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  • af Frank Bettger
    268,95 kr.

    Hvis du er sælger, eller godt kunne tænke dig at leve af at være sælger, så kan det altså godt betale sig at få fingrene i "En sælgers vej til succes".Denne bog giver dig alle de råd, du har brug for i dit arbejde. Uanset om du sælger huse, annoncer, IT, design, ideer eller noget helt andet, er denne bog til dig. Den vil gi dig anvisninger, eksempler og på inspirerende vis hjælpe til fremgang i dit salgsarbejde og dit forhold til andre mennesker.Uanset om du står overfor at skulle arbejde professionelt med salg, er erfaren sælger eller ønsker at forstå, hvordan du opnår succesrigt salg, vil Bettger’s erfaringer og anbefalinger være guld værd for dig. Når du har læst bogen vil du forstå ”kraften af ​​entusiasme” – ”sådan overvinder du frygt” – ”sådan skaber du troværdighed omkring dit produkt og budskab”, ”nøgleordet for at gøre en skeptisk klient til en entusiastisk køber” - ”den hurtigste måde at vinde tillid”, sådan leverer du et overbevisende salgsbudskab - til ”syv gyldne regler for at lukke et salg "Bogens forfatter deler de sælgende hemmeligheder, der førte til uovertruffen succes og berømmelse som en af ​​de højest betalte sælgere i Amerika!! Han deler instruktive anekdoter og trinvise retningslinjer for, hvordan man udvikler stil, ånd og tilstedeværelse af en vindende sælger.Efter udgivelsen er bogen blevet anerkendt i hele verden som et af de absolut vigtigste værker til at forstå og eksekvere professionelt salg. Her hjemme i Danmark er bogen nu udgivet i 11. oplag. En sælgers bibel til sælgere og forretningsfolk der vil forså kunsten at opnå succesrigt salg.

  • af Alex Hormozi
    308,95 - 348,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Priestley
    178,95 kr.

  • af Rasmus Houlind
    253,95 kr.

    A definition and model for understanding and profiting from personalization. You will get greater clarity and know which levers to pull for more profit.​​

  • af Paul J. Zak
    313,95 kr.

    No one raves about boring movies, bland customer service experiences, or sleep-inducing classes. The world is rapidly transforming into an experience economy as people increasingly crave extraordinary experiences. Experience designers, marketers, entertainment producers, and retailers have long sought to fill this craving. Now, there's a scientific formula to consistently create extraordinary experiences. The data shows that those who use this formula increase the impact of experiences tenfold. Creating the extraordinary used to be extraordinarily hard. Immersion offers a framework for transforming nearly any situation from ordinary to extraordinary. Based on twenty years of neuroscience research from his lab and innumerable client applications, Dr. Paul J. Zak explains why brains crave the extraordinary. Clear instructions and examples show readers exactly how to create amazing experiences for customers, prospects, employees, audiences, and learners. You can guess if your experience will be extraordinary-or you can apply the insights from Immersion to ensure it is.

  • af Joe Pulizzi
    193,95 kr.

    From the "godfather of content marketing"-this completely revised and expanded edition brings marketers fully up to date on the newest content marketing methods and tools, including Web3When Epic Content Marketing was first published eight years ago, content marketing was just starting to pick up speed in the marketing world. Now, this approach-which includes everything from blogging to YouTube videos to social media-is the core of most organizations' marketing plans.Fully revised and updated, this new edition walks you through the process of developing stories that inform and entertain and compel customers to act, without actually telling them to. In addition to covering all the important social media platforms that have arisen over the past eight years and introducing the "creator economy," it shows how to update existing content and make new content that performs in strategic ways. Updates include:New content models, structures, and opportunitiesContent entrepreneurship, content mergers and acquisitionsSubscriptions and audience buildingTeam structure, importance of community, DAOs, and creator networksContent options, NFTs, and discord serversMaking data-driven decisions to optimize content performanceDistributed the right way at the right time, epic content is the best way to truly capture the hearts and minds of customers. It's how to position your business as a trusted expert in its industry. It's what customers share and talk about. This updated edition of the trusted guide provides everything you need to succeed in the new world of content marketing.

  • - - Så det er til at forstå
    af Jens Bornø
    148,95 kr.

    I bogen Salgsteknik – Så det er til at forståfår du som intern eller ekstern sælger nogle praktiske og brugbare ideer til, hvordan du gennem et professionelt og kvalitetsmæssigt salgsarbejde sælger til eksisterende og ønskede nye kunder.Bogen er skrevet i et lettilgængeligt sprog og er fyldt med praktiske eksempler.

