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Friheden kommer altid med en pris. Kompromisløs autofiktiv roman om frihed, seksualitet og moderskab fra en af Frankrigs mest interessante nye litterære stemmer.Constance Debré har forladt sit topjob som jurist, sin store lejlighed midt i Paris og sin mand gennem tyve år. Da hun fortæller sin eksmand, at hun er begyndt at se kvinder, trækker han hende ind i en absurd strid om forældremyndigheden, og hun mister retten til at se sin lille søn, Paul. Mens hun venter på rettens afgørelse, kaster hun sig ud i sit nye liv med en lidenskabelig og trodsig intensitet.I en intens og rytmisk prosa kredser Constance Debré om seksualitet og frihed, kærlighed og moderskab. For hvem dikterer vilkårene for kærlighed? Findes der virkelig noget rigtigt og forkert, når det kommer til at elske nogen? Og hvad vil det sige at leve sandt og frit?
Anmeldelse af bogen:2024 er et skelsættende år inden for det lovområde, der har med tvangsfjernelser af børn at gøre. Alle brikker i puslespillet er blevet kastet op i luften af Folketinget, og ud af det er kommet ”Barnets Lov”. Nye regler er indført og eksisterende regler er ændret. Alt det - og meget mere - kommer Tvangsfjernelse.dk ind på i deres nye bog ”Tvangsfjernelse og bortadoption - Barnets Lov 2024”. De tre forfattere - eller musketerer har jeg nær sagt - har heldigvis valgt at fastholde den overordnede systematik i bogen fra de to tidligere bøger fra 2018 og 2021. Så hvis man allerede kender dem, vil det være ekstra nemt at lære alt det nye at kende.Det er lykkedes forfatterne at undgå alt for meget juristsprog, sådan at alle kan være med. Igen er de vigtigste lovregler taget med, så man har det hele ved hånden. Bogen er god at have med når man mødes med sagsbehandlere og andre professionelle, der er blevet efteruddannet og har været på kurser i de nye regler. Du undgår at blive løbet om hjørner med og kommer faktisk på rimelig omdrejningshøjde med viden og indsigt. Der er kommet endnu flere gode råd og anbefalinger til, som du kan bruge undervejs i en sag, uanset hvilket stade den befinder sig på, før under eller efter en tvangsfjernelse. Selv professionelle vil kunne få noget ud af at læse bogen - om ikke andet så for få indsigt i forældreperspektivet og i de problemer og udfordringer, som fylder meget for de berørte familier i bred forstand, herunder også bedsteforældre og andre nære slægtninge. Også unge anbragte vil få meget ud af at læse bogen. Unge, der er fyldt 15 år, har de samme rettigheder som forældre. Jeg giver bogen mine allerbedste anbefalinger og synes, at det er på sin plads at rose forfatterne for at bogen ”sælges” til en pris, der kun dækker udgifterne til bogens fremstilling og udgivelse. Mange forældre til anbragte børn og unge har ikke for mange penge på kistebunden. Morten Boas Therkildsen, advokat. Speciale i børnesager. Møderet for begge landsretter.
Børn i familie- og socialretten er en lettilgængelig juridisk lærebog om forældres og samfundets rettigheder og pligter over for børn. Bogen beskriver den privatretlige – familieretlige – lovgivning, der gælder i forholdet mellem forældre og deres børn. Bogen beskriver endvidere den offentligretlige – sociale – lovgivning og de sociale myndigheders forpligtelser i forhold til børn i almindelighed og udsatte børn i særdeleshed.Endvidere beskrives samspillet mellem den familie- og socialretligelovgivning i forhold til børn og de forvaltningsretlige rammer formyndighedernes indsats og deres samarbejde med henblik på at sikrebørn og unges personlige udvikling og sundhed. Bogen giver en samlet fremstilling af den centrale lovgivning om børn og unge og de seneste reformer i lovgivningen.Målgrupper for bogen er først og fremmest studerende på grund- og videreuddannelserne til socialrådgiver og på efteruddannelsesforløb, der handler om børn. Bogen kan også anvendes af sagsbehandlere i Familieretshuset, som ønsker at orientere sig om den sociale lovgivning om børn. Andre faggrupper, der arbejder med børn, kan også skabesig et overblik over børns familie- og socialretlige retsstilling.Bogens forfattere er cand. jur. Jane Røhl, souschef i Familieretshuset og cand.jur., ph.d. Caroline Adolphsen, der er lektor i børneret på Juridisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet.
