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  • - Antipatterns and Patterns for Business Agility
    af Jonathan Smart
    196,95 - 265,95 kr.

  • - Hvordan man forstår og forhandler med teknologileverandører
    af Henrik Zangenberg
    288,95 kr.

    Der er meget på spil når it-aftaler forhandles. Forhandlingerne er komplekse og ofte er der en udtalt „informations-asymmetri“ mellem kunden og leverandøren. I denne bog giver en af landets mest erfarne forhandlingsrådgivere, Henrik Zangenberg, en praktisk guide til hvordan du får succes med din it-forhandling. DU FÅR:- En indføring I forhandlingens grundbegreber og basal forhandlingsteori- En indføring I it-forhandlingens særlige elementerEn trin-for-trin guide til at udarbejde en forhandlingsstrategi - En guide til håndtering af ubehagelige situationer og besværlige personer- Detaljeret gennemgang af hvordan du går til fire aftaletyper: driftsaftalen, vedligeholdelsesaftalen, softwareaftalen og udviklingsaftalen Forhandling af it-aftaler er på en række områder anderledes end mange andre forhandlinger, og det er vigtigt at kende disse særlige områder, før man sætter sig ved forhand- lingsbordet. I denne bog får du en generel guide til forhandling og fokus på de områder, der er specielle for it-forhandlingen. OM FORFATTEREN:Henrik Zangenberg er en af landets mest erfarne forhandlingsrådgivere. De seneste 25 år har han hjulpet en lang række af de største virksomheder og offentlige organisationer i Danmark, Sverige og Norge med forhandling af komplekse it-aftaler, og han har undervist over 500 kursister siden han i 2008 stiftede Zangenberg & Com- pany. Virksomhedsgruppen omfatter i dag desuden benchmarkvirksomheden Zangen- berg Analytics og researchvirksomheden Quarterly Analytics, der publicerer data og research, der kan anvendes i forhandlinger med it-leverandører.

  • Spar 17%
    - Techgiganter og ytringsfrihed
    af Frederik Stjernfelt & Anne Mette Lauritzen
    206,95 kr.

    "Dit opslag er blevet fjernet" Flere og flere møder sådanne beskeder på Google, Facebook, Twitter og andre steder. Techgiganterne er i færd med at omforme hele offentligheden. Engang troede vi, at de fremmede oplysning, myndiggørelse og ytringsfrihed. En oplysningens guldalder. Nu oplever vi, at de fjerner ytringer, fanger folk i ekkokamre, bekæmper rettigheder, forvrider offentligheden og kapitaliserer ytringsfriheden. Denne bog beskriver ytringsfrihedens nye vilkår på internettet, kritiserer techgiganternes voksende magt – og foreslår alternativer.

  • af Pokemon
    78,95 kr.

    This Epic Sticker Book contains over 200 awesome stickers and is packed full of your favourite Pokémon, from Pikachu to Charizard. Learn about each region's first partner Pokémon and their evolutions and test your training knowledge with challenging activities throughout the book.

  • af Frances Haugen
    166,95 kr.

  • af Kim Lyster
    388,95 kr.

