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  • - Håndbog for forældre og professionelle
    af Camilla Grann
    267,95 kr.

    "Livet med et udviklingshæmmet barn" beskriver de særlige vilkår og udfordringer, man har i en familie med et handicappet barn. Bogen dykker ned i de forskellige dele af barnets opvækst fra fødsel over ungdomsliv og til tidlig voksenalder. Hver alder har sine egne udfordringer, hvor der kan være brug for at høre andres erfaringer eller blive udfordret på egen tænkning. Bogen er derfor krydret med citater og udsagn fra forældre, der selv har børn med udviklingshæmning. Deres bidrag gør bogen nuanceret og levende. Bogen giver kortt sagt svar på nogle af de uendeligt mange spørgsmål, der melder sig, og som man ikke kan gå ét sted hen og få svar på. Nogle af disse spørgsmål er eksistentielle og personlige – andre af mere lavpraktisk art. Bogens kapitler veksler fra letforståelig formidling af faglige emner som kromosomer og syndromer, regler og rettigheder og beskrivelse af barnets funktionsniveau til nære emner som tilknytning, sorg, opdragelse, handicapidentitet og familiedynamik. Bogen indeholder desuden praktiske informationer om merudgifter, tabt arbejdsfortjeneste, hjælpemidler, relevante foreninger mv. Bogen kan også bruges som opslagsværk, hvis der er en bestemt problemstilling i livet med det udviklingshæmmede barn, der kræver særlig opmærksomhed. Bogen henvender sig især til forældre, bedsteforældre og andre pårørende til børn med udviklingshæmning samt til professionelle, der arbejder med området i kommunalt eller specialpædagogisk regi.

  • af Birgit Kirkebæk
    93,95 - 347,95 kr.

    I slutningen af 1800-tallet begyndte forskere at udvikle en række forskellige teorier om “det abnorme menneske”. Gennem alt fra Darwins evolutionsteori til den franske sindssygelæge Morels degenerationsteori om sindssyge og idioti forsøgte samfundet at kontrollere “de abnorme” ved på forskellige måder at indespærre dem og begrænse deres muligheder for ægteskab og reproduktion. “Da de åndssvage blev farlige” er en afhandling om den danske åndssvageforsorgs historiske udvikling. Gennem en undersøgelse af De Kellerske Anstalter i perioden 1884-1902 ser forfatteren på, hvilken betydning de forskellige teorier om “de åndssvage” har haft i samfundet.Birgit Kirkebæk (f. 1938) er en dansk forsker og debattør. Hun er oprindeligt uddannet folkeskolelærer, men blev efter en årrække ansat som lektor på Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet. I 1993 forsvarede hun sin afhandling “Da de åndssvage blev farlige" om den historiske udvikling af åndssvageforsorgen i Danmark. Siden har hun udgivet en lang række bøger og artikler om samme emne.

  • af Janet Weston
    285,95 kr.

  • af Louis Harrison
    1.562,95 kr.

    Persons with disability include those people who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments. Social and environmental barriers along with the disabilities in such persons may impede their participation in the society. A disabled person's inability to access any public place or institution can be considered as the society's inability to ensure the well-being and progress for all the people of the society, including the disabled. These people constitute a sizable portion of the world population but they remain a vulnerable and marginalized section of the society. They encounter human rights abuses such as stigma and discrimination, isolation, lack of access to education, health and employment opportunities, and institutionalization. Laws and policies with respect to disability human rights seek to protect and promote the rights of persons with disability. It aims to adopt and implement policies, laws and programs that remove barriers and ensure that the disabled are able to exercise their civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. This book outlines the human rights laws and policies with respect to disabled people in detail. It will prove to be immensely beneficial to students and researchers in this field.

  • af Kate Hingston
    212,95 kr.

    Do you wish that you could do more to build an inclusive community and have a greater understanding and acceptance of what it's like for a person to live with a disability?Will there ever be a day where this becomes fully integral to our attitude and culture? In this book, 'Talk to ME', find out how.Find out what made Tom become so insightful and why he and Harry became such good friends. Read how a few young children found a way to help others to understand and accept their disability and develop their confidence and friendships along the way. "The only disability in life is a bad attitude."Scott Hamilton

  • af Tulasi Acharya
    132,95 kr.

    This book explores gender, disability and literature in the Global South concentrating on Nepal in particular. Religious and cultural values disable women's autonomy in general, and create even greater disadvantages for women who are physically disabled. This study examines two Nepali women writers Bishnu Kumari Waiwa and Jhamak Ghimire who challenge stigmas of the disabled body by deconstructing the "ideology of ability" through their autobiographical narratives. They do this by celebrating sexuality and disability as sources of creativity, agency, and identity in narratives that deconstruct cultural or social models of sexuality, motherhood, and beauty. In this thesis feminist disability and feminist theory guide an analysis of Waiwa and Ghimire's writing to advance our understanding of gender, culture, disability and literature in the Global South.

