af, dels anvende i praksis, når du skal forberede dig.*Bogens tal og anbefalinger stammer fra og understøttes af en mødelederundersøgelse (MØUS), som Helle Dyrby Høy og Therese Waltersdorff har foretaget. 409 respondenter bidrog til undersøgelsens resultater, som giver værdifuld indsigt i, hvor skoen trykker rundt om i danske virksomheder og organisationer.FÅES OGSÅ PÅ ENGELSK MED TITLEN OH, CRAP! IS THAT MEETING TODAY...?---Shafik Tawadros | Vice President | Submission and Labelling | NOVO NORDISK A/S:"En yderst relevant og brugbar værktøjskasse - i øjenhøjde, og i et sprog, der er til at forstå". ---Marie Mynster Mardahl | Head of People & Development and Internal Communication | ØRSTED A/S: "Helle og Therese har begået en praktisk, nemt anvendelig bog om mødeledelse, der indeholder en masse gode tips til at optimere vores mødekultur - og ikke mindst sikre bedre værdi i forhold til udbyttet af (de mange) møder.Bogen er fuld af gode pointer og indsigter, og jeg kan rigtig godt lide, at den også baserer sig på data.Især er jeg vild med det praktiske format, spiralryggen og det lækre layout, der sikrer, at det er en bog, der vil blive flittigt benyttet og ikke blot står og samler støv i bogreolen..." ---Martin Haugaard Petersen | Trade Marketingchef | Royal Unibrew "Her under Corona-tiden har jeg haft mulighed for at læse "Guuud, har vi møde i dag...?" - en håndbog i bevist mødeledelse. Bogen er dejligt inspirerende og et fantastisk opslagsværk til forbedringer i hverdagen. Jeg vil fremover dele bogen med mine kolleger, så mon ikke der er flere, der begynder at bruge modellerne. Godt håndværk! "OMTALT I DAGBLADET BØRSEN, JYLLANDS-POSTEN, TV2 NEWS&CO SAMT ERHVERV KØBENHAVN.

  • - Værdiskabende styring af forretningens mange projekter
    af Klaus Kelmann Nielsen
    448,95 kr.

    Bogen giver en samlet fremstilling af, hvordan man målrettet og effektivt leder og styrer mange parallelle projekter.Der er en international tendens til, at mange organisationer samler deres projekter i en selvstændig enhed, for at sætte fokus på porteføljen af projekter.I takt med at organisationerne udfører store andele af deres funktioner gennem projekter, er der et stigende behov for at sikre ledelse og styring af porteføljen af projekter og programmer. Dette skaber behov for nye ledelsesprocesser og -værktøjer.Med mange projekter har organisationen bundet mange af sine ressourcer i projekterne. Det er derfor nødvendigt at kunne styre, hvilke projekter der igangsættes, og hvilke forandringer der er nødvendige for at opnå gevinstrealiseringen. God porteføljeledelse er med til at sikre projekter og forandringer kædes sammen og fører til den ønskede gevinstrealisering. Ledelse af porteføljen er medansvarlig for realiseringen af organisationens strategi og mål.Denne bog giver forståelse for forskellige porteføljemodeller. Den sætter læseren i stand til at fastlægge mål for porteføljeledelse, at få etableret de rette forudsætninger for indførelsen, udforme en porteføljeorganisation og integrere den i organisationens øvrige struktur.Omtale"Bogen er forskningsbaseret og ganske god både som lærebog og som brugsbog for ledere. Den italesætter den nye ledelsesdisciplin: porteføljeledelse."4/6 stjerner- anmeldelse ved Ulla Bechsgaard, Jyllands-Posten og Finans.dk, 10. marts 2018IndholdForordIntroduktionKapitel 1. IndledningKapitel 2. Oplevelser fra en dansk organisationKapitel 3. PPL i et organisatorisk perspektivKapitel 4. Rammeværk for udformning og indførelse af PPLKapitel 5. Forudsætninger for indførelse af PPLKapitel 6. Formål der kan opnås med indførelse af PPLKapitel 7. Indledning til fastlæggelse af PPL-modelKapitel 8. Valg af organisering af PPLKapitel 9. PorteføljeledelseKapitel 10. Fra strategi til projekterKapitel 11. PorteføljedannelseKapitel 12. PorteføljestyringKapitel 13. PerformanceprocessenKapitel 14. Forandringsledelse og kobling til porteføljeledelseKapitel 15. Gevinststyring og kobling til porteføljeledelseKapitel 16. Indførelse af porteføljeledelseStikordListe over figurerLister over tabeller