    Mere end halvdelen af de virksomheder, der har outsourcet på it-området oplever, at de ikke får indfriet deres forventninger til aftalen. Over 30 % har hjemtaget en eller flere it-opgaver, de har haft outsourcet. Det kræver både tid og ressourcer at gennemføre en it-outsourcing proces, og det er tilsvarende en tids- og ressourcekrævende at genopbygge kompetence i egen organisation, hvis outsourcing opgaver skal hjemtages. Derfor ligger der et stort potentiale i at få it-outsourcing aftalerne til at fungere bedre.Bogen går ind analyserer dette dilemma og kommer med en række forslag til, hvordan man opnår succes med sin it-outsourcing. Den henvender sig til de virksomheder og organisationer, der overvejer it-outsourcing eller allerede har outsourcet på it-området, samt til management konsulenter og jurister, der rådgiver på området og til it-outsourcing leverandørerne. De bøger, der er skrevet om it-outsourcing tager typisk udgangspunkt i de kommercielle og strategiske overvejelser omkring outsourcing. Der mangler en bog, der adresserer de udfordringer, der er i dag på it-outsourcing området, og hvor løsningerne tager udgangspunktet i refleksioner over praktiske erfaringer på området.Kim Lyster har i over 20 år arbejdet med it-outsourcing for virksomheder som Dan Computer Management (i dag CSC), Olivetti, Wang Global, Getronics, Eterra, EDS, Ementor og KMD.Forfatteren har indgået outsourcing aftaler med mere end 50 virksomheder og organisationer. Han har i den forbindelse haft mulighed for at følge de fleste af opgaverne over tid og set hvor det fungerede godt, og hvor der var udfordringer. Samtidig har forfatteren deltaget i en række faglige fora og netværk på området og har holdt indlæg på en række konferencer om it-outsourcing. Det er de praktiske erfaringer fra de mange års arbejde med it-outsourcing, der er baggrunden for mange af refleksionerne, forfatteren giver udtryk for i bogen.

  • af Ethan Mollick
    278,95 kr.

    From Wharton professor and author of the popular One Useful Thing Substack newsletter Ethan Mollick comes the definitive playbook for working, learning, and living in the new age of AISomething new entered our world in November 2022 — the first general purpose AI that could pass for a human and do the kinds of creative, innovative work that only humans could do previously. Wharton professor Ethan Mollick immediately understood what ChatGPT meant: after millions of years on our own, humans had developed a kind of co-intelligence that could augment, or even replace, human thinking. Through his writing, speaking, and teaching, Mollick has become one of the most prominent and provocative explainers of AI, focusing on the practical aspects of how these new tools for thought can transform our world. In Co-Intelligence, Mollick urges us to engage with AI as co-worker, co-teacher, and coach. He assesses its profound impact on business and education, using dozens of real-time examples of AI in action. Co-Intelligence shows what it means to think and work together with smart machines, and why it's imperative that we master that skill. Mollick challenges us to utilize AI's enormous power without losing our identity, to learn from it without being misled, and to harness its gifts to create a better human future. Wide ranging, hugely thought-provoking, optimistic, and lucid, Co-Intelligence reveals the promise and power of this new era.

  • af Will Larson
    363,95 kr.

    In this book, author Will Larson shows you ways to obtain your first executive job and quickly ramp up to meet the challenges you may not have encountered in non-executive roles.

  • af Simon Johnson
    126,95 kr.

    WINNERS OF THE 2024 NOBEL PRIZE FOR ECONOMICSLONGLISTED FOR THE BAILLIE GIFFORD PRIZELONGLISTED FOR THE FINANCIAL TIMES AND SCHRODERS BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEARSHORTLISTED FOR THE LIONEL GELBER PRIZEA FINANCIAL TIMES TECHNOLOGY BOOK OF THE YEARUPDATED WITH A NEW PREFACE'The blueprint we need for the challenges ahead' Shoshana Zuboff'If you are not already an addict of Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson's previous books, Power and Progress is guaranteed to make you one' Jared Diamond'A breathtaking tour of the history and future of technology' Abhijit Banerjee and Esther DufloA bold new interpretation of why technology benefits the elites - and how we must reshape the path of innovation to create true shared prosperity. A thousand years of history make one thing clear: progress is not automatic but depends on the choices we make. Much of the wealth generated by agricultural advances during the Middle Ages was captured by the Church while the peasants starved. The first hundred years of industrialization delivered stagnant incomes for workers, while making a few people rich. Throughout the world today, digital technologies and artificial intelligence increase inequality and undermine democracy. It doesn't have to be this way. Power and Progress demonstrates that the path of technology was once - and can again be - brought under control. With their breakthrough economic theory and manifesto for a better society, Acemoglu and Johnson provide the vision to reshape how we innovate so we can create real prosperity for all.Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson were awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences on 14 October 2024.

