Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025
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  • af Hannah-Sophie Aures
    1.148,95 kr.

    Zum WerkDer 2013 beschlossene Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) ist eines von sehr wenigen erfolgreich zu Ende geführten Regulierungsvorhaben im Bereich der internationalen Friedenssicherung und zugleich ein kontrovers aufgenommenes Abkommen. Als erster globaler rechtsverbindlicher Vertrag zur Kontrolle des internationalen Handels mit konventionellen Waffen vereint der ATT traditionelle Elemente mit moderneren Errungenschaften des Völkerrechts und bildet dadurch eine Projektionsfläche für verschiedenste, auch rechtstheoretische, Interpretationsansätze.Die vorliegende, auf Englisch verfasste Arbeit geht über Vertragsauslegung oder Inhaltskritik hinaus. Die Autorin entwickelt ein völkerrechtstheoretisches Analyseschema, das eine tiefgehende Bedeutungsanalyse des ATT sowie seine Einordnung in die Evolution des internationalen Waffenhandelskontrollrechts und allgemeine Entwicklungen im Völkerrecht ermöglicht. Es entsteht ein vielschichtiges Bild über Möglichkeiten und Grenzen rechtlicher Steuerungsansätze im modernen Völkerrecht, das auch auf andere völkerrechtliche Abkommen anwendbar ist. Mit der Verknüpfung von Völkerrechtstheorie und Vertragsanalyse zeigt die Arbeit so einen neuen Weg, theoretische Erklärungsansätze für die Völkerrechtspraxis nutzbar zu machen."Hier hat man regelrecht Spaß an jeder Seite und freut sich auf die nächste." (aus dem Zweitgutachten)ZielgruppeFür Rechtswissenschaftlerinnen und Rechtswissenschaftler sowie Praktikerinnen und Praktiker im Bereich Völkerrecht, internationale Beziehungen und Rüstungskontrolle.

  • af Katharina Bader-Plabst
    912,95 kr.

    Das Buch analysiert die Möglichkeit der Normierung eigener Rechte der Natur in der deutschen Rechtsordnung. Als Inspiration hierzu wird der Vergleich zur Eigenrechtsgesetzgebung in Neuseeland gezogen. Neuseeland normierte als eines der ersten Länder der Welt eigene Rechte der Natur, indem das Land den Te Urewera Wald und den Whanganui Fluss als Rechtssubjekte gesetzlich anerkannte. Die Gesetzgebung wurde weltweit als umweltrechtliche Pionierleistung gefeiert. In Zeiten der Klima- und Biodiversitätskrise liegt daher der Gedanke nahe, auch im deutschen Rechtssystem über die rechtliche Aufwertung der Natur nachzudenken. Die Arbeit befasst sich daher mit der Frage, ob Rechte der Natur nach neuseeländischem Vorbild in Deutschland sowohl rechtlich zulässig als auch geboten und erforderlich sind.

  • af Aleksandar Milanov
    1.048,95 kr.

    The book explores the international legal regulation of space debris and the challenges in front of comprehensive international cooperation and international space law development. It proposes the establishment of International Space Agency.

  • af Federico Pernazza
    2.174,95 - 2.183,95 kr.

  • af Anna Tarasiuk
    1.686,95 - 1.695,95 kr.

  • af Gesa Kubek
    2.833,95 kr.

    Beck internationalKübek/Tams/TerhechteEU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement*A HandbookBy Gesa Kübek, Prof. Dr. Christian J. Tams and Prof. Dr. Jörg Philipp Terchechte2024 Approx 550 pages. Hardcover approx. Euro 220,-ISBN 9783406819223A co-publication of C.H.BECK, Munich, Hart Publishing, Oxford, and Nomos, Baden-Baden.The BookIn force since 1 May 2021, the Trade and Cooperation Agreement is the central legal text governing post-Brexit relations between the UK and the EU. In essence, it is an ambitious "free trade plus" agreement that regulates economic issues, but also addresses a wealth of non-trade aspects. A thorough examination of the regulatory structures, content and contentious issues of the TCA is of major conceptual and practical importance.The present Handbook provides such a thorough examination and serves as a guide to the often complex provisions of the agreement and as a roadmap to an unwieldy agreement. To meet those aims, it offers an analysis of the TCA's individual chapters, matching the agreement's broad scope, from trade to data protection (and covering much in between). In addition to analysing the agreement's individual chapters, this TCA Handbook situates the new legal framework of UK-EU relations from the perspective of international law, European Union law and UK law.The Advantages at a GlanceHigh practical relevanceCovers a broad range of core trade and non-trade issuesClear analysisThe Target GroupFor legal practitioners and scholars active in the field of EU and international law.

