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  • - Halvtreds år i frontlinjen
    af Ole Hammer
    237,95 kr.

    ”Bidrag til Danmarks indvandringshistorie” er en beretning om de sidste 50 års indvandringshistorie, sådan som forfatteren Ole Hammer selv har oplevet den og været en aktiv del af – som journalist, debattør og foredragsholder, som ansat i centrale funktioner og som samarbejdspartner for myndigheder, faglige og humanitære organisationer samt indvandrerorganisationer.Bogen er fyldt med historisk dokumentation, analyser, citater, eksempler og referencer. Den rummer erfaringer, viden og visioner, som læseren forhåbentligt vil reflektere over. Bogen er derfor et vigtigt bidrag til vores forståelse af det multikulturelle samfund og arbejdet med en positiv integration af indvandrere og flygtninge.

  • af Dorte Nguyen
    78,95 kr.

    Håndbogen giver et hurtigt og kort overblik over faget statsforfatningsret(menneskerettigheder) på jurastudiet. Den er særlig relevant til eksamen og kan benyttes som opslagsværk.

  • af Dorte Nguyen
    78,95 kr.

    Håndbogen kan benyttes som opslagsværk til faget folkeret. Bogen er særlig relevant til eksamen og giver et godt overblik over faget.

  • af Stanley Mwangi Wanjiru
    447,95 - 1.464,95 kr.

  • af Stacey Henderson
    447,95 - 1.464,95 kr.

  • - Kontroverser om krig, diskussioner om skyld og kompromisser for fred
    af Peter Wahl
    107,95 kr.

    Ukrainekrigen har medført en dyb splittelse af venstrefløjen. Krigen i Gaza har skabt yderligere splid, der til dels går på tværs af splittelsen fra Ukrainekrigen.Pludseligt slutter fremtrædende venstrefløjsfolk deres fred med NATO, erfarne antimilitarister vil se tanks ved fronten, og unge aktivister demonstrerer for militære sejre. Er der opstået en venstreorienteret krigsbegejstring?I denne tilsyneladende omvendte verden udforsker Peter Wahl motiver, argumentationsmønstre og holdninger.Med udgangspunkt i den tyske debat, argumenterer han for fornuftbaserede, real-politiske analyser, som erstatning for følelsesbaseret moral og dobbeltmoral.Oversat til dansk giver denne lille bog indsigt i debatten om krig og fred, der endnu i Danmark har svære vilkår.

  • af Gautier Tonongbé
    317,95 kr.

    Born of the transformation process from the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) to the African Union (AU), the African Peace and Security Architecture reflects the desire of African states to assume greater responsibility for peacekeeping operations in Africa. This Architecture is based on five pillars and is supported by the Regional Economic Communities (RECs). These mechanisms have enabled the AU to make great strides forward. Despite these efforts, the complexity of recent crises, notably that in Mali, has highlighted the limits of the Architecture's scope of intervention, raising doubts about its ability to effectively ensure the protection of civilian populations in armed conflicts. Clearly, the sine qua non conditions for the operational implementation of both the AU and the RECs have not been met. At the same time, there are financial, human and logistical problems that are intrinsically linked to economic constraints. An enormous amount of work is being done, but it is struggling to flourish, hence the need to strengthen African peacekeeping capabilities.

  • af Zhiping Liang
    1.392,95 - 1.538,95 kr.

  • af Annegret Hartig
    1.392,95 - 1.538,95 kr.

  • af Martin Gigoni
    314,95 kr.

    Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2023 in the subject Law - European and International Law, Intellectual Properties, grade: 72, University of Kent, course: Contemporary Topics in IP Law, language: English, abstract: This Paper argues that the EU needs to adopt a harmonised policy framework promoting the right to repair and limiting manufacturers¿ use of IPRs on software to restrict repair rights which ultimately impacts the achievement of sustainability goals. Part B begins with the origins of the right to repair movement and its significance. Part C discusses restrictions on repair rights, including the role of IPRs. Part D discusses how the EU legal framework recognises repair rights and contrasts this with the Australian approach. Part E discusses the suggestions of scholars on reforms to the EU legal framework to better tackle restrictions on repair rights.Modern electronics constitute not only the hardware in the device itself but also the embedded software that is critical to the device¿s functionality. This software is usually pre-installed on the device by the manufacturer to run all its basic operations. This integration of software systems to devices, sometimes called the "softening of hardware", requires the intervention of intellectual property rights (IPRs) to delineate the blurry lines separating the device and its functional components in software. Consequently, manufacturers use IPRs on the embedded software to limit the consumer¿s control over a device and effectively lock them out from doing basic repairs to restore functionality. These limitations discourage many consumers from pursuing repairs in favour of purchasing new devices and discarding the faulty ones. The result is a linear model of consumption and a throw away culture contributing to large amounts of electronics waste (e-waste) disposed worldwide. In 2019, consumer electronics comprised 54 million Metric Tons of e-waste, with Europe contributing 12 million Metric Tons. Worse still, the effects of e-waste pileups have for decades flowed downstream from developed to developing countries. In response, the European Union (EU) has focused on achieving a circular economy to reduce e-waste by extending the lifespan and usability of products through, inter alia, recognising the right to repair movement.

  • af World Trade Organization
    2.031,95 kr.

    These are the WTO's authorized and paginated reports in English. They are an essential addition to the library of all practising trade lawyers and a useful tool for students and academics worldwide working in the field of international economic or trade law. The form of citation for this volume recommended by the WTO is DSR 2019: I-III.

  • af World Trade Organization
    2.031,95 kr.

    These are the WTO's authorized and paginated reports in English. They are an essential addition to the library of all practising trade lawyers and a useful tool for students and academics worldwide working in the field of international economic or trade law. The form of citation for this volume recommended by the WTO is DSR 2019: I-III.

  • af World Trade Organization
    2.031,95 kr.

    These are the WTO's authorized and paginated reports in English. They are an essential addition to the library of all practising trade lawyers and a useful tool for students and academics worldwide working in the field of international economic or trade law. The form of citation for this volume recommended by the WTO is DSR 2019: I-III.

  • af Jasper Machens
    428,95 kr.

    Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Jura - Datenschutz, Note: 1,0, Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Fachhochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel (Recht), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Ziel dieser Bachelorthesis ist eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den Grenzen sowie der Reichweite des Auskunftsanspruchs nach Art. 15 DS-GVO, den praktischen Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen sowie dem Stand der Rechtsentwicklung. Nach der Einleitung folgen in II. die Grundlagen der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung mit Bedeutung und systematischem Umfeld sowie Anwendungsbereich und dem Inhalt des Auskunftsanspruchs. Darauf folgen die Ausnahmen, Rechtsfolgen bei Verstoß, Normenkonkurrenz sowie die Auslegung der Anspruchsinhalte. Nach dem Zwischenfazit wendet sich der Autor unter III. der Reichweite der Auskunft in der Rechtsanwendung durch Auswertung von drei Urteilen zu. Das Fazit schließt mit einer Zusammenfassung der wesentlichen Ergebnisse und gibt einen Ausblick auf die weitere Entwicklung.Mit der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO) hat die Europäische Union am 14.04.2016 einen neuen rechtlichen Rahmen für den Datenschutz begründet. Dieser trat mit dem 24.05.2016 in Kraft und war ab dem 25.05.2018 anzuwenden. Einer der wichtigsten Aspekte dieser Verordnung ist das in Art. 15 DS-GVO geregelte Recht auf Auskunft. Art. 15 DS-GVO gewährt den betroffenen Personen Anrecht auf Auskunft über die von einem Verantwortlichen verarbeiteten personenbezogenen Daten.In diesem Zeitraum hat die durch technische Möglichkeiten beflügelte, automatisierte Datensammelwut von Unternehmen rasant zugenommen. Personenbezogene Daten wurden als kostbares Wirtschaftsgut identifiziert. Folglich erfreuen sich datenzentrierte Geschäftskonzepte eines starken Zuwachses. Dabei stellen sich die verwendeten Sicherheitsvorkehrungen nach wie vor als unzureichend heraus, wie durch Hackerangriffe und technische Fehler immer wieder offengelegt wird. So ist es in einer digitaler werdenden Welt für den Einzelnen wichtiger denn je, die Kontrolle über seine persönlichen Daten zu haben und Verarbeitungen zu überprüfen. Bei Unternehmen wiederum wächst das Bedürfnis nach Begrenzung und Konkretisierung des Auskunftsanspruchs, um Beeinträchtigungen der betrieblichen Abläufe zu vermeiden. Insbesondere in Dauerschuldverhältnissen, wie dem Anstellungsverhältnis, stellt der Auskunfts- und Kopieanspruch eine Herausforderung für Verantwortliche dar. Geschuldet ist dies dem Umfang regelmäßig aufkommender personenbezogener Daten.