  • af Daniel Akenine, Jörgen Dahlberg, Eva Kammerfors, mfl.
    207,95 kr.

    The bestseller in IT architecture. If you want to understand IT architecture, this book is for you. It covers many different areas, from strategy to business, technology, and software architecture. Are you working as an IT architect, student, developer, CTO, project manager, or IT professional? If so, this book will help you understand how IT architecture can help address the complexity in a modern organization. It will give you a deeper understanding of the concepts, methods, tools, models, organizations, and frameworks involved. It also covers the social and human aspects of working as an IT architect. Enterprise Architecture, The EA function, Strategy, Organization... Business Architecture, Understanding the business, Modeling, Practical advice… Solution Architecture, Integration, Infrastructure, Security…Software Architecture, Quality attributes, Agility and Lean, DevOps, cloud, AI…… and a lot more. Daniel Akenine is a physicist, technologist, writer, and former neuroscientist. He works as a National Technology Officer for Microsoft, specializing in the impact technology has on society. In 2015 he was appointed to IASA Fellow and ranked as one of the top IT-architects worldwide. He is a member of ISO’s international expert group for cloud standards, co-founder of two technology companies and holds patent applications in Europe and the United States in applied cryptography. Daniel is one of ten advisors to the Swedish Minister of Digitalization and a fiction writer with the latest novel 11 grams of truth about privacy and power in our modern society.

  • af Kent Beck
    315,95 kr.

    "Messy code is a nuisance. 'Tidying' code, to make it more readable, requires breaking it up into manageable sections. In this practical guide, author Kent Beck, creator of Extreme Programming and pioneer of software patterns, suggests when and where you might apply tidyings to improve your code while keeping the overall structure of the system in mind. Instead of trying to master tidying all at once, this book lets you try out a few examples that make sense for your problem. If you have a big function containing many lines of code, you'll learn how to logically divide it into smaller chunks. Along the way, you'll learn the theory behind software design: coupling, cohesion, discounted cash flows, and optionality."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Alex Cowan
    338,95 - 413,95 kr.

  • af Niklas Sundberg
    643,95 kr.

    At a critical point in human history, this book presents proven ways to gain the skills needed to develop sustainable IT practices and set yourself apart as a progressive technology leaderKey FeaturesExecute a sustainable IT strategy with proven methods and real-world use casesProgress as a sustainable IT advocate and set yourself apart from other senior IT leadersIncrease your chances of receiving executive buy-in on your sustainable IT strategyBook DescriptionWe are at a critical point in human history. Humanity is under threat, but all is not lost. We can take action! But how?Sustainable IT Playbook for Technology Leaders will show you how. It will walk you through the construction and implementation of a sustainable IT strategy and enable you to do your bit for the future of mankind.The book is split into three parts. Part I details the "why" and the clear and present danger that humanity faces today: the climate crisis. How did we get here, what are the immediate threats, what are the planetary boundaries that we need to peel back to safe levels, and what impact does IT have on society at large? Part II will focus on the "what." It examines the nitty-gritty details of what we can do to unlock significant returns on sustainable investments toward a more sustainable future. Part III, the final part of the book, focuses on the "how." How do you turn your ideas into action? What do you need to do to establish your baseline and your direction of travel towards your objective? This part provides tangible case studies and explains how you can start your journey today to begin delivering global and impactful objectives.By the end of this book, you'll be able to plan, implement, and communicate a sustainable IT strategy and set yourself apart as a progressive technology leader.What you will learnDiscover why IT is a major contributor to carbon emissionsExplore the principles and key methods of sustainable IT practicesBuild a robust, sustainable IT strategy based on proven methodsOptimize and rationalize your code to consume fewer resourcesUnderstand your energy consumption patternsApply a circular approach to the IT hardware life cycleEstablish your sustainable IT baselineInspire and engage employees, customers, and stakeholdersWho this book is forThis book is for executive IT leaders such as CIOs, CDOs, and CTOs dedicated to influencing, inspiring, and engaging businesses, organizations, and individuals to reduce their carbon footprint through sustainable IT practices.Table of ContentsOur Most Significant Challenge AheadRise of Sustainable ITThe Fundamental Building Blocks of a Sustainable IT PracticeData Center & CloudApplication & DataIT Hardware ManagementPower Energy ManagementLeveraging Your Buying PowerSustainability by ITGet started todayPutting a Sustainable IT Strategy in placeFrom Strategy to Execution - Lead with Purpose and Deliver Progress Quickly

  • - Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and the Company that Made the Modern Internet
    af Jimmy Soni
    106,95 kr.

    The gripping inside story of Paypal, the company that created the digital age as we know it.

  • af Alexander Loth
    226,95 kr.

  • af Isaac Sacolick
    183,95 kr.

    Staying competitive in today's business means making a complete digital transformation. Learn the action plan you need to take your company and career into the future.

  • af Richard Shotton
    146,95 kr.

    The compelling new book by Richard Shotton, author of The Choice FactoryEvery day, people make hundreds of choices.Many of these are commercial: What shampoo to pick? How much to spend on a bottle of wine? Whether to renew a subscription?These choices might appear to be freely made, but psychologists have shown that subtle changes in the way products are positioned, promoted and marketed can radically alter how customers behave.The Illusion of Choice identifies the 16¿ most important psychological biases that everyone in business needs to be aware of today - and shows how any business can take advantage of these quirks to win customers, retain customers and sell more.Richard Shotton, author of the acclaimed The Choice Factory, draws on academic research, previous ad campaigns and his own original field studies to create a fascinating and highly practical guide that focuses on the point where marketing meets the mind of the customer.You'll learn to take advantage of the peak end rule, the power of precision, the wisdom of wit - and much, much more.You simply cannot afford to miss The Illusion of Choice.

  • af Zamanzima Mazibuko-Makena
    573,95 kr.

    A vision for South Africa's National System of Innovation (NSI) was articulated some three decades ago in the White Paper on Science and Technology (1996). The idealism that inspired a nation in rebirth also found expression in policy for the science and innovation sector. Since then, the NSI has been moulded and re-moulded in light of domestic and global experiences. This volume, Why Innovations Live or Die: South Africa's innovation system, interrogates the systems and the issues surrounding them. Contributing authors argue that the fundamental question is about the relevance of innovations to the country's citizens, and whether the system promotes economic growth, social inclusion and initiative across all sectors of the population. The authors examine lessons from some highly promising research endeavours that fell by the wayside. Importantly, the book interrogates the successes of South African innovations that have impacted positively on people's lives. Various chapters trace the journeys of undertakings such as the Joule electric car; the Square Kilometre Array, the Pebble-bed Modular Reactor and transdisciplinary efforts on HIV and Covid-19.The contributors argue that the philosophical outlook that informs innovation policy, the attitude of mind in both the public and private sectors, and the content and timeframes attached to national development planning, among other factors, are as important as technical issues related to scientific expertise, training pipelines and resource allocation. In other words, the authors make a case for a system of innovation that functions as a holistic domain, straddling a variety of disciplines and spatial issues. The book also underlines the importance of broadening the vistas of research and avoiding path dependency. The volume proffers policy recommendations aimed at stimulating reflection and practical actions on a matter that is fundamental to South Africa's socioeconomic progress.

  • af Kevin Goldsmith
    208,95 kr.

