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Bogen udkommer ultimo november. Det er svært at lave en forretningsmodel, fordi der er så mange ting at tage hensyn til, og fordi de fleste er usikre på, om de kan. Med denne bog får læseren en meget enkel og let tilgængelig skabelon til at lave en forretningsmodel. Det er en håndbog for nytænkere, banebrydere og rebeller med ambitioner om at trodse forældede forretningsmodeller og designe morgendagens virksomheder. Det er en bog for forretningsmodel-generationen. Bogen er en af de mest omtalte business-bøger inden for de seneste år. Fordi bogen er super brugbar for både store og små virksomheder og også enmandsvirksomheder, og derfor er den faktisk allerede blevet populær i Danmark (på engelsk). Hvordan laver man så en forretningsmodel? Jo, man udfylder et ”strategilærred”, som er en skabelon, med de ting, man skal bruge, og så er man i gang, let og elegant, uanset hvilken forretning man ønsker at lave, eller hvad man arbejder med.
»Det er som at være ung igen.«»Jeg besluttede, at jeg kun ville lave lystfyldt arbejde. Jeg har tjent det halve, men været dobbelt så glad.«Sådan lyder det fra et par af de medvirkende i Senior og selvstændig. De har valgt at skrotte pensionen og stedet arbejde videre efter den officielle pensionsalder – men nu som selvstændige.Senior og selvstændig er bogen til dig, der er tæt på eller har nået pensionsalderen, men som ikke er færdig med arbejdsmarkedet. Du har stadig lyst til at arbejde, men vil selv bestemme over din tid og over arbejdets indhold og omfang.Bogen giver dig inspiration og praktisk vejledning til, hvordan du kan komme i gang med din egen lille virksomhed. I bogens første del kan du læse om 15 seniorer, der har fundet en ny arbejdsidentitet, om deres erfaringer og det, der driver dem.Du møder ledelseskonsulenten, handymanden, bed & breakfast-parret, it-programmøren, strikkeeksperten, smykkedesigneren, oversætteren, skolelederen, parterapeuterne, podcasteren, arkitekten og familierådgiveren.Bogens anden del fortæller, hvad du skal være opmærksom på. Lige fra hvordan du opretter en virksomhed over forretningsplan, helbred og økonomisk serviceeftersyn til markedsføring, netværk, kunder og konkurrenter.Abelone Glahn er kommunikationsrådgiver, har skrevet en lang række bøger og blogger om downsizing af boligen på vej ind i den tredje alder.
SOLO er en survival guide til dig, der er kreativ og går med drømmen om at starte dit eget, men måske ikke tør at sige dit faste job op og tage springet. Dig, der netop er sprunget ud i det og bokser med en masse spørgsmål om, hvordan du bedst muligt omsætter dine kreative evner til en levevej. Dig, der har været i gang i nogle år, men har brug for nye perspektiver på, hvordan du driver din virksomhed videre og skaber en mere solid økonomi, så der bliver mere plads til det, du brænder for – at være kreativ. Palle Schmidt har skrevet en personligt vinklet karrierebog, der indeholder en masse konkret viden om alt fra kreativitet, disciplin, produktivitet, skat og regnskab til strategi, netværk og kundepleje. Med SOLO vil han inspirere dig, klæde dig godt på og give dig modet til at stikke til søs som selvstændig. Han giver dig en masse praktiske redskaber, der skal hjælpe dig med at holde kursen i din lille båd på det store bølgende hav af muligheder, der byder sig i livet som kreativ freelancer. SOLO indeholder desuden interviews med kreative mennesker, der lever af det, de er gode til – herunder Anders Matthesen, Kim Fupz Aakeson, Nikolaj Peyk, Renée Toft Simonsen og Maren Uthaug.
