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Gitte Haslebo og Kit Sanne Nielsen er begge psykologer og erfarne konsulenter. Her beskriver de, hvordan systemiske nøglebegreber kan omsættes til praksis. Forfatterne svarer bl.a. på, hvordan man i organisationer kan lære at se en hændelse eller et problem ud fra mange ligeværdige synsvinkler, hvorfor fremtidens ledere skal være eksperter i læreprocesser, og hvilke erkendelsesprocesser der fører konsulenterne frem til de valg, de træffer om intervention i organisationen.
Skandaler i organisationer er typisk forbundet med tabuisering og skam.Det er derfor underbelyst, hvordan skandaler påvirker mennesker, og hvordan vi kan håndtere dem.Med LEDELSE I SKANDALERNES TID går organisationspsykolog Johanne Grant ind i det mørke, der også kan opstå i ledelse og organisationer: Når andre oplever os som usympatiske og umoralske, og når kritik, spot og hån klistrer til den organisation, vi er knyttet til.Med udgangspunkt i cases, forskning og erfaringer fra ledere og medarbejdere giver bogen indsigt i:• Hvad der leder til organisatoriske skandaler• Hvordan man ledelsesmæssigt kan forebygge dem• Hvordan man håndterer og kommer igennem dem, når de opstår• Hvordan man som leder og som organisation lærer af dem og indgår i en genopbygningsproces.Bogen introducerer en række relevante metoder og værktøjer, der gør det håndterbart at komme i gang.LEDELSE I SKANDALERNES TID er relevant ikke kun for organisationer, der har været igennem en skandale eller oplevet massiv negativ kritik eller eksternt pres.Den er oplagt for alle, der arbejder med, uddanner sig inden for eller har en interesse i at udvikle ledelse,mennesker og kultur i sunde organisationer
Nysgerrigheden er blevet væk, påstår forfatterne. For de nye løsninger skal falde på en snor udregnet af AI eller planlagt ved forhandlingsborde, hvor magten bor, men hvor dagsordenen har fået kortere horisont. Bogen fungerer som inspiration til arbejdet med at skabe nyt og forbedre eksisterende løsninger, uafhængig af branche og fag. Udviklingsarbejde er spændende. Men skal vi egentlig bare følge manualen? Bogen forsøger at udfolde de forudsættende færdigheder vi må mestre for at kunne bidrage til bestræbelserne på at skabe nyt, og bruger et multifagligt afsæt til formålet.Undervejs i bogens lille følgehistorie møder vi projektdeltagerne Rosa og Gunnar. Rosa er lidt flyvsk, hvorimod Gunnar ikke flyver nogen steder. De kæmper med de virkelige problemer med at balancere de modsatrettede særinteresser fra organisationen, kollegaer, familie etc.Der skal rigtige mennesker til at skabe rigtige løsninger. Og det hele starter med nysgerrigheden. Den der blev væk…
Denne bog er et opgør med rutiners dårlige ry! Brug organisatoriske rutiner til at forandre, forny og finde fodfæste.Rutiner er hverken kedelige, tankeløse gentagelser eller hæmmende for forandring. Tværtimod! Rutiner bidrager til foranderlighed og fornyelse i organisationer.Denne bog er et opgør med rutiners dårlige ry. Rutiner er ikke noget, som bare skal overstås, så man slipper “fri af hamsterhjulet”. Rutiner er derimod en forudsætning for forandring og læring, og de skaber den nødvendige stabilitet for organisationers drift og overlevelse. Rutiner er altid i proces, de er dynamiske.DYNAMISKE RUTINER introducerer for første gang på dansk vigtig ny viden fra forskningen om organisatoriske rutiners kendetegn og dynamik. Cases, praksiseksempler og prøv selv-spørgsmål giver inspiration til, hvordan rutiner kan løse problemer i organisationen, og hvordan de kan udvikles og forankres som gode arbejdsprocesser.Bogen er skrevet til private og offentlige ledere. Den er desuden velegnet til undervisere, studerende og andre, der beskæftiger sig med organisatoriske problemstillinger.