  • - Create results through involvement
    af Cecilie van Loon, Henrik Horn Andersen & Line Larsen
    385,95 kr.

    Changes must be managed in order to achieve the desired effect. If you are responsible for managing change processes and ensuring thatthe changes do in fact happen, facilitation is one of the answers.In Facilitation, professional facilitators generously share their years of work experience, methods, tools together with big and small tips and tricks, which can enhance the toolbox of trained and untrained facilitators.The book discusses how to create dynamic meetings, workshops and processes in which the participants take ownership of the solution, maintain high energy, while achieving the desired results.The book provides you with a large toolbox that covers planning, execution and implementation of workshop design and results plus makes a difference for managers, employees and organisations.Facilitation is about achieving results by involving the human resources of the organisation and creating meaning, energy and stronger relationships between people. ContentsPrefaceIntroductionPart I FacilitationChapter 1 Facilitation is about creating results and ownership through involvementChapter 2 Involvement and ownershipPart II Before – design of the processChapter 3 Solid design of processes using the ‘Design Star‘Chapter 4 Purpose – centre and arms of the StarChapter 5 Participants – the ‘co-workers’ in your processChapter 6 Environment – creating the right physical and psychological context for your processChapter 7 Form – methods and processes to develop the scriptChapter 8 Always take time to manage expectations of roles during the processChapter 9 From Design Star to programme and scriptChapter 10 The facilitatorChapter 11 The taskChapter 12 GroupPart IV AfterChapter 13 AFTER: Implementation and influencing behaviourChapter 14 Giving and receiving feedback in the role of facilitatorPart V Large-scale facilitationChapter 15 Large-scale facilitation – facilitation of processes involving many peoplePart VI Virtual facilitationChapter 16 Virtual facilitation – when the participants cannot meet physicallyConclusionBibliographyAppendix

  • - Grow Humans to Grow Ideas
    af Laust Lauridsen & Erik Kayser
    397,95 kr.

    The world desperately needs new ideas to meet the challenges we face; climate, war, food, water, and other global crises. Our society needs ideas to solve social injustice and cultural clashes. We all need ideas to prosper in life and get the most out of it.It turns out that most of us are unfit to em- brace ideas from beyond, because of our exist- ing thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Without new ideas, we cannot make new choices and take new action. Fortunately, it is all learned patterns that can be changed. If we grow, our ideas will grow too.The Experiment Beyond Framework presented in this book combines human transformation and idea development to a magical experience of cre- ating from the source of life. It will inspire you to leave the known and allow you to unfold the potential beyond expectation and imagination. In easy, fun and rewarding ways. Enjoy.

  • - Idéudvikling er selvudvikling
    af Laust Lauridsen & Erik Kayser
    347,95 kr.

    Vores verden har desperat brug for nye idéer til at løse de mange udfordringer, vi står over for; klima, mad, vand, sikkerhed og andre globale kriser. Vores samfund har brug for idéer til at skabe social retfærdighed og fremme kulturel integration. Vi har alle brug for idéer til at trives i livet og få mest muligt ud af det. Desværre har vi svært ved at modtage og god- tage radikalt anderledes idéer, der udfordrer vores viden, følelser og overbevisninger. Det er ærgerligt, for uden disse idéer kan vi ikke træffe nye valg og gøre tingene anderledes. Heldigvis er denne afvisende adfærd mod idéer baseret på indlærte mønstre, der kan ændres. Vokser vi, vokser vores idéer også. Denne bog introducerer Experiment Beyond Framework. Det er tankesættet, metodesam- lingen og praktikken, som kombinerer menne- skelig transformation og idéudvikling. Bogen vil udfordre dig til at forlade det kendte og i stedet udfolde potentialet på den anden side af forventning og fantasi. På en nem, sjov og belønnende måde. Nyd det hele.