Denne bog er med få tilpasninger udgivelsen af ph.d.-afhandlingen ”Børns processuelle rettighederi tvangsanbringelsessager”, som forfatteren modtog ph.d.-graden på baggrund af i efteråret 2018. Afhandlingen afdækker børns processuelle retsstilling i den administrative sagsbehandling af tvangsanbringelsessager, og det udledes heraf – særligt med inddragelse af forvaltningsretten,socialretten, menneskeretten og andre relevante retsområder – hvilke hensynog retlige værdier der må indgå i vurderingen af, hvorvidt der i visse tilfælde bør fraviges frabarnets parts-inhabilitet i relation til processuelle rettigheder, således at barnet selvstændigt kan udnytte sine partsrettigheder uafhængigt af forældremyndighedsindehaveren.Afhandlingen er delt op i fire analysedele. Del 1 omhandler forældremyndighed og rettighedsbegreber.I del 2 analyseres den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonventions art. 8 og Børnekonventionensart. 3, 9 og 12 med det formål at udlede, hvilke processuelle rettigheder børn erblevet tildelt som følge af henholdsvis inkorporeringen og ratifikationen af konventionerne. Endvidereanalyseres praksis fra Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol med samme formål. Iafhandlingens del 3 analyseres de processuelle rettigheder, som børn er blevet tildelt i serviceloveni relation til tvangsanbringelsessager. Analysen af de enkelte rettigheder er inddelt efterkategorierne; inddragelse og høring, repræsentation og bistand, aktindsigt og klageadgang. Del4 indeholder en perspektivering, der tager udgangspunkt i børns processuelle retsstilling indenfor andre relevante retsområder, og resultaterne heraf inddrages i besvarelsen af spørgsmålet om børns partshabilitet, som i konklusionen bl.a. præsenteres ved formuleringen af retsgrundsætningen om børns partshabilitet.
Mit der Kindschaftsrechtsreform von 1998 hat eine Zäsur im deutschen Familienrecht stattgefunden. Als oberste Handlungsmaxime sollte fortan von allen im Familienrechtssystem beschäftigten Fachkräften zuvörderst das Kindeswohl umgesetzt werden. So jedenfalls lautet bis heute die wohlklingende Theorie. Stattdessen wurden im Gesetz u.a. neue Rechtspositionen als angebliche "Rechte des Kindes" geschaffen, die bis heute fortgesetzt allein die Erweiterung von Rechten des Vaters am Kind und damit an der Lebensgestaltung der Mutter auch bei nicht oder nicht mehr bestehender Partnerschaft beinhalten. Lobbyistisch beeinflusste "Forschungsergebnisse" zum angeblichen Erfolg dieser Kindschaftsrechtsreform werden in allen Bereichen des Familienrechtssystems als Grundlage zur Entscheidungsfindung herangezogen. Unter anderem dadurch hat sich im deutschen Familienrecht eine nach totalitären Prinzipien agierende Paralleljustiz entwickelt, die zunehmend Grundprinzipien demokratischer Rechtsstaatlichkeit sowie Grundrechte von Frauen und Kindern grob missachtet. Ausgehend von solchen neuen "Erkenntnissen" und der hieraus entwickelten richtungsweisenden Rechtsprechung hat sich ein ebenso einseitiges wie rigoroses Handeln gegen Frauen und Kinder in Umgangs- und Sorgerechtsangelegenheiten auch in den Jugendämtern etabliert.Aktuell sollen weitere "Reformen" zur "Modernisierung" des Familienrechts auf den Weg gebracht werden, ohne dass bisher eine valide neutrale Ergebniskontrolle der bereits etablierten Änderungen seit der Kindschaftsrechtsreform von 1998 im Sinne einer tatsächlich besseren Umsetzung des Wohlbefindens von Kindern stattgefunden hätte.