Interessen for øget frisættelse og selvorganisering er stor. Mange organisationer ønsker at udvikle sig i retning af den selvledende organisation samt finde måder at forene en fladere struktur med det klassiske ledelseshierarki. Mindre hierarki, mere ledelse bidrager til, at virksomhederne kan finde deres vej i bestræbelserne. Bogen giver overblik over ideer og koncepter fra den relevante litteratur samt deler praktiske erfaringer med at etablere og fastholde en helt eller delvist selvledende organisation. Hertil præsenterer forfatterne løsningsforslag til en række problemstillinger, som er typiske i bevægelsen mod øget selvorganisering. Bogen henvender sig til praktikere, der er eller vil i gang med at skabe mere selvorganisering i deres organisation. Med sine mange eksempler peger bogen på dilemmaer og muligheder, man skal holde sig for øje. Bogens præsentation af begreber og teorier gør den velegnet til undervisningsbrug, hvor ledelse behandles.
Velkommen til en bog om organisation og ledelse i den finansielle sektor.Denne bog er opstået ud fra en stærk motivation og et stort savn. Motivationen er at give vores studerende inden for finansbachelor, finansøkonom, financial controller og efter- og videreuddannelsesforløb i den finansielle sektor det bedst mulige grundlag for at forstå organisation og ledelse. Både rent analytisk og praktisk. Savnet handler om, at der mangler lærebøger rettet direkte mod de finansielle uddannelser.Der findes et hav af bøger om organisation og ledelse. Mange er fremragende. De fleste ser på bestemte aspekter af eller vinkler på organisation og ledelse, mens andre er bredere. Fælles for dem er, at der er få finansielle eksempler, og at en del studerende har svært ved at oversætte teorier og modeller til den finansielle sektor. Vi har lavet en lærebog specifikt til de finansielle uddannelserDerfor har vi vendt processen på hovedet. Set bort fra, hvad ”man plejer” eller ”bør”, og i stedet zoomet ind på alt det, vi oplever, man som studerende, (kommende) medarbejder eller leder i den finansielle sektor har brug for, når man går i gang med at studere organisation og ledelse. Derfor er vores mål at præsentere vores studerende for modeller og teorier, der giver merværdi, når man er i lige præcis den finansielle sektor.
Edwin Lupberger takes the reader on a journey through the last half of the twentieth century using his personal experience in the power industry to describe the changes in corporate business during this period. The author describes his career and the serendipitous events that shaped it with experiences at multiple levels of management with several organizations of various sizes and maturity. Over his career, he evolved to become a CEO of a major regional electric utility. He describes how he was initially faced with a company burdened by escalating costs of construction of multiple nuclear power facilities during the period of record-raising construction costs and interest rates at historic levels. He discusses the unique conditions facing the company that became Entergy and how regulatory and legal challenges complicated an already difficult financial and technical challenge. The story tells of overseeing the then-largest electric industry merger to date and following the financial challenge of the successful completion of four nuclear power stations financed in a nationally adverse political climate and stressed financial markets. The author describes the events and the efforts needed to shepherd the virtually bankrupt company from a decentralized corporate structure to a uniquely managed, financially strong corporate entity. It is a success story with lessons for our time.
"The COVID-19 pandemic, together with new developments in information and communication technologies, has brought about profound changes in organizations, with a surge in virtual, remote, and alternative working arrangements. This book presents a reconceptualization of organizational control theory for the 21st century"--
This book considers the differential occurrence and impact of deviance and dysfunction on family firms. The author argues that how family systems develop in family, cultural, and societal contexts, strongly affects differences in the types and levels of negative behaviours in family firms. By considering the context of recent developments and extensions in family systems theory, this book will guide future research investigating the impact of broader definitions of family to consider socio-legal, social-biological, and role-based families. It provides a retrospective look that lays the groundwork for a future research agenda that can blend and develop current management theory as it relates to family firms with the latest developments in family systems theory.
