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Forskning og højere uddannelse: lov og ret

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  • af Austen Zuege
    1.852,95 kr.

    Anyone involved with patent searching and risk management requires the proper tools and methodology to successfully avoid patent infringement. Patent Freedom to Operate Searches, Opinions, Techniques, and Studies is designed to build the necessary competencies, techniques, and best practices. Addressing a wide range of topics, this book covers: conducting and organizing freedom-to-operate studies to obtain actionable data; analyzing the results of those searches; developing appropriate risk management strategies; and preserving the information and analysis in order to be fully protected in the future. Everyone from in-house and private practice attorneys to businesspeople, non-lawyer patent professionals, engineers, and academics will find utility in this thorough and accessible resource.

  • af 1a-Studi GmbH
    231,95 kr.

    In ¿Thesis Sprint: Die 4-Wochen-Strategie zur perfekten Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit¿ findest du eine funktionierende Methode, um deine Abschlussarbeit in nur 4 Wochen zu schreiben. Dieses Buch ist genau das Richtige für dich, wenn du vor der Herausforderung stehst, eine qualitativ hochwertige Thesis unter Zeitdruck zu schreiben. Die Abschlussarbeit hat einen erheblichen Einfluss auf deinen Gesamtnotendurchschnitt und somit Bewerbung auf einen Job nach dem Studium.In diesem Buch (+ Workbook) lernst du, wie du effektives Zeitmanagement, das Schreiben unter Druck und bewährte Schreibtechniken nutzen kannst, um deine Arbeit fristgerecht und auf einem hohen wissenschaftlichen Niveau zu vollenden. Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit Studenten und Akademikern und kombiniert Expertenwissen mit den Ratschlägen professioneller Lektoren und Studentencoaches.Du lernst, wie du den Schreibprozess deiner Thesis effektiv und effizient organisierst und diese Herausforderung mit Entschlossenheit und Engagement angehst. Die 4-Wochen-Strategie ist mehr als ein Zeitplan ¿ diese ist ein Modell, wie du unter Druck arbeiten und dabei hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielen kannst. Diese Strategie wird dir nicht nur während deines Studiums, sondern auch in deinem späteren Berufsleben nützlich sein.

  • af Amy Vorenberg
    1.162,95 - 1.167,95 kr.

  • af Stephan Meder
    1.697,95 kr.

    As advances in artificial intelligence grip our imagination in the twenty-first century, Meder reminds us that law's first "machine age" dates from at least the seventeenth century and the inventive minds of Jean Bodin and Thomas Hobbes. Jurists involved in finding legal decisions would be merely a cog in a large apparatus designed to give expression to the will of the sovereign through the proper application of the law. The nineteenth century declared war on the absolute monarchical state and the mechanistic paradigm. The critique of a "mechanical" application of law and the distorted image of the "subsumption automaton" have stood for criticism of judging that, removed from the demands of "everyday life," adheres to predefined concepts and dispenses with reflection on law and justice. Rudolf Jhering's "judgment machine," Hermann Kantorowicz's "thinking machine," or Max Weber's "paragraph automaton" can be seen as pejorative images of a machine into which "one throws the files at the top, together with costs and fees, so that it spits out the judgment at the bottom, along with the more or less valid reasons." Digitization is transforming the means of delivery and providing greater sophistication, but Meder's study is a thorough and pioneering reminder that people today are seeking new routes to a long-cherished and not necessarily desirable outcome.x, 167 pp.

  • af David H. Moskowitz
    217,95 - 287,95 kr.

  • af Stephen P. Parsons
    2.862,95 kr.

  • af Linda H. Edwards
    2.207,95 kr.

  • af John D. Edwards, Amy E. Sloan & Steven Schwinn
    1.397,95 kr.

  • af Deborah E. Bouchoux
    3.052,95 kr.

  • af Mary Beth Beazley & Monte Smith
    1.052,95 kr.

  • af Gary Chan Kok Yew & Man Yip
    693,95 kr.

  • af The Editors of Nolo The Editors of Nolo
    382,95 kr.

    "Turn to Nolo's Encyclopedia of Everyday Law for answers to everyday legal questions that come up in all aspects of life. Easily locate concise explanations about legal issues including credit, debt, and bankruptcy; divorce, child custody, and visitation; wills, living trusts, and estate planning"--

  • af Walter Frenz
    2.722,95 kr.

    The handbook presents an overview of Industry 4.0 and offers solutions for important practical questions. The law and its current challenges regarding data assignment (who owns the data? / EU guidelines), data security, data protection (General Data Protection Regulation), cyberattacks, competition law (right to access vs. monopolists, permissible and prohibited exchanges of information, possible collaborations) is the point of departure. In turn, the book explores peculiarities in specific areas of Industry 4.0 (Internet of Production, mechanical engineering, artificial intelligence, electromobility, autonomous driving, traffic, medical science, construction, energy industry, etc.). The book's closing section addresses general developments in management, the digital transformation of companies and the world of work, and ethical questions.

  • af Michael John Westerman
    132,95 kr.

    Companion animals provide immeasurable value to their owners, although in the event of loss or injury, the damages that may be recovered are often quite limited. The finite nature of recovery for injury or loss of companion animals is due to their common legal recognition as personal property. The courts however are evolving to mirror the popular perception that pets are more than simply property. This work explores current case law and trends pertaining to animal rights in the courts, and the way in which they are valued when it comes time, unfortunately, to measure damages.

  • af Angela C. Arey & Nancy A. Wanderer
    1.407,95 kr.

  • af Bruce L. R. Smith
    309,95 kr.

  • af Lars Qvortrup & Jens Rasmussen
    247,95 kr.

    Er friheden til at ytre sig også en frihed til at ytre sig usandt eller mod bedre vidende?Bogens forfattere er anerkendte professorer inden for pædagogik og uddannelse. Men de måtte selv stå skoleret, da beskyldninger om nazimetoder mødte dem på universitetet, mens kritik spredte sig med journalistisk hast. Alle anklager endte siden med at blive tilbagevist af Nævnet for Videnskabelig Uredelighed.Processen efter de seneste folkeskolereformer i Danmark har udviklet sig til et kafkask forløb. Det forelægges her som et lærestykke i ansvarsfordelingen mellem forskere, myndigheder og medier.

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