  • - Sådan starter, skalerer og udvikler du en salgsorganisation
    af Morten Eschen
    218,95 kr.

    Hver gang der startes en ny virksomhed, startes der også en ny salgsorganisation.Den rette tilgang er forskellen på succes og fiasko, men hvordan vælger man rigtigt, og hvordan undgår man alle faldgruberne? I SALGSLEDEREN tager salgsdirektør Morten Eschen dig med på rejsen, når han opbygger salgsorganisationen i et nyt teleselskab.Det er en praktisk introduktion, der gennemgår alt fra udregning af pris per salg, produktivitet, performance management og ledelse af nye generationer. Det er en lettilgængelig håndbog, der kan benyttes, hvad enten du skal skabe en salgsorganisation fra bunden, skalere en salgsorganisation til at blive større eller drifte og vedligeholde en eksisterende salgsorganisation.Om forfatterenMorten Eschen har 15 års erfaring som salgsleder i C25-virksomheder og startups. I bogen deler han ud af sine erfaringer med at starte, udvikle og drifte salgsorganisationer.

  • af Victor Palandi
    123,95 kr.

    E se você pudesse convencer mais pessoas a comprarem seu produto, serviço ou ideia? Quem sabe conquistar mais facilmente a confiança dos outros? Ou, então, deixar qualquer um quase hipnotizado ao ouvir você falar?É sobre isso que o Copywriting Descomplicado se trata: a arte de persuadir por meio das palavras certas, usando técnicas que convencem até os mais teimosos.Ao longo deste livro, você verá: Por que algumas empresas, mesmo com um produto ruim, conseguem vender muito mais do que concorrentes melhores;Como o mercado nos persuade todos os dias (mesmo que não percebamos) por meio de nossos motivadores internos;Os principais gatilhos mentais e como eles impactam na nossa decisão de compra no dia a dia;As mais poderosas estruturas persuasivas que são capazes de tornar qualquer pessoa, uma máquina de persuasão;Um passo a passo que tem o poder de aumentar suas vendas, sem precisar contratar funcionários ou mexer no produto (apenas alterando detalhes da comunicação);De que forma a mente humana funciona no momento de decidir se vai ou não acreditar em um vendedor.E por aí vai! Copywriting Descomplicado foi o primeiro livro impresso do Brasil sobre o tema, portanto trata-se de um clássico e leitura obrigatória para profissionais de marketing, publicitários, empreendedores, vendedores, comunicadores, copywriters e, claro, qualquer pessoa que queira usufruir de todo o poder da persuasão. É o que você fala e o que você escreve que decide o rumo da sua vida. Pessoas persuasivas vão muito mais longe. E agora que você pode ter esse livro em mãos, não há limites para onde possa chegar. Boa leitura!

  • af David Batson
    213,95 kr.

    Growing on instagram is a very complex and work intensive process. This book teaches you the fundamentals of how to optimize your social media marketing skills and will help you lift off into the instagram universe. You will learn about how the algorithm works, how to use hashtags correctly and much more with the help of detailed step-by-step instructions. It is structured around different strategies that can all help you grow your instagram account. In this book, you'll discover:The top secrets to conquer instagram marketing: learn exactly how to create an irresistible offer, design beautiful graphics that capture attention, and write powerful captions that inspire actionStep-by-step guidance: know exactly what to do and how to do it - leave all the guesswork behind and know that establishing your business on instagram doesn't have to be so hard.Attract success like never before: all the information in this book is up-to-date and perfect for modern times. You'll never have to waste time with outdated marketing strategies again.This book teaches you the fundamentals of how to optimize your social media marketing skills and will help you lift off into the instagram universe. You will learn about how the algorithm works, how to use hashtags correctly and much more with the help of detailed step-by-step instructions. It is structured around different strategies that can all help you grow your instagram account. After learning about them all, you will know exactly how to establish your account in the initial stage, what mistakes to look out for while you are growing your social media presence and how to ultimately reach for the stars.

  • af Marco Perner
    228,95 kr.