  • af Jordan E. Philips
    204,95 kr.

    In "The Multiproject Manager's Playbook: Strategies for Simultaneous Success," Jordan E. Philips delves into the foundational strategies essential for managing multiple projects. Philips outlines the critical importance of prioritization, strategic planning, and effective delegation, setting the stage for a successful multiproject management journey.The book further explores the practical applications of these strategies, highlighting innovative tools and methodologies that facilitate seamless project execution. Philips emphasizes agile practices and technological solutions that enhance team collaboration and stakeholder engagement, ensuring projects remain on track and within scope.Concluding with real-world case studies, Philips showcases the tangible outcomes of applying the playbook's principles. These narratives offer invaluable insights into overcoming common challenges in multiproject management, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of how to navigate the complexities of handling multiple projects simultaneously, achieving success through informed decision-making and strategic foresight.

  • af Liza Lee
    145,95 kr.

    As a result of witnessing project management resource and capability gaps within small medium-sized enterprises, Bring Me Success Please is created and written by Liza Lee for businesses without dedicated project managers and for individuals who want to develop and apply project management capability to their projects. Bring Me Success Please lays out critical ingredients for taking control of your projects and makes it very clear that implementing projects without project management capability can be problematic. Bring Me Success Please takes you on a journey to transform your project and accelerate your journey to bringing success to your project. It provides step-by-step guidance and knowledge in the practical application of project management principles to small medium-sized enterprises and individuals, so that you can successfully complete your projects from start to finish confidently.

  • af Emily Kopieczek
    137,95 kr.

    Editorial project managers make publications happen, taking raw content through quality control and design processes to produce a finished product. Editorial Project Management outlines the key concepts of editorial project management, including briefing, scheduling and budgeting. It highlights the importance of communication, and other soft skills, in guiding a project through its production while meeting stakeholders' requirements and getting the best out of suppliers.This guide is for you if:you want to know what editorial project management isyou are thinking about adding editorial project management to your skillsetyou are considering taking on editorial project management responsibilities.

  • af Jonathan Cagan
    462,95 kr.

    "While there are many books about the innovation process, the management of innovation teams has gone unaddressed. Jonathan Cagan and Peter Boatwright-Carnegie Mellon professors and practitioners with a combined 50+ years of experience in research, consulting, and hands-on innovation-offer 13 tips that can greatly improve the odds for success for any innovation team"--

  • af Jim Sheils
    167,95 kr.

    Now a USA Today Featured Best Seller!What if you had a proven playbook to leverage real estate investments to buy back your time and create a legendary family life?Sadly, most people believe they must settle for working long hours and trading time for money. They have little margin and are missing out on the magic moments they'll never get back. With "Passive Income Playbook," you'll gain more than wealth; you'll learn how to create a reservoir of time-your most valuable asset-to spend on the family experiences you've always desired. This is more than an investment guide; it's a blueprint for a balanced life, rich with financial success through Build-To-Rent real estate and deep family connections.Jim and Jamie Sheils can relate. They have walked the same road, trying to discern which risks to take, unsure of how to create passive income streams while also being present and playful with their family. Everything changed when they discovered 10 powerful principles that reshaped their family life, including the amount of time spent at the office and how they created wealth."Everything became clear when they aligned and utilized the 10 powerful principles of Build-To-Rent real estate."In this book, you'll discover how you can:Generate sustainable wealth without sacrificing your time.Invest with confidence.Experience a better quality of life with more predictability and less risk.Fund your legendary family life starting today.

