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"The most comprehensive book on how to raise and breed your own poultry flock is now fully updated and expanded. The first edition of The Small-Scale Poultry Flock helped thousands of small-scale farmers and homesteaders successfully adopt a practical and integrative model for working with chickens and other domestic fowl based on natural systems. In this expanded and thoroughly revised edition, readers will find plenty of all-new material. Author Harvey Ussery introduces readers to his new favorite breed of chicken, Icelandics; describes how he manages his breeding flock using a clan mating system; presents detailed information on the use of trapnests and record-keeping spreadsheets for evaluating breeding hen performance; and provides step-by-step instructions for construction of an ingeniously designed mobile poultry shelter...Ussery presents a sustainable and ecologically friendly model that can be adapted for use at a variety of scales. His advice and examples throughout the book will prove invaluable for beginner homesteaders, growers looking to incorporate poultry into their farm, or experienced flocksters seeking to close their loop"--
Det danske landskab er blevet ændet af mennesker gennem årtusinder: fra jernalderens voldkransede og ard-pløjede market til vor tids storlandbrug, fredninger og økologiske landbrug. Selvom det danske landskab præges af de moderne udviklinger, peger mange strukturer langt tilbage i historien - som placeringen af de smukke løvskove, der har rødder mindst 3000 år tilbage.Denne bog følger ni danske landskabers historie gennem de sidste to årtusinder, og for første gang sættes der tal på, hvor meget skov, hede og opdyrket areal der var i denne periode. Det traditionelle kulturlandskabs opløsning efter år 1800 undersøges også, og der gives bud på, hvad disse ændringer har betydet for dyrs levesteder i landskabet. Danske landbruglandskaber gennem 2000 år er skrevet af 15 forskere, som har samarbejdet i det tværvidenskabelige projekt AGRAR 2000.
Der kan være mange dyr på en gård.Men dyrene er ikke kæledyr.De er husdyr, som skal slagtes.Eller deres mælk og æg skal drikkes og spises.Vidste du, at en gris har 14 patter? Og at det kaldes at læmme, når fåret får et lam? Eller at en hest kan sove, mens den står op? I denne bog kan du lære mere om heste, grise, får – og en masse andre dyr på gården.Dyr på gården er en del af Maxi-serien. Maxi er en serie af letlæste fagbøger til børn i 2.-4. klasse. Bøgerne har en klassisk opbygning og er særdeles velegnede til faglig læsning i indskolingen og på mellemtrinnet. Bøgerne er rigt illustreret med forskellige grafiske elementer og faktabokse, der understøtter de faglige tekster. Maxi-serien berører en bred vifte af aktuelle og relevante emner om alt fra klima, gaming, sport, og naturens verden. Der følger elevopgaver med til alle bøgerne.
TAG MED TIL DUE PAPAVERIDenne bog er en autentisk fortælling om landbrug, have, mad, kultur og livet i de italiensk bakker i Emilia Romagna.En fortryllende rejse i selskab med Charlotte Tveen Hansen og hendes mand Luca Madonia der inviterer ind i livet på det italienske agriturismo Due Papaveri i Emilia Romana.En uendelig opdagelsesrejse, der fylder hjertet og sanserne med nye indtryk, naturskønhed, vidunderlige dufte og dejlige smagsoplevelser.Nyd Maden og vinen, dvæl i roen og landskabet, forstå traditioner og kulturen og oplev det søde liv gennem årets 4 årstider med parret, der i fællesskab driver Due Papaveri, og begge har boet i området i mange år. Kom med til juleaften og nytår, byens karneval, gårdens mark- og havearbejde, kokkeskole, lavendelhøst og trøffeljagt og besøg parrets naboer og producenter, der leverer de bedste råvarer til Due Papaveri som parmesan, balsamico og skinke og mange andre himmelske italienske delikatesser.Bogen indeholder en lang række årstids opskrifter fra restauranten, der hylder de italienske traditioner og de bedste af Charlottes egne opskrifter med inspiration fra det italienske køkken, samt parrets plantebaserede vintermad.Velkommen til Due Papaveri-La dolce vita
Strik til søs handler om norske fiskeres påklædning, fra 1700-tallet og frem til 1900-tallet. De traditionelle beklædningsdele har givet forfatterne inspiration til at lave nye opskrifter på strikkede sweatre, trøjer, huer, vanter, veste, strømper og undertøj – tilpasset nutidens kvinder og mænd.Bogen er ikke kun en opskriftbog. Den fortæller også om livet for datidens fisker og bonde, om hans familie og de vilkår, de levede under. Historiske kilder viser, hvilken beklædning fiskeren havde på, hvem der lavede den, og hvor den blev brugt.Opskrifterne i bogen er enkle, men ønsker du nye udfordringer, kan du lade dig inspirere til at sætte forskellige mønstre sammen og afprøve nye farvekombinationer. Strik fx en islænder i dine egne farver.
