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Arbejdsmønstre og arbejdspraksis

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  • af Edgar H Schein
    225,95 kr.

    Revised edition of the authors' Humble leadership, [2018]

  • af Jamie Fiore Higgins
    95,95 kr.

    A rare, riveting insider's account on Wall Streetan updated Liar's Pokerwhere greed coupled with misogyny and discrimination enforces a culture of exclusion in the upper echelons of Goldman SachsJamie Fiore Higgins became one of the few women at the highest ranks of Goldman Sachs. Spurred on by the obligation she felt to her working-class immigrant family, she rose through the ranks and saw it all: out-of-control, lavish parties flowing with never-ending drinks; affairs flouted in the office; rampant drug use; and most pervasively, a discriminatory culture that seemed designed to hold back the few women and people of color employed at the company. Despite Goldman Sachs having the right talking points and statistics, Fiore Higgins soon realized that these provided a veneer to cover up what she found to be an abusive culture. Her account is one filled with shocking stories of harassment and jaw-dropping tales of exclusionary behavior: when she was told she only got promoted because she is a woman; when her coworkers mooed at her after she pumped for her fourth child, defying the superior who had advised her not to breastfeed; or when a male boss used a racial epithet in front of her, other colleagues, and clients without any repercussions. Bully Market sounds the alarm on the culture of finance and corporate America, while offering clear, actionable ideas for creating a fairer workplace. Both a revealing, extraordinary look at the industry and a top Wall Streeter's explosive personal story, Bully Market is an essential account of one woman's experience in a flawed system that speaks to the challenge and urgency for change.

  • af Lise Dahl Arvedsen & Liv Otto Hassert
    317,95 kr.

    MERE TRIVSEL, MINDRE STRESS, BEDRE PERFORMANCE OG EN SOLID BUNDLINJE ... ... det er drømmen for mange organisationer, der vil arbejde fleksibelt og hybridt. Men selvom de er ivrige efter at gribe mulighederne i det hybride arbejdsliv, frygter de typisk også at gå på kompromis med bundlinje, produktivitet og sammenhængskraft – og det med god grund. At skabe en hybrid organisation kræver nemlig et opgør med de måder, vi i generationer har indrettet arbejdslivet på. Snart griner vi af 8-16-jobbet klæder ledere og organisationer på til at gå skridtet videre fra "to hjemmearbejdsdage om ugen" til faktisk at skabe en organisation, der ikke bare overlever fremtidens kompleksitet, men tager organisationens trivsel og produktivitet til nye højder. Bogen giver: Overblik over de organisatoriske strømninger og paradigmeskift, der præger arbejdslivet. Svar på de udfordringer, som ledere kæmper med i transformationen af deres organisationer. En værktøjskasse til at skabe fælles forandringer i hybride organisationers hverdag. Snart griner vi af 8-16-jobbet er relevant for ledere, HR-professionelle og andre, der arbejder med organisations- og ledelsesudvikling, ligesom den henvender sig til studerende inden for organisation og ledelse.

  • - Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and the Company that Made the Modern Internet
    af Jimmy Soni
    122,95 kr.

    The gripping inside story of Paypal, the company that created the digital age as we know it.

  • af Cynthia A. Montgomery
    327,95 kr.

    Based on an acclaimed professor's legendary strategy course at Harvard Business School, The Strategist offers a radically new perspective on a leader's most vital role."Are you a strategist?" That's the first question Cynthia Montgomery asks the business owners and senior executives from all over the world who participate in her highly regarded executive education course. It's not a question they anticipate or care much about on opening day. But by the time the program ends, they cannot imagine leading their companies to success without being—and living the role of—a strategist.Over a series of weeks and months, Montgomery puts these accomplished executives through their paces. Using case discussions, after-hours talks, and participants' own strategy dilemmas, she illuminates what strategy is, why it's important, and what it takes to lead the effort. En route, she equips them to confront the most essential question facing every business leader: Does this company truly matter? In doing so, she shows that strategy is not just a tool for outwitting the competition; it is the most powerful means a leader has for shaping a company itself.The Strategist exposes all business leaders—whether they run a global enterprise or a small business—to the invaluable insights Montgomery shares with these privileged executives. By distilling the experiences and insights gleaned in the classroom, Montgomery helps leaders develop the skills and sensibilities they need to become strategists themselves. It is a difficult role, but little else one does as a leader is likely to matter more.

