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En hjælp til projektledere til at kunne navigere i komplekse sammenhænge, hvor standardiserede processer oftest langt fra er løsningen. Forfatterne bidrager med teori, tanke- og handleværktøjer som gør projektledere i stand til: - At forholde sig reflekteret til de værktøjer, som projektledere har adgang til- At klæde projektledere på til at kunne facilitere de nødvendige processer i og omkring projektet. Det er ikke de enkelte værktøjer og tilgange som er afgørende for om en projektleder lykkes. Det er i højere grad den måde man som projektlederen og projektorganisation ser på disse værktøjer og bringer dem i spil, der er afgørende. Formålet med denne bog er at skærpe projektlederens opmærksomhed på og refleksion over de værktøjer, der nu engang er til rådighed, samt at skabe refleksion over, hvordan man kan tænke og arbejde for at skabe de bedst mulige rammer for projektledelse.
Skiftende regeringer sørger for, at den offentlige sektor til stadighed bliver reformeret og forandret. Derfor er forandringsledelse et grundvilkår for de offentlige ledere, der skal omsætte de politiske ideer til ny praksis i organisationerne. Også når der lokalt er skepsis og modstand mod, at opgaver skal løses på nye måder og i nye rammer.Overalt i den offentlige sektor er aktive ledere i gang med at forholde sig til reformer og forandringer. De er konstant på udkigefter nye måder at få ressourcer og resultater til at mødes på for at skabe værdi for borgerne.Forfatternes egen forskning ledsages sammen med ny international forskning i komplekse forandringer af illustrative eksempler fra offentlige organisationer, der har gennemgået reformer og forandringer og har opnået gode resultater.
Når vi skal føre nye ideer ud i livet, bliver vi ofte ramt af usikkerhed og frygt for fiasko. Men hvis du vænner dig til altid at teste dine ideer, minimerer du risikoen for, at det, du troede skulle blive genialt, falder til jorden. Test dine ideer viser, hvordan du gør dine ideer skudsikre. Du lærer at anvende eksperimenter og at sætte dine undersøgelser i system, så det med at teste altid bare er noget, man gør i din virksomhed.Bogens 44 enkle eksperimenter er værdifulde, fordi de reducerer risikoen og usikkerheden ved en idé og giver dig et bevis for, om dine hypoteser skal støttes eller afvises.
Balanced scorecard er et strategisk ledelsesværktøj, der giver ledelsen overblik over virksomhedens processer, kunder og markeder samt de organisatoriske kompetencer. Ved at sætte konkrete mål og fokusere på kritiske succesfaktorer kan virksomheden opnå excellente resultater.Per Nikolaj Bukh og Karina Dkovvang Christensen giver en grundig gennemgang af, hvordan man arbejder med balanced scorecard, og de vejleder gennem bogen læseren i, hvilke processer det er vigtigt at fokusere på. Organisationer og virksomheder er forskellige, og derfor skal hver enkelt organisation eller virksomhed arbejde forskelligt med balanced scorecard. Forfatterne giver råd og inspiration til dette arbejde.Med mere end 15 års praktisk erfaring med teknikkerne har forfatterne bistået et stort antal offentlige og private virksomheder med at udvikling og implementere nye ledelses- og styringsmodeller baseret på balanced scorecard.
Revised, updated, and more relevant than ever, the bestselling business classic by two internationally renowned management theorists shows how companies of all sizes can become the most efficient organizations possible. 20 charts.
Everyone can impact the supply chain Supply Chain Management For Dummies helps you connect the dots between things like purchasing, logistics, and operations to see how the big picture is affected by seemingly isolated inefficiencies.
Eliyahu M. Goldratt was an educator, author, physicist, philosopher and business leader, but fi rst and foremost, he was a thinker who provoked others to think. Oft en characterized as unconventional, stimulating, and "a slayer of sacred cows," he urged his audience to examine and reassess their business practices with a fresh, new vision. Dr. Goldratt is best known as the father of the Theory of Constraints (TOC), a process of ongoing improvement that identifies and leverages a system's constraints in order to achieve the system's goals. He introduced TOC's underlying concepts in his business novel, The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement, which has been recognized as one of the best-selling business books of all time. First published in 1984, Th e Goal has been updated three times and sold more than 10 million copies worldwide. It has been translated into 40 languages.