    What people knew in the past, today's companies know even better in the face of increasing competition - advertising is essential, to survive in the market. Even if it may often sound like it - good marketing is not witchcraft. It's like darts.Every company in this world has the opportunity to reach the center of the market through targeted advertising efforts.The 50 marketing strategies presented in this book are probably the most widely used and significant in modern business - together we embark on an expedition through the marketing jungle that will finally bring some clarity to all the methods and practices out there. Are you ready to go?¿ 50 profitable and efficient marketing strategies¿ Each idea with graphic illustration of the structure¿ Includes templates for notes and your own tactics¿ Total book length 250 pages

  • af Misty Santos
    163,95 kr.

    HOW TO BE A THICK-SKINNED EMAIL MARKETERI sold my soul to email marketing around 2013 and never looked back. It's made me a ton of money-here's how I grew a thick enough skin to do it.

  • af Jim Flint
    318,95 kr.

    It's an age-old question with a straightforward answer: who wants to be a millionaire? Well, everyone does, of course! The tough part is figuring out how. And believe it or not, if you're a dealer or manager in the automotive industry, you might be missing out on one of the biggest ways to increase your earning potential. The best part? You already have all of the tools and resources you need at your disposal.As a twenty-year veteran marketer renowned for growing businesses of all types, Jim Flint knows firsthand the difference a dealer's digital presence can bring to real-life sales. And in Car Dog Millionaire, he shares the valuable research he's conducted over the years-combined with Google's own astonishing data on how website visits correlate to car sales.Using an entertaining quiz show format, this guide will let you know the truth about the power of online marketing and how this information can be used to your advantage. In addition to real-life research, trivia, and valuable advice, you'll be able to read candid conversations with car dealers as they put these methods to work for themselves and address the most successful strategies for improving their sales.

  • af John Greeson
    213,95 kr.

    Most businesses utilize social media to market their products and services. However, not all know about the power of utilizing facebook ads.It's one of the greatest tools to use if you want to diy your marketing and advertising, while not breaking the bank.Most people are intimidated by it or don't know how to use it, and thus, opt to leave it out of their marketing - which is a huge mistake! Would you like to know more about:The advance strategies that the pros use.Doubling your instagram followersUnderstanding facebook ad marketingTop strategies for growthMonetizing your social mediaThere is no doubt that social media is one of the most crucial channels for marketing enterprises. This is due to the heavy traffic on social media platforms at a particular moment. Never run out of ideas on social media that may take your company to the next level after looking through the following thorough list of social media marketing tactics. From promotional postings to personal and company-related promotional ideas, the list is certain to excite business marketers and social media users for a very long time.

  • af Bradley Jerome Johnson
    288,95 kr.

    Delve into the captivating world of healthcare marketing with "THE NATURE OF MARKETING: A Comprehensive Marketing Guide for Natural Healthcare Providers." Author Bradley Jerome Johnson is not only a marketing coach and consultant, but also co-owner of a naturopathic medical practice. This comprehensive guide takes you on an inspiring journey through ten transformative chapters. Discover how to craft a lasting brand identity, master the art of persuasion, and implement effective strategies for behavioral change. Elevate your online presence with web design secrets, create a results-driven marketing plan, and harness the power of social media for brand awareness. Uncover strategies for cohesive campaigns across digital channels and maximize your impact with digital media. Explore holistic advertising techniques and align your public relations strategy with your business goals. Transform your natural healthcare practice into a thriving, well-loved brand with this essential guide.

  • af Dan S. Kennedy
    175,95 kr.

    "Dan Kennedy and Parthiv Shah leverage their extensive marketing expertise to teach you proven, no-nonsense strategies for achieving successful marketing automation"--

  • af B. Vincent
    243,95 kr.

    The Email Advantage: Maximizing Your Marketing Potential with Effective Email Campaigns is the ultimate guide for businesses and marketers looking to master the art of email marketing. In this comprehensive book, you will learn how to build and grow your email list, create engaging and effective email content, design visually compelling emails, maximize deliverability, and measure success through email metrics and analytics.You will also discover advanced strategies for segmentation, personalization, automation, A/B testing, mobile optimization, list hygiene, and integration with other marketing channels, such as social media and SEO. Additionally, the book covers important topics related to email compliance, including the CAN-SPAM Act, GDPR, and CASL, and provides practical tips for ensuring data protection and security.The Email Advantage also includes specific chapters on using email marketing for e-commerce, product launches, events, and seasonal campaigns, as well as building strong relationships with new subscribers through welcome and onboarding emails, and bringing inactive subscribers back into engagement with re-engagement and win-back emails.Finally, the book looks to the future of email marketing, with insights on emerging trends and predictions for the next decade. With real-world examples, case studies, and practical tips, The Email Advantage is an essential resource for any business or marketer looking to maximize their marketing potential through effective email campaigns.