  • af Randall Lesaffer
    1.345,95 kr.

    "Volume I introduces The Cambridge History of International Law series, offering a critical discussion of the development and current state of international law history writing across the world. Steering away from traditional Western historiography, this volume will interest scholars of international law across various disciplines"--

  • af Helmi Hiltunen
    608,95 kr.

    Ce livre examine les défis complexes auxquels le droit humanitaire international est confronté face aux guerres modernes. Il analyse comment les principes historiques des Conventions de Genève, de leurs protocoles additionnels et d'autres accords sont mis au défi par les dynamiques en constante évolution des conflits en Syrie, à Gaza et en Ukraine. La guerre asymétrique, les cyberguerres, l'urbanisation de la guerre, la privatisation des guerres, la guerre environnementale, la guerre hybride et les guerres d'alliance ne sont que quelques-uns des phénomènes modernes auxquels les vénérables conventions doivent aujourd'hui faire face. Des rues d'Alep et des ruines de Gaza aux zones disputées d'Ukraine, ce livre offre un aperçu indispensable de l'impact réel de la guerre du 21e siècle sur les populations civiles. Grâce à une étude minutieuse de ces conflits, l'auteur apporte un éclairage critique sur les lacunes et les insuffisances des réglementations actuelles et propose les réformes nécessaires pour s'adapter à la guerre moderne. Ce livre s'adresse à tous ceux qui s'intéressent au droit international, aux droits de l'homme et au développement du droit international humanitaire. Il offre non seulement une analyse détaillée des conflits actuels, mais aussi un regard visionnaire sur l'avenir du droit international dans un monde de plus en plus complexe et interconnecté.

  • af Helmi Hiltunen
    533,95 kr.

    This book examines the complex challenges facing international humanitarian law in the face of modern wars. It analyses how the historical principles of the Geneva Conventions, their Additional Protocols and other treaties are being challenged by the ever-changing dynamics of the conflicts in Syria, Gaza and Ukraine. Asymmetric warfare, cyber warfare, urbanisation of warfare, privatisation of warfare, environmental warfare, hybrid warfare and alliance warfare are just some of the modern phenomena that the time-honoured conventions have to deal with today. From the streets of Aleppo and the rubble of Gaza to the contested territories of Ukraine, this book offers an indispensable insight into the real impact of 21st century warfare on civilian populations. Through a careful examination of these conflicts, the author shines a critical light on the gaps and inadequacies of current regulations and proposes necessary reforms to adapt to modern warfare. This book is for anyone interested in international law, human rights and the evolution of international humanitarian law. It offers not only a detailed analysis of current conflicts, but also a visionary view of the future of international law in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

  • af Helmi Hiltunen
    578,95 kr.

    In diesem Buch werden die komplexen Herausforderungen untersucht, mit denen das internationale humanitäre Recht im Angesicht moderner Kriege konfrontiert ist. Es analysiert, wie die historischen Prinzipien der Genfer Konventionen, ihrer Zusatzprotokolle und anderer Abkommen durch die sich ständig verändernden Dynamiken der Konflikte in Syrien, Gaza und der Ukraine herausgefordert werden. Asymmetrische Kriegsführung, Cyberkriege, Urbanisierung der Kriegsführung, Privatisierung von Kriegen, Umweltkriegsführung, Hybride Kriegsführung und Bündniskriege sind nur einige der modernen Phänomene, mit denen sich die altehrwürdigen Konventionen heute auseinandersetzen müssen. Von den Straßen Aleppos und den Trümmern von Gaza bis zu den umkämpften Gebieten der Ukraine bietet dieses Buch einen unverzichtbaren Einblick in die realen Auswirkungen der Kriegsführung im 21. Jahrhundert auf die Zivilbevölkerung. Durch eine sorgfältige Untersuchung dieser Konflikte wirft der Autor ein kritisches Licht auf die Lücken und Unzulänglichkeiten der aktuellen Regelungen und schlägt notwendige Reformen zur Anpassung an die moderne Kriegsführung vor. Dieses Buch ist für alle, die sich für internationales Recht, Menschenrechte und die Weiterentwicklung des humanitären Völkerrechts interessieren. Es bietet nicht nur eine detaillierte Analyse der aktuellen Konflikte, sondern auch einen visionären Blick auf die Zukunft des internationalen Rechts in einer immer komplexeren und vernetzten Welt.

