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  • af Kim Bartholdy & Andreas Hoff
    190,95 - 217,95 kr.

    Knurrer maven, fordi den er sulten? Hjælper en forskrækkelse på din hikke? Smitter et smil? Er folk i parforhold lykkeligere end singler? Bliver man solbrun, når man bruger solcreme? Må man bade efter et måltid? Det er blandt andet nogle af de spørgsmål, som du kan få svar på i "100 myter om sundhed og sygdom". Bogen er spækket med sjove, finurlige og tankevækkende myter, som du sikkert altid har undret dig over - alt sammen serveret på en yderst underholdende måde, så de mindste også kan være med.Bogen er skrevet af læge Kim Bartholdy og komiker Andreaas Hoff, så videnskab og humor går op i en højere enhed. Den videnskabelige tyngde er på plads - men det bliver det bestemt ikke mere kedeligt af! Med "100 myter om sundhed og sygdom" er der garanteret smil, grin og underholdning. Du bliver overrasket og udvidet din horisont - kroppen er nemlig klogere og langt mere kompleks, end man måske lige går og tror.

  • af Helle Bødker Madsen
    698,95 - 744,95 kr.

    Bogen behandler de grundlæggende regler om sundhedsmyndigheders og sundhedspersoners pligter og patienters rettigheder. Blandt de emner, som behandles, er patientens ret til selvbestemmelse, aktindsigt, fortrolighed, frit sygehusvalg, behandling i udlandet, behandling inden for maksimale ventetider, kunstig befrugtning, svangerskabsafbrydelse, klage og erstatning. Autorisationsordningen, tvangsanvendelse i behandlingen, sundhedspersonalets pligter og rettigheder, og reglerne om sundhedsvæsenets tilrettelæggelse optræder desuden som emner i bogen. Indholdsfortegnelse Forord Kapitel 1. Indledning Kapitel 2. Organisation og opgavefordeling Kapitel 3. Sundhedsvæsenets tilrettelæggelse Kapitel 4. Sundhedspersonalet Kapitel 5. Patientrettigheder Kapitel 6. Selvbestemmelse Kapitel 7. Aktindsigt Kapitel 8. Fortrolighed Kapitel 9. Ventetider Kapitel 10. Valg af behandler og behandlingssted Kapitel 11. Behandling i udlandet Kapitel 12. Assisteret reproduktion Kapitel 13. Svangerskabsafbrydelse, fosterreduktion, sterilisation og kastration Kapitel 14 Transplantation og obduktion Kapitel 15. Tvangsbehandling Kapitel 16. Patienterstatningsordningen Kapitel 17. Kontrol LitteraturfortegnelseLove m.v. Afgørelsesregister Stikordsregister

  • af Finn Kittelmann
    297,95 kr.

    "Sundhedsjura for praktikere" er en enkel og overskuelig indføring i de mest centrale love og regler, der har betydning for den daglige indsats i sundhedsvæsenet – sygehuse, plejehjem, hjemmepleje, bosteder, praksis osv. Bogen bliver i dag anvendt både i undervisning og i det daglige arbejde inden for sundvæsenet i bred forstand. Det er baggrunden for denne 2. udgave af bogen, som er opdateret og suppleret med fleres eksempler og de nye regler, der er kommet til.Selve bogens opbygning er uforandret. De konkrete regler og eksempler er stadig sat ind i en logisk faglig sammenhæng, som gør det tydeligt, hvilken lov der skal anvendes i det konkrete tilfælde. Det er næppe for meget sagt, at vi lever i et land, hvor vi forventer en høj grad af retssikkerhed. Det betyder blandt andet, at den enkelte borger ikke skal acceptere en vilkårlig behandling i det offentlige eller i institutioner, der udfører opgaver for det offentlige. Den, som arbejder inden for sundhedsvæsenet eller er studerende på det sundhedsfaglige område, bør kende til de love og regler, der gælder på området, så man enten ved, hvad man skal gøre, eller hvor man kan finde de rette oplysninger.

  • af Caroline Adolphsen & Jane Røhl
    317,95 kr.

