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-Extraordinary encounters. Unexpected humor. Endless challenges. Life-threatening diseases. Unthinkable trauma.- Welcome to STAT: Crazy Medical Stories as told by the healthcare professionals themselves. From peculiar conditions and mysterious ailments to remarkable recoveries and perplexing medical mysteries, Stat: Crazy Medical Stories, draws from real-life accounts. Each chapter unveils crazy medical cases as narrated by the healthcare professionals themselves. The stories take you on a captivating journey across various disciplines, including general medicine, surgery, psychiatry, and more. Prepare for a rollercoaster of emotions; you'll laugh, cry, and be shocked as you delve into the bizarre and unconventional experiences encountered by our extraordinary healthcare professionals.
Akutmedicin er det seneste lægelige speciale i Danmark. Det blev godkendt i 2017. Akutmedicin blev oprettet i forlængelse af etableringen af de fælles akutmodtagelser, der var beskrevet i den nationale akutplan fra 2007.Specialet akutmedicin blev skabt i et kompliceret lægefagligt og politisk spil om magt og indflydelse, som udspillede sig nationalt, regionalt og på det enkelte sygehus. Bogen søger gennem bidrag fra udvalgte nøglepersoner at fortælle om akutmedicinens fødsel i Danmark fra dens spæde start og frem til i dag.
Christian and other nurses in the hostile modern and increasingly secular age may feel helpless in an environment that created the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) and continues to foster end of life 'care' through sedation and dehydration. The book aims to enlighten both health professionals and the public alike to their rights of conscience and knowledge of the needs of vulnerable patients whether related to ethical care or guidance and the law which can affect them. Indifference to patients'needs and suffering may be injurious to nurses' health all of whom have a conscience. This must be respected, protected and used as a guide to truly care for the patient's benefit, reqardless of laws and professional pathways which may prove harmful to many vunerable patients. The questioning nurse on ethical issues and dilemmas needs consideration, respect and support when attempting to act as the patient advocate. Managers at all levels need to be aware of the concerns of front line nurses and to be mindful that recruitment and retention are both equally important factors for the quality of patient care and nurse morale and work satisfaction. The NHS was a wonderful creation which is only as good as its staff at all levels. Its managers and government ministers must remember that the more authority invested in them, the more the accountability and transparency expected by both health professionals, their patients and the public.
The neurosurgical, surgical and medical training and practice models have to keep up with the technological revolution in the 21st Century as our lives changed on a swift base. Making bioethics and metacognition a cornerstone in medical education and practice will flourish our humane societies.Metacognition is thinking about one's thinking, to plan, monitor and assess one's understanding and performance. By adherence to medical ethics and Values-Based Medicine (VsBM) as guiding principles, we can develop benevolent medical practice. To enhance knowledge application, skills, and character qualities in realms beyond the immediate context in which they were learned. In this book, we developed a framework on how to evolve medical education and training by utilizing hi-tech. We divided the book into five principal components; Current and traditional root analysis of the learning process, Ethics and metacognition of education, learning and career development, Obstacles, difficulties and setbacks in learning and career development process, Learning in the digital era, and Mentorship.The author believes we are entering a new era of information technology, which will have a significant impact on the education, sciences, strategies and philosophy. Therefore, in preparation for this colossal transformation, the author brings together the best brains in the neurosurgical field from around the globe. Twenty distinguished Professors of Neurosurgery and educators from Canada, the USA, Colombia, the UK, Italy, the Netherland, India, Japan, China, Rwanda, Egypt and Saudi Arabia gathered their experiences and thoughts in this book to shade light on an evolving world that will be the norm in near future.
Cuando comencé a escribir este libro, a fines de 2019, aún vivíamos en un escenario sin pandemia. Mis reflexiones sobre el futuro, con todos los grados posibles de imprevisibilidad e incertidumbre, tenían una buena dosis de optimismo. Nadie trabajaba en la hipótesis de una amenaza inminente, rápida y a escala planetaria. Hemos llegado a una coyuntura donde la "experiencia" no es suficiente: es hora de asumir un pensamiento "exponencial-progresivo", en el que la palabra clave es precisamente... innovación. Y que me aventuraré a llamar aquí con un nombre radicalmente nuevo: e-novación.