Delays in court proceedings that result in delayed justice delivery are inevitable realities that are influenced by various factors, including jurisdiction size, docket management, case classification, calendaring, and court practices. Despite the laws and policies that safeguard the rights of Children in Conflict with the Law (CICL) against unjust incrimination and unlawful detention, numerous concerns regarding the lengthy confinement of CICL still persist. The COVID-19 pandemic crisis further compounds the impact of delays on court processes, leading to increased dockets and hearing resets. Therefore, the study aims to assess the effects of delayed court proceedings on the psychosocial development of CICL. A qualitative design and phenomenological approach are employed to explore the experiences and perspectives of the primary participants and key informants to shed light on the outcome of delays. The study focused on the three domains of psychosocial development which are the responsibility domain, temperance domain, and perspective domain. The results show that delays have no direct influence on the resistance or susceptibility of the CICL to peer influence, but it is found to be a contributing factor to establish CICL's identity in their present social context in Bahay Pag-asa. Delays also affect their behavior, potentially leading to impulsivity, aggression, and negative responses to the family court or justice system. It triggers and develops psychological distress and depression. Furthermore, delays can trigger psychological distress and depression, challenging CICL's perception of their rehabilitation and shaping their coping mechanisms.Furthermore, the research presents a comprehensive definition of delay derived from the perspectives of the participants. According to this composite definition 'A delay refers to the postponement, cancellation, and resetting of court proceedings, which is inadvertent in manner and is deemed unjustifiable by the CICL. Delays are granted from either meritorious grounds or unwarranted factors associated with both old and conventional court practices, as well as unprecedented social phenomenon.'
A one-of-a-kind guide for youth-serving organizations to help build out their own child protection policies in just 120 days.Expert guidance, worksheets, and checklists take the guesswork out of confusing industry standards—so you can focus on helping kids learn, grow, and flourish.Written by two legal experts with more than 60 years of experience helping youth-serving organizations (YSOs), Protecting Other People's Children provides a blueprint for organizations to develop their own child safety policies.From private schools to church youth groups to mentoring organizations to summer camps, YSOs provide unparalleled opportunities for children to learn, grow, and flourish. Unfortunately, because they serve a vulnerable population, those groups also face unparalleled risks.With Protecting Other People's Children, organizations will be able to: Recognize and avoid common pitfalls and mistakes Set up a workable timeline for implementationCreate and confirm their own commitments and principlesAccess several supportive worksheets, checklists, and activity guidesLearn how to pick the right people (leaders, team, volunteers, etc.)Understand and adhere important protocols and guidelinesAppropriately respond to serious incidentsProtecting Other People's Children enables YSOs to develop robust, sustainable child protection plans, holding everyone accountable while protecting both the programs and the minors they serve.
Hvordan hvert enkelt æg bliver til hvert enkelt barn, kan der være mange veje til. Med denne bog skildrer Mille Gori, hvordan vores verden kan se vidt forskellig ud, selvom vi alle sammen er et fællesskab.Alle mennesker er forskellige, faktisk er alle mennesker unikke. Vi ligner ikke hinanden, vi vokser op forskellige steder på forskellige måder. Vi gør ting forskelligt og udvikler os forskelligt. Men vi har alle sammen én ting til fælles, vi kommer alle sammen fra et æg.Børn kan komme til verden på mange måder, og de kan blive skabt på mange måder. Det kræver dog altid hjælp fra tre ting at få et barn til verden: et æg, en sædcelle og en mave. Hvordan eller hvor ægget og sædcellen møder hinanden, er der ikke en særlig regel for. Det samme gælder for familier, der findes ikke en nedskrevet regel for, hvordan man er en familie.I hver familie har man sine traditioner, sine måder at gøre tingene på, hver vores hverdag med udfordringer, glæder og særlige små øjeblikke. Fortællingerne i denne bog besøger 28 forskellige børns hverdage og tager os med ind i 28 liv.Bogens fortællinger tager os igennem første skoledag, fødselsdagsfesten, besøget hos bedstemor, livet på landet, det svære ved at få venner, det sjove ved at lege i skoven, det besværlige ved at være tosproget og den oplevelse det er at blive storebror.