  • af Gui Huang
    1.649,95 kr.

    This book presents a study of alternative penalties to the death penalty in China, aiming to promote theoretical exploration of death penalty reform in China as well as long-term penal reform. Currently, China is endeavouring to control the use of the death penalty and is gradually moving towards its abolition. The factors influencing the choice of the punishment option to replace the death penalty are complex and varied and include the traditional punishment culture, penalty concepts, the political system, the punishment system, public opinion and human rights, etc. Given the differences between China and developed Western democratic states, when we examine these influencing factors, we cannot ignore the culture of the punishment and the special political and legislation system in China. In this light, this work examined and analysed the factors that influence the choice of punishment option to replace the death penalty in this special political system with its clearly Chinese characteristics. Criminal policy and public opinion are two significant and typical factors involving obvious political considerations in China. The former normally reflects and carries out the will of the Government as expressed to the national management; the latter responds to the majority of citizens¿ view on the current legal system and it is, to a great extent, the basis for national leadership¿s running of the country. Even though life imprisonment without release (hereinafter, LWOR) has been stipulated by the Ninth Amendment for the crime of corruption, it should not be the preferable option as the alternative sanction to the death penalty because it is a kind of cruel torture and violates the constitutional principle of human rights protection. On the contrary, life imprisonment with possibility of release (hereinafter, LWPR) would be an option, but the termination mechanisms for inmates should be set out in accordance with the principle of proportional justice; aggravatedlife imprisonment can be chosen to replace the death penalty in China. In addition, there needs to be improvements made to the relevant criminal systems. By examining China's death penalty reform and long-term imprisonment reform, this book not only explains the methodology of the reform theoretically, but also pays attention to the issues of legislation and judicial practice. This book is of interest to scholars and researchers in the fields of criminal justice, penal reform issues, and crime control in China.

  • af Mariana Karla de Faria
    625,95 kr.

    This book critically analyzes the reality of Syrian refugees in Brazil and in refugee camps from the perspective of international law. The Syrian War has triggered the biggest global humanitarian crisis since the Second World War. In this context, forced displacement, whether by refugees or even internally displaced persons, has contributed to the creation of refugee camps, which denote the infrastructure of misery. In addition, the aim is to analyze forced displacement, present the human rights violations perpetrated against Syrian refugees, and establish a parallel between the reality experienced in refugee camps and that experienced by individuals in a condition of refuge in Brazil, given the legal diplomas. Field research was also carried out with Syrian refugees in Brazil, in the city of Belo Horizonte, in order to understand the reality they experience, establishing an analysis of the ineffectiveness of Human and Fundamental Rights, protected by the 1988 Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil and International Treaties.

  • af Mariana Karla de Faria
    625,95 kr.

    Questo libro analizza criticamente la realtà dei rifugiati siriani in Brasile e nei campi profughi dal punto di vista del diritto internazionale. La guerra siriana ha scatenato la più grande crisi umanitaria al mondo dalla Seconda guerra mondiale. In questo contesto, lo spostamento forzato, sia di rifugiati che di sfollati interni, ha contribuito alla creazione di campi profughi, che denotano l'infrastruttura della miseria. Inoltre, l'obiettivo è analizzare lo spostamento forzato, presentare le violazioni dei diritti umani perpetrate contro i rifugiati siriani e stabilire un parallelo tra la realtà vissuta nei campi profughi e quella vissuta dagli individui in condizione di rifugio in Brasile, dati i diplomi legali. È stata inoltre condotta una ricerca sul campo con i rifugiati siriani in Brasile, nella città di Belo Horizonte, per comprendere la realtà che vivono, stabilendo un'analisi dell'inefficacia dei diritti umani e fondamentali, protetti dalla Costituzione del 1988 della Repubblica Federativa del Brasile e dai trattati internazionali.

