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  • af Étienne Nouveaupenseur
    252,95 kr.

    Ce guide pour gagner de l'argent en ligne s'adresse à TOUT LE MONDE. Vous pouvez gagner de l'argent avec le marketing numérique, que vous souhaitiez montrer votre visage ou non, que vous soyez un homme ou une femme, de n'importe où et sans aucune compétence préalable.Vous pouvez être marketeur, mannequin indépendant, propriétaire d'une agence de mannequins, manager, bavard, rédacteur, recruteur, expert en trafic Reddit.... Les possibilités sont infinies dans ce nouveau secteur où il n'y a pratiquement PAS de concurrence. Ce que l'on appelle désormais OnlyFans Management (OFM).Avec cette lecture, vous apprendrez tout ce que vous devez savoir pour démarrer ou développer un business d'un million de dollars avec OnlyFans et d'autres avenues de monétisation. Vous maîtriserez les médias sociaux et d'autres STRATÉGIES SECRÈTES pour transformer des inconnus en puissants créateurs de contenu et influenceurs du jour au lendemain grâce à la puissance de la technologie.

  • af Gary Harper
    287,95 kr.

    In today's ever-evolving business landscape, success is contingent upon a well-structured and adaptive organizational framework."RISE: Business Framework " introduces a powerful system designed to propel businesses to new heights.

  • af Thomas Cantone
    117,95 kr.

    ¡Descubre los secretos para transformar tu blog en una fuente rentable de ingresos con nuestro nuevo libro educativo, "Gana Dinero con tu Blog"! Sumérgete en páginas repletas de conocimientos profundos sobre el fascinante mundo del blogging, desde la creación de contenido atractivo hasta estrategias avanzadas de monetización. Aprende cómo identificar tu nicho de mercado, desarrollar productos y servicios propios, y maximizar tu presencia en redes sociales para alcanzar a una audiencia global. Este libro va más allá de simples consejos; te guía paso a paso en la optimización para motores de búsqueda (SEO), revelando técnicas probadas para aumentar la visibilidad de tu blog y atraer tráfico cualificado. Descubre cómo colaborar con afiliados, cerrar acuerdos de patrocinio, y analizar estadísticas y datos para tomar decisiones estratégicas que potencien tu crecimiento. ¿Te preguntas cómo diversificar tus fuentes de ingresos? "Gana Dinero con tu Blog" te brinda valiosa información sobre la creación de un plan de negocios sostenible, la adaptación a cambios en la industria y estrategias efectivas de gestión del tiempo y productividad para mantener tu blog en la cima de su juego. Este libro no solo es una guía completa, sino también una herramienta inspiradora para aquellos que sueñan con convertir su pasión por escribir en una fuente de ingresos sustentable. ¡Convierte tu blog en un activo rentable y logra el éxito que siempre has deseado! No pierdas la oportunidad de comenzar tu viaje hacia el éxito financiero con "Gana Dinero con tu Blog". ¡Tu futuro digital comienza aquí!

  • af Edgar Klinger
    412,95 kr.

    What makes international joint ventures successful? Among other key success factors such as strategic fit, material and political-relational incentives, and the cultural compatibility of the joint venture partners, the role of one factor in the successful establishment and management of joint ventures is critical: the mutual trust among the managers involved. This book explores how to establish, develop, and continue to nurture mutual trust between the managers of German and Chinese joint ventures. A series of guided interviews conducted by the authors reveals assessments of Chinese and European executives about their mutual trust in the context of the cultural differences between the two countries, the worldviews characterizing China and Germany, and their impact on the behavior of their executives. The authors then use these judgements from the interviews to make recommendations for action to build more successful cooperation in German-Chinese business cooperation in future joint enterprises. Trust in German-Chinese Business Cooperation is essential reading for managers of international companies and students of business management, business psychology and intercultural management.

  • af Thomas Cantone
    117,95 kr.