  • af Fred Voorhorst
    192,95 kr.

    This book adopts a systemic perspective on project management, drawing inspiration from the observation that Dutch apple pies, despite their inherent difficulty and complexity in creation, consistently achieve success. Interestingly, replicating this success appears more challenging in the context of business projects. Through the lens of baking a Dutch apple pie, the book delves into the intricacies of project management, examining systemic views and approaches as effective tools for addressing these challenges. At the very least, readers can expect to acquire the skill of baking a delicious Dutch Apple pie.

  • af Phill Akinwale
    387,95 kr.

    In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of project management, AI does not create the elements of leadership and communication, much like Storm does not create the elements of nature in the X-Men universe. Instead, AI provides project managers with the power to harness these fundamental skills and amplify them-transforming them into weapons for good, for progress, and for the successful realization of visionary projects."AI Superheroes: Elevating Communication and Leadership with AI" is a manifesto for the modern project manager-a beacon that guides you through the complexities of integrating artificial intelligence into the core of project management. Within these pages lies the secret to not only adapting to the digital revolution but leading it.As a project manager, you are the catalyst for change, the strategist in a world where data and human insight intersect. This book empowers you to become an AI Superhero, teaching you how to channel the boundless potential of AI to elevate your team's collaboration, drive innovation, and sharpen your decision-making prowess.You'll learn not just to coexist with AI but to wield it with the finesse of a seasoned leader, aligning technology with the quintessential human values that make for truly exceptional projects. AI becomes more than a tool-it becomes an extension of your leadership, a new facet of your command, enabling you to inspire trust, navigate through uncertainty, and create a legacy of successful projects.Embrace this journey and discover how you, too, can transform the raw energy of AI into a force for leadership good.

  • af Carsten Laugesen
    337,95 kr.

    How do we become good project managers? What does it take to become a true professional?This book gives depth to these crucial questions. It explains and illustrates the experiences and professional capacities we must acquire to become good at what we do. The entry point is project management, and this entry point is used to define what in general makes us become good professionals. The book shows that our professional capacity is so much more than our technical abilities and shows that becoming a true professional today is defined by three key factors: Our ability to accumulate relevant professional reference points and contexts.Our ability to juggle technical, people, power, and unforeseen professional agendas.Our ability to memorize our experiences in useful mental models.The world will end up having around 8 billion professionals, which means that more than 150,000 new professionals will enter the workforce every day for the next 75 years. This will dramatically change our professional context.This book is for everyone who wants to sharpen their professional skills and mental models to stay relevant.

  • af Thomas Neifer
    1.103,95 kr.

    This textbook introduces quantitative methods in operations management, based on operational research. Written for undergraduate and graduate students as well as practitioners, this book serves as a valuable compendium of essential tools for project planning, control, and strategic decision-making.Drawing from the expertise of both experienced scientists and seasoned practical managers, the descriptions of each tool are a harmonious blend of theoretical insights and real-world applicability. With a focus on accessibility, the authors have thoughtfully combined abstract concepts with easy-to-follow examples and detailed case studies.Readers will benefit from the abundance of well-explained recommendations and practical problem-solving approaches, where the book offers guidance on how to solve presented issues by using commercial software. Whether one seeks to refine project management, optimize operations, or make strategic choices, this book equips readers with theknowledge and proficiency required to excel in the dynamic field of operations management.

  • af Richard Newton
    193,95 kr.

    An accessible guide to the practical steps of essential project management activities, including developing a plan, building risks and issues logs and managing a project through to completion.

  • af Jonathan Cagan
    237,95 kr.