  • af Elio E
    328,95 kr.

    Within the context of marketing, one of the most importantfactors to consider is customer satisfaction, sometimesknown by its acronym, CSAT. In essence, it acts as a gauge thatdetermines how evectile'y a company:s goods and serlices meet orelen exceed the expectations of its customers. Customer satisfactionmay be summed up with the fo''owing de"nition( )the number ofcustomers, or percentage of tota' customers, whose reported experiencewith a "rm, its products, or its serlices zratingsq, exceeds speci-"ed satisfaction goa's.) This de"nition captures the core of customersatisfaction perfect'y. This concept emphasiJes how important it is tonot on'y satisfy, but rather continua''y exceed, the expectations andwants of the priJed c'ients.Customers hale a signi"cant amount ofsway and are unOuestionab'y the essentia' driling force behind thesuccess of any business. Their indilidua' tastes, co''ectile liewpoints,and summatile experiences

  • af Nothing
    108,95 kr.

    Chapter 1: Introduction Explanation of the importance of Facebook Ads and AutomationBrief overview of the book's contentChapter 2: Understanding Facebook Ads Basics of Facebook AdsTypes of Facebook AdsSetting up a Facebook Ads AccountTargeting and Ad PlacementChapter 3: Creating Effective Facebook Ads Creating Ad Copy and VisualsCreating Landing PagesA/B Testing and OptimizationStrategies for Increasing Click-Through-Rates (CTR) and Conversion RatesChapter 4: Facebook Ads Automation Importance of Facebook Ads AutomationSetting up Automated AdsStrategies for Optimizing Automated AdsOverview of Facebook Ads Manager and Automated RulesChapter 5: Measuring and Analyzing Facebook Ads Performance Metrics to track for Facebook AdsInterpreting Facebook Ads AnalyticsCreating Custom ReportsChapter 6: Advanced Facebook Ads Strategies Remarketing and RetargetingLookalike AudiencesCampaign Budget OptimizationScaling and Expanding Facebook Ad CampaignsChapter 7: Facebook Ads Case Studies Examples of successful Facebook Ad campaignsAnalysis of the strategies used in each campaignChapter 8: Facebook Ads Troubleshooting Common Facebook Ads issues and how to troubleshoot themChapter 9: Conclusion

  • af Peter D. Bayley
    388,95 kr.

    A unique guidebook to B2B marketing and sales for practicing and aspiring managers.In SEAMLESS: Successful B2B Marketing, Selling, and Account Management, the authors and 20 successful businesspeople share their practical experience and the valuable lessons they learned at the sharp end of branding, selling and marketing.This unique guide has expert opinion, academic theory, research, and practical advice, summarized with explanatory graphics and "Dos and Don'ts" lists throughout. Essential for students of business and the managers of any size or type of firm, it will educate and guide you through the marketing, sales and account management process to business success.Concise yet comprehensive, SEAMLESS delivers immediate benefit to aspiring and practicing managers.

  • af Étienne Garbugli
    258,95 kr.

    "A great no-BS resource where you are guaranteed to pick up useful tips and approaches, whether you're an email pro or just starting out."- Andrus Purde, Founder & CEO, Outfunnel- -No matter how great your product is, it's very likely that 40-60% of free trials never see your product a second time. This means that you stand to lose up to 60% of yourhard-earnedsignups.Do you just let them go?Email marketing is one of the highest leverage activities in a SaaS business. It can help:increase onboarding and trial conversions;reduce churn; andgrow monthly recurring revenue (MRR).By introducing a single campaign today, you could significantly increase your conversions, and get the benefits of that increase predictably and repeatedly, week after week. That's the beauty of automation. It's also how we created an upsell program at LANDR that was generating up to 42% of weekly subscription conversions. When I joined LANDR, we were only sending 3 automated emails (and only 1 of those was performing). By focusing on sending the right email to the right user at the right time, performance jumped up, with increases in:product onboarding completion;engagement;sales; andupgrades to annual subscriptions.We made a lot of mistakes along the way (including sending 85,000 emails to the wrong users). It took a lot of trial and error, long hours, and exhaustive internet searches, but the results were obvious. Email was more effective at generating revenue than:Investing in more ads;Building new features hoping they'll drive engagement;Redesigning at the cost of trial and error.You can learn SaaS email marketing the way we did (through hard work), or jump to the front of the line.The SaaS Email Marketing Playbookincludes everything I would have loved to know about emailbeforeI got started at LANDR:how and when to create new emails or In-App messages to influence your users' behaviors and purchase decisions;how to double, triple, or quadruple the performance of every single email you send;how to stand out in an increasingly more crowded inbox; andhow to create processes and structure to systematically grow the performance of an email marketing program.The book also includes seven deep dives to help you implement your onboarding, upsell, retention, referral, and behavioral sequences, among others.You don't need to be a master copywriter (or have one on your team) to send effective emails. You just need the right processes and knowledge to start growing your business with email.The SaaS Email Marketing Playbook contains everything you need to plan, build, and optimize your email marketing program.- -The SaaS Email Marketing Playbookwas written for businesses with clear signs of Product-Market Fit, that are:selling to consumers or businesses;charging monthly or yearly subscription fees;generating more than $2k MRR; andadding at least 200 email signups per week.