  • - psykologisk tryghed på arbejdet
    af Rebekka Bøgelund
    227,95 kr.

    Tør du fejle? Denne bog er ikke et forsvarsskrift for sjusk - men derimod et forsvarsskrift for, at vi skal turde eksperimentere.Vi skal turde kaste os ud i det, og så vil det uvægerligt føre til fejl. Og det er helt i orden. Faktisk er det supergodt! Frygten for fejl hæmmer både innovation, kreativitet og arbejdslyst, derfor bør alle arbejdspladser (private såvel som offentlige) opfordre til og hylde fejl.Men hvad skal der til, hvis man som leder ønsker en kultur, hvor fejl bydes velkommen? Eller hvis man som medarbejder tænker, at ens potentiale ikke bringes i spil? Psykologisk tryghed er i hvert fald helt essentielt!I denne bog har Rebekka Bøgelund talt med en række toneangivende eksperter og erhvervsledere, der alle sætter ord på, hvordan de konkret sikrer psykologisk tryghed og mod hos med­arbejderne til at byde ind med deres idéer og perspektiver.Rebekka Bøgelund er master i psykologi ved Aarhus Universitet og i kommunikation ved Københavns Universitet, foredragsholder og forsker i danskernes arbejdslyst ved Videncenter for God Arbejdslyst, selvstændig organisations- og ledelseskonsulent samt ejer af rådgivervirksomheden Crop Organisation.

  • - Historien om innovation og kundevalg
    af Clayton Christensen, Karen Dillon, Taddy Hall & mfl.
    332,94 kr.

    Enhver virksomhed har brug for at omdanne innovation fra vision til noget, hvor de udvikler produkter og tjenester, som kunderne ikke bare vil købe, men er villige til at betale for.Hvordan ved virksomhederne, hvordan de skal vækste? Hvordan kan de udvikle produkter, som de er sikre på, at kunderne ønsker at købe? Kan innovation være andet end spil hit & miss? Professor på Harvard Business School Clayton Christensen har svaret. For en generation siden revolutionerede Christensen business-verdenen med sin banebrydende teori om disruptiv innovation. Nu tager han skridtet videre og tilbyder kraftfulde nye indsigter.Efter mange års forskning er Christensen og hans medforfattere nået til en kritisk konklusion: Det, vi længe har troet – at det at forstå kunden er kernen i innovation – er forkert. Kunder køber ikke produkter eller tjenester; de "hyrer" dem til at gøre et job. At forstå kunden er ikke drivkraften i en innovationssucces. Det er til gengæld det at forstå den opgave, kunden skal løse. Jobs-to-be-done"-tilgangen kan ses i nogle af verdens mest respekterede virksomheder og hurtigst vækstende startups, herunder Amazon, Uber og Airbnb for blot at nævne nogle få. Men denne bog handler ikke om at fejre disse succeser, men om at forudsige nye.Forfatterne mener, at virksomheder ved at forstå, hvad der får kunderne til at "hyre" et produkt eller en tjeneste, kan styrke innovationen og skabe produkter, som kunderne ikke kun kan bruge, men også vil betale godt for. Bogen giver en omfattende og klar forklaring på jobs-to-be-done-teorien, hvordan man bruger den i praksis, og vigtigst af alt, hvordan man ikke taber den indsigt, teorien giver, på gulvet.

  • - Øjenvidneberetninger om arbejdsmiljørepræsentanters daglige kampe for, at ingen skal dø, blive syge eller invaliderede af at arbejde.
    af Søren Dam Nielsen
    149,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Pludselig befandt nogle eksterne kolleger sig i en ovn med eksplosionsfare, hvor de var klar til at svejse. Arbejdsmiljørepræsentant René Tue Iversen stoppede arbejdet og fik styr på den farlige situation. I Kalundborg kunne sårede bandemedlemmer sent om aftenen blive smidt af en bil foran sundhedscentret. Arbejdsmiljørepræsentant Heinrich Larsen var ikke helt overbevist om, at det var trygt at gå udenfor og hjælpe de sårede ind. Bag rattet i en bybus kan alt ske. Hans Horsten tog som arbejdsmiljørepræsentant hånd om sin kollega, der uforvarende havde ramt en fodgænger på vej over gaden.Et skridt ad gangen er en bog om arbejdslivet i Danmark på godt og ondt set gennem en række arbejdsmiljørepræsentanters linser. Bogens afsluttende sider giver inspiration til arbejdsmiljørepræsentanter om, hvordan de kan få mere succes med deres indsatser.