    Nearly all innovation is done by teams. And while there are many books about the innovation process, and also many about managing teams, the management of innovation teams has gone unaddressed. This matters, because innovation teams are not like other teams. Most teams and their managers know where they are headed. They've probably been there and done it previously, more than once. Innovation is different. The problem objective has been outlined, but the journey and the destination are full of unknowns and untrieds. The team is tasked with going where none have gone before-with scaling a mountain whose height, form, and hidden passes are unknown, and doing so before a rival team from the other side of the mountain finds the summit. There's no simple formula to enable innovation team managers to accomplish this daunting task. But Jonathan Cagan and Peter Boatwright-Carnegie Mellon professors and practitioners with a combined 50+ years of experience in research, consulting, and hands-on innovation-have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't. In Managing the Unmanageable, they offer 13 tips that can greatly improve the odds for success for any innovation team. Filled with eye-opening real-world examples, bolstered by groundbreaking research studies, and enlivened with illustrations by artist Kurt Hess, it's a quick, fascinating read that any manager with a mandate to innovate will find irresistible-and essential.

  • af John Shoemaker
    317,95 kr.

    Your ability to manage projects well is crucial to your organization's success. The work world is becoming increasingly projectized. More and more of what we do these days is project work. There was a time when projects were what people did in addition to their primary work responsibilities. Today it is the reverse; non-project work is what we do when not working on projects. As a result, success in business increasingly depends on one's ability to manage projects. There is a wide assortment of approaches to managing projects; success depends on applying the right tools to the right projects in the right way. Given the amount of money currently spent on projects, it is imperative that organizations learn to manage them effectively and efficiently-on time and on budget. In this concise and readable handbook for today's project managers, you'll learn how to:· Develop a realistic project plan that maximizes the probability of success· Create a workable project schedule that maximizes the use of project resources· Develop an effective project team· Keep projects on time and on budget· Make meetings work· Ensure that the project results meet customer requirements· Wrap up a project so there are no loose ends Suitable for individual reference or classroom instruction, On Time, On Budget will be a valued resource for project managers in any field. John Shoemaker has extensive practical and academic experience in project management. He has managed projects in the advertising, marketing, and marketing research industries and worked as a corporate trainer and seminar speaker throughout the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, the United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates. His client list includes small businesses, not-for-profit organizations as well as many Fortune 500 companies. John has taught courses in project management, public administration, quality management systems, statistics, research methodology, and marketing research at a number of colleges and universities. He holds a B.A. from Pacific Lutheran University and an M.A. from Western Washington University, and received his Ph.D. at the University of Kentucky after completing his doctoral research at the University of Copenhagen in Copenhagen, Denmark. www.pmprof.online

  • af Gabriele Meier-Schmidt
    132,95 kr.

    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, ob ein Scrum Master, eine der Rollen des agilen Projektmanagements, in der öffentlichen Verwaltung sinnvoll eingesetzt werden kann. Auf Basis von Forschungsberichten, Fachliteratur und Interviews wird die Situation des Projektmanagements in der Verwaltung der Methode Scrum gegenübergestellt. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den Einflussmöglichkeiten eines Scrum Masters und der Frage der Vereinbarkeit mit der spezifischen Projektumgebung im öffentlichen Dienst. Die Analyse zeigt, dass diese Rolle einen erheblichen Nutzen bringen kann, sowohl für das Projektmanagement selbst wie auch für weitere Themenfelder. Gleichzeitig wird deutlich, dass es neben einem Scrum Master weiterer Maßnahmen bedarf, um agiles Arbeiten sinnvoll in der Verwaltung zu verankern

  • af Jérôme Grimm
    207,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist für eine einfache Nutzung konzipiert und stattet Sie mit unverzichtbaren Ressourcen für Ihre agile Reise aus. In der heutigen Unternehmenslandschaft sind agile Praktiken zum Kern großer Unternehmen geworden. Denn immer wieder stehen nicht nur Teamleiter*innen vor der Herausforderung, leistungsstarke Teams aufzubauen und zu erhalten. Das Little Book of Agile Wisdom ist ein einzigartiger und praktischer Leitfaden, der sich gezielt an Scrum Master*innen und leidenschaftliche Agile-Praktiker*innen richtet. Es bietet Ihnen 60 sorgfältig ausgewählte Zitate aus sechs Themenbereichen, die durch passende Bilder und Interpretationen sowie die persönliche Erfahrung der Autoren ergänzt werden. Außerdem finden Sie praktische Teamübungen, die die Lücke zwischen Theorie und greifbaren Ergebnissen schließen.Fördern Sie eine florierende Agile-Kultur in Ihrem Team!