  • af James Lee, Theodore Arthur Pinnock & Sharon Riguer
    607,95 kr.

  • af Stephanie Patterson
    1.992,95 - 2.897,95 kr.

  • af Mary Beth Moore
    287,95 kr.

    674,95 kr.

    This collection brings together leading international socio-legal and medico-legal scholars to explore the dilemma of how to support legal capacity in theory and practice. Traditionally, decisions for persons found to lack capacity are made by others, generally without reference to the person, and this applies especially to those with cognitive and psycho-social disabilities. This book examines the difficulties in establishing effective and deliverable supported decision-making, concluding that approaches to capacity need to be informed by a grounded understanding of how it operates in 'real life' contexts. The book focuses on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), which recognises the equal right to legal capacity of people with disabilities and requires States Parties to provide support for the exercise of this right. However, 10 years after the CRPD came into force, the shift to legal frameworks for supported decision-making remains at best only partial.With 16 chapters written by contributors from the UK, Canada, Finland, India, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey, the collection takes a comparative and interdisciplinary approach. Many of the contributors have been directly involved in law reform processes in their home jurisdictions, and thus can combine both academic expertise and practical, grounded awareness of the challenges of legal change.

  • af Mara Mills
    296,95 kr.

    "Crip Authorship: Disability as Method convenes leading scholars, activists, and artists to explore the shaping of cultural production, aesthetics, and media by disability across 35 short chapters"--

  • af Spencer Bishins
    194,95 kr.

  • af Angela L. Williams
    477,95 kr.

    Provides an overview of rights and laws enacted to protect and accommodate people with disabilities and those interested in learning more about disability and the processes required to apply for these benefits, disability compensation benefits for veterans, information on how to find government and local disability programs and services, and other resources.

  • af Rob Wrubel
    162,95 kr.

    30 Days to Your Special Needs Trust - A Quick Start Guide to Your Special Needs Estate PlanEstate planning is an urgent issue for families who have a member with an intellectual or developmental disability. This crucial planning step can preserve income, health insurance and access to programs to support a person with disabilities, but too many families get stuck and don't act. Families cannot afford to get stuck. The potential value of benefits is too great to lose. 30 Days to Your Special Needs Trust focuses on simplifying the decisions families have to make. It encourages you to take action and complete your special-needs trust and estate plan to protect your family. This quick-start guide will help you: - Act quickly to protect valuable benefit programs - Learn the primary decisions to make in creating an estate plan - Create a list of names to fill key roles - Reduce stress when you finish this important planning step

  • af Michele Fuller
    472,95 kr.

    Administering a special needs trust (SNT) is a very important job, which often has a profound impact on the life of persons with disabilities. In most cases, the SNT trustee is providing the beneficiary goods and services that enhances their quality of life. In some cases, the SNT trustee may be the only person looking to the beneficiary's welfare. Thus, the role of SNT trustee is often a more substantial role than in many other types of trusteeships. The great SNT trustee is a solid financial manager, accountant, record keeper, legal counselor, public benefits advisor, social worker, housing coordinator, civil rights advocate, guardian, and life coach. Moreover, the world of public benefits for the disabled is a complex one that requires careful study. It is very easy to mess up these rules and using common sense will generally lead to a loss of public benefits and potential liability for an SNT trustee. This is why authors Kevin Urbatsch and Michele Fuller published their book titled Administering the California Special Needs Trust. Kevin and Michele recruited several of their professional colleagues to assist in preparing this Third Edition of the book including Jessica Farinas, Robert Nuddleman, Herb Thomas, Courtney Kosnik, Scott MacDonald, and Daniel Cutter. The book is written in question and answer format to cover all aspects of administering a special needs trust. In addition, there are multiple checklists, sample forms, and summaries included that will allow a trustee to confidently manage any type of special needs trust, Administering the California Special Needs Trust contains a wide range of information for those charged with the responsibility of managing an SNT for persons with disabilities.

  • af Holly J. Bertone
    122,95 kr.

    Thriving in the Workplace with Autoimmune Disease is the first book ever to educate individuals specifically with autoimmune disease on their legal and disability rights in the workplace. The book was born out of author Holly Bertone's personal and painful experience and lack of resources available specifically for individuals with autoimmune diseases. She walks you through the basics of navigating FMLA, EEO, reasonable accommodations, working with your boss, and then provides much needed resources to help you find that critical balance between taking care of your health and managing your symptoms at work. Having an autoimmune condition or any other kind of invisible illness can be isolating. You may look and act totally fine on the outside, but you feel like your insides are slowly killing you and all you ever want to do is crawl under the covers and go to sleep. It's difficult enough for your family and spouse to understand what you are going through. It's especially difficult in the workplace when your employer can't "see" your condition and doesn't understand why you are asking for flexibility or accommodations. You feel like no one understands. You feel like you have no voice. This book is not going to tell you to give up and become a victim. The mission of this book is to empower you with knowledge so that you can rise above your illness and challenges and thrive both at home and in the workplace.