    Børn i familie- og socialretten er en lettilgængelig juridisk lærebog om forældres og samfundets rettigheder og pligter over for børn. Bogen beskriver den privatretlige – familieretlige – lovgivning, der gælder i forholdet mellem forældre og deres børn. Bogen beskriver endvidere den offentligretlige – sociale – lovgivning og de sociale myndigheders forpligtelser i forhold til børn i almindelighed og udsatte børn i særdeleshed.Endvidere beskrives samspillet mellem den familie- og socialretligelovgivning i forhold til børn og de forvaltningsretlige rammer formyndighedernes indsats og deres samarbejde med henblik på at sikrebørn og unges personlige udvikling og sundhed. Bogen giver en samlet fremstilling af den centrale lovgivning om børn og unge og de seneste reformer i lovgivningen.Målgrupper for bogen er først og fremmest studerende på grund- og videreuddannelserne til socialrådgiver og på efteruddannelsesforløb, der handler om børn. Bogen kan også anvendes af sagsbehandlere i Familieretshuset, som ønsker at orientere sig om den sociale lovgivning om børn. Andre faggrupper, der arbejder med børn, kan også skabesig et overblik over børns familie- og socialretlige retsstilling.Bogens forfattere er cand. jur. Jane Røhl, souschef i Familieretshuset og cand.jur., ph.d. Caroline Adolphsen, der er lektor i børneret på Juridisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet.

  • af Ben Troke
    942,95 kr.

    When arrangements are made for someone, in their best interests, that amount to a deprivation of their liberty - for example placing someone in a care home against their wishes - how does the law protect their rights?The law in this vital area has been a mess. In 2014, a parliamentary committee described the current legal framework - the "Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards" (DoLS) - as not fit for purpose, and that was before a Supreme Court judgment (Cheshire West) just a few days later meant that the system has been overwhelmed with vastly more cases than it was built or resourced for.In 2019, legislation was passed with the bare bones of a new system, the Liberty Protection safeguards (LPS), to replace DoLS. But despite a consultation in 2022 on a draft Code of Practice which added some detail, it has now been announced that the LPS will not be implemented before the next general election (expected to be in late 2024), and so in practice may well never be implemented at all.Without those long awaited reforms, we will still have to work with the old system, and all the problems it had that LPS was supposed to fix, notably:That DoLS does not apply beyond care homes and hospitals, and so anyone deprived of their liberty in other settings, such as their own family home, or supported living, can only have this authorised by a court order;Similarly, DoLS only applies over the age of 18, but this leaves a gap for 16-17 year olds where, again, court orders are needed to authorise any deprivation of liberty, as the courts have only recognised parental consent to avoid a deprivation of liberty where the child is under 16; andEven where the DoLS system does apply, over 18 and in care homes and hospitals, there is a colossal mismatch between the system's resources and the workload, with backlogs of a year or more for authorisations to be processed, and tens of thousands of people unlawfully deprived of their liberty.This book will look at:The background and context to the law on deprivation of libertyArticle 5 of the European Convention of Human RightsThe Bournewood case and the birth of DoLSCheshire West, the definition of a deprivation of liberty, and how this has applied in a range of settings from the family home to residential care and hospitalHow DoLS works in practice, including the key safeguardsDeprivation of liberty for children and young peopleCourt applications for deprivation of liberty in the communityThe interface between DoLS and the Mental Health ActConsequences and compensation for an unlawful DoLThe Law Commission's review of DoLS, the evolution of the LPS and how it would have worked, and the prospects of reform now; andMaking the best of the system we have for now.ABOUT THE AUTHORBen Troke is a solicitor and a mediator with 25 years' experience working in health and social care, acting for the NHS and private sector providers all over the country. His particular interest is in decisions about mental capacity, medical treatment and deprivation of liberty, and he regularly deals with urgent applications to court in emergency situations.Ben is independently rated as one of the leading practitioners in the country in the Court of Protection. He currently sits on the Law and Ethics Policy Unit of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, and the Law Society's Mental Health and Disability Committee, and has a decade of experience of sitting on the ethics of clinical practice committee of a large acute NHS Trust.Ben is a regular speaker at conferences nationwide and often provides training, in person and online.

  • af Steve Bicko Cygu
    347,95 kr.