    Immerse yourself in the exciting world of "Social Entrepreneurs" with our educational book, a work that transcends the pages by exploring the foundations, challenges and inspiring stories that define this transformative movement. With a persuasive approach, we unveil a paradigm shift in social development that revolutionizes the way we think about impact on society and the environment. This book takes you beyond conventional formulas, embracing a new approach that highlights resilience, inclusion and sustainability as fundamental pillars of social entrepreneurship. Discover how social entrepreneurs, far from settling for superficial solutions, are addressing deep, systemic challenges with creativity and determination. Delving into the heart of change, you'll immerse yourself in inspiring stories that illustrate how these innovative minds not only face obstacles, but overcome them with resilience and bold vision. Each page takes you beyond conventional limits, offering you a panoramic view of a new paradigm in social development that fuses economic growth with equity, inclusion and sustainability. This book is not only an educational guide, but a call to action. Awaken the entrepreneurial spirit in you, inviting you to explore how you can contribute to this global movement. In addition, our book's comprehensive approach, ranging from innovative philanthropy to paradigm shifts in social development, gives you a complete and enriching perspective. Ready to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of social entrepreneurs and be part of positive change? This book is your gateway to an educational journey that will inspire you to be an agent of transformation in your community and beyond!

  • af Thomas Cantone
    117,95 kr.

    Discover the path to business success with our educational book 'Start Your Own Business'! This comprehensive manual dives into the fundamentals vital for those who aspire to become successful entrepreneurs. From the exciting pursuit of your entrepreneurial passion to identifying innovative opportunities, each chapter is designed to provide clear, practical guidance. Wondering how to research markets and trends to make informed decisions? How to develop a robust business plan that is the birth of your company? Our book takes you step by step through these processes, providing you with valuable information and proven strategies. Additionally, we delve into critical topics such as financing, legality, and business requirements so that you feel empowered and prepared as you embark on your entrepreneurial journey. And we don't stop there: we'll guide you through creating a strong brand identity, show you how to develop innovative products and services, and immerse you in the exciting world of digital marketing and online presence. But that is not all. Our book provides you with essential tools for effective time management, building strong business relationships through networking, and equips you with key skills such as adaptability and business resilience. Additionally, we explore pricing and profitability strategies, revealing the secrets to maximizing revenue and ensuring financial viability. In the fascinating journey towards entrepreneurship, we do not forget essential aspects such as customer service, user experience and risk and contingency management. And of course, we dive into business ethics and corporate social responsibility, highlighting the importance of building not only successful, but also ethical and socially responsible companies. Ready to get started? This book is not only a guide, it is your travel companion! Discover the secrets of business success and get ready to build your own empire. Start your own business with confidence and vision with our book as your trusted guide!

  • af Brain Williams
    132,95 kr.

    Unlock the secrets to financial abundance with "The Millionaire Mind Manifesto!"Transform your thoughts into a wealthy reality as you embark on a journey of personal development and growth. Dive into the psychology of success, discover wealth-creation strategies, and unleash the power of a positive money mindset! This self-help guide offers a blueprint for cultivating a millionaire mindset, setting and achieving financial goals, and building multiple streams of income. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or seeking financial freedom, this book provides actionable insights and investment wisdom to propel you toward prosperity.Ready to manifest wealth and shape your wealthy tomorrow? Join the transformative journey now!

  • af Thomas Cantone
    117,95 kr.

    Discover the secret to transforming your marriage into a thriving "Marriage Business"! This groundbreaking book guides you through proven business strategies to strengthen your relationship and build a lasting connection. From opportunity identification and strategic planning to marriage marketing and shared leadership, each chapter offers practical tools to revitalize your married life. Learn to communicate effectively, manage finances as a team, and discover how to get started in the intimate sphere with innovative approaches to sex life and time management as a couple. With heartwarming stories and practical advice, this book is your manual for making every aspect of your marriage a success. Click now to discover how to apply business strategies to your relationship, constructively resolving conflicts and celebrating marital successes. With "Marriage Business", your relationship will not only prosper, but it will also become an extraordinary company! Invest in the lasting success of your marriage! Click now and discover how to transform your relationship into a thriving "Marriage Business". Your love story deserves to be the best investment of your life!