Kan du spotte afgrøderne på marken?Vi farer Danmark rundt på kryds og tværs. Fra bilruden ser vi marker, gårde, siloer, maskiner og dyr på markerne. Men hvad er det, vi ser, og hvad er det, der sker?Denne bog er din guide til landbrugslandet, som giver dig svar på, hvad du ser. Du følger årets gang. I vækstsæsonen lærer du afgrøderne at kende, som de ser ud måned for måned. I vintermånederne er der mere fokus på stalde, siloer og andre elementer i landbrugslandskabet.Storlandbrug og fritidslandbrug. Konventionelt og økologisk landbrug. Traditionelle afgrøder og nye trends som dyrkning af bælgfrugter og skovlandbrug. Hestehold og produktion af vin. Dit blik kan møde det hele og med bogen i hånden – undervejs eller hjemme i stuen – kan du få sat ord på dine oplevelser eller blive opmærksom på, hvad du kan opleve på din næste tur.Bogen rummer mange billeder, som gør det nemt at identificere, hvad du ser derude. Teksterne giver dig indblik og trækker tråde mellem landbrugsproduktion, biodiversitet, klima, natur, miljø, fødevarer og energi. Med udgangspunkt i det, du konkret kan se derude, kommer bogen omkring udfordringer, dilemmaer og nye takter for fremtidens landbrug.Guiden er til dig, som er nysgerrig på, hvad du kan se i landskabet. Så marker, gårde og maskiner ikke bare er et baggrundstæppe, men en levende fortælling. Så det bliver sjovt og konkret at snakke om, hvad familien ser fra bilen. Eller fra toget, bussen, cyklen, motorcyklen, hesteryggen eller vandrestøvlerne. God tur!
Fiskeskipper Ole Basse Mortensen var en pioner inden for bornholmsk og dansk fiskeri. Da fiskerne i 1960'erne bliver presset af mindre fiskekvoter sejler Ole Basse i spidsen for at afprøve laksefiskeriet ud for Norges og Grønlands kyster. Fordrevet af politiske beslutninger vælger han, at satse på rejefiskeri ud for Vest- og Østgrønland, Svalbard og Canada og trawlere bliver større og større. Pionerånden sender også Ole til Sydatlanten, men da et udviklingsprojekt i Indonesien slår fejl, går Ole Basse Mortensen overraskende konkurs. Men han starter blot forfra igen. Ole Basse Mortensen var en ukuelig fisker, som kæmpede for sit erhvervs overlevelse. Han åbnede handelsforbindelsen til det lukkede Sovjet, han holdt møder med både fiskeri- og statsministre og han stod på talerstolen på Christiansborgs Slotsplads og talte om lige ret til havet. Sømilegrænser, kvoter og EF formede fremtiden for fiskerne, men Ole Basse holdt fast i sit motto: Jeg fisker ikke for at leve. Jeg lever for at fiske”
I den vestlige verden har vi stor tradition for at sendeudviklingsbistand til verdens brændpunkter, og det er selvfølgelig både vigtigt og nødvendigt. Men hvis du spørger Ole Stokholm Jepsen, skal det gribes anderledes an, hvis vi reelt vil gøre en forskel.Som landbrugsrådgiver har han rejst i det meste af verden, og med en finger i jorden vil han nu give sine anbefalinger til, hvordan vi kan løse nogle af de største globale udfordringer: migration, ligestilling, fødevare-sikkerhed og ikke mindst klimaændringerne.Vi har brug for et forpligtende langtidssamarbejde i forhold til ligestilling, aktivering af ungdommen og en styrket privat-sektor for at sikre økonomisk vækst, stabilitet og en bæredygtig fødevareproduktion