  • - Strategier til et arbejdsliv der hverken skal overleves eller overstås
    af Marie Litrup
    262,95 kr.

    Kravene til arbejdslivet stiger konstant. Der er høje forventninger til hastighed og tilgængelighed, og samtidig er trivsel og engagement i frit fald. Mange bliver sygemeldt, siger op eller mister troen på, at arbejdslivet kan være anderledes. Men det kan det.Happy High Performer viser, hvordan du skaber et sundt arbejdsliv. Gennem forskningsbaserede teorier, eksempler fra virkeligheden og konkrete strategier guider forfatteren til et arbejdsliv, hvor høj trivsel og høj performance ikke er hinandens modsætninger, men hinandens forudsætninger. Som det er nu, ender alt for mange som såkaldt Overwhelmed High Performers. Bogens metoder viser vejen til at blive en Happy High Performer ved at sætte fokus på tre kerneområder: din hjerne, din tid og dine beslutninger. Du lærer blandt andet:- at øge din kapacitet med glæde, energi og engagement- at skabe den rette struktur ved at træffe aktive fravalg og skabe klarhed- at stå på mål for dine valg, holde fokus og sikre fremdrift.

  • af Linda Babcock, Brenda Peyser, Lise Vesterlund & mfl.
    92,95 - 257,95 kr.

    En praktisk guide til større ligestilling: Sådan frigør vi kvinders karrierer fra arbejde, der ikke bliver belønnet. Nej-klubben blev stiftet af fire kvinder med endeløse to-do-lister og med det formål at få deres arbejdsliv under kontrol. Selv når de løb hurtigere end alle andre, var de stadig bagud i forhold til deres mandlige kollegers løn og karriereforløb. Denne bog afslører resultatet af mere end ti års banebrydende forskning: at kvinder overalt er belastet med "ikke-forfremmende arbejde": planlægning af sommerfesten, screening af praktikanter, pleje af den tidskrævende klient eller simpelthen at hjælpe andre med deres arbejde. Professorerne Linda Babcock, Brenda Peyser, Lise Vesterlund og Laurie Weingart dokumenterer, hvordan kvinder overalt udfører disse opgaver. Denne ubalance efterlader kvinder overbebyrdede og gør, at virksomhederne mister indtægter, produktivitet og ikke udnytter deres største talenter. Nej-klubben viser, hvordan du laver små, men vigtige ændringer i dine egne arbejdsbyrder og træffer klogere beslutninger om det arbejde, du påtager sig. Samtidig belyser forfatterne, hvordan varige forandringer kræver, at organisationer revurderer, hvordan de tildeler og belønner arbejde for at udjævne vilkårene for alle deres medarbejdere. Med hårde data, personlige anekdoter fra kvinder af alle slags, arbejdspladsvurderinger til øjeblikkelig brug og innovative råd fra rådgivning i Fortune 500-virksomheder vil denne bog ændre samtalen om, hvordan vi fremmer kvinders karrierer og opnår ligestilling i det 21. århundrede

  • af Chad Peterman
    146,95 kr.

    Empower Your Employees and Watch Your Business GrowIf you think the key to business growth is focusing on customers, think again! In his engaging new book, The Empowerment Project, Chad Peterman, President and CEO of Peterman Brothers home services company, makes the case for empowering employees as the key to long-term business success. Peterman has evidence that his approach works: he and his brother Tyler took their company from a fledgling operation to a $110 million enterprise with 600 employees and impressive year-after-year growth. Loaded with practical advice, compelling stories and wise Peterman Principles, The Empowerment Project expands on the equation that has proven to be successful: Empower your employees to empower your company's growth.

  • af Charles Pack
    212,95 kr.