  • af Thompson Gris
    292,95 kr.

    ¡Uno de mis lugares favoritos es una cafetería sucia! ¿Extraño? Esto se debe a que aprendí algunas de las lecciones empresariales más valiosas en el lugar más improbable; una cafetería lúgubre.No era un lugar donde esperaba encontrar inspiración. Era un lugar ruinoso, con paredes manchadas, tazas desconchadas y un olor agrio. La única razón por la que fui allí fue porque era barato y estaba cerca de mi oficina. Yo era contador junior en una gran empresa y odiaba mi trabajo. Sentí que estaba desperdiciando mi vida haciendo tareas aburridas para personas que no se preocupaban por mí. Soñaba con iniciar mi propio negocio, pero no tenía el coraje ni los recursos para hacerlo.Un día, mientras tomaba un café tibio, noté a un hombre sentado en la mesa de la esquina. Llevaba una chaqueta de cuero, gafas de sol y un pañuelo. Tenía una computadora portátil, un teléfono inteligente y una pila de papeles frente a él. Parecía ocupado, pero también relajado. Él sonrió y asintió con la cabeza cuando nuestras miradas se encontraron. Estaba intrigado por él. ¿Quien era él? ¿Que estaba haciendo? ¿Por qué estaba él aquí?Decidí acercarme a él y entablar una conversación. Me presenté y le pregunté ingenuamente en qué estaba trabajando. Me dijo que se llamaba Sam y que era un empresario rebelde. ¿Empresario rebelde? ¿Qué profesión era esa? Pregunté interiormente. Dijo que estaba "revolucionando" la industria de la educación en línea al crear una plataforma que conectaba a estudiantes y profesores de todo el mundo. Dijo que lanzaría su producto en unas pocas semanas y que confiaba en que sería un éxito. Dijo que no tenía inversores, empleados ni oficina. Dijo que trabajaba desde cualquier lugar que quisiera y que amaba su vida.Me sorprendió su historia. Le pregunté cómo lo hizo. ¿Cómo se le ocurrió su idea? ¿Cómo construyó su producto? ¿Cómo lo comercializó? ¿Cómo afrontó la competencia? Respondió a todas mis preguntas con entusiasmo y pasión. Me dijo que seguía una filosofía simple: ser rebelde. Dijo que desafió las normas tradicionales de los negocios e hizo las cosas a su manera. Dijo que no tenía miedo de correr riesgos, experimentar, fracasar, aprender y mejorar. Dijo que no le interesaba seguir las reglas, sino hacer las suyas propias. Dijo que no estaba motivado por el dinero, sino por el impacto. Dijo que no era un seguidor, sino un líder.Me inspiró a repensar mi propio enfoque de los negocios y la vida. Me hizo darme cuenta de que yo también tenía el potencial para ser un emprendedor rebelde. Me animó a perseguir mis propios sueños y pasiones y a crear algo que fuera importante para mí y para los demás. Me ofreció su ayuda y orientación, y me invitó a unirme a su red de emprendedores rebeldes. Me dio sus datos de contacto y me dijo que me mantuviera en contacto. Dijo que tenía que irse, pero que esperaba volver a verme pronto. Me dejó con una sonrisa y un apretón de manos.Ese fue el día que cambió mi vida. Ese fue el día que conocí al empresario rebelde. Ese fue el día en que me convertí en uno.

  • af Gerard Assey
    207,95 kr.

    'Sales SOS! Sales on Fire! 30 Days to Conquer Chaos & the Nightmares of Success!' is a transformative guide for sales leaders navigating the tumultuous seas of modern commerce. Each of the 30 chapters addresses a pressing challenge faced by sales managers-from team performance and revenue targets to technological integration and global market expansion. This comprehensive 30-day journey provides actionable strategies, real-world examples, and preventive measures to equip sales managers with the tools needed to thrive in the dynamic world of sales. The book unfolds as a crucible, forging leaders capable of embracing change, inspiring teams, and achieving sustained success.From the urgency of periodic reviews to the blueprint for mastery, 'Sales SOS! Sales on Fire! is a roadmap for conquering the night and turning challenges into stepping stones toward leadership excellence.