    It Depends: Writing on Technology Leadership 2012-2022, a collection of essays and articles by technology executive Kevin Goldsmith, is a must-read for current or aspiring engineering managers, directors, and senior technology executives. With over thirty years of experience in leadership roles at industry-leading technology companies like IBM, Silicon Graphics, Microsoft, and Adobe, as well as early-stage startups and unicorns like Spotify, Avvo, Anaconda, and DistroKid, Goldsmith shares his knowledge about leading technology teams and larger organizations in this book.The book covers a range of topics, including creating a culture of experimentation and innovation, managing day-to-day, career development as a technology leader, team building, and practical advice for handling the requirements of the engineering manager role. Goldsmith acknowledges that the context is different in every company and for every person, and he shares his wisdom to help leaders form solutions that make sense for their company, team, and themselves.What sets Goldsmith's writing apart is his ability to provide practical advice and insights that few companies adequately train their managers on. He also offers guidance on how to move from managing a single team to managing managers, organization structure, building career development frameworks, diversity and inclusion, and hiring. By reading It Depends, you'll gain valuable insights into becoming a more effective leader in the technology industry.

  • af J. Paul Duplantis
    168,95 kr.

    Delve into "The Emergence", a thought provoking book that interweaves a rich collection of essays and podcast episodes, revealing the untapped potential of human agency in the digital era. This book transcends traditional boundaries, offering insights into how communication technology, often mired in commercial interests, can be reimagined to prioritize individual needs and abilities.At the heart of "The Emergence" is a deep belief in the human spirit, exploring the idea that every individual, irrespective of their societal status, holds unique wisdom. The book challenges the status quo of knowledge sharing, currently restricted by profit-driven silos, and proposes a shift towards a more inclusive and empowering digital landscape.Spanning a timeline from the early 1960s to the revolutionary developments in AI and digital communication in 2023, "The Emergence" is a journey through evolving technologies.It documents the internet's transformation and critiques its current state of opacity and control by a few dominant forces.A key focus of the book is the potential of Generative AI, like OpenAI's ChatGPT, in reshaping communication technology. The author, drawing from personal experiences and the evolving narrative around AI, envisions a future where AI acts as a collaborative tool, enhancing human creativity and problem-solving, rather than overshadowing it."The Emergence" boldly addresses critical questions about the role of AI in society, the potential of decentralized technologies like Blockchain, and the power of community-driven solutions over corporate monopolies. It's an urgent call to rethink how we use technology to empower individuals, particularly in areas such as healthcare, education, news, entertainment, and social welfare.This book is more than just a collection of thoughts; it's a manifesto for a new era of digital independence and user-driven innovation. It's an essential read for anyone interested in the future of technology, societal progress, and the harnessing of collective human potential.Discover more about this enlightening journey at

  • af Giannis Andreou
    178,95 kr.

    If you want to know the hottest trend of the decade in the economy, you must read The Ultimate Guide to Cryptocurrency.This book was written to provide a basic, yet comprehensive understanding of Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, WEB 3.0, NFTs and DeFi. In this book, you will see the opportunities that exist in this industry, as well as the problems, pitfalls, risks and every essential element that a person needs to know in order to have a comprehensive understanding of this promising new technology.This information has been carefully collected and compiled after tens of thousands of hours of research over the last 10 years. It will help you understand how these new technologies work, what their capabilities are and how you can use them to your advantage.

  • af Sunil Khandbahale
    88,95 kr.

    Just imagine that your home is not just on land but also in the sea and in the sky. Self-driving cars, without driver are not only move on roads but also fly in the sky. Your personal, intimate space is not just on the computer screen but projected on any material or even on empty space, and it may not be so far-fetched that you can expect a healthy life for thousands of years. Does it sound like exaggeration? But when it comes directly in the near future, it shouldn't be surprising. Because all over the world, scientists are constantly achieving success in one or more experiments. The current era is different from the era of information. The production of 2.5 quintillion bytes of data occurs every day. The data being generated every day is so vast that 90% of the data in the world has been created only in the past decade. Thanks to the impact of big data, research has accelerated, helping us get closer to the goal in no time. Under the Meta Connectivity program, solar-powered internet planes, followed by instant 3D-printed medicine capsules placed on the tongue to stop bleeding within just 12 seconds during a serious accident or warfare, are now a reality. In addition, 3D-printed medicine capsules, placed on the tongue, instantly dissolve, preventing blood flow of 3,000 liters in 1 minute during flood conditions, cement that absorbs human urine to produce clean water and energy generation, and research to change the necessary genes in DNA have been successful, allowing new codes to be created in place of codes that do not exist in the genome. The development of Ebola disease prevention vaccines, disease prevention drugs, and planes that will change in the car are now the subject of everyone's discussion, with research on computer manufacturing at just ¿500.