"What's the difference between your competitor and your enemy? You know who your competitors are. You keep tabs on them regularly, and can list them calmly, along with their strengths and weaknesses. But your enemies are a whole other matter. They're the haters and the doubters who said you'd never make it, the ones who stomped on your dreams. When you think about your enemies, you can't stop the strong feelings rising up. In Choose Your Enemies Wisely, Patrick Bet-David shows how to harness emotion to turbocharge your business, dominate this year, and grow for generations after. But first, you need to choose your enemies wisely. Bet-David has spent years perfecting the system that led to the knockout success of his own financial services company. Now, Bet-David shares the secret behind this system: his 12 Business Building Blocks, which will teach you how to seamlessly blend emotion and logic in your business plan. Both a practical document for achieving goals and the fuel needed to fire up yourself and your team, this plan goes beyond the "how" and digs deeper into the "why": not only how you'll get funding, but why you need long-term vision; why you must build a culture that makes employees want to run through walls; why you have to know the enemy you're out to prove wrong. Straightforward and simple, the steps in this book will lead you to move the levers that create exponential growth and lasting success. Read Choose Your Enemies Wisely if you are a visionary, dreamer, and big thinker. Where you are now in your business journey doesn't matter. By following Bet-David's plan, you will set up your business for sustainable success and accomplish your most audacious goals"--
Frederikke Antonie Schmidt har sat sig for at hjælpe kvinder til at stå stærkere – i sko. Som hun siger: Man kan måle min egen usikkerhed på højden af mine hæle. Jo højere hæle desto mere usikker. Hun har derfor udviklet sko med hæle, som man faktisk kan holde ud at gå i. Her er historien om kvinden bag Roccamore, som insisterer på at bære lyserødt, at larme, og at gøre tingene på sin egen måde. En indsigtsfuld og morsom beretning om livet som kvindelig iværksætter.
. Neue Ausgabe mit 13 neuen Fallstudien und einem neuen Kapitel darüber, was den Unterschied macht. Für Kreative, die selbständig im Bereich Design arbeiten (wollen). Enthält reale und inspirierende Beispiele
The Winter Market Gardener is a guide to year-round vegetable production. Based on years of experimentation in techniques, tools, and cultivars, it presents planting, care, and harvesting details for dozens of winter crops that earn money and provide the highest quality, most delicious produce for local markets.
Rådgivning er en kompleks proces, der kræver indsigt i de irrationelle elementer, som ofte opstår under en rådgivning. For at bidrage til en værdiskabende rådgivning har rådgiveren brug for en rådgiverfaglighed, der inkluderer metoder og værktøjer, som rækker ud over rådgiverens faglige ekspertise, og hindrer den enkelte rådgiver i at brænde ud og føle sig professionel ensom.Når bevidstheden bliver skærpet, i forhold til de følelser og bagvedliggende historier der er i spil hos en selv, den rådgivne og mellem de involverede, bliver der åbnet op for nye handlerum og erfaringsudveksling med andre rådgivere.Rådgiverhåndbogen giver dig viden om og værktøjer til:Den psykologiske del af rådgivningsarbejdetEvnen til at positionere sig værdiskabendeVærdiskabende kommunikation og spørgemetodikVurdering og evaluering af rådgivningenRådgiverfaglighedens metoder konkretiseres med afsæt i cases fra rådgivernes hverdag opsamlet og gennemarbejdet af Birgitte Nortvig.Birgitte Nortvig har arbejdet med relationer og kommunikation gennem de sidste 20 år. Hun har stået for strategiske udviklingsprojekter, supervision og rådgiveruddannelser for private, statslige, kommunale og politiske organisationer og fagforeninger. Birgitte Nortvig har tidligere arbejdet som leder samt udviklings- og proceskonsulent. Siden 2008 har hun været selvstændig og etablerede sin nuværende konsulentvirksomhed ”Birgitte Nortvig – fra strategi til handling” tilbage i 2013. Hun er desuden ekstern lektor på DTU.
"With practical, step-by-step instructions and on-the-ground examples at every scale, Flower Farming for Profit is a comprehensive, beautiful guide to achieving profitability as a cut flower farmer. When Lennie Larkin set out to become a flower farmer, she found all sorts of resources about growing flowers but a scarcity of reliable information on how to build a profitable cut flower business. How do you create efficient systems and adequately value your own time and effort through your pricing? When and how should you consider scaling up your farm? How can you make doing what you love support you financially? In Flower Farming for Profit, Larkin answers these questions-and many, many more. With instructive lessons and savvy business tips from her own and other successful farms around the world, she explores: -The diverse challenges of both wholesale and retail sales channels, from florists and farm stands to farmers markets -Streamlining weddings for the farmer-florist, from communications to floral design -Efficient recordkeeping and bookkeeping -Steps for conducting your own cost-of-production analysis -Marketing and growth strategies -Business planning, goal setting, and making financial projections -Crop planning based on local climatic conditions, market demand, and sales projections The cut flower industry continues to experience wild growth. To successfully do what they love while expanding the market for sustainably produced flowers, new and experienced farmers alike must deliberately step back from the field and into the office. Flower Farming for Profit is a one-of-a-kind guide to creating the type of numbers-driven business that will allow individual farms to prosper and local flower economies to thrive"--
In den letzten Jahren ist rund um das Thema Kaffee ein kleiner Design-Kosmos entstanden. Cafés, Kaffeebars und unabhängige Röstereien sind Anziehungspunkte in jeder Stadt und locken mit origineller Innenarchitektur ihre Gäste. Die Bandbreite ihres visuellen Auftritts, ihrer Logos und Verpackungen reicht dabei von Letterpress und Vintage über Sixties bis zur Gen Z.Designing Coffee beleuchtet diese Vielfalt, von minimalistischen japanischen Kaffeebars, die an Teehäuser erinnern, über Spielarten des kalifornischen Diners bis zu schicken Cafés in Paris oder Mailand. Dabei werden nicht nur Einrichtung und Grafik gezeigt - Kaffee-Expertin Lani Kingston beschreibt, was Gäste heute verlangen und was man wissen sollte, um eine eigene Kaffeebar zu eröffnen.