  • af Helmi Hiltunen
    613,95 kr.

    Este libro examina los complejos retos a los que se enfrenta el derecho internacional humanitario ante las guerras modernas. Analiza cómo los principios históricos de los Convenios de Ginebra, sus Protocolos Adicionales y otros tratados se ven desafiados por la dinámica siempre cambiante de los conflictos en Siria, Gaza y Ucrania. La guerra asimétrica, la guerra cibernética, la urbanización de la guerra, la privatización de la guerra, la guerra medioambiental, la guerra híbrida y la guerra de alianzas son solo algunos de los fenómenos modernos a los que deben hacer frente hoy en día los convenios consagrados. Desde las calles de Alepo y los escombros de Gaza hasta los territorios en disputa de Ucrania, este libro ofrece una visión indispensable del impacto real de la guerra del siglo XXI en la población civil. A través de un examen minucioso de estos conflictos, el autor arroja una luz crítica sobre las lagunas e insuficiencias de la normativa actual y propone las reformas necesarias para adaptarse a la guerra moderna. Este libro está dirigido a cualquier persona interesada en el derecho internacional, los derechos humanos y la evolución del derecho internacional humanitario. No sólo ofrece un análisis detallado de los conflictos actuales, sino también una visión visionaria del futuro del derecho internacional en un mundo cada vez más complejo e interconectado.

  • af Annette Froehlich
    1.667,95 - 1.762,95 kr.

    This peer-reviewed book provides detailed insights into how space and its applications are, and can be used to support the development of the full range and diversity of African societies, as encapsulated in the African Union's Agenda 2063. Following on from Part 1 and 2, which were highly acclaimed by the space community, it focuses on the role of space in supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Africa, but covers an even more extensive array of relevant and timely topics addressing all facets of African development. It demonstrates that, while there have been significant achievements in recent years in terms of economic and social development, which have lifted many of Africa's people out of poverty, there is still a great deal that needs to be done to fulfill the basic needs of Africa's citizens and afford them the dignity they deserve. To this end, space is already being employed in diverse fields of human endeavor to serve Africa's goals for its future, but there is much room for further incorporation of space systems and data. Providing a comprehensive overview of the role space is playing in helping Africa achieve its developmental aspirations, the book will appeal to both students and professionals in fields such as space studies, international relations, governance, and social and rural development.

  • af Dragica Vujadinovi¿
    560,95 - 665,95 kr.

  • af Nicolas Steinmeister
    526,95 kr.

    Dieses Open-Access-Buch behandelt die globale Mindeststeuer für Großkonzerne, auf die sich im Herbst 2021 137 Staaten verständigt haben, die als Mitglieder im Inclusive Framework (IF) on BEPS von G20/OECD an der Reform des internationalen Steuerrechts arbeiten. Das Buch untersucht, ob die Bundesrepublik Deutschland als an der Einigung beteiligtes Mitglied des IF die neuen Regeln, wie sie aus der Einigung vom 8. Oktober 2021 und den Modellregeln vom 20. Dezember 2021 hervorgegangen sind, implementieren kann. Abgestellt wird hierbei auf eine zum Zeitpunkt der Einreichung dieser Arbeit noch diskutierte rein nationale Umsetzung ohne unionsrechtliche Harmonisierungsvorgaben. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden die Regelungen auf ihre Vereinbarkeit mit den Vorgaben des Grundgesetzes, des EU-Rechts und der nach völkerrechtlichen Rechtssätzen verbindlichen Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen überprüft. Unter Berücksichtigung der bislang zu diesen Fragen erschienen Literaturstimmen setzt sich der Autor mit den konkreten Empfehlungen der Modellregeln auseinander und bringt seine eigenen Überlegungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschen Perspektive ein.