This book is a practical guide for those dealing with cases involving the Child Maintenance Service (Child Support Agency that was) in the Magistrates and County Court.In a concise single volume it sets out the key steps from an assessment of child maintenance to the imposition of sanctions for failing to pay. It identifies the tools used by the Child Maintenance Service to recover unpaid child maintenance and the various processes, appeals and safeguards that exist to protect the Paying Person.The key legislative provisions and case law are identified allowing the reader to quickly see what arguments can be made and what obstacles need to be overcome. Most sections end with a series of "Top Tips" to assist the practitioner in focusing in on what needs to be done to best present their client's case.This readable volume is an invaluable cost-effective resource for practitioners advising clients in this field well worth the investment of the reader's time and money.ABOUT THE AUTHORCrispin Hayhoe is a practising barrister who regularly deals with Child Support cases and has done so for almost 20 years. As a qualified accountant and former Licenced Insolvency Practitioner as well as a lawyer he is able to give focused and highly cost-effective advice to clients. Crispin is the first-choice advocate for the Child Maintenance Service for its high profile cases, some of which have been reported in the national media.CONTENTSIntroductionChapter 1: Claims - Calculation/AssessmentChapter 2: PaternityChapter 3: At CourtChapter 4: Information OffencesChapter 5: Deduction From Earnings OrderChapter 6: Regular and Lump Sum Deduction OrdersChapter 7: Liability OrdersChapter 8: Set-Aside ApplicationsChapter 9: SanctionsChapter 10: County Court HearingsChapter 11: Other "Defences" And Issues Arising in Child Maintenance CasesChapter 12: Complaints and Appeals
In the profound pages of "From Silence to Strength: Empowering Communities Through Advocacy," readers embark on a transformative journey of empowerment and enlightenment. This extraordinary book unlocks the secrets of passionate advocacy, offering a beacon of hope and guidance to those who seek to champion the rights of children, teachers, and families. Discover the Power Within: With captivating lessons that resonate deep within the soul, readers uncover the extraordinary ability to convert their fervor into actionable change. From the very first page, this book sets you on a path of self-discovery, igniting a spark that propels you towards purposeful advocacy. Crafting Success in Advocacy: Unveiling the blueprint for effective advocacy, this book goes beyond the superficial. It delves into the rich history and enduring principles of advocacy, providing invaluable insights into the intricacies of legal and political systems. As you turn each page, you'll find the keys to becoming a triumphant advocate, equipped with knowledge, strategy, and unwavering determination. Personal Narratives that Inspire: The author's personal journey is woven throughout the narrative, offering a poignant and relatable backdrop to the principles being taught. Her experiences, steeped in dedication and fueled by a commitment to her community, breathe life into the text, making it not just a guide but a heartfelt testimony to the power of advocacy. Nurturing Community through Understanding: In the heart of this book lies a profound understanding of the needs of children, teachers, and families. By immersing yourself in its wisdom, you'll gain the insight and wisdom required to create a palpable impact within your own community. This is your opportunity to effect real change, guided by the empathy and wisdom that this book imparts. Real-Life Triumphs and Tangible Wisdom: This book is a treasure trove of inspirational stories. It introduces you to real-world advocates who have triumphed against all odds, showcasing the incredible potential for positive change. The practical advice and hands-on examples empower you to embark on your own advocacy journey, fully prepared and inspired."From Silence to Strength" is not just a book; it's a call to action, a beacon of hope, and a guiding light for those who yearn to make a difference. Whether you're a seasoned activist or just beginning to find your voice, this book is your indispensable resource. It's the key to unlocking the doors of advocacy, enabling you to wield your voice and passion as instruments of transformative change. Join the ranks of those who have harnessed their silence and discovered their strength. Your journey begins here.