    You certainly deserve better than the outdated, standard advice, interview preparation manuals and mock interview templates out there to 'help' you prepare for your interview.This publication provides an all-inclusive guide to positive interview preparation empowering you through mindfulness practices From your initial decision to enter the job market, to applications, through to screening and final interviews, you will learn to explore your own inner motivations and mindset, as well as examining your outer-facing actions and how to bring these into alignment to land your dream job.In this book, you will:You will completely manage the behavioral interviewIt will help you find the job you want Find all possible questionsTricks to show the best of your personalityUse your skills in the best wayAnd much more...It is not too much of an exaggeration to think of a job interview as one of the most nerve wrecking situations one can be in. For career changers, there's no telling what to expect in the unpredictable job market Times have certainly changed, and so have the requirements and expectations of employers; what was acceptable or applicable a few years ago may not be so in the modern age.

  • af Karen Brown
    240,95 kr.

    "Many business leaders know that diversity in organizational leadership is important; this book ushers executives through the next steps of understanding exactly why diverse leadership teams produce better business outcomes and how to diversify their companies' leaders"--

  • af Sarah Wells
    287,95 kr.

    "Go Ask Your Mothers is a guidebook for leaders at every level and in every sector, offering them an outlining of the struggles new working moms face, context for why communication problems can arise between managers and moms, a roadmap for initiating successful conversations with new mothers, and proven strategies for facilitating successful transitions back to work for new moms"--

  • af Catherine Shovlin
    152,95 kr.

    In a world saturated with stories of division, where walls seem to multiply between races, nations, and minds, Catherine delves into the heart of the matter. Drawing on her diverse life experiences, she weaves real-life anecdotes to illuminate the walls that stand tall in our collective consciousness. Beyond the headlines, organizational strife, and personal struggles, "Walking through Walls" beckons readers to confront the barriers that hinder unity. Catherine invites you on a journey through inspiring narratives that resonate in the external world and mirror within, urging you to dismantle the walls that keep us isolated. Every section ends with practical steps to challenge that wall. This book is a practical guide for those seeking a path to a happier, healthier, and more peaceful existence-both within their souls and in the broader world. Join Catherine on a transformative exploration of breaking down barriers for a brighter future.

  • af Sam Schreim
    238,95 - 432,95 kr.

  • af Roberto Delanese
    167,95 kr.

    "Roberto Delanese escreveu um excelente livro para aqueles que querem deixar de ser uma consequência do destino e começar a assumir o controle da própria vida por meio do poder da força de vontade e da lei da manifestação. Este livro é um guia para quem deseja viver a vida sem limitações e alcançar seu pleno potencial".~ Peggy McColl Autora de best-seller do The New York TimesO Método Delanese¿ fala sobre como alcançar algo raro - viver a vida de seus sonhos! A energia otimista de Roberto Delanese transborda das páginas para encher o coração e a mente com positividade e clareza. A principal lição a ser aprendida com sua mensagem é que é possível conquistar prosperidade e abundância em qualquer área de sua vida. O autor mostra como fazer isso!Enquanto atuava como executivo em multinacionais, Delanese dedicou a vida motivando outras pessoas a encontrar a melhor versão de si mesmas. Desenvolveu um método comprovado que obtém resultados sólidos e consistentes a longo prazo. O mesmo método o levou de sua origem humilde em uma pequena cidade no Brasil a desfrutar sucesso, felicidade, prosperidade e abundância nos Estados Unidos.O Método Delanese¿ inclui experiência pessoal de vida, guia de atividades práticas e lições de coaching para ajudar os leitores a cumprir suas metas mais importantes na vida. A experiência do autor como executivo e suas habilidades naturais de coaching levam os leitores a aderir à mentalidade de um vencedor a cada encruzilhada da estrada metafórica da vida.Para se beneficiar totalmente do audiolivro e do eBook, adquira uma cópia do livro de O Método Delanese¿ para realizar as tarefas ao final de cada capítulo.

  • af Eryc Eyl
    257,95 kr.

    Stop Engaging Employees provides heart-driven leaders with a constructive, contrarian, and practical approach to cultivating healthier workplace cultures. The book's six disciplines of humancentric leadership provide guideposts that every conscientious human can follow to support more satisfaction, fulfillment, self-actualization, and flourishing at work.

  • af Beverly Kaye
    191,95 kr.