  • af Jeff Jarvis
    287,95 kr.

    A bold and vital book that asks and answers the most urgent question of today: What Would Google Do? In a book that's one part prophecy, one part thought experiment, one part manifesto, and one part survival manual, internet impresario and blogging pioneer Jeff Jarvis reverse-engineers Google?the fastest-growing company in history?to discover forty clear and straightforward rules to manage and live by. At the same time, he illuminates the new worldview of the internet generation: how it challenges and destroys, but also opens up vast new opportunities. His findings are counterintuitive, imaginative, practical, and above all visionary, giving readers a glimpse of how everyone and everything?from corporations to governments, nations to individuals?must evolve in the Google era.Along the way, he looks under the hood of a car designed by its drivers, ponders a worldwide university where the students design their curriculum, envisions an airline fueled by a social network, imagines the open-source restaurant, and examines a series of industries and institutions that will soon benefit from this book's central question. The result is an astonishing, mind-opening book that, in the end, is not about Google. It's about you.

  • - En antologi om ledelse i et sundhedsvæsen under transformation
    af Søren Barlebo Rasmussen, Per Jørgensen & Mickael Bech
    297,95 kr.

    HVORDAN LEDER VI ET SUNDHEDSVÆSEN UNDER UDVIKLING?Det danske sundhedsvæsen er forgrenet, komplekst og presset, og det er under forandring. Med den demografiske udvikling forventes flere ældre og kroniske patienter med høje krav til pleje og behandling, og hertil føjer sig udfordringer med at sikre arbejdsmiljøer med kvalificeret personale, centralisering, digitalisering og benhård prioritering.I denne antologi tager en række eksperter afsæt i sundhedsvæsenets udfordringer og giver deres bud på, hvordan vi løser dem fra et ledelsesmæssigt perspektiv. I bogen får man indblik i og præsenteret en række værktøjer til at håndtere klassiske ledelsesopgaver og opgaver, der knytter sig specifikt til ledelse i sundhedsvæsenet. Der er kapitler, der fokuserer på borgernes og politikernes forventninger til sundhedsvæsenet; kapitler om centrale ledelsesopgaver, fx faglig ledelse, personaleledelse, driftsledelse, strategisk ledelse og det personlige lederskab; kapitler om rekruttering og tilknytning, forandringsledelse, compassionate leadership og ledelse af uddannelse og kompetenceudvikling; og kapitler om tværgående samarbejde og digitale transformationer.Det danske sundhedsvæsen har behov for ledere, der kan agere i en kompleks organisatorisk virkelighed og forstår at lede udvikling og drift sammen – først som sidst for at medarbejdere kan yde den bedste behandling og pleje til patienterne. Bogen giver bud på, hvordan dette kan realiseres, og den kan læses som inspiration og debatoplæg af alle i sundhedssektoren med lederambitioner og -ansvar.

  • af Elena Sinclair
    132,95 kr.

    Embark on Your Entrepreneurial Odyssey with the Business Bliss Blueprint! Are you ready to turn your passion into a thriving, profitable venture? Discover the transformative journey outlined in "Business Bliss Blueprint: Transforming Your Passion into a Profitable Venture." Uncover Your Passion: Explore the essence of your true passion and align it with your entrepreneurial dreams.Craft Your Path to Success: Dive into the art of business planning and strategy tailored to your unique passion. Learn strategic scaling approaches to propel your venture toward sustainable success.Establish Your Unique Brand Identity: Master the art of creating a brand that resonates with your audience and stands out in the market.Ignite Your Marketing Strategies: Explore effective marketing tactics to elevate your passion-driven business to new heights. Unleash innovative approaches to infuse creativity into every aspect of your entrepreneurial venture.Nurture Resilience in the Face of Challenges: Navigate obstacles with resilience and turn setbacks into stepping stones toward your goals.Fuel Your Personal Growth: Embrace a success mindset intertwined with personal development for a holistic entrepreneurial journey. Your Invitation to Business Bliss Awaits! Ignite the Spark of Entrepreneurial Brilliance! The Business Bliss Blueprint is not just a book; it's your guide to crafting a business that radiates joy, fulfillment, and boundless success.