  • af Marinela Mircea
    1.512,95 kr.

    This professional reference book provides a comprehensive overview of project and program management (PProM), capturing recent advancements and current PProM trends. It is a useful reference for educators, engineers, scientists, and researchers in the fields of PProM. The book discusses PProM fundamentals, common practices and approaches, recent advancements, and current trends of modern PProM using technology enablers from the fourth and fifth industrial revolutions (IRs 4. 0 and 5. 0), such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics.

  • af David Asch
    327,95 kr.

    A group of eminent software developers gathered at a Colorado ski lodge in 2001, codifying The Agile Manifesto, a philosophy for efficiently accomplishing technical work. In this accessible, real-world-example-laden, and unexpectedly entertaining book, The Agile Enterprise explains how to apply The Agile Manifesto's ideas company-wide.The wisdom imparted in The Agile Enterprise teaches students to decompose large problems into manageable chunks, helps managers find their value among self-managing teams, and enables executives to measure and recognize success in their own Agile Enterprises.

  • af Johanna Rothman
    317,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Abhishek K Agarwal
    257,95 - 357,95 kr.

  • af Albin Meyer
    777,95 kr.

    Ein kompaktes Nachschlagewerk, geballt mit viel Wissen! Dieser praxisorientierte Kompass liefert Informationen über das gesamte Themenspektrum der Softwareentwicklung: Projektmanagement, Requirements Engineering, Softwarearchitektur, Programmierung und Qualitätssicherung. Ob es sich um ein Projekt im Bereich Web, Desktop, Mobile, IoT oder Machine Learning handelt, On-Premises oder in der Cloud, es finden sich viele Tipps und Tricks für die tägliche Arbeit. Dieses Buch unterstützt Entscheidungsträger bei der Wahl von Hardware, Plattformen, Programmiersprachen, Tools und Librarys. Es hilft weiter bei Fragen zur Sicherheit, zum Monitoring des produktiven Systems und zur Dokumentation. In der Praxis immer wiederkehrende bewährte Muster werden kurz und bündig erklärt. Erfahrungen mit verschiedenen Vorgehensmodellen werden diskutiert, vom Wasserfall bis zu agilen Prozessen. Sowohl Berufseinsteiger als auch erfahrene Professionals finden hier konkrete Lösungsideen für die Herausforderungen im Berufsalltag und Hinweise zu weiterführender Literatur.

  • af Dominik Maximini
    655,95 - 905,95 kr.

    This book illustrates the agile transformation journey of a consulting organization. It consists of nine main chapters, each focusing on specific aspects of transformation. These include establishing value in business, holistic recruitment and retention, innovating performance appraisals, rethinking organizational structure, redesigning leadership roles, streamlining measurement and reward systems, and improving career paths. Some specific processes, such as corporate decision making, SMILE (budget for business improvement at employee discretion), project selection, holiday leave, and career coaching are also described. All of the transformations described build up on Management 3.0, a collection of management principles and practices that fit perfectly in an agile world.The book is of practical relevance for managers and agile coaches who want to learn how to approach agile transformation.

  • af James Louttit
    287,95 kr.