    "This new edition of the bestselling classic includes updates as well as fresh material around remote work and today's challenges in career development and retention. Study after study confirms that career development is the single most powerful tool managers have for driving retention, engagement, productivity, and results. It's the sustainable competitive advantage that will distinguish the winners from the losers. Nevertheless, it's frequently back-burnered. When asked why, managers say the number one reason is that they just don't have time-for the meetings, the forms, the administrative hoops. But there's a better way. And it's surprisingly simple: frequent short conversations with employees about their career goals and options integrated seamlessly into the normal course of business. Beverly Kaye, coauthor of the bestselling Love 'Em or Lose 'Em, and Julie Winkle Giulioni identify three broad types of conversations that will increase employees' awareness of their strengths, weaknesses, and interests; point out where their organization and their industry are headed; and help them pull all of that together to design their own up-to-the-minute, personalized career plans. Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go is filled with practical tips, guidelines, and templates, as well as nearly a hundred suggested conversation questions. This new edition will also be released alongside an interactive Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go card deck to create organizational pathways for career development, and twenty-seven minutes of video trainings covering content, activities and practices in the book"--

  • af Younsuk Kong
    357,95 kr.

    Connecting Cultures through CuisineUnveil the secrets behind festival and event satisfaction with "Connecting Cultures through Cuisine." This groundbreaking study, based on meticulous research, explores the intricate dynamics between individuals and groups in the context of festivals and events. Delve into the multifaceted world of festival-goers as they evaluate satisfaction and express their intentions to revisit, providing invaluable insights for both event planners and enthusiasts.Uncovering Unexplored RealmsThe Study JourneyImplications and ApplicationsEmbark on a journey through the intersection of psychology, group dynamics, and event planning, and discover the keys to enhancing festival satisfaction and fostering cultural connections. "Connecting Cultures through Cuisine" is not just a book; it's a roadmap for creating unforgettable event experiences.

  • af Lynn Hamilton
    167,95 kr.

    In October 2016, Lynn Hamilton found herself doubled over a sidewalk experiencing hersecond anxiety attack. That was the impact of the threats and subterfuge from work colleagues she once thoughtshe could trust. And her story is by no means unique. Though few of their stories are known,thousands of people experience bullying in the workplace. Fear of retaliation, a desire toforget, or a lack of evidence are just some of the reasons why these stories remain hidden. Divided into four gripping sections, this memoir delves deep into Hamilton's harrowing livedexperience. From deteriorating trust and collaboration with her manager and coworkers, tothe insomnia that then began to cloud her judgement, Hamilton spares no detail in therecount of her torment and abuse. With courage and help, Hamilton finally chose to speak up. Would there be a breakthrough? "Blood in the Water" is a raw and powerful testament to resilience, highlighting the importanceof addressing workplace bullying and the profound lessons that emerge from the depths ofadversity.

  • af Lizzie Williamson
    222,95 kr.

    Move more and find a happier, healthier, more productive you.After a long day of sitting at work, your body aches, you have no energy, you're drained of creativity and your mood has hit rock bottom. But that's just part of your job, right? Wrong! It doesn't have to be that way.The Active Workday Advantage will educate and inspire you to incorporate micro moves - small and powerful moments of movement - into your daily routine. Follow the suggestions in this fun and motivating book and you'll boost your energy levels, improve your strength and flexibility, keep your attention switched on, spark your creativity and reboot your brain for peak performance.With easy-to-follow, research-based suggestions for low-effort ways to move more and feel better, workplace wellness expert Lizzie Williamson empowers you to change your perspective on exercise, prioritise active habits and take control of your physical and mental wellbeing at work.

  • af Rene T Madden
    277,95 kr.

    In "Crush It! Conquer Workplace Challenges," embark on a transformative journey that empowers you to excel, thrive, and conquer the dynamic landscape of modern work environments. This comprehensive guide is your indispensable companion, offering insightful strategies, real-world advice, and practical solutions to navigate the ever-evolving challenges of your career.Crush It! is a comprehensive guide that empowers you to triumph over adversity, seize opportunities, and create a career that resonates with purpose and fulfillment. Whether you're an aspiring professional or a seasoned veteran, this book equips you with the tools to navigate the modern workplace with confidence and Crush It!

  • af Jane Anderson
    177,95 kr.