This book elaborates on organizational culture change supported by technology. More specifically, it goes beyond the core meaning, definitions, and identities of organizational culture. It is a profound effort that explores the key elements and factors that drive internal organizational change through a suggested approach to digitalization. It presents insight into the realistic organizational world, highlighting novel ideas that enrich the understanding of why change is needed. It will empower individuals to examine cultural change through different dimensions as well as nurture new publications in different industries and markets. It will also spur future investigations of organizational culture change and related economic and social aspects. The book unlocks new avenues for various players, including organizations, policymakers, practitioners, and researchers. It is a valuable addition to the literature, presenting an impressive body of knowledge on the technology driving cultural change. The book follows an easily readable format and is professionally written. It includes nine chapters that help readers understand the core need for organizational cultural change and technology and their increasing significance worldwide.
A one-of-a-kind guide for youth-serving organizations to help build out their own child protection policies in just 120 days.Expert guidance, worksheets, and checklists take the guesswork out of confusing industry standards—so you can focus on helping kids learn, grow, and flourish.Written by two legal experts with more than 60 years of experience helping youth-serving organizations (YSOs), Protecting Other People's Children provides a blueprint for organizations to develop their own child safety policies.From private schools to church youth groups to mentoring organizations to summer camps, YSOs provide unparalleled opportunities for children to learn, grow, and flourish. Unfortunately, because they serve a vulnerable population, those groups also face unparalleled risks.With Protecting Other People's Children, organizations will be able to: Recognize and avoid common pitfalls and mistakes Set up a workable timeline for implementationCreate and confirm their own commitments and principlesAccess several supportive worksheets, checklists, and activity guidesLearn how to pick the right people (leaders, team, volunteers, etc.)Understand and adhere important protocols and guidelinesAppropriately respond to serious incidentsProtecting Other People's Children enables YSOs to develop robust, sustainable child protection plans, holding everyone accountable while protecting both the programs and the minors they serve.
Elevates in systematic ways the importance of organizational thinking about sustainability and emphasizes the importance of cultural organizations in facilitating societal sustainability goals.
Business is hard! No one ever says it is easy, yet each year thousands of brave people start a business. At almost the same rate each year thousands of businesses fail, get into financial distress, and/or cease operating.
"In Quiet Works, Joe McCormack proposes a simple, practical, and useful way to work more strategically, and intentionally. You will learn to make appointments for quiet, set boundaries to alert others not to disturb or distract you, balance time spent alone in quiet with time together collaborating, design workspaces that are conducive to quiet, and use tools and practices that are realistic and rewarding"--
This book examines the challenges of intercultural management in sub-Saharan Africa. It presents a case study of Vasco Silva, a Portuguese businessman who established a successful business in Luanda, Angola. After four years of growth, Silva encounters a culture shock due to a wild strike by his employees. He embarks on a deep cultural exploration using the Hofstede 6D model and the Toyota-management tool Genchi Genbutsu (go and see for yourself). Gradually, Silva gains an understanding of effective leadership in the Angolan context, unraveling important features of local culture and initiating an organizational change project. This work contributes to the ongoing discourse in African management literature, particularly regarding the integration of modern and contemporary traditional organizational and leadership concepts. It responds to the demand for descriptive accounts of hybrid case studies of confluencing cultures. Scholars of African management philosophy and business leaders can utilize this case study to explore indigenous African notions in a business setting, demonstrating the performative characteristics of local leadership forms and the adaptability required for success in foreign business environments
The Socio-Economic Approach to Management (SEAM) is a management methodology for developing the sustainable performance of organizations. It finds its roots in a socially responsible vision of capitalism and its originality is to offer a unique management model useful for sustainably managing people and providing socially responsible consulting, as well as for carrying out research-interventions and creating knowledge. This book is the first to present in a synthetic way and illustrate with case studies the political, managerial and scientific dimensions of SEAM.This methodology has been successfully tested on thousands of companies and organizations from 48 different countries since 1974 and distinguished by prestigious French and American academies. It aims to convert the hidden costs of social dissatisfaction (absenteeism, excessive staff turnover, underproductivity) into economic value for the organization, which can be used to increase salaries, self-financedinvestments, master budgets or remunerate shareholders. It will be of great interest to students and scholars of management, as well as practitioners and consultants.