  • af L. H. Kuhrau
    214,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Tom Ruys
    1.710,95 kr.

    "This book addresses the international legal issues surrounding the adoption of secondary sanctions. These controversial measures aim to regulate economic or financial transactions between third states and a target state. The volume takes on board recent evolutions in case-law and practice, such as the drafting of the EU Anti-Coercion Instrument"--

  • af Fernando Henrique S. Cavalcante
    288,95 kr.

    This paper aims to reflect on the current situation of European countries, post-migration of refugees and the demographic war they are experiencing, bringing the historical contextualisation of the Middle East, as well as the current European political situation. Combining this with the perspective of more modern Public International Law, interfacing with Human Rights, International Relations and International Cooperation.

  • af Fernando Henrique S. Cavalcante
    413,95 kr.

    Cet article a pour but de réfléchir à la situation actuelle des pays européens, suite à l'immigration de réfugiés et à la guerre démographique qu'ils subissent, en apportant la contextualisation historique du Moyen-Orient, ainsi que la situation politique européenne actuelle. En combinant cela avec la perspective d'un droit international public plus moderne, en interface avec les droits de l'homme, les relations internationales et la coopération internationale.

  • af Lucas Vicente Comassetto
    389,95 kr.

    The aim of this work is to assess the Brazilian state's compliance with the judgement of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the case of Gomes Lund et al. It found that the Inter-American System for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights was inaugurated in 1948 with the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man and became an important mechanism for realising human rights on the continent in 1979, with the establishment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. In 2010, the Court found that Brazil had violated human rights recognised in the Pact of San José de Costa Rica. These violations occurred when the Brazilian state used excessive force to carry out a series of military activities aimed at eliminating an armed resistance movement to the government regime, which was being organised on the banks of the Araguaia River. It was noted that the sentence condemning the Brazilian state listed 12 reparation measures and that, despite the state's efforts, only four of these measures were fully complied with. Thus, it was concluded that the Brazilian state had partially complied with the sentence.

  • af Susie Mountain
    650,95 kr.

    This book navigates a way through various jurisdictional matters to which practitioners should have regard when tendering advice to family law clients. Even where a case initially appears to be straightforward, it is imperative (from a risk management perspective) to ensure that comprehensive advice has been provided.For families, increased global mobility has potential significant consequences. This practical guide distils the key issues into accessible sections, focussing on jurisdiction, enforcement, arbitration, protective agreements and the movement of children. This is a useful reference guide for those involved in advising clients on a daily basis, for the preparation of legal submissions, for students or simply those with an interest in this fascinating area of law.CONTENTSChapter One - Relationships Entered Into AbroadChapter Two - Jurisdiction on Separation: ScotlandChapter Three - Jurisdiction on Separation: UK and the Channel IslandsChapter Four - Raising an Action in Scotland: Which Court?Chapter Five - BrexitChapter Six - Contest of JurisdictionChapter Seven - Protection: Pre and Post Nuptials and Other Forms of AgreementChapter Eight - ArbitrationChapter Nine - EnforcementChapter Ten - Parental Rights and ResponsibilitiesChapter Eleven - The Hague ConventionChapter Twelve - Relocating With Children: "Shared Parental Intention"Chapter Thirteen - The Welfare PrincipleChapter Fourteen - Views of ChildrenChapter Fifteen - Other Considerations for the Court in Child Relocation CasesChapter Sixteen - Relocating From Scotland to Other CountriesChapter Seventeen - Preparing Your Client's Child Relocation CaseChapter Eighteen - Cases of InterestChapter Nineteen - International Child Abduction After BrexitChapter Twenty - Habitual ResidenceChapter Twenty-One - Conclusion

  • - Indfald og udfald om henfald og forfald
    af Claus von Barnekow
    297,95 kr.