    Care Isn't Just a Nice to Have... It's a Business Imperative'Care' and 'nurture' aren't words typically associated with business strategies. Yet, when one looks at leaders, business owners and experts who have had a real impact on others, care is almost always one of their defining characteristics. In fact, when you are able to practice care in your business - for your clients, for your staff and for yourself - you will find that you have increased retention and greater loyalty from both staff and clients, and far more sustainability in your business as a whole. It's Time to Make Care Your Competitive AdvantageBut practicing care in your business is not just a matter of being nicer. To truly make care your competitive advantage you have to understand what's holding you back (a feeling that you don't have time, or energy, for example). Once you understand what's holding you back, then you have to start building the mindset, process and systems to help you get over those fears so that you can really deliver that nurturing to those in your business sphere. This book will show you the steps you should take to implement care, real care, into your business in a way that's both actionable and effective. Whether you're looking to see your business sustainably into the future, or grow to the next step in your career, Jane's ability to show you just how to take the elements of care and build them layer by layer into your business will see you achieving your goals and more.

  • af Jérôme Grimm
    207,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist für eine einfache Nutzung konzipiert und stattet Sie mit unverzichtbaren Ressourcen für Ihre agile Reise aus. In der heutigen Unternehmenslandschaft sind agile Praktiken zum Kern großer Unternehmen geworden. Denn immer wieder stehen nicht nur Teamleiter*innen vor der Herausforderung, leistungsstarke Teams aufzubauen und zu erhalten. Das Little Book of Agile Wisdom ist ein einzigartiger und praktischer Leitfaden, der sich gezielt an Scrum Master*innen und leidenschaftliche Agile-Praktiker*innen richtet. Es bietet Ihnen 60 sorgfältig ausgewählte Zitate aus sechs Themenbereichen, die durch passende Bilder und Interpretationen sowie die persönliche Erfahrung der Autoren ergänzt werden. Außerdem finden Sie praktische Teamübungen, die die Lücke zwischen Theorie und greifbaren Ergebnissen schließen.Fördern Sie eine florierende Agile-Kultur in Ihrem Team!

  • af Michael B. Hinner
    1.400,95 kr.

    This book examines various aspects of the business world from the perspective of communication. After all, no business is possible without communication. A statement that ought to be an axiom because communication is central to the interaction of people; hence, also interactions at the workplace, amongst business partners, and with customers. And when the people come from different cultures, then the role of culture assumes an important role as well. But instead of pursuing a typical management perspective, the authors in this book examine various business and work-related contexts from an intercultural, general communication, and linguistic perspective. A perspective that is often not in the focus of classic management literature ¿ probably because it is assumed that everyone can communicate. But what if the communicative efforts are ineffective? And what if the interactors are unaware of this? That is why communication needs to be considered and understood so as to be more effective and more productive. This book follows an interdisciplinary approach to communication and, thus, offers some useful insights to such interactions and contexts. The contributing authors provide literally a global perspective because they come from different parts of the world and from different scientific disciplines. The book is divided into six parts: The first five chapters offer a general introduction to culture and communication. This is followed by four chapters examining various aspects of worldview and perception. Next come six chapters dealing with a selection of topics revolving around the meaning of messages. The next five chapters take a closer look at communication at the workplace. This is followed by three chapters exploring politeness and emotion at work. The book ends with five chapters considering communication competence and cultural adaptation. The book, thus, offers some unique insights to the world of business from the perspective of culture and communication.

  • af Kevin John Fong
    342,95 kr.

    What if powerful East Asian philosophies were combined with modern science, organizational design, and leadership development can offer an approach to the world and its dynamic phases of change?The Five Elements offers just such a synthesis of these timeless philosophies. The result yields a profound and accurate means to identify underlying patterns and behaviors that enable us to know ourselves and others.Based on practices passed down for generations, The Five Elements integrates a series of archetypes through five elements - Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. Each section of the book sheds light on how the framework operates and illuminates nine archetypes that detail specific charts for calculating your own Five Elements Profile, and for assessing how your styles interfaces with your family, friends, and colleagues.The Five Elements applies aptly for families, communities, teams and organizations that desire greater wellbeing, ease, and balance in their daily lives and work routines. Learn from the personal stories of hundreds of individuals and organizations who have applied The Five Elements with both subtle and dramatic results. Designed to be used as a guide, you can easily refer to what appeals most to your interests and needs.Kevin John Fong has been successfully utilizing The Five Elements since 1998 as a foundation for his international work as a consultant, trainer and facilitator in organizational design, transformative justice, and leadership development."Kevin John Fong's radiant teachings are a healing balm for all of us who seek justice, belonging, and joy." - Valarie Kaur Author and Activist, See No StrangerVisit https://my5elements.life to calculate your own five elements.