    Using computational approaches utilizing large datasets to investigate public healthinformation is an important mechanism for institutions seeking to identify strategiesfor improving public health. The art in computational approaches, for examplein health research, is managing the trade-offs between the two perspectives:first, inference and s econd, p rediction. Many techniques from statistical methods(SM) and machine learning (ML) may, in principle, be used for both perspectives.However, SM has a well established focus on inference by building probabilisticmodels which allows us to determine a quantitative measure of confidence aboutthe magnitude of the effect. Simulation-based validation approaches can be usedin conjunction with SM to explicitly verify assumptions and redefine t he specifiedmodel, if n ecessary. On the other hand, ML uses general-purpose algorithmsto find p atterns t hat b est p redict t he o utcome and makes minimal assumptionsabout the data-generating process; and may be more effective in a number of situations.My work employs both SM- and ML- based computational approaches toinvestigate particular public health problems. Chapter One provides philosophicalbackground and compares the application of the two approaches in public health.Chapter Two describes and implements penalized Cox proportional hazard modelsfor time-varying covariates time-to-event data. Chapter Three applies traditionalsurvival models and machine learning algorithms to predict survival times of cancerpatients, while incorporating the information about the time-varying covariates.Chapter Four discusses and implements various approaches for computing predictionsand effects for generalized linear (mixed) models. Finally, Chapter Fiveimplements and compares various statistical models for handling univariate andmultivariate binary outcomes for water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) data.

  • af David Williams
    446,95 kr.

    «This is a very good argument, with impressive detail, clear structure, and vehement commitment.»(M. McEldowney, Emeritus Professor of Planning) This book provides a post-Covid recovery strategy for the UK that is based on all aspects of health, but also addresses the ever-greater threat from global warming. Health and sustainability are interlocked.More than other European nations, we favour libertarian values over social equity, privatized public services and lower taxes that reduce those services. From fair-minded pragmatism, we have descended into dogma, incompetence and intolerance.Using the government's 5 guiding principles for a sustainable future, the book suggests how to improve distinct aspects of health:personal health through more preventive medicine;environmental health with lower transport and household emissions;economic health through local (rather than global) production of goods and services;social health by reducing gross health and wealth inequalities; andpolitical health through strategic commitment, fair taxes (a bedroom tax just on the poor?) and real devolution to local councils.We need to think local, act local and act now.

  • af Irene Domenici
    1.857,95 kr.

    Introducing ethically controversial (bio)technologies into the public healthcare system inevitably provokes societal and legal conflict. While it is often argued that these choices ought to comply with moral standards, the consideration of ethical and religious concerns raises a serious problem of legitimacy. By adopting the position that the state must act in an ethically neutral manner this book provides a critical legal analysis of the relationship between ethics and law and its implications for the public healthcare system. The ensuing examination combines a comparative, legal-constitutional perspective with the investigation of two case studies: preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT).

  • af William Cunningham Glen
    177,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    107,95 kr.

    "Serving Those Who Served" is an invaluable guidebook dedicated to the vast array of benefits and resources available to American veterans and their families. With an emphasis on aiding those who have dedicated themselves to their nation, the book meticulously outlines the programs, services, and benefits designed to assist veterans in their post-military lives.From the basics of understanding veteran status and eligibility to comprehensive breakdowns of medical care, education opportunities, home loan programs, and mental health services, this guide provides all the essential information. The text not only delves into the federal benefits offered through the Department of Veterans Affairs but also highlights state-specific programs and private-sector opportunities that can enhance a veteran's quality of life.For families of veterans, "Serving Those Who Served" sheds light on spousal and dependent benefits, touching on essential topics like survivor benefits, educational assistance, and family counseling services. Additionally, it addresses the unique challenges faced by families during active duty and the transition to civilian life, providing resources and advice to help navigate these periods.In addition to outlining benefits, the guide offers practical advice on navigating the often complex processes of application and claim filing, ensuring that veterans and their families maximize the benefits they have earned. Case studies, real-life testimonies, and expert insights are interwoven throughout the text, offering readers a clear and empathetic understanding of each topic.Complete with a directory of national and state veteran organizations, helplines, and other pertinent resources, "Serving Those Who Served" stands as a beacon for veterans and their loved ones, ensuring they are well-equipped to access the support and recognition they so rightfully deserve.

  • af Deepti Meena
    112,95 kr.