  • af Agathe Daae-Qvale
    258,95 kr.

    The principles of human evolution and change apply to technology as much as they do to our inner and outer worlds. Digitized Product Management examines the masculine milieu of tech innovation through a feminine lens, offering insights gleaned over 25 years. Agathe Daae-Qvale wishes that every one of her consulting clients had read this insight before commencing their work together in digital product and service development. This book represents a subjective overview of the technological dimensions that individuals, businesses, and organizations alike need to pay attention to in order to succeed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.Each section offers the keys to unlocking the barriers to disruptive innovation, helping to maneuver through the shifting marketplace. It serves as the ultimate guide to reinventing your business through navigating the evolution of use cases and tech distribution. Here you will learn how to become the director of innovation as opposed to reacting to its fast-paced evolution-analyzing the more frequent blind spots encountered when creating something truly new. Choose this book as your companion as you step into the digital future. Don't let your business get left behind in this fast-changing digital world!

  • af Gary Shapiro
    215,95 kr.

    "From Gary Shapiro, New York Times bestselling author and head of CES and the Consumer Technology Association, a manifesto for today's top executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders: pivot or die"--

  • af Holly Rollo
    258,95 kr.

    A B2B Software CEO's Guide to Strategic Modern Marketing That Delivers Results!For CEOs and investors in small to midsize B2B software companies, this book provides a clear blueprint for transforming your marketing to unleash hidden value, especially leading up to a transaction or exit event.Based on over thirty years of experience leading major technology company transformations, the author outlines a strategic approach using the Power of SURGE-Strategy, Unity, Reputation, Gains, and Efficiency. Learn how to develop a customer-centric strategy tailored to your unique business situation, achieve radical alignment across sales and marketing, establish a compelling competitive market position and brand reputation with customers, unlock hidden revenue streams, and build a modern marketing engine for scale and ROI.The book covers common disconnects between CEOs and CMOs that undermine execution, along with advice for finding and keeping the right marketing leader in a competitive talent market. You'll discover proven methods for driving growth, lowering customer acquisition costs, shortening sales cycles, and boosting valuation. With practical advice from other industry leaders, this playbook provides the key steps to transform your marketing for competitive advantage and transaction success.

  • af Tudamoon
    143,95 kr.

    Tudamoon's "The Wild Wild West" uniquely merges the American Wild West with Web3, exploring the shift from decentralization to centralization. It creates a thought-provoking blend of history, technology, and adventure for all adult readers.

  • af Gil Broza
    328,95 kr.

    Need to fix or improve product development?To better solve customer problems, be more productive, pivot more easily?You might have already tried what the industry has to offer - Agile frameworks, Big Tech practices, team empowerment, modern tools - but real improvement has been limited, slow, or unsustainable.This book is for you. In it, you'll discover:- A complete picture of what it takes to make meaningful, efficient, and sustainable improvement- 10 sequential, incremental, and holistic strategies to optimize value delivery- How to implement these strategies in your organization, whether it's product-oriented or project-oriented, traditional or agile or hybrid, single-team or scaled- An easy, process-agnostic, and nontechnical assessment that will show you which strategies to use nowTo help you apply everything in your context, the book also includes:- Dozens of real-life examples and a complete case study- Plain-language advice on people-first leadership, mindset, and systems thinking- Group discussion questions for leaders- Downloadable summaries and self-assessment questionnairesNot in this book: idealism, dogma, prescriptions, magic bullets.Get this practical guide now and start delivering better results."This is an invaluable resource for senior leaders who seek to foster a positive culture and build strong and effective product development teams." -Alon Sabi, Head of Engineering"Its insights make it a game-changer." -Dinah Davis, VP of R&D"This book exemplifies and explains in detail how to enable an entire human system inside a bigger complex context." -Malene Krohn, Head of Product Development Excellence"It's a refreshing departure from prescriptive approaches." -Steve Rogalsky, VP of Product"It will transform the way you approach your role." -TK Balaji, CIO

  • af Nathaniel Eliason
    298,95 kr.