  • af Tabitha A. Scott
    197,95 kr.

    Change management is a myth. What worked for leaders in the past can't guide us into the future, and adapting at today's rapid pace of change can't be achieved with traditional business methods. Just "going faster" is no longer enough. What if you had the secret to unleashing greater potential, productivity, and profits that flow with change instead of chasing it? Drawing upon over 20 years of groundbreaking innovation and research, Tabitha A. Scott reveals the competitive edge already flowing within your organization and how to tap into its hidden current to propel your business to new heights. Blending lessons from physics, bioscience, and nature with intriguing organizational research, engaging business case studies, and current statistics, Powering Change reveals how to:Boost productivity and profits in the face of unrelenting change using the laws of scienceDiscover the hidden potential in resources you already haveAssess, align, and adapt talent to what energizes them most through the Human Dynamics FrameworkTransform tired team members into connected, directed, and empowered contributorsPowering Change provides a new lens that will forever transform the way you look at engagement, resource optimization, innovation, and strategy.

  • af Edward Beltran
    227,95 kr.

    "Discover the science-based secrets to reducing workplace stress, building unwavering resilience, and achieving success through the power of conversation. Technology, isolation, and increasing demands for productivity are making the workplace a hotbed for stress-it's no surprise employees are abandoning traumatic workplaces in unprecedented numbers. Ed Beltran, the CEO of a powerhouse leadership communication company, believes the antidote to stressed-out workplaces starts with conversation. Beltran has developed a science-based model to reduce stress and help people build what he calls fierce resilience. By leveraging the power of conversations, individuals discover: Their unique stressors; master skills to neutralize stressors; build unwavering resilience that elevates their emotional well-being. This is no ordinary self-help book. The transformative process of fierce resilience goes well beyond developing mere coping skills. It helps people take control of their emotional health, become more resilient, and build organizations with resilience as a core part of their DNA"--

  • af Rachel Bennett
    207,95 kr.

    In "Shadow Cultures," the author embarks on a compelling journey to shed light on an invisible yet pervasive problem that silently plagues countless organisations. Drawing from personal experiences, the book embarks on a path of discovery that unveils a startling truth about the challenges modern workplaces face. This illuminating book underscores the need for change and exposes the shadow culture that quietly undermines success within many organisations. "Shadow Cultures" delves deep into the detrimental impact of this shadow culture while offering a hopeful glimpse of the untapped potential that awaits within. At the heart of "Shadow Cultures" lies an innovative Six-Step Cultural Change Programme, a comprehensive roadmap designed to cultivate dynamic and adaptable organisational cultures, ultimately unlocking the full potential of businesses. Empowering both HR professionals and leaders alike, this framework equips readers with the tools to: · Navigate the complex terrain of cultural change in an ever-evolving world.· Identify areas for improvement and develop innovative solutions to reshape organisational culture.· Implement cultural change effectively, engaging employees and nurturing their commitment.· Foster a healthier, more inclusive work environment by breaking down silos and building unity. Part One of the book provides a strong foundation for understanding organisational culture and the significance it holds. Chapters within this section delve into the power of culture, the factors shaping it, the pursuit of high-performance culture, and the revelation of the "shadow culture" that silently impacts organisations. Real-world case studies offer food for thought, culminating in a conclusion that sets the stage for transformative action. Part Two presents the practical stages of the Six-Step Cultural Change Programme, providing readers with actionable insights to effect positive change within their organisations. From exploring the role of "Shadow Hunters" to the six step comprehensive guide for those ready to embark on a journey of transformation. "Shadow Cultures" is an indispensable resource for leaders, HR professionals, and anyone seeking to reshape the culture of their organisation. The compelling narrative and actionable framework combine to make this book a catalyst for meaningful change, offering hope, inspiration, and a clear path forward in today's rapidly evolving corporate landscape.

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