Fiskekvoter og fiskerigrænser er noget, som fanden har skabt. Det er de danske fiskere enige om i 1978. De er også i 1987 enige om, at fiskeriregulering er hul i hovedet. Derudover har fiskerne aldrig været enige om noget som helst andet. Fiskere er et stridbart folkefærd, og denne bog beskriver fiskernes kamp i maj 1978, hvor 400 fiskekuttere blokerer Københavns Havn, mens 300 kuttere blokerer yderligere 21 havne i Danmark. Trods den ulovlige blokade, er sympatien i befolkningen stor. 30-50.000 københavnere tager på søndagsudflugt på Langelinie og hører nysgerrigt fiskerne fortælle om deres hverdag, hvor de bare gerne vil fiske, men ikke må fange noget. De er fanget af dyre lån til redskaber og kuttere, og terminen skal snart betales. Dør fiskeriet, dør lokalområdet, men politikere, som statsminister Anker Jørgensen, vil ikke lade sig presse af denne selvbestaltede aktionsgruppe, men kun forhandle med fiskernes egne organisationer. Dem er fiskerne heller ikke tilfredse med, hvorfor blokaden også får følger i landets fiskeriforeninger i mange år efter. Faktisk helt frem til 1987, hvor der arrangeres endnu en demonstration ved Langelinie. Blokaderne ved Langelinie blev massivt dækket af de danske medier, og denne bog tager udgangspunkt i over 2.500 avisartikler og læserbreve. Tilsat interviews beskrives fiskeriets "gyldne år" i 1970'erne og 1980'erne, men også fiskeriets nedtur. En nedtur, som følge af en forfejlet fiskeripolitik i EF, dårlige forhandlinger med Østersølandene, samt fiskernes stadigt større kuttere – og havbiologernes bekymring for fiskebestandene.
Energy Transport Infrastructure for a Decarbonized Economy evaluates the transportation of fluids required in the decarbonized energy economy. The book will help researchers, design manufacturers, and those within government and academia to understand challenges and guide the design and development of systems, machinery, and infrastructure needed for a decarbonized energy economy. The book provides comprehensive insights on the implications of the energy transition for a critical aspect of commerce: the infrastructure central to energy transportation and the economy. This practical book highlights the unique systems central to the efficient transport of various forms of energy. After outlining the need for transporting energy, types of fluids used to transport energy, and various means of transportation, the book covers the importance of understanding the energy marketplace, global perspectives, and then moves into the transport of natural gas, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. The work concludes with coverage of technology gaps, research and development, future trends, and solutions. Led by professionals with decades of experience and collecting insights from expert contributors, this book begins with the essentials of energy transport, provides detailed coverage of modes of transport, considers critical questions of energy supply and economics, and looks at long-term environmentally sensitive, sustainable options for the transport thereof. A powerful tool for the energy transition, Energy Transport Infrastructure for a Decarbonized Economy offers expert analysis on sustainable energy transport and its impact on our future.