  • af Asomoo. Net
    147,95 kr.

    ¡Prepárate para una aventura que desafiará los límites de la realidad! En "Proyecto del Libro Azul", sumérgete en un viaje trepidante a través de los secretos ocultos de la existencia extraterrestre. Atrévete a cuestionar lo que crees saber y únete a nuestros protagonistas en la búsqueda de la verdad más allá de las estrellas. ¿Estás listo para desentrañar los enigmas cósmicos y descubrir el misterioso propósito detrás de la presencia alienígena? El cosmos te llama, y el destino espera. ¡Prepárate para el Proyecto del Libro Azul y desata el poder de la curiosidad!

  • af Randall O'Dwyer
    162,95 kr.

    This manual was written to answer and guide both the new start-up's questions and act as a review for the experienced business person. It is based upon my forty-plus years as a tax accountant and then highly sanded down and polished with feedback from new and experienced business owners from almost all walks of life.

  • af Matthew Rymer Harrison
    162,95 kr.

    If you are looking for an easy and effective way to generate income online without having to spend a lot of time, this book is for you!Here are some of the benefits you will get when you buy this book:You will learn how to use ChatGPT to generate passive income easily and quickly.You'll discover the best strategies and tactics to make the most of ChatGPT's artificial intelligence to generate passive income in an automated way.Learn how you can leverage the latest technology trends to automate your revenue generation processes to get more free time.You will get access to tools and resources that will help you implement the strategies and tactics in this book effectively.The best part of this book is that you don't need to have any technical skills or prior knowledge in artificial intelligence to start generating passive income. All you need is an internet connection and an open mind to learn and apply what I teach you in this book.

  • af Asomoo. Net
    112,95 kr.

    En este libro, te enseñaremos cómo aprovechar al máximo esta plataforma, brindándote estrategias prácticas y consejos clave para promocionar tus productos de Hotmart en los grupos de Facebook. Desde la creación de contenido atractivo y persuasivo hasta la segmentación efectiva del público objetivo, aprenderás todo lo necesario para destacarte y generar ventas exitosas.No importa si eres un principiante en el mundo de las ventas en línea o si ya tienes cierta experiencia, este libro te brindará información valiosa y te guiará paso a paso en el proceso de optimizar tu estrategia de ventas en Facebook. Descubrirás cómo identificar los grupos adecuados para tu nicho de mercado, cómo interactuar con los miembros de manera efectiva y cómo utilizar herramientas y recursos para maximizar tus resultados. Además, te proporcionaremos consejos prácticos para crear anuncios impactantes, aprovechar el potencial de las reseñas y testimonios, y establecer una relación sólida con tu audiencia. Aprenderás a construir una marca personal sólida que inspire confianza y atraiga a clientes potenciales de manera constante.Así que prepárate para sumergirte en este apasionante mundo de las ventas en grupos de Facebook. ¡Estamos seguros de que, al implementar las estrategias y técnicas que descubrirás en este libro, lograrás incrementar tus ventas y alcanzar el éxito que siempre has deseado! ¿Estás listo para empezar a convertir tus publicaciones en ventas reales? ¡Entonces comencemos juntos este emocionante viaje!

  • af Gerard Assey
    197,95 kr.

    "Sales Forecasting: A Practical & Proven Guide to Strategic Sales Forecasting" navigates the intricate landscape of sales forecasting, providing a holistic understanding of its intricacies, contemporary significance, and practical applications. From the responsibilities of Sales Managers to the benefits of accurate predictions for strategic planning, resource allocation, and risk mitigation, this guide equips readers with the tools to excel in the dynamic world of business strategy. Real-life case studies, interactive exercises, and workshops bring theoretical concepts to life, fostering active engagement. With a focus on diverse methods, techniques, and addressing common challenges, the book serves as a comprehensive toolkit for refining forecasting strategies.The conclusion encourages continuous learning and adaptation, ensuring readers are poised to navigate the ever-evolving realm of sales forecasting with confidence and mastery.