Don't get left behind in the past-embrace the future of business networking and unlock the $150,000 method for success!
A book for future, past, and present Shopkeepers (and the people who love them). After five years of owning, operating, and closing her dream store, Ana Maria realized that opening for business also means opening up to personal growth. OPEN dives into the practical elements of building and operating a retail store while squarely focusing on the Shopkeeper behind it. Blending memoir and keen observations, author Ana Maria Muñoz shares her Shopkeeper Journey while encouraging readers to dig into their "Personal Backroom" and take Personal Inventory to identify what makes them tick, dim, glow, and burn out. OPEN is filled with hands-on insights, vulnerable personal stories, and reflections to inspire present and future Shopkeepers to take action, build a better launch, grow their store, and evolve with their Shopkeeper Dream. This book is less how-to build and more how-to be: - Dig deep into your vision for your personal life and store so you can choose the right path for both. - Identify the metrics for success that will be your guide as you drive your business more effectively to bring your vision to life. - Enjoy the journey and experience your time as a Shopkeeper with more ease and delight while serving your community. While focused on Shopkeepers, the overarching themes are universal for any entrepreneur, small business owner, and anyone who desires to live the YES out of life.Whether you want to launch your dream store, operate your current brick-and-mortar with less friction and more bliss, move on to a new adventure, or get a Shopkeeper's point of view, OPEN will reveal a world of considerations and possibilities.
Are you thinking about starting a new business but don't know where to begin? Are you already running a business but want to make it a better-oiled machine?Then get ready to navigate the trials of running a small business with this easy-to-read, practical book as your guide.Whether considering the leap into a new business venture, or already running an established business, Rise Above is your 'go to' guide, jam-packed full of frank and invaluable advice. Learn tips from your business guide, Nicola, through her candid and relatable experiences in business. Rise Above focuses on the crucial areas that take most business owners years to master: business planning, small business compliance, hiring staff, mastering your money, and taking care of yourself, to name a few. With Rise Above as your road map, you will be able to:¿ Clearly identify your purpose, values and vision.¿ Create your own plan for business success.¿ Avoid the trap of doing everything yourself.¿ Gain a clear understanding of your insurance needs and legal requirements.¿ Obtain insights on how to navigate your ATO registrations.¿ Understand how to effectively handle and control your finances.¿ Learn strategies for overcoming unexpected challenges. Grab this down-to-earth small business guide and get started on turning your dream into a reality. Gain practical wisdom, avoid common pitfalls, and get authentic, real-life advice from other business owners who have navigated the ups and downs of the business world.
Insider case stories from real family businesses owned and managed by Asian families globally cover topics including succession planning, conflict resolution, overcoming COVID 19, values and identity, CSR, green innovation, sustainability, internationalization, transformation, family relation, communications, and entrepreneurship.
A book for future, past, and present Shopkeepers (and the people who love them). After five years of owning, operating, and closing her dream store, Ana Maria realized that opening for business also means opening up to personal growth. OPEN dives into the practical elements of building and operating a retail store while squarely focusing on the Shopkeeper behind it. Blending memoir and keen observations, author Ana Maria Muñoz shares her Shopkeeper Journey while encouraging readers to dig into their "Personal Backroom" and take Personal Inventory to identify what makes them tick, dim, glow, and burn out. OPEN is filled with hands-on insights, vulnerable personal stories, and reflections to inspire present and future Shopkeepers to take action, build a better launch, grow their store, and evolve with their Shopkeeper Dream. This book is less how-to build and more how-to be: - Dig deep into your vision for your personal life and store so you can choose the right path for both. - Identify the metrics for success that will be your guide as you drive your business more effectively to bring your vision to life. - Enjoy the journey and experience your time as a Shopkeeper with more ease and delight while serving your community. While focused on Shopkeepers, the overarching themes are universal for any entrepreneur, small business owner, and anyone who desires to live the YES out of life.Whether you want to launch your dream store, operate your current brick-and-mortar with less friction and more bliss, move on to a new adventure, or get a Shopkeeper's point of view, OPEN will reveal a world of considerations and possibilities.