This book focuses solely on the issues of agricultural productivity analysis with advanced modeling approaches bringing solutions to food-insecure regions of the world, especially in south and southeast Asia and in Africa. Advanced modeling tools and their use in regional planning provide an outstanding opportunity to help face the challenges of climate change. The sudden effect of flash floods, drought, salinity, and sea water rises causing saltwater intrusions and its impact on agricultural production are some of the disastrous results of climate change.In this edited volume, information on climate-induced impacts for flooding, flash floods, and drought impact on agricultural crops is provided to address possible solutions for food security in south Asia, southeast Asia, and some regions of Africa. Leading-edge research methodology is presented as it relates to remote sensing applications for regional science and allied fields. In regional policy planning, agriculture andforestry play key roles in food security along with environmental conservation and depend on geo-spatial variability. Satellite remote sensing and geographical information systems have an immense potential to encompass all these factors and to catalogue the regional variability of climate change and climate economics. In the satellite remote sensing domain, advanced modeling tools, deep learning applications, and cloud-based earth engines significantly increase the flexibility of decision making and its application for regional perspectives. The result can increase agricultural and forest productivity and ensure its resilience and sustainability.The book¿s chapters introduce modeling techniques such as machine learning and fuzzy expert system using satellite remote sensing datasets based on cloud application. These methods assist regional planners to increase crop production, land use, and detection of changes in land cover in order to better understand their vulnerability toclimate-related disaster. Furthermore, remote sensing and in-depth GIS analysis are integrated with machine learning to address natural uncertainties such as flash floods, droughts, and cyclones so that emergency responses for agricultural production management can be adopted more effectively.
The collection contains materials of archival documents and memoirs concerning the famine of 1931-1933 in Central Kazakhstan. Various documents from the archives reveal to the reader the most difficult period of the Soviet history of Kazakhstan, associated with the dispossession of the kulaks and debaiization of the Kazakh village and aul, Stalinist forced collectivization, forced sedentarization of nomadic Kazakh farms, large-scale cattle, meat and grain procurements, famine and epidemics in the republic. The publication introduces previously unpublished archival materials from the Central and regional archives of Kazakhstan into scientific circulation. In addition, the collection includes the memories of famine witnesses preserved by their descendants. The collection is addressed to researchers, students, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the history of Kazakhstan.
Searching for efficient, cost-effective ways to level up your growing? The Garden Tool Handbook is the essential guide to choosing the right tool for the right job at the right time. Covers must-have equipment, supplies, and techniques for every task from planting to harvest for farms, homesteads, or market gardens.
Artificial Intelligence in Future Mining explores the latest developments in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in mining and how it will impact the industry’s future. The application of data science and artificial intelligence in future mining involves using advanced technologies to optimize operations, improve decision-making, and enhance safety and sustainability in the industry. After a brief history of AI in mining, the book's editors look closely at different AI techniques used. Chapters explore ocean mining, brine mining, and urban mining. With an eye towards sustainability, the editors then review the future of wastewater mining and green mining.The book wraps up with chapters on safety and risk, resource planning, and a larger discussion of the opportunities and challenges of mining with AI in the future. This book is a must-have for researchers and professionals who find themselves at the intersection of mining, engineering, and data science.
Flow assurance is critical for effective design and operation of hydrocarbon production and transmission systems. The aim is to ensure safe and economical flow of hydrocarbon fluids from the source to the markets. As future development of hydrocarbon resources moves into more challenging environments, the importance of flow assurance is becoming more asserted. Written by an internationally recognized team of experts, Flow Assurance in Pipelines: A Reference Guide is a unique, well-researched, and comprehensive work in the flow assurance discipline that addresses the stages of a flow assurance study and identifies how they relate to the pipeline system design and operation. This book is a fundamental resource for flow assurance engineers, pipeline engineers, operators, and production chemists, providing a detailed explanation of basic flow assurance issues that can arise in the pipeline systems and discusses practical methods to solve those issues, safely and cost effectively.