    Pas på staten – Indfald og udfald om henfald og forfald kaster et kritisk blik på Danmarks udenrigspolitiske vilkår, international politik, menneskerettigheder, retsstat, demokrati, Ruslands ulovlige krig m.m. og udforsker spørgsmål om nationalisme. Gennem dybdegående analyse og refleksion søger forfatteren, Claus von Barnekow at belyse kompleksiteten af disse emner og opfordrer til en nuanceret forståelse af de politiske landskaber, der præger vores samtid.Forhenværende udenrigsminister, dr.phil. Per Stig Møller skriver i forordet, ”at Barnekows tekster udmærker sig ved klarhed og korthed. Derfor når han vidt omkring og er altid værd at følge.”Det har visse indlysende fordele, når vor politiske ledere ved, hvad de taler om, og søger at sætte sig ind i en problemstilling, inden politiske holdninger udbasuneres.I Pas på staten kommer vi vidt omkring, og emnerne inkluderer klimaforværring, koranafbrændingsidioti, russisk selvforståelse, Ungarns og Polens undergravning af Europarådet og EU, regerings- og udvalgte politikeres retorik vedrørende retsstat og menneskerettigheder, udenrigspolitiske vilkår for Danmark samt nationalisme.

  • af Anshan Khanna
    366,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Jura - Europarecht, Völkerrecht, Internationales Privatrecht, Note: 15, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Juristische Fakultät), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Einhaltung des Rechtsstaatsprinzips in den Mitgliedstaaten ist eine elementare Voraussetzung für das Bestehen der EU als Rechtsgemeinschaft. Gleichzeitig ist jedoch eine Verschlechterung der Lage der Rechtsstaatlichkeit in einigen Mitgliedstaaten zu beobachten. Daher besteht für die EU die Aufgabe die Rechtsstaatlichkeit in der EU, im Rahmen der durch die Verträge erteilten Befugnisse, zu schützen. Das neuste Instrumentarium, der Konditionalitätsmechanismus, erweitert nun als hard-law-Instrument die Handlungsmöglichkeiten der EU. Primäres Ziel des Konditionalitätsmechanismus ist es, die finanziellen Interessen der EU zu schützen. Hierfür ist die Achtung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit wesentlich. Rechtsstaatsdefizite, beispielsweise in der Unabhängigkeit der Gerichte, gefährden die wirtschaftliche Durchführung des EU-Haushalts und verhindern einen wirksamen Schutz gegen Betrug und Korruption.

  • af Gabriele Carapezza Figlia
    1.307,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Zatorski
    1.125,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

  • af Jean Faustin Bafwa Katombe
    697,95 kr.

    Im Gegensatz zu fast allen europäischen Ländern, in denen Abtreibung und Empfängnisverhütung entkriminalisiert und die Zugangsmethoden liberalisiert wurden, waren Abtreibung und Empfängnisverhütung in vielen innerstaatlichen afrikanischen Rechtsordnungen noch immer strafbar, abgesehen von einigen sehr seltenen und rigiden Ausnahmen. Mit dem Inkrafttreten des Maputo-Protokolls, dem wichtigsten internationalen Instrument für die Rechte der Frauen auf reproduktive Gesundheit und Kontrolle der Reproduktionsfunktionen in Afrika, das von den meisten Ländern des Kontinents ratifiziert wurde, wurden die entgegenstehenden nationalen Gesetze aufgrund ihrer direkten Anwendbarkeit ausgehöhlt und stillschweigend außer Kraft gesetzt.Diese Studie zeigt zum einen die Neuerungen auf, die das Protokoll in die kongolesische Rechtsordnung gebracht hat, und untersucht zum anderen die Verpflichtungen der DR Kongo im Bereich der Menschenrechte, die sich aus dem Protokoll ergeben und denen sie unterworfen ist.

  • af Jean Faustin Bafwa Katombe
    469,95 kr.

    Unlike almost all European countries, where abortion and contraception have been decriminalized and access to them has been liberalized, in many African countries abortion and contraception are still criminal offences, with a few rare exceptions. The advent of the Maputo Protocol, the most important international instrument on women's rights to reproductive health and the control of reproductive functions in Africa, ratified by the majority of the continent's countries, has emptied the essence of contrary national laws through its direct applicability, tacitly abrogating them.This study identifies the innovations brought about by the above-mentioned Protocol in the Congolese legal system, and examines the human rights obligations to which the DR Congo is subject.

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