  • af Étienne Garbugli
    258,95 kr.

    Quelle que soit la qualité de votre produit, il est fort probable que 40 à 60 % des personnes qui l'utilisent pour la première fois n'y reviennent jamais. Vous risquez donc de perdre jusqu'à 60 % de vos inscriptions acquises à la dure. Est-ce que vous les laissez simplement abandonner votre produit ?Le courriel est une des activités qui a le plus grand potentiel d'impact dans une compagnie SaaS.Il peut aider à :augmenter les conversions et le taux de complétion de l'onboardingréduire le taux de désabonnementaugmenter les revenus mensuels récurrents (MRR)En introduisant une campagne aujourd'hui, vous pourriez augmenter considérablement vos conversions et bénéficier de cette augmentation de manière prévisible et répétée, semaine après semaine. C'est la beauté de l'automatisation. C'est également de cette manière que nous avons créé chez LANDR un programme d'upsell qui générait jusqu'à 42 % des achats d'abonnements hebdomadaires. Lorsque je me suis joint à LANDR, nous n'envoyions que 3 courriels automatisés. En nous concentrant sur l'envoi du bon courriel au bon utilisateur au bon moment, les performances ont grimpé en flèche, avec une augmentation de :la complétion de l'onboarding du produitl'engagement des utilisateursles ventesl'achat d'abonnements annuelsNous avons fait beaucoup d'erreurs en cours de route (notamment l'envoi de 85 000 courriels aux mauvais utilisateurs...). Il aura fallu beaucoup d'essais et d'erreurs, de longues heures au bureau et de nombreuses recherches exhaustives sur l'internet, mais les résultats étaient évidents... Le courriel était plus efficace pour générer des revenus que :Investir dans l'achat de nouvelles publicitésCréer de nouvelles fonctionnalités en espérant qu'elles suscitent l'engagement des utilisateursRepenser et re-concevoir le produit à coûts d'essais et erreursVous pouvez apprendre l'email marketing SaaS à la dure comme nous, ou vous pouvez passer en tête de liste. Le Guide de l'Email Marketing SaaS contient tout ce que j'aurais aimé savoir sur le courriel avant de débuter chez LANDR :comment (et quand) créer de nouveaux courriels ou des messages In-App afin d'influencer les comportements et les décisions d'achat des utilisateurscomment doubler, tripler ou quadrupler les performances de chaque courriel que vous envoyezcomment se démarquer dans des boîtes de réception de plus en plus encombréescomment créer des processus et une structure qui vous permettent d'améliorer systématiquement les performances de votre programme de marketing par courrielLe livre comprend également sept analyses immersives afin de vous aider à définir vos séquences d'onboarding, d'upsell, de rétention, de recommandation et de réactivation. Vous n'avez pas à être un maître de la rédaction (ou d'en avoir un(e) dans votre équipe) pour envoyer des courriels efficaces.Le Guide de l'Email Marketing SaaS contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour planifier, élaborer et optimiser votre programme de marketing par courriel.

  • af Victor O. Schwab
    123,95 kr.