'There is no author whose books I look forward to more' BILL GATESIn this ambitious, myth-busting book, leading scientist and internationally bestselling author Vaclav Smil investigates many of the burning questions facing the world today:Why are some of the world's biggest food producers also the countries with the most undernourished populations?Why is food waste a colossal 1,000kcal per person daily, and how can we solve that?Could we all go vegan and be healthy? Should we?How will we feed the ballooning population without killing the planet?How Food Really Works shows how we misunderstand the essentials of where our food really comes from, how our dietary requirements shape us, and why this impacts our planet in drastic ways. Ultimately, this data-based, rigorously researched guide explains how we will survive and thrive long into the future.'There is perhaps no other academic who paints pictures with numbers like Smil' GUARDIAN
Food and nutrition security is a major concern for Saudi Arabia and the surrounding regions due to the range of challenges they face. These challenges include limited agricultural resources, low self-sufficiency in key food staples, climate change, and high levels of food loss and waste. This book aims to evaluate and analyze the current situation and future prospects of food and nutrition security in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, it seeks to analyze and assess the roles and functions of various institutions related to food security, providing a deeper understanding of the complex problems associated with it. Furthermore, this book aligns with Kingdom Vision 2030, which includes a set of strategies and programs focused on agriculture, food, and water security. It also aligns with the institutional identity of King Faisal University's "Food Security and Environmental Sustainability".The book consists of four volumes. Volume 1, entitled "National Analysis ofAgriculture and Food Security" aims to assess the current state of food security in Saudi Arabia, covering key aspects such as agriculture and food resources, food systems, crops, livestock, poultry, fisheries, animal health, food loss and waste, transportation and strategic reserve infrastructure, food security institutions, population, agricultural extension, climate change, agricultural mechanization, smart agriculture, and the utilization of solar energy.This book is highly significant for professionals, researchers, policymakers, and entrepreneurs involved in food and nutrition security in Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Cooperation Council, and various national and international organizations. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the obstacles and possibilities in ensuring food and nutrition security, as well as presenting practical approaches to address these issues. Additionally, graduate students studying in fields related to food and nutrition security willbenefit from this book.
Food and nutrition security is a major concern for Saudi Arabia and the surrounding regions due to the range of challenges they face. These challenges include limited agricultural resources, low self-sufficiency in key food staples, climate change, and high levels of food loss and waste. This book aims to evaluate and analyze the current situation and future prospects of food and nutrition security in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, it seeks to analyze and assess the roles and functions of various institutions related to food security, providing a deeper understanding of the complex problems associated with it. Furthermore, this book aligns with Kingdom Vision 2030, which includes a set of strategies and programs focused on agriculture, food, and water security. It also aligns with the institutional identity of King Faisal University's "Food Security and Environmental Sustainability".The book consists of four volumes. Volume 2 is entitled "Macroeconomic Policy Implications on Food and Nutrition Security". It covers various areas, including food price, loss and waste, processing, finance, trade, investment, quality and safety, consumption patterns, climate change, early warning systems, nutrition institutions, oil revenue, and the significance of date palm and Hassawi rice, genetically modified food, and edible insects in ensuring food and nutritional security.This book is highly significant for professionals, researchers, policymakers, and entrepreneurs involved in food and nutrition security in Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Cooperation Council, and various national and international organizations. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the obstacles and possibilities in ensuring food and nutrition security, as well as presenting practical approaches to address these issues. Additionally, graduate students studying in fields related to food and nutrition security will benefit from this book.
Agricultural Water Management in Africa: Lessons Learned and Future Directions provides an overview of the status of irrigation development and AWM practices and technologies in Africa and the global south. In addition, it provides guidelines, scenarios, and investment plans to guide the prioritization and operationalization of irrigation development and AWM under climate change. The African Union (AU) is driving investment and improvement in agricultural water management and transformation in Africa through the operationalization of the AU Irrigation Development and Agricultural Water Management in Africa (AU-IDAWM). The AU-IDAWM provides a framework that identifies four development pathways for enhanced agricultural water management practices across Africa. The pathways are as follows: (1) Pathway 1: Improved water control and watershed management in rain-fed farming, (2) Pathway 2: Farmer-led Irrigation Development (FLID), (3) Pathway 3: Irrigation scheme development and modernization, and (4) Pathway 4: Unconventional water use for irrigation.