  • af Mystique Quill
    292,95 kr.

    Welcome to the transformative journey of "Quantum Intelligence in Business: A Strategic Odyssey." Uncover the power of Quantum Intelligence in a world driven by strategic planning infused with AI Integration. This book is your guide to decoding the principles of Quantum Thinking, providing a robust framework for building a resilient future through innovative Business Growth Hacks. Explore real-world success stories across diverse industries, showcasing the tangible benefits of mastering Quantum Intelligence.Dive into the intricacies of AI Strategic Planning and Quantum Dynamics, where uncertainty becomes an opportunity. This guide goes beyond conventional boundaries, offering a comprehensive toolkit for navigating the dynamic realms of the business universe. Learn from Quantum Success Stories that illuminate the transformative potential of Quantum Intelligence, serving as beacons for businesses seeking sustainable growth.Anticipate and adapt to Future Trends in Business by exploring emerging technologies and the evolution of Quantum Algorithms. Discover the ethical considerations integral to Quantum-AI Integration Practices, ensuring responsible and transparent decision-making in the ever-evolving landscape.Foster Human-AI Collaboration Strategies to propel your business into innovative dimensions. Unleash AI-driven marketing campaigns, personalized approaches, and content innovations, navigating the competitive landscape with the latest in strategic thinking.Whether you're building a resilient Quantum Strategic Framework or exploring Quantum Finance for maximizing profits, this book is your invitation to master the art of strategic planning in the age of Quantum Intelligence. Embrace the quantum advantage, prepare for future frontiers, and join the vanguard of businesses charting a course to strategic brilliance.In "Quantum Intelligence in Business," we invite you to reimagine strategic planning and seize the potential for growth in an ever-evolving business universe. Welcome to a quantum future where each decision propels you into new dimensions of success.

  • af Thomas Cantone
    107,95 kr.

    Discover female entrepreneurial power with "Entrepreneur Woman"! This book is an inspiring and practical source designed for women who want to conquer the world of entrepreneurship. From identifying opportunities to developing leadership skills and managing work-life balance, each chapter is a roadmap to success designed specifically for women entrepreneurs.With captivating stories of women who have overcome challenges and triumphed, "Entrepreneur Woman" guides you through proven strategies, essential skills and digital tools to build and grow your business. Learn how to leverage your strengths, establish a strong personal brand, and use technology effectively.From strategic planning to social impact, this book celebrates female entrepreneurship in all its facets. Discover how to turn challenges into opportunities, manage finances with confidence, and lead with authenticity.Get ready to transform your vision into reality and empower yourself as an entrepreneur! Click now and join the movement of women who conquer the business world with "Entrepreneur Woman". Your success starts here!

  • af Max Lewis
    187,95 - 287,95 kr.

  • af Hanna Olivas, Adriana Luna Carlos & Kimberley Locke
    112,95 - 172,95 kr.

  • af Jonathan Cagan
    247,95 kr.

    Nearly all innovation is done by teams. And while there are many books about the innovation process, and also many about managing teams, the management of innovation teams has gone unaddressed. This matters, because innovation teams are not like other teams. Most teams and their managers know where they are headed. They've probably been there and done it previously, more than once. Innovation is different. The problem objective has been outlined, but the journey and the destination are full of unknowns and untrieds. The team is tasked with going where none have gone before-with scaling a mountain whose height, form, and hidden passes are unknown, and doing so before a rival team from the other side of the mountain finds the summit. There's no simple formula to enable innovation team managers to accomplish this daunting task. But Jonathan Cagan and Peter Boatwright-Carnegie Mellon professors and practitioners with a combined 50+ years of experience in research, consulting, and hands-on innovation-have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't. In Managing the Unmanageable, they offer 13 tips that can greatly improve the odds for success for any innovation team. Filled with eye-opening real-world examples, bolstered by groundbreaking research studies, and enlivened with illustrations by artist Kurt Hess, it's a quick, fascinating read that any manager with a mandate to innovate will find irresistible-and essential.