The design and operation of different supply chains and logistics networks is a significant part of today¿s economy. Production and service companies and logistics service providers must improve their systems and processes to strengthen the value chain and support cost efficiency, availability, flexibility, efficiency, sustainability, and transparency. This book offers a selection of chapters that explain the different aspects of the design and operation of supply chain solutions. The book is designed to help students at all levels as well as managers and researchers to understand and appreciate the concept, design, and implementation of supply chain solutions.
Aus den Straßen europäischer Städte sind sie kaum noch wegzudenken: Lasten- und Transporträder. Im Personenverkehr sind sie für Einkäufe und Kindertransporte bereits Standard, ebenso im Kuriersegment sowie der Paketzustellung. Besonders in der Logistik und im Wirtschaftsverkehr liegt noch ein sehr breit gefächertes und ausdifferenziertes Einsatzpotenzial. Die Renaissance des Lastenrads als Transportmittel nimmt auch im gewerblichen Sektor an Bedeutung zu. Das Open Access-Buch bietet in dieser Form erstmals systematisch aufbereitetes Wissen für Praktiker in Wirtschaft, Politik und Verwaltung sowie für Studierende in den Bereichen Logistik und Verkehrsplanung. Zu den einzelnen Aspekten der Radlogistik (u. a. Fahrzeuge und Technik, gewerblicher Einsatz, logistischer Einsatz, Planung, Infrastrukturen, intermodale Einbindung, Best-Practice-Beispiele, Entwicklungstrends) haben national renommierte Wissenschaftler:innen Beiträge verfasst. Dieses Buch bündelt den aktuellen Wissensstand auf Basis von Forschungsergebnissen und stellt ihn kompakt und übersichtlich dar.
This is the first volume in the CIRP Novel Topics in Production Engineering (CNTPE), a collection of essays addressing novel research areas in production engineering, published regularly in book volumes. Each essay provides a systematization and explanation of a technology, an approach, a process, etc., and covers a novel research area once it has been published in the scientific literature for few years. The essays provide focused and structured knowledge of a defined and limited subject in terms of detailed implementation, a systematic description of theoretical hypotheses and results, constructive and design characteristics for a product/process or experiment, and exemplary applications to real cases. These constitute the background knowledge for scientists/professionals to approach a novel scientific and technological area - addressing background concepts, relevant tools and methodologies, language, and theory.
This book presents the cutting-edge research showcased at the XXXII International Congress INGEGRAF, held in Cádiz, Spain from 21-23 June 2023. It highlights the latest advances in product design and manufacturing, including industrial methods for integrated product and process design, innovative design, and computer-aided design. The book covers a broad spectrum of topics, including virtual simulation and reverse engineering, additive manufacturing, product manufacturing, engineering methods in medicine and education, representation techniques, and nautical, engineering and construction, aeronautics and aerospace design, and modeling.The book is organized into main sections that reflect the focus and primary themes of the conference. The contributions in this book provide extensive information and insights to support the daily work of researchers, engineers, and experts in various industrial engineering subfields. Additionally, the book intends to inspire new research directions, promote advanced applications of the discussed methods, and foster future interdisciplinary collaborations.
Dieses Buch beurteilt ausgewählte City-Logistik Konzepte hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung, eine nachhaltige Entwicklung von Städten zu fördern. Die Evaluation erfolgt entsprechend den Kriterien nachhaltiger Entwicklung und anhand qualitativer und quantitativer Kriterien. Es zeigt sich, dass ein Urban Consolidation Center (UCC) aus ökologischer, ökonomischer sowie sozialer Nachhaltigkeitsperspektive die beste Eignung aufweist. Das Konzept kann zudem in der Praxis kostendeckend betrieben werden, wenn die richtigen Bedingungen dafür geschaffen werden. Erfolgsfaktoren sind die Unterstützung der relevanten Stakeholder, ein Plan zur Sicherung der langfristigen Wirtschaftlichkeit, ein Anreiz zur Inanspruchnahme und Verwendung der Services sowie die Neutralität des Betreibers.