Analyzing sex-offense laws and false claims, this book shows that laws based on vengeance rather than justice or evidence create new forms of harm while failing to address the real and pervasive problem of sexual violence.In this timely and extensively researched book, sociologist Emily Horowitz shows how current sex-offense policies in the United States create new forms of harm and prevent those who have caused harm from the process of constructive repentance or contributing to society after punishment. Horowitz also illustrates the failure of criminal justice responses to social problems. Sharing detailed narratives from the experiences of those on registries and their loved ones, Horowitz reveals the social impact and cycle of violence that results from dehumanizing and banishing those who have already been held accountable.From Rage to Reason offers a new perspective on how and why false claims about sex offenses became so pervasive and how these myths fostered ineffective policies that have little to do with the reality of most sexual abuse. It argues that to truly prevent sexual abuse, we must unearth the sources of these misunderstandings, debunk these claims in a systematic way, and have frank and genuine discussions about the limits of legal responses to complex social problems.
ePDF and ePUB available open access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Recent legislative changes in England and Wales have eroded children's ability to exercise their article 12 UNCRC rights to information, consultation and representation when parents separate. However, children's voices may be heard through child-inclusive mediation (CIM). Considered from a children's rights perspective, this book provides a critical socio-legal account of CIM practice. It draws on in-depth interviews with relationship professionals, mediators, parents and children, to consider the experiences, risks and benefits of CIM. It investigates obstacles to greater uptake of CIM and its role in improving children's wellbeing and agency. Exploring the culture and practice changes necessary for a more routine application of CIM, the book demonstrates how reconceptualising CIM through a children's rights framework could help to address barriers and improve outcomes for children.
"Dr. Jessica Pryce knows the child welfare system firsthand and ... breaks it down from the inside out, sharing her professional journey and offering the crucial perspectives of caseworkers and Black women impacted by the system. It is a ... confrontation of [what she believes is] the inherent and systemic racism deeply entrenched within the child welfare system. Pryce started her social work career with an internship where she was committed to helping keep children safe. In the book, she walks alongside her close friends and even her family as they navigate the system, while sharing her own reckoning with the requirements of her job and her role in the systemic harm. Through poignant narratives and introspection, readers witness the harrowing effects of a well-intentioned workforce that has lost its way, demonstrating how separations are often not in a child's best interests"--
Guide and Grow: The Essential Guide on How to Successfully Guide Your Child to Grow Up as a Latchkey KidAll over the US, children are going home after school and spending time alone until their parents get home from work. This is what a latchkey kid is. The term came about because they have their own key, usually on a chain hung from their neck, to unlock their home each day when they're done with school. They typically have no adult supervision for two to three hours each evening while they wait for their parents to come home. There are more than four million grade-school-aged latchkey kids because there are a lot of dual-income parents and single parents in the workforce today.This book will teach all about raising a latchkey kid. But first, you have to learn the law in your area regarding latchkey kids. You will also learn how to determine whether your child is mature enough to be left on his or her own and you also need to consider your own financial and emotional situation.This book will discuss the following topics:Latchkey Kids and the LawDangers of Being LatchkeyBenefits of Being a Latchkey KidMaturity Cues That Show Your Child Is Latchkey ReadyExplaining to Your Child What's HappeningSetting Up Your Emergency Contact NetworkSetting Boundaries and Expectations for Your ChildDealing with the UnexpectedAnd many more!There are some inherent dangers in being a latchkey kid. But you can mitigate each of them if you're honest about it and aware. If you want to learn more, scroll up and click "add to cart" now.