  • af Muhammad Shujaat Mubarik
    857,95 kr.

    Detailing the diverse aspects of digitalization in supply chain management, Digital Supply Chain Management helps business managers harness the cutting edge, guiding those early in their careers who seek a challenging new path whilst informing top-level managers who have their eye on the future.

  • af Thomas Cantone
    93,95 kr.

    ¡Descubre el camino hacia el éxito en la era digital con "Emprendedor Digital"! Este libro cautivador te sumerge en el emocionante mundo del emprendimiento en línea, proporcionándote las herramientas esenciales y estrategias probadas para triunfar en el universo digital. Desde la identificación de oportunidades hasta la gestión eficiente del tiempo, cada capítulo de "Emprendedor Digital" es una guía integral que te lleva de la mano a través de los fundamentos clave del éxito en el ámbito digital. Aprenderás a desarrollar ideas de negocios sólidas, a planificar estratégicamente tu camino hacia el triunfo y a utilizar las últimas herramientas tecnológicas para destacarte en un mercado competitivo. Con una mirada detallada al marketing digital, la gestión de redes sociales, la monetización efectiva y la creación de productos digitales, este libro se convierte en tu compañero indispensable para navegar por los desafíos y oportunidades del mundo en línea. Descubre cómo construir una presencia en línea impactante, maximizar tus esfuerzos de marketing y convertir tu pasión en un negocio digital próspero. "Emprendedor Digital" no solo ofrece conocimientos prácticos, sino que también presenta historias inspiradoras de emprendedores digitales exitosos y comparte lecciones valiosas aprendidas de sus experiencias. ¡Prepárate para transformar tu visión en realidad y llevar tu emprendimiento digital al siguiente nivel con este libro imprescindible!

  • af Book Wave Publications
    217,95 kr.

    Learn how to start and grow your own small business.Scared to start your own small business because of fear of the unknown? Fear of not being able to make enough money? We will walk you through all the steps you need to take to not only start your own small business, but feel confident in your product or service offering, revenue and budget projections, and how to run and manage your business effectively.We tackle practical challenges you will face and provide lots of useful information. We know because we have created our own successful small business, and crafted this Book to teach you what we've learned from our hands-on experience.Get started right away. You don't want to delay learning how to turn your passion into a profitable small business.

  • af Thomas Cantone
    107,95 kr.

    Desata tu potencial emprendedor con 'Proyecto Emprendedor'. Este libro es tu guía completa para convertir ideas en realidades exitosas. Desde la generación de ideas hasta la implementación del proyecto, cada capítulo te sumerge en estrategias clave, análisis profundo y lecciones inspiradoras de emprendedores exitosos. Descubra cómo desarrollar y seleccionar proyectos sólidos, construir planes de negocio efectivos y obtener los recursos necesarios. Aprende estrategias de marketing, gestión financiera y cómo asegurar el éxito a largo plazo. Con historias de éxito y lecciones valiosas, este libro es una fuente indispensable para cualquier emprendedor. ¡Haz clic ahora para desbloquear las claves del éxito emprendedor y convertir tu visión en un Proyecto Emprendedor exitoso! Tu viaje emprendedor comienza aquí.

  • af Thomas Cantone
    107,95 kr.

    Desata el potencial de tu empresa con 'Plan de Negocios'. Este libro es tu guía completa para construir, lanzar y hacer crecer un negocio exitoso. Desde la definición de la visión y misión hasta estrategias de marketing, análisis financiero y adaptación continua, cada capítulo proporciona herramientas esenciales para convertir tus ideas en realidad. Descubra cómo identificar oportunidades, superar desafíos y tomar decisiones estratégicas fundamentales. Con enfoque en la estructura organizativa, estrategias de financiamiento y evaluación constante, este libro te equipa con el conocimiento necesario para llevar tu empresa al siguiente nivel. ¡Invierte en el éxito de tu negocio! Haz clic ahora y desbloquea las claves para un plan de negocios efectivo que te guiará hacia el triunfo empresarial. ¡Tu futuro empresarial comienza aquí!

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