Das Buch befasst sich mit einem expliziten Bedarf, der in einer großen Anzahl von Interviews mit Führungskräften auf Vorstandsebene geäußert wurde: der Bewältigung bedeutender Transformationen im privaten und öffentlichen Sektor. Das Buch beschreibt, welche Arten von Transformationen berücksichtigt werden müssen, warum Transformationen in unserer Zeit entscheidend sind, welche Auslöser sie haben und wie sie am besten aus theoretischer und praktischer Sicht - technisch und mit allen mit Menschen verbundenen Soft Facts - gemanagt werden können. Das Buch, das zahlreiche Anwendungsfälle enthält, wurde von einer internationalen Gemeinschaft von Praktikern, Experten und Akademikern aus verschiedenen geografischen Regionen, Ländern, öffentlichen und privaten Organisationen, Branchen und Kulturen verfasst. Dies garantiert die Breite und Vielfalt der entwickelten Erkenntnisse und den Wert der präsentierten Anwendungsfälle.
"From Gary Shapiro, New York Times bestselling author and head of CES and the Consumer Technology Association, a manifesto for today's top executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders: pivot or die"--
This edited book is the second in the book series ¿Managing the Post-Colony¿. The book series is co-edited by Nimruji Jammulamadaka (IIM Calcutta, India) and Gavin Jack (Monash University, Australia). The book series seeks to present cutting-edge, critical, interdisciplinary, and geographically and culturally diverse perspectives on the contemporary nature, experience, and theorisation of managing and organising under conditions of postcoloniality.This book specifically presents voices and perspectives from Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, and The Pacific, locations with shared and distinctive histories and present-day experiences of colonisation and imperialism. Ways of managing, organising, and doing business in these places demonstrate cultural continuity and change in such histories, present sites of postcolonial struggle, and diverse prospects for self-determined future-making. The book explores struggles and prospects of managing in the post-colony through qualitative empirical cases, historical and legal studies, conceptual essays and provocations, and interviews with Indigenous business leaders. It contributes to the ongoing diversification, provincialisation, and decolonisation of management and organisation studies and practice. A strong focus is placed on diverse Indigenous knowledges and experiences, including those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Pasifika, and M¿ori peoples, and insights into the capacity for Indigenous culture-specific modes of business to offer decolonising futures.
This book explores theories and brings empirical evidence of innovations in learning and teaching and practice-driven leadership and governance of higher education institutions across developed and developing countries aiming to recover and sustain during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. A fresh managerial approach to identifying the critical challenges, opportunities and strategies of higher education services management is the fundamental essence of this book. The book includes unique chapters, and these are carefully designed. This book has original scholarly contributions, including case studies, and explains how higher education institutions can deal with the challenges of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The cross-cultural insights of both public and private sector higher education institutions across the globe are a helpful guide for academics, researchers, advanced students, and practitioners to identify and understand the best practices about what worked well and what did not during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The chapters help formulate a strategic recovery plan for higher education institutions to mitigate the challenges of the post-Covid-19 Pandemic.
"Work is being redefined as jobs give way to skills as the currency of work"--
Das Buch zeigt anhand aktueller Forschungsthemen und Praxisbeispiele, welche Veränderungen die digitale Transformation in den Lernprozessen von und in Organisationen ausgelöst hat. Anpassungen von Organisationen auf Veränderungen sind die Basis für Innovationsprozesse, die wiederum auf den Ergebnissen der individuellen Lernprozesse der Mitarbeiter*innen und einem fluiden Wissensmanagement in den Organisationen aufbauen. Innovative digitale Lernformen und -formate, digitale Kollaborationstools und ein fließendes Wissensmanagement sind Voraussetzung für eine lernende Organisation und damit für ein gelingendes Change Management. Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die Thematik der digitalen Transformation und den Herausforderungen für Organisationen fokussiert sich die Autorin auf das organisationale Lernen, erforderliche Grundbausteine in Bezug auf das digitale und selbstgesteuerte Lernen sowie verschiedene Ausprägungen von digitalen Lernangeboten. Dabei werden neue digitale Lernformen und -strukturen auch unter dem Einfluss von KI aufgezeigt und mit Praxisbeispielen sowie aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen angereichert. Anschließend beleuchtet die Autorin das organisationale Wissensmanagement und dessen rasante Weiterentwicklung in den letzten Jahren.