    The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, profoundly affected the global population, including India. This research delves into the multifaceted impact of COVID-19, the response of nations worldwide, and the legal dimensions of India's battle against the pandemic. Initially, India maintained relatively low death and infection rates due to its inherent immunity. However, as subsequent waves swept the world, challenges in public health infrastructure, medical preparedness, and legal frameworks emerged.This study comprises five key chapters. The first chapter introduces the research, outlining its significance, problem statements, and research methodology. It provides a conceptual distinction between an epidemic and a pandemic and sets the stage for the thesis.Chapter two conducts a comparative analysis of how various nations tackled the pandemic, highlighting the role of the World Health Organization (WHO). It offers an international perspective on how countries with different population sizes, climate conditions, and healthcare systems responded to the crisis.Chapter three delves into the legal dimensions of COVID-19 in India. It explores the pivotal role played by the Disaster Management Act, 2005, the Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897, and the Epidemic Diseases (Amendment) Act, 2020, along with other relevant legislation. This chapter also examines disaster management agencies at different government levels and their cooperative federalism approach.Chapter four explores India's national lockdown strategy as an embodiment of cooperative federalism. It analyzes the diverse actions taken by states to implement lockdown measures, emphasizing the cooperative role played by states of varying populations.The concluding chapter synthesizes the findings and offers suggestions for legislation, norms, and policies to better prepare India for future crises. It underscores the need for a more detailed framework to address unforeseen disasters comprehensively.This research provides a holistic understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on India, its legal response, and the lessons learned for future preparedness.

  • af Timothy Paterick
    497,95 kr.

    A comprehensive analysis of healthcare and employment laws, including HIPAA vulnerabilities, legal pitfalls, complexities of peer review, the importance of professional regulatory compliance, and the potential complications of NPDB review.

  • af Jessica L. Bailey-Wheaton
    1.737,95 kr.

    "The Health Law Essentials book was the brain child of the ABA Young Lawyers Division's Health Law Committee, whose leaders wanted to provide fellow young healthcare lawyers a starting point for a vast array of health law topics. The Committee is indebted to the ABA Health Law Section, whose staff and volunteer leaders provided the resources necessary to bring this dream to fruition."--ECIP introduction.

  • af V. Charles Ward
    449,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

    This book provides building-owners, managers, individual leaseholders, mortgage-lenders, landlords, and anyone involved in the purchase or sale of a flat situated within a multi-occupied block, with practical, yet comprehensive information regarding the subject of fire safety and the associated responsibilities, obligations and rights.

  • af Bulger J Roger
    162,95 kr.

    As a lifelong participant in American health care, Dr. Bulger discusses the importance of connecting the highest human values and ethics to the healthcare system, to both provide improved care as well as greater justice and compassion. Bulger shares how his experiences shaped his perspective on healing others and the system as a whole. He addresses topics including the need for more diversity, equality, and health equity; the importance of mercy; the need to understand suffering; and harnessing the power of the spoken word and the arts in healing.

  • - En antologi om betydningen af forskning og innovation
    af Søren Barlebo Rasmussen, Per Jørgensen & Mickael Bech
    287,95 kr.

    Når forskning og innovation både er udfordringen og løsningenDet danske sundhedsvæsen er ramt af udfordringer. Med den demografiske udvikling forventes flere ældre og multisygdomsramte patienter, og hertil føjer sig et stigende problem med at sikre et godt arbejdsmiljø med kvalificeret personale.I denne antologi tager en række eksperter afsæt i sundhedsvæsenets udfordringer, når de undersøger, hvordan vi kan afhjælpe problemerne og skabe fremtidens sundhedsvæsen. Potentialet ved strategisk at inkorporere forskning og innovation i forskellige udviklingstendenser udfoldes, og flere vinkler på, hvordan man kan sammentænke drift, forskning, innovation og uddannelse i praksis, præsenteres:- Missionsorienteret forskning og innovation- Udvikling af forskningskultur på tværs af en stor organisation- Det offentlig-private samarbejde- Det digitaliserede sundhedsvæsen- Forsknings- og innovationsbroen- Klinisk kvalitet som outcome- Brugerinddragelse.Det danske sundhedsvæsen har behov for ledere, der kan lede i en kompleks organisatorisk virkelighed og forstår at lede udvikling og innovation ind i driften, så det får reel impact for både personale og patienter. Bogen kan læses som inspiration og debatoplæg af alle i sundhedssektoren med lederambitioner og -ansvar.

  • af Louis A Penner
    306,95 kr.