The existence of 'stranded spouse' cases in family law has existed for many decades. The issues that emerge in stranded spouse cases are complex in nature but also emotive. In the family law context, stranded spouse cases can raise issues that practitioners and the courts of England and Wales have to grapple with in a sensitive and effective manner This is because ultimately, the court is concerned on the welfare of the subject children who may be caught up in a practice which is a form of domestic abuse and the welfare of the subject children is as a consequence, impacted upon.This book will provide practitioners a toolkit as to how the courts of England and Wales deal with the vast amount of issues that arise in stranded spouse cases. In particular, this book will outline the strategies practitioners can adopt when representing either parent or the subject children throughout each stage of proceedings. This book will illustrate the powers that can be utilised by virtue of the inherent jurisdiction. In particular, this book will consider the following practical considerations for practitioners:The definition of stranded spouses and the case law relating to this area of the law;The use of the inherent jurisdiction in stranded spouse cases;The use of wardship in stranded spouse cases;The powers and purpose of the High Court and orders that can be obtained such as Tipstaff orders, disclosure orders and return orders;How to effectively represent applicants, respondents and children in these types of proceedings;The format of court hearings and how to deal with certain issues within the court arena; andRepresenting vulnerable clients and participation of parties in stranded spouse cases.ABOUT THE AUTHORMani Singh Basi is a barrister at 4PB. He is a practitioner who has a specialist interest in cases with an international element. As such, he regularly appears in the High Court in cases relating to the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court such as child abduction cases and what can be regarded as 'stranded spouse' cases. He was the winner of the Family Law Commentator of the Year Award at the LexisNexis 2022 Family Law Awards.CONTENTSChapter One - An Introduction to Stranded Spouse CasesChapter Two - Defining Stranded SpouseChapter Three - Stranded and Separated and the Inherent Jurisdiction of the High CourtChapter Four - Stranded and Separated From the ChildrenChapter Five - Stranded With the Subject ChildrenChapter Six - Being Stranded With the PerpetratorChapter Seven - Participation of Parties in Stranded Spouse CasesChapter Eight - Outcomes in Stranded Spouse CasesChapter Nine - Conclusion
Are you thinking about separating? Have you separated already? Scared because you don't know what's next?This book is intended to demystify the legal process of separation for survivors of domestic violence and family court first-timers in Ontario, Canada.Consider this your starting point, so that you can understand the options open to you, learn about the claims you may have, and advocate for yourself, whether you are represented or not.
"Guardianship, sometimes called conservatorship, is an ever-growing phenomenon. Some of these arrangements are truly beneficial, but countless others are unwanted, unnecessary, and violate constitutionally protected human rights. Award winning journalist, Diane Dimond, dissects the mysterious, ever-expanding, and complicit cottage industry of individuals who profit off the confinement of others"--
This book demonstrates how a focus on children¿s rights can help practitioners to safeguard children during humanitarian crisis. Combining insights from both research and practice, this book will be an essential read for humanitarian students and practitioners.
A poorly trained, seventy-five-year-old driver illegally parked his big-rig tractor-trailer on the side of the highway. On a pitch black November morning, a family SUV slammed into and under the rear of the parked truck. The father/driver and one son, sitting behind him, were killed on impact. Two other young children exited through a rear window.The mother was trapped in the front passenger seat, and a fire began under the hood of the car. The two surviving children alternately tried to extricate their mother and tried to flag down passing vehicles. Their mother was slowly incinerated as she called her son to help her.The defendant trucking company refused to pay the paltry One Million Dollar policy, forcing a trial. Attorney Brian Brandt took on the case.Brandt went to trial, representing Kylie, the nine-year-old sole survivor, as well as the interests of Blaine, the other original survivor. The jury awarded One-Hundred-Forty Million Dollars, plus interest and costs. It was and remains the largest wrongful-death verdict amount in the history of California. The case was not over, however, as the trial judge made a stunning decision, leaving much more to be told.
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