This book presents a comprehensive framework for developing Industry 4.0 and 5.0 solutions through the use of ontology modeling and graph-based optimization techniques. With effective information management being critical to successful manufacturing processes, this book emphasizes the importance of adequate modeling and systematic analysis of interacting elements in the era of smart manufacturing.The book provides an extensive overview of semantic technologies and their potential to integrate with existing industrial standards, planning, and execution systems to provide efficient data processing and analysis. It also investigates the design of Industry 5.0 solutions and the need for problem-specific descriptions of production processes, operator skills and states, and sensor monitoring in intelligent spaces.The book proposes that ontology-based data can efficiently represent enterprise and manufacturing datasets.The book is divided into two parts: modelingand optimization. The semantic modeling part provides an overview of ontologies and knowledge graphs that can be used to create Industry 4.0 and 5.0 applications, with two detailed applications presented on a reproducible industrial case study. The optimization part of the book focuses on network science-based process optimization and presents various detailed applications, such as graph-based analytics, assembly line balancing, and community detection.The book is based on six key points: the need for horizontal and vertical integration in modern industry; the potential benefits of integrating semantic technologies into ERP and MES systems; the importance of optimization methods in Industry 4.0 and 5.0 concepts; the need to process large amounts of data while ensuring interoperability and re-usability factors; the potential for digital twin models to model smart factories, including big data access; and the need to integrate human factors in CPSs and provide adequate methods tofacilitate collaboration and support shop floor workers.
The challenges facing supply chain professionals are changing rapidly. Today, far from focusing on capital expenditures and logistics such as warehousing and distribution, supply chain executives are expected to understand all aspects of the business, appreciate the constraints and expectations of upstream and downstream partners, and possess sufficient technological savvy to navigate the bewildering array of options presented by Industry 4.0 and supply chain digitalization (SCD). This book is for them.The Digital Supply Chain Challenge: Breaking Through 2nd Edtion is a distillation of the authors' 50+ years of combined supply chain experience, both at the coal face and in the classroom. Their insights and observations - captured in short articles and best-practice case studies - are brought together in one place for supply chain executives to consult at different times during their SCD voyage, to find benchmarks, relevant insights or even just to help formulate the right questions along the way. It is a sort of handbook to the essentials of digital supply chain transformation.This new edition contains additional chapters on AI, an evaluation of Industry 4.0, why the promised fourth industrial revolution hasn't happened yet and new cases studies on Tesla, Heineken, L'Oreal and Zalando.
In the ever-evolving landscape of a complex corporate world, true leadership is the rare gem that has the power to create infinite impact.Every leader needs a compass to navigate through modern challenges, faced within an organisation, in turbulent economic environments. Enter Infinite Impact, a comprehensive playbook that equips leaders with the mindset, tools, and strategies necessary to thrive in the era of swift turnarounds and immediate action.Infinite Impact provides simple, practical solutions to cultivate high-performing teams, develop a growth mindset, transform cultures, navigate corporate politics, overcome burnout, prioritize wellness, and distinguish leadership with authenticity and empathy.Abdalla Nasr draws from his vast international experience in guiding top leaders and gaining game-changing insights from some of the largest organizations, in multiple industries. Nasr goes beyond mere theory, offering tangible solutions for the mostpressing challenges faced by leaders today.If you are ready to break free from the shackles of traditional leadership and embark on a journey of Infinite Impact, then this book is your definitive guide. Upskill your role as an agent of change-the corporate world is waiting for its next generation of infinite leaders-will you step up to the challenge?Abdalla Nasr is a best-selling author and an award-winning certified trainer in talent assessment and development who has spent over a decade transforming organizations worldwide. Born and raised in the Middle East, Nasr has been a globe-trotter, carving a career path that has given him the edge in guiding executive leaders to achieve their true potential.His bestselling book, The Corporate, captured the interest and enthusiasm of readers keen to thrive in a competitive talent market. Abdalla is passionate about propelling people to become the best version of themselves, personally and professionally.
Modern systems have become increasingly complex to design and build, while the demand for reliability and cost-effective enhancement continues. Robust international competition has further intensified the need for all designers, managers, practitioners, scientists, and engineers to ensure a level of reliability of their products and processes before release at the lowest cost. Developments in Reliability Engineering equips its audience with the necessary information to keep up with the latest original research and state-of-the-art advances in reliability engineering. The volume offers an excursus from historical theories and methods to the present-world practical utility of these concepts with worked-out examples.