This book examines the role and the opportunity for EDI advancement as a requisite in medicine and healthcare, particularly in the context of the professional landscape as this directly affects care delivery. It argues that physicians lacking the awareness and skills necessary to engage in an EDI-informed manner with members of their professional setting and patients cannot effectively deliver care. It also argues that physicians and other clinicians benignly unaware of their privilege cannot effectively deliver care. The book takes a multifaceted approach to EDI in medicine including the exploration of the physician experience of being othered within the profession. The goal is to engage readers in a more inclusive practice --
Dieses Buch schließt eine Lücke auf dem Gebiet der rechtlichen Auseinandersetzung im Bereich der Geburtshilfe und Geburtsmedizin. Hierbei eignet es sich als zivilrechtliches Nachschlagewerk des geburtshelferischen Wissens sowohl für Rechtsanwender als auch für alle an einer Geburt beteiligten Personen und betritt hierbei Neuland in Bezug auf die rechtliche Beurteilung von geburtshelferischen Interventionen. Unter Berücksichtigung der zivilrechtlichen, strafrechtlichen und rechtshistorischen Aspekte verdeutlicht dieses Werk die Notwendigkeit der intensiven und offenen Auseinandersetzung zwischen Recht und Medizin. Neben den juristisch möglichen Konsequenzen zeigt die Arbeit auch Lösungsansätze auf, wie die Geburtssituation für alle Beteiligten positiver wahrgenommen werden kann und eine Aufarbeitung mit schwierigen Geburten und somit Verbesserung der derzeitigen Situation in der Geburtshilfe bzw. Geburtsmedizin gelingen kann.
Der Pflegeberuf erfordert durch seine Komplexität neben hohem Fachwissen und einer ausgeprägten Sozialkompetenz auch das sichere Anwenden von praktischen Fertigkeiten. Der Rahmenlehrplan für den Unterricht in der Pflegeausbildung empfiehlt, dass der Unterricht eine nahe Handlungsorientierung aufweist. Der fachpraktische Unterricht ist bereits seit Jahren im Pflegeunterricht etabliert und praktische Übungen werden je nach Unterrichtsthema in den theoretischen Unterricht integriert. Die Durchführung von Simulationen hingegen ist an deutschen Pflegeschulen noch nicht selbstverständlich. Dieses Buch widmet sich der Konzepterstellung zum simulationsbasierten Lernen am Beispiel der perioperativen Pflege. Zentraler Bestandteil des Buches ist die Entwicklung eines Simulationskonzeptes innerhalb eines bestehenden schulinternen Curriculums.
De syv lægeroller beskrevet af Sundhedsstyrelsen danner grundlaget for, hvilke kompetencer en læge skal have i Danmark. Denne bog drejer sig om lægens rolle som underviser.Medicinstuderende og yngre læger skal lære meget mere end det, som eksplicit fremgår af læringsmål og kursusplaner. De skal lære at agere i en helt ny verden, der omfatter forskellige kulturer og rammer for de konkrete arbejdsopgaver. Som medicinsk underviser er man derfor den centrale facilitator for de studerendes faglige og personlige læring.MEDICINSK DIDAKTIK – En guide til lægen som underviser handler om det helt særlige ved medicinsk didaktik, nemlig det patientcentrerede og professionsrettede fokus i mødet mellem undervisere og studerende.Bogen gennemgår diverse undervisningsmetoder, didaktiske principper og konkrete forslag til undervisningsaktiviteter baseret på pædagogisk litteratur og medicinsk uddannelsesforskning. Du bliver f.eks. introduceret til patientcentreret undervisning, narrativ medicin og simulation vha. virtual reality.MEDICINSK DIDAKTIK – En guide til lægen som underviser er en håndbog målrettet alle medicinske undervisere, som ønsker råd til at tilrettelægge og gennemføre en undervisning, der er studenteraktiverende, patientcentreret og hænger sammen med konkrete læringsmål og eksamen.
Race is a social reality, not a biological one. Yet African Americans are poorly served by even advanced genetic medicine because it is built on European DNA. Constance Hilliard explores the benefits and drawbacks of racial heuristics in medicine and argues for nonessentializing methods of harnessing genomic science on behalf of people of color.
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