    "Nat Eliason had six months to make as much money as possible before his first child was born. So, he turned to where so many others did in 2021: Crypto. Within a year, he'd made millions writing code holding hundreds of millions of dollars of other people's money. He'd been hacked. He'd sold a picture of a monkey for two hundred grand. He'd become an influencer, speaking at conferences, and writing a weekly newsletter to tens of thousands of fans. Best of all, Nat had amassed a small fortune. But how much of this money was even real? And how many times can someone double down before they eventually lose everything? Crypto Confidential is Nat's unfiltered, insider's account of the hyperactive, hyper-speculative, hyper-addictive, nearly unregulated, completely insane world being built on the blockchain. A behind-the-scenes exposâe of the bull runs and breakdowns, revealing exactly how the crypto-sausage gets made. A story of getting rich, going broke, scamming and getting scammed- and how we can all be more educated participants during the inevitable next bull run"--

  • af Ethan Mollick
    185,95 kr.

    From Wharton professor and author of the popular One Useful Thing Substack newsletter Ethan Mollick comes the definitive playbook for working, learning, and living in the new age of AI.

  • af Gump Jamesblood
    338,95 kr.

    Harnessing Technology for Inclusive GovernanceUncover the Power of Open Space PreservationDiscover a compelling exploration of open space preservation in "Harnessing Technology for Inclusive Governance." This groundbreaking work delves into the intricate tapestry of land preservation, shedding light on the vital role technology plays in fostering inclusive governance.Preface: A Gratitude-filled JourneyAcknowledgmentsIn the heartfelt preface, the author extends gratitude to individuals and organizations pivotal to the creation of this insightful work.Masters Research Project CommitteeDr. Howard H. Foster, Jr. and Dr. Rolf Pendall: Esteemed professors from the Department of Community Planning and Area Development (CPAD) at the University of Rhode Island.Marilyn Nicholls: Planner with the Planning and Zoning Department, Town of Greenwich, CT.Land Preservation AdvocatesThe author expresses deep appreciation for the invaluable insights provided by individuals dedicated to land preservation:Ms. Dawn Darbey-Dugan: Nantucket Land BankMr. James Lengyel: Martha's Vineyard Land BankMr. Stetson Eddy: Little Compton Agricultural Conservancy TrustMs. Heidi Tarbox: Block Island Land TrustFamily SupportA special mention goes to the author's parents, John and Mary Young, whose passion for preserving open space inspired the exploration of this critical topic.A Personal TouchThe author's parents, residents of Greenwich, Connecticut, have been instrumental in the cause of preserving open space. This study aims to contribute to their efforts and aligns with the shared goals of communities passionate about safeguarding natural landscapes.Emotional SupportThe author extends heartfelt thanks to George Elam for his unwavering patience and emotional support throughout the research process. His selfless acts, including transforming a vacation into an opportunity for field research, underscore the dedication behind this work.Why "Harnessing Technology for Inclusive Governance"?Cutting-edge Perspective: Gain a cutting-edge perspective on the intersection of technology and governance, exploring how it fosters inclusivity in decision-making processes.Real-world Insights: Backed by interviews with key figures in land preservation organizations, the book offers real-world insights and practical strategies.Personal Connection: The author's personal connection to the cause adds a genuine and relatable dimension to the exploration of open space preservation.Emotional Resonance: From gratitude-filled acknowledgments to personal stories, the book weaves an emotionally resonant narrative that engages readers on a profound level.Embark on a journey into the world of inclusive governance and open space preservation. "Harnessing Technology for Inclusive Governance" is not just a book; it's a testament to the power of collaboration, technology, and personal dedication in shaping the future of our communities.

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