Embark on a transformative journey with The Power of Change Workbook, the essential companion to the groundbreaking book, The Power of Change: Effective Strategies to Leverage Change, Thrive, Innovate, and Lead in Tomorrow's World.This interactive workbook is designed to take you deeper into the art and science of adapting to and leading change in an increasingly complex world.In this workbook, you will find a series of thoughtfully crafted exercises drawn directly from the powerful insights of the main book. Each activity is designed to help you internalize and apply the principles of embracing change, fostering resilience, and driving innovation in your personal and professional life.Highlights of the Workbook:¿ Practical Exercises: Engage with hands-on activities that bring the concepts of 'The Power of Change' to life. From navigating the stages of change to mastering adaptability in the age of AI, these exercises are your toolkit for personal growth and professional excellence.¿ Inspirational Quotes: Reflect on profound quotes, including those from luminaries like Lao Tzu, offering wisdom and perspective on your journey through change.¿ Space for Reflection: Abundant blank pages for your thoughts, reflections, and insights. Journal your experiences, challenges, and breakthroughs as you apply the lessons of change to your daily life.¿ Guidance for Individuals and Businesses: Whether you're seeking personal transformation or aiming to lead your organization through change, this workbook offers tailored strategies for success.The Power of Change Workbook is not just an accessory to its predecessor; it's a standalone roadmap guiding you through the uncertainty and excitement of change. It confronts the tough questions with you, providing a tangible, interactive experience that complements the wisdom of the original book. Embrace change and step into a future where you're not just surviving, but thriving and leading with confidence. Your journey to becoming a more adaptable, resilient individual starts on these pages.
This book investigates the lived experience of CEOs in their quest for wholeness and presents a model of spiritual intelligence for contemporary leadership. The experience of ethical and spiritual crisis in the post-modern society especially in organizational leadership, calls for deeper quest and spiritual intelligence. Four essential themes emerged from the analysis of the in-depth interviews with top leaders of different organizations across the globe: (1) Sensing Crisis, (2) Embracing Crisis (3) Awakening Hidden Wholeness, (4) and Serving Greater Good. From the analysis of the themes, a model of spiritual intelligence and leadership wholeness is constructed. This Spiritual Intelligence Model portrays the intra-dynamics of leaders¿ ongoing quest for wholeness penetrating through their existential, learning, spiritual, and moral dimensions of being and the five ethical dimensions of wholeness permeating through the personal, organizational, social, global, and environmental spheres of life. This book gives a fresh perspective on spiritual intelligence and leadership practice today.
This is your go-to guide for building a strong, positive company culture. This book is a practical journey into the heart of what makes companies succeed: a deliberate focus on alignment and culture.You'll find real-world examples and a step-by-step guide to creating a culture that syncs your organization's goals and values. Whether you're a leader, founder, or an employee aspiring to bring change, this book offers insights and tools to make your organization more cohesive and successful. Sirisha and Harish, co-founders of Align By Design, share their extensive experience and passion for organizational development, providing a roadmap to help companies at various stages of growth thrive through intentional action.
Management research has traditionally assumed that leaders play an essential role in both public and private organizations and are required for a business to run smoothly. However, more recently, a vein of critical research has claimed that leaders can do more harm than good, creating confusion and putting their reputation before production and employee wellbeing. This book asks the question - what would happen if there were no leaders? Would employees be better off without formal (or informal) leaders? And even if such a utopia were desirable, would it be realizable in practice?
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