    When was the last time you felt stressed and exhausted at work? Chances are your answer to that question is "not too long ago". As the author realized from first-hand experience, even well-prepared, hard-working, intelligent people can feel the strain of project management. This book presents a comprehensive set of approaches, tips and techniques that enable you to make projects more effective, successful and enjoyable. Leading Impactful Teams is a lively exploration of the "lenses" of project management - Scope, Prioritisation, Time, Cost, Quality, Risks, Team and Stakeholders - that will enable the reader to develop a "sixth sense" for potential issues that could derail their project. Replete with over 50 imaginative illustrations to explain the insights and practices that are packed into every page, the stories and ideas in this book go way past the theories and bring the reality of projects to life. It will help you understand how to make your project a success and avoid unnecessary complications. This is a powerful book for anyone involved in project management, be it at work or outside of it. James Louttit shares his refreshing, engaging and human approach, to provide you with a practical toolkit to help you and your team deliver great project outcomes with minimum stress and maximum fun.

  • af Yvonne de Ville
    207,95 kr.

    Managing Change: The Science of Happy Endings is a reassuring guide that equips you with the correct tools, techniques, and proven methodologies to embrace change and ensure you thrive in our ever-evolving world.

  • af Friederike Oehlerking
    429,95 kr.

    Gerade in Unternehmen und insbesondere im Projektmanagement stecken wir in einem Konflikt: Auf der einen Seite müssen wir auf Basis von Erkenntnissen aus Datenanalysen Geschäftsentscheidungen treffen. Für die Analysen selbst steigen wir in die Details unserer Datenseen 4.0 ab. Aber wenn wir auftauchen und es unserem Management als Entscheidungsvorlage präsentieren wollen, scheitern wir genau an diesen Details. Warum? Weil die Gehirne unserer Zuhörer:innen bei zu vielen trockenen Fakten abschalten. Data Storytelling löst dieses Problem. Denn unser Gehirn reagiert auf Geschichten besser als auf eine Auflistung von reinen Zahlen. Beim Data Storytelling werden die Daten zusammen mit einer grafisch leicht verständlichen Darstellung und einem spannenden Narrativ aufbereitet. Der sonst übliche Informationsüberfluss wird auf wesentliche und relevante Kernaussagen reduziert. So werden Inhalte verständlicher und bilden die Grundlage für Geschäftsentscheidungen. Gespickt mit wissenschaftlichen Fakten über unser Gehirn und ¿Veteranengeschichten¿ aus dem Projektmanagement werden in diesem Buch Wege aufgezeigt, dem ¿Death-by-PowerPoint¿ den Kampf anzusagen und die Welt von schlechten Präsentationen zu befreien.Der InhaltWas ist Data Storytelling?Projekt, Kommunikation und PräsentationenSchritte des Data Storytellings: Zuhörer:innen, Aha-Moment, Storyboard, SpannungsbogenVisualisierung: präattentive Merkmale, Gestaltprinzipien, Foliendesign, Daten- und Präsentationsvisualisierung

  • af Hugues Marchat
    397,95 kr.

    Réussir les tests et la mise en service de vos produits, solutions et applicatifsLa réalisation de produits informatiques se complexifie de plus en plus, tout en prenant une part croissante dans l'entreprise via l'adoption de nombreuses solutions logicielles. L'étape des tests et de la mise en service, cruciale pour réussir tout projet informatique, suit un processus très détaillé. Au-delà des projets informatiques, ce livre guide le lecteur depuis l'analyse des besoins jusqu'à la livraison de la solution au client pour tous les projets d'entreprise. Il contient des exemples concrets, les pièges à éviter, la structuration des cahiers de tests, les méthodes et les outils associés à ces étapes quel que soit le produit ou le service conçu et réalisé.Un guide indispensable pourMettre en oeuvre 2 méthodes simples en 6 et 8 étapes de tests et mise en serviceConnaître 17 outils permettant de réaliser les testsUtiliser les 17 documents prêts à l'emploi pour rédiger votre cahier des chargesTéléchargez les fichiers des modèles de documents prêts à l'emploi et des modèles renseignés depuis www.editions-organisation.com.Ce livre est le 3e d'une série de 4 pour réussir à chaque étape de la conduite de projet: l'analyse des besoins; l'analyse technique et la réalisation; les tests et la mise en service; la gestion d'un portefeuille de projets, des études préalables et des études de faisabilité (à paraître).

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