ALL IN THE FAMILY celebrates the inspiring stories of 21 local Lehigh Valley family-owned businesses. Thi full-color book shares the advice and experiences of these business luminaries, including how they successfully work with family members, grow their businesses while raising their families, and reinvent their businesses to keep current and competitive.Each story is accompanied by stunning photographs of the families and their work. This book includes stories of a wide variety of family-owned businesses, including restaurants, home improvers, contractors, health care professionals, investors, and more.This book will empower and inspire readers as they discover secrets to family business success-and the know-how to apply these strategies to their own lives.
Investing has become the buzzword of the financial world. It is a concept that has gained immense popularity in recent years, driven by the ever-increasing desire to build wealth and financial independence. Investing can be a powerful tool for building wealth and achieving your financial goals. However, it can also be a daunting task if you do not have a clear understanding of the various investment options available, the risks involved, and how to make viable investment decisions. In this book, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to investing that will help you make informed investment decisions and maximize your returns.In this book, you will learn:Around the HouseLooking Your BestKeeping Safe and HealthyMoney and BudgetingSocial SkillsStanding up to bullies, looking after pets, being safe on social media, earning money, and being a leader with each chapter, kids will learn practical tips and advice that they can apply in their daily lives, making them more responsible, independent, and capable The fun illustrations and modern layout are designed to ensure that kids stay engaged and motivated while learning. Real-life examples and relevant topics make the concepts relatable and easy to understand.
Feeling stuck in a low-revenue and frustrated customer cycle? Break free from conflict and learn how to make everyone walk away happy.Unsure how to differentiate yourself in a busy market without slashing profits? Worried weak sales skills will doom your small business efforts? Need to generate higher ticket averages and fewer callbacks? Joe Crisara was once a struggling home service contractor. He's now a worldwide educator, entrepreneur, and author who is inspiring everyone from startup managers to Fortune 1000 companies with his unique process. And now he's ready to reveal his trusted playbook to help you double your income while staying confident in your ethics.What Should We Do? is a down-to-earth primer on persuasion, selling, presentation, and closing. Full of boots-on-the-ground anecdotes and eye-opening insights, it offers a principle-centered system that helps everybody come out on top. And by following Uncle Joe's passionate coaching, you'll soon be seeing successes beyond your wildest imagination. You'll discover:- An honest, step-by-step sales approach that ensures small businesses thrive- How operating with integrity can lead to growing profits and increased value- Easy-to-digest summaries that help keep your company on an upward trajectory - Sample dialogues between contractors and clients so you can go into every situation with confidence- The key question you need to be asking, tons of downloadable bonus tools, and much, much more!What Should We Do? is the definitive field guide for anyone managing a blue-collar business. If you like actionable advice, authentic examples, and conversational guidance, then you'll love Joe Crisara's must-have manual.Buy What Should We Do? to map out your next steps today!
"The Startup Lifecycle is here to empower entrepreneurs and help you avert common mishaps by providing an easy-to-follow path through 7 key phases, leading you from your initial vision to your lucrative exit-and along the way, improving the world for future generations"--
Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned pro, this book will empower you to create a business as individual and unstoppable as you are.
Are you a nervous wreck when it comes to managing your author business?Have the legalities made you hesitate to publish?Do you have no idea what you should be doing, where you should be filing, or what you could be forgetting?This handbook is broken down into bite-sized, informational pieces that you can use before you spend your hard-earned dollars on an expensive meeting with a CPA.As a seasoned CPA with over a decade of public accounting experience and a history of helping hundreds of small business owners, including authors, Guion brings you a comprehensive guide that will explain the basics, ease your nerves, and help point you in the right direction.- No more doubts about what you need to do to be a legitimate business.- No more posting on social media with your various tax questions and getting questionable advice.- No more worrying about your responsibilities.This handbook is custom designed to save the number-nervous author from hours of heartache and stress.Included:- What you need to know about starting your author business- Business entity choices and implications (and their tax forms)- Hobby vs. self-employment income- Royalty reporting- How to record expenses and where they go (with examples)- Lots of advanced tax tips and savings strategies- Retirement plan options for authors- Tax impacts of direct salesAnd more!With customized details, explanations, and examples catered to authors, this guide is your ticket to effortless author enterprise management. Say goodbye to business hassles and embrace a clear, concise, and stress-free approach to managing and understanding your author empire.You don't know what you don't know - but that doesn't protect you from getting in trouble with the IRS - learn your business responsibilities and stay on the right side of the US federal tax law.***I'm a CPA but not your CPA. Nothing in this book is tax advice - it's for educational and informational purposes (to be followed-up with additional research later). Please confirm applicability in your own scenario with an advisor who is familiar with your specific situation.This handbook is tailored to US federal tax laws as of 2024. There is no state-specific information included.