Agroecology of Edible Weeds and Non-Crops: Ecology and Socio-Economic Potential of Plant Biodiversity is the first book to move beyond the ethnobotanical aspect of under-utilized non crops to explore how to optimize their potential. With case studies of edible weeds and non-crop plants from around the world, including Europe and North America, in urban as well as rural settings, the book highlights the global opportunities provided by these plants. The book includes much needed information for identifying, maintaining, and benefitting from these plant species. It is ideal for agricultural professionals, educators, researchers, and students. Those interested in increasing the diversity of the farming landscape and food systems by means of edible non-crop plants have access to a plethora of information on the ethnobotany of these species. Yet little to no information exists on the agroecological requirements and potential benefits of underutilized edible non-crop plants in the context of sustainable farming systems. This book fills that knowledge gap from identifying edible weeds and non-crop plants, to exploring the ways these plants can be used to economically improve nutrition.
Dive into the luscious world of chocolate with "Decadence Unwrapped," a captivating exploration that goes beyond the mere taste of cocoa and sugar. From the captivating history of chocolate's origins in ancient civilizations to its contemporary global dominance, this book is a tantalizing journey through the fascinating realm of the chocolate business.Unravel the historical tapestry that weaves through the ages, tracing chocolate's evolution from an esteemed commodity of ancient cultures to its refinement in European courts, revealing its cultural significance and culinary allure. But this book isn't just a stroll down memory lane-it's a comprehensive guide that navigates the complex landscape of the modern chocolate industry.Explore the intricate inner workings of chocolate production, from the cultivation of cocoa beans to the meticulous craft of turning them into delectable treats. Delve into the diverse spectrum of businesses, from small-scale artisanal chocolatiers to global corporations, understanding their unique approaches and the market forces that shape their success."Decadence Unwrapped" isn't just about business-it's a narrative that immerses readers in the challenges and opportunities facing the industry. Dive deep into sustainability issues, ethical sourcing dilemmas, and the technological innovations reshaping the way we perceive and produce chocolate.But this book isn't all logistics and business strategies-it's also a celebration of the artistry and storytelling behind chocolate. Discover the secrets of effective branding that captivates not just taste buds, but also emotions and aspirations.More than a guidebook, "Decadence Unwrapped" is a source of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned business minds alike. It's a roadmap that leads through the present while envisioning a future where chocolate continues to enchant, innovate, and remain an indispensable part of our lives.Whether you're a chocolate aficionado, a budding entrepreneur, or simply curious about the secrets behind this beloved treat, "Decadence Unwrapped" promises a delightful, informative, and immersive journey into the irresistibly sweet world of chocolate business.
Livestock Genome Editing Tools introduces applications and improvements to a series of new genome editing techniques in livestock, such as pigs, cattle, and sheep. These tools include zinc finger nucleases (ZFN), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN), and the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR/Cas9) system, as well as the traditional gene targeting tools. The book also summarizes a series of genome editing-related techniques, including microinjection and somatic cell nuclear transfer.Written by international experts who have been working on livestock genetic editing field for more than 30 years, this book provides extensively theoretical and practical experience for readers to master the latest developments. This book explores the importance of research and application, as well as operation procedures, of livestock genetic editing tools. The writing of operation details makes this book an accessible read.This book is an important resource for researchers interested in genome-edited animals and scientists and technicians in breeding institutions and is also of interest to students major in animal reproduction and biological engineering.
This is Volume I of A Farmer's Almanac Series, Fascination of Discovery. Drausin Wulsin's initial venture on the land was developing one of the first grass-based, New Zealand-style dairies in Ohio. The next enterprise entailed creating a wetlands mitigation bank on 200 acres. The third was developing a grass-based meat business, involving beef, sheep, laying hens, broilers, turkeys, hogs, and a certified commercial kitchen. Wulsin wrote blogs over ten years describing the rewards and challenges of these enterprises. These blogs are assembled into four volumes of passionate, insightful, well-written, and entertaining stories, entitled A Farmer's Almanac, Stories about Land, Food, and Life.
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