  • af Amy Newman Esq
    122,95 kr.

  • af Richard A. Courtney
    807,95 kr.

    Persons with disabilities and their family members and caregivers face numerous challenges every day. They need help navigating difficult bureaucracies and developing plans for long-term care and financial security. There are many voices - including an array of financial professionals and attorneys - clamoring for their attention. These clients may find it challenging or impossible to determine who might best help them with their specific problems. For these reasons, attorneys who wish to engage in special needs planning must develop plans that will enable them to connect with those families and individuals.The special needs planning attorney needs to be an expert attorney, not an expert about every type of disability. That said, an attorney seeking to represent persons with disabilities or their family members will find it helpful to have a general understanding of the disability that the clients have identified before the clients arrive at their office.This book covers topics from understanding the special needs client, to understanding public benefits, to building a special needs practice.

  • af Ken Hardison
    217,95 kr.

    In Systematic Marketing, highly successful lawyer Ken Hardison reveals the marketing strategies that he has used to build one of the largest Personal Injury Law Firms in the state of North Carolina. Inside the book you will learn Ken's blueprint for legal marketing, the three phases of legal marketing, how to build a sales and marketing machine, strategies for online and offline marketing, a proven method to differentiate yourself, systems that Ken uses to gain clients and referrals, and how to automate your sales and marketing machine. If you want to take your law firm's marketing to the next level, pick up a copy of Systematic Marketing and learn these proven strategies for success.

  • af Allan Checkoway
    1.192,95 kr.

    A Lawyers' Guide to Filing Long-Term Disability Claims and Appeals is for legal advisors of individuals who are filing disability claims or appeals with their disability insurer, the Social Security Administration, or the Department of Veterans Affairs.

  • af William D. Goren
    1.337,95 kr.

    Explaining in clear and simple terms the legislation, administrative regulations, and case law of the Americans with Disabilities Act, this handbook goes beyond the myths and offers a virtual road map to the law as well as a framework for dealing with the ADA in a preventive manner. By reviewing the ADA in the context of real-world situations, the book brings clarity and perspective to this important area of the law. Each concise chapter, written in plain English, covers an area of the ADA, its practical application, and its anticipated future evolution. It also includes useful forms and checklists. Some of the many important topics considered include:The true definition of a disability under the ADA Essential functions, major life activities, and tasks: what they are and what they mean What constitutes undue hardship for employers The concept of good faith and steps to ensure a defendant will meet the standard Drug and alcohol abuse: when they are and are not disabilities How ¿reasonable modification¿ is defined and interpreted New and existing commercial public facilities and their architectural requirements Delving into many of the complex topics of disability claims and reflecting ADA cases decided by the Supreme Court and appellate courts, this updated edition offers expanded guidance on remedies if the law is violated; advice on when you have a right to sue; the statute of limitations for claims; and whether a class-action is a viable thing to pursue.Written from the perspective of a lawyer with a disability (the author was born with a severe to profound hearing loss and wears hearing aids), this to-the-point guide demonstrates that the Americans with Disabilities Act is not just a law, but a way of life.

  • af Sara Vincenzotti
    158,95 kr.

    Essay from the year 2020 in the subject Health - Persons with disabilities, University of Manchester, course: LLM Healthcare Ethics and the Law, language: English, abstract: The aim of this essay is to critically evaluate the development of procedural safeguards regarding deprivation of incapacitated patients¿ liberty in institutional care. It will assess the extent to which the law is successful in protecting patients¿ rights against arbitrary detention, and led to the conclusion that neither the past law nor the current law have adequately safeguarded people¿s rights against arbitrary detainment.To do so, it will start by evaluating the development of the protection of liberty frameworks in the UK, and how their inadequacy led to the implementation of DOLS in hospitals and care homes. Consequently, there will be an evaluation of three main criticisms. Firstly, it will look at the level of complexity of DOLS, both on a politico-legal plane and on a practical medical plane. Secondly, it will look at what is held to constitute as a deprivation of liberty, and how there are significant gaps in this definition.Thirdly, it will take a closer look at the implications of the Cheshire West judgment and evaluate the consequences of broadening the scope for DOLS. This essay will thus reach the conclusion that the law relating to the admission of incapacitated patients has failed to properly assess individuals¿ rights to protection from arbitrary detention.

  • af Asian Development Bank
    298,95 kr.

  • af Alex Ruck Keene
    970,95 kr.

    With contributions from an international team of experts, this collection provides a much-needed international, comparative approach to mental capacity law.

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