  • af Dario Moura Vicente
    1.987,95 kr.

    As computational power, the volume of available data, IT systems¿ autonomy, and the human-like capabilities of machines increase, robots and AI systems have substantial and growing implications for the law and raise a host of challenges to current legal doctrines. The main question to be answered is whether the foundations and general principles of private law and criminal law offer a functional and adaptive legal framework for the ¿autonomous systems¿ phenomena.The main purpose of this book is to identify and explore possible trajectories for the development of civil and criminal liability; for our understanding of the attribution link to autonomous systems; and, in particular, for the punishment of unlawful conduct in connection with their operation. AI decision-making processes ¿ including judicial sentencing ¿ also warrant close attention in this regard.Since AI is moving faster than the process of regulatory recalibration, this book provides valuable insights on its redesign and on the harmonization, at the European level, of the current regulatory frameworks, in order to keep pace with technological changes.Providing a broader and more comprehensive picture of the legal challenges posed by autonomous systems, this book covers a wide range of topics, including the regulation of autonomous vehicles, data protection and governance, personality rights, intellectual property, corporate governance, and contract conclusion and termination issues arising from automated decisions, blockchain technology and AI applications, particularly in the banking and finance sectors.The authors are legal experts from around the world with extensive academic and/or practical experience in these areas.

  • af Tomás Restrepo Rodríguez
    1.782,95 - 1.791,95 kr.

  • af Anna-Theresia Krein
    663,95 kr.

    This textbook presents a detailed insight into the structures and processes of preparing students for Model United Nations (MUN) conferences and for attending Model United Nations conferences, subsequently. It serves as a handbook and practical guide for the implementation of MUN into courses and classes in educational institutions.Written by a Faculty Advisor, and offering additional insights from an experienced award-winning MUN delegate, the book provides a particularly exceptional insightful, and well-rounded approach. The author explains how a MUN course can be taught, presents exercises to prepare students for the conference, and discusses how the MUN delegation and trip to the conference can be organized. This comprehensive guide offers insights into a broad range of topics, including debates with peers, diplomacy to solve international crises, and learning about the system of the United Nations (UN) organization through simulation. Further, it covers the development of soft skills and communication at the conferences and building international friendships, while it additionally allows learning more about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the process.With tips, tricks, and bonus material this book will serve as an anchor throughout the students' first MUN experience, as well as provide valuable help for more advanced participants. The book, therefore, is a must-read for both academic staff teaching MUN, as well as students attending MUN courses and planning to attend MUN conferences.

  • af Stacey M. Mitchell
    1.581,95 kr.

    This book provides an expanded conceptualization of legalization that focuses on implementation of obligation, precision, and delegation at the international and domestic levels of politics. By adding domestic politics and the actors to the international level of analysis, the authors add the insights of Kenneth Waltz, Graham Allison, and Louis Henkin to understand why most international law is developed and observed most of the time. However, the authors argue that law-breaking and law-distorting occurs as a part of negative legalization. Consequently, the book offers a framework for understanding how international law both produces and undermines order and justice. The authors also draw from realist, liberal, constructivist, cosmopolitan and critical theories to analyse how legalization can both build and/or undermine consensus, which results in either positive or negative legalization of international law. The authors argue that legalization is a process over time and not just a snapshot in time.

  • af Ole Hammerslev
    518,95 kr.

    This open access edited book investigates European social rights in practice from socio-legal perspectives. It brings together fourteen socio-legal scholars, representing Nordic and Western European countries, who analyse different aspects pertaining to European social rights, namely the regulation of social rights, encounters between welfare professionals and citizens, and citizens¿ mobilisation of social rights. These three different aspects from the structure for the sections in the anthology, each analysing transformations related to regulation, encounters and rights mobilisation. The book contributes to the existing literature as it focuses on interdependent transformations on macro, meso and micro levels which are key for understanding processes and contexts related to European social rights in practice. It speaks particularly to academics in sociology of law and/or regulation.

  • af Vesna Rijavec
    1.796,95 kr.