So who's "the Man?" The Man is any job, idea, or power that's keeping you from working for yourself. It's the force that's holding you back from using your gifts and talents to earn money on your terms.Use this guide to help you prepare your mind for the new adventure you want to begin. You'll learn how to build a strong foundation for attracting clients, stay productive while working from home, start clearing up any mental money blocks (so you can get paid!), and build confidence in yourself while gettin' your hustle on!It doesn't matter if you've worked a corporate job for ten years or if you've just graduated college. If you have a feeling that's pulling you in a new direction, it's OK to take that fork in the road.Breaking Up with the Man is about taking the first step and putting a plan of action in place so that you can start doing what you want to do. You can build a side hustle or start your business today. This book will help you do it professionally and with confidence.
Family businesses play a pivotal role in the global economy, and their successful development is of utmost importance. This first volume of the Contemporary Issues in Family Business Entrepreneurship series, focuses on the topic of family business transformation, which is causing drastic changes in companies' strategies and business models. Decisions to adapt or change family business strategy and/or the business model are always associated with risk. Family Business Transformation integrates work on the broad topics of transformation, strategy development, business model development, with the study of family businesses to provide family business owners, managers and entrepreneurs much-needed recommendations from best practice examples and/or empirical findings that can support decision-making in regard to the future direction of their companies. This book calls for a specialized examination of the social interactions among stakeholders, substantially expanding classical management theory. Scholars of family business, entrepreneurship and strategic management, institutional libraries and postgraduate students will find it an essential read and benefit from its insights.
Unlock extra retirement riches by becoming an online tutor! In DIGITAL CLASSROOMS: Unlocking Retirement Riches as an Online Tutor, you'll learn everything you need to know to get started as an online tutor. From choosing the right tutoring platform to creating a profile and setting your rates, this book covers it all. You'll also learn what to teach, how much to charge, and how to be an outstanding tutor. Whether you're looking to supplement your retirement income or start a new career, this book is the perfect guide to help you get started. Buy now and start unlocking your retirement riches today!Being an online tutor gives you flexibility, a connection to people and additional income. Besides the extra money, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are a major influence on someone else's life and success.This 6-book series, EXTRA RETIREMENT INCOME IS SEXY, has been written to provide seniors and retirees with opportunities for additional income and wealth building. But some of the biggest benefits will come from the connection to other people, the sense of accomplishment and the creativity and inspiration that results from these activities. This is the perfect resource to help you find financial independence. Start increasing the riches in your life today.
Préparez-vous à un tournant dans votre vie !Vous avez une compétence, un talent qui sommeille en vous ?Imaginez maintenant que cette compétence, aussi modeste soit-elle, soit la clé pour transformer votre vie financière.Avez-vous déjà rêvé d'être le maître de votre destin, de bâtir une entreprise à succès à partir de votre passion ? Que vous soyez un virtuose du graphisme, un amateur de la photographie, ou simplement passionné par des activités comme le dessin, la poterie, ou même le cake design, ce livre vous révèle les secrets de la monétisation des compétences.Loin des promesses vides, plongez dans la méthode DEC - une approche concrète qui guide votre compétence vers la réussite.Que vous soyez déjà expert ou que vous pensiez ne rien avoir à offrir, ce guide vous dévoile comment identifier, développer, et transformer vos compétences en une entreprise à succès .De la prestation de services à la création d'une marque ou d'une agence, chaque étape est détaillée, du décollage avec la prospection, à la croissance avec la délégation, jusqu'à la création d'un revenu passif.Votre voyage commence maintenant ! Devenez votre propre patron, surmontez les obstacles, et construisez une entreprise durable pour le succès et la liberté financière.Préparez-vous à conquérir le monde avec votre compétence !
Tilmeld dig nyhedsbrevet og få gode tilbud og inspiration til din næste læsning.
Ved tilmelding accepterer du vores persondatapolitik.