    "Unequal Health provides a comprehensive and broadly accessible overview of persistent and substantial racial health disparities in American. Using research, first-person narratives, and historical events, this volume documents the scope of the problem, its roots in anti-Black racism, and consequences for the health and healthcare of all Americans"--

  • af Thomas O. Rice
    157,95 kr.

    This opinion is annotated by Nimble Books AI and includes a Foreword by Cincinattus [AI] ; a variety of pithy, opinionated abstracts including scientific style, tldr, tldr one word, Explain It to Me Like I'm Five Years Old, and Action Items; tools for viewpoint diversity such as Dissents, Red Team Critiques, and MAGA Perspectives; a recursive summary with synopsis; and a virtual context summary. Cover art by Nimble Books AI.AI summary:This document is a court order granting in part a preliminary injunction sought by plaintiffs against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding the regulation of mifepristone, a medication used for medication abortion. The court order was issued by United States District Judge Thomas O. Rice in the Eastern District of the United States on April 7, 2023. The plaintiffs argue that the FDA's current Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) for mifepristone, which includes restrictions on distribution and administration, is unnecessary and imposes undue burdens on patients and healthcare providers, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The court finds that there are serious issues going to the merits of the plaintiffs' claims under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and that the alleged unrecoverable economic costs in this case are sufficient to demonstrate irreparable harm. The court grants the preliminary injunction in part, enjoining the FDA from enforcing the in-person dispensing requirement for mifepristone during the COVID-19 pandemic and maintaining the status quo of the current REMS program until a determination on the merits.The court order also denied a third party's unopposed motion for leave to file an amicus curiae brief, noting that the proposed brief offered no additional legal or substantive information that was particularly helpful to the court's findings on the present motion. The court stated that the brief may be more useful during a trial on the merits. The court directed the District Court Executive to enter the order and furnish copies to counsel. No bond shall be required pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65(c).Overall, this document represents a legal decision in a case involving access to medication abortions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The court order grants a preliminary injunction in part against the FDA's current REMS program for mifepristone and denies a third party's motion for leave to file an amicus curiae brief.

  • af Stefano Catellani
    232,95 kr.

    l problema delle Micotossine, ed in particolare delle Aflatossine, oggetto di questo studio, interessa da anni molte sostanze alimentari, ma anche i mangimi per animali; quindi, si estende a gran parte della filiera alimentare. L'Aflatossina non è eliminabile dalla filiera alimentare, ed è genotossica.La legislazione alimentare è orami costituita quasi interamente da Regolamenti Comunitari. Per quanto riguarda le Aflatossine il riferimento legislativo è al Regolamento (CE) n. 1881/2006, modificato dal Regolamento (UE) N. 165/2010.Questo studio si è occupato anche del campionamento ufficiale e dei suoi metodi, della analisi in autocontrollo, del superamento dei limiti stabiliti nella normativa, dell'integrazione delle sanzioni amministrative e penali, in particolare dell'art. 5, lettera d), della legge 283 del 1962, come strutturato nella recente riforma introdotta con D. Lgs. n. 150 del 10 ottobre 2022 (c.d. Cartabia).The problem of mycotoxins, and in particular of aflatoxins, which is object of this study, has been affecting many food substances and animal feed for years; therefore, it extends throughout a large part of the food chain.The latest studies, mentioned in this study demonstrate the high risk to human health in case of exposure to aflatoxin, through diary intake. The continuous introduction of aflatoxins through foods may cause, in fact, immune deficiency, as well as reduce the ability to absorb nutrients.This study also dealt with the official sampling and its methods, self-monitoring analysis, exceeding the limits established in the legislation, integrating some sanctions.

  • af Gilead I Lancaster
    367,95 kr.

    "This is a "big idea" book that is meant to inspire health care leaders, policy makers, and other stakeholders to take a good look at our system as a whole and strive for something better, rather than continuing to focus solely on insurance reforms. The author has excellent credentials and has been involved in health policy reform efforts for many years"--

  • af Nasrul Ismail
    1.464,95 kr.

    This book examines the impact of austerity on healthcare delivery in English prisons. It argues that austerity has been a political experiment that has caused debt to balloon, eroded the prison health system and perpetuated a cycle of punishment, resulting in sicker prisoners and violating prisoners' human rights.

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