    GET 44 YEARS OF ADVERTISING WRITING EXPERIENCE IN THE TIME IT TAKES TO READ THIS BOOK!You can learn to write compelling advertisements that will make people notice them, read them, and act upon them. In fact, you can learn to write such powerful advertisements that people actually go out and demand the product advertised and no other. How can you do this? By using the same elements that have made top copywriters like Victor O. Schwab excel at their craft.How to Write a Good Advertisement is a short course in writing powerful, hard-hitting copy that can help you make your products and services irresistible to potential customers. This remarkable book has turned many novice mail order entrepreneurs into expert copywriters and many experienced copywriters into masters of their trade.Whether you are new to the craft or have been writing copy for years, your knowledge and practice of advertising fundamentals will determine the extent of your success. How to Write a Good Advertisement presents these fundamentals from the perspective of a 44-year veteran in the copywriting business. Following these proven techniques and tips, anyone can write professional advertisements that create a memorable image, pull in mailboxes full of orders, or attract new customers to their service.LEARN HOW TO: Grab reader attention immediatelyWrite compelling copy that holds attentionWrite a call to action that's difficult to refuseDesign winning layoutsIncrease the number of ordersConvert more inquiries to ordersGET ANSWERS TO IMPORTANT TECHNICAL QUESTIONS: Effective advertisement length...use of media placement...and much more.

  • af Blake Windrow
    248,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of ideas and tips to help you stay on track with your affiliate marketing business. You want a money machine that makes money automatically? We'll show you not only how to grow, but also how to grow automatically! You can get the company to generate a consistent income stream with a few simple programs. That's why you got into this line of work, right?Using this report will boost your results and allow you to grow your sales in a simple and effective manner. Bring in a steady stream of new customers and new products to offer your existing customers in exchange for a good living. If you wanted, you could even quit your job! Consider how much free time you could have while still earning a good living.

  • af Mike Capuzzi
    153,95 kr.

    Written for business owners and corporate leaders, The Magic of Free Books shows how to build a profitable marketing engine that constantly churns out qualified prospects 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • af Nick Nanton
    328,95 kr.

    Simply put, the word 'authentic' is synonymous with genuine. The world craves authenticity and we all gravitate to that ideal. Interestingly, the achievement of an authentic personality is affected by environmental and cultural experiences. Like success, authenticity is subjective, and each of us moves towards that goal in different ways.Even though we develop and mature in a myriad of ways, most people aspire to be genuine. This desire generates the trust that powers society, and accomplishing authenticity is an ongoing process. There have been numerous thoughts expressed lauding authenticity. In the same manner, the authors in this book have developed their own approach that worked for them and which they advocate to help you.As the title "Keys to Authenticity" suggests, the Celebrity Experts herein write on the subject from different angles, any of which we can add to our repertoire in pursuing success in our field of choice. Flashes of understanding, satisfaction and light come over us in moments of success, but lasting success will invariably follow authenticity.

  • af Mayowa Ajisafe
    278,95 kr.

    What is the best way to make money from your podcast?You have a podcast, and you have always dreamed of using your podcast to land more clients for your high-ticket offer, but you have tried a lot of strategies with none working, or you don't even know what to do to achieve that.There are just three problems you need to solve to have many high-paying clients coming your way through your podcast.1. Your most qualified and ideal clients don't know you or your podcast exist.2. Your most qualified and ideal clients have a busy life with no time to click listen to your podcast.3. You have been using your podcast (if you already have one) or planning to use your podcast (if you plan to start one soon) to focus on the audience side of podcasting that offers only big audience podcasters the chance to make big money.And to solve these problems, you need a viable, scalable, measurable system that will turn your podcast into a consistent pool that fills your sales pipeline with high-ticket clients.Yes!You should use systems - the right systems.Your podcast "gurus" will tell you to start a podcast and then try to get a lot of downloads to make money from your podcast.That will work - if you have a big email list and audience.But that's a dead-end strategy to bank on when you are selling high-ticket offers and when you don't have a big audience that can drive the sales you want.Podcasting to make it to the famed "New and Noteworthy", getting tons of downloads, and even having popular influencers as guests to get more downloads do not work for selling high-ticket and high-value products or services.In this book, you will learn one simple but powerful and easy 30 to 40-minute podcast interview system you can start tomorrow to fill up your sales pipeline with tons of conversations with your ideal clients.And the best part?You don't even need an audience. You also don't need to care about getting tons of downloads for your podcast.Get a copy now!

  • af Matthew Shelby
    133,95 kr.

    Why Facebook is a useful tool for online marketers, how to make more money with Facebook, how easy it is to earn on Facebook, how it can help you grow your business, and how to get 500 friends in 30 days! Why do people use Facebook? This book discusses these and other subjects linked to introductions. How to make a Facebook account, construct an attractive profile, add friends and expand your network, get 500 friends in 30 days, use Facebook ads to identify suitable prospects, and much more! Get your copy today!

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