Dieses Buch beschreibt anschaulich die verschiedenen Aspekte der Distributionslogistik und zeigt anhand zahlreicher Beispiele leistungsfähiger Distributionslogistik, wie Unternehmen den vorgestellten Methodenbaukasten als Wettbewerbsvorteil nutzen können. Nur wer liefern kann, macht das Geschäft. Diese alte Kaufmannsregel ist die Kernaufgabe der Distributionslogistik: Sicherzustellen, dass die Kunden die bestellten Waren rechtzeitig, sicher und in guter Qualität erhalten. Der Verkäufer muss darauf achten, dass auch die Bestands- und Transportkosten stimmen. Mit der Leistungsfähigkeit moderner Distributionslogistik werden die Kunden anspruchsvoller, d. h. alle Produkte sollen in der gewünschten Form überall, schnell und preisgünstig verfügbar sein. In der 4. Auflage wurden die Inhalte und Daten überarbeitet und an die aktuellen Entwicklungen angepasst.
Dieses Buch bietet Studierenden über 80 Übungsaufgaben und fünf Fallstudien inklusive ausführlicher Lösungen zu ausgewählten Themen der Produktionswirtschaft und Industrie 4.0. Jedes Kapitel enthält eine kurze Einleitung sowie zu erreichende Lernziele. Querverweise auf das Lehrbuch ¿Produktionswirtschaft¿ von Kellner/Lienland/Lukesch erleichtern das Selbststudium und ermöglichen eine optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung. Die 3. Auflage wurde redigiert und um neue Rechenaufgaben sowie eine weitere Fallstudie zum Themenbereich Industrie 4.0 ergänzt.
Dr. Elouise Epstein's new book, How to hack your supply chain: Breaking today, building tomorrow, provides insights to practitioners for navigating the ongoing volatility of the disruptive world we live in.This book's guidance couldn't arrive at a better time. Supply chain leaders are encountering technological changes, increased customer expectations, and growing security risks. Seemingly overnight, supply chain management has gone from the understudy to the leading actor.The trouble, though, is that most global enterprise supply chains were designed and built decades ago. They remain lumbering monoliths designed to maximize cost savings at the expense of efficiency, ESG, and security. More importantly, most supply chains are not digital; instead, they run on technology from the 1990s, spreadsheets, and human grit. It's time for enterprises to fundamentally redesign their supply chains and then rebuild them around digital excellence and AI fluency.In How to hack your supply chain, Dr. Epstein explains how to create intelligence from the glut of data and upskill practitioners to function in a disrupted world. She also provides advice for improving cyber and physical security and operating supply chains more effectively in an ever-evolving global environment. Written with humor and plenty of real-world examples, How to hack your supply chain is a must-read for operations practitioners, supply chain enthusiasts, and anyone else who yearns to understand and design supply chains for the future.
Circular economy can serve as a key building block for the sustainability targets of manufacturing companies. Although the term itself has long been established, we see that proper implementation of a circular economy model across entire manufacturing value chains is still lacking and remains a challenge. However, there are clearly visible and good examples of circular economy standards which have already been applied and are generating value among multiple layers. Circular Economy and Manufacturing presents these and more, providing a roadmap of optimized, flexible, efficient, effective, and competitive green production strategies for the manufacturing industry and its multiple stakeholders. The volume proves to be an excellent springboard for further discussion and research into new frameworks of best practices in view of achieving more socially responsible and sustainable organizations in a not-so-distant future.
Manufacturing from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: Advances and Applications unfolds establishing three main pillars: (i) it investigates the theoretical background of the current industrial practice within the framework of industry 4.0 by presenting its key definitions and backbone technologies; (ii) it discusses the methods and state-of-the-art developments employed in the ongoing digital transformation of companies worldwide to promote more resilient, sustainable, and human-centric smart manufacturing and production networks; and (iii) it outlines a strategic plan for the transition from industry 4.0 to industry 5.0. Written by an international group of expert scientists, this volume offers an overview of the most recent research in the field and provides actionable insights to benefit audiences in both academia and industry.
This book explains ¿what goes on in a manufacturing company as a product goes through its lifecycle¿. It describes more than 70 product-related activities that take place during the product lifecycle phases of ideation, development, production, service, and recycling. The various documents, data, working methods, and computer programs used in each activity are outlined. The book tells the story of a project carried out by a Master¿s degree student in a manufacturing company to find out for the CEO exactly what happens with products across their lifecycle. Due to the storytelling approach of the book, the reader will learn, as if they are present in the company, about the activities that take place along the product lifecycle. They will see how the company is organized, what data and documents are created and used in each activity, and which applications are being used. They will see, from the interviews carried out by the student, what people are doing, the difficulties they face, and the improvement opportunities they see. This will give them a good understanding of the various activities that take place, and provide a basis for improving performance and implementing new processes and applications.
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