    This book examines the diversity of enforcement titles in cross-border debt collection, focusing on the types, structure, contents and effects of enforcement titles. It offers a comprehensive overview of judgments, court settlements and authentic instruments from a variety of EU Member States. It primarily employs the comparative legal method to draw conclusions on commonalities and differences, as well as prospects for future approximation of laws.The premise of the research is rooted in the finding that national authorities of EU Member States continue to treat enforcement titles from other Member States with reservations and mistrust despite being committed to the principle of mutual trust. The book identifies the issues of mistrust stemming from the diversity of enforcement titles. The research is based on a rich database of national reports compiled during the course of several large-scale EU Justice Projects.Divided into five parts, the book offers first somegeneral considerations and presents attempts at a systemisation of enforcement titles. The following parts are then devoted to more specialised approaches toward the different types of enforcement titles. However, the connecting line between all parts of the book are the considerations of cross-border enforcement in the EU (and in a limited manner with third States). Herein, research also addresses critical factors regarding the free movement of judgments in the EU, including those of lis pendens and related actions.This book provides a valuable contribution to the Theory of European Civil Procedure. Since it is based on a comparative approach and employs both empirical and doctrinal viewpoints, it should also greatly benefit practitioners involved in cross-border dispute resolution. Overall, the findings should be of interest to a broad audience, including policymakers, judges, practitioners and scholars.

  • af Angelos Kornilakis
    958,95 kr.

    The work deals with Digital Commons. These are a case of the new organizational forms developed in the realm of digital economy and fall under the notion of "Network Enterprise", substituting the classical hierarchical forms of firms with horizontal cooperation between independent agents.They are hybrid forms of organization, which reject both markets and hierarchies, as the two mainstream organizational modes of conventional economics. They are based on individual autonomy combined with egalitarian cooperative mechanisms, trying to reap the best of the organizational structure of firms without sacrificing individual autonomy.

  • af Markus P. Beham
    413,95 kr.

    From the 1972 Stockholm Declaration to the European Union's Green Deal, the principles of international environmental law have successfully permeated the multilateral discourse. They are also woven into a large patchwork of international treaties, binding the international community and requiring their implementation at the domestic level. This materials collection provides an edited compilation of international and European environmental law documents. Alongside the fundamentals as well as the procedural and liability frameworks, it includes a selection of the most relevant sectoral treaties relating to air, ozone, climate, freshwater, oceans, biodiversity, and hazardous substances.

  • af Tian He
    1.779,95 kr.

    The book continues to use quantitative and empirical research methods to summarize and analyze the achievements of government openness in China in 2020. It points out that in 2020, the exploration of standardization and standardization of government affairs openness is accelerating, decision-making openness is making steady progress, and government affairs services, administrative law enforcement, and management results are all making significant progress. However, in the future, it is still necessary to further enhance the awareness of openness, identify the needs of the public, integrate openness into the whole process of government affairs activities, and improve the level of information security. Besides, the book for the first time first carries out a third-party assessment of the government affairs publicity in the national free trade zones and free trade zones, and releases research reports on the publicity of administrative punishment information, government news release,work and production resumption information, and health science popularization information.

  • af Jia Hu
    1.683,95 kr.

    This book concerns how China's legal institutions promoted its economic growth and demonstrates that the law has played different roles at various stages of China's economic transformation, a signal of legal paradigm shifts in reaction to the changing political and economic pursuits.By decomposing the role of law in the process, the author argues that while the Chinese economy was transforming from a planned economy to a market-oriented one, the law also made its adjustment as a response¿the Chinese legal system was evolving from the one consisting of primarily substantive laws to the one filled with high-level formal laws by the end of the last century. The above observation of legal formalization is further consolidated by introducing the particularities of China's legal education in those years¿a topic rarely dealt with yet of significance to comprehensively understand the Chinese legal system in practice. Overall, the present book argues against the modernization theory and determinism that would anticipate a similar developmental path globally and shows that the relationship between law and economic development is contingent. Therefrom, this study weighs in the law and development debate and breaks a perception of static law in the economy by rejecting the conventional perception of established legal institutions as a precondition of modernity.Hence, this book could appeal to legal scholars and sociologists interested in reevaluating western theories of free economy and its relationships to the law. In addition, scholars interested in research methodology would find the perspective of paradigm shifts in interpreting China's transformations a helpful analytical framework in research. Moreover, policymakers and legislators concerned about the characteristics of law for economic results would also find the book useful.

  • af Longyue Zhao
    1.781,95 - 1.790,95 kr.

    This book is the final study report of the key project of the National Social Science Foundation of China, ¿China and the Reconstruction and Innovation of International Rules in the New Era of Global Value Chain¿. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the complex situation of international rule reconstruction and innovation in the new era of the global value chain, this book makes an in-depth and systematic analysis on six types of international rules, namely official export credit rules, international competition rules, cross-border e-commerce and digital trade rules, ISDS, multilateral agreement on investment and international regulatory cooperation. It also introduces the theories and practices of China's engagement in the new round of reconstruction and innovation of international rules.

  • af Vladimir Samoylov
    1.572,95 - 1.581,95 kr.

  • af Manuela Niehaus
    1.305,95 kr.

    Global climate constitutionalism is seen as a possible legal answer to the social and political unwillingness of states to effectively tackle climate change as a global problem. The constitutionalisation of international climate law is supposed to ensure greater participation of non-state actors such as NGOs or individuals and a rollback of state sovereignty where states do not care about meeting their climate commitments. This book addresses the question of whether non-state actors such as NGOs or individuals create international climate law through so-called climate change litigation. Against the background of Peter Häberle's theory of the ¿open society of constitutional interpreters¿, four selected cases (Urgenda v Netherlands, Leghari v Pakistan, Juliana v United States of America, Future Generations v Colombia) are used to examine how actors not formally recognized as subjects of international law (re)interpret national and international law and thereby contribute to the constitutionalisation of the international climate law regime.

  • af Alessandro Spena
    1.593,95 kr.

    The book deals with illicit trafficking in the Mediterranean, seen as a borderline issue between mobility and security under a strongly interdisciplinary approach. The opening part is dedicated to issues that transversally concern illegal trafficking: criminological, criminal law, criminal procedure, but also international law issues. This part presents a kind of general theory of illegal trafficking, showing its recurring aspects and identifying the legal and criminal-political issues that would be best addressed by a unified approach to the matter. The other parts are devoted to presenting, instead, a special part overview of illegal trafficking. The second and the third section are devoted, in particular, to illegal traffics having human beings as their objects. More specifically, the second part examines smuggling of migrants, which has a central - criminological and criminal-political - relevance among the illegal traffics taking place in the Mediterranean. The third part dealswith the neighbouring theme of human trafficking, especially in its connection with the problem of labour exploitation. Finally, the fourth part focuses on some trafficking in goods, offering a selected and representative overview of some of the most significant forms that such trafficking can take: tobacco trafficking, drug trafficking and trafficking in cultural goods.

  • af Donald Jacob
    190,95 kr.

    L'homme met en danger leur survie par son comportement. Jusqu'à présent, cette prise de conscience n'a malheureusement pas conduit à une protection suffisante de la biosphère. Si nous voulons préserver la Terre en tant qu'environnement digne d'être vécu, nous devons continuer à développer notre système juridique. Le temps est venu d'opérer une véritable révolution en matière de protection du climat !Avec sa "Constitution pour la Terre", Donald Jacob réussit une analyse personnelle et tranchante d'une crise dans laquelle l'écologie n'est pas un sujet parmi d'autres, mais le point de départ de tout. L'auteur montre ce qui doit se passer pour que nous puissions maîtriser les changements nécessaires et trace la voie vers une société planétaire.La biosphère est vitale pour nous tous et donc la chose la plus importante. Sans elle, rien ne fonctionne. Le moment est venu de changer de paradigme. La catastrophe écologique est due à l'homme et ne connaît pas de frontières. Ce livre est une semence pour une constitution de la terre. La protection non négociable de notre biosphère est la base première de la liberté individuelle et de la paix sur terre. Le génie d'une constitution est qu'elle n'a besoin d'aucun parti, d'aucun président - elle s'applique à tous de la même manière et est au-dessus des intérêts